HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-04, Page 11m
Prix* Winning Poster .Draws. Official Attention
One new feature of Bayfield Fall Fair last dential ,area .of Hensall in WinterAirne, by Mrs. R.
week, drew the attention of the top officials of the M, Peck, With birp are OrvilleMcClinchey, RR 1
event. ,President Alvin Rau, RR 2, Zurich, points Varma second vice-president and Bob Stirling, RR
out the first rite Ste an oil ]painting of a rosin 3 Clinton, secreta of the fair.
1? l? g ?� .. , e y a
(News -.Record Photo)
50 Years Wed
Mr. and, Mme. George, Lawlor
recently celebrated their golden
wedd+img arnmdvers'airy in Giant
with a family ire-umion, Present
were ith'e immediate famW,
W'i1bent Lawlor, London; Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Watermanhn,
Catherine, and .James. Mr. -and
Mrs. Gerald McKay, Sandra
and John, +alli. of Gait Mr, and
Mrs. Lawlor received ,flowers,
gifts and' many mesvagels of
coQbgrattulatiaa>s frown relatives
aced frleends'. Mr. ands Mis. Law -
Lor +have ibe�e2t Attxburcnk reisI nobs
for many years.
,Mr, acid Mrs. William Str- er, Russel King and Mrs. M ng..ening -in: #the, Community Mem-
auughan+ v14tted Bast week with - Mr. and ,Mr$, Lloyd Humph- orn+al Ha]k. Music was enjoyed
rellaltivm in Kritehemer. 'vasviisittted 'last S+a'turday with to Elgin Fisher's ovidhestmaa,
Mr. 'and Ma+s.:Bd' Davties - ' +
his father Mr. W. Humphreys Goderich with Glen Patterson
iced fsiieridPs in Ingersoll and: at Paris. as 'floor manager. During the
Londbn over the weekend Mrs, Bdtty Crete and her Otenrndssion, Ketrinoth Htagett
small son, Windsor visited last read an ad'dr's of congratui-
Stevwart King, Toronto'ns week nvitty her uncle, Amthiur ations and Bill, Andrewspre-
visriting ti ms week With. his Fath- youngbl"t: seated a Furse of money.
�■ Tam Manning., London, visit- Congratulations are extended
ed last Sunday with has slisiter, rte Wnald Hawalbt wh+o won tih+e
PLAY IT SAFE! V.1n, I Mmsr. Herbert Mberldze and Mr. A. Y. McLean +troohv for Inn
Mrs. Norman Mdoll achier'y ac-
companied' -by .Mrs. Wdflliarn J.
SPREADING5ENrE . Robert Arthur,
who had
BUUC �SIPMRIA BG ; Ablendedl the Leaders school 93t
nuzEa Ahirnat 'Con' eg;e Sit:- Thomas, gave
an ld ng report. Mia'sr
Mez+gtarret R. Jacksroiii: intwocltic-
1 , ed .the guest. s'pe'aker 61W S.
C7bnliyti Clinton. She. related,
!' it rnakes-good cerise to have yciur, fertilitei" 'spread on fall sbwn gtoih's on
5ras$tandt-- hay dadpcist, re . , on Lash erbps� for next spring accurdtely,
,,dashY and ecartomically with the now SHUR•GAIN Fertilizer Spredding Servico.
Makes good dollars and teems t6df It may cosi' you no more to hove SHUR-GAIN
;idefivered bed spread than you 'dire presently paying for bagged fertilizer,
'1(oixr L�cai S�#U�WUAIN �erlt'iliteir' D�tal�ti+ is
38 Hu rent Endear i'-'= OUNTON � P ono Ho 2-3819
r...,...,..... .....:...
