HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-18, Page 11Special Clearance Prices on 1961 Philips TV & Hi fi CONSOLE Reg. $359.95 NOW $235,00 2 YEAR PICTURE TUBE GUARANTEE DELUXE CONSOLE Reg. $399.95 NOW " $275.00 With Trade 2 YEAR PICTURE TUBE GUARANTEE FM-AM STEREO Hi Fl Reg. $329.95 NOW $269.00 MERRILL TV SERVIC Authorized Philips Dealer Radio -- TV and, Appliance Repairs 215 Victoria Street 7-- — Phone HU 2-7021 "Service is Our Husinem" With Trade cANAii.e:PACKER5 sHint-GAINplyisioN • . vEZIEW , Thurs. 90, 18, 1962, 41infOn ,-.Page, 11 Gala Event Draws Hundreds To Officially Open New Auburn Hall Unveil Auburn Memorial Unveiling of a memorial plaque to those who served in two world wars was conducted at Auburn last Friday, at the official opening of the new Memorial Community Hall in that village. From the left, Mrs. John Houston and John Houston, Bert Craig, chairman of the board and Mrs. Charles Straughan. The Houston and Straughan families each lost only sons during the Second World War. (Photo by Mrs. Bradnock) NCO Wins' Decoration Flight Sergeant Henry Banman, presently at RCAF Station Clinton recently received the CD., (Canada Forces Decoration) from G/C J. G. Math- ieson, MBE, CD, Commanding Officer. F/S Ban- man is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Banman, Clear- brook, BC. Married, he is the father of three children, Valerie 14, Sidney 12 and Bernie 6. He reported to Clinton from No. 3 Fighter Wing Ger- many. At Clinton he is NCO in charge of Course Control. F/S. Banman is a member of Huron Fish and Game Conservation Association. • The Canada Forces Decoration (CD) was presented to each of 15 Clinton NCO's by' Group Captain J. G. MathieSon, C.D,, Commanding Officer. The ceremony took place at a recent parade at RCAF Station Clinton. (Left to Right) Social Notes News Editor: Anne Aileron — Phone HU 2-7349 Adastral Park More Airmen at Station Clinton Get Decoration F/S H. Banman, Corporal R. A. Demetz, Sergeant P. V. Gallant, Corporal J. E. Deveau, Sergeant L. A. Ludwig, Corpora' P. M. Mardisty, Sergeant H. A. Mackay, Corporal S. Polich, Sergeant W. J. Prokopetz, Corporal G. E. Salt, Sergeant N. Sawchuk, Corporal F. H. Sutcliffe, Sergeant J, A. Shaer, LAC Holt and Corporal J, K. Brown. (RCAF Photo) (Continued from page one) company had also given a gen- erous donation, President of the local Wom- en's Institute, Mrs. Ed Davies thanked all the wornen in the community who had assisted the WI in helping to equip the furnished kitchen. Ralph D. Munro village !trus- tee who had been the Chairman when the hall was suggested, spoke of all the dreams that had come true 'in the little vil- lage the last few years. He told of the struggle to get fire protection and of the purchase of the fire engine, and of the wonderful work that the mem- bers of the WI had done in 'the community for the past 40 years. He also rerainded everyone of the work of the local Hort= icultural Society in making the little park and the number of flowlerbeds which are a mass of colour. He also paid tribute, to the work of the late Charles Asquith for his work to 'this project Keith Arthur, vice-president of the Hall Board stated that it was a' proud night for all and as a member of the community he thanked the building, she and finance committees and the ladies committee who had as-. sited in the completion of 'the centre. Mrt. Charles Steaughan and Mae and Mrs. John Houston tra- velled 'the plaque which Was in- scribed: "'To honour the mem- ory of those who served from Auburn Commttnity air Weald Wars, 1914-1918, 199-1945. Lest we forget. Presented by Women's fest/tate, October 12, 1961" TO these two families went the hollow of unveiling 'this plague since they had each lest only eons during the last Weald Warr. The service of dedication was ear-ideated by Rev. Charles Lew- is and a moment of silence was ebeerved in memory of those Who had made the sup- reme sacrifice, The musical portion of the program was supplied by the Westfield male quartette com- posed of Lloyd Walden, Har- vey McDowell, Lloyd McDowell and laulin McDowell accomp- anied by Mrs. Norman Wright- man. Mrs, Errenereon Rodgers sang solos and Misses Joan and June Mills sang duets. Beet Craig, chairman of the hall 'board cut the ribbon and declared 'the hall open, Mr. Craig has served on' the three hall boards and 'his cornmittee :now is Reeve Thomas. Leiper, Councillors' Clare Vincent and Guides Visit Fire Hall On October 10, 18 Guides at- teeded instructions and d'ereon- striations with leotures 'in fire prevention at the RCAF fire hall. The following ten Guides qualified for fire brigade pro- ficiency badge: Dianne McCaw, Judy Besh, Judy Leenick, 'Shari Sabourin, Lorraine Huard', Sus- an Boyes, Louise "Bette and Maureen Foote, L.A. Guides and Brownies The regular meeting of the Local Association • 'for Guides