HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-18, Page 7'Robert Lawson,5, Clin- er+arl Hospital, on Tuesday, At VAhTS7['4itik� In Ci 404. V"' M� ADAMSO'N Alexandra tic II a55p ital, ,Sat,_ rda , y Marine and. General Hospr- • r. Ootober $, 1.90,, to 11?r. and tad, ;Ggderich, on Monday, Mrs Ald,'A V_nstone, 'Hen - $, x a62, o BMr O i so Gall, a land Rossr Mm Ad ms n, . ayf . M daughter (Karen DAT$ a .Mar}e), GARROW--In AshcroftHospi-Sun- SAYER `- In Huronvlem on BUYER til, British •Columbia, .n- .on Su Qetober 71 1902, Ed- day, Actaber4, X962, to Mr, Sarin Beaver, formerly of and MI's. Gordon Carrow . CI•edaon, belovsd husband of (nee Thalma Shobbrook), 1QQ Evelyn Kern in !his 7$01 year, Mile House, B.C., a .son dervice from the Hopper^ (Frank Albert, brother for Hockey funeral ktome, Exeter Valerie, Vicki ;and Joan,. first o Wednesday 1Tlfternoon,. grandson for Mr. and Mrs, .October, 10, to F,Noter Ceme- Beret Shobbrook, Londesboro), tory. <.RAY --At South Huron Hospi- C;REEIvvVO.OD Suddenly, tal, Exeter, on Tuesday, October 9, 1962, to Mr, a'nd vwhen struck by a car in front of her faun home, Wed, Mrs. Robert James Gray, nesday oyenin;g, October,, 1l), RCAF Station LaMacaza, 1962, Vera, Leary, beloved Que,, A daughter., (Suzanne wife of Mel -burn Greenwood, I e is 1VI eh, le, first t grandolrld for RP 1, Mitchell, to Bethel, 1t+Ir, and Mrs. Bruce Cann, Munro Cemetery, k'ullarton Exeter), Township, .on Saturday after-. HAGGITT—In Clinton Public. moon, October 13, by J. Bates Hospital,o day, October of the Bethel Munro United 9 , t rir. .and Mrs, Church -and. rthe Rev. A. H, George Haggitt, Auburn, a ' Daynard, Staffa U n i t e d son, J x EW TT ,--• n Sc Memorial I M 1 .o+tt .. r Church, t HA deep! at S . Mic LL --Su. _ h y, Hospital, Sea.forth, .on Tues- ace's Hospital, Toronto, on day, October 9, 1962, to Mr, Sunday, October 14, 1.962, and Mrs, John Jewitt, RR 1, Ernest E. Hall beloved hus- Londesboro, a son. band of Winnifred Gowan, KAIN In Clinton Public Hos, Edgewood Ave., Toronto, and Val, Val, on Saturday, October dear sister of Miss Evelyn 3 1902, t Mr, d M 6 an I's. oClintonGordon G Hall, C plop and do Larry Iain, Clinton, a son L. Hall, .Cayuga in his 63rd (Paul Frank, brother for year. Private service, follow- Tony). LAWSON — Tn Clinton Public ea by cremation, Donations to the Canadian Heart Fund, .Hospital, on Thursday, Octob- in lieu of flowers. -er 11, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. LAIDLAW In Wingham Gen - 'Robert Lawson,5, Clin- er+arl Hospital, on Tuesday, ,RR ton, a son, October 16, 1962, Thomas S. .MeNALLY—In Victoria Hospi- Laidlaw, beloved husband of tal, London, on Monday, Etta Charters, Blyth, in his October 8, 1962, to Mr. and 80th year., Private service Mrs. Harl McNally, 88 Os- from the Beattie funeral 'borne St„ Clinton, a daugh-. home, Clinton, to Blyth Union ter (Natalie Louisa), Cemetery, on Thursday after- -MILLAR — In Clinton Public .noon, October 18, -at 2 p.m. Hospital, an Wednesday, by the Rev, Robert Meally, October 17, 1962, to Mr. and rector of Trinity Anglican, Mrs. Ross Millar, Clinton, a Church, Blyth. son.. McGrREGORIn Wayne County ..ROBINSON—In Grace Hospi- Hospital, Detroit, Mich., on tal, Toronto, on Thursday, Thursday, October 11, 1962, ,October 11 to Mr.and Mrs. Hugh McGregor, formerly of 'Douglas Robinson, a daugh- Brucefield, in his 75th year. ter (Elizabeth Lorrie). Service from ,the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, to Baird's Cemetery, on Sunday, :Notice To Creditors October 14, by the Rev. H. Johnston, Brucefield United In the Estate of FREDERICK Church. '°LORNE POTTER, late of the MOORF,--In Toronto, on Tues- .1rown of Clinton in the County day, October 16, 1962, James -Of Huron, Esquire, deceased. Albert Moore, son of the late A I I persons having claims Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, :against the Estate of the above in .his 71st year. Service from named who died on the 26th the Ball and Mutch funeral .,day of September, A.D, 3.962, home, 153 High Street, Clin- rare required to file full par- ton, on Friday afternoon, titulars thereof with the under- October 19, commencing at signed on or before the 5th day 1.30 p.m. to Clinton Ceme- -of November, A.D. '1962, after tery. which date the assets will be ROURKE In Saugeen Memor- -distributed, having regard only ial Hospital, Southampton, on ,to the claims of which the Friday, October 12, 1962, • undersigned shall then have Mrs. Garfield Rourke in her notice. 67th year, Service on Mon - DATED at Clinton Ontario day, October 15, from the this 11th day of October, A.D. Eagleson funeral home, iv - E. B. MENZIES, ed by husband and daugh-, Clinton, Ontario, te+rs, Mrs. Spencer (Lena) Er - Solicitor for the said Estate. vine, Bayfield and Mrs. Earl . 42-3-4b (June) Strong, Arkwright, SNOWPLOWING TENDER Township of Tuckersmith SEALED TENDERS addressed to Mr. Andrew Hous- ton, Road Superintendent ('RR 3, Seaforth) and designated "Snowplowing Tenders" will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, October 23, 1962. The Township of Tuckersmith requires for snow- plowing township roads during the winter of 1962-63: one power grader which is to be equipped wtih V -type 8' plow and wing :hydraulically or mechanically operated, All equipment and tender prices are subject to 'approval of the -Dept. ,of Highways. Tenderers are to supply all -requirements, carry public liability insurance and Work- man's Compensation, The tender must state the flat rate per hour (no stand-by time), All work is to be done under the supervision of the Road Superintendent and 'the Dept. of Highways, ' Tenders to be considered :on October 24th, 1962, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. 1. MoINTOSH, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Tuckersmith. 42b We Rent S NY HAMMED v THE 4 SANF4Ri�E6 p P A BRAND NEW SERVICE: FOR CLINTON BUSINESS. MEN, CIVIL SERVANTS, CIVILIAN INSTRUCTORS; OF[efCE PERSONNEL, ETCi Why hove your wife wash, dry, starch and iron shirts when you can get Shirt 'rental service right here in Cliritbh? If interested, Blease leave your ndMd and address at our Downtown storeor Coil HU 2-7064. MAWW ANNOUNID Mr. and Mrs, 'Irilgr>uaS. c�!l'x'ver wish to anrn+guxwe the "xgagement,. of. thoir daughter, Barbara Eliza, beth, to Mr, Russe)l Anbhu�' S+talmarilc, eldest son of Mr. : Md t William, Btelmagk,. of Red. Deer, Alberta. The m'arilia wi 1(i. t:aike V�a�ce at 7 pm -L., November W, 19.62 .