HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-11-15, Page 6CARDS OF THANKS TOM PALE wishes to thank his Many friends for cards, visits, treats, while a patient Clintonin P4hlic SPecial thanks to the nursing staff and Pr, F. G, Thompsch't 40p MISCELLANEOUS \+.7A`fi li. REPAIR JO for exPert. Our Work assures Y9dr satlafAetion. Counter's JPweliqry, Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished jewellery Store, 20tf1;? LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed' and stones safely seCured—don't take Chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs sand pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter, 20tfb CUSTOM WORK. DON'T PDTTER,i Call :your plumber, DURO pumps. and softeners sales '84 serYIPP, Eck.. ert's Plunibing and Electric, ph- Prig BaYflOid. 28tfb SEPTIC TANKS pLEAN4P modern equipMent. used. All Work gilaranteed, write PP phone Louis Blake, RR 2, BrilS, sels. Phone 442 W-6, Brussels. 42-50p PET STOCK 1:30xii PUPS, purebred,, eight weeks old, Phone Ooderieh JA 4-7514. 45.6 BIRTHS BROWN-.-In Memorial fiospi, %1, .$0.4147.1 .on Sunday, November 4, 4.982, to Mr. and. Mrs. William Brown (nee jape, Wood), Falconhridge, Ontario, A SOO (Billy,. a !hro, tiler .for .Catherine). COOPER, In 'Clinton Public, Hospital, on Saturday, No- vember 10, 1962, to Sergeant and Mrs. E, L. 000per, 130 King Street, Clinton, a daughter. In olinton u lie Hospital, on. Tuesday, No-- vember 1962, to Mr, and mrs, A. deGroof, Clinton, a son. NICHOLSON—In Clinton Pub- lie Hospital, on Saturday; No, vember 10, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nicholson, RR 2, Blyth, a son. NINON--In St, jOseph's Hospi- tal, London, on Friday, No- vember 9, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nixon (nee Lola Volland), a. daugh- ter. Poge l'iews,Record,-4Thwts., .Nov, 15, 1902. ARTICLES FOR SALE Estate' AUCTION SALE Auction, Sale Property and Household Bffects in the VitlQge of garr!ondvIlle on, .Satordoy, Nov. 17 Pt 1 Pm, 4-piece walnut bedroom Suite, Springs and mattress, beds; springs and mattress, cherry bureau; Raymond sewing 'ma- chine; chester bed; rocking chairs; occasional chairs; fern pedestol; fernery; radio; .Morris ohair and matching stool; coffee table; magazine rack; small tab, les; 2 matching rugs 6'6"x9' 8' 10"x811.0" ; antique .giutomari; mirror; day bed and mattress; wardrobe; lamps; pictures; quilt boxes; litchen .table and chairs; corner cupboard; Frigidaire re, frigerator; 24" G, electric. stove; linoleum rug; linoleum; silverware; Sunbeam mixmast, er Jr:; toaster; dishes; kitchen utensils; sealers; hot plate; lawn chairs; folding chairs; lawn seat; bird bath; step lad, der; clothes basket; wash tubs; garden tools, other articles too numerous to mention, Property: At the same place, 3 p.m„ the property will be of-- fered for sale subject to reserve bid; 7-room brick house, good basement; gas furnace and all modern conveniences. Also brick building suitable for small apt, 10% down, balance in 30 days. Chattels :Cash. ESTATE OF LATE MRS. EVA STEPHENSON. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer George Powell, Clerk In case of rain, sale will be, held under cover. , FAST FROZEN' RABBIT Meat can also be onrchased at Herb's Food 1VIa*et and Harold Swan Grocery, prepared by Huron Rabbit Breeders Association, 4613 ARTICLES FOR SALE ACCOMMODATION FORRENT „ _ 3-ROOM FURNISHED Apart- merit in. Clinton. HU 2,3307. 41tfb My sincere thanks to Dr. Newland and ‘gaff. at Clinton. Public Hospital for their care, and all thOSe who remembered. me while I was h. patient there, —MR$, PARKER. op. OVEN READY CAPONS for HU 2-750,.0,tfb.% ELECTRIC CHORD PIANO organ, like new. Mrs. Herb Bridle, phone HU '2-9443, 46p ..