HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-18, Page 12'Page 12 -,-Cl ntonn News-Recgird-,-'thuts., Oct, 18, 19$'
..Clinton Community
Concert and
Marching Band
On the Road
(By J. Robert Il[uard)
This week, our column will
be devoted to thanking the
people end organizations that
helped make to success of last
Sunday's entertainment on
the occasion of the visit of the
St, Marys Band,
Our sincere thanks a r e
directed to: (a) The St Mary's
Band, St. Marys, Ontario,
Canada, for their presence,
their colourful d'eanonstnration
on parade and at the park.
Also they have to be congrat-
ulated for the versatility of
.their band which, • they showed
later at the Legion Hall at the
reception. (b) The Lions Club
(Clinton) end the erresid'exut,
Stew Taylor, for the wonderful
gift of their flag and the offer
of support in the band's ,aoivi-
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ties,, (c) The Honourable Lionel
Bertrand, se'cr'etary of the Pro-
vauce of :Quebec .or the gift of
provincial colours. (d) Diok
Allen, who slid such a good job
.as master Ceremonies, (e)
All our honoured guests who
gave more colour- to this event,
('f) The Tuckey Beverages Co,
of Exeter for their assiertance.
With supplies for the reception
(g) They people who supplied
the public ad'd'ress sysitem, (h)
The police, Chief H, R. Thomp-
son, 'for his supervision of ttiraf-
(i) The Clinton News-
Re.cerd, the London Free Press
and .CKNX-TV for coverage of
the events. ((j) The president
of tlh.e. Legion, J, D. Thorndike,
,and the Legion (Branch 140)
Clinton for their co-operation
and use of the hall for the re-
ception; to the Auxiliary for
use of kitchen and facilities.
(1c) John Wise, senior
for member of the Clinton Band
for mounting and dism+an tieing
the PA system, and accommod-
ation of the bands at the park.
(1) All members of the
CCC&MB for a fine perform-
ance and the ladies under the
supervision of Mrs. Riechent
who managed the lunch de:-
partment. (m) Last 'but not
least, to the general public of
.Clinton and :district for a fine
turn out at the parade and at
the park. Your presence was a
big factor in a successful 'day
all around. Through 'the .s I-
ver,collection a total of $79.66
was realized for band funds.
The musical director, George
Womb., wants to add a special
thanks to all members of the
CCC&MB for a job we'll done.
member of the Mean n Band
Band practice next week will
be on Wednesday night, same
time, 'same place. But please
note, this is a change from the
regular Tuesday night.
Date for the commencement
exercises at Clinton District
Collegiate Institute has been
set for Friday, November 23,
and the event will be held
in the auditorium of the col-
Guest speaker this year will
be Donald Frederick Morgen-
son, BA, MS, who is chairman
of the department of psychol-
ogy, Waterloo University Col-
Bantams Lose Second Game
In Ontario •Ckampionship
Suffering their only two los-
ses of the season, Clinton ban-
taans went down to defeat in
the :Anal series of Ontario.
Baseball A'stsociation Bantam
"Be Tinlale,
Ajax won the final game ' 5-4
in Ajax on Saturday, October
13 utter having beaten Clinton
$4 on Thanksgiving Day, Oc-
tober 8 at Community Park
here. But Clinton has officially
protested against the Ajax team
on; three counts, The QB'A pro-
test committee is expected' to
meet this weekend.
Clinton lost Saturday's .game
in the last of the ninth inning
when their top pitcher Clare
Magee issued two straight
walks. Magee came in from
shortstop in the sixth to re-
lieve starter Doug McPherson.
Clinton had tied the score in
the tap of the ninth, after trail -
"GALLANT KNIGHT" -plastic chess men
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10% DOWN
ROY MANN Supertest
(behind POst Office oh Victoria Street)
Homemakers Bowling
ATTENTION! Homemakers
Bowling League - No bowling
this week. Please consult cap-
tains about bowling next week.
