HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-11-08, Page 31' -:1 Aclastral Park Soc.ial Notes News Editor: Anne. Aileron -- Phone HU 2=7349 Mrs. A. HeAldistY, andMr, D. a:nd siring games. The Ladies Baggalley weeree Joint hostes...s e s at a surprise farewell. party for Mrs. Jean Bush On October 30. Fliflteen ladies were present, and the guest of honour was pre - serrated with a sinart bulky knit sweater. lairs. Ken Lewd/lite has gone do Font William oto .attend the funeral of her brother who .pas- sed away .on Friday, November 2, She is travelling by Trans- Canada. a Airlines, and will re- turn home; on November 13. Girl Guides Hallowe'en was •celebrated with enthusiasm, an October 29, by 'the Guides and their ...escorts,, guests, and 'leaders, Capt. S. Tremblay, and Lieut. R, La- Pointe. Numerous games were enjoy- ed as well as spot and snowball dances. Brian, Bureside, Baily. MacKay, Isabel Dum'aynie, and Maureen Foote won prizes• for their •oeggn tar costumes. R e - freshments, were served to 46 boys and girls. Chaperones for the evening were F/S D. Trem- blay and Mike Huard. This party was held at Air Marshall: Hugh 'Carmpbe1l Public School,auditorium whioh was gaily decorated with orange and black streamers, spooks, wit- ches and goblins. Brownies and Tweeenies The first and second pack to- talling 38 •girls had a cele- bration of Hallowe'en on Tues- day, October 30, at the D.N.D. school'. The six headers we0'e present int attractive and or- ig�itval exii true es. These ladies were Mrs. H. Davies, Mrs. E. McCaw, Mrs. P. Marcell, Mrs. N. S/albouiiin, Mrs. E. Burnside and Mrs. H. Myers: Mrs. B. Cavanaugh was the pianist for the grand march s Atxcasry of the Graulx Corn, mit tee x P.Wid1e th d to e refresh- M amts, Warners for uanusai ,ces'tuln!es .were Nancy•Arr. Lerxaine ITirt?nnipsora, Marge Adams, Can- dy Burnside, Bambara Thompson and Joanvtae Paquette. Cubs end Scouts The first Clinton RCAF gawp of the Boy Scouts of Canada held; its Apple Day en Thus-- clay, N..avem'ber l.. Curbs. and Scouts decorated: their ow baskets. These were judged by S/I,. E, K. Wood, Group Com- mittee ommi+tltee chaurnnaan, and pr n z e e were awarded to Cub Rickiely McCaw of the Algonquin pack Cub Ted Thompson .of the Mo- hawks Pack and Scout Bruce Biinngham of the Scout Troop. The group wishes to enopresz, 3t's 'appre'ei''ation to 'all who made this annual fund raising pro- ject a success. 'Teen `Town News • The young adults of this Station held e. combined Hall- owe'en :and Hard -times Dance en November 3, :at the Ritchie Building. Priizes for best couple were won by: Judy Johnston and George Schn'ubb; blest giirlie: Debby and Darlene Sjastram'; tag dance: Lynda Spann and Jim Boughen. Maurice Vezina won a prize for the 'best boy costume, Music was provided by a focal orchestra of young airmen. De - 'collations were' put up by the 'teeters and the Women's Aux- iliary supplied some refresh- ments. Chaperones were F/L an d Mrs. C. A. M. Wright, F/S and Mrs. N. A. Servos. Catholic Women's League At the next meeting of the OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED J. LongstaFF is in Clinton each Monday, 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. at the Clinton Medical Centre, 42 Rattenbury Street. • Please Phone HU 2-7010 for appointment Modern office with full equipment for examining eyes. Regular office in Seaforth, on ground floor, is ' open balance of week and Thursday evenings by appointment. ti I Business and Professional Directory INSURANCE H. E. HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office HU 2-9747 Rea. HU 2-7556 THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, DUNGANNON Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, Dungannon; Vice -Pres., Herson rrtvin, Belgrave; Directors, Paul ;aesar, R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mc- Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. 1, Ripley; John F. MacLennan, R. 3, Goderich; Allan MacIntyre, R. 5, Lucknow; Wm. Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. For information on your in- surance, call your nearest direc- tor who is also an agent, or the Secretary, Frank F. Thompson, Dungannon. 27-tfb OPTOMETRY J. E LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined OPTICIAN Oculists' Prescriptions Filled Includes Adjustmenits At No Further Charge Clinton—Mondays Only 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Clinton Medical Centre 44 Rattenbury Street West Seaforth—Weekdaya except Mondays, ground floor. Phone 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone JA 4-7251 GODERICH 38-tfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTAN1 Goderich, Ontario Telephone Box JA 4-9521 478 A. M. HARPER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 33 HAMILTON ST. TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. JA 4-7562 THE McKILIOP MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office Main Street SEAFORTH xnseresc • Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm 'Property • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended c o v e r age (wind, sinoke, Water damage, falling Objects,etc.) is also tteatlabie, AGENTS: James Keys, 1, Staforth'V J. Lane, Rpt 5, Sea- fea'th; WM. Leiper, Jr., I.,ondesbbro; Selwyn Baker,_ Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton, George Chyle, Dublin; Do3ialdG. Mon, Seai'brth:. , Station CNntor To Assist Town On Remembrance Day l?ICAF Thus year, more than any year since the Korean eon - filet, -Canadi'atr, are thinking i1king a, /bout hideedl es a War, arand of (their 'icrveld• ones who dried in Past WPM. Like other Air Force Units, RCAF Station Clinton will take itiime out his Sunday to pay homage to 'thetir deed comrades. As well as a Station Parade, with services in the Protestant and G'3ralpels, RCAF Station Clinton will jojn with the people of the Town of Clinton tiro Re- membrance brance Day Ceremonies' alt Post Office Cenotaph, G/C 3, G. Mathieson MBE, CD, Commiandling Officer of Station Clinton Will place a memorial wreath on the .cen- otaph and join town dignitaries. at the flag baste for the march past of the Parade. S/L T. P. Oavanough CD, Senior Construction Engineer- ing Officer, will act as ,Parade Commander of the RCAF Squa- dron. quadrop taking part in the cex'e- mony. The RCAF Band' will be in attendance under the diireeti'on of Acting Bantlinaster Sgt. Aid- a/im!oltile. Cpl. jack Scot, Shalt? - ion Trumpeter will sound "The Last Post" in honour .of the fal- len. • OWL on November 12, Vries Anna 1VI,acDonaald, TV person a!llity of iCKNX, will be the gtuest .speaker. The ladles of the P•robestaat Chapel Guild are invited to come and hear this interesitinaig. speaker. First paint of the meeting will be for spiritual and busin- ess procedure in St. Padre Oh- umeh ,and the Padre's office res- peetiveQy salt 8.15 p.m. The renvaindler of the everti7ug will be spent in the Pr otestranrt Chapel' annex for the enter- tainment. Miss Gayle Coombs had a painful accident wthen she burn- ed liter right foot on Saturday, November 3. A container of hot fat overturned 'and spilled on her foot. Gayle will be "hop- ping" about for at least ten days. Women's Auxiliary The monthly meeting of the RCAF Station Warneai?s Aux- iliary took place Monday even- ing November 5, at the Ritchie Building. President Mrs. Mang Bush was unn the chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. B. Westhaver. Mrs. A. Koch moved the minutes. be ap- proved and the motion was sec- onded by Mrs. V. Poxon. Next the treasurer's report was pas- sed by Mrs. V. Johnston, sec- onded by Mrs. H. Hayward. Voliunfceers were asked to help wrap gift purchases for patrons of the Station Gift Shop. Disousstonn followed regarding t Ih a Clinton Hospital F u nr Idl Plans for holding a Christmas Party for patients at Huron - view were discussed/ also. The evening's entertainment consisted of tying bows to make Christmas parcels more 'a'ttraet- ive. Refreshments were served to. 