„. . UPRIGHT PIANO, .Mozart. In. good condition, phone. HU 2- 3210. 4.61 Use libur Credit at Anstett Jewellers EXPERT CARPENTRY WORK &me reasonably to your satis., faction. For kitchen cupboards, ceffee tables, boolceases, china, cabinets, etc., and all small odd jobs around your home. Call Ken McNairn, HU 2-7726. 19tfb FURNISHED apartment; also unfurnished apartment. Phone HU 2,9928, Roy Tyndall. 41tfb 4 BEDROOM house, unfurnisb- ecl, new gas furnace, available now, Phone HU 2-6649, 46b FURNISHED APARTMENT — spitable for couple. 93 Huron Street. 43p-tfb REST ' HOME for elderly People, Phone Seafortn. 854r4 collect for information, 14-5.6-p Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, 1381diator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 We wish to thank our friends and neighbours who helped complete our plowing, Your thoughtfulness is greatly ap- preciated, — MURRAY AND GLADYS EAST. 46b OIL FURNACE,' with 200 gal, oil tank. Converts to cpal. Ph- one HU 2-9664. 46,b MOTORS, generators repaired pr rewound.; 1/10 herscpower up, 60 cycle conversiens, parta for most makes pn hand or available. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone HU „ 40tfb. • QUEBEC HEATER, wood or coal. Miss S, Watkins, 05 Prin- cess Street East. 46p A sincere "thank you" to ail for Visits, flowers, cards and treats, while I was in Clinton Public Hospital and since com- ing home. Special thanks to Dr. Addison, Dr. Oakes, Dr. Newland and the nursing staff, —GEORGE WRIGHT. 46p Do-lt-Yourself TIMEX WATCHES serviced through ANSTETT Jewellers Ltd. 40tfb RENT These Machines 'V Floor Polisher 'V Floor Sander and Edger V Belt Sander 'V Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum V Hand Electric Sander 'V Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb 1 BEDROOM apartment, mod- ern conveniences, furnished, heated. Separate washroom. Phone HU 2-7227. 46tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE UPRIGHT MORRIS PIANO & bench, in good condition. Phone HU 2-7093, 127 Princess Street West, 45-6b COME IN . SEE OUR LOVELY DISPLAY OF GIFTS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF FAMILY Our sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness during our re- cent sad bereavement, Special thanks to the nurses and staff of Clinton Public Hospital, Dr. Newland and Dr. Addison. — VIOLA FARQUHAR and family 461.) MEMORIAM SCOTCHMER — In memory of a wonderful dad and grand- father, Alfred A. Scotchmer, who passed away one year ago, November 15: "Asleep in God's beautiful garden, Free from all sorrow and pain And when our life's journey is ended, We hope we shall meet him again." —Always remembered by wife Rosa, sons, daughters and grandchildren. 46b BLACK FUR JACKET, size 12. Phone HU 2-3895. 46p 3 ROOM. FURNISHED apart- ment at 130 King Street, Clin- ton. Phone Seaforth 219R, 43tfb TECO OIL FURNACE, forced air. Nearly new, medium size, All controls. Francis Powell, HU 2-3265. 4613 CHILD'S SNOWSUIT, pale green nylon, one piece, fits in- fant up to 18 months, in good condition. Also car bed. Phone HU 2-9465. 46x 2 BEDROOM apartment, un- furnished, utilities paid, vacant now. Apply 22 Cambria Road, Goderich. 46p 41!x10' and 35'x8' used trailer homes for sale; also new trail- ers for sale. Becker's Trailer Court. 46b We can offer you an Attractive lime Payment Plan with. No Carrying Charges. CHILD'S SNOW SUIT, 3-piece set, red wpol with fur trim, size 2 to 4; baby carriage, Priced reasonable. Write to Box 460, Clinton News-Record. 46p THE WELL KNOWN "Dr. Denton" Sleepers in all colors, pink, blue, yellow, aqua, in siz- es 0 to 6 yrs., large selection, priced at $3. Martins Dept. Store, Clinton. 