...u.,n: .. ., .....ua.. ,.. ,.s,. .......... e.,• ,.nu.., ..r. a. . .,..,>... ... ...ti.
emarp 4� told t 1, n �u 111,," October d, l d-Cl�1.ntor� Newt-Record---I�pSe 1
CTie wqe a m '
d f a food and 'the Cllsw.,
" + zrfacns! sta,rT
T f m? 1st,
44 .:.
iss 'Conrrtic 4_ g h In
,Me V'CW .welted Au�u'Riv —.- * Name of ,...:
wiiWk a gift, 'Tesus. ROMan
Catholic Chixr ti
he , eVtl;� as the sodop
aau 4
udent Mrs. Kenhoot Kia e ity' we last Seat- Social Notes
1x1 esodic. +Ear a nr lciativd Latae, w;
laeriod, Zt was deet ay when Zeta Ca�hlon be-
LtsTnse wylth r>he Christrn;aS came the prude of Barrie Law- Nel+'s Editor, Arne ,�►iieron •,-,- I:hone tIl1-7349
r far !.Mics y ati: recce Young�bl�.ut, +b�at'h of $'ratri!p-
COIT Akets Officers ton. The bi
The life of FaOr 40r 9by, a of Mr. and.
lylmd writer ot diver 8,000 Kanldand L
hyrrmis weq tine s WAy hold raft theis the sore
CQIT nn'eebigg, held,in the Sure •Percy Yawl
clay School, room of N'rnox Pres- burn, The 1
byterlan Church- by the assis- ed -with, bou
tarn leader Mrs, Llurican Mac- White chrys'
Rayl, Margaret Sandlans�wk ads- FFat'her Redsis�ted mr , readintg ,the story. officnaited f
The meeting was' +o�rned 'with oe vemo y.
Judy Arthur'in, the chair• IaKud Given in.
Miangareit Seamderson, at the pr fiver the t
Ano, Thee (0flemirng wins .re'caieved g- I of z
by Mary Standerson. scoop of
stYNf Jiaoah wads read ea, ,wad .a
by Mary Sa. rson �andl blre aerated. r
Meditation and questions were She carried
:tatken by the leader, X&s. W. ids and std
Brednipcdd, r"iyn Caghia
Officers elecrW, for the COr11- ,, lniA, of ,h,nr
of In
by Ther fa-
a +a white
tete witch
oint dewy
rade panel
uric roses,
rtt of oveh-
Miss Mar.-
er sic+ter's
nu adegs� e
arru ca'rrr'ed' a tkrauquet of whgWe
Mrnrjo4g, Youutgtblot +seoond and• rust pom'.pbm 'rniirris.
wine -"President, Maargamet Sand C,,ueat sal4lst, Miss 1 etty
Orson; secretary, Betty Masts; Youungibltut, RR 1, Auubumn, sinter
ttrcasurer, Marry Sanderson; of the groom samtg, "Whither committee, Brigitte Sd h,Thou Goeot," accompaniedby
liidh+ting, Linda Longhurst, Jay, the origanist Mrs. Cummtitngs
Ge Leatthe+rlaud; lunich caminitt, who also • played tradibionral
tee, Marlon; Yorwntgbl'ut, Pelts wedding music,
Tiechenrt, Mangtamet Sanders
Plans were made to attend Thegroomsman was Douglas
the CGIT ralltey :in Seiafamh of Youngblut, Brantford, +brother
the Maitland and Huron, Pacts;- , of the groom, and the ushers
byltt rlan on October 6 art 1 pain. were Kean Coohlan, ;brother of
and instruct ones were .given to ;the bride and" Dave Kittle,
,get n'arries far• mine autograph B'irampton.
quilt which ithie girls will make For ,a reception w l ich foil•
*As falil• lowed In -tthe Rainbow Room of
Wulkerburn Club the Parlciane Hattel, the mother
The Wallikerbuarn: Club melt at received ,the ,guests wearing a
the ;home of Mrs. Canner Grass sheath, of white brocade, 'green
with the president Mrs,, Leo- accessories and la corsage If
nard Amohamlbault in the chair. roses,, She was :assi'st'ed ,by the
The minutes were ' read by grOmn's mother who wore blue
Mrs. ]MIRobt Lapp .in the alb- nylon jersey with white and
since of the :secretary,' MM blue accessonries and a corsage
Henry Hu king, of pink cases. For •a wedldin
Roil call, Wasanswered. nsweredl, by 16 trip to Southern n Oubarvo, the
members, and two visitors each bride darned ,a grieen wool jer-
Showing, dihedr rtetentalge picxture. sey shrea(th, Marek accessories
The diary ,prize donated by Mrs: an'd' w pirnk carnation, corsage.
