HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-11-08, Page 4Page., 4—Clinton News-Record--;Thurs.,, Npy,, 8 1962 Wed in Goderich Anglican Church MR. and MRS. JOHN W. BALDERSON, Clinton, were married on Saturday, October 6, in St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich, by the Rev. K. E. Taylor. The bride is Carol Jean, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan, Langley, B.C., and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. S. Mahn, also of Langley, B.C. (B. J. Nephew Photo) Friendship Club Plans Bazaar For November 21 Further arrangements foe the'Christina's. Tea to 'be held on November 21, were made by 'the Friendship Club of St. Paul's Church when they met in the parish hall on October 30. Members were asked to be ready to donate candy and home baking foe those 'booths. Hostesses Mrs. W. Burton, Mrs, W, J. Counter and Mrs. R. B. Campbell served lunch. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 14, at 8,15 p.m. in the Doan-Rum- ball moan. This change in lo- cation is because the parish hall is being used that night, Members :are asked •not to bring lunch. 0 Auburn School Stages Par AUBURN— 1,T$S No, ,5 Hul- 7'ett was :ottmclivoly decorated in :oranges black IAA; 'Week for like Anneal Hallowe'en perry. Preeselegel ehilehelne_ef 'the see- lion were guests, prognarn was en :the form of a Junier Boa Cross mooting with the debt, Lettra ,.leper in the chair, Jennifer Grange was' 'at the piano. Judy Areenue read the minutes nod the roll when 45 answered by ,quoting their favorite expression.. The Reacher, Duncan Mae- Kay, Mee, Clare Longlatimt, Judy Arthur land Grail Miller acted as judges of tile egeelernes and awarded the prizes to Nur- een Longleurst, for fancy dress, second' prize' to Marie Plunkett; comic dress,Mere Wilkin 'and Linda Lanemet. A musical oantest was con, ducted Iby Brenda Ease with prize 'weinere Joyce Leather- land end. Karen Eest, A candy hunt was held for the junior pupils and 'small guests. The following program was enjoyed by all: piano solo, Shelly Grange; riddles, Ronald Arthur; reading, Marie Plun- kett; duet by Betty Moss' and Jennifer Grange. Collection was received by Wanda Plaetzer. Cendy treats were served 'to alt 0 Legions Warned To Cut Down Sales Of Beer Ten area ..branches of the y al Canadian Legion have been warned to cut down the amount of beer they sell. An average of 30 gallons per mem- ber ,a year is considered desir- able, said Judge W. T. Robb, chairman of 'the Ontario Liquor Licensing Board. Meeting in Kitchener 'on Fri- day, the board issued warnings to 'the Legion branches in Brus- sele, Hensall, Mitchell, St. Marys, Galt, Hespeler, Elora, Erin and Meth. CGIT Masquerade With Prizes And Program of Games AUBURN—Twenty-six CGIT girls and their friends enjoyed a Hallawe'en party in the Sun- day School room of the church. All the gees came in colorful costumes and masked. T grand march 'was held while Mrs. Duncan MacKay and Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys judged the costumes, assisted by Miss Laura Phillips. The prize for fancy dress was awarded to Shelly Grange who was a pretty little gypsy maid. The southern belle with 'her colorful large skirt and picture hat won the second prize. This was Brigitte Schlichting. The comic prize was- won by Judith Arthur who was 'a bear- headed man and second prize was awarded 'to Mary Sender- son who depicted 'Sherlock Holmes carrying the spy-glage. A program of games was' con- ducted by Diane Kirkconnell, Linda Longhuret, Joyce Leath- erland, Mary Sanderson and Brigitte ,Schlichting. Prizes for tee contest's were given 'by Gail Miller, Judy Arthur and Betty Moss. Lunch was' served by Margaret Sanderson, Petra Tiechert 'and Marian Young- blue The leader, Mrs. Wes Brad- nock 'announced that the mem- bers had collected over $.14 for UNICEF. The next meeting will beheld on November 13 when plans will be made for the annual 'vesper candle-light- big service early 'in December. 0 LUCKY STRIKE On Georgina Island in Lake Simcoe, Ontario Hydro Chair- man W. Ross Strike travels as MaleMe-Ko-Zhe-Wa. It means "Lucky Strike". The Ojibway tribe made Mr. Strike an hon- ourary chief in appreciation of the service provided by Hydro since the reservation started getting power five years ago, Maitland Valley Authority Buys Gorrie Park The Gorrie Community Park has been purchased by the Maitland ' Valley Congervatien Authority for further develop- ment. Known now as the Gor- ele Conservation Area, the park is in the village of Gorrie riot far from Highway 87. The 31-acre site contains a mill, milleclam, pond and bound- ally land on the leleitiand River. Purchase price was $4,500. The province will contribute $3,050 towards this, and the balance will be' met by the Authority. Chairman Harced Cosens, Wallace Township, says no change le proposed in the public use of the park. Development will include repairs to the dam, arld cleaning of the