45tfb PIANO TUNING The 'Clinton Hospital Auxili- ary wishes to express their sin- cere thanks to the merchants of Clinton who donated prizes and to the professional and businessmen of Clinton for cash donations. Their generos- ity in assisting with the penny sale is greatly appreciated. 46b NEW APARTMENT for rent, only one vacant, ready Novem- ber 15, Clinton Apartments, HU 2-9359, John Dzus. 46p HUNTERS MITTS and Gloves, priced from $3.25 to $4.25 at Ellwood Epps ,Sports Shop, King Street. 45-6b Anstett Jewellers YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 17to2lp tfb Phone HU 2-9525 Albert Street — Clinton • 42tfb APARTMENT, unfurnished, oil heated, reasonable. 2 or 3 rooms. Jim Boyle, 157 Mary Street. 46b LAYAWAY NOW for Christ- mas! A small deposit holds any article until Christmas at AN- STETT Jewellers Ltd. 40tfb KENWOOD BLANKETS—an ideal gift for all occasions; also KENWOOD Baby Blankets;• all sizes and colors. MARTI N'S Dept. Store. 33tfb 3 ROOM modern ' apartment, private entrance, private bath. Unfurnished. Phone HU 2-3476, 46tfb TWO 200-GAL. upright full' oil tanks, $18.50 each; one heavy duty auto body sander, 835. Call weekends, HU 2-9227. 44tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! REAL ESTATE I wish to express my sincere thanks to my very kind neigh- bours, friends and relatives, also Dr. W, R. Street, and Clin- ton Public Hospital, nurses and staff, for their kindness to me while I am indisposed, also for cards, flowers and treats. All have been gratefully appreciat- ed. —ELMA MUTCH. 46b HELP WANTED FEMALE Modern split-level house on Highway 4, one mile from town, 3 acres of land, suitable for VLA purchase. 3 bedrooms up, large living room, dinette and 'kitchen on main floor. Large rumpus room, bedroom and laundry •room on ground floor. Possession, January 1, 1963. 13 STORY, 3-bedroom house on Orange Street. 2 bedrooms up, 3-piece bath 'down; double garage. This home priced rea- sonable for quick sale. 2 bedroom bungalow on Townsend Street, house is only 3 years old. Very modern with several added features for more comfortable living. In addition, there is a 1 bedroom apartment rented for $65.00 a month. Owner is moving and would sell for very reasonable down payment. K. W. COLQUHOUN Real Estate & Insurance Isaac St., Clinton Phone HU 2-9747 45b VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb 1 LARGE AND 1, SMALL trailer for rent. Fully fur- nished. Apply to Becker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 45-6b LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN, includes smoking engine with headlight, two boxcars, one log car .and one barrel car, caboose and track, automatic uncoupler. $20. Phone HU 2-9729. 46b COOK - GOVERNESS, also laundress-char for professional home in Chatham, highest wag- es. Write to Box 455, Clin- ton News-Record'. 45-6b 2 BEDROOM unfurnished ap- artment, heated, hydro, private bath, private entrance. $65 per month. Phone HU 2-3337. 45-6-7p POULTRY FOR SALE FOR SALE 250 SWIFTS SEX - A - LINK pullets, ready to lay. Lloyd Medd, RR 1, Clinton, HU 2- 9836. 44to6b USED TRACTOR CHAINS. John A. Keys, Varna, phone HU 2-7423, 45p SKUNK OIL for sale. Nothing better for swelling or sore joints. $1 per bottle. Also 7 cord stove wood, $5 per cord. Phone HU 2-3866 or 3850. 46-7p Many thanks to all my friends and relatives who re- membered me with cards, let- ters, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital and St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Spec- ial thanks for the gifts of food sent in for the family. —Sin- cerely, MILDRED MERRILL. 46b WAITRESSES wanted for Elm Haven Motor Hotel. Apply in person at Ruby and Bill's Res- taurant, 46b DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT with bath, 'kitchen, living room, central heated, available now. Apply McEwan's Store. 