•n Un , at Metrapo4ta- land Church,IA"nor04, Al- bemta, 4215 MARRIAGES, BAKKER-KREMER--In Chris, tain Reformed Church Olin, tan, pn Saturday afternoon, September 29, 1.962, by the Rev. L.1 S ofstra, Grace Krem, er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Stryker, RR Z Biyth, to John Bakker, Toronto, 'son of Mr. and Mrs, H, Bakker, Holland. on Saturday, October 6, 1962, by the Rev. Ross MacDonald , Donn D arlenedaughter aof I Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Hey- wood, Exeter, to Murray Neil Bell, son of Mrs. Roy Bell, Hensall and the late Mr. • Bell. COLE -JACKSON in S t . Paul's Anglican Church, Win gham, on Saturday, Sep tenter 29, 19.62, by the Rev. C. F. Johnston, Mary Cecile, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Cecil Jackson, Wing - ham, to Gerald William Cole, Wingham, son of Mr, and Mrs Thomas Cole, Blyth, CORNISH-HOSiiIN'G—In EM - Manuel College Chapel, Tor- onto, on Friday, October 5, 1962, by the Rev. David Proctor, Cliffcrest United Church, Toronto, Jeanette, Youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Hosking, Toron- to to Donald Ralph Cornish, I 1ARR► . _... Ti+4!4'' 1hi!'n- fir --.P q 7 r e 1� q:N e Warlo S ATI. ' .. R ., U . G UT ,,..":' r,....: ,R �.� �4�...... ....... _..... ............... _. $tt 5t, Bier's Lutheran Church . • M44 °GIn1e so $i WY could' enjoy - Zurich, on Friday evening,. ,cera sial lights' a,iici cloma, I41I>ss a Lavas spent last Huronview La ie U int October 5, •}��: the- Rev,. W, P,- tiaras, P�4!Ple lire r�rli;t+nxl!ed 'What ]Fischer, :Marton Ann Yun wok tn: Ta>wultXi and Wi4aw g cf ai • I1.1irp stew 14 syat a insluwtutiom +blut, Kritcheneri :daughter of le, There were 25 ,present 'at �hcAMR Pl ra t a h. , Mr, a rs Iv X bent, mGei rl E U 3 U lte •Ch- ry .. _.a..., # . qmq and, ? , an ung Mrs, W, S, R. Hobxtes, s t g o nkt .., alf ....d Zurich, to Grahaigk John Far 'a itch Woanerp !held 2n Ontario -Christmas • quhar, Waterloo .son of Mr+ `R�t. 4datYs r'certltl , with cher 11sot, rad R. o $tre% lurch Mondiay eve'nin'g. C 1s fair11!M1aMrs.0. H encs,hr..$inla,. and Mrs. John Far. uha2, �' rftr` JNa,n ``t�f�rrlli l dfUffi,t , an r O a Mi _ , .. d ?'.. K _ an. otober 15 . Wig• was lutctrener (formerly .qf. Hen Wit.:. sall), Mr. on,4 Mrs. Gordon Ou4, GATJNT-MOA4OW--In Christ hame, Ratev Chbury , ,orgtStn net, Welt n S'u ay of Head, .on Saturday, October Thomas Swbe, 4eiC2r.. 6, 1962, by the Rev. T, A, Scgtt, Margaret Charlotte M T. Q*Aeas recently tre- Morrow, Owen Sound, daugh turned from a few weeks yrst ter of Mr, and Mrs. William ' with relatives ,and friends qtr D, Morrow, Lion's Head, to Toronto, .Pont :Credit, Noir- 1ph Kenneth Earl Gaunt, Lon, and L,n, desboro, son of Mr. and Mrs, Afr, and, .MTs, David Nesbitt, Earl Gaunt, LondN —• In • Stesboro, MORRIS ROBSOOtt,a Visited llasac weekernd , Peter's Haman C a t h o 1 l c wide the 3iadys parents, Mr, :and Church, :St. Joseph, Ontario, Mrs C. A. Trout, Queen Sibreet, by Monseignor William Bour- C11xvLon. dean, Bevexiey Ann Robson, Miss Evelyn Hull returned d_ughter of Mrand 'Mrs, >as t night from � where e Wilfred Corxiveau, Zurich, to she attendedbhe funeral of her John Francis Morris, Farm- idose bmahloer k7rnest E, FIaN, Mr. an rs. Mich,, son of M . d who, passed away sudg1ervly Mrs. 'Victor Morris, Farm- �' ington, Mich.' ea* Sunday morning. —_,--. I and Mrs, Derwin Canto CARDS OF THANKS ar�ived +hme 'Sunday afterendntvg Ole past six weeks at La 1 m ,tie � Ich I wish o t al C Vancouver rs. wl t. .hank y ow an u friends and relatives for cards, land With their som ln4aw and flowers and visits while I was daug),ter, Dr, and,Mots. C. W. in Clinton Public Hospital. Also Mewiharlt. thanks to Dr. Oakes and nurs- ing Mr - end, Mrs. William Bartkixx staff. •--.MRS, WILFRED• CHUTER, 42b were -accompanied by Mr. agid Mrs. Lloyd' Daticin last week - I would like to express my end an a visit to Ottawa wkbh sincere thanks and apprecia- Mx?s. Da tkin's sister, hien, Dans tion for the many acts of kind- Beck, and,, other places, rte's, visits, lovely cards, stet- UAC Chiarles "Ohuck" B1et- te. s and gifts during y y oher, now :stationed at Camp in Clinton and Victoria hospi- tals, Borden, visited on the weekend They will long be rememb- or his wife yarnd family at Bred.