HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-11-01, Page 5'DEATHS BAKER In Clinton Public H'ospi'tal, CO. SaltlurcW, Octo11�- ea^ 27, 1962, Clara Meade, be - leered wife of Robert $aiders Sr., Hensafl,. m her 70(11 yeap,", Service trete rhe eInti? • funerals home, .Renetall, bo Beadle Cemetery, .on Monday iafterman, October 29, Iby the Rev, Ross 4XVTiacDa old, DAVIDSON -- In 'Westminster Hospital, London, on Satiate day, Octpber 27, 1962, John L, Davidson, beloved hut- band of Anne Edith Andrews, Goderich and Bayfield, in his 72nd year. Service from the Stiles fuperai' home, Gode- rich, to Maitland Cemetery, on Monday,-Qatober 29. MAXWELL—In South Water- loo Memorial Hospital, Gait, on ' Thursday, October 25, 1962, Louise Caroline Tilt, Preston, formerly of Clinton, widow of the late Allan H, Maxwell. Service from the Stager -Barthel funeral home, Preston, to Park Lawn Ceme- tery, Preston, on Tuesday, October 30. NORMTNTON —In Woodsk General Hospital, on Thurs- day, October 25, 1962, Mar- tha Freda Sznallaacombe, be- loved wife of Edward Norm- invton,, Hensalil, in her 60th year, Service from the Bon- thr cn funeral home, Hensall, rto Hensiall Union Cemetery, on Saturday :afternoon, Octto- ber 27, by the Rev. ,Harold F. Currie. STONE ---T Cllinitan on Wed - mediae, •October 24, 1962, Mary Alelna Stone, an , her 76th year. Service from tine Beattie funeral home, 55 Ralt- ternbury Street East, Clinton, on Saturday amending, Oetdb- er 27, by tire Rev. C. G, Park, to North Ridge Cemetery, Essex, Ontario, • 4-11 Homemakers Club Meeting AUBURN.— The ,final meet- ing of the Auburn Squirts 4,H Club was: held in the Sunday School froom of the church with the ,president, Jannett Dobie in the chair. All repeated the pledge and the minutes were read by the secretary R os e Mamie Haggitt. Rohl callwas answered by each girl showing two labels from commercially canned ler frozen vegetables. A discustsion followed on haw vegetablles can be served the year round. Dif- ferent grades of commercially canned vegetables were shown and all observed the difference between fancy, choice sand st- andard brands, Jannett Dobie read the insltnuctians on a can ,of peas ,and the labels brought by the member% were discussed. The girls were given instruc- tions on how Ito cook and serve French eat ichokes, celery, egg pliant, ohinese cabbage and Jer- usalem artichokes. The girls were divided tato two groups, one to plan a school lunch menu and the other to plan a day's menu using vege- tables. These were judged by Mrs. W. Bradnock. Mrs. G. Dobie looked at the record books and gave some pointers to rbhe girls. The books are, to be handed in to the leaders -by November 6. Plans were anfascle for Ach- ievement Day on November 17 when the mvembers will present the demonstration "Dressing up Vegetables fora Party." Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk i BIRTHS QHUTER--Te Alexandra Mar- ire allcl. General Hospital, Goderich, on Tuesday, Octob- er a3Q, 1962, ,to Mr, and Mrs. Eric Chutei,• (nee Sharon Reder) Varna, a daughter (Tanis Lynn). FLYNN In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, Octob- er 3Q, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs. John Flynn, RR 1, Clinton, a son, LIDWELL -,••-• At Grace North- west Hospital, Detroit, on October 17, 1962, to Mt. and Mrs. R, V, Lidwell, (nee Elinor Glew) 24164 Loretta Warren, Mich., a son (Law- rence Michael), MITCHELL — Tn Clinton Pub lie Hospital, on Friday, October 26, 1962, to Corpor- al and Mrs. E, Mitchell, Clin- ton, a son, PICKARD—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Octob- er 25, 1962, to Mr, gird Mrs. Roy Pickard, Clinton, a son RYDER — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, October 31, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ryder, Clinton, a son. TURNER -'- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, October 31, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Turner, RR 3, Bayfield, a daughter. MARRIAGES BOULET-LEE — In St, Paul's Roman Catholic Church, RCAF Station Clinton, on Saturday afternoon, October. 