HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-11, Page 5Local Young Couple at Listowel MR. AND MRS. JAMES ALLAN FINCH, Listowel, were married in Wesley -Willis United Church on Saturday afternoon, October 6, by the Rev. Clifford Park, Clinton. The bride is Carol Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lockhart, Clinton, and she has been working in a bank in. Listowel. The groom, who is a florist at Listowel, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Finch, RR 1, Clin- ton. (Photo by Phillips) CLEARANCE OF 1962 MODELS PHILIPS TV & Hi Fi CONSOLE Reg. $359.95 NOW $235'00 With Trade 2 YEAR PICTURE TUBE GUARANTEE • DELUXE CONSOLE Reg. $399.95 NOW $275'00 2 YEAR PICTURE TUBE GUARANTEE FM -AM STEREO Hi Fi Reg. $329.95 With Trade NOW $269.00 Authorized Philips Dealer Radio -- TY and Appliance Repairs . 215 Victoria Street -- Phone HU 2-7021 "S rV9(i(' Is Oar Business" KROEHLER AND BEATTIE'S ARE HOLDING THEIR Fall Festival of Values FINEST QUALITY FURNITURE .. . ... AT UNHEARD OF LOW PRICES COM5 IN AND SE US FOR EXAMPLE .. —French Provincial 2.pc. Suite Reg. $286.00 FOR $256.00 —Seal' oder nn4 R Chesterfield 2 -pc. Suite Reg. $267.00 .................. SALE 207.00 Sectional AIREOAM NYLON FRIEZE Reg. $249.00 ............... SALE 519$.00 —Colonial -Davenport and Rocker Reg. SALE 94+0 YOU WON'T BELIEVE it These Are Severe! EXar 1pfbs Came In And See.The Res+ . ATi EE•AT TIl FurniturNU 1.9511 dLINTON, ONT.e Adastral Park Social Notes News Editor Anne Aiieron Phone HU 2,7349 Mr,'PO Mrs, John Calve and tluetli' chilcli' `eu1 From Trenton, were weekend ViSitols at Mr. and Mrs, D. Trennbiay. Mrs. 'Carl Peterson from giving weekend with her son and. his tamaY, 11'Tr', and Mas:. Bob Ps~tertson, Rigby Sabowin was. in Clink tors Piib>ic Ifiosp%tai for tori- sullitis; Mile' Huard WAS .a pateait in S:t, d`Asepl,as,Iospit'al lnt 1401100ai;; a speedy recovery too (beat lads, Congratulations end best wis- hes .are extended to S/L a'reci •M is, S, E, Ireland oin' the birth of a son eau October 5, 1962, An invitation is out for redulrts fp coin the senior choir of the RC Lohurdh. New ram - leers should get in touch with the choir aster Cpl, Paul Vig, er. MiDDIETON Dr, and! Mx s., Andrew Grind- lay, daughters" Carol and Anne ied MIs, Grindley, Sr.„ Lon, - dm; Spent'Saturday with. Mr. and Mas. Fred Midele!ton, Dr. R. 'G. Hunterr, Mrs. Hunt- er, , Sally Beth and Mrs. Regetrls', Toronto, were guests on Sun- day alt the borne of Mr. and MTS Stewart Middleton. • - a Hyland -Welsh Marriage vows were exchang- ed (between Catherine Annette Welsh .and Ronald Eric Hyland, at a double ring ceremony in St. Andrew's United; Chureb, Bayfield, with the,Rev. Rev. A, G. Pease •oftficiating eon Saturday, September 29. The sen'ctu'ary was decorated with .autumn flowers and ,glowing candtel- a(bma. The bride is the only dlaugfh ter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Robert H. Welsh., RR 2, B'ayyfield, and the groom 6s+ the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Edward Hyland, Riverview Ave., Lon. - d. The bride was captivatingly gowned in .a floor length gown. of silver •white French peau de sole, The fitted bodice featured below the elbow' sleeves: and 'a flattering scoop neckline etch- ed 'with 'hand=:run French pure lace motifs. The elegant skint was richly accented) by medallions of the lovely French lace. A crown of pearls held her fingertip veil and she car- ried a crescent bouquet ore chal- ice roses and .stephanotis. Identical sheath gowns; of gold peau de