HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-25, Page 11RCAF Association's Banner Highlight of the 12th RCAF Association Con- vention held in HalifaN was the presentation to the Association of their new banner. The banner: con- sists of the RCAF Association badge on a light blue background with, a design of gold maple leaves along the inner edge. The silken banner, completely 'bordered with a gold tassled fringe, will be mam- tained at the association's head office in Ottawa. Fascimilies of banner across Canada, will contain a narrow white swath below the badge 'with the name and number of the particular wing, Ad -r astral 'Park New of tondesbarc n ..q.. , ar were pleased to !hear that she has returned home from Vic- garr�,irgndelut -r, :>�9 D#�fi .1' /� MAHN 1 Money vas also voted 'for Phope Yslyt r 47 r:4 Soc,,`. /� Rehm rid Mr§ W J• Taylgr NRY4mber �#. The B s 1a,d^ Christmas. pre,54mits to like PX4. i?orc ter were r.. , econt vlsut a r a' res wil1. h ld the r Bazaar i 1? News Edptor:; Aepp ►heron ,— thane HO -2,7449 ors with Mr, and Mrs. Hargld the community _hall on October +he booths will include. ktTlult- Livingstone. 30 at 2.30 p clock with a `25c G4114 Meet$ GV11414 tn"P 'sadgpted" -childran i%isitgrs over the weekend tea -to follow, The October* ✓nesting �f the a Uaenlnase child aid .a Korean, oar lion, TrYenty-one mMibens with Mrs. Townsend and Doro- thY Were Miss Jane Chapman Mrs, Webster bad the secre- tiny read a letter which She e abar}t ,ChlaPea Guild 'tgpk a d and iSs Doris Barron, Toronto. had received from Korea with plgap October 15 :Liu the .chapel annex, presided -over by Mrs, Refhoslm nts Yore served'by William Ross, Sr,, is at Pres- crit a otic tin Clinton Public a. plea for help to clothe child- o five to 15 years, who Delo from A Toch, A period of .divine Mrs. Fretts :god Mrs.. Boys, , t Next meetutvg orf the Prod ar► P n. Hospital, having undergone an ng t leper parents. Any- one who has good used cloth- r areaaizng -rvaS given by MSS, Bingham, gha'm, Guild 'scheduled fax Navetn- ber U. operation orn Monday, wank Little, whp suffered a ing to spare please lop, at the church. The Iasi genera] Business for itlae evening, For the bazaar and tea, •tick• broken arm ,recently; is making favorable -progress in Clinton meeting of the year will be ,ort December 3. mostly oon,ceTaed the comin • g anzrwal b aa+r wln;ich 4 -hi. OU ane already an sale •apt 35 cents from all; members of the public Hospital. Erie ds f M Arch CX k COLT Off1cers '.>i";hMrs,� .Orta 'As! 190— Cli"t90 "ews R1Pcord-!, .Pg9Q 1'1 1957 CA D1�, AC in A-1 cQnclitian• M7 ;FQRD. STATION WAIGQN* with .radia, :in M 145 I L JEEP than .......•b W.,�...1� . ,with. hydraulic blade send winch on regr and :C;AB,OYER TOW TRUCK; 101% DOWN yeax`, will. be b,eld imi November 24, _. Guild. This will take place at Air Ma;rshala I-Tugh Campbell n ..q.. , ar were pleased to !hear that she has returned home from Vic- The senior group g P of the CGIT met ort Wednesday, Qc- toper 17 /� MAHN 1 Money vas also voted 'for wblic S!ohagl rcrm 2 'ko. 4.30 tonin Z ospital, London, after a to elect officers for 1962-63, Karen M ertest Christmas. pre,54mits to like PX4. lengthy illness. Allen , was elected president; Donna Shob- ' Phone HQ '� 9g79 ; < Helen Huard.' is Presently in Clinton Public Hospittal for a +he booths will include. ktTlult- Recent visitors with. Mr, and 1VIrs. Robert I'airservice "Fere brook, first vice-president;- lion- (behind Post O. ffice fin Victoria Street) tonsi!ll;iltds operation, s- balbgt pick- ting ,and eW4ngl g; els and �pmeserve table; white Mr, and Mrs. Jarrtes Marr