HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-11, Page 8Page ii-,Clinton i4e*s-itecerd Thuts:, 00060 Two More Cubs
in Boyfield.
Wolf Cub Pack
04y S. Viorsoll)
lAyFIF.41413—T1.1eSday even,
tog marked the., first .ceremony
of investment for the .tieWly
formed Bayfield Wolf .Cub
Pack, The two boys Who were
invested were R4ocify
and Brian,. Koene,
The pack, under the leader-
ship of Scoutmaster L., Gallant
and asSlisited by Nigel Beacham-
her, is advancing into its; sec-
ond month now and with its
membership -of 13 is: a grand
success, As Saturday, October
13 is Boy Scout Apple Day, the
citizen's' of Bayfield have _an op-
portunity to .express their ap-
preciation for the fine work
being done in 'the Scouting
Church, Hensall, was honoured
at several pre-nuptial events.
Included among hostesses were
Mrs, James Bell and Mrs. Ron-
ald Heywood, at the home of
the former, Exeter; Mrs. Roy-
lance Westcott, Exeter; Miss
Mary Giampa and Miss Carolyn
Coulson, London, Mrs, Roy
Bell, mother of the groom, en-
tertained the bridal party at
her home in Hensel' following
rehearsal Friday evening.
Mrs. Thomas Kyle, Sr., re-
ceived word Friday of the death
of her brother, John Kipfer,
Elkton, Mich., who passed away
on Friday following a month's
illness, in his 86th year. Born
in Waterloo he came with his
parents as a child to Hay Town-
ship where he lived before go-
ing to Elkton some 40 years ago.
Surviving are his wife, one
son and three daughters; two
sisters, Mrs, Kyle, Hensall, Mrs.
Ella Desjardine, Exeter; five
brothers, Ezra Kipfer, Hensall;
Simon and Sol, Minnesota;
David and Noah, in Oiwa, Mich.
Funeral services were held Sun-
day, Attending from Hensall
were Mrs. Kyle and Mr. Kipfer.
Chiselhurst UCW
Chiselhurst United Church
women met Tuesday afternoon
with president Mrs. Percy Har-
ris in the chair. Thirteen mem-
bers answered the roll call. Mrs.
R. Kinsman conducted the wor-
ship. The first chapter of the
new study book was reviewed
by Mrs. Jack Brintnell, and the
missionary prayer- was given by
Mrs. R. Taylor. An invitation
to Kippen United Church wo-
men visitors night on Tuesday,
October 30 was accepted.
Harry Horton received word
by cable advising him of the
death of his mother in England,
in her 92nd year, She passed
away on Wednesday, October 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Horton visited
her in 1959.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Reid
and Allan have moved into their
new home south of Hensel]. on
Highway 4.
Mrs. Edward Carter, Hensall,
who resides in the Fink apart-
ments, was the lucky winner of
the Legion bingo jackpot of
$105 in 55 calls at the bingo
Saturday night. Door prizes
were won by Mrs. Jim Clark
and Fred Kennings.
Baptism service will be ob-
served in the Brucefield United
Church on Sunday, October 14.
Miss Elizabeth Scott, London,
spent Thanksgiving with Miss
Mary E. Swan• and Mrs. Ham.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Mustard
spent the weekend in Findlay,
Mr. and Mrs, Murray Squires,
Sarnia, were Thanksgiving vis-
itors with the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Stack-
house spent Sunday with Mrs.
W. Stackhouse and Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston
and family, Aurora, visited with
his parents, the Rev, and Mrs.
H. Johnston, on Thanksgiving.
The many friends of Mrs: V.
Hargreaves are pleased to know
she is at home after her recent
stay in hospital.
Over 20 ladies from Bruce-
field attended the Thankoffer-
ing service at Bayfield last
James Boughen has returned
from a trip to France. Mr. and
Mrs. Boughen visited in To-
ronto last weekend.
CGIT Meeting
The weekly meeting of Bruce-
field Canadian Girls in Train-
ing was held in the United
Church on October 4, under the
leadership of Mrs. J. Boughen
and Mrs, Glen Swan. Officers
elected were as follows: presi-
dent, JoAnn Aldwinckle; secre-
tary, Dorothy Ross; vice-presi-
dent, Joan McNeil; treasurer,
Sharon Baird; pianist, Barabra
The girls decided upon the
name "Happy Hearts, ' and the
motto chosen was "Busy Grow-
ing". A committee of workers
was elected for the month of
October. Mrs. Swan conducted
the worship service.