sole, with :over- skirts of guildi brocade on white satin, were worn by Miss. Elaine Ball, Clinton; as mei'ci of honour and Mises Barbara Yea, Holmes- ville, as bridesmaid, Miss Jan- et • Wilson, London, cousin of the bride, as junior bridesxn.'aid', was gowned in full -skirted gad peau 'de sbie, with gold' brocade. on white satin cummerbund. The bridle's attendants ,carried crescent bouquets of bronze ''mums. The 'bride was given in mar- riage by her 'farther. Attending the groom was William Venn Vugt, London, as hest man, and Clifford Rit- chie, London, and Dan'id• Welsh, brother .of the 'bride, RR 2, Barefiieid as ushers. Traditional wedding music was played by M'isa Carol Pep- per, Seafoith, who also accom- panied the 'soloist, Mrs. Lance Sadler as she sang, "The Wed- ding Benediction", "The Lord's Prayer" and, during the sign- ing of the register, "0 Perfect Lone", A reception for 75 guests followed at The Little Inn;, Bayfield The dining room and the 'parl,onur where the recep- tion lime firmed, were tastte- furlly decorated with autumn flowers: The bride's mother r'ecedived in woodland green teryle rre crepe, with beige hat and mat- ching ,accessories, assisted by the greom:'s ;mother who chose dusty beige wool sheath dress with mimic 'tits , m?atehing mink hat and •correspondiing •access- soir+ie'e. The br'ide's mother and the groom's another wore core tageS of ehalice roses. For travelling to I iegara Falls, N'ew England States and New York City, the bride dell led a heather brown Fru ch wool sheath dress with tau and brown accessories and a S- aye of yellow roses The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl droplet necklafce and Matching eatrings. ings. h1 their taupe", the ,bride and •gtroom will reside at 574 K'ialgsway Ave., London, The bride is ori the stag of the Lonclle n and Middlesex Chale dret's Aid Society ,a,nd the groom is on the 'staff our Drug Treading -Cornparee Leiden. The bride was feted 'at eve - ere; M her ar 6hohtt'e 1S Prior 'tt7 marr- riage, Mee, Joseph Clark, Loaf doll, Was hoeteee at; rt panty shower. the office staff at the Landon 'arid Middlesex Chit dr'en's Aid ,S'odl tY ware 1ioo3w. 'uses art to iniecel:larreous shaW� or, also iitt London, and the United Meath Werit r1 of St. Andrew's tT heel Church, 134e - field, where the bride has been organist and chair leader for several year% herietteed her with .a thower batattital -Cintees 14e04 $eris'on T,he Girl Guides of this park met an Oeteber 1 at Ai'r. Mar- shal High Campbell school, for he'll first meeting of the RA - Son, The girls are in the charge of Mrs. Suzanne Treni- blay, captain, and! Mrs, Rita LaPointe!, as lieutenant, Pub-- city is being ng looked after by Mrs, Vivian Poxon, Twenty' four twirls were present; nne of.their •worthe projects is rto suppriy the refreshments for' the patient's sof Huronview next No., member, when the WA pays its monthly visit, Nuptials at. St, Peel's A pretty wedding was, sol- emnized on Saturday morning, October 6, F/L Iticharrl Bus- sey :officiated aft The ceremony which milted A'C1 Alphonse Boudreau and Miss Loretta O'Neill, Ottawa, The main al, tar was adorned with gladiolus and the warn. autumn slice shone through the widows of the •c1 wuh during the entire ceremoey, The bride looked mart in trine pale blue suit and match, ing shoes, She wore a winter white that, Her white Bible was adorned with. pink and blue balby roses", Witnesses for the couple were; Rfidhard Robillard and Papal Luacignan, 'both from East - view. The soloist was