High single, Marg Thout, 292;
high triple, Blanche Betts,
603; high average, Phyllis Mc-
Iees, 205. Team with highest
total pin fall, Sweet Peas,
Scores over 200: Marg Thout,
292; Blanche Betts, 281; Sheila
Anderson, 254; Eileen Borden,
239; Irene Burke, 238; Noreen
Cote, 236; Phyllis Melees, 232,
226; Shirley Peterson, 220; Win
Naven, 215; Felice Peddle, 213;
Rose Currie, 211; Alice Nichol,
209; Ann Prokopetz, 208,
Team standings: Try Hards,
7; Go -Getters, 5; Real Mc-
Coys, 5; Sweet Peas, 5; Met-
eors, 4; Comets, 3; Blowers,
2; Satellites, 2; Astro-Nettes,
2; Dyna -Soars, 0.
leg since the second inning.
McPhersomu sttrucle out 11. bat-
ters in his five innings pitching
and Magee struck out three,
McPherson allowed four hits
and Magee two. Clinton's ten
hits were also well scattered.
Livermore .doubled and Dutot
singled in the second inning
which ;accounted for two runs.
Switzer and Magee singled in
tire fifth and sixth: respectively,
l:n' the eighth, Kingswell, Liver-
more and Duttot all singled in
succession; Kingswell was forc-
ed out and the other two were
left ,on. Again in the ninth
,three successive hits by Switzer
Pearrson's double and Magee''s
singlee producedthe tieing rums.
Only seven Clinton batters
were struck out ,by Ajax pitch-
en, Turner, who was the only
player who did not play in the
first game in' Clinton.
r h
Clinton 020 000 002-4 10
Ajax 003 001 001-5 6
Clinton Enters Official Protest
Against Ajax Baseball Team
The management of Clinttan
Fish: and Game Club -sponsored
bantam .baseball team have of-
ficially protested against the
Ajax team on; three points.
Ajax had defeated Clinton
two straight in the Ontario
Baseball Association Bantam
"B" final series,
Jack Canter, manager of the
Clinton team, sent in his of-
ficial protest early this week,
accompanied by the
Which must accompany same.
If Clinton wins their protest
the cheque wall be returned. J.
D. Thorndike, WOAA executive
member, who is• also on the
OBA executive, advised Mr.
Carter on protest procedure.
The three points an which
Clinton protested are: (1) The
Ajax management could not
produce player certificates at
the second game in Ajax on
October 13; (2) Ajax claims
8,138 population, whereas to
compete in "B" series in OBA,
population must be from 3,000
to 7,999; (3) That Ajax players
O'Shea and Carpenter are ov-
W L HT Pts.
Untouchables ...•16 2 6 38
Jim Dandys ....12 6 4 28
Jolly Jills 9 9 4 22
In-Betweenes .•9 9 2 20
Blows Unlimitei 8 10 2 18
Quitters 711 3 17
Dare Devils , 6 12 2 14
Twisters 513 1 11
High single, Norma Edwards
and Phyllis Mclsaac (tied) 273;
high triple, Phyllis Mclsaac,
703; high average, Deanna
Coutts, 219.
W L Pts.
Mustangs 6 3 14
Chevies 8 1 19
GMC's 3 6 6
Fords 1 8 3
High single, ladies, Betty
Graham, 206; men, Al Shoul-
dice, 248; high triple, ladies,
Betty Graham, 555; men, Doug
Layton, 557.
W L Pts.
10 5 22
8 7 17
7 8 17
Lively Ones
Defenders 510 12
High single, Mrs. Olga O'Sul-
livan, 244; bowlers over 200:
Mrs. M. Hurst, Tom Steepe,
Mrs. Robert McDonald, Mrs.
Fred Deichert,
'N L HT Pts.
Sooners 11 4 5 27
Fish & Game 10 5 3 23
Alley Cats 9 3 3 21
Lucky Lot ......,8 7 3 19
The 83's 7 8 2 16
Sliders 6 9 2 14
Lions 4 8 1 9
Pin Points 2 7 0 4
High single, Ken Flett, 361;
high triple, Bob Pickling, 828;
high average, Ron Burbridge,
W L Pts.