Joe Hunking was won by Mrs. Guests were present from Au -
Edna Cook: An,intemeating pro- bunt, • Brarcntifordl, Brampton and
gram .of Mnte9ts' was ,in the Ktirklan'd' Lake.
charge of MTs. Sai ries McDoug- On their •return the couple
aril aned Mrs. Bert Hunking A will reside at Brampton.
succesdul peirmly Salle was: bold� .0
antd Plans for the next meeting
of Al will' be hod' at the a Auburn Lady Has
of Mrs, Llcy'ic, M'eC111mfcyhhey were
cNintieth Birthday
tvatr+ge of Mirs..Caranen Grass
and Mrs. Henry Humking, while
the .lura h conino ere will be AUBURiN :Nearly 50 aveigih-
Mrs, Herbert D. rs. Mics. bourn and friends attended the
Lloyd Penfaund, Mrs, Carmen i
Gross and MTs. Jack Hallman, birttindlay rparty lgst weetk far
After a shoat ibusiniess meettingM'r's- Mt Clark wiho cele -
a dleia'oious lunch, -was: Serobd by librated her 90th birthday. Re -
Mrs, Guy "Cunairrghuam, Mie. ceiving, guests were Mrs. Am-
W+aillter -Cunningham, Mrs. Tom ella.Nivhs- and' Mrs. WiilUbm,
CunrAnghiaand ,Mrs. Roy Dodd, Sr. Afternoon: ' tea and
Daer. birthday cake were served by
Maw, WIViam Dodd, Jr., assisted i
(Intended for last week). by Ahv• Howard' Taift. -
Mrs. Laura Fowler received During ,the afternoons •a granup
ward, of 'the death of her cou of the neighbours presented
sial, Frank Arrns trong of Nan6 Mus. Clark with gifts. Mrs. i
.ton, Alberta, who passed away James Craig read, an address
suddenly in his, 50th year: He of c± angrabulatbiara and Mrs.
is survived by his wife .the Fred Tall madta the presenrea-
forrner Laura Brydges aid also rt,7on.. Among the first friends '
three ch4&en. Mrs. A nArong to .arrive were Dr. B. C. Weir,
was a 'teacher one time at The Harvey AlaGeeee abd Mme'. Marg-
We<srfield sec+hool. and was known aret Arthur, who had been!
to many in this community. friends far years,
Fire Alarm Mrs. Clank received maary
Late Sunday, September 23, gacards and messages of
Auburn +am d' Blytth Fiore Brig_ congrattula`ti along with
aror ons M r. the caul to the flowers, to mark the occasion.
of Mr•. and Mrs, Gordon Gu+ests� were presenit firom, God -
R. Tay as where a badly swarm. eriah, Bdyttb, 'Clitutonv axed` Sea. -
basement caused alarm. forth -
thewars, :farurid' on examination, by
the firemen; that it hada etsc'aped
from the furnace and ith"e Blyth Claark. Minutes were read
Brigade plased the fog nozzle by
anted withdrew the Smoke from Baribara SarncdersOaN who also
the building. Mare than 200 received ;the offering. Plants to I
people gatheored In about ten hold a social time at the next
minutes tafter the alarm had meerting was left to a commit -
.been sounded about 11 p.m, tee composed of Carole Brown,
The Taylor stogie has been George Clark and Judly Arthur.
getting modernized by the, in-
stallation of tnetw tpacture Wind-
om complete with large alum-
inum awnings. , New cement
steps Crave item built, and also
I a railing to iastsiot' the alder
customere to get into tho shore.
