HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-11-15, Page 4HARRY WHAMS HU.2.6633 RIM CLINTON EATINGOILS-GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOROILS,- tek WHITE ROSE Folk Here Are Interested In H. Nesbitt Success Of great interest locally, was the convocation ceremony at University of Western Ontario, London, on November 2, when Harry W. Nesbitt received his Bachelor of Arts degree. Now WISE FOLKS WHO — COUNT THOSE PENNIES I(NOW,'WHERE TO 60 WITH r THOR HARD EARNED NUN( Page, 4- -Minton News-Record .Thugs., Nqv 15,, 1.962 Married In. Winthrop Church MR. AND MRS. ED. R. SALDIVAR, Varna, were married in Cavan United Church, Winthrop, on Saturday, October 27, by the Rev. Clifford Britton. The bride is June Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William DoImage, RR 1, Lonclesboro arid the groom is the son of Edmund Saldivar, Vallejo, Calif., and the late Mrs. Saldivar. (Photo by Phillips) Clinton Mernoria .Shop .p.Rypg and SON ,..EXETER, ,$EAFORTH Open every Affgrnpcin fotioNE 2,77q At other times contact ,Rgprpsentative,A. .Steep,1110. 1564.2 nttb. "t- AWAKE NIGHTS -ASLEEP DAYS Many people never seem to get a good night's rest, They toss and turn in bed—and then are did! and listless throughout the day. All of which, may be due to a temporary toxic condition which calls for the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Healthy kidneys 6Iter poisons and excess acids from the blood. IF they slow down and impurities stay in the system, disturbed rest, tired feeling and backache often follow. If you don't rest well at night—if you haven't that sprightly step of health in the daytime—use Dodd's Kidney Pills. You can depend on Dodd's! 6 2 UNTIL YOU SEE YOUR GOOD NEIGHBOUR ABOUT PAY CHEQUE PROTECTION MUTUAL OF OMAHA You can stop worrying about sickness or accident taking you off the job. A low-cost Mutual of Omaha Paycheque Protection Plan will provide money to help pay for the day-to-day needs of your family...food, rent, clothing—for a lifetime, if necessary. INSURANCE COMPANY LONDON BRANCH OFFICE: 493 DUNDAS ST. EAST HAPPY HOMEMAKERS Two safety catches lock the cover securely in place, so you can carry it easily. Keeps cakes fresher. Clinton Laundry & Cleaners Ltd. 63 ALBERT STREET DRY CLEANING DRESS FINISHING Done to perfection on our new modern dress- finishing unit by competent operator. Leave your dry cleaning at the office or use night deposit box. One-day service if requested. All dry-cleaning done at one modern plant on Beech Street. LAUNDRY Cciin-Operated Speed Wash. Clean, well-equipped Washers and dryers. Competent attendent on duty to help you. SHIRTS Laundered to perfection in our recently-installed Modern shirt-finishing machine. LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY At our modern, well-equipped plant Street. After hours—use night deposit or at our Albert Street Store, on Beech box there CONFSIOP) DRY-CLEANING Mt LAUNDRY USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET POR DRY CLEANING,OR LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. M. THE LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1501 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match, take the Calendar to our Office and claim your $3 credit.