27, 1962, by Flight Lieuten- ant the Rev. Richard Bussey, Sandra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee, Clinton, to LAC Roger Roulet, RCAF Station Clinton, son of We, and Mrs. Camille Bouiet, Kingsey Falls, Quebec. McKAY-CAMPBELL—In Wes- ley United Church, London, on Saturday, October 27, 1962, by the Rev. Robert Trimble, Dianne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Camp- bell, Clinton, to Ronald Mc- Kay, Clinton, son of Mrs. Fergus McKay, London, and the late Fergus McKay. At- tendants were Janet Tyndall and Paul Draper, both of Clinton. SALDIVAR-DOLMAGE — In Calvin United Church, Win- throp on Saturday, October 27, 1962, by the Rev. J. Cliff Britton, June Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Doh -nage, RR 1, Londesboro, to Edmund Ro- bert Saldivar, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Speir, RR 1, Varna. CARDS OF THANKS I extend my sincere thanks to all visitors and those who sent me cards and flowers while I was in Victoria Hospi- tal, London. --, CLARA P. FEATHERSTON, 44b I wish to thank my friends who visited me, and sent flow- ers, cards and treats, while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital; also Dr. J. A. Addis-, on and nursing staff. -• JOHN T. McKNIGHT. • 44p I wish to express my thanks and gratitude to relatives, neighbours and friends who so cards, treats, flowers and to the ladies of St. Andrew's United Church. Special thanks to Rev. Harold Johnston, Dr. Campbell and the nurses on the staff at Stratford Hospital, and to those who helped my wife when I was hospitalized and since returning borne. —NORMAN LONG. 44x WANTED TRANSPORTATION Goderich to Clinton Monday through Friday Any time in afternoons Will Pay Liberally Prompt Photo Finishing Phone HU 2-7006 Clinton Lay -Away Pkui A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE TILL WANTED COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND AND MAKE YOUR CHOICE. Ladies' CAR COATS. ALL SIZES LAMINATED, CIRDUROY, SUEDENE QUILTED LINED PILE LINED Priced from $8.50 to $24.95 Girls' Snow Suits, Dress Coat Sets Car Coats and Dress Coats Boys' Snow Suits, Windbreakers, Car Coats, Efc. Men's RUBBER BOOTS EXTRA Sizes 6 end Only SPECIAL ,,,,,.,. S2II 50 Pair Other Sites .... , , .. Priced $4.44 to $4.75 E STORE WHERE VO R DOLLAR BUYB THE MOST" HOUSEOF BARGAINS H CLANTON Phone HU 24735 Events Planned By WW U.C.W. A general meeting of the United Church Women of Wee - ley -Willis Church wall be held newt Wednesday evening, No- verleheaw 7'et 8 pee in the Sun- day School room. On Thursday, November 8 at 2.30 Unit Three will hold their regular* meeting in the ladies parlour, A verse en "Justice" will be the answer required tat :mill call, An important evens: in the UCW year will stake place oil Friday, November 16 at 8 pen, also io the Sunday School room. Rev. Walton Tonge will be !the special speaker at the autumn thank offering, meeting. He and his family recently returned to London from Hong Kong, where for the past five years be has served the United Church Mis- sion .as chaplain of Chung Chi College. Many of the students there Accident Forces Postponement Of UC 'travelogue Program Unit Four of Westley. Willis United Church Warner have ,been forced to 'Postpone al- definitely ndef initelty ,its travelogue pro- gram scheduled for tomorrow night, Friday, November 2. The g u e s t speaker, Mrs. Norman Willem, London (fol'- meiily Vera Ldgb Goderioh 'T'own'ship), met with an sacci - are refugees from the Commun- ist mainland, who fled beoai,i e the government was obiigimg them 't'o heave their university studies to tale other work. Mr. Tenge's account of the mission in Hang Kong and of conditions there, is .especiially ti:miely, as one of the new UCW study books, "On Asia's Rim", divers attention to 4bhat area among others. The Tonge fam- ily will be going back to Hong Kong newt year. Attend Your Church This Sunday ALL SERVICES ON STANDARD TIME • CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 10.00 a.m.—Sundae School 11.15 a.m.—Morning Worship—Clinton Branch No. 140, Royal Canadian Legion, will be in attendance. All Are Welcome Here Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, November 4 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 8.00 p.m.—Guest Speaker: Mr. Samuel Martin, Fordwich Tuesday—Bible Study and prayer at 8 p.m. All Welcome Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, November 4 10.00 a.m.—Service in Dutch 2,30 p.m.—Service in English Guest speaker will be stud- ent Jacob Hielema, Grand Rapids, Mich. Every Sunday, 6:15 p.m., Dial 6.80 CHLO, London. Listen to "Back to God Hour". EVERYONE WELCOME Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's -- Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh. Rector Charles Merrill, Organist and Choir Leader . Sunday, November 4 TRINITY XX 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion 2.30 p.m. --Meeting of all Con- firmation candidates. 