and Brownies was 'held on Oc- tober 11 with the president, Mrs. Spano in the chair. There were 15 members present. Information freer). the division meeting was discus'se'd. It was decided to send eight .Guiders to Fergus on October 20 for leadership training. The Loeal. Ai sotiation asked the Guiders for the names of potential gold cord guides' so they could give their assistance in helping them reach their goal. • CWL Meets The monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League took place Monday 'evening, October 15 at St. Paul's Church. After the rosary and benediction, the business meeting was held. Some 19 members then enjoyed several games of bingo. Re- freshments were in charge of Mrs. 3, McGillicuddy, assisted by Mrs. J, Dubuc ,eeal ,Mrs. V. Vezina. The next project of the OWL is a used 'toy drive; toys will be mended by patients of the DVA in London ,and then given 'to needy children. Casualty List Of late, quite 'a few young people have been injured in ac- cidents on and about the Park: Wendy Poxson broke a bone 'in her leg When she was practic- ing for sports before the field day. Bobby Peterson' had to get sutures in his hip after 'a fall from' his bicycle. Pamela Servos was out hor- se baCk riding when 'her mount Charles Malian, Arthur Young- blot, William Gow and 'the pre sident of the WI, Mrs. al Dav- ies. Lunch was served by mem- bers of the WI and draws were made on two 'fancy quilts by Patsy Wilkin. The first was won 'by Alfred, Rollinson and the second by Joanne Britaell, Goderidh. The lovely four peice Set of lawn furniture made by William .1, Craig was worn by Mrs. 'Charles Nivins. This draw was made by Mary Wilkie, The sale• of tickets on this set made $100. A lovely plant of 'mums was preeented to Mrs. William T. Robison who was unable to be present through illness. She had been a members of the hall boned for several years. The evening's program was conicluded with dancing to Jim- my Scott's orchestra. Former residents of the community were present fez this occasion from Toronto, Stratford, Lon- don, Strathney, Kitchener and the surrounding towns and vil- lages. tripped suddenly. The result was a featured collarbone for Parnele, We hope ell 'three will be on the mend, and feel well en- ough to resume their normal activities shortly. Birthday Vicki Stumpf celebrated her 12th birthday on October 8, Brownie's Outing Around 33 Brownies visited the Station Fire Hall on Oct- ober 9. The girls were in twee groups; 'the first pack was -en- der Mrs. N. Sabourin and' Mrs, E. Burnside, and 'the second, group was under Mrs. F. Mae- cell and Mrs. H. Davies, Brownie Leaders and their charges were shows through the Fire Hall; they examined trunks and other fire fighting equipment. The. visit ended' af- ter the vele/Ling of a "Jimmy Cricket" movie. Thanksgiving weekend visit- ors who came down from St. Johns, PQ, were Garry Faroe and Maurice Huard, both in the RCAF. 'Teen Town ,Mentbers of 'Teen Town held an Autumn Bali on October 13, at the .Ritchie building. The decoration's, done by Cpl. L. S. teleDonald were in colourful harvest theme: pumpkins, corn stalks, autumn foliage adorned the rooms, while rasy apples centred earth table. Several, dances took place and prizea were won 'for a, Sipardanice, 'Indy Bush-. and John Steep; a squat dance, Lorraine Deveau and Denis Logan; 'a freeze dance, Susan' Fretta Mike Sutcliffe; an' elimination dance, Judy Johnston' and Geo- rge Schnubla. The door prize was won by Tony De Coo. Chaperones for 'the evening were: F/S and Mrs. R. Bush as well 'as F/S and Mrs. W. Begg. Refreshments were looked .af- ter by Mrs. S. Servos and 'Mrs. D, Cole, assisted 'by young people. Choir at RC Chapel The junior choir will 'hold a practice at 6:30 p.m. on Thurs- day evening, and 'the senior choir will hold a practice at 7:30 pm. the same evening. Mrs. P.IDenn will- be in charge while the choir master is away on duty in Camp Borden. All are vvvicoine to join and re- quested to be at chapel Thurs- day .evenings until further not- ice. Cpl. and Mrs. R. Iwaskow have moved to Camp Borden; Cpl. and Mrs. Doaks have gone to Centralia, and Sgt. and Mrs. Crozier have left for station LaMacasas Mrs. Carl Peterson has re- • Colour slides of Western Canada and Eastern Canada will be shown at the open meet- ing of the Auburn Horticultural Society to be held on Friday, October 19 at 8.30 p.m. in Memorial Community Hall. Everyone is welcome and there will be door prizes. Courtiand Kerr, Benmiller and Ed. Davies won fifth place in the horse-shoe pitching com- petition last Friday at the In- ternational Plowing Match at Owen Sound. There were 14 counties taking part and these two men represented Huron County. Harold Carter also at- tended the competition. 