—MRS, ARTHUR CLARK y 42p the home of the 3ad'y's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Currie, T wish to express my sincerd 103 Joseph Street, Clinton. thanks to those who kindly After an enjoyable miator the theatre of devp4wg5, tak% W Mrs Kern¢retl Tyndall, arp. . at, mein first ah t!err of the ud,V boak, The Word And the Way" was taken by Mrd!. Willis V-4110gan:orvd, assioed by Mrs, C, •Mppe. The leader, Mrs, R., J. Hunter conducted the bus, inesrs,. Harvey Johnston showed Its nnost irvterestiog slides on Tninidiad, Lunch was served :by -group 01roe an 4 a social hour was en, jo'yed�, g_ RebeahLode Planning For +�1 Dessert Euchre The Hur"oa'ulc Rebekab Lodge met Monday rAlght ,October 15 w1bh th'e Noble Grand Marrs, Or - Tin Dawson in ithe ghalr. It was Vllanne+di to :have a dessert euob' re end bake is'al'e an the lodge rooms on Oatoiber 31 at 2 p.m. FORawing the meeting -a few games of euchre binig>o was ;pMaved. A draw was wan by Mrs. Bert Rowden. A lunch. of doughourts :amid caflfee served by group 10 was enjoyed by ell, loos p ital Penn Y remembered me while a patient trip to Texas and Mexico, Mr. Sale Has in Clinton hospital; to Dr. and Urs, L, Adaa•I•I�s•, Toronto, Oakes and nurses on the first • an their wayhome spent the sA e floor. Special ithaliks to Father Weekend' with the former''s Record Receipts Gervais, London and F/L's Father Bussey and Father Ar- mother, Mzs. Ada Adams, 129 mar, of .St. Paul's RC Chapel, Albert $t eet. , , RCAF Station Clinton, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Wilson Clinton. --FRANK EVAN_ S_. 42p and daughters, Debbie and Patty, Trenton and Elva (Mrs. Leroy Carr) and her two chic - Attend Your Church deep, Sherry and Brian, Brigh- f ton, were with Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fames This Sunday Brown, x46 Queen Street, Clin- ton, for Thanksgiving weekend, Miss Ida Walkinshow was ALL SERVICES DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME hosltes+s lasso Thursday evening lar an en' alble t t --- ---- --------------------- CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. ANNIVERSARY WEEK SERVICES "A Faith For Times 'Like These" 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.15 a.m.—"Your Answer To God" Tues. -Fri. --4.15 p.m.—Children's .Meetings 8.00 p;m.--"A Faith For Times Like These" All Are Welcome Here Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, October 21 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 8.00 p.m.—Guest Speaker: Mr, John Aitken, Shelburne. Tuesday—Bible Study and prayer at 8 p.m. All Welcome St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A. Interim Moderator Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday; October 21 ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 11.00 a.m, •and 7.30 p.m. Speaker for both services, Rev. D. J. Lane, BA, DD ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh. Rector Charles Merrill, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, October 21 TRINITY XVIiI CHILDREN'S DAY and YOUTH SUNDAY 9.30 AM—Children's Day Family Communion Service 11,00 a.m.