Patti Viger end 'the organist ACI Eric Masbo& gh, from Barbados. The bride 'is the daughter of ,Mx, W. O'Neill and the late Mrs. O'Ned'11, Ottawa, and Mr. Boudreau is the sen of Mrs. B. Boudreau, Ottawa, formerly of Syndey, N:S. The newlyweds left on a 'tale east, stopping in Toronto and Ottawa en route. Earns Decoration CPL. W. "Bill'' 1YLATTBEWS sen •af Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. "Lonnie" Matthews, 1VIa'ry Sltreet; 'Chilton, recently re- ceived the :Crn.adta Farces Decoration from •G/C 3. G. lVMarthi.eso4 MBE., CD, Com- mandrvg Offices, of RCAF Station, Clinton. Corporal Matthews is Married! and has four ch>ildiren, Diane 9, twins Karl and Karin, and Kim. 6. He ;played on the Station ball team this year and is. a staff itnetruc'tor a RCAF Station Clinton. • ONTARIO STREET UCW UNIT 3 MEETING Unit 3 of Ontario Street United Church Women will meet 1VIondlay, October 15 at 8.30 p.m. in the church par- lour. Classified Ads Bring Quick Results $ergeants ftaTifle Win Top Students 1:11 304r --In a. brilliant display ,of fielding and awesome hitting power, tire RCAF Sergeants' Ness, Staff League Champions, 1'aslt week won the RCAF • Sta- tion Softball Championship by h;4anbling the sitydent ,cba'Cnp- ions 17 ,to 1. The Sergeants' Mess won the staff leave championship four weeks sago by defeating the Corporal's' Club twn• games to 4e'r!o in a bent tWo out of three game series. After losing .the first genie to the students 4 to 3 •the Sergeants bounced back. to Will the 'next two games by very convincing margins -•42 to 4 and 17 to 1. Pat Dumtatyne, on the mound for the winners, handcuffed the stud'en't hitters with his sheep control, 'allowing only three hits. The almost flawless, field, ing by the •chiaanpiees; demoral- ized the students on several occasions, particularly in the fourth inning when they laad!e'd the leases with nobody out but tailed eo pee a run acerous the plate, The batting power of the Sergeants can be attested by the fact that an seven play-off garner, 'against three •different teams, they seored 101 runs while allowing only 25 to be scored •agabiet them. Jan Rubes The popular oper!attic bass, Jan Rubes, .00ce again serves as host and vocalist on Songs of My People, the CBC radio network program of tradition- al music from many land's. The (dhow, which also features the orchestra and chortle of Ivan Rornanoff, is heard each Monday evening, (8C Photo) Clinton Collegiate At Huron -Perth -Ex Athletes 'from Clinton Dist- trict Collegiate Inetitute last Thursday helped topple records. at the Horrors: Perth -Fix 'track and field aneet held at Sft. Marys, and brought home two championships. .Clarence Magee, star pitcher for the finalist Fish and Game Banftan baseball team, won the intermediate 'bora title, tied with a St. Marys boy, Larry Carlberg ('they .each had 14 paints) and Bonnie Boyer, per- ennital wiener "af track and field championships, brought borne the junior ,girls trophy, with 18 out of a possible 20 points. Records' broken by CDCI athletes 'included the senior boyte 880 yard race, run by Harry Bakker in 2 ' minutes, Women's Auxiliary At St. Andrew's Plan Oct. 27 Event On Tuesday evening, October 9, 20 members of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of Sct. Andrew's Presbyterian :Church assemb- led at the home of Mrs, Harry Weymouth. The president, Mas. Ronald McCann, .welcom'ed three visitors to the meeting. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Viola Lainipnvan and Miss Mabel Harvey led in. prayer. Roll call was answered by a verse of thanksgiving. A par - tion from .the study book en, titl'e'd "Generosity" wall read by Mrs. William. Cook. Mrs. Frank Mutch read a poem called "Which. Are You?" After a short business; meeting concerning the bazaar to be held on Saturday, October 27, a social hour of games was enjoyed. A's'sist ng the hostess with liurmh were Mrs. Dorothy Hym ers, Mies Mabel Harvey and MTs. Alam Graham, 0 ST• ANDREW'S WMS TO MEET OCTOBER 16 The Woanen's Missionary Society of St, Andrew's Pres- bytt'endan 'Ohttech will Meet en the school room of :the ehureh an Tuesday, October 16 at 2.30 lent TO MAKE 101 IMPROVEMENTS Add a rug bra whole new roam I Repair, repaint or redecorate! There may be 101 reasons why you could use an HFC Houteholderrs Lean, What's more, you Carr trust Household Finance because they offer helpful, friendly service to hundreds of thousands of Canadians every year. You, too, will appreciate Household's convenient- offices and neighbourly service, as weft at the way we respect yourwish for privacy, Lite ihsuranCe available of kW group rate met PLANS1 LOAN Mtlettite PAYMENT melee teems Ate 5750 1000 1 606 2200 25,00, 6i'S.38 83.71 95.12 23.73 31.65 41.46 68.81 94.62 107.02 24 $ 0.12 Melee 12 I 32.86 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.4] 147.00 9.461 51,24 69.21 91.50 146.52 201.46 228.03 Ab,,o $aytnbtitt fnctudb piihc1p69 aid Inrehatf aha a et bated oh nhdmnpt repayment, but db NI tOcIdde the tag at Ilro'nturancb. HOUSEHOLD PINANCE G. 14. Crawford, Menage,' 36A West WOO `telephone JA 44281 G0DEitiCH Has Two Winners Schools Field Day 12.7 second (old record was 2 minutes, 13.7 seconds); • —the intermediate 440 yard dash, run by Brian Levis in 56,9 seconds (oId record 57.9 seconds); —the 'intermediate high. jump by Beverley Beck, 4'7" (old record 4'6") ; —the intermediate running broad jump by Beverley Beck, 14'91/2" • (old record 14'9") ; —junior girls 100 yard dash, run by Bonnie Boyes in 13 sec- onds (old record 13.1 seconds:); ---junior running broad jump, by Bonnie Boyes, 14'8 " (old record 14'6") ; —junior high jump, by' Bon- nie Boyes, 4'8" (old record 4,5") . Tih'e meet champions were St. Marys athletes, who broke nine of the 22 records which fell d'ur- iing the afternoon. South. Huron district high school broke five records and Mitchell one, Other wins by local young- sters were; senior boys, 440 yards, Harry Bakker, 52.7 see - mule; senior il'op, step 'and jump, Budd Boyes, 41'; pole vfaulte Maurice Marshall; 10'; itermediate standing broad jump, Clar'enee Magee, 18'5"; initermediate hop, step and jump, Clarence Magee, 29'2"; junior ,bow. 100 yards, Dean Read, 11. 5s'ec.; junior boys, 220 yards, Dead Read, 27 sec.; standing broad jump, Wendy McGee, 7'; junior ,girls 440 yard relay, Bonnie Doves, Linda Spano, Mary Jean Neilans, Barbara Peck, 61.5 seconds. Second place awards were warn by Ed Rand, 880 yards and 'senior mile; Budd Boyes, senior ,high jump and broad jump, pole vault; Ernest Bru- bacher, senior discus; Clarence Magee, intermediate 440 yards; Brian Levis, intermediate 880 yards; Doug Daarnborough, in- termediate! discus; Wende. Mo - Gee, senior high jure; Lioyann Rutherford intermediate 100 yawls; Beverley Beck, inter- mediate standing broad jump; Bontrzlie Boyes, junior standing broad jump. Tlhiird.plcace ribbons: were won by 'Ernie Brubaoher, senior shot put; Michael Scotchxner, inter- mediate 100 yards; Clarence Magee, intermediate high jump; Bob Ba'tkin, intermediatte pole_ vault; Lloyanrn Rutherford, Karen Schefter, Ethel Col- lins, Margaret Gliddon, inter- mediate 440 yard relay. 