HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-25, Page 2Page ,?-r-Clioto :New =ReeoRd�-,. Thprs., ,0414 '1909 -
A three months course an
Soggeston Offered
We seldom find it necessary to crit-
solution. s and all khat goes with it. And,
icise the actions of the bard work
they also expect a coiislderable number
mei?; who organize and continue to steer
of their membership to attend as well
the many farm .groups in their diverse
and get into the spirit of the thing,
interests and objectives,
They must expect all the fanners in the
But we're going to criticize the
county to come because each year they
biggest farm group now. We iXiean the
distribute county -wide a newspaper'
county Federation of Agriculture.
which outlines, the work of the Feder -
These men are the cream of the
aton during the past year, and issues
crop as far :as leadership capabilities ga.
an olden invitation to all to come. This.
They've been chosen from the grass-
goes into. over 7;000 home,%
roots at the township and school sec-
Yet how many people does that
tion level, and by the time they've Work-
hall at Londesboro hold? Well, we'd
ed their way up to be directors of the
wager about :300 at the very outside.
county Federation, they've really ac-
` Now the result is that people know
complished something t4 be ,proud of.
they can't get inside to that
The directors of the in
and they don't come, ' The Federation
a rural county such as Huron and it is
could Have the Canadian • Minister of
the leading agricultural county in .the
Agriculture himself invited t. spear
province—have a huge job in their
and they would not be able to accomr
hands. We give them full marks for the
modate more than those first 300.
effort they are putting into it.
We'd like to see this thriving, grow-
$ut our criticism is this; They're
ing, idea -producing farming .county of
ours expand that annual meeting into _a
much to ?Ynodest.
full. day -long affair, probably from 10
They've got a crowd of directors
a:m. until 4 p.m. and hold it in •a large
and adherents, and supporters conning
enough centre that about triple, that
to their annual meetings every year
many farmers could attend. And we ful-
in such numbers that the good ladies of
ly. believe that those Federation of Ag -
the village of Lon desboto have to lay
riculture men could come up with a
iwa table settings to accominodate thetas
sparkling program which would entice
all for noon dinner.
so many . members into this large hall
directors expect all • of these
that they'd need microphones in order
directors and adherents and supporters
for the speakers to be heard—and a
to stay for the annual meeting .and hear
lot of chaps who'd like to .attend such
the sparkling guest speaker, and enter
affairs would know that there would
into active discussion and formulate re-
be a seat waiting for them.
Merely Confirmation
Despite the front page stories in
set up by the government at Ottawa.
city newspapers, last week announcing
We do not think the authorities will
that Clinton's $90,000 public building
stop trying to give us this additional
had been deleted from the 1962 esti-
mates for public works, we fail to see.
It is up to Clinton people to see
any need for discouragement.
that when public works employees visit
At least there is no more need for
our town to decide upon a site, that
discouragement in this regard now than
interference in their decision is elimin-
there was last month, or for that mat-
ter, several years ago.
The work of the post office in
This $90,000 public building, is in
Clinton affects a wide area, and should
more familiar terms, "a new post
not be hampered by the opinion of a
few. The staff should be permitted the
To those who are new to the com-
best accommodation possible, so thaat
munity—and therefore probably more
'their work can be carried out speedily
conscious of the need for better accom-
and efficiently.
modatioin there than those of us who
We mean no inference that their
have become inured to the old one—a
work has not been efficient—the staff
new post office, has been in the gov=
at the Clinton Post Office deserves the
ernment's plans for Clinton for some
commendation of all who do business
time. The post, office department wants
there. They are courteous, accurate
one. The publicworks department has
and ready at all times to help anyone
the job of getting it built,
requesting even out -of -the -ordinary ser -
The only reason, that Clinton has
not got a new post office, is that there
But they are working under cer-
has been too much in the way of con-
tain handicaps, and as Clinton and the
flitting opinion reaching Ottawa from
surrounding area grows, these will
Clinton, with .regard to the location of
this post office.
