HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-18, Page 1trot it nt THE NEW ERA 97th YEAR, BIG DAY FOR THE BOY Sooiits ,land Cvbs o,(f %yn No, 4;2 -,Tho 110me rapprWith the Nows, CVHT0N4;QNTAR10, THURSDAY, OCTOBER '18f schedu -for W4 Saturday, October 20 when the 1140s 77 will spend the, day offeTing • 0$ �7 s11,zny reld, aPpleis at -homes, and It B ard Tau ss p4aces A colourful "2 d, pi 0 t�5 ;R display of Scout md, Qib col- 0, 1, ours, framing 4, portralit of t ires Engineers, Lord Badlqn-P'oweill, -the A, ex of $eQutlrig, and Including apples and outdoor Items ... P&W,r Lab. Technician is made up in- the window of ............ the Clinton, IGAstore ar(d At the meeting of Clinton just is woritaw of more ith, Hospital Board, 1 .a. passing glialace a ithe purses resIdence on Monday night, ap- BINGO FANS AR, PR.OMj.S- Promal was given. the hiring or ed another "big" night, on, Fri- 011 9 MQ XaCDOrlaild, Present main, - terance main, as chief engineer day as the Lions Club sets up ithe cards in the arena, and t At the hospiltal, with duties to offers large prizes Better take along :an extra, nickel or qcmmence on Novemberr 1, so ... we unden'tand, there A Other engineers hired from wffl, be some Scout -apples, av- the 27 applications, rare James aftable theretoo , Harney, and Thomas Nichol- son with Charles Nelson, -01- WE, NOTE THAT THE TOWN of Ekeiter is moving into an inton as an apprentice. Ube addition. to the staff experiment in municipal gorv, ernment ... by beginnung hyu which miust be arranged for year terms for council In, i� -is a fo6d supervisor, prob- Chriton, —members of the Pub� ably to -start work in January, be UtIftles Commission., and Also a caretaker (or maint- ,the Public School, Board are eriande man) vVfll be needed, eloected, for two year terms, n. Mrs, Al Jewson has begun with hallf of the members of work at the hospital as lab- bi%tory itechnician following a each being elected each year 'period, of re-drairing of Exeter's counwith the This decislon on the part does not cil re. pathologist Dr. Pen - quire the opinjon of the' people ll%tan, Stratford. . . . the counci1i merely passles Grandstand Guests At Bond Presentation . Doubt exists that the new a motion, and brings in the :wing will be ready for ocatip- proper by-law, an' the TesUlt The hundreds of area folk who attended the band presentation and tattoo an"Gly by Novemilier 15, although is rthaton, avominra tion. right the at the community park on Sunday found the proceedings quite interesting. that is 'the -tentative III a t e public will name councillors for Observers commented on the *way that the two bands complemented each chairralan H. a Lawson repori- a two year term . other: St. Marys Band costumes are mainly red and white, while the Clinton ed that the, fund canvass Ito Community Concert Band is mainly blue and white. The predominant colours -date had netted only $15,000 A MOVE BY GAS AND OIL in the flags each colour party carried were red, white and blue, and the effect of the required amount. companies to store natural-gas in er on the infield at the park was quite pleasant. (News -Record Photo), Mrs. C. M, $,hearing, presi- 9ptied wells, on, farm dent of the hospital, as has been cons-idered'by the On- repooted, ion the successful tardo Federation of Agriculture• . . . thie organl7imtkInl is asking Dangerous Driving� p1priny sale, and iiiquired -about the Ontardo Energy Board for Lions Donate $1000.6olaur ' schemes so that the several changes in, the 'dot gGv_ 'could get the drapes for the new wing sewn, erning leases, so that this new• Conviction