1' urs• Oti(pbpr it 1962 --Clinton News-Recor{i,,.+Pc ge 5 Honemakers iowib.g,League Teams. The teals -c0pte,ins held a. meeting on Tuesday.. at'o'ber 2 ,to prick 'their Oats, It was defoirl,ed Ito start ,the 'ason gym. Thui'sldla , October 11 at 8 1�•rt?„ Tlue ,fgflowing are the teams elnd The night WTI team bowls. Any'quve who' ga7nnle't bowl this week ds to'contact her +lean? -captain and let her )now. Apley 1, Thursday, Team. 1, Go 0eitrber's; captain Robs Mc' Gulr% Laurie Hewitt, Joan Ma,ctlge,L"ileeri Borden S�hei.la Anderson,. ,Alice Harcl aty, Acle Koch, Alley 2, Thursday'., Team 2, The Blow—s: captain Rose Dotl!l, Jean garnett, Joan Sutcliffe, Margo Marshall:, Jessie Mac- Kay, Blanche Bette Flora Chambers. A?1ey 3, Thursday, Te'ani. 3, The Real MVMpCoyst, captain. Mary McCoy, June Fo1s1, E�lsnia lavogsi!de, Shirley' Parker, carat lIarlt, Giadys Bakki, Donna Alley' 4, Thursday, Team 4, The S,artel'Lites; captain lean 3 ntting, Bernice Loden, Shir- ley Petton, Syevie. Patterson, Phy4l s McIaae, Rita LaPointe, 3tacltde Htall,. A!tte'3'' 5, Thursday,.e* T 5,. The ,Sweet Peas: eeptein Win. Niven, Marg .Tbout, Joe We,. Blee't,. Irene I3umlse, Shirl,ey Miciziie, jointly Icing, Vi Kit;- soul,. Alloy 6, Tinteelay, Teem 6, The Asst Net,tes•: captain E1 len Newell. Marcel' e Cyr, Grace l-leinstra, Celia 13a7Ser,, Sial2y f31rd, Mabel 7 x , Marian D'eliuie. A'11ey 1, Fr'id'ay, Team 7, The Mateo; .captiain Jean Greer, Jpye,e 1 > ubel, klraaakie 1V); e'naxt , .i-feleo Dewar, Elsie Robes tsoe, l‘ifeelLein Merrell, Felice Peddle. Ailey 2, 1'"rid4y, Tears?. 8, The. Comets: ea -paella Joyce Gale, Alice Menet, Lea Deehan, Donk naOban pion, Marion Reim, Myrvta Wilson, Noreen Cote,. Alley 3, Friday, Teani 9, The Dy -Soars; papttein Kay Wick, wore, Jackie F,Slinger, Jennie Try.olwic, Masy Reed, Gay Gagni, Flo Rays, Doris' Ascarid. Alley 4, Friday, Teeam 10, The T'ry„HardLs: captain Lois, Bill, Bo{Cu se rrie, SplurgeMalen- fanit, Marg Dick'au, Jaekie 'Iir'eay, Marilyn Clyne, Irene Oakahasi, 411, NOW ON DISPLAY AT D. A. KAY & SON PAINT SHOP -- -- HURON STREET CLINTON +--- Phone HU 2-9542 Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service Special Values and Reminders This Week I.D.A. SPECIALS—Oct. 8th -13th KLEENEX 200's MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS 100's-4 I c 300's-9 1 c STOMACH POWDER Reg. 980`--79c Reg. $2.49—$1.59 2 for 29c HOLLYWOOD WAVE SET WITH FREE COMB --29c PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE Reg. 98c -79c SPRAZE—Reg. $1.39 HALO SHAMPOO Reg. $1.19---99c Reg. $1.95—$1.39 99c WORLD SERIES SPECIAL SLIM ADJUSTABLE RAZOR WITH GILLETTE FOAMY $1.95 ASTMANEFRIN WITH NEBULIZER --Reg. $9.90--$4.90 NOXZEMA-6-0z. 99c F. Be PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2-6626 Clinton, Ont. Ainnimanwonmaamommavommonm CORRIE'S MAIN CORNER CLINTON KkAFT CHEESE WHIZ GIANT OMO bETER6ENt ...................... 19c MARRIED QTRS. RCAF STATION 59c RED & WHITE M TATs "SPECIALLY BLENDED" PLASTi JAV`EX BLEACH ............................... 43c COFFEE BAGS _ .....13c 2 Fow 37c A6TIFICIAL VANILLA 19c LiBBY'S CATSUP 11-�z. .......................... GROUND BEEF CHUCK 59 Extra Leal ba c Loaves LEAN BONELESS CUBE STYLE STEWING BEEF Ib. 59c Por Meat Pies and Stews SWEET J(.IWYFRESFt SLICBD SUNKIST ORANGES ..,.. ,...... WI, 4. c BEEF p�tASEFt>/!i.Lli~/*� SlIV`tw Bra 59C h�SH CHIS 24 -oz. i'kgs.........,, LIVER lb. 39c. -...._._ - ....,.. . RED -& WHITE SETS THE PRICE