• Commencing at the Hour of Nine O'clock in the Forenoon and Continuing until the Hour of Six O'clock in the Afternoon and the Results Will be Publicly Declared in the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 4th day of December, 1962, at 12 O'clock Noon. JOHN LIVERMORE, Clerk and Returning Officer NOTICE Bout PROCLAMATION MUNICIPAL ELECTION Town of Clinton NOMINATIONS ELECTION Monday, Nov. 26 Monday, Dec. 3 NOTICE Is Hereby Given That a Meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the Positions of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councillors, Public Utilities Commissioners and Public School Board for the Ensuing Term will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS of the TOWN HALL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1962 Between the hours of 7:30 o'clock and 8:30 o'clock in the evening. JOHN LIVERMORE, Returning Officer And if Necessary, an Election to Fill the Above Named Positions Will Be Held On MONDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1962 at the Following Places arid by the following Named Persons, That is to say, in WA_ Makes Presentations Hears Of European Tour teaching at Timmins high school, Mr. Nesbitt is 'no stranger in this area. He taught public school for six years in the !Bayfield district; two years 'at Kinburn .and the past six years at Clinton Public School. Mr. Nesbitt !obtained his de- gree the hard way, through extramural and summer cours- es, Born in Listowel, he served in • the Royal Canadian Navy during World War IL He has been an active member of the Canadian Legion', and :is a 'past president of Seaforth branch. Attending the convocation ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Holmes, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs, George -Campbell, and Mrs. James Barron, Seaforth, as well as his family, Mrs. Nes- bitt, .Rochelle, Richard, Steven, Christopher, Brian and Kenneth all, of RR 1, Seaforth. Mrs. Irwin Phoenix now em- ployed at Clinton 'District Col- legiate Institute and an aunt of Mr. Nesbitt, also visited, during the supper. 0 DEEP FREEZE MERCHANTS Believe it or not, some On- tario , Hydro construction crews are eagerly waiting for freeze- up. Men on the job in the far north progress faster and more economically in winter, when swampy muskeg country is frozen solid. In warm weather, muskeg just adds to their pro- blems. ,CWI, Stages $uccessfid Bazaar and Tea The poris4 bail At St.. Joseph's, edittreb. was attractively :deaPr- ated with 4411ii.1414 heaves and flowers far the caltholle WO- men's League bazaar and tea on..Saturcloy afternoon, Nov, ember 3.. greeting guests 'at the door were Mrs, David VAnga, pre.s- land Mrs. Eldon O'Brien, vicelwesideot. In Charge of the home inane halting tables Were Mrs. L, PerkeMMO, Mrs. O, Preistap, Ws. L. Medd) Mrs. R, Powers, Mrs, F. VanAltena, Mrs.. J. Feeney and Mrs. ,J,PyX- stra A .Christmas booth displayed Many items for gift giving was convened by Mrs, D, Kay and Mrs, A, Sharp. Mrs. A. Shana- han and Mrs, J. Wilson. Sin charge of the candy table were Mrs. C. Reynolds and, Mrs. S. Grasser, '- Art the penny booth, where 16- lovely gifts were shown, were Mrs, f12. LeBeau and Mrs, F, Burns, Mrs. J. Blake' was, in change of the produce table, and Mrs. S, Spencer and Mrs. L. Gautreau looked after the fish- pond for children,. Convener of the ticket table was Mrs. A. Dale, assisted by Mrs, E. Flor- Each of the five tea tables were centred with a small bou- quet of bronze 'mums. Conven- ing these were Mrs. C. Trott, Mrs. J. semton and Mrs. T. Flynn. In 'the kitchen were Mrs. T. Zablocki, assisted by Mrs. A. Goldsworthy, Mrs. W. Monag- han and J. Flynn. Tickets were drawn by the pastor, the Rev. S. E. McGuire and the Rev, R. A. Gravesline. The door prize, a bushel of apples, was won by Peter Le- Beau. First prize, bakeware, was won by Mrs. 3. Dykstra; second, a hostesis chair, by Mrs. G. Carbet and third, six steak knives, ,Mrs 3, Clegg, Winners 'at the penny sale booth were, a desk lamp, Mrs. L. Medd; can*. jar, Mrs. Roy Tyndall; mixing bowls, Mrs. M. Allan; tea towels, Miss E. Tighe; pillowcases, Mrs. W. Monaghan; writing