In. development cm be dealt Crippled Children Centre An Official opening is tenta- properly by farm, people imroliv- tively slched)uledl, for May, 1963 ed ... Fatal Accident when, -the weather is good, and Since the area serviced by some parents, pay for their the entire work will be com- WITH THE INCREASED Clinton Lions Club is practic- children's treatment, the centre Following; a day -long session plete& some and, scope of the, coU, egiate ally free of crippled children wmll not tum anyone away for in, ma'gistrate's court at God- Planning to attend the can in tom . . , it might be who xlequire.,finlancial aid, the lack of fundis, erich on Friday, conmiction- on vantion of the Ontario Hospital a good time, to consider ag M1 club was able to present $1,000 Lasser Seals sales is Clinton a charge of dangerous &Iving Assocl-ation, in Toronto at the ,the idea ;of high school driver to the Crippled ChildreWg Tr- I_Aon6, Club's main. "service,, was found against James Grant end' of tht- month are superbil- histamution courses... The eatment Centreaft London. The project. One -,half the monies McNain, 20-year-olld, farn"'er, tend!ent Mils. W. R. Phinney, as, Department of Transport has a as: - cheque' was' given On Tuesday collected locally is turned over RA 3, Goderich, Mr. . McNain s1sbant, Miss Kay Elliott, Ian� evening, October 9 -to A G. to the Ontario, Soc n Irs. film "RuTGHT from the start" Society for was the thriven of a, ar. N Splegelberg; Tom Steep; which dqL9cr1bps. Ags�e courses, Silverwood', -a ffirectoT of the Crippled -Children. The other which Miss A. MarlenecOe Eaif� is kept '�?eclal �Iund AR 2, Zurlicb, was cj§0?1,L L lzhdbgr c!,Obtre qrs. ];)� J01=,-;,Cqcbr?n%, 02 V. in deWl we would. like in a ele senting Clinton. Hospital Aux - to see this film obtallned, Clinton Lions Club president, by the local! club to look after culted on Huron. Street , Clinton, ihai7; Mrs. F� Fingland, presi- by Stewart Taylor Made- a brief cripp1led children, in, this area. an July 20, 1962, several organizations. In. town dent of Region 2, Ontario Hos- - probably the Public school adir ess to the treatment centre Clinton has, been most zfOrbunl- Defense counsel was Dan pital, Auxiliaries. home end school , club .. . and direcors and' John Sutter made ate in, recent years lanot hav- Murphy, lawyer with Donnelly, other groups involving parents the presentation, Mr. Sutter had in -to spend much money on Donnelly and Murphy, Goder- it should make a worth. been chairman of the club's crippled children,. The Clinton ich. Magistrate Glen Hays while addition to any ppogryani•. heath and wellfare committee Lions requested permission heard the ,n du I case,. and Crown At- Canada Packers ning-ther 1960-61 and 1961-62 from the Ontario Society to torney W, Cochrane, Eketer, WE RATHER HOPE THAT teams when the monies had ac- give their excess money to the was prosecutor. I most of our readers re�ilize that cumulbted, Over 40 Lions and London Centre, as this is where The fine was $100 plus -costs, Scholarship To this column is a mixture of their ladles' took the bus trip local childben would normaHy and MoNainis driver's license • ,fact and fun, , .. and, we hope to London. be rtrealted. j was suspended for six mc allso that the. division between They were given a guided Miss B. Henderson the two lis fakIy evident ... tour of the two-year-old treat However last week we made meat centre, then, viewed filmsMiss Barbara Jean Hendar- of the, various treatments avala- ns son, -has been awarded thew a Oddly observation about Mr. Now 786 CDCl Studet Canada , Packers scholarship