There were 14 members in
attendance, to plan for fall ac-
tivities. Each week the group
will meet on Thursday evening
at 7.30 p.m,
There were 4,242,490 Canad-
ians who paid personal income
tax in the most recent year of
record, 1959; their average in-
come was $4,113 and average
tax was $372. Only three per-
cent were in the $10,000 and
over income bracket.
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Nor To Gr AY
(Mrs. II, F. Berry
Mr, and Mrs, David. Triebner
are visiting with friends Up
Mrs, L, Vance and sons, Wil.-
lowdale„ were at their cottage
for the Thanksgiving weekend.
Mrs. Aida T, Gray, Goderich
Township, worshipped here op..
Mr. and Mrs. D, G, Lance and
Justin, Troy, Mich.,. were at
their cottage over the weekend.
Mr, and, Mrs. W. I3ennett and
family 'were at their cottage for
the. weekend.
NlisS Mabel Scotchmer, Toron-
to, oeme to be with Mrs. Robert
Scotchmer for Thanksgiving.
Mieses Jacqueline, Vicki, Judi
.and Bob Cluff, London, were
home over the Thanksgiving
Miss Mary Hovey, London,
was guest of her brother and
wife, Mn- and Mrs, J. E. Hovey
for the Thanksgiving weekend.
Mr, and Mrs. E. W. .0ddleif-
son, London, were at their home
here last week, former being
on holidays,
Mrs. Malcolm MacLeod and
Bruce, St. Catharines, spent
the Thanksgiving weekend with
Mrs. L. H, MacLeod.
Mrs. R. Humphreyes and son
Carl, Port Stanley, visited her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, R. Kerr
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Baler,
Fenton, Mich., spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hig-
Spencer Ervine and daughter
Mary Elizabeth were in South-
ampton for the Thanksgiving
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reid,
St. Clair Beach, were at "En-
field" cottage over Thanksgiv-
ing Day.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon
returned home from Clinton on
Sunday. They are improving in
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms
were in Goderich on Monday
for Thanksgiving dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. E. .R, Weston.
Mrs. R. Warner and Evelyn
who have been at their home
here for the summer returned
to Byron on Thursday (to,day).
Rev, and Mrs.' H. B. Scuda-
more, Hays Beach, spent the
Thanksgivingtide with Mrs. R.
H. F. Gairdner.
Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott,
Jimmy, Nancy and Susan, Kit-
chener, visited his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William R. Elliott
over Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simp-
son, Sandra, Cathy and Jack,
London', spent Thanksgiving
with Mr, and Mrs. Alf. Scotch-
mer and family.
James A. Cameron was in
Toronto for a week. He return-
ed home with his son Evans and
grandson, ctott who stayed with
him during the weekend.
WS, J, W. JOWett Moved
from her home at The Grove
to her home on. Main Street on
Tuesday of last week for the
Misses Alice and Ann Drouin
and Adele Fernette closed their
cottages this week before re-
turning to their respective
homes in Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. W, C. Heine,
London, were the guests, of Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Hayman at
their cottage over the Thanks-
giving weekend.
Dr. and Mrs, R. G. Hunter,
Miss Sally Beth, Mrs. C, Rog-
ers, Toronto, were at their home
here over the Thanksgiving Day
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Love-
land, Leaside (Toronto) and
Mr. and Mrs B. R, Myers and
daughter. Janey, London, were
Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. S. H. Bryant.
Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Feather-
ston had their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr and Mrs, Keith
Leonard, and grandchildren,
Willowdale, with them on Sat-
urday and Sunday.
Word was recieveci last week
by friends here of the death in
Miami, Florida, on September
28, 1962, of William O. Must-
ard in his 85th year.
Mrs. George Lindsay and her
son C. Brown Lindsay, took up
residence in their fine new brick
home which the latter built on
his property on the Bayfield
Line, on Thanksgiving Day.
The Right Rev. William A.
Townshend, DD, LLD, Suffrag-
an Bishop of Huron, and Mrs.
