HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-11-08, Page 9Host Of Science Review Lister Sinclair finds relaxation in games of chance, but challenge in the mysteries of science. As host and editor of the Tuesday night program, Science Review on the CBC radio network, he intro- duces world-famous scientists in a series of talks about themselves and their experiments. (CBC Photo) BY DOROTHY BARKER for Taking. -Good Pet :Photos Keep Your Camera Handy CLERENIVU Auto Wreckers Have Installed a KEMSWAY Tire Conditioner To TRACTIONIZE YOUR TIRES Eliminates Skidding Increases Traction TRACTOR TIRES CLERE-VU Auto Wreckers No. 8 Hwy., West of Clinton HU 2-321.1 For good pictures of pets, keep your camera handy. With your camera nearby and loaded, you can relax and watch for good picture-taking situa- tions.. Posing is usually un- necessary, so you ran' avoid the 'watch the (birdie" approach. Instead, your good judgement is the best guide for sel'ecti'ng picture-taking Situations. When your eat unravels ball of yarn, or your retriever returns with a• pheasant, that's Blyth Facing Pollution of Stream Problem Ain attempt to find a way to rectify poillution of the Blyth creek was undertaken in Tor- onto yesterday when village councilloes met with Ontario Waiter Resources ,Conimlission officials. Farmens in adjoining East Wawanosh and Hullett town- Ships, claim that septic tanks in Blyth have been contaminat- ing the creek it flows toward Auburn. They have been press- ing ,for correction of the pro- blem. One proposal mode by •the OWRC 'is for installation of a sewage lagoon. However 'the villagers Teel this would impose a heavy tax 'burden. The OWRC proposes financing the werk, With the village paying it hack over a 30 year period. Calgary, which had a popu- lation of 279,062 in its metro- politan area at the time of the 1961 census, nearly doubled its population in the 1951-1961 period and in the decade had the largest proportionate in- crease of any of Canada's maj- or cities. 1,COMOMPAMMIAMOMMISOMMIIMMIMI=UMMIIMIM110 5~111•0•011•111•••7161(.71=1"1 ONTM4t0 Notice of Inquiry in the matter of T industrial Standards Act The Honourable H. L. Rowntree, Q.C., Minister of Labour, has reqUested Profestor Sore Laskin, Q.C., to inqUiro into the scope and operation of The Industrial Standards Act R.S.O. 1960, C.186, and to make such recornmendatiotis as he may deem advisable. interested parties are invited to submit written briefs, 100 copies each, to the undersigned not later than December 1, 1962. Public hearings will be held on the briefs in Comniittee ROOM No, 1, Main Floor, ParliaMent Ealiidings (Main Beildihe), Toronto 2, Oetatite on December 1$, 19, 20, 21 and 22, commencing at 10;00 o'clock in the forenoon Oh each of these dates, and on such further dates as may be necessary. Parties submitting briefs Will be notified of the order in Which their submissions will be heard. L, Haywood, to:, inquiry Secretaryv Department of Labour, 8 York Street, Toronto )! Ontario. NOV. 3 to DEC. 15 . ,,terWeeeetee: Get Your FREE Electric Blanket When You Purchase a WESTINGHOUSE Electric Dryer during the Hydro-Dealer Sunshine Special Offer Direct air floW systeni with more air, lower heat dries Clothes faster, fitiffiet, 'more eoonoinically. ter Westi'ng'house dryerS, air blows directly into clothes (not through a perforated baeket as in other Makes). Faster airr flow allows'reduction of drying temperature. Poe washer load capabity. Rotating "boncleriteci" Steel basket) reSIsts rust, One year guarantee on WorkrnantliiP and niaterlalS. Clinton Electric Shop b, W. Cornish, Proprietor HU 2-6646 CROON FREE ELECTRIC BLANKET WITH VERY -.PURPOSE Pf KENMORE. 'tetTaVitTlc. CLOTHES DRYER At Th0 Simmons-Sears Order Office Albert St. — CLINTON.