at Gaunt's win in. the Huron- ablle at the centre. Among Bruce by-elecdon, which moved these were physio -therapy tr- at leaet one Liberal party sup. eatments including many cusw stftte. Thim is awarded annu- ally on the basis of academic porter to take us to task loin -built devices; aids for -help- Some Classes S taggered clinun ]District co'lleg"afte In Just avad the letter on •page• ingelidl&en to walk and crawl; achievement and on the, con - two of this issue . . . How- a page-iurndnig device, and eill Enrolment at ainton District merits are made so that these tributim by the studlent to thL- ever; we are not to,3 quick )to aspects of helping , crippled Collegiate Institute has leveled early or late classes involve general school program. learn, and' therefore take the children to better health, off -at 786 students, reported only town students. Those who Miss Hlendersor4 who is the bit between daughter of Mr. -and, Mrs. John, n jhe teeth ... and The heated- swimming pool principal D. John Cochrane have to catch buses are not in continue talking ,politics' in the with- litt'devices, sands slings is last week to the board. He ex- Ithese particular classes, Henderson, RR 1, Brucefidd, Is I Vow enrolled, an her first year next rparagraph used dhi therapy trealtment and plained that a number of Robert Homuthj vice -print of anhonour history come at muscle .development. The Cenl­ changes had been made in the pal at the school had been off the University of Waterloo, amid REpop.TS OF nM INTER, tre, maintains a kindergartenJt1me table to accommodate work for two weeks with pneu- national plowing match, at andgives, instruction up tov gr- classes and students. plans to enter either high sch- monia -and was expected back sal teaching, or Journalism. Owen Sound ... show that a& four levell, under the Long In some cases, said Mr- on Thursday. She has maintained a high Warden George M-.CuUheon, don, Board] of Education, Cochrane, classels start at 8.40 Some discussion centred acadbmic standard throughout Huron, was a.close second in It melts $10,000 a month to a,m, and then .these students the wardens tractor plowing maintain the centre, with the get a double noon hour of two around the policy which the her five years at CDC1, rlack- competition. we couldhardL biggvist paot of funds coming 40 minutes periods. In some board wished to adopt withup tirst; class honours in, regard' to students spending drig ly help but comment that Mr from service clubs, and Easter cases, classes run till four ending CWades 9, 10, and 11, mal ' I\kOutcheoril is, rather hiaWn" Sealg sales. The centre is run o'clock, although mainly stu- more. than six years; at the 73 percent in, Grade 12, and 9 1 school. According to the Act 71 percent in Grade 13. She a habit of this second place. undbr the Ontario Society for dents are released from Areolar_ business one week he Cr�ppled Childreni. Alithoughleolarses at 3.30 p.m, Arrange- rider which secondary schools -& 0 V�.as. a member of the sen - are administered, the board 10,r choir, an active W Imber comes second in a parmindall may charge tuition fees for any of the press club A* 1,44 11 � the by-election the laws FA student requiring more than year, book chlb, he comes slecond in a ploNving six years education there. Barbara was 'amember of comPedtioni Will there be Principal Cochrane reported the C�anqadion Girls in T-raiiiing a, third? in any casle, he is q?.f,,!