Townshend returned to London
on Tuesday after having been
at their cottage over the week-
end and Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawerence Mc-
Milian Jimmy, Woodstock,
spent the Thanksgiving week-
end with the former's sister
Mrs. Reg. Francis and family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pounder,
Johnny, Cathy and Mary Beth,
Chatham, were with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer from late
Saturday evening to Monday.
Miss Margaret Smith, Ottawa,
was home from Saturday to
Monday, to celebrate Thanks-
giving with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Smith,
Mr. and Mrs, William H.
Dunn, Miss Alyce Dunn and Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Duffin, Lon-
don, occupied their cottage over
the Thanksgiving weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Lone,
Howells, Mich., are spending
this week in Mrs. Charles Rog-
er's cottage. "Char Min". Their
-daughter Nary W.O. With •theril.
over the Weekend:,
Mrs, MYNA Butler Clinton,
visited :her sisters in-law, Mrs,
Alt .Scotchmer Sr., and Mrs.
Robert :$0017,Meri from. Thurs-
day to. Sunday.
Corporal. Lloyd WeSt1440,
aPP 'Kitenner, wife ,and three
children, Ricky, Catherine. and
Paul were with Mrs, VVestlake!s.
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm
Toms for the weekend.
My. and Mrs. Harry Baker,
Miss Owen Baker and Chris
London; Mr, and Mrs.
Douglas LOpg and two children,
Ancaster, were at "Wheel-In"
over Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt
and family, Mn and Mrs. Otto
van Rennenkarnoff were at the
Burt family residence over the
weekend to awe it for the sea-
Miss Ethel Blair, London, was
with her parents for the Thanks-
giving Weekend, Miss Brenda
Blair who was also home re-
turned to St. Thomas on Sun-
day afternoon.
Mrs. A. F. Furter • returned
to London on Tuesday after
having been with her brother.
N. A. Stinson from Saturday
They visited their mother at
"Hi ronview". •
Mrs. Donald Sager held the
Arkell family Thanksgiving din-
ner at her home in Goderich on
Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. R. Turn-
rrayle and Philip joined the
family circle.
Mr. a n d Mrs. A. Brisson,
Grosse Point, Mich., were at
their cottage for the weekend.
Mrs. J. H. Cobb returned on
Tuesday after having spent the
Thanksgiving weekend With Mrs.
J. Wallace, Oakville.
Miss Margaret Ferguson and
nephew, Charles Ferguson, Tor-
onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Fair, Kitchener, occupied t h e
Galbraith'.s cottage on Bayfield
Terrace from Friday to Monday.
• Mr. and Mrs. Tom Arkell, Jo-
Anne and Kenny, Alvin. Texas,
arrived on Thursday last to
spend a fortnight with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P, Arkell.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heath
Sr.. Calgary, who have been
with her sister. Mrs. F. P. Ar-
kell since 'early July, left on
Monday to spend the winter in
Redwood City, California.
Miss Netta Powe, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Powe,
Gregory and Janet, Montreal,
visited their sister, Mrs. E. Pol-
lard, Bayfield Terrace over the
Thanksgiving weekend,
World Wide Communion was
observed in Knox Presby-
terian Church, Bayfield, by the
Rev. Ross McDonald, on Sun-
day last, The church was beau-
tifnlly decorated for Thanks-
Mrs. William Aberhard, Lon-
don. came to her cottage on
Saturday for the Thanksgiving
weekend. She was ioined by her
daughter, Miss Helen Aberhard,
Reg.N., of 'Women's College
Hospital staff, Toronto, for
The Rev. and Mrs. H. G. E.
Crosby. Mooretown, accomp-
anied by their daughter, Mrs.
Bruce Barwick and daughter
Nancy, London, were the guests
'of Mrs: Crosby's sister "Mts.'•
E. Howard o n Thanksgiving
Mrs. David Battye and Blair
who have been with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Blair. since the
middle of August, while her hus-
band was "on course" left on
September 29 for St. Bruno,
Quebec. F/0 David Battye
motored to the village for his
wife and son.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stirling
and two daughters, Beverley
and JoAnne. Meaford. visited
his aunts, Misses A. M. and E.