Young People's ,Film
Where is Sylvia? a film
abarut 'a teenage girl was shown
at the Icombined, meeting of
-the AYPA or St, maws chiuith
and the YPS, .of Knox Presby-
terian Church, Sunday, Sep-
tember 23, at the home of Mar-
garet Haines,
The rector, the Rev. Robert
F. M'eartly presided for the first
pavit of .the meeting and Carate
Brown was the pianist. Donald
Haines showed the film which
told an interesting story about
a girl whose pareinrts- were too
striot. It also told the.'teefiagers
present, how they should con-
duct 'th'erAselv'es at bi0arrle and
out cru coaxnpany. Mr; Me�ally
ihankedt Mr. Haines +and closed
the program minty prayer,
`Titre &iso nth period' wigs an
charge of -bbe president, George
will be received by the
Township of Hullett,
Fwi the dbnsteuctioh of a Mu►libipal brain known as:
The Loncjhiurst Municipal Drain
The extent of the work is as follows,:
955 Lineal Peet 611 Diameter Tile
1,745 Lineal Feet 7" Diameter Tile
6 Lineal Feet 8" Dlametel- tile'
10 -Lineal Feet 81r diameter Hal -Cor Pipe with
Rodent Ptoof Grata
2---1011 Diameter, C.M. Pipes 16 feet long.
1 Catch R'asih.
All tLM&M rAd t be aecompaxrieil 'by a certified 604tld
for' 10 percent r►f the tender' price; With hiffifmtuin amount
of $100.
PS At s, profile and speclfiea.t of g may be seel at the
Clerk's ii hdR
LOW'dstor.'. ariy >teiidef Trot; hdoessarily a.CCeptod And ill
tehders nti lust bp clearly' harked a5 to contents, and trust
beer in the clerk's office hot later ithoi 12 o'ecloek noon,,
Monday, OcWbosr 15, 1962"
kk it Li oddsbbro', dn0toilo, (�
40 1b
Farewell vst Tlla[ ksVving
Ama,. Q3, itl i Servicewilbhold,
ak taAae of Mrs%, K. Me- essrgof St Pauls
The solemn; blessing of Srt.
our "of Mrs, Ha My TuMnski, haul's Church took Blade Seip-
who is +leaviang for Sioux Loop- berrkber 29, 19112, The religaaus
aur. The meanlbers of Mrs. �.Ccur-pay vap held !aft 2:801
arnski's Rumixioll ciUlb present- p.m;. vwl'th the parish reception
ed her w4h a beautiful sw'eait- at 3,30 Z7,nn.
ex. Arn address of welcome. was
Protestant: P44pei 0414 givexu b F/L Rev. . E, Bus -
The, if<irst meeting of the sey. The Mesoing of the d4urhh
Protestant Clntapel Guild was wast performed by G/C Rev.
held. on September 24, in x'he J. P. performed
QV, The sol-
c�hapel annex. The new exu errnru benediataaiv was celebratt-
bive was el'e'cted as follows; ed by W/C Rev, F. A, Halle,
hon+ourary pmesideint, Mrs, J, OD, v 4th deacon S/L Red , J.
A.' Koch; vice-liregidenit, Mrs. Rev. D. Gzrant. The choir was
H. Davies; se+oretary, Mrs, H. made up of students fr.=, Sit.
j Myers; itreasurer, 1 ?1S. J, . Mac- Peter's Seminary, I.oivdon, Orr-
IKay; sewing .conveiner, Mrs. G. Mario.
Dunnayne; knitting convener, Refreshments were served
Mrs, 1. Hopkins, -1 tdevotiaru0 later to panri:shian'ers, visiting
convener, M'r's. E. Bingham; d' gn'ilbari'es and numerous
lunch, convener, ll+ir% M. Frettbs; guests. Among,batt-+cif tovwn
lunch convener, Mrs. guests were Father Drouln
F. Boys; hospitality convener, From Saskatoon, Farther Lahaie
Mrs. C. �RanYger. from Nomth Bay, Father Dur.-
The next meeting will Ode .pihy frown Bala and many oth-
+held on October 15 at 8.30 p.m. ers.
at the lannex. On October 7 The CWL members were hos-
+the annim-1, .Congregational Har, te$ste's for the reception.