� there were two boys now in at Brumfield' 'United Church, SUR, Amt in Huron County Grade 13, Who were it their an'd of the Sunday Schooj rapid and Will be Until the new war -- I there. deli 15 elected hi January ... (Continued on Page Seven) JYoung People's Societ 0 No One Hurt Gala Event As Auburn In Car -Truck -0 ens Mem'. orial Hall � :$� ,P Collision Here � w � l � � � ' n AUBVP&—Largebouquelts of ober,bkouglit gteetpgs from ,Christian Heist, 83, .Zurich, yellow -and rust cbrysanthe- the Province of OrTPAVICIr and and his wife escaped, Wary congr-lituladed Ithe residents on here Tuesday afternloon when Mums decorlated Auburn Mem.- this fitting rhemoolal He sta- their car was .1n collision with okial Community Hall, 100 tab tell that it was through the De - a trubspbrit truck driven by official opOning and ribbon cut- partment of Agriculture that Michael Andrew Dennis,p�c�i,ling, eerem-orry, r4riday, The the grant had b'ee'n'givbn by Toronto, The truck6r also was hall was filled to dapa&y Wil- the- Ontario govi uninjured. milinebt, L. Craig ways the nilaster o0we speakeesbrit&g, con - of ceremornes and Mrs, Gord- gratulatiobs were Murray 0Aef 11 R. Thonipton said the cat was in, Cal islim-f with on A. Taylor -*as- pladist, Gaunt liewly elected member the empty ItrOMpbrt 4t High. way 9 and th& Orange Street VL -V. Craig expressed thanks for iW�� Bruce, ReoV6 Ralph fi�tetgoctlon. Mr. Heist's car to All who', had contributed 9'0 Jewell, Colbourn ToWnshiP, lnstriuct'lhq ballet Toatheet much, thedifferent, ball, boarft, Reevd Harvey Culbert, W e, 9 t was eXtebsively damaged, those who had assisted Wlth WaWanoth Toftshilp heave 01- �0� 11 1 1 Members of the Associated. Dance EdUdatOVs labour, and also ifor the Idona- 16relicis Hanna, V ast 'CZ�lriosli the woother of Ohtatloy Meeting in the Dorothy S&Uton School tiaris; of money Ito complete this Township and Rowe ThbmAs 1669 1•w • i of Dancing, London�,on Sunday,, received one hOUr doMmuiAty' cobik-6 Paid tka, by Le!per, Mullett Townshhete ffigh i0w ffigh LOW of 17h.4truetion fromClifib5hIg b�llet Instriadt6tj N"i -the, ilbsidents of the dlktlot He the hall is situMvd. AlAl0140.0 Oct: 11 15 34: 75 67 T� ZtLblexkT. Asgistiffig- Were Miss Penny BAteffititj th"Ited ther dtiteh4 who had ivelighbourling Tdwrishipshavd 1h -tv 1� yb the pot, W.ars,gi-vW geah&.. '12 4't 692 4boVLh� leftMifi6 helped Mrs. Zabl6cki ih8tradt th�', ine't 0vea 'ago Ancll d'e- ' 10 60 86. '70 49 bided (to erect (this lf�lng mem- 14 O. RbbettW fole this AYdh other feaeh6rg in the ballot "Maryikal") With dhoreo, 'J�� and. w Ich � 14 68 44 55 V tarsal to those -who fiW served wd Cot 1 111unit. Iti 18 50 50 90 graphY by Mrs. Zablo6ki. Jrtqftlg� GalbMith, r19K their country And in some W6§ the hall 96M 'cotigratlatl6bb it 19 �� 49 M P f*690ftt(�d OXqmples, of,ehiratter dahting the 8amd made tthe, guptem& sdai'dC6. bA4 d b6ft'dfitl 96nit of y161,16W 11 '6� 46 66 '61 ift6rnb6n. Dance teachers attended from Michigaiij 0hado UcNalig''kitboyImon—, Itaw lah hbAt, This 1wifl., Z fru Rain: y40 fit, Loiidw) Windsor and Chatharii lateaSi iWtfollk E -t-1 (IC66dwod flit.ow 11) SPO e c o d THE HURON R9C0R1)_$1st YE,6,,,R $4.00 Per Y-40-10 Cents Per Co e py-12 PoSfps 'Payable To CDCl Graduate Georse H. Jeffers,on 2 Memorial Fund Set Last Thursday night, Clinton to $2,186,57, This is principal was principal of thepublic Public School Board accepted and i a ' oterint an money raised` school in Clinton from 1927 to n principle the administration a year ago by the George H. 1956, was hone', red Ia ho_ e, by m of a George H. Jefberson, Mem- Jefferson Appreciation D a y coming gathering of hundreds qrial fund to Provide a yearly Committee, with the intent of of graduates of the school, $100 scholarship for graduates