40tfb SMALL APARTMENT, fur- nished, heated, self-contaiaed, ground floor. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, 200 'High Street, phone HU 2-6692. 44tfb 300 RED X ROCK PULLETS; 7 pigs, 6 weeks old. R., J. Semple, phone HU 2-7456. 46b 11 HEREFORD STEERS, be- tween 6-700 pounds. Ray Finch, RR 1, Clinton, HU 2-3234. 45p HELP WANTED MALE FUEL OIL—For carefree heat- ing with Champion Oil that's insured against explosion be- cause our truck carries oil only. A. G. Grigg and Son, phone HU 2-9411. 46tfb SERVICES ONE USED, RITE-WAY 2-unit milking machine; one Renfrew cream separator; also one Beat- tie litter carrier, 100 feet or track and pole Phone HU 2- 9955. 46b ELECTROLUX SERVICE and SALES J. Amsinq 55 Albert St. Phone HU 2-7302 41tfb WAITERS WANTED for Elm Haven Motor Hotel. Apply in person at Ruby and Bill's Res-, taurant. 46b ATTENTION FARMERS! Call promptly. 300 lbs, or over, ac- cording to condition, Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 158C62. 7 Days Service. Call Ed. Andrews, 863W1, Seaforth. Stfb UNFURNISHED 3 room, heat- ed apartment, Private bath, centrally located. Call HU 2- 9498 after 6 p.m. and all day Saturdays. 41p-tfb SPRAYED APPLES for sale: Spy, Russet, Greening, Snows, Delicious and cider apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF houses. Phone HU 2-3214, Fred McClymont and Sons, Varna. 46tfb WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW open in Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent op- portunity. Full time. Write to- day. Rawleighs, Dept. K-169- 189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 46b• LIVE STOCK FOR SALE SECOND CUT ALFALFA wanted, ground fine in -ham- mermill, must be inspected be- fore grinding. J. W, Van Eg- mond, RR 1, Clinton, phone HU 2-9231, 46tfb DIAMOND RINGS. See our newest cash specials at dis- count prices—save up to one- third. Pay cash and save. Terms if preferred. Phone HU 2-9649 for evening appoint- ments. Counter's Jewellery. 18tfb 14 YORK PIGS, eight weeks old. Grant Webster, Varna, HU 2-9102. 46b DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED 'ANIMALS — Call 3 BEDROOM duplex for rent, available December 1. Good location, one block from Main Street. Phone HU 2-7440. 45-6p LITTLE PIGS, 7 weeks old. Ford Johnston, phone Bayfield 55r11. 46b TWO STOOLS, one antique; chrome table; new and used toys; new and used children's clothing, including 4-piece coat set, 6x; two baby's snow suits (new); furnace stoker; tea wagon; jig saw; some small antiques; small pictures; auto- matic washer-dryer and other items. No phone calls. Apply Box 461 Clinton News-Record. 46b • CARETAKER-STEWARD. Con- servation Association of the town of Clinton invites applica- tions for the above position, Members preferred. Hours '-'to be arranged. Applications to be sent to Percy Livermore by December 1. 46-7-8b DARLING FURNISHED and heated ap- artment, suitable for couple; unfurnished apartment, heated, 2 bedrooms, private entrance, private bath. Phone HU 2- 3329, noon or after 6 p.m. 46b 15 PIGS, 16 weeks old. Phone HU. 2-9853. Apply to George Bayley, RR 4, Clinton. 46p SCOTCH PINE CHRISTMAS trees. Every tree carefully sel- ected. For quality as well as lowest price order direct from Georgian Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound. Phone FRanklin 6-6254. 44-5-6-7-p & Company Of Canada Limited HUnter 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No. 175-C-62 1tfb 19 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Glad- win Westlake, Bayfield 60r12. 