—Morning prayer 7.30 pan.—Service of Installa- y tion Deanery APPA BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A., Pastor Sunday, October 21 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship "Faint, But Pursuing" 7.30 p.m: Evangelistic Hour "Life For A Look" Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service You are cordially invited to these services, Christian Reformed Church REV.. L, SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, October 21 10.00 'a,m,--'Service in Dutch 2.30 p.m.—Service in English Every Sunday, 6.15 p,m., Dial 6.80 CHLO, London. Listen to "Back to God Hour". EVERYONE WELCOME Joseph Streiet - GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christiane gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel,, the ,old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order, of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3.00 pan.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m. --Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m. Thursday Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. iileoXei;- i11i#- trizltesiritl>z putteb (911=4ee REV, CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister Subject, "Don't Fear 'The Advancing Years --Life Can Be Better Farther Onl" HOLMESVILLE 9.45 a.m.—Church Service 10.45 a.ri:r,--Sunday School WESLtY,WiLLIS 11.,00 a.tn,,--Church Service 12.10 p,m.—Sunday, School 7t00 p.m. --Huron Pt•esbytery Audio,Visuals previewing of V11IM9, Film, Strips; Tapes, for All Church Program Leaders. i Ontario Street United Church v "TititL1,TbL' --' . CHULt,CA" . , 00stbr: REV, GRANT WILL% ILA, ��•� ° 0.45 4,m. --Sunday School m 11.b0 a,m.- -Special Layman'p Service Special speaker,, Mx, Gd&ge a ' . � Pai:'sons, Gbderich ; 2.00 pxiri.•••-•Special Layman's Servide soy •Special speaker: ut" Oomw ; Parsons, GodeAdh 8.09 a.iri.Suitiday Schoal (Continued from Page 1) Ltd., Wilma :Dinnin; five lbs. biscuits, Weston's, Richard Hol- land. Bushel of prize apples, Fred Middleton, :Mrs. D. Milison, RR 2 Seaforth; Kenwood blanket, Sherlock - Manning Piono Co. Ltd., Phillip Chevalier, Clin- ton; $2 credit for gasoline, Fina Service Station, Mrs. K. Cly - nick; gallon Varsol, Esso ser- vice station, Mrs, Jack Elliott; case of soft drinks, Bill's Snack Bar, Rodney Jervis, Clinton; grease job, Butler's White Rose, Mrs. Ross Scott, Brucefield; Yardley cologne, Wyeth Drug Co., Mrs, Harold Tyndall, Clin- ton. $3 credit for bowling, Clin- ton Bowling Lanes, Charles Johnson; flannelette blanket, Ron McCann, Mrs. John Per- due; hair spray, Charles House of Beauty, Mrs. Victor Sytnick, RR 5, Clinton; oil change .and grease jab, Wells Auto Elec- tric, Jack Aikenhead, Bruce - field; Dura - Flex Threshold, Ball -Macaulay Ltd., Mrs. David Varga Clinton; Tackle box, Epps Sporting Goods, J. J. S.chwanot, 22 Northland Crescent, Toronto; lady's or man's suit cleaned, Gliddon Cleaners Sadie Lovett; hair spray and 'perfume, Edith Anne Hair Fashions, Eileen Garrett, Helen Corran; Christ- mas -lights, Wise Electric, Mrs. A. Amy, Albert Street, Clin- I ton; hose, Par -Knit Hosiery Ltd., size 10, Mrs. Charles Far- quhar, RR 1, Clinton; size 10%, Florence Saunders, o/„ C. Cook. Seat belts, Lorne Brown Motors Ltd., Mrs. O. Engel- stad; nylon hair brush, Verna's Beauty Salon, Mrs. John