providing funds for Mr. and However, before the trip was from Grade 13. Mrs, Jefferson to travel to undertaken he passed away The -mernor!4.1 fund amounts, England. Mr. Jefferson, who suddenly in January 1962, Mrs, Jefferson has returned the funds -raised to the committee. George Lavis (also chairman ry of the school board) and Mrs. iz T J. Willis VanEgmond, ap- proached tboard last week, requesting that the money be accepted by the board and ad- ministered by them. Proper legal documents will be com- pleted by the November meet-• ing of the board for formal acceptance of this responsibil- ity. It will be known as the Wri G4orge 1-1. Jefferson Memorial Scholarship, and, complete de- tails of terms under which it will be given, -are not yet av- allfalAe, Only the interest money will be used; so that the prin- cipal' may remain! in, trust, and Officer Earns Commendation the award' be made In perpet- uity. F/O Donald "Paddy" 'O'Donnell, C.D., Basic The award will be made for Training Officer at Radar and Communic7tions the first time next fall, based School, RCAF Station Clinton, has been officially on work done in Grade 13, commended by the Chief of Air Staff for a suggest- 1962-63. ion concerning UHF Installations in aircraft. Here Other topics covered by the he receives the Commendation from G/C J. G. board last Thursday, were the Mathieson, MBE, CD, Commanding Officer. F/O need to hire assistance for the O'Donnell has served 13 years in the RCAF, a great kindergarten teacher; problems with the seeding Job on the wportion of that time at RCAF Station Clinton. playground; and planning for His previous Unit was No, 3 Fighter Wing, Ger- the entertainment night on many. F/0 O'Donnell attended Ottawa University November 8, when board, and before entering the RCAF, is married to the former staff will gather for supper Joan Jordan, Clinton. Living now at Seaforth, they and a social evening in the have four children,' Daniel 10, Debra 7, Mark 5. school. andMichael 3. (RCAF Photo) Seven New Members Seen Any UFOs An one? y JA Have you seen any UFOs K, insmen' 0`66 lately? Translation, for UFO is "un - After losing ten members fora pe'anu't sales drive on No,- identified flying object", and, a during the summer recess, the vember 16 and 17; planning to gweat many facts and sight-ings, Kinsmen Club of Clinton in- selll Christmas trees, and, par- conceiming these have been itiated seven, new membem on ticipalion in the "Save The compiled. by the National In - Tuesday evening. The member- Child' Fund" whereby the club vestigationsCommittee on Aer- ship now stands- -at 31. Decrease- sponsms a child in an under- ial Phenomena (NICAP), was due. to itransfers and over- privileged country at Christ- According to their Publica- age. mastime. tion The UFO Investigator, Me new members joining George NQSewOrthY, London, re�t sightings, have been re - were: David Hallman, account- Malson's, itipresentative for this ported over Kansas and Olda- ant at Clinton office Ontario area, showed' the film "HOc- homa, and from Arristerldam, Hydro; Keith Salzman, clerk key's Hall of Fame', which de- 1-rofi,,Id, as well as from Louls- at the House of Bargains Ltd'.; plets, the opening of the hoc- iannend, Georgia. Known more Mervin Roe, Metropolitan. 