Suckers 9 0 21
Crabs 5 4 11
Minnows 2 7 4
Sharks 2 7 4
High single, ladies, Vera Tur-
ner, 189; men, Don Warner,
281; high triple, ladies, Vera
Turner, 503; men, Don Warner,
686; high average, ladies, Vera
Tusher; 168; men, Don Warner,
W L HT Pts.
Stars 6 3 2 14
Cleaners 6 3 3 15
Imps 6 3 2 14
Clubs 6 3 1 13
Drivers ....... 5 4 1 11
Budgies 2 9 0 4
Dabbers 1 3 1 3
Hearts 4 5 2 10
High single, men, F. Radford,
315; ladies, .B. Black, 270; high
average, men, F, Radford, 218;
ladies, Marg Carter, 184.
Legion Auxiliary
Bowls Fourth
The annual Legion Auxiliary
bowling tournaandnt took place
in Winghntn; Bowling lanes on
Wednesday, October 3 in which
Clinton Legion team Won 4th
prize, each member taking
home a set of bedroom lamps.
Those tin the team were Mrs.
George Knights, Mrs. Darold
Black, Mrs, '."orn O'Connell,
Mrs, Bill Harris, Y- s'•. Willli,am
Holland, Mrs. Herb FairService.
Mrs, 'I'. O'Comehell Won the
draw prize, !d abridge set.
High single v in this division
Was wen by plats, it F'anittsett lee
with a ,Seere Of 324 Who re-
cettved- a• a sahettie bag'
Guenther Tuckey 19
Chapman TV 19
Cloud Nine 18
Itchy Six 18
Brothy Goodyears 17
Little ;Bowl 16
Jim's Selects 13
Zurich 12
W L Pts.
Clippers 3 0 7
Rippers 'L 2 2
Flippers 2 1 ' 5
Zippers 1 0 0 0
High single, B. Archambault,
286; high triple, 13. Archam-
bault, 755.
W L HT Pts.
9 6 4 22
8 7 1 17
7 8 2 16
6 9 3 15
Glen Carter,
Gordon Rad -
single, Cliff
High average,
235; high triple,
ford, 807; high
Saundercock, 312
Vegetable Queens
Continue Project
The Clint o .n Ve:gertable
Queens met alt the home of Mrs.
H. iManaghan, Victoria Street,
on October 16 with ten present.
Viola Collins, president led in
the 4-H pledge. Roll call was
answered by presenting two
labels' from commercially can-
ned or frozen vegetables. Di-
anne Switzer read the minutes
of 'the sixth meeting. •
Members are to make some-
thing they have learned during
this project, and take it to the
next meeting. ].Miss Isabel Gil-
christ, home economist for Hu-
ron County will be present.
This will be held at Mrs. H.
Managhen's home on October
30 at 6.30 pen,
Mrs. Clare McBride
On Thursday, October 18, at
8.15 p.m. the United Church
Women of Goshen U n i t e d
Church will celebrate the 60th
anniversary of women's work
in Goshen, starting in 1902 as
the Women's Missionary So-
ciety and carrying through un-
til 1962 when the UCW was
Guests will be the UCW's of
Varna and Bayfield as Well as
former Goshen and Blake
The ladies hope that all for-
mer residents have received an
invitation. Should anyone be
inadvertently missed they are
asked to please dome along.
The speaker will be the Huron
Presbyterial president Mrs. G.
W. Tiffin, Wingham. Special
musie will be provider],
To compete in bantam - age
baseball, a player must not
have passed his 15th birthday
by May 1 of the year in which
he signs 'to play. The Clinton
management had been inform-
ed prior to last Saturday's
game that Ajax had already
forfeited, two games this season
because of aver -age players.