Mc- Gregor; automatic timer, Gen- eral Electric, Ed. Grealis Clin- ton;, car rustproofing, 'Dory's Supertest, Mrs. Carmen Tien- kamp; towel bar; Fink Plumb- ing, Mrs. Keith Miller, RR 2, Bayfield. Record, Ryder's TV, Percy Brown; Dutch lamp, Amsing's variety store, Mrs. George Cantelon; $2 credit for gaso- line Shorty's B/A, Mrs. Wil- frWd Calclough, RR 3, Clinton; hockey game, cash donation, Albert Pepper; 50 pounds sug- ar, National Groceries, Mrs, Jean Kechnie, BIytih; four cups and saucers, Cassidy's Ltd., Mrs, J, 14. Styles, c/ H. Ball; bun wanner, T. A. Dutton Ap- pliances, Brucefield, Mary El- len ;Andrews; football, IGA store, Margaret E. Lawson; r, " spinning wheel planter, K. C. Of frierx1s arnd a neighbaurs,'When Cooke, florist, Marjorie H. Mr. and Mrs. A. Livermore, Smith. Toronto vis ting here, showed Gallon paint, D. A. Kay and Aides Of their recent trips to Son, Miss Karen Shelter, Clin- the Canadian West Coast and ton; grease job, J. and T. Mur- 11orid'a. phy Ltd., Mrs. Lee Murdoch; Now 786 Students At CDCI, Some. Classes Staggered (continued from Page 1) seventh year at CDCI, and that there are several -Grade 12 stu- dents in their sixth year, who if: they enter Grade 13, will be in their seventh year. Decision an this was left until a later date. After the end of 1962, the wishes of the boards at Seaforth, Goderich and Exeter, will have to be consulted in this regard, in any case. The , part ,time secretary will be retained for 20 hours each! week until the end of June, 1963, Del Philp, Blyth, member of the property committee of the board, and also a member of the Advisory Vocational Com- mittee, reported on building progress. He noted that after pupils had been sent home for two days when it was too cold to hold classes, the heating sys- tem had been put into service. He reported that the car- pentry shop, machine shop,i auto shop and the new gym- nasium had been promised to be completed for occupancy on January 2 when school would commence next term, and that the entire project was to be completed for September, 1963 opening. George Falconer, chairman of the board ,property committee, reported the busiest month he had ever had in this work, with five meetings` during the previous month, and another to discuss transportation, Mr. Falconer told of the hir- ing of Charles Hutchison, third class engineer and maintenance man, to, look after the heating. system: Mr. Etutchiso'n report. ed for 'work the day after he was 'hired, and +has moved his family from Kitchener to Holmesville. a=le has, had 14 years experience. IrLwi, oil tehderg had been accepted by the conli ttee,• from Fuel bit Corporation, Breslau, at 9:7 centa per gal - loft. This wes the lowest of three tenders rec-dNod'. Mr. Falconer reported that this firm delivers fuel to Huronview and also to the county build ing' in Ood'erich. They sell Cities Service, products. George Wonch, councillor, and member of the parks board, presented suggested plans $or providing essential playing fields in the pant, for' tfre use of physical education classes fiem the, collegiate. This is expected to be a co- operative project, with the town parks board and the collegiate laying joint pians Noir Making use of the land at- the tthe park, xlurthdr' hogotlatl6h with the town board is mid - ;+Mrs: Mrs. r ton; Mr , an rk'x• k McCu RR 3, Clinton; Mrs. M. RR 4, Clinton', Mrs. Lyon,. .Auburn; Mrs. Clinton; Bill. Fink, C