7.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer Tues., Nov. 6 — Ladies' Guild will meet in Owen Memor- ial Hall at 2.45 p.m. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A., Pastor Sunday, November 4 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Subject; "The Zeal God Loves" 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Hour Subject: "How to Know the True God" ' Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service. You are cordially invited to, these services. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A. Interim Moderator Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, November 4 10.45 a.m.—Church Service Rev. Walter V. Kutcher, from Rodney ALL WELCOME' TO WORSHIP WITH US Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love, Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: k Services 11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.rn. Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m..—Thursday — Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. esleg•- ilii--Nohneenale gniteb (tl tTt rente REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister Sunday, November 4 Subject: "With God Beyond Your Own Backyard" WESLEY-WILLIS 11.00 a.m.—Chureh Service 12.10 p.m.—Sunday School HOLMESVILLE -- New Winter Schedule 11.30 am.—Sunday School 12.30 p.m.—Church Service 7.30 p.m.—Joint Study of "The Word and the Way" by Wesley -Willis and Ontario Street Congregations in Ontario Street Church Chapel. Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a,m.—Sunday School 11,00 a.m.--Morning Worship Music by Junior Choir. 7,30 pan—Evening Chapel Service TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.—Church Service 3,00 p.m.—Sunday School Clinton Legion Church Service at U.U.:15 a.m.. Clinton Baptist Church Sunday, November 3 Speaker: Me. Craig Peters, B.A., Pastor All Veterans Invited to Attend Teterana will astenable at Legion ia11 at 10.45 ant. Parade, headed by Legion Pipe land and Colour Party will leave hall at 11 b'ckWle :dam 'r eeolvt)y end will be IMO up for over .a month. The tfCW group regret this postponement es much, pllen- Ming Ihas one irgtfo the 'pro- gti tin, Mrs, Wilson was going to dhow Pilins +and commen- tate on her -Wily to the Holy Land. 14st July, Women's Institute To Undertake '143 Pounds Meat' An exchange of bulbs was held as an answer to roll call at the Women's Institute meet- ing fast Thursday, October 25 in the agricultural office board MOM. Mrs. Charles Elliott report- ed on the .leadership training course she attended, and 24 members have since expressed a desire to attend this course on "143 pounds of meat". Meetings will be at Mrs. El- liotts home, 1,30 ip.m„ Novem- ber 12, sand 'at Mos. Radford's home, 1.30 p.m., November 19. A reading on the motto which had been supplied by Mrs. Crich was read by Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. B. Olde gave an interestingtalk and showed some pictures of her visit to the World's Fair at Seattle this summer. Mrs, Alex McGregor, RR 2, Kippen, told of the work and aims of the women members of the Federation of Agricul- ture. A committee consisting of Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Colclough and Mrs, E. Radford was ap- pointed to look into the matter of finding a new meeting *lace Announcement was made of the area convention in Hotel London on November 5 and 6. Mrs. R. J. Hunter entertained with two lovely vocal solos, and lunch was 'served by the host- esses for the month. Teachers Honour Former Member Miss E. Jamieson The Clanton Unit of the Fed- eration of Women Teachers As- sociation of Ontario heiid their meeting Tuesday, October 23. Mrs. B. Taylor, the president opened the meeting by reading a poem entitled "October Gard- ener." One of the main features of the evening was the presenta- tion of a federation pin to Miss Edna Jamieson who retired from the profession in June of this year. Miss Luella Johnson who anad'e the presentation spoke of Miss Jranieson's faith- fulness and loyalty to the FW - TAO, and the active part she took in 'the unit meetings. ;Barbara Bunns, Londesboro, favoured with two accordian numbers. Miss Edythe Beacom gave the report of the fall cone