The official protest was sent
by sp
e nal delivery to
Antes, Petemboro, first vice-
president of the OBA. Regis-
tered letter copies of the pro-
test were also sent to borne,
Edward's manager of the Ajax
team and John Leask, Fort
Eerie, OBA bantam baseball
Second Death
Carlow Accident
Constant Stanley Bissett, 16,
RR 1, God'eayich, was the sec-
ond victim of .a car crash near
Carlow on October 8, which
claimed the .life of John Huiz-
inga that morning. "Con" Bis-
sett underwent an operation in
Alexander Marine and Genera/
Hospital, Goderich, following
the accident,' but massive brain
injury had been :suffered, and
he passed' away an Wednesday
morning, October 10.
According to the Goderich
Signal -Star published last week,
bath the Huizinga carload of
young people, and the other ve-
hicle, allegedly driven by Wil-
liam Saunders, 15 Stratford, al-
so bearing 'teen-age passengers,
had been Ott a midnight drive-in
threatre. Then they had set off
to look for a dance reported to
be in progress in the district.
Both oars were procee'd'ing
east on the county road, when
the Saunders oar made a left
turn, .and the Huizinga car in
passing, clipped the other car
on the left front fender. Then
the Huizinga ear veered into
the ditch, rolled and crashed in-
to a tree, which was imbedded
in the collapsed! roof of the car.
All occupants were pinned in
the car for an hour before be-
ing released by Ontario Prov-
incial Police and two wreckers.
The other two passengers,
Hans Bakalaar, • 15, RR 1, Au-
burn and Siddney Brurinsmna, 16,
RR 1, Bayfield, received mult-
iple leg fractures and other in-
juries. They were taken to Vic-
toria Hospital, London, at noon
on October 8.
"Con" Bissett is survived by
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Phil -
more Clayton Bissett, RR 1,
Goderich; four brothers, Tel-
ford, 15; Robert, 12; Frederick,
four and Michael, three months;
three sisters', June, 14; Ellamae,
six and Erin Colleenn, two, His
grandmother, MTs. Constant
Leopold Bissett, also survives.
Service was from Knox Pres-
byeterian Church; Goderich, on
Friday afternoon, October 12,
by the Rev. G. L. Royal. Stud-
ents of Goderich District Col-
liegiate Institute attended the
service in a group. Interment
was in Maitland ;Cemetery.
Women's Institute
Community Hall
Boy Scout
pple Day
Satu rday
October 20
Guides In Camp
At Cub Site
(By Guide Karen. Scl)efter)
Despite the rainy weather, 23
Clinton Girl Guides went camp-
ing on 'tete September 28 week-
endl On arrival at the Cub
camp meear fiolmesvilla, sleeping
quarters were obtained end
duties began.
One of the jobs consisted of
evicting a nest of mice in ane
of the huts. During the two
nights the pattlter of rain an the
roofs produced a closer bond
withnature' while it also pro,
duced some wet sleeping bags
from the Peaking roofs,
Many of the outdoor activ-
ities had to be dissolved but
cheerrfultness and stability pre-
veiled 'among the girls and lead-
ers (Captain Mrs. Jack Irwin
land Lieutenant Mrs. Al May) ,
The learning .consisted of lee-
tuRes oav Ithe care, folding and
different parts of a bell tent,
also putting into practise camp-
ing skills and making a flash-
light holder from several pieces
of lashing twine.
On Saturday night, Mrs. Cam
Proctor, District Commissioner,
visited the camp and was served
a special meal in her honour.
Having arrived back from ch-
urch on Sunday, the girls were
greeted by the District Camp
Adlviser, Mrs, T, Lavender, who
inspected 'the' campsite. After
dinner on Sunday, the camp
was cleared and cleaned. The
Guides; then journeyed home.
The .Clinton Girl Guides would
like to extend their appreciation
to Mrs. Douglas (Kelly) Ball
who assisted as cook on this
prosperous weekend. Also a
word of "thanks" goes to ell of
the manly testers who have giv-
en so much time to Guiding.
Clintonians Have
Successful Event
Members of the Olinrtoni'an
Club report their bazaar an
Saturday was most successful
and they appreciate the sup-
port given them by the com-
munity. A door prize of an
'angel food cake was donated
by Mrs. Henry Roman and was
won by Mrs. Joseph Blake, RR
1, Clinton.