paper, Mrs. A. Pinkel; stapler, Mrs. G. Carbet; plant, Miss Sadie Lov- ett; ash tray, • Mite. J. Craik- shfaink; pillowcases, Mrs. J. Blake; candy dish, Mrs. Theo Flynn; table cloth, Mrs. Ed. Florian; centrepiece, Mrs. F, Burns; caSerole, Mrs. F. Mitch; 'doll, Lynda Flynn; variety box, .Mrs. C. Trott. NXPP.T,4701---The Wetneti's A'1.0i.iarY-.14 St, James Anglican 014mb, Midcilietob; Met Wed dad .4404:up<41, 101/ember '7, at the- honte ;Ws, Keith Mier, This, meeting was well Wended with eighteen present and the president Mrs. Ray Wise was in the chair, The 4-10gttell' Prayer ,.4414, the IA15 p.vanT were sAicl in pniaion and Mrs. Joseph Storey gave the -Prayer-Partner's prayer. Mrs. John Grigg gave the.sepretarei„..s report and. Mrs. Alvin :Dutot the financial. R,o- Mans 847-39, was read 'by Mrs, S. Middleton., Rapt-call word A letter of thanks. was 're- ceived from Mrs. Wilfred Col-. slough ifor the lovely coffee- table -presented 'to 'them by the. Wardens of St. James Church. A the,* you for a get well card was received from master Gordon Smith 'a patient in Lon- don Victoria Hospital, An invitation to attend the United Church Women's tea and bazaar at Tiohnesville on Nov- ember .14, was received from Mrs. Harry Williams. Mrs. Donald Middleton spoke on behalf of extra ,funds to help the Sunday School Child- ren's ,christrrias party which will replace former concerts, The WA was happy to note $14 to this worthy cause, $5 was voted to the Bible. Society. A social evening is being plan- ned for Friday evening, Novem- ber 23. The committee in ch- arge is Mrs. Don Middleton Mrs. R. Wise, Mrs. Dutot anj. Mrs. Gordon Rathwell. A nominating committee to bring in a slate of officers 'at the December annual meeting includes Mrs. Arnold Miller and Mrs. Fined Middleton. Mrs. Stewart Middleton gave a detailed, account of their con- tinental tour last summer with particular reference to the beauties of Paris, Lyon, Nice, the French and Italian Rivieras and tours of Monaco and the night clubs of Paris. "The vineyards of Burgundy were heavy with large ahnost plum-sized purple grapes ,'a I - most ready to harvest", stated Mrs. Midrileton. "The climate and scenery of France were de- lightful and the 30 same people on the coach tour a congenial interesting group." ' After this tour the Midclletons returned to London England, attended church in famous St. Paul's Cathedral On Ludgate Hill and Sunday afternoon join- ed, the hundreds of people: at the tower of 1..oadort, On thaoking ,Mrs. Middleton, the president, Mrs. Ray Wise said Ftfh'at if possible she had enjoyed, hearing this tour even More 'than the first one"-. The highlight of the afternoon was the presentation of a copper and brass teakettle to Milton Steepe honouring her years of service in the St. Janes WA and carrying with it best wish- es 'to Mrs,. Steepe for heir new home run Gunton. The address was read by Mrs. Edward! Wise and the gift pre- sented by Mrs. Miller, Mrs, 'Ptleel0e gno,cously thanked 'her friends and 'stated she had en- joyed and profited by heir as- sociation with the St. James WA, and hoped all would visit her in town. Mrs, Harrison closed the me- eting with prayer after which a !bounteous, lunch was served. Goderich Court Two young men from RCAF Station ,Clinton were fined in magistrate's court at Godes'ioh last Thursday. William J. Wilkson was fined $25 and costs when he pleaded guilty to driving a motor ve- hidle carelessly in Goderieh on October 19. ills driver's licence was suspended for four months. Ronald D. Opp pleaded guilty to having liquor in Goderich on October 21 in an illegal place. He was fined $30 and casts. 