There -is now about four weeks left
There are some who prefer the
before nomination night, and the time
present location, despite the disadvan-
for selection of the municipal council
tages of being on a triangle bounded by
which will govern Clinton's affairs for
a provincial highway on one side and
the following year. These are the men
a county road on the other, and limited
who have the responsibility for smooth -
space which does not provide room even
. ing all obstacles towards the town haw
for present needs.
ing a new post office building erected
Wood Harvest of the Future 171,UGAR and SPI
For ,tlhe past ;two weeks, I've trail prf cookie <ertunbs, baam4.
ocean. ' babccallvl it," 'T a# is, if Sieials ani Rlxple cor'ets fIrpm
there's such a thilo 4s bath, one ,egnKi of the home to bile
elor with two,great',''a g gumphing other,
ebilorm, X have, No, my wife
hasn't left me. Ntit log as ex* I d'id' 1eor n, one ,t'hlog .dwr»
eitimtg' that. (ing` :this arallimg fortnnglrt,.
I lnadlrr't been left
alone With found out that-' my Fife was not
tire kids for yeeis'—neat Since just an old )swab, 4.s the kids
,they were quite small. In those and I had firrarrly believed for
,Gimes, we all enjoyed it thor- Yetam Dur;>aUg the last decade
oURhly se► wheni Mowent away she has atrvEormed us a least
for •a few days: Not only .d`rd twice a week, that We are A
we get the Old' Batt]eante :off brio of "filthy burr" al=
our 4cVks, but :reverted jpyfully ter 0atively, " d!irty slaps;" She
to the, pigs, that men, and small has toldus rfail"ully, and to our
children really .are .at )leant, faces,, that we are selfish
We ate whatever and when- 111oughitless and useitess, We
ever •and Wherever We pletased• j .0 s t shrugged it off. W e
We Telt the dishes ,pileup In the thought all women, tallied like
sink ant the dlirvt pile up on the that,
float, with equal ind!iffer%ce Well let rise ,be the first to
We wore tho same sacks, for admit 'pubn'ioly that she was
days, It was a real holiday, right. At least, , She Was idght
even UuOugn we always oau'gbt albout 441,- laid5, It's incearceiv-
This young forest (lett) will not be ready for the harvest, until after the year 2( 100 A,D. supreme +hath when the boss .got able . that t o children tie h o
Yet because it represents Canada's woodland, wealth of tomorrow, the speed and manner of -blame. have Ib4ean trained %orc ye rr,
its development are important to 411 Canadians, Today through such methods as soil analysis "' * an the good, old-fashioned vw-
(right), foresters are learpigg more than ever before about tree growth, and thele studies are But something, has, happened t u es ,oaf •1?vdustaY, cleau?limless,
constantly bearing fruit.. shnce those dasws. Either I've helpfulnessand obedience could
grower a flat older, or the kids be so lazy, dloW, unhelpful and
To remind Canadians of their .dependence on these woodlands, and of the efforts have ,grown a Lola more comp- UPPY.
made to manage then; effectively, National Forest Products Week is currently being held. l'icated, or our houselhold' -air- Here and now I make some
From the forest conies, for example, the raw material of the pulp and paper lnclustry, rantgernlentS ,have iivoxleas'ed im- prom s'c�s, Never Vain, will I
Canada's leading producer, wage payer, and exporter, menvely an complexity. t h i. s walk .out of mmY shoes' and! leave
From -Our Earl
40 Years Ago
Nalined their supplies from high.
A three months course an
agAculture and -home econiom-
xhursdiiy, October 26, 1922
ics, including rnililimry, sewing
i o
YOU WILL —Earn 3 %2 /o interest on minimum
-and, domestic science will be
The butcher shop of R. F:it-
given an •Clinttaru this winter,
zsimons leas been in the hands
superintended tby S. B. Stith-
of .the painiter and paper hanger
ex~s,•.agxricu'lltural rerpreseinitartive•
acrd a fine job hats been: dune.
We've ,given sup growing lem-
J. E. Cook Inas had a back kit-
am inn; ,01irntan an'd have taken
c hewn eMedted at his home on
to growing peaches insltead,
"Vinegar Hill)."