Margaret' White; 19 AIN Clinton;' Mrs. George > Clinton. Rogers Majesfiic ry �,aU9 sl VIC5 Ted Ryder�s Til '1451' Victoria St C110t6it HU 2-020 X Wdbegs of the, .Hur+M Con sy Ladies AurRila'ary to H+uroo,wew met j4 the .graft room At ithe home on October 15, Mrs, Harvey Johanstpa ire, parted an the pleasure of +thQ reshaents, when, on a lovely S gd,w afteanaon .the Exeter MeaYs. flub 4ad organized a cavalcade of 18 cars, and[ ,took all who were able for a die ve so rbhat they could enjoy the be+aiutifull aut=xn scenmV. Plans were made for the an- snu'ali Christmas Fair, to :Ise hold at Huronview on, Tuesday af- ternoon, December 4. There 'are 183 residents at A he home. An iiov tataon :is being extended by the auxillary to each of +ithhe churiches :tin soatwti this year, for contAbutaions of suitable i9ts which, the esi n wRi h r is ca g. h deep buy wirth "plaV money„ at this eve A. The "play money" is contributed by the Canadian Legion. Also, each member of the -aunillary is asked, to bring two .dozern caakies ('lxomemaidie prePerredl) to ,the faire. Mrs. Evia Townsend, Clinton, gave a !fine report on the pro- v4nold conversion in .Sdmcoe For "Homes for the Aged" at wihidh: she was a delegate. She brought (back many worthwhile suggestions from -the other auxiliaries. One idea wail to arrange a drive for residents at Christ - Clinton Baptist (Huron $t., 'on Highway 4) Tuesday to Friday Oct 23-26, 326• 1962 Every Night at 8,00 (EDST) FILMS shown every night at 7,25 CHILDREN'S MEETINGS afternoons at 4,15 Sunday, Oct. 28 at I I and 7 (EST) Speaker: REV. J. K. ZEMAN, Toronto Visiting Soloists, Violin Music 42-3b R EXALL one cent ±i!!_� L_ SALE W W ±N -L REXALL EFFERVE$CENT REXALL PRO -CAP SACCNAEiii 4111L€�s e �f Ai1i1ESIVE 1404 t/a' gialn, 100's Reg. 35¢ 2/36 '/a" x 5 yds, Reg, 34_2/400. ®nst;S %a grain, 500'' Reg. 98¢ 2/99¢ + ++>+++.,rt-� r„+ 1” x 5 yds, Reg. 59¢ ...2/br0¢ �/ grain, 1000's -f %z" x 10 yds. Reg. 59¢ .2/601 Reg, $1.1900sRe 0/21 10 i, i'A"1V2'1andF4"x5yds.2 tib V2 g g, ¢ / 0 Reg. 95¢ , . .. 2/960 '/2 grain, 500'' ;` •w, 2" x 5yds, Reg. $1,00 2/$1.01 Reg. $1.10, .......... 2/$1.11 grain, 1000'' Reg. $1.59• .........2/$1.60 BACHELOR SHAVING CREAM Gives close, smooth, comfort- able shaves. 2'/a oz. Reg. 59¢ .......... New Giant Size — 43/a oz. Reg. 890 ......2/90¢ XLiWi0.100�lRrilttis9IS' "Childs" 3 row, oval shape, Nylon Bristles, Reg. 29¢ 2/30d' "Adult" 3 and 4 row Nylon - Bristles, assorted shapes. _ Reg. 50¢....... • , ....2/51 Dental Plate Brushes. Re 60 .... .....2 61 Youth's. Reg. 350......2/36¢ 1 15616k -DAYS -Otte 1S.... SAT, Four -Square Aerosal Spray StarchiJl`g ri.l''A7 16 ounces. Ilegular 69¢, Special .... 49e BONUS` Rexall Moth Fume Crystals Protect I0 U�% ur clothes against moths and larvae. �S 16 oz. Regular 69¢ ...............49¢ BUYS Rexall Trio -Pak Tooth Paste Three (NOT 1¢ SALE ITEMS, regular 63¢ tubes. Fluoridated. Regular 51.89. Special.. , ...... • . , .....51.09 BUT SPECIAL VALUES Rexall Quik -Bands 45's in 'Pin Box. ONLY Regular 790. Special.............54¢DURIMG v�anrrt . :31's in Tin Box. Reg. 55¢. Special.. 399 THIS Rexall Castile Soap Shampoo 1.2 p�' ounces Poly Bottle, Regular $1.98. SALE.) Special ................ . ......$1.09 7 srofm i Right Reserved to limit quantities. Prices subject m chm+go without notice. These are only a few of the many Fail 10 Sale Savings. FALL WORK CLOTHING I K N' LUGGAGE alid r<.EONI9k GbopS Pholno HU 1=9351 0