0 Mrs. K. B. McRae Attends Rally For Nurses Group Mrs. Kenneth B. McRae, with five others from this district were among 83 registered nurs- es in Ontario, !attending a spec: ial study conference recently at Muskoka Sands Inn, Gray. who:1'st Convened by the Reg- istered Nurses Association of Ontario for district and chapter executives, 'there were 44 chap- ters involved. The objective of the confer- ence was to promote closer liaison between RNAO district and Chapter leaders and to ex- plore the responsibilities of dist- rict officers in maintaining in- terest in RNAO among their memberships. Achievement Days .In Four Areas This Autumn. This .W1 there Are few ach, ieytegnent ..days piamed for the' members of .1ii,trOrt COUnitY Hornemai4ng Qiuhs. Horne onomist Isabelle Gilchrist xe,, ports plans for these in Exeter,, Allburn, 'WhIghauti forth, Lost Saturday, November 10, the thst one :was held in EX- eter at South liuron District High. School. Taking part were- from Kipper:, El:41114)1e, Moes. worth, I-Itincyridole, I.),oshwood, Grand Bend, Stanley, 7,0001. and. ,orediton, Future aehievemeot days are planned on November 17 at Auburn; December 1 at Wing- hom and Peeember ot Sea- forth. development of the, western provimes, they came up With total of well over a million tons of shipping by 1970. lIence the need for the r'ceefer Ter- VALUES! Services available at 'AO diava.°1 for only s29 95 BRIGHT 'N BLACK CAKE HUMIDOR with LOCK-ON COVER 111•11111111111Y 5 ftynt°1 $6.99 Select your gifts wisely, and you will be known for thoughtfulness, regardless of the price paid. Few gifts at this mod- est price can compare to stainless steel cookware by West Bond. For wife or mother, brilliant; long-lasting stainless FOR YOUR OIFT.OIVINO CONVENIENCE utensils would be a welcome replacement. Ideal, too, for beginning homemakers. Continental has a flair all its own — sim- ulated walnut brown handles and cover knobs, copper-color accent rings and clean-easy stainless steel, Tra-PLY con- struction in the utensil used most, 10V4" skillet. Contoured, heat-resistant han- dles, cover knobs with steel flame guards. Gift-boxed. Family Size! RADIANT CONTROL 4-SL10E TOASTER West Bend's radiant ther- mostatic control responds to surface temperature of bread, for better toast. ST. ANDREW'S WARD— At the Council Chambers. Deputy Returning Officer Ernest Radford. ST. JAMES' WARD— At the Legion Hall, Kirk St. Deputy Returning Officer, Mrs, Margaret MacDonald, ,Every nomination shall be in writing and state the nome, residence, and oc- Cupetion of the candidate and the resit- dente and occupation of the proposer and seconder and shall be signed by the proposer crnd seconder, both of whotn shall be municipal electors and present, and shall be filed with the ST. JOHN'S WARD— • At the Ball-Macaulay Show Room, King St. Deputy Returning Officer, Mrs. Charlotte Freeman. ST. GEORGE'S WARD— At the Council Chambers. Deputy Returning Officer, Mrs. Marion Andrews. returning officer within one hour from the Opening of the nomination meet- ing. When a proposed candidate is not present, his, nomination paper shall inot be valid UnieSS there is evidence satis- factory to the returning officer that he consents to be so nominated, 45-6b solid capper bottom! STAINLESS STEEL TEA KETTLE $4.99 Push button operates spout eap. Heat resistant black bandle Whistles when water boils. • 3 1/2 QT. • 11/2 QT. • 34 Qt. STAINLESS STEEL MIXING BOWLS $6.99 Easy.,eleaning bowls have many uses, from mixing ads to serving pop torn. Best design for hand mixing, SUTTER -PERDUE LTD. Quality Hardware & liouseware -- Electrical APpliances and SupPliel Phone HU 2-7023 Clifton Aulimmarpoompoinimmiamimmainnimmilimmearmumw $24.99 9-CUP PERK $12.99 Graceful new styling bright alurninum with cop. per.color coyer Fully auto- 'natio no gadgets to