Baled) hay must now :be tatg-
study of wagesi ankt, sail ar y rates
g+ed with weligiht and rename and
25 Years Ago
address of the :bailer, Penalty
paid women, jab levleks, career
for failing to do tthis is $5 for
each bale not so labeled.
apporturnties, pension and re-
The schoolhouse weslt of
Thursday, October 28, 1957
Brtuc'ebieild is iahxrosit completed
Hydro crews •are tralc' don
and ,is expected' to be e&ady for
some old. poles -alongCliinvtan's, s
use -by ChrWtr nas.
main -thoroughfare.
Remember that American
Clirntom, is one of three tenures
coinage is not a legal tender ah
an, Onitaiiio to have a special
the past office. If it is refused,
tara4 nWg ,school for junior home -
this Is on strict instruction tram
making chubs "Cottons accestsor-
ies for the club girl's bedh o am J'
Until this year there had been no to some other road.
Miss F;lwa Dun -An, Dungannon,
40 "Years
ears Ago'
the local leaders.
Mrs. Amos Oshbaldeslton and
Miss Margrarelt Biggi n are Chari
selling lots in non-developed land, and anyone living on the new part of Town-
ton lleader+s.
Thursday, October 26, 1922
A lairge, gathering at the Leg-
then the new home owners were ex- send .Street can testify.
ion HaNI honoured Mr. and, Mrs.
There are 825 natmets am the
Eldon O'Brien. Gift were a
voters ]lust for CLintan. now post-.
beautiful Coleman, lamp and an
ed in clerk McPhersbm's office.
elggamlt tlaor rug.
Sit, James Church WA Mid-
Brack lin, 1897 a shipment of
dle;ton has shipped' a bale of
five carloads of organs was
clothes worth, $150 to New Lis-
m;adoe from the piano -fadmy to
Holland and Germany. Ailsa two,
Jahn Radford, LOndesboro ;is
organs w2l be shipped direct to
picking apples 'this week and
the Imperial Mugical Ins'ti'tute
most .of the villagers have ob-
in; Jiapan.
Adine writes
tnrne, it was no fun. Z}t was theaxr 1yLnlg' cru •t1 -e• mnddue "- idle
Just plain b'orintg, not to risen- kitchen. Never a g ra i n w'i71 I
tion exhanrstiog, I've never be- leavre empty oder bottles and
en so glad to see anyone as I heaped ash trays all over the
TFiles was 'to sere the old Trouble 'n Joint. Never tagain will I hang
Strife when, she walked in; the my jacket on top of the re -
It ,ll othw evening and started -glar- £rigeatattor- Neves' again will I
1 Years Ago Ing around tea see what kiT4d' of snort contemptuously whoa my
mess we'd made. wife wags about the sloppiness'
CLINTON NEWS-RCCORD In Ithe old days, cooking was of the kids, and hand her that
Thursday, October 30, 1952 fun when I was left in charge, old bromide, „They're just nor -
There was flair and imaginta- mal .cahfidhvn'."
Alex F. Cudma re layed the tion, vision and, variety, in our Never!
cornerstone far the new Clinton, x � �
Public Schaal. �mernu, We might start orff with
A plowing bee .of 30 mese add a bowl of Pablum, gan-Ached And I do further promise
trarCtPlooa's horned over m Gadd with pineapple. The next course that forevermore hereafter, I
might turn ,out to be sheat pies will pick up my socks, Wash
for Logan, CFeave, amid for Ralph and ice creams. We'd, wind up the wring off 'the bath tub, wipe
C3onnisih, both of the Bronson with chocolate bars and or my feet at the 'door, and force
Line, Sitardey Township. cherry barns land French (riles. the bids' to ,help wtih the dWles
Huron Co apevative Medical The kids loved my.cooking, and every night. With a whip, if
S'erviaess report 3,588 contracts there was never a scrap left need be.