and nie Kennedy, second vice -prey - dent; press secretary, Linda Sgecta'Itztng in Wheel' BolonGing --- Tune -Up Louise Tremblay wi>a cede- elepharut table oanldy a'nd three daughters, Brussels,• Miss Thomson. The senior roup g qnd Automatic Transmissions >weanor MoKenz�e lIamtlton trate her 11th, birthday on �nio5ratyi Iboot>h., gas well gs a and Miss Helen Coo er Glin- Oatcbe'r 30, p. ; - _. fish 'pond dor ohildh'on. tQn; The secwtaryiMrs, H, My- Anniversary FUN FOR PRE-$CBOOLER ers, reminded members and Anniversary services w r e ON RAINY DAY$ their friends that she has box- well attended on Sunday. Rev, will meet .every gbher Wednes. day in the Sunday School rogm, Girls. of nigh school age are welcome to join the group, p F es of ' •Hia�stty Nates" on sale. Harold Snell, Riverside United . Work Meeting To entertain the pre-schooler These aa,e very aVWactively Church, London, delivered two Of Knox Presbyterian Church bell; stewardship and. training, on xainy :days, mix up some done with a print of the pre- play dough for him. Mix to- interesting and impressive ser, mons, Two fine solos, The ' London Speaker gether one cup of flour and Sent RCAF protestant Civapel. OWL To ]?rive one cup of water to inalce a Y Penitent" and "If God sq clothe ,; the Grass by G, Weber, were vices ,at Presby- ; < soft, pliable dough. When the The convener of ,the 041010l c enjoyed. The choir also con - Health texaan Church, Clinton, to hear Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., D.D., dough is of the right .consis- Womenv's League annual, toy tributed three splendid anthems. °--:• = tency, colour it with a few drive ifor ut1derprdylleged' chic-UC1A/ Meeting ' addresses to the churches he drops of food colouring, and dren, w.ish'es 'to than;c all ladies Wait .and see all the anmais who helped mnalne'tlln�s collection The general meeting of the united Church Women was held 0 F k that can be created, a success. Mrs. Rita Lapointe on Monday evening. Business " Au6urn an District MRS. WES BRADNOCK---Correspondent Phone 526-7595 Alvin Plunkett is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Miss Diane Kirkeonnell visit- ed last weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Crawford in London, Mrs. Charles Asquith is visit - Ing in Blyth this week with her sister, Mrs. Frank' Rogerson. Mr, and Mrs, Durnin Phillips, Lurgeon Beach, near Kincardine visited relatives in the village on Monday, Mrs. George Haggitt and in- fant son,. Michael George, ar- rived home from Clinton Public Hospital last weekend. Friends of Lloyd Raithby, London, are sorry to learn that he is a patient in a London hospital Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Arm- strong, Detroit, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. John Houston. Misses Esther Hendricks and Loretta Garrett, Grosse Point, Mich., spent the weekend with their friend, Miss Ella Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen returned this"week after a two weeks visit with Peter Brown at Riverside. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asquith, Toronto, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Charles Asquith. Miss Sadie Carter, Goderich and Mr. ,and Mrs. Reg. Carter and family, Port Elgin, visited with friends in the village last Sunday. Mrs, T. W. Hazelwood, To- ronto, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. William To Robison, returned to her home last weekend. Murray Rollinson attended the Eastern Canada Congress Festival of Praise sponsored by the Salvation Army at Toron- to last week. Mrs. Betty Crete and her small son, Wdndsor, returned to their home after -holidaying with her uncle; Arthur Youngblut and other relatives, The children. of the schools in .this area had a holiday while their teachers went on a con- ducted tour of some of the Ham- ilton schools. Mr. and Mrs: Oliver Ander- son, William and Miss Nancy visited last Sunday. with Mr. and .Mrs. William Kruse and Miss Elizabeth ' at Kitchener. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies were Mrs. Al- bert Doerr, Mrs.. Jean Scruton, Mrs. Ellen Bachstader, Mrs. Edith Miller and Mrs. May Cro- zier, all of Streetsvi-11e. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Powell, Miss Rose Marie Haggitt and Mrs. Eppie Carrick, Goderich, attended ,the funeral of the Tat- ter's niece, Mrs. J. Knobbs, Trenton, Mich., last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phil- lips returned last weekend from a -'two "week's vacation in Florida. T h e y accompanied Sheriff and Mrs. Harry Sturdy, Goderich and Miss Betty Stur- dy, RX, Stratford. •Institute Project Mrs. Thomas Lawlor and Mrs, Lloyd Humphreys ,attended the, classes at Wingham for -the fall project,"143 lbs• of meat", sporn' ed by the Ontario De partment of Agaricu1ture. They will conduct classes in the buy- ing, cooking, carving and serv- ing of meat in the week of No- vember 12-19, with two one -day sessions. Anyone wishing to at- tend these classes sponsored by the Auburn Women's .institute please contact the leaders by November I. FIRESTONE TRUCK TRACTOR PASSENGER TIRES 1 11 FROM SMALLEST TO LARGEST AT SCRUTONS' FIRESTONE 24 PkINCESS ST. CLINTON H U 2-1691 LOOK INSTALL YOUR OWN PIRtSTONE P�WAN NT TYPE F 16 JONE ANTI FREEZE AND SAV CALL IN SOON also 'thamilas .all the Gyri Guides was conducted ,bY the president � , ;;.:: •• �, ., ;; ' for their helping hand,. when various projects were un- E `: > •::" Local Association der discussion. Harry Ball gave .,. � ,• � �; Tire +follbwirng lad'l'es motored an interesting talk on a tour to Spain and Portugal which a to Fergus on October 20 for a he and Mrs. Bali enjoyed last cornlfen'ernce in leadership amain- winter. An invitation was re in;g: Mrs. X. A. Spano, Mrs. ceived from the Holniesville R. Burnside, dVlrV. E, Davies; ladies to attend their bazaar on i C� Mrs. Mrs. YY�7r� .. Slub�0'Ulrin. Mrs. W, Maxed and ,Mrs. K. Lapointe, Younggir'is of s Station FAA dship Clab Attend Farewell will in 'turn, aX profit from with her ;pa'remltis, Mr: and MM, ery 9milth; citizenship and, com- Members of the congregation this derpstnmg session in Work Meeting Lunch was served by the hos- Of Knox Presbyterian Church bell; stewardship and. training, 'g sh, wAvC 4 piatures of Old Fort. along with Blyth Presbyterians attended the anniversary ser - St. Andrew's London Speaker The Friendship Club of Tri-, Plans have been made tori vices ,at Presby- coldurful costumes of the last November 11 when the young people will be in charge of ntity Aniglican Church met in Health texaan Church, Clinton, to hear Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., D.D., At Auburn ,the parish, �halll on October 17 and chose conveners and help - an preach anniversary services. These These •also were his farewell for ;the nveners tea and ' addresses to the churches he o Institute Meeting bazaar being planned for No - 0 F has served for over 20 years.. vember 17. " At the morning service he chose the ✓text, Sir, we would AUBURN The Women'ls Inc ,in The meeting then was turn ed into a work session:, duartrug see Jesus", and at the evening service spoke on "The Bright stilbu$a mot the Menioita•1 Community Hall with, president whndh cupboards were cleaned 1� To -morrow," The large con- Mins.. Ed. Davies in the chalir. .gtiflts w a'iaie and tables the evening wag 3ohhn McData- greegations present at both ser- Mrs. Gordon R. 