4-H Club Sandwiches The "carried lunch" and the making of nourishing sandwich- es was the topic discussed by the Auburn 4-H Club when they met in the Presbtyerian Church with president Jannett Dobie leading as they repeated the 4-H pledge. Minutes were read by th assistant secretary Marina Hickey. Roll call was answered by each member tell- ing what vegetable supper dish Congratulations are exten- ded to Mrs'. J. C. Stoltz, who'.has celebrated her 88th birthday at her borne in the 'Allege. Mrs. Stoltz enjoyed the day with a car ride around the country to see the beautiful maple trees ,andin the evening received many frieeds and neighbours. She was also the recipient of many cards: and 'gifts. Des- pite her .advanced years she is active and attends Knox Presbyterian Church every Sunday and .looks after her home daily. (Photo by Mrs. Bradnock) earned to Kingston, Ontario, after spending a week with her son Sgt, Bob Peterson and his family. they had made at home. The girls discussed the car- ried lunch and what it should contain, how it should be pack- ed and the art of making at- tractive sandwiches. Demon- strations on various types of sandwiches followed. The mem- bers each prepared a raw vege- table which could be carried in the lunch box, The girls decided to invite their mothers to the next meet- ing when salads will be the topic. WMS Thankoffering The fall thankoffering meet- ing of the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church, Auburn was held in the Sunday school 'room of the ch- urch with good attendance. The president, Mrs. Wilfred Sand- erson opened the meeting with the call to worship. Mrs. Dun- can MacKay was' the pianist. A special. Thanksgiving wor- ship service was held with Mrs. Herbert ,Gooier, Mrs. Frank Raithby and Mrs. Wes Brad- nock the three readers' 'and Psalm 148 was read' alternately. Mrs, Donald Haines led in pr- ayer. An 'invitation to attend the Dungannon Erskine Presbyter- ian -Church was accepted for their special meeting on Oct- ober 26, 'at 2 p.m. Plans were made for 'the 'bale and quilts to be 'sent to the Presbyterial sup- ply secretary at once. The of- fering was' 'received by Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and dedicat- ed by 'the president. An interesting film on "The Jungle and the Plough" was' shown' by Donald Haines. This film • 'told about the work of UNESCO in Ceylon, Lundh was served under 'the convenership of Mrs'. Haines. AUOURN. Mr, and Mrs. pow Wiemaen, Seafoetta visited; .on Sueday with his .sister, Mrs. Karl chart, Mr. Tiechert and. family,. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Whip- her, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Gorden Dobie, .Jannett„ William and 13,Q$S, were Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Page., Gode, rich; Mr, and Mrs, Stan Camp- bell and Douglas, Miss Lucille Meekley„ Mr. and Mrs. Stewart -Kauovsio.y,. Sylvia, Helen and Stewart, Jr,, all of wingharn. ...—.......„-----..............s, TRACTOR TIRES VULCANIZED 4 1 '''' Amosii I -. 1 ..:4410r ti --41L. i. 4,1%.,...... '''--• ,..', A di DUNLOP TRACTOR TIRES Parts For All Makes of Cars and Trucks Highest Cash Prices For Scrap Cars Now Wrecking '57 Pontiac Sedan '57 Ford Fairlane 500 '57 Chev. Coach '56 Vanguard ''56 Ford Hardtop '55 Ford Station Wagon And Man Others Special — While they last 750x14 Retread Snow Tires $11.75 each No Trade Required WANTED—Cars For Wrecking CLERE-VU Auto Wreckers No, 8 Hwy., West of Clinton HU 2-3211 • 40 Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 (RCAF Photo) Township of Tuckersmith Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Tuckersmith, on the 19th day of October, 1962, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said Municipality at Municipal. Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. AND' t hereby call Upon, all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 2nd day of November, 1962. DATED this lilt nay of October, 1962: MCINTO3K, dierki towrihip Of tuokettnittli, W E HAVE SHUR-GAIN YEALER • for extra profits from veal calf production • An all-new product for efficient economical veal production. • Shur-Gain Vealer will produce calves with the desired bloom for top grade in only ten weeks. • Profitable veal calves with only 200 lbs. of Shur-Gain Vealer. SEE US TODAY! Clinton FeedMill 28 Huron St.—Clinton—HU 2-3815 BRAND NEW Mahogany Finished CHORD ORGANS r7iti'AvBEBR's$139.00 3-pc. Bookcase Headboard Bedroom Suite $119.00 2-pc. CHESTERFIELD and CHAIR NYLON FRIEZE $149.00 7-pc. DINETTE SUITE CHROME or BRONZETONE $69.00 9 -pc. DINETTE SUITE CHROME or I3RONZETONE $89.Q0 CHROME HIGH CHARS $12,95 USED Sealed Unit REFRIGERATORS . ELECTRIC RANGES CHROME SUITE Samsonite 5-pc. CARD TABLE 57 ALBERT STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO HU 2-1601 Buy Sell Trade Furniture & Appliances Wholesale The Small New & Used Furniture Store QUALITY TV's Guaranteed . $39.00 11PD $49.00 Auv $19.00 $39.00