coveming 8,883 people. over. - And I 'hereby retract every
7lhere are 300 girls in train- Somewhere in the inttelrvenx snide remark I have ever made
Ing at Station Clinton. ing yelars, these youngsters about running a house beilrng a
Andrew Y. McLean, Seaforth, have been ruined, They've turn- soft Jo uehl. It's not, Looking
is the Lilb'eoul candidate for theafter -a house and raising,a
next federal election in the rnew ed Trots horrible Kittle conform- fiaarrvl is all right for th e
riding of Kurmr. fists• They want meat and po- Y
Uatoes and regular dessert ,said bird's -- birth th'eniy feed, them
A second raise t of town lar wall milk -and aAl that sort of junk fo 'a few weeks, rthen kick them
d made to raise the .balance of that dirties a, lot of dishes and Out and move on to ,a new
$10,000 needed by the Lions is ialso pretty dull. And; in be- house -- but -it crushes the sen -
Club to finishinstalling arrtafic- tweean meals, they have 12 little sitive srphri'ts' of such people 'as
vel rice in the arenb. snacks each, strewing a sordid (Continued, on page 5)
Canadian Quiz
1. In what year was the faralt
trams-A•tlrantic cable laid?
2. Lasa year which was great-
er,•the total of personal.
savings of Canadians or
their notal' tax payments?
3. Where and' in: .wham yew
was the first practical use
of eileotrieity in Canada?
4. W>hiat is the origin of the
name Yelawknife, N.W.T.?
5. Haw many of Canada's
6,600,000 labour farce. are
membeit, of trade unions?
ANSWERS: 5. At the end of
1961-uniorrn membership totalled,
1,446,942. 3: In the, 1880s, in
Quebec, when, eleotricnty was
used to light textile, twills. 1.
In 1858 krone Xrelamd to New
There is no doubt in our mind but in 1963.
that the public building for Clinton will • We out that it is up to the
M' am '- o f many
foundQand. 4. From a northern
Indian tribe, Yellbwkaiifes,
be included in the 1963 estimates, as electors to make wise decisions,
burden to the taxpayers in the other recognize these when they arise, and
of rather 'snit salary earner,
who carried- br'ightt-coloured
i o
YOU WILL —Earn 3 %2 /o interest on minimum
The week of October 14--20
as well as, with her usual
krAmes made. of native capper.
2. savings totalled $1.3
Praise Dine To Councillors
was observed ovation tally asBus-
iness Women's Week' This or-
orea'tians and hobbies.
Perha, with some of these
billion, tax payments
p Yrnealts strait $IO
-=--Be able to write cheques'on your
ganaaaioxn is endeavouring, a-
ideas ,inmind -the Women's Bur-
There is a great deal of praise due - These restrictions, although they
Mang other tthingsi tt'a improve
ithe status: of women with mine
eau, Department of Labour, Ot-
taws., -is distributing ;a .new 44
to members . of the 1962 council of the seem fairly tough in some regards, do
study of wagesi ankt, sail ar y rates
page booklet on, "Job Training
town of, Clinton for their action in provide protection to those who build.
paid women, jab levleks, career
for the Mature Womvdn Enter-
Long, slow cooking is recom-
mended for
and ettin in operation, a The. know when they have a building
preparing g g i? , Y. g
apporturnties, pension and re-
in or Re -Entering the Labour
meats, reminds the
foods and nutrition department
feasible and apparently acceptable permit that when their home is finish-
tirement P'a's and with laws
Fwce," .focussing 'attenition on
at Macdonald Institute, Guelph.
method of ensuring proper procedure ed, it will be provided with water, .hydro
dealing wtih equal' pay, taxa
job dThd preparation,
High temperatures produce
with regard to opening up new sections and sewage service, and there will soon
tion, 'Inheritance, mianixrivam
wagie, jury service sand other
fax thein;,
meat that is tough, stringy and
dry. A lower temperature {325
of land for the construction of homes, be a passable road from their driveway
public rnatixns,
are• many types, ,of
degrees F'.) produces juicy and
Until this year there had been no to some other road.