ference held in Stratford. Mrs. J, D. Thorndike intro- duced the guest speaker, Maur- ice LaVallee, chief stationary engineer alt RCAF Station Clin- ton, Who gave an interesting illustrated talk on Pakistan. November's lunch and pro- gram is in the charge of Mrs. Dorothy Williams and Mrs. Reg Ball. • Thurs. Nov 1( 1962 News-Reco4—Page Early Snowfall Last Week The season's first snowfall was a heavy one last week, which brought out winter clothes, snow ploughs and fun for youngsters making snowmen and forts, A more pleasant aspect of winter and snow is shown above, with the lovely entrance of Wesley -Willis United Church and the graceful trees on either side, decked with the pretty white stuff. By Sunday it had practically all melted. (News -Record Photo) Horticulturalists 'Enjoy Travelogue Presented By Local Travellers Those who attended the open meeting of the Clinton Citizens'' Horticultural Society in the council 'chamber, on Monday evening last, were given a real treat. Speeia1 'features were the travelogues •arid pictures given by Mns, Stewart Middleton and Mrs, Brock Olde. In her inimitable fashion, Mrs, Middleton gave a most reaiiistic.description of the con- ducted (tour which she and Mr. Middleton 'had taker; of Eng- land and Scotland, making par- ticular mention of the great beauty of 'the flower gardens of England, and the famous castles and cathedrals of Scotland. A second ;tour was taken, which included France, Monaco and the French and Italian Rivlieras, with headquarters at Paris 'and Nice. Mrs. Middle- ton described Paris as a fab- ulous city, with famous parks and wonderful trees, in many ways one of the highlights of the entire trip. Equally delightful and inter- esting to •the 'audience, was the account given by Mrs. Olde, of the motor trip she, her husband and Miss Nancy, had taken &r- ing the siunmer holiday. They journeyed through the Canadian West, toughing many points of beauty and interest. They vis- ited Ithe World's Fair at Seattle and m'ad'e the return trip on the American side. Many lov- ely pictures were shown, with Mns. Olde's comment !adding greatly to the enjoyment of her listeners. The Skating Season's Here . . BAUERMEN'S and LADIES All Bauer Skating Boots feature Bearhug Ankle Supports BAUER`S SKATE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY USED SKATES FOR SALE AND ACCEPTED AS TRADE-INS AIKEN'S Rubber Footwear & Winter Clothing Phone HU 2.4352 On (behalf of the society, words ,f !appreciation were ex- pressed by the president Miss •Johnston ,and Miss Luella Wal1c- inshtaw, for their •generous and entertaining contribution to the evening's program. Lucky winners of door prizes were Mr's. Brock Olde, a 'ha'lf- bushel of spy ,applets and Mrs. Robert Townsend, Londesboro, a ihaif-Ibuslhel of Macintosh ap- ples, ,graciously donated by S. Middleton. A pot of !bronze 'mums, donated by John S. Smith, went to Mrs. Fred And- erson, Classified Ads Bring Quick Results "The Pixie"y Salon (Florence Wood) 68 Albert Street HU 2-9390 Will be Closed for Vacation from Nov. 5 to Nov. 13 Personals Miss Del O'Neil and Mr. W. E. O'Neil have taken, up resi- dence at the Clinton Apart- ments, Princess Street, West. Mr. , and Mrs. Lyall Hanes ares fanvil�y, Ottanva, . spent the past weekend with the lady's mother, Mrs. Margaret Lock- wood, and also with Mr. and Mrs. James Lockwood and family. Mrs. Lockwood Sr., re- turned to Ottawa on Sunday to spend a few weeks with the Hanes family. 0 HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO MEET NOVEMBER' 6 The Clinton Hospital Auxil- ' lazy wu!LI. meet ata the Names Residence on Tuesday, Novem- ber 6 'at 8 deloek p.m. Rogers Majestic TV SALES & SERVICE Ted Ryder's TV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 ORDER NOW -- YOUR Photo -Greeting Card SFor Christmas 25 Cards with envelopes—$2.75 50 Cards with envelopes—$5.00 12 Colour Cards with envelopes -$5.00 25 Colour Cards with envelopes—$9.50 TI NY•TOT BABY PANTS SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE SALE 50!' 2 for 50c SUPER D COLD and ANTI COUGH TABLETS Fot Coughing.Cbids and Sinus Congestion 24 TABLETS $1.39 SUPER PLENAMINS VITAMINS 18 FREE with T2 caps. -$ 4.90 36 FREE with 144 taps,-$ 7.90 72 FREE with 180 taps;—$13,48 SAVE 25% Med. — Lge. — X-Lge. ELECTRIC VAPORIZER Reg. $10,95 FOR PLAYTEX RUBBER GLOVES 5PECIAI. 88c KOTEX SPECIAL TWO•PACK Reg. $1,02 FOR h5c NEWCOMBE Pharinaq PHONE HU 2.9511 CL !NTC