46b ONTARIO Department of Highways Ontario AUCTION SALE OF BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL OR DEMOLITION Property Sale No. L-0651 A 7-room, 2-storey frame store with living quarters; cem- ent floor basement, situated at Pt. Lot 30, Concession South Boundary, Township of Stan- ley, County of Huron, located approximately 10 miles North of Grand Bend on Highway 21. Sale will take place on the premises at: 2:00 p.m., Local Time Monday, November 26th, 1962 NOTICE A Permit is required to move a building along, across, or over a Provincial Highway and/or a Municipal Road or Street, Persons who may be interested in purchasing this building for the purpose of mov- ing it intact or in sections, to another location must obtain information regarding permits from the District Office noted below prior to the' sale. TERMS: "Cash" at time of sale together with $200 Certi- fied Cheque (Payable to the Treasurer of Ontario) as Per- formance Bond to guarantee that work will be completed according to D.H.O. require- ments. Further information may be obtained from: The Auctioneer, Mr. Harold Jackson, Seaforth, Ontario. Telephone: Seaforth 474. OR Department of Highways, 335 Saskatoon Street, London, Ontario. Telephone: 451-3450. OR Department of Highways, District Office, 581 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario. Telephone: 271-3550. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO. HOUSE for rent in Seaforth oh corner jot, Newly decorated 4 bedrooms, living room, kit- chen, bathroom, gas furnace. Immediate possession. Phone Mitchell 348-8641. 46b LOST AND FOUND SOW FOR SALE, York and Landrace, carrying third litter, due November 18. William T. Livingston, phone 847r31, Sea- forth. 45p FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb LOST—Mary Maxim sweater, ,size 6, grey with red airplanes. Phone HU 2-9222. ' 46b Need A New HOME FREEZER? Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m. Government inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Marlatt's Dead Stock Removal Highest cash prices paid for disabled or dead cows and horses over 500 lbs. Please call collect: BRUCE MARLATT Brussels, Ontario -Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE License No, 951638 46tfb LOST—Would the persons who took the two iron gates, one 14 ft. and one 10 ft., and two iron posts from my property, Lot 76, Maitland Con., Gode- rich Township, October 31, please return at once. If any- one knows of their whereabouts please contact Bert Lobb, Clin- ton, phone HU 2-7506. 46p LOWER OF SMALL DUPLEX, best central- location, furnished, back and front private entranc- es. 65 Rattenbury Street East. Apply Mrs. Percy Atkinson, RR 9. London, phone London 455-2298. 41tfb 6 HEREFORD spring calves, 4 steers, 2 heifers, approx. 500 pounds. Apply to Jim Lands- borough, phone Seaforth 665W1. 46p . . . CALL . APPLES — Crisp, juicy McIn- tosh, hand picked, $2 a bushel. Delicious, Cortland, and Spies. Bring your own containers. Turn at Holmesville onto Cut Line, go four country blocks west, follow signs. Also other varieties. Fresh apple cider available now. Art Bell, RR 2, Goderich, JA 4-8037. 39-42p-tfb ART'S Appliance Centre MISCELLANEOUS HOUSE FOR RENT near Kip- pen, 3 or 4 bedroom, large living room, kitchen and bath, hot and cold water, recently redecorated, ample closet and storage space, close to school, oil heated, rent reasonable, available now. Orville Work- man, RR 3, Kippen, phone Hensall 264 W 3. 45-6-7b ACCOMMODATION WOULD LIKE to have 20 cattle fed to market weight on the gain. Robert Taylor HU 2- 9144. 