1Vlain 11 think of the rape
�' st' '
s't'ork in, which the relirability
and stabiitiby of mat !city, Prov-
tender meat that will be a
restrictions with regard to sub -dividers These things are important, as
• of women' solely las wife amid
hied .a woman possesses tihese,
credit to every cook,
selling lots in non-developed land, and anyone living on the new part of Town-
mother, bust 'women are individL
,give leer an advatntage as a
her still; another source of be-
then the new home owners were ex- send .Street can testify.
uallsts,� as va kdl as riser+ an
candidate far . - .
o atlohilal ca: aoL
ur p ty. Such hob-
tires may range firam g�"d'�ng'.
pected t0 proceed as best they might Growth in Clinton is bound to
their capabilities, as they have
t needs in,
Oneof her first needs in seek-
toet proper services and roads to their occur. More and more homes will be
g p p
Proven' by achieving so mulch
g �a jab is to ]ioalc st hex carp-
lots. needed. More and more subdivisions will '
nn all walks 'af life'
acEdes objectively and' toy to
malcahng, rphotagr'aphy'-the wide-
The agreement which Clinton re- have to be developed. We feel that the
I do not believe in: women .nn`e;asure (their usetfulnetss n the
quires asub-divider to sign, is one, which procedure required now in our town wade young children 'workinglabour market ... Then she
includes a number of regulations which' will lead y proper outside the home, or desertion
paepa a;citi "
, quite easily into the roper to by the ilJivesis or desertion "The o'cdupationa,l capacities
must be adhered to before the town development of these new -areas. • of ,the traditional bread-wianner
Sptcial Discount Savings!
Fresh -- Locally Grown
TURKEYS °Yen Beady . 47c ib
Average 10-12. tbs. .
Oven CHICKENS Average 4-6 Ibs......... 419 ib.
POT ROAST ............... only 55c The
Beef Brisket 3 lbs.
Beef. Braising Ribs for $1.00
Tulip Margarine — 5 lbs. for $1.00
Modern MEAT Market
Hu z•4731
at British Mortgage
will accept responsibility for roads and In all probability additions to the
services. This seems only fair, since present procedure will need to be made,
otherwise the very addition of new In like probability, the. men who govern
housing developments would prove a Clinton's affairs will be such as to
of the fanny. Theme ,are ex-
eeptionst though to emery rule,
and' some are able to carry on
sudaessfully in, a double,_r.ole
ofthe warnvarn of martu years;
the 'bookl'et stresses, "Are ra-
_abed iii her eater life of Living.
Xf most orf her life blas. of
snit '�' her 'awn ''°7ie' �"h1e
. ,
Open a SaYi(ngs Account I.t today
burden to the taxpayers in the other recognize these when they arise, and
of rather 'snit salary earner,
well alnaive acquired, skills iris
i o
YOU WILL —Earn 3 %2 /o interest on minimum
arts of town. take proper steps.
p p p p •
Inldusltry hays capitalized: iii
ed oa
housekeeping and �housebAd
, half -yearly balances.
• "Just a line or two to let letting lth'e 'rent of the public
Letter to the Editor know I the band C ainiton know how
work �e�and, woman z poorill ,
odic), pbarNy trained �amucl fmdis
,management •tihat may stand `
hlcT in good Shead. Home anus-
sing may q' tuckered' her
-=--Be able to write cheques'on your
yi u' enjoyed,, of you feel
} e7T;eltf in an d"ferior positiomc
savings account.
conceit .an Sunday. I :hope vire about our
as a wcyrker. Those •are scalae
interest4h, dookitng after the, ill
Praising Band we Will b abbe to hear OmOther `)Thank you so much, 'it is
a the problem being aired and
or, `i'n'firm. if she has children
--- Find it Convenient to use free
''he EdRon oneert ore the calci' weather shire to :know 'thalt people do
To -dray I received a l:ettla.• tames. I would be *wiling Ito 'appreciate efforhs •and Hke
legislation is being sought by
the Humnests Womexn tb
of her am,, her i ilsights into
Chili) ;behammor may be aro .�
riV Ol
addressed stamped envelopes f
frcmm an anonymous music lav- pay if I cmAdi )Tear it agauan, what they see and boat` as the
You have something to bre
carie these inequalities!.