J. Stirling over the weekend.
Another nephew, William Loree,
Nanton. Alta., surprised them
on Tuesday and on Wednesday
took them to Port Elgin for the
Mr. and Mrs. George Fellows.
Kim, Riverside, and Miss Pam
Fellows, of the Victoria. Hospit-
al School of Nursing, London,
were at their cottage at Glitter
Bay over the weekend. They
celebrated Thanksgiving with
Mrs. Fellow's parents Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Fraser,.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Raymond
Dorie and Bill spent the week-
end at the Ken Ferguson home,
Guests on Sunday included Miss
E. Raymond, Toronto, Mrs. D.
H. Raymond. Mr. and Mrs. A. G
lVfolitor,• Kathy, June and Patty,
Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs. K. R.
Ferguson, David, John, Carolyn,
Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mar-
tin. London.
Guests registered at The Little
Inn for the Thanksgivingtide
Were J. Ishenwood, Devin, Eng-
land; S. Rughell. Windsor; Miss
Joy Brubacher, Kitchener; Miss
Katherine Wales, Mrs. Edna
Carter, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Howison, Judy, Bill and
Danielle, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Dr.
and Mrs. J. M. Growse, and
four children, London; Mrs.
June Collier, Lansing, Mich.:
Mr. and Mrs. T. Bauer and
seven children, Waterloo; Miss
Evelyn Brownell, Miss Ftances
White, Toronto; Miss Mary
Keyes, Kitchener.
Spanish Onions, Mary Oesch,
Joan Cresol); 5S.
,Christen as decoration \ for
door, Or. 5-8,
Linda Pierson;
SS; Will Yee, d Yeo, Ar-
lene Dtitot, 9G; Judy McBride,
58; Shirley Keys, 3S.
Coffee table _arranger/tent,
Gr, 5-8, Diane- McKinley, 55;
Lynne Branden, Bayfield; Jean
Glen, IS; Calvin Seotanner,
Baytfield; Doris Oesuh,. 5S; Palt-
i4icia Sparks, Bayfield,
Seaton 11,, chocolate fudge,
Brian 1VIcAsh„ Janie Clarke,
Varna. Shirley keys,. Lynda Hill
SS; Douglas ArtnStroitg, 4 E;
Gail St: LottiS, 105.
Mal* creatn candy, Mary
LOU Cattle, Karen; Brandon,
Lynn Brandon . Bayfield; Milda
Pepper, 7S.; Marlene • Seetche
Met, 4 BaSt; Shirley' Xeys,
Brain- bluffing, Mary' M. Min.
strong, 881- Maine Townshend,
5G1. IVEarleire Seotanner; 4 'Et
,Tady Metride, 55; Xathry.n.
Weston, 134fielit Diane CI,
6We, 4 tast,
Neil Leroy
Neil Leroy, creator of the
radio program Court of Opin-
ions, is back for another year
'as its host and moderator.
Heard on' .CBC radio every
second Monday, the show
features' lively discussions on
'topics of wide interest.
(CBC Photo)
Bayfield UCW Has
Visitors Day
In St. Andrew's
L'AYFIELD — The autumn
thankoffering meeting of the
Bayfield United Church Wo-
men was held in the church on
Thursday, October 4, President
Mrs, John Lindsay conducted
the meeting .and welcomed the
guests.. •
Mrs. C. Bell, leader of Unit
1, read' from II .Car, 92, and
Mrs, Pease' led in prayer. Two,
ladies, from Brucefiekl, Mrs.'
Richards= and Mrs. Hender-
son sang a duet, "Perfect Rest"
accompanied by Mrs. McBeatth.
After a reading by Mrs. Lind-
say "Prayer and Thanksgiving',
Mrs, M. DeRuyter! and Mrs. IA.
jangejan 'of Porter's Hill, sang
"Great Is Thy Faithfulness",
accompanied 'by Mrs. R a y
The offering was taken by
the ushers, Mrs. L. Smith and
Mrs', C, H, Scotchmer. Mrs.
Sinclair, Kippen, followed with
a reading, "I Thank Thee,
Lord". Mrs. LeRoy. Path then
introduced the speaker of the
day, Mrs. Tiffin, Wingham, say-
ing that Mrs. Tiffin was busy
with many good things, Sunday'
School, UCW, High School
teaching, also as homemaker,,
wife and mother.