'Taylor was set :floe' 'a bantquet which follow- Bert Niosi vices paid tribute to their pas- piar slt. Minutes were read ' ed the next day. A ,top name Canadian i for b their attendance at his y farewell services. secretary Mrs. 'Tltrorrvas Haggitt The• Club will meat cru Tum" �g 'Dirndl. urnusde, is axnarvg , Goderich; was thairm'an of the and! tithe! tinatneial statement was dray, O'ct'ober 30 at 8,15., This tease heard on the Tuesday Homemakers accepted as read, is a change in meeting night, evenum'g CBC radio network The sixth meeting of the Au- Guest spew W Alderson, since Hall'awe'e71 falls on the program,, Canada's Big, Bands:. bum Sprouts 4-1-1 Club was held London, told of safe use of regular night. Other' featured ,ane: Ellis, Mc - with the mothers of the girls as special guests. The president, electricity on the farm and in Hostesses Mrs. W. Beek, Mrs. Lintock, Arlt Morrow, Dave ' J Dobie was in charge. the home He stated that it is E. Baofflff and Mrs. B. B,ardflf Pepper and Dave Rabbim. Thhee minutes were approved as the safest form of en ergy but served lunch, (CBC Photo) read by Rose Xa;rie Haggitt and must .have comtplete control A t roll call was answered by each girl naming a raw vegetable she could ,take to school, Of It at all' lorries. He hold about the hazavd of frayed electric cords, Pow Canadian,Pictures Shown Bring Quk-k A • discussion took place on ground wires amid inadequate service. He showed the making of salads and the proper dressing to use on them. Mrs. Davies demonstrated an sinteresting film on the use of eleatrIci�ty` At Auburn Horticultural bei to, 'taike further sidpg ,4611 1161-t` At Saattile On tied new re how a relishplate can be made A med9'ey of old sora � was wllrtd fts ttrunt for highw'Iuy they Went til.bugh I-lufth Coiltvty. with radish roses, celery and playedby Mrs. George MRliian. carrot curls, lettuce, onions and MrS• Loyd Humphreyes was ap- AUBURN—Pictures of rrna,,W Saskatchewan,and Albexrta, .and tomato cubds. Marilyn Daer and painted assistant leader with places of interest across the showed .pictures of interest'such Barbara MacKay made a cab- Mrs. Thomas Lawlor for the Dominion of Canada were as Bamff, Lalke. Louise and then bage salad, and Jannett Dobie and Rose Marie Haggitt made fall project"1.43 %5. orn meat". An&ndtatdon, Shown art the Memorial Com- 'an to Victoria. They visited me - a potato salad.Htagg;itt was re'ald by Mrs. munity .Haul when, the Auburm lattives at several places in Vann All ;the members prepared drain Mrs. W, Hardy Homticultwrall Society held its couver and Victoria and 'alio salad .plates and the guests were of the, Ti ger" Dunlap branch rt'o open meeting, The president, the lovely Stanley Park ,and e(ly y served these and sandwiches al- attelnd ,a Heather course, Jana -"Mrs. Ekll. Davies was in, charge Queen Elizabeth Park. ong with coffee. Mrs, Charles •ary 28 to February 4., and pianist war, Mrs. Gordon From S'eattl'e ,they had pic- Millian 'thanked the leaders and Members requested a card of R. Taylor. tyres of ithe Canada exhlibnt ,at the girls for the invitation to attend the meeting. thanks be sent to Reg Bell, Minutes were read by the the W Adi's Fair and also the Goderioh for ]vis work in et- secretary, Miss, Gordian R. Tay- restaurant Which 'towers over "'-- bin ,tiveT Lague for the 1�a+R, g P low. She sbated• that the annual aN, the grounds on the end of Mrs, Donald Haines was aP- re ortu ,are ;here and that 