m iteachin'g or in some, held of
dliald darer It She :held' ajolt
depositing by mail.
er a& Clinton, Which Z an veiny prove) Cfinf4n. Commuunity Candert' a1'd
pleasedand pratud to acknow- of to be letader of ,a 'band like MatchingBain! goes waech
Statisttics show that womean
'to-diay` are m an'r3'In'g. younger,
earlier %n Iife, she may -want to
aailta �tli�e
wing Vo2cr money.
tart saving
� at when you ga to anathlem b3
fixuishimg their child beiarintg
fo,sabit _, at.
anh�anaumed s'Aotttin anyaifiW
� .Well,is all Slm�,ely,
a ars y'o'ublge ", and once, ftee
turningto her, timer docwpslt .
Visit: 0 b f f TCG' I;'Oda?,.
pecan a a :that in Lout
book, of the, history o, our George A. Wanioh,
,nu th
xturirng 'elr bhilditn,
C)lin Hanka. To Ithe set etw of this app>`e- )34ndwastet,
'The Contei,tis of thin apprecia- r�ntitibn nate, w.haev+ r you; treaty Clhnitorrn Othttario
have more l;eisufft years than
ever before, These factors! have
"Abbbies, and special inter-
q• woman. has cultivated
tion note is as follows: be, I -am 'fig the libettY of October 23, 1962,
given the NiAxes an!d mothers of
throughout her life otteng
to -day thi*6 ohalleinges tb iface.
her still; another source of be-
C��A�,oft New'swRecord
The timet iS to establish a scan-
se oaf dtUt�nitity apart
o atlohilal ca: aoL
ur p ty. Such hob-
tires may range firam g�"d'�ng'.
'A /(`/`"��1U UL
J.1/jt•„J UAUL
,ficin her
ern and littsbaxtd, roti toed
tb °thk�uh a5 her 1previotus .years.
anal ah 9a ilei esti lxr flocs;
U�eougti music; books,, dress=
& T RUm
Est. 186$ Amaigamated i0* Est. 4891
halve had to be she muss; be-
malcahng, rphotagr'aphy'-the wide-
Pu itshed ever Thursday y the
A�- Y Y �
Heart of Huron Count
ebri`i'e .a self�tnatialletr�'e�is,
hat eiitueh rindvidual'sslife;
0 •� ,� •� NT
� �
Clinton, bdtbrio — Population 3,369
4r ' ,s .•
,se,cand bli'' � 110
f w- then devlalop the s'hi'n ty to .
';give uYf :hea elf"� She Gritlst
� �'•
and may at, fua'av become A
means of eAttAng a living,
W J;YI J> J.`1
A. L. s cdU4URi0UN, 'Pulifiishiei� fbs�tet Warm abA 01W&' etiiutaot>'s "Spedial iihif:eresi:S may sterni
• � -
With •others as Drell ag wiso from valui,taa.'y worlr in
il WiLMA 'G, D NUIN, Editor C C N ii her husband,, thilk n; amd whichch a wornia, has: had in.in.L fi►
Ptjion lg. valuable. oxvb t'ianco Tri. rvorldhg
StJ$StwRIk�TION R4i'r S: Payable in advanc0 Canada and Great tjitaln: $4.00' a year, The third ohallbange, is by fi.l.1 'with Other people and in; or -
United States and Foteign; $5.50, Single 60p165 Teh C:'ez tS 'thesb 1em>gflheavirig Ywhft with- gjaz nOftg adtaivWt9 tthsit regjftrc
Authorized 'as second class n%il, Post Office Det�itll Ottaft emomaite :.i<nfeftUs, tidier by Idnow edge of the re'sfiiti:'r and
axed >"tiz+ paytnerrtt of postage in cash re gduCatioti, al" t�tiluisted work,srtyr�l+ycs o the 'cdamrritthity';rr
Edward Ri R6wiand,
Branch Manager;
At the Stoplfght,
Cil inion, Represofitative:
Hiroki C. Lawson
Ph tie w' 6 44 :M:"- fe- r S
o i-i�i � � � � nbu �' f1reoi' C11ht0n onto