36 members. Rebekahs Serve Dessert Euchre A successful dessert euchre, sponsored by the Huronnic Re- b'ekaih Lodge was held in the IOOF lodge hall, Clinton on Wednesday afternoon, October 31. Abut •80 •ladles sat down to a 'delicious/ dessert luncheon. Atfteiwwaa'd% ,euchre was enn- joyeid. Winners were, high, Mas. C. Snelling, Brucefield; low, Mrs. Albert Bond, Clinton. Lucky chair prize was won by Mrs. Lorne WiiQlson, Brucefielld(. INAP anted jro x• BOSTON \LOS ANGELES LONDON CHICAGO THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Interesting Accurate Complete lnternatiodal News Cbrerage The Christian Science Monitor Ono Norway St., Boston 15, Mass, Send your hewspaper for the time checked, Encfbsed find my check Or money order. ❑ 1 year $22. E 6 months $11 d 5 months $550 Name Address City zone state pa -15 Three Couples Ilonoured...t Tipperary Sthooi �►�n�ng VIIDD E PN A, very suc Peas,IN sopLal evening was iie+ld ?n' S'S '0 (Tipper'ar'y) school- house an Frjdiay' evenlirtg', No- vernlber . hee Were tables es of et hre. The ladies high prize was worn iby 'Mrs. Wilfrid Col diouigh; the ladies low .by Mr. Findon Yeo, JK1in Smith won'thie meats high prize and .J,C_ ole the men's low.. Alfred Halle won the prize for the .most lone ihalnds. Highlight of the evening was. Pre various gifts to searitlaltioin. of itwe couplles, whom the com- Menii'by wished 40 honour at this •ttimo': Mr, land Mrs. Milton Steepe who heave .built a new home Clinton, and newly- weds ew y -weds Mr. and Mrs, Donald Coi- cl'oegh. Mr. and Mrs. Steepe and their granddaughter Cher y 1 Sltlelep'e were called to the front by Pon Middleton and a formal address was readi by .Mrs, John Grigg, signed by Keith Miller, John Stnith, Edward Wise and Donald Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Steepe were presented with 'a barge plate -glass mirror Saud a scatter rug and Cheryl received a 'goose -neck d.!esilc lamp, Mr. amid duals. Steeil>e were 'totally taken by surprise Jut expressed thank$ to their frienidls and 'inviteid them to visit them in their new home. Also honoured were Mr. and Mrs. Donald iCol'clough, who married reeenitly in St. James Church, Middleton. (Edward Wise read the ad- dress land George Wise present- ed the newlyweds. with a .l'ov'ely red up'holister+edi chair and a TV stool. Onbehalf of his bride and himself, Donald thanked his friends for the lovely gifts. Lundh was served, rn'anlcing the debut of the St Tames Church WA's new coffee maker and porbalble serving table. Ala ipres'ent :.report ,a very en- joyable evening, Mr. ,and Mrs, Wilfrid Col; dough, Wille have taken up rest - fleece !alt Hol!mesville were visit- ed a ;few weeks' ago by the war - of Sit. James Church, Mid'dletten, who presented /chem With /a lovely ooffee table, ae. behalf of the congregation of Sit. Junes Church.,, th'e Women's AnNiiiars' einid the SundaY School, Mr. and Mrs, Colclough have been members of St, James Church for many Years. Mrs. Cobclough is a past president of the Women's Auxil'iaay and et one time Was superintendent of St. James es Sunday School. --r— o-----�--- FREEZE EGG YOLliS Leftover egg yolks? Don't throw them {away, say the home eco110ru1is:ts at Macdeniald Insti- tute, Guelph. Cooked egg 'yolks freeze quite easily with no re- quired iad.ditibion's of salt or sug- ar. However, when freezing r'anw egg yolks, it is best to add IA, teaspoon salt per Ye cup of yolk for meat and cas- serole dishes; 'anid 1 teaspoon per Ye cup yolksfor future use in cakes and desSerts. Mix thoroughly end freeze. Wesley,WiNis SS Executive Meets Apt Holland home Nims, N, was ,hostess' to the Sunday School EEeeutiye of Wesley -Willie Uaamted' Church anMonkayevaningr October er 29 There were 15 rnernbers present and 'Maitland Edgar in _charge,. The Rev, C. Park Jed in, opening prayer. An imitation/ from Blyth Un- ited Claureh 'ta nttend a Christ- ian Education Institute en Nov - 1 -4 at 7,30 pan. was road± White Gift Sunday service was dis- cussed, 'anid the date