46x LEGAL NOTICES BRUCEFIELD OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL 9 Phone HU 2-3232 43tfb JUDICIAL SALE OF No. 69 Joseph Street, Clinton, Ontario IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO BETWEEN: PHILIP H. LOVICK EDITH ROSE LOVICK Plaintiffs and JAMES E. MacDONALD and ELSIE MacDONALD, et al, Defendants Pursuant to the judgement and final order for sale made in this cause there will he of- fered for sale by public auction in one parcel, with the appro- bation of the undersigned Local Master, by Harold Jack- son, Auctioneer, at the premis- es, in the Town of Clinton, at the hour of two (2) o'clock in the afternoon, on Monday, the 19th day of /November, 1962, the following lands and premises known as No. 69 Joseph Street, more particular-. ly described in the mortgage registered in the Registry Office for •the Registry Division of the County of Huron as No. 39568. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid fixed by the said Master. The purchaser shall pay down to the vendors' solibitors on the day of sale 10% of the purchase money and shall pay 'the bal- ance of the purchase money into Court without interest Within 30 days after the date of sale. Adjustments to be Made as of the date of closing. The purchater Shall search the title at his own expense. In all other respects the conditions of sale are the standing condi- tions of sale of the Court, as modified by the conditions of sale settled by the undersigned. On the premises is said to be erected a three storey ten room brick &Veiling formerly occupied as a Nursing Home. Purther particulars and condi.. tions of sale may be had from McConnell & Stewart, Solici- tors, Seafotth, Ontarie. DATED at Goderich, this 30th day of October, 1962. PINGLAND,, Local Master at doderloh. 44-5..6b SAVE DOLLARS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING 4%.04P eiortt /for CHRISTMAS Our Shelves are bulging with all the Newest and Smartest Gifts for the Men in your life. Buy Now and Get the Best Selection. A Small Deposit Holds Any Article Until Thurs., Dec. 20 SPRAYED APPLES for sale: Spy, King, Tatman Sweet, Rus- set, Greening, Snows, Delicious and cider apples. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF houses. Phone HU 2-3214, Fred McCly- mont and Sons, Varna. 41tfb WANTED 3-BEDROOM HOUSE by De- cember 1, preferably in Clin- ton. Phone HU 2-3823. 46b Dryclean Your Garments by the 8-lb. Loads in Laundromat Coin-Operated Machines for only $2,00 AT IRENE'S TRY OUR WHITE SHIRTS SWEATERS—SOCKS TIES—JEWELLERY PYJAMAS—GLOVES—TIES HATS—SPORTS SHIRTS BELTS—SCARVES, Etc. WESTINGHOUSE COIN-OPERATED DRY CLEANER 70 Albert St., Clinton Phone HU 2-7833 22tfb ARTICLES WANTED Our Friday Special From Our Store Only AUTOS FOR SALE Honey Orange Muffins l'ac4,54 D:7 39c 1958 STATION WAGON, Chev. rolet. Reconditioned motor with 1,500 miles on it. In.very good shape. Low price, I3ecker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 46b GIFT BOXES GIFT CERTIFICATES THINKING OF RAMBLER? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Goderich on the Bay- field Road, Phone JA 4-9461, 15tfb 46-7b • DOZ, t----WINTER WEAR N., 1 Out Saturday Special From Our Store Only Flowers CASUAL JACKETS, LAMINATED CAR COATS TOPCOATS . PRICED FROM $14.95 TO $69.95 SUITS Step Out in style at Christmas in a New 39 50 Suit from our complete selection FROM $. u p BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION for room- er or boarder in private home. HU 2-7093. 42th6b ,Qra mom' ot • Telegraphed Anywhere Lemon Snow Buns BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Reg. 35o doz. SPECIAL 2 9C DOZ. TAXI BUSINESS POR SALE, in Clinton. , Apply in person to Frank's Taxi, 20 Isaad Street, Clinton,45b K.C. Cooke, See Our Delicious Fruit Cake OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Bartlifis Bakery EMPLOYMENT WANTED Pickett & Campbell Ltd. rLOIRIIT Dial HU 24011, Clinton BABY SITTING by the day Or the week. HU 2-9080 or 309 Albert Street second floor; 46b HU 2.9727 Limited CLINT011 I.k.ry and knitourant Main Corner CLINTON HU 2.9732 I 6, 1111.1=1