Mrs. Tiffin based her re-
marks on Genesis 45: 27, the
story of Joseph making himself
known to his 'father Jacob and
proving his' identity and his
position of 'authority in' Egypt,
by sending 'wagons', laden with
gifts to his father and brothers.
The speaker used the symbol-
ism of the 'wagons' Joseph
sent and their tokens of love
and kindness, to illustrate 'the
work of the cinach and espec-
ially the women of the' church.
The point she made was, that
"we should make our woman's
organization a 'vehicle' to con-
vey the fact that We really
care for the needy." A small
gift wad presented to Mrs. Tif-
fin by 'the president of the
Willing Workers', Mrs. Postill,
in appreciation of her coming
and of her inspiring talk.
The president thanked all'
those who helped make the
gathering a success, and the
meeting closed with the :hymn,.
"Sing to the Lord of Harvest"
and the bernedicion.
Lunch was served tri the
basement. The church was'
beautifully decorated for the,
Occasion with the fruits and
flowers of the Thanksgiving
Season, o .
The first law courts, opened
in the New World were estab,
fished at Trinity, NewfOund-
land, by Sir Richard 'Whit.
hottnein 1.615,
Mrs. Sim Roobol is a patient
in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
Unit 3 of the United Church
Women of which Mrs. Dave
Kyle is leader, realized $40 at
their bake sale Saturday,
Mrs, Annie Dean, Toronto,
spent Thanksgiving with her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr,
and Mrs. Archie Noakes.
Herb Hedden spent Thanks-
giving with his brother and sis-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Hedden and family, Dres-
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy
and family, Toronto, spent
Thanksgiving with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Whiteman and Beverly.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid
and Mrs. Norval Reid, attended
the Mair-Harkness wedding re-
ception at Hartley House, Walk-
erton on Saturday, October 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes
are visiting with their son-in-•
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl McKellar and family at
Lisa, infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Hyde, who was
a patient in the War Memorial
Sick Children's Hospital, Lon-
don, has returned home.
Mrs. John Reid, Mrs. Norval
Reid ,Miss Diane Reid, and Miss
Marlene Reid, attended a show-
er for Miss Jean Harkness, at
Teeswater, on October 3. Miss
Harkness was a bride of Sat-
urday, October 6.
Miss Donna Darlene Heywood
whose wedding to Murray Neil
Bell took place Saturday, Octo-
ber 6 in Carmel Presbyterian
Goderich Twp. South
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Williams,
Goderich, spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. John Tor-
rance and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sehilbe
and two children and their niece
and nephew, Eric and Kathy
Schilbe, Brenda and Clayton
Stirling spent Sunday at Niag-
ara Falls.
Miss Dorothy Reike, Hamil-
ton, called on friends on Satur-
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Young,
Goderich, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Betties this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stirling
and Mark, Toronto, spent the
weekend with his brother Doug
and also with his mother.
Miss Elizabeth E.
Miss Elizabeth Eva Gibbings,
87, Clinton, died Monday at
She was born in Clinton,
daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Gibbings, and was
employed as a secretary in Tor-
onto until retiring to Clinton
several years ago. She. was a
member of Ontario Street
United Church.
Surviving is one nephew,
John A. Gibbings, 8 Norman
Street, Stratford; one niece,
Mrs. G. W. DesJardins, Lapeer,
Service from the Ball and
Mutch funeral home, 153 High
Street, Clinton, Wednesday,
October 10, by Rev. Grant Mills
of Ontario Street United
Church. Burial in Clinton
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St. Peter's Church
St. Joseph's, Ontario
October 14, 1962
Iron 3 to 5 p. m.
Re-niodelled and newly decorated for the Glory of God this
church ?is the pride and joy of its parishioners and
has aroused the interest of many outsiders,
Catholic and Protestant alike.
Wishing to see it in its completed form, numerous are
those who have asked to be advised when they
could visit it. The work is now completed.
The pastor, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Bourdeau and his parishioners
cordially invite one and all to honour them with their
presence this coining Sunday afternoon.
It will be an occasion for various faiths to fraternize
on a social level without a religious Ceremony.
Everyone Welcome