wee. set for December 16 Beginning on November 4, there is to be a study on "The Word and The Way," held. in conijun tion with Ontario Street United Church. Mr, Park' urged all to 'attend. The Executive was pleased to accept from the Explorers group a number of decorated waste bash, ONTARIO STREET USJW WILL MEET NOVJflM1ER 14 The regular executive meet- ing of the United Church. Wo- men of Ontario Street United Church. vwiltl be held on Waives. - day, November 14 at 8 pan. eraglaildkAK GODERICH „ ONT, Dancing Every Saturday Night THIS SATURDAY ONLY .. . "The Bel Aires" Dancing to the Sound of the '60's Dancing 9 to 12 Admission 750 per person WE CATER TO WEDDINGS, LUNCHEONS, BANQUETS, ETC. Anstett Jewellers Thugs,., Novi 8. i962 .--+ ,clintgn News Recprdr--Page LOBA'las Card toy Saturday :A- card party was. heild Nov- • ember 3, in the Orange Doll, by the ah toa %OB A, prize winners were ladies :high, Mrs. Jev Silcox; Ione hands, Mrs. Frank Cunmnings; low, M,.rs.. Wavy Simian; mane's hig'h, Art Huck; lode hands, T, Gore]- on Srriibibi is; law, Cliff Epps,. Mystery driaw was won by Hartley I,VIaneghan, Another card party is planned for Satt- Urday, November 10 sp onsored by the LQL, The .next regular meeting, of the LOBA will Ibe heiid on Tuess- day, November 13 when a draw for $50 made. All LOL and LOBA members having tickets please see that they are turned' in to Mrs, Pete Her, risen or Mrs, .CJ!aytQn. Iiodgiu;as before that date, Ail xt ennberS are aslped to POO, PLANTS FALL, BULBS Clinton 0 ._lint. .�n Greenhouse and Garden Centre 182 Church Street CLINTON Phone HU 2-7168 tile PARK Theatre Goderch. Now Praying "RIDE THE HIGH COUNTRY" color •-- with Randolph Scott and Joel McCrea MON., TUES„ WED. -- November 12-13-14 It's Memorable! •-- Paul Newman and Geraldine Page In a picture to enjoy and remember, "SWEET BIRD OF YOUTH" Scope and Color ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED ■■`` 10 fl C6 11 WAS a Alca orn THUR., FRI., SAT.—Nov: 15 -16 -17 --Double Bill "THE THREE STOOGES IN ORBIT" with Carol Christenson Plus Frank Latimore and Alex Nicol In "THEN THERE WERE THREE" Coming --"THE INTERNS" --Suzy Parker Adult Entertainment 1'r Give her the watch that's dainty as a rosebud Tiny Treasure of Fa Watch with 23 J EWE LS from BULOVA LEADING LADY "G"t Tiny tear -drop shape watch with fioren- tine finish accent. Fluted bracelet. 23 Jewels. Available In yellow and white, $69.95 BULOVA LEADING LADY "D": This daintily fluted watch case and bracelet catches. every flicker of Ilght! 23 Jewels. Available in yellow and white. 559.95 BULOVA LEADING LADY "E": Perfect with every ensemble. Oval case edged with fine scrollwork. Faceted bracelet.23 jewels. Available In yellow and white.$69,95 Divided Payments 'e `` As Little ,,,,,. , As 400 A de' Week ere erre BULOVA LEADING LADY "A": A tiny exquisite watch at a tiny price. Trim, tailored lines for the tailored wo- man. 23 jewels. Avaitabie in yellow and white. $49.95 LA PEII., I The ratlaltrce u diamonds highlights this stunning watch. 23 jewels, unusual tapered bracelet, Available to yellow and white. $69.56 CANADIAN GYP! A truly unusual piece of JeWbraceletl bangleady stiuere dial, 17. Jewels, Available In yellow and whlte.489.So FIRST LADY n toff lovely swirls. 23jeweis. l diamond, Unbreakable majn- spriiig. Available in combination ofyeliow and White br all white. $79.5o JET CLIPPER "C".., A modern blend of case, dial and expansion band, 17 Jewels self -Winding, certified waterproof-, chock•resistant, Alto With charcoal dial, In 'white. 559.95 Lad PATRIOT. Smartly patterned dial. Slim dress cate and an ckpansion band that compli- ments both. 21 Jewels. Avail- able in yellow and white, $69.95 DULOVA 23, The Watttl that has everything. 23 Jewel movement, self-winding, certified water- proof', shock.resistant, tumi- nous hands and dial, combine. tion Ilnk and expansion band. In white. Also with charcoal oral, $95.0'0' ANSTETT JEWELLERS LIMITED Walkerton — CLINTON — SeeforfA Phone HU 2-9525