14 a space needQe. •Coming home Knox United YPU Pointed delegate to the ,area new soci,_0. have been formed throughthe States they visited convveavtion 'at London an Na- venrlber 5 ,and 6. in� the 1'asst 'two ye. xrs ,in the Yellowstone Park and saw Oldls Faithful also Elects lune Mil pro'viince,• The annual meeting and Mount Rsuush- Mrs. Grd'on R. Taylor will be held in the King FA- more where the faces of four As New Pres'den the report of the card commit- tom' A l4tchen committee to ward motel, Toronto, on March 21 and 22. presidents are sculrpttured on the face of the mouotlasin. The look satfter the dishes 'and' the Mrs. Taylor also react a newsy- Taylors' Journey of 6,200 miles AUBURN — Miss June Milos sUVer in, the hail) was appoint- ed; Vis. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs, letter and gave some ti olty ti � chrysarnwas took them 24 days. was elected :president of ,the Geori a Milllldan 'and' Mrs. Gord- g u growling rrn�rrrs and ,gar'demm�;g. It was dam.cirng numbers were done by dancing the evening done by Knost United Church Young People's Satiety, Miss Mills has on R. Taylor. Thanks, was ex- teruded to M•ns. Arnold Craig decided' to white to Marshall y MI JannerGt •Dobie' •atnd Mass been. •ca'nvener of the nnimdow who hed madethe anniversary B'aritmnaan, Tmxnfta, who is a weld-ftown ,au'thori and t3' pub- M a aret Ha les,played a piano soda, Mrs. Beit Craig gave the arid' Christian outreach commilt� tee. She succeeals Matt�sha I cap- cake,, - tic speaker on wild dowers to fi,n anaial statemexnt Showing .a mans ,ahs leadier of -the group. Miss Margaret R. J'acksan come and' speak and Sh w pic- :ba4an,ce of $144.63 at t+h g ,time, gave an insipiring Thanksgiving > ; All, children -are to be Lucky door amines were, won Other new Officers, are Asst message and the moll call was remim,dled 'ab'out. the compeUtibn• Mrs. Gordon McClpnehey, vice.,res dent John McDowell, p answered by, each member telll- ��Scrapbook" am My Garden, A Aubrxrm an'd� James +Hemnblry, secre any, Martie Koopmans; isng ",a resdUttian, I would tike which must be in the hands of Dublin, The 75 members; and tr, v, Arvin S nelll,, Elm' p'aaaed!". Mrs. Wes Bvadnook the secretary before December gues to present were served convener, Anne g g reported on, the county rally 1. lunch by Mrs. Norman McDow- m-creatiohr, Donald McDowell; at ;Bhlemalle, CanvemLer of resin- Miss Gwen McDowell, teach- ells and Mrs. James Jackson, tun.ah, Norma Smith; speakers, MUMS, Mrls. Normah 'MODow- ,er of Fremlch in a Stratford assioted by s'ev'eral of the mnemes Lithia Andrews; faith a0d evan- ek was in charge of the tweet- Colft ate showed pictures of bers. Mel'iism, Shitron Ball; missions Ing, olulbiaS to be present- Rtes the trip she tisk this summer an'd Chrrisdan outreach, Marg- ed at ,the area, convention wesr'e with her ;pa'remltis, Mr: and MM, ery 9milth; citizenship and, com- read by Mrrs. Donald Haines, Norman McDowell. Sbatrting tnunitty service, Harald Camp- Lunch was served by the hos- east on their 22 delay trip She bell; stewardship and. training, tesses Mxs. Gordon, .Chwnney, sh, wAvC 4 piatures of Old Fort. Sandra. t*mnn Campbell. Min, William S;txrau an: and RenrY ,and lbhe +soldiers 4n the Plans have been made tori Mrts. AnwId Craig. coldurful costumes of the last November 11 when the young people will be in charge of Mental Health ceUtury; Quebec City with its' anoiemlt bilir'ss hiti e Plains the regular church serum in of Albnahau'n'di wgherea,athdeci5iv,e all three bhurdles: •iht lthe change. Meeting Held Here bottle was Tought, years ago. She gave, inrbLresrbitng a�t