110- key memorial buildIng at the popularly as "flying saucersl" surance agent; David Beattie, CNE ground§ in Toronto two the objects, have received some of Beattie Furniture; Jerry years ago. dlegree of attention by members Wilson, accountant at the Bank Three -Quinton Kirismen, leave of congress of the governmenit of Xmtreal; Al Johnson, ac- On Friday to attend the Kies- of the United States, and con- couriltantat the Royal Bank of men District I fail council inued presentations are being Canada; and, Jame -Sl Imit, Prifit- meeting in Owen Sound on Oc- ma& by NICAP Ito congress in eret rope CUnton News -Record. tober 20 aln)d 21. They are pm- that country. initiation, was. in, charge of oder It Frank Cook and Mrs. Anyone intetestetd in receiv- Avt CAYUkis, assisted by past Cook, first vice-president WE- ing in&orniation on this, couad deputy governor Mait Edgar, liam Ohowen and Mrs. Chowen, address- letbam to NICAP, 1536 -past presidents Ken Scott, Don and paslt deputy governor Malt Connecticut Avenue, Washing - Kay, •Ciarence Denomme and Edgar and Mrs. Edgar. The ton 6, Djc. (A locoll member Robert Welsh,. President Frank council,, headed by governor J. of N,10AP is George B. Payne, Cook was chairman of the A. Miller of Thorold, wit, make RCAF Station ChritoA whose meeting. plans for the coming Kinsmen home address is RexWe, Ont. Business: included arranging term. Hospital Penny Sale Has Record Receipts Over $800 A crowd of 300 witnessed -the nerHotel Clinton, Mrs. X. NewsF draw last S'atu'rday afternoon Bridle,Moffat, after one of the, most success- Groceries, Swan's grocery, Brand, full Penny Stales ever held by Ruth Ann Twyford; ice buck- Fruit et, Carl Diehl, Bayfleld; fish- Mrs, Fi the0lolton, Hospital Auxiliary. ing Vole, Mrs. Ed Welph; sport tote b Masantin, the park, While shirt Pickett and Campbell Gordon Harold 'C!, Lawson., chairman Ltd,, Mrs. H, C. Lawson; tray, white and J, Murphy, vice-chairman MeEwan's' Stationery, Mrs. Ann Wear, I of the Hospital Board c1rew Birkrftyre; bamboo ornament, doir sli: winj)ing tickets from theniore Mrs. Douglas Ball,' Max Fap- Mrs. H than 75 boxes set up in the tor set, Penhebaker, Gerrie els Ea store. Xuipen W.' Cri, Two wall 'plaques, Anstett Je wirg. IX E. Gnddot Holmes,- jewellery; Mrs. Robert McXen- Mrs. V1110, Was the lucky �Vinftelr of zle; lady's purse, LovettSpec- 8utt, the grand prize, Ole $50 bond. ialty, Mrs. M. Young RR 4, Shat q,lie Women of the Aukqjwy Clinton-, record, Galbraith Radio MutIl have e4restsed their appree la- and TV�, Kenneth B. McRae; 2, C tion, to Alan hunting lantern, Clayt Dixon's get Galbraith for pro- Auto Supply, Reg. Lawson, RR 1 ae v1dibig the oxcdlwit premisles 1, Clinton; $5 credit for meat, lamr. for 6110 sale,' to Ross MeavM' Refers Meat Market, Mrs, BVqv for proAidlng, Ithe, pubud addreds Maude keddet, H6nsalli $5 Walter I. John iierman's men's E. Edgar; bou- Lobb's shoe store, I. Ball; bath tow- of- Canada, Mrs. stop 'tabl, Mr% Lorne credit for , system; and to the business 25 lbs.. flour', Herb's Pood ton Laundry and st and prDfelonbl people in vtowln Market, r8. Lee Murdoch,-, Ltd., Unit Doug wfid, contrdbutt-d financially & groceries, IGA store, L, Donom- mans wallet, Cl by giving Prizes. me; two ohidlien dh6W mein House, Mrs. I. H The wholehearted support of dinners, Meay'Mcc Restaurajit, born, crystal poll Alfred Ell Buchanan, three ter's jewelry, the eommunity peoduced OV05 boxes laundry* soap, Buchanan; Epps; sh6d, Idts $800 fit rece'ipts', p -t%,, 41l of which Red and White' Mrs. VV. But- Colenitul HttiVe, will 11316 sipeht ire -fiftilshing the J-6fj, $10v credit hojC, j W dosboto,,' Xatff. ftt�W Whig nOW being erected. Counter Builders Clinton; lint" * Mrs, J, Othei, Wifte-sra are: man's Douglas Morgatll, " I Cliffiton' pillow oatme' sweatoiv, #bfiAti�4.by Leels, Mrs. C* hilftbe, MdXotllc auto.. m nt,§, Matyj Stare, Mks: Calddonia Ing, xtwift,A Edna Jam, steak dift- M01 I v