Thurs., October 18 -BINGO
in Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk
Street at 8.30 p.m. 15 regular
games for $5; 1 game for $25;
3 Share - the Wealth games;
Jackpot $56 in 56 numbers.
Admission 50c. 34b
Fri., October 19 - Dance in
Londesboro Community Hall,
sponsors Londesboro W.I, Des-
jardiine's Orchestra, lunch
counter. 41-2b
Sat., Oct. 20 -Wesley -Willis
Country Fair, Auspices UCW.
Booths, tea room, take-out
supper plates. 42x
Saturday, October 20 -Card
party in Orange Hall rooms,
sponsors LOBA, - 8.30 p.m.
•Everyone welcome. 42b
Tues., October 23 - BINGO
Huron Fish and Game. Jackpot,
$55 in 55 numbers. Six door
prizes. 8.30 p.m. 43tfb
Sat., October 27 - Tea and
bake sale at St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church, 3-5 p.m., aus-
pices Madeleine Lane Auxiliary.
Wed., Oct. 31 - Huronic
Rebekah Lodge dessert euchre
and bake sale, 2 p.m. in Lodge
Rooms, Princess Street East.
Admission 50c. 42b -3x
Wed., Nov. 14 -Bazaar, lun-
ches and salad stepper, booths,
at 3 p.m. Auspices UCW of
Holmesville United Church, at
the Holmesville United Church.
42b -4b -5x
Four Champions
From CACI In
Omitted from the lists of
chamepionships Won by the Cl-
inton eollegirate track team at
Duron-Peythex field day, were
two more worthy young ladles..
There were 31 student's, mem-
bers of the team, taking part in
the event at St, Marys,
Beverley Beek, who last year
romped home with the very
first WOSSA championship
that CDCI had ever won, is
this year's intermediate girls
champion. Wendy McGee is the
senior ghls champion.
Other Ifuron. Perthex champ>,
ions repor't'ed last week, were
Clare Magee, intermediate boys
and Bonnie Boyers, junior girls,
Members or St, Andrew's
UCW are invited to attend the
60th anniversary of the organ-
ization of the Goshen WMS to
be held in Goshen United
Church to -day, October 18 at
8.15 p.m. Double trio selections
will be presented by The Pil-
grim Singers of Clinton.
Ontario Street
UCW Meeting
Mrs, M. Balkh), President,
of the United ,Church Women
of Ontario St reef United Ch -
10011 cowdhaeted the meeting
held in the church parlour on.
October 10. Unit Four o
tut was in
change of the worship service
in which Mrs. Caravan Me,..
Pherson gaye the topic "I
Minutes of the executive and
past .genial meetings were
read and adopted. Reports were
given by the portfolio secre+tar
ies. Recommendations of the
executive were passed.
Plans for an autumn thank
offering were discussed and
fli.nal arrangements left in the'
hoinds of the sub -committee,.
Final plans for the ,bazaar on
December 1 were discussed.
Unit Three directed the pro.
graze. ,A. skit entitled "Citizen. -
ship that Counts", was pres-
ented most capably by Mrs.
Willis Vat1Elgmond (portfolio
secretary of citizenship and so-
cial action), Mrs. Ceei1 Elliott
and Mrs, Roy Wheeler. A filarx
entitled "Ottawa, Canada's
Capital" was shown. Two duets
were sung by Mrs. W. Van-
Eganond and Mrs. R. Hunter.
At Clinton Legion Hall
Leave the Kids at the Legion Show
While You Shop in Clinton's
Modern Uptown Business Section
Saturday, October ' 20 at 2.15
Doors open at 1.45
This Week a Popular Cowboy Picture
"Lone Ranger"
Admission: Adults 50c; Children 25c
I extend greetings to credit union
members on International Credit Union Day.
The expansion. of credit unions in
Canada affords strong evidence of the worth-
while functions that are being performed by
Again expressing my good wishes.
?/"Lia et
Prime Minister
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