- HU 2-3455 FREE Electric Blanket Value $29.95 With Every SIMPLICITY AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRYER Purcliased between Nov 3 and Dec. 15 at Chuter Heating & Electric 45 KING STREETCLINTON—HU 2-7652 Authorized Simplicity Dealer Get a FREE Electric Blanket with your purchase of a KELVINATOR DRYER SUNSHINE SPECIAL/ At Our Store from November 3 to December 15 ART'S A PCPELNI AT RN EC E BRUCEFIELD Open Evenings 'Till 9 — T. A. DUTTON — Phone HU 2-3232 Thurs, Noy. 8, 1962,-clitoon .News Record; Pope Holstein Yearling Costs Goderich I an Top 5525 W. Hume ,Glutton paid. $525 for an open yearling T-191,,qtein sold at the trispersal sale of the SiPmwP1,witt :FIgIpteln herd .of Ad- orn L, 13'01, St, -foul's T441; ThwAwilay, .'he calf Was daughter of 'tile "Very Good" b0.1 Rovbirook Reward. This was the highest price paid at the sale for en open Yowling, a*, ,ChAttoo also paid the highest price for 'a heifer calf, ge $400. Hooper Bros. at Sit, Marys, paid .1..,*00 'for a eater- yeaindol 'Very Good" dm hater of ABC Sovereign Ringmaster. Power Pool Covers Eastern Continent An electric power grid with a capacity of more than 115,000,000 kilowatts and strata ening over more 'than half the North American continent came into being November 1. That's nearly 20 times as mach as Ontario I-.T.ydre's pre- sent capacity, The pool stretches from J'am'es Bay watershed in North- ern Ontario, west 'to Montana, east to Maine, and south to the • Gulf of Mexico. When Oltarie Hydro end the niontheasteen states tied in with an area covering 32 midwestern and southenn states, the entire area Started operating in el- ectrical ;synchronism, This means that individual power pools can come to the immediate aid of 'any member system should it meet with a Boss of power. BUY AN :TRIG CLOTHES DRYER NOW GET A BEE ELECTRIC BLANKET A $29.95 VALUE!! MAKE EVERY DAY A DRYING DAY ELECTRICALLY... COSTS LESS THAN 5( A FULL LOAD TO OPERATE! ECONOMICAL • FLAMELESS • ODOURLESS 'SAFE • 'PRECISELY AUTOMATIC CHOOSE FROM ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS • MAXWELL • MAYTAG • McCLARY.'EASY • PHILCO-13ENDIX • RCA WHIRLPOOL • SIMPLICITY • Simpson's—KENMORE—SiMpsbas-Sears • SPEED QUEEN • THOR • Co-Op VISCOUNT • WESTINGHOUSE AND OTHER PINE MAKES • DOUBLE BED SIZE • FULL 2-YEAR SUARANTEE • A TOP QUALITY • CONVERTIBLE CONTOURED CORNEAS 0 CAN BE WASHED AND DRIED AUTO IVI AT1CALLY • BEATTY • COPFIELD-HAMILTON • CONNOR •CORONADO • DOMINION • Eaton's-VIKING • G.M. FRIGIDAIRE' • GENERAL ELECTRIC • INGLIS • KELVINATOR • LEONARD SUNSHINE' SPECIAL/ THIS OFFER GOOD AT THE STORES DISPLAYING 11-11$ SYMBOL NOV. 3RD TO DEC. 15TH CLINTON PUBLIC 'UTILITIES • Urge Cli •nto•n area persons to take odvantoge of the Hydro-bealer FREE ELECTMC BLANkEt Offer when you buy on Electric Clothes Dryer.,. E. PERDUE, Chairman IRAN DS- SIttierititetitleht Three for the 1%joney Looking down from the ele- vator of its main control ItOwer, the latest ON push-button freight yeard, complete except for a period of training for its operating crew, looked just like what it was, a marshalling yard for faster rail shipments. The Miracle of automation. was be- ing demonstrated by two men Who sat at the gray control board switching freight cam These were given a shove at the crest of et hnnnp and rolled by gravity with hardly a 'whisp- er of sound until they barely touched a string of cars being made up on one of ' several elaesifikeation 'tracks in use that afternoon for training purposes. Symington Yard in Winnipeg, one of tour which will eventual- ly be in operation, is the third to go into ON service. Others are the yard at Moncton fan- ning -freight to the NEalttime Provinces and , 'another serving the industrial' maze of Mont- real. Fourth in this • sophistic- ated chain of advanced com- munications and rail facilities is the hump yard on the fringe of Metro Toronto, still. in the construction stage. \ I made 'a special 'r'equest through the proper theme's While I was in Winnipeg for peemission to see Symington Yard, named after a director who served on the CN hoard for 20 years. I knew it was in the final stages of construction When signals from tower-to- gratindl-to-slwiecher were 'being tested and I was partioularely anxious to see [the whole opera- tion before 'the huge fan of tracks-62—(108 miles in all) was filled with inbound' mid outbound trains. Not only boys of all ageS are fascinated by trains; we gals get a kick out of railroading too. :Especially when the rnag- ntitude of this operation im- presses