river above the dam. No major works' pro- gram is anticipated' this year. Eventually some .additional pic- nic facilities will be added. rose corsage. For their honeymoon in nor- thern and central United Stat- es, the bride travelled in a pale blue tweed suit. The couple well reside at ,RR 1, Varna. and. 1281102. LAUNDRY DRY-CLEANING THE LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1749 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match, take the calendar to our office and claim your $3 credit. USE THE NIGHT DEPOS. IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. M. Services available at Clinton Laundry & Cleaners Ltd. 63 ALBERT STREET LAUNDRY Coin-operated Speed Wash. Clean, well-equipped washers and dryers. Competent attendent on duty to help you, DRY (LEANING Leave your dry cleaning at the office or use night deposit box. One-day service if requested. All dry-cleaning done at one modern plant on Beech Street, SHIRTS Laundered to perfection in our recently-installed modern shirt-finishing machine. LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY At our modern, well-equipped plant on Beech Street. After •hours—use night deposit box there or at our Albert Street Store. LONDON 200 Queens Avenue — GEnerol 8-8314 GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES aliZEMEZZI. 44 Family Security 25 000 LIFE INSURANCE (20-year reducing convertible term insurance) ANNUAL. PREMIUMS Age g) ....„, ..... $59.95 Age 40 $111.23 Age 35 79.10 Age 45 173.23 OCCIDENTAL LIFE oTermB lersr ilaergc s r the 204 Andrews St., Exeter "More Peace of Mind Per Premium Dollar" W. C. Foster Phone 235-2054 Blanket Sale Luxurious Satin Bound r Blankets 4 lb., 72'1)(90". Made from q9.50 100% Pure Virgin Canadian Wools. Reg. $16.00 Value Colours—Gold, Green, Rose, Blue, Red, White '/2 PRICE GLOVE and MITT SALE ... Exceptionally Fine . MEN'S GOATSKIN Hand sewn dress glove. Colours: natural t 2.50 and tan. Reg. $5.00 Sale Price LADIES' KID Hand sewn, lined and unlined. Colour: natural and tan. Reg. $4.00 1 Sale Price LINED CHILDREN'S MITT Deerskin tanned to always dry soft. Reg. $2.00 Sale Price Also . . . MEN'S WORK GLOVE Genuine Goatskin. Only 50c PR. MEN'S WOOL WORK SOCKS Heavy Weight — Nylon Reinforced 3 pr. for $1.00 Bainton Limited BLYTH PHONE 6 These Offers Available November '1 to November 17 44-5b $2.00 $1.00. eatelee, .„ .eeireeteeeelefeeeetee HOW MANY WENT TO A BANK FIRST ? Probably most of them/Experienced travellers have learned that a chartered bank can add greatly to the enjoyment and contentment of travelling. Here you can get answers to currency questions, leave valuables in safekeeping, obtain letters of introduction. Travellers Cheques are ideal for day-to-day expenses. For larger sums, you may prefer a Letter of Credit, or arrange to have funds forwarded to you/A chartered bank has many ways of caring for your travel needs. See your local bank before you go. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Wesley-Willis UCW Three United Church Women meetings are scheduled for Wesley-Welis United Church next week. Unit Two will meet in the ladies parlour on Monday even- ing at 8.30 p.m. Members are asked to answer rail call with a donation of print or flannel- ette patches suitable for mak- ing quilts for the next bale. Unit Four will meet Tues- day, November 13 at 2.30 The film "The Will of A u g u st a Nash" will be shown. Roll call. will be answered by a verse' on Peace. Members hope that the travelogue an 'the Haly Land which unfortunately had to be cancelled 'last week, can be pre- sented at a future date. Most important event will be the Autumn Thankaffering me- eting on Friday, November 16 at 8 p.m. in the Sunday Schaal room. The Rev. Walton. Tonge, chaplain of ,Chung an College in Hong Kong and a United Church missionary, will be the guest speaker Every member of Weeley-Willis, United Church Women 'should make a special effort - to be present It is hoped that many visitors, from neigh- bouring - churelies will also at- teed. Everyone is welcome. Huron County Council November Session The Huron County Council will commence on Monday, November 19th, 1962, at 10:00 a.m. Notice of any documents or deputations must be in the hands of the Clerk no later than 12:00 Noon, Friday, November 16, 1962. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer,' County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario, Saldivar-Dolmage Bouquets 'of white eheysan- themums formed the setting in Cavan United Church, Winthrop for the wedding of Jane Eliza- beth Dolm'age and Edmund Ro- bert Saldivar. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William .DoIrnagle, RR , 1, Londesbore, and the bridegroom who lives at RR 1, Varna, is the son ,of Edmund Saldivar, Vallejo, Calif., and the late Mrs. Sale:War. He is the grandson of Mr. and - Mrs. Ro- ,bert Brucefield. Rev. Clifford Britton 'officiated at the double-ring ceremony. Miss ,Enely Collins, Clinton, played treditional music and provided organ accompaniment for the soloist, Miss Myrtle Cel- ine, Clinton. • Given in marriage by her father, the bridle was gowned in white brocaded 'taffeta which featured peplum and matching bows on the skirt back. A waist-length veil of nylon tulle was attached' to a crown and she wore as drop necklet, a gift of the bridegroom. She carried a white Bible crested with red roses and white ribbon stream- ers. She was attended by Miss Judy Thompson, .Landesbora, maid of honour, wearing a sleeveless street-length .gown of pink nylon over taffeta, styled with a "V" neckline and gath- ered bodice. She wore the bride's gift of a drop necklet, and carried a nosegay of white chry‘santhernums trimmed with blue net and white ribbon. Bridesmaids were Miss Joyce Dolmage, sister of the bride, and Miss Ethel Collins, Clinton, They wore gowns similar to that of the maid of honour. Flowergire Beverly Meson, Milveetare was dressed in pale blue nylon with matching hat and carried a white .chrysanthe- mum nosegay with pink and white net and ribbon trim. Geoffrey Mieson, Milverton ring bear, carried the Tinge on a blue satin cushion. The bride- groom was' attended by Donald VoIland, Hensall, and guests we're seated by Ronald Beatoh, Hensall, and Neil Dalmage, Tor- onto, brother of the bride. A reception, was held at the c h u r oh , where the bride's mother received guests in a moss-green lacie over taffeta. gown and bronze corsage. She was assisted by the bride- groom's grandmother,. Mrs. Ro- bert ,Speir, Varna, wearing a street-eength dress of royal- blue 'brocaded taffeta and a red Honour Paid To Bride-elect Miss Kathleen Andrews AUBURN—Baskets of celor- enums decorated the Sun- dAy Scheel room of Knox Pres- bYtienian 1Chttreli when neigh- bows [and friends of Miss Kath- leen Andrews gathered for a ShciWer Prier t,o her marriage this month, Misses Margaret and Mary Sanderson received the guests at tile door. Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson was the mistress of ceremonies and the proven-1 began with a rous- ing sing-song led by Mrs. Dun- can MacKay with Mrs. Robert J. Phillips at the piano. A read- ing was given by Mrs. Themes Haggett and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor sang a solo. A cake con- test was conducted by Mee Marilyn Daer, and a piano stile was Played by Miss Margaret Haines. An, 'amusing mock wedding of Miss Clara Delphinium Aas- er Peabody to Amos Timothy Alfalfa Ball was held with 'the role of 'the bride 'taken by Mrs. Kenneth Scott and the groom Was played by Diane Kirkcon- vele 'Bridesmaid' was Mrs. Wes Beadnock and 'the best man was Mrs. Ben Hamilton. The preach- er was Mrs. Roy Finnigan and the ;bride's mother was Mrs. Gordon Dabie. The soloi's't was Mrs. Duncan MacKay dressed as 'a male soloist land organist, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips played Two Fined '$20 Eath .In Court At Goderich • le -.Goderich ,court 'last Thum- the traditional wedding music.. The amusing 'costumes and: 'the queer ceremony drew much laughter. Corsages were pinned on :the guest of honour by Miss Marg- aret Haines and Miss Barbara Sanderson pinned• a corsage on Miss Linda Andrews. They were escorted to the Platform Where an address was read by Miss Marie Leathereen,d. Gifts were presented by Misses Barbara MacKay, Rage Marie Haggett, Marilyn Deer, Barbara Sander- son, Margaret Sanderson and Maey Sanderson. Kathleen thanked her friends for 'the many gifts and lunch was sew- ed. BACKACHE May be Warning Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, dis- turbed rest or that tired-out and heavy- headed feeling may soon follow. That's, the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 59 day, two ,..ctiotoo 01,111e4 WPX'e fined ,f,PQ each and costs. an PhArp.$ liquor other than re.sidenee. They were KOMI:0th .John 13.e.g..54$94, 17 'and Norman PPP: 18,, Bgth pleade.d guilty as. changed. Magistrate Glenn Hays also fined' Peter J. Ceicleele, Clinton, .$$.0 when he pleaded .g,41tty to_ .40.000. 3119V0 vehicle 4"- mPhic1V111.0 on November 1, While 'intoxicated er under Ithe 'nn figenee- of a eereetie drug. •Mr., Grid who etee 110.4 ,114 clir'wev'14 licence suspended' fer- e-le Menthe, told' fere court that he had been celebrati'n'g ehe birth of his 12th .child. a A Real Tread READY-TO-COOK RABBIT FRYERS NOW AVAILABLE IN CLINTON DISTRICT PETER'S MEAT MARKET ALBERT STREET -- CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9731 CLINTON LOCKER STORAGE ALBERT STREET — CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9781 EGMONT FARM R.R. 1, CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9231 BAYFIELD FROZEN FOODS Charles Scotchmer — Phone Bayfield 77 R 5 This new, exciting meat is raised and prepared by the Huron Rabbit Breeders Association. It's different . . it's all white meat . . only 8 percent bone . . . high in protein but low in calories . . . TRY SOME TODAY.