HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-18, Page 5Country Fair and Tea Wesley-Willis United Church Auspices of United Church Women Saturday, October 20 Booths Baking and Produce Delicatessen Touch and Take Fish Pond (for children) Sewing and Doll 'Clothes Special Christmas Booth (decorations & gift suggestions) Candy (auspices of Hi-C) Afternoon Tea Sandwiches -- Relishes Cookies -- Tea 35c Special Feature Take-Out Supper Plates 60c Everyone Welcome "THAT'S .THE MAY. I LIKE MY SHIRTS -,. LAUNDERED" ' That's what all men will be saying when they get their shirts laundered at Clinton Laundry & Dry Cleaners We have Just Installed the Latest, Most Modern Shirt-Finishing Machine Available OCTOBER SPECIAL For the month of October We will LAUNDER ONE SHIRT FREE with every Suit you have drycleaned at our plant, (O. 1t DRY-CLEANING oho LAUNDRY USE THE NIGHT DEN'S, IT BOX AT OUR ttortt. ON ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, ,DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. M.- THE LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1069 Check VOW' Calendar. if the numbers match, take the Calendar to our office and efain1 your $3 Credit. 111111•116, ommilismirmionimir OCTOBER IS HERE NOW is the Time to Select Your Fall Clothing while our stock is' at its peak "WHEFIE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS 'THE MOST" Come In And See For Yourself Our Quality Ahd Prices LADIES' and GIRLS' PULL LENGTH COATS — LENGTH COATS — CAR COATS LAMINATED SUEDE NE AND WOOL DRESSES — SLACKS ---BLOUSES — SKIRTS PULLOVERS — CARDIGANS — ETC. Ladies Seernless, 400 Needle, 15 Denier NYLONS 68c 2 For Guaranteed First Quality ,,,,,,,,,,,, „..,..„- ,,,,, ......... PAIR $1.30 MEN'S and BOYS' CAR COATS 34 LENGTH —• STROLLERS — WINDBREAkERS — LAMINATED? NYLON and WOOL—TROUSERS—SPORT SHIRTS--JERSEY T SHIRTS--'-PULLOVERS CARDiGANS — SPORT COATS — THEFNAL uNaetwitAR mews BLUE JEANS BIB OVERALLS LINED SMOCKS TR OUSERS WITH SHIRTS TO MATCH WORK CLOTHES—RUBBER BOOTS -PLAID SHIRTS—WORK SOCKS—ETC. HOUSE of BARGAINS Ltd. PHONE HU _2,./7BS t'LiNTON't ONTARIO Menit Nylon, Crepenylon SOCKS "Monarch Knitting Co." Req. $1.00 Pair 2 FAIR CLEAR 79c OMR OM EXTRA SPEtIAL1 IBEX BLANKETS 70x00 Guaranteed First Quality 25 PAIR ift! Also an ideal gift for the home Weekend Specials a CLINTON CHAMPION-15-oz. DOG. FOOD 3 for 39c I.G.A,-16-oz. EVAPORATED MILK 3 for 39c TOMATO SOUP 11c tin CAKE MIXES 27c SCOTCH MINTS lb. 29c GIANT SIZE SURF . 59c FRYING CHICKENS • 37c lb. -ATE 1351 SKINLESS WIENERS 49c lb. PjcaTATOES 25-lb. bag 69c ORANGES-2 1 6 doz. 55c SWANSON'S—ALL VARIETIES TV DINNERS 55c Huron Presbyterian WMS tient Sees 11 Groups At Clinton Church AVTit.JR1S. RepeesentatiVeS of 12 '5-empties of the HWPn „Presbyterial of the Missionary SeCiety met for their failleexecuitive Meetiug iav St. And'rew's .PreSbyWil44 Oh- eroh, The .presitlenit, Miss Eva Somerville 'was charge and spoke on the theme of :the recent meeting she had attended, Prayer was given hy Mrs.. Ross 11T40;90410, Rq1$141 and the minutes were read by secre tarry WS, H. itrsiOne, ,qatlerioh. Mrs,. Arnold „McConnell, also of .Goderien, the Presbyterial trea- spree gave the financial state- ment which showed a satisfac- tory increase for this year. Plans were discussed re the Synodieal meeting which will held tact Wingtarn on. April 2, 3 and 4, 1963, Mrs, Walter Shortreed, Blyth, reported for senior WMS and the Evening Auxiliaries, Mrs. Wes Bradneck for the CGIT work 'and the recent rally held at Seaforth, whose theme was "Der MiSekni in Life":. The P'Prgx141g. was Pent tg FOrreeSe. tich• assist' 010 .0194 that GQI,Uttry. Wellington mpowit- ed about the, Mission .134r4s. r)qAtyrox, grnivs..-440 „sitot)ed that a new EViereVe group had been started !at B,PrOeld• Mrs. Ed, Davies, Auburn, reported for the Hu ,1\1.frp, Wightman for weleeMe And welfare; Mrs, Sherman $trice, GodeTieh, :for the book cense-Ate tee and Mrs. O„ G. Anderson, Belgeave, for e the, Glad Tidings. Mrs:. B, 'Edwards:, Hensall, sup- ply secretary stated that :she had received. good clothing, etio. for the bale and it was to bp Sent rteet week, to the Indian schools at Kenore, and Birtol. Miss' M. Fraser, of the Me- illap group, ,Goderieh itistere, Ian stated that several :anniv- erseries been reported Miss Somerville gave a detailed account of the meeting she hail attended and the meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs, A. Taylor. NEWS OF MIDDLETON Give $10 To GS The Stanley :Community Club met at :the home of Mrs. Nor- man Baird with the president Mrs. George Cantelon in the chair. A donation of -810 was given 'to the CNIB. After some discussion it was de:cidled hold meetings. every second month. The December