on one's 'imagination the fact that most of the neces- sities of life are moved by rail. E ver y dometstic commodity from 'a bag of beans to fh.e family ear, whether in, raw form or the manufactured .art- fele, is at some stage "tagged by a railway waybill. Women Have Stake Too Elver the most elementary thinki•ng on the subject, and Melvin Tebbutt Re-elected Head Farmers Union The eleventh uino441. congers tee pt the Ontario! r Farmers Teheleia,Y week elected' 'Tebbutti MWIgiale to iris, third term as preeident, A. total pt 2$0 delegates at- tended the three day meeting, represerut'ipg locals' aeross 'the province from Huron County the WeSit to Renfrew in the east, Mr. Tebbutt said that th, e form union bete continually pi- eced. before govern meintS the need of oupport for the familia' farm', gild that egrieelteral pol- icies such as' ARBA; deficieney payments, price support pro- grams, ete„ should be designed to encourage continuance of this type of farm production, "It is significaeit" he said etha the family farm .atn-to- ture an the North American continent has continued' to pro, vitlia an abundance of food, while state-controlled eg- 4cuillture as operated in t h e communist countries has fail- ed." This in itself is a very substantial argument for the .preseevation of the family faun said Mr. Tebbutt, Speaking Of marketing, Tebbutt said; "We must act 'as bus•inessmen, and produce for consumer demand, both in. .quantity and quality, and we must do this collectively ire stead of burying our heads in the sands of predection fields alone." WIDE CRASS SECTION Ontario Hydro's staff of more than 15,000 includes one of the widest cross sections of jobs in Canada, from lineman and operators and engineering specialists to helicopter pilots and skin divers. most feminine reasoning when itt cranes to 'freight is strictly elementary, can realize that more rapid handling, servicing and sorting will cut 'to 'a frac- tion previous classification time. The wheat that. leaves' the prairies 'for eastern mil s, or the onions that board freight Oars in Holland Marsh, Ontario, destined for prairie stews, can be handled cheaper and more efficiently by 'these new .elee- ttronietally automated push-but- ton freight yards. At Symiington Yard 6,000 freight cars' per day can be serviced, sorted and sent •on their way. To speed' and co- ordinate operations', six systems of rapid communications are being utilized by yard' person- nel—radio, telephone, teletype, television, walkie-talkie and loud-speaker paging. I watched ithean all in effective use. I even saw a mechanic change a set of Steel wheels on a diesel engine in less time than it takes me to remove the nuts on the hub of my car to change a tire. Ultra modern from the tip of its main control tower to the last consideration for working personnel, Symington Yard is the reflection. of our times, the constant demand for greater efficiency and better facilities for creating time by saving it. the time 'to take a picture. When two pups play tug-of-war in your back yard, or a kitten takes 'a nap, that's your cue to snap the Shutter, lVlest ante. male have individual traits Which set 'them apart, and. you can emphasize these character- istics in your photos,. For action. shots, a movie camera is ideal, But for stills, vvettich for the pause just as the action reaches a peak. The apalnliel in neid-air, for examPle, shows to a halt just before gravity pulls him back to earth. That's the moment to press the 'shutter, Move elose enough to fill the camera's viewfinder with the subject'; otherwise your pet may turn out grilyr a speck in 'a mass of background. And move down to the pet's own level — this keeps him .in the proper per- spective. -Here's another tip: Avoid a "cluttered" or busy background. For outside shag, the sky is as good as background as any. To ensure good results, take sever- al shots, perhaps a series. Above all, watch for 'humor. in ;animals and be ready to shoot When 'the mom:ent arrives. If possible, pre-focus your camera on the spot Where the :action is likely to take place, Then stay .alert with your shut- ter finger ready for action,