S.otupiturewasread by Shiryley laces od historical iinteh~est Snell, followed by -prayer by he, or- in the Maritime Provinces such . Betty Youhbgbl tt. Offering was ga�ation of a Ritrorii County ,as the home- of gVwilgelme, pic- recerved by ,Hamby Snell sncl brahth of the ,Caoaditn, Mental tures ok the wast fields of polta- Do old McDowell, Pianist, for Ut-atltth Asts0cu.at1brn 'was hetld' ki bees on Prince E'dwam0 Island the evening wag 3ohhn McData- thie Clixnboatr Town Hall barn Oc- lurid the famous Annapolis Val - 61i. tober 15, ,Retpresantatives were ley aril' .showed: show agu'icuttu're An umMOo on hiss been ac- Presea5it frKtrrr sreveval_ cemltx69 is carried o'ut in easlterrn oept 1romi, tDungatt'hon YPS in the county. Ralph E. Srnabh, Canada:. Har'a TTalloWe'ehu party at Dun= Goderich; was thairm'an of the Corning home through the gtahhoih on October 27, and also tneeltidnlg: United States, Miss McDdw'ell -to A YPS !meetihtg at $russel�s H. W. CJur s' Srhoa, f!&- d *showed pictures of the scenic rvckt Stuhday esrnitvg whom err 'rel'h1trLUzver irn W~te2tn' On_ route Itltt2ohrgtltsnounrCairns, AA 'speaker will be guest. Plans 'tadol for CW -1A explained the and of the visit to some of ttthi� are, alta made', tar atteo'd the orgianizatida ,and .sitructu ee of Vd nave's i'rn rgtnniia: RctutAft fall fal'ly att Walton: ,th aMociaibiorn at the national, hornle 'bY Vmy of Niagara Valls „----; . Ph � nclut arta brah'th levels, Choy conoluded a 5,000 mile uthey,l jj� ,a aims end objects f 1 SSi- led A t ;th-ethe Assoonag'In p&ftimlar Mm el Mrs GordonGorddon A. Tay, Bring Quk-k lboail level, weir Autlinled. pll&ns, wen+e made to iha've a during 1�'ovenry for :showed ti brr ptatur'es Ithey had: taken going tris;, the west aaMt •aid. atttleintdutng the, 'wild's pulilnc rneetrrrg bei to, 'taike further sidpg ,4611 1161-t` At Saattile On tied new wllrtd fts ttrunt for highw'Iuy they Went til.bugh I-lufth Coiltvty. Northern bntar+ro, lufaivttoliA, SNOWPLOWING TENDER Township of Tuckersmith SCAL90 TENDERS addressed to Mr, Andrew Hou. ston, Road Superintendent, (R.R, 3, Seaforth) and desig- nated "Snowplowing Tenders" will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, November 5, 1962.' The Township of Tuckersmith requires for snowplow- ing township goads during the winter of 1962.63: One truck which is to be of seven ton capacity or better and ,equipped with VtYpe. hydraulically operated Plow of 8 ft, minimum width and a hydraulically operated wing, All equipment and tender prices are subject to approval of the Dept. of Highways. Tenderers are to supply all re- quirements, carry ,public liability insurance and Workman's Compensation. The tender must state ,the flat rate per hour (no stand-by time). All work is to be done under ,the supervision of the Road Superintendent and the Dept. of Highways. Tenders to be considered on November 6, 1962. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. 1. McIntosh, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Tuckersmith., 43.4b NOW! CILTONE SATIN PAINT HAS COLORLOK ACTION... AND WE HAVE IT! '7Gz pwx.U,�. pu.+cYs atnairQan. Pncaa bP48D Sutter -Perdue ltd. Quality Hardware and Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies PHONE HU 2.7023 CLINTON WE HAVE�EW SHUR•6AIN VEALER i for extra profits from veal calf Production 6 An d(1 -new peodutt for effidimt ttohorhidcil veal production. e Slur -taro Veaier will produce Calves with the desired bloom far 'top grade in only fen weeks. 6 Frbfitable veal valvas with only 200 lbs. of Shur -Gain Vpcdler. SEE US TbbAY1 C0 lint"0n Feed MI'll 28 Hurart S ' Ientar -H 24819