meeting will be at Mrs. Stewart Buird'e. Roll call will be to der aticsi the Chrsltmas bale for child- ren. First Bazaar At Huronview Is A Decided Success The first autumn bazaar to be held at Huronview, the Hu- ron County Home, was declar- ed a decided success. Spon- sored 'by Huron County any to Huronview, it was held, Wednesday afternoon in the craft room. The ,airticles offered for sale at the bazaar were all made by the residents of Huronview, who have been working 'dilig- ently for many nrentbs under the art and craft instructor, Mrs. Harvey Johnston. The proceeds of the bazaar were well over 8200. A gener- ous percentage of the receipts is given to the persons who made the articles, and the bal- ance goes into a fund that is used to buy material to make more articles. Receiving the guests in ;the tabby was Mts. Fred' Thomp- son,- president of the auxiliary assisted by Miss Agnes Doug- las. Serving tea were Misses Sara Carter, Gladys Stanlake, Barbara Miller, Alice Buchan- an and Luella Sine-n(41s. Pour- ing tea were Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Warwick, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Livermore, Miss :Colbourne and Mrs, Kauchey. Those assisting are all. residents of Huron:view. Mr, and Mrs. James C. Shear- er, Bright and Miss Agnes Mid- dleton, Goderich, were guests on Sunday 'at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middle- ton. WA Meeting The Women's Auxiliary of St. James Church, Middleton, met Wednesday evening, Octo- ber 10, at the home of Mrs. Edward Wise. Mrs. Wise was at the piano. Following regular prayers, Psalm 100 was read by Mrs. Deeves. The minutes were read by secretary Mrs, John Grigg and Mrs. Dutot gave the treasurer's report. A letter was received from Mrs. Robert Middleton, secre- tary of the Deanery of Huron, inviting the WA to the fall sessions of the Deanety of Hur- on in St. Paul's Church, Hens- all, on Thursday, October 25, at 2.30 DST. Mrs. Dowling will be the guest speaker. The roll call word was "thankful" and there were 13 members and five visitors pre- sent. Mrs. Stewart Middleton gave an illustrated talk on a recent trip abroad, which included visits to five countries. The Middletons went from London to Toronto by Viscount; by jet to London, England, and the next day joined a Scottish omnibus planned tour for one week. Their headquarters was Edin- burgh, working up from Lon- don via the East coast through towns of historic interest which included . Cambridge, Harrogate, Newcastle, the wall- ed city and Minster of •York, Durham and Edinburgh. Their guided tour included the Queen's state apartments in the palace of Holyroadhouse and the apartment of Mary, Stuart, Queen of Scots; also Edinburgh Castle, St. Giles Cathedral, the National War Memorial and Art Gallery, etc. Stewart attended an Angus sale at Perth. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton were fortunate in getting tickets for the Edin- burgh military band tattoo, This was part of the inter- national music festival and was held on the flood-lit esplanade in front of Edinburgh Castle. Mrs. Middleton stated this was one of the highlights of a fab- ulous trip which also included a tour of Abbotsford, the pale- tial home of Sir Walter Scott on the River Tweed, They saw shaggy Highland cattle in their mountain glens among the heather, and a rain- bow over Loch Lomond. They returned to their head- quarters in London on a lei- surely tour of the west coast, after seeing Melrose Abbey, Stirling Castle, Gretna Green, down to Windermere and Ches- ter and Warwick Castle. On Sunday, August 26, they had lunch in Stratford-upon- Avon and toured the town and Anne Hathaway's cottage, then on to Oxford, Henley and back to London. "England and Scotland had a wet summer," stated Mrs. Middleton, "and the country was unbelievably lush and green and well-tended flowers and parks everywhere." "There were virtually no weeds in Great Britain or France and no flies, therefore no screens," she said. The Middletons joined a sec- ond tour the very next day, crossed the English Channel and on to Paris. Time did not permit Mrs. Middleton to go into the second tour in detail, Instead, with Mrs. Milton Steepe, who kindly ran the projector, she showed over 70 lovely pictures of the trip, with noteworthy ones of Paris, Nice, Monaco, the French and Italian Rivieres and back the other side of France to Paris, Dieppe and London, where they saw the changing of the guard, visited St. Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London. In thanking Mrs. Middleton, the president, Mrs. Wise said, "We were with you all the way and it was delightful." The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison closed the meeting with prayer after which the hostess served a lovely lunch which included delicious coffee from the new coffee urn. Veterans Can Get Free Advice Here On Tuesday MI ex-service pertontel and their d'ependents are invited to take advantage of a free Legion service. H. W. Moyer, service bureau office from London will be at the Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, on Octob- er 22 tart 5:30- p.m. to give smi- led advice on veterans' bent, fits, Anyone with' questions on war disability pension, War Veterans' Aliowanoe4buritt-out Peinsion), treatment, dr hospital care is urged tO call Cam Proc- tor, Clinton Legion Service bur- eau offieer, who will :arrange an appointment. Clinton Teachers Unit To Hear of Pakistan 'Ilhe Clinton Unit of the Fed- erated Women Teachers Assoc- iation of Ontario will meet next Tuesday evening, October 23 at 8 p.m. in Clinton Public Sehool. The guest speaker, Maurice Lave:flee, Chief station- ary engineer of RCAF Station Clinton will give an illustrated talk on Pakistan. Happy Workers To Hold Hobo Teas The Happy Worker's: Club met at the home of Mrs. El- mer Dale on Wednesday even- ing, October 10, with eight members and seven visitors present. A poem was read by Mrs. Norman Dale. It 'was decided to hold hobo teas until the' next' meeting in November 15. Musical numbers were given by Miss: Elaine Dale, Mrs. William Flynn' and Mrs. William Holland and were much :enjoyed A crib quilt was tied. Mrs. William, Flynn con- ducted a contest with Mrs. Ken Johnston winning t he prize. The next meeting:, is 'to be, held' 'at the home of Mrs:, Wil- liam Holland' on. Thursday ev- ening, November 15. Please note change of day. Members are 'asked 'to bring .artticles for bales. • 0 Ontario Street Unit 'I Tie Quilt For Bale Unit one of Ontario Street United Church Women met on October 9 in :the church par- lour with. Mrs. George Potter presiding. Devotions were led by Mrs. Potter and the :study book by Mrs, G. Mills. Donations :for the bazaar- in December were accepted as roll call. A 'crib quilt was of- fered to ,the group to be tied and sent in the 'bale which 'is• to be packed at the end of the month. The next 'meeting is to be held on November 13. Silver Wedding Day At Home Of Eldon O'Brien A happy event at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon O'Brien was enjoyed on October 14, the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, A turkey dinner was' served to a number of rela- tives and close friends of the family. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien were married at St, Cellumban on October 11, 1937 by the late Father Danitzer. They have three sons, four daughters' and two grandchildren. Their mane' friends extend best wishes fore many more happy :anniversaries. Reclines Automatically to Any Position ... for Reading, Relaxing or TV Viewing. Clinton Band Receiving Quebec Colours Clinton Community Concert and Marching Band drill instructor J. Rob- ert Huard is seen here presenting the provincial colours of the Province of Quebec to colour bearer Tisa Johnston, The flag is a gift of the Hon. Lionel Bertrand, secretary of the Province of Quebec, who is a personal friend of Mr. Huard. Others in the picture taken at Sunday's band concert are; left back- ground, Bandmaster George Wonch; partially hidden behind Miss Johnston is Michelle McKenzie; Monica Haspeck, Maureen Pegg, Adele Haspeck, Linda Adams and Lorraine Huard. Not in picture, right colour bearer Judy John- ston. (News-Record Photo) Lions Present Rag To Clinton Band Stewart Taylor, left, president of Clinton Lions Club, proudly shows off the Lions International colours presented to Clinton Community Concert and Mar- ching Band last Sunday at the band concert in Clinton Community Park. Oth- ers in the photo, taken in front of Clinton Legion Hall, are Bandmaster George Wonch; band colour bearer Linda Adams, and Lions past president Herb Bridle, who made the presentation. Mr. Taylor made the presentation address. (News-Record Photo) Thurs., Oct. 18, 1962—Clinton News-Record—Page 5 "0/.•••••••••••MmiminoM.MOMMINIMIIIINOI Spring Bulbs DAFFODILS TULIPS HYACINTHS CROCUS " PAPERWHITES CUT •'MUMS Beautiful Bouquets of 'Mums 50c - 75c $1.00 CLINTON GREENHOUSE and GARDEN CENTRE 182 CHURCH ST. HU 2-7168 IT'S NOT TOO EARLY! Here's Your Solution to Dad's Christmas RECLINER CHAIR Prices Range from $69.00 to $119.00 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Only $5.00 pee Week (no carrying charg- es) Will deliver this comfbrtable relaxing chair on December 24. See Our Wide Selection of Popular Makes in Occasional Chairs Special Pre-Christmas Offer 6 SETS ONLY TRILIGHT and 2 TABLE LA les Walnut $29.8 MPS 8 eattle Furniture