The Small NEW and. USED STORE with
Wholesale Prices
Sealed UnAi'tj' R � 24rr RANGE
iIGEi (�lF! 9 Ot Timer and Clock
Both Units for Only S88,00
REFRIGERATORS ... , .... $39.00 and up
ELECTRIC RANGES . , .. $49.00 and up
TELEVISIONS ........... . .. $49.00 and up
3 -Piece CHROME SET .......... $19.00
we SO - .Buy ---(rra )e
6 Chairs
Large Table ... • .......... +�%■00
8 Chairs
Extra' Large Table ...... S so.
HIGH CHAIRS—$12.95- STEP STOOLS ---$9.95
Phone HU 2.1601
For Quality New and Used Furniture
We wish to thank the people of Clinton and
district for their response to our opening last
weekend. --FRED MERLO.
New and Used Items Arriving Daily
At Our Store
(Across From News -Record)
Again This Year All Our Fowl Strictly Grade "A"
We Are Featuring
Butter b,all
r urxeys
Order Today. We
will took your
and Mrs, Bert Marsh.
showmanship in the dairy cllass
Clifford, Brown. wind: Harvey
witch his' Ayrshire calf at the
McGee vivited with the forrn-
Blyth Fall Fair and Ivan How-
er's father David Brown at
att, his ,brother who wonrthle
for every electric and.
MorAdw least week.
bap .prize in the swine class tor
Clifford McDonald, George
sh'awnianslh+ip !at the Seaforth
Fall Fahr.
and Pester visited last Sunday
wifbh Mrs. McDonald in Vic-
30th Anniversary
torxa hospital.
Mr. ,and, Mrs, Guy Cunning -
Ralph •McPhlee, Landon, was
Maar; were guresits of honour at
a , guesit lash week with Mr.
a Mrs Cliff MoOM
Mr, and Mrs. Tom' Johnston
the Mame .of their son -,in Law
and daughter, 'Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Latvia Phillips
Gross, Stephen and
and visited
David, 1& - week in honour of
liaeti Sundtay with l4lir. +and Mrs.
their 30th wedding ,anniv&-
ROY Farrow, Mktchel'1,
nary, Those present were, Mr.
Mr. acrd" Mrs. A. W. Green-
and- Mfrs. Charles Dexter, Con-
away, Toronto, are gue%ts this
sklanice; Mr, and Mrs!. Austin'
Clinton Memorial. Shop
week with Mr. and Mrs, Gord-
on R. Taylor. .Joe
Dexter, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs.
Youngblut, Mrs, Tom Ad -
Mrs. Harry Phalen, Acton,
:am, Landesboro; Mr. and, Mrs.
visited'• on Monday, with her
father, Russel King and Mw..1�,
Joe Moody Goderich • Mr. and
Lam' McCYinchey, Karen'
VVhNNam Rathbun Hillsburg
arra' Paul, Mr, and Mrs. Walter
Cunningham, Lond�esibara.
<:.,.. A , ... , .. .... .,
Open Every Afternoon
`1sT""vusibirng wiiith this daii+glhter,
Mra. ,Donald .Haines, Mr. Hain-
i A social -6ne was spiirvt. Luc
.ch 'and wedding cake was ser.
PHONE HU 2 7712
es, Margaret and Eddire,
Mrs. Ida Pratt, Browns"vM, e
ved by Mrs. Gross,bhs, Mc.
CVZy Mrs, T. unningiham
At other times Contact
and Mrs. Kate -Riobimsomy Wing-
ham visited bast week with Mr.
and Mrs, W. Cunninaiham. ,Ma
ny gifts were presented to' the
'Local Representative- A. W. Steep --HU 2-6642
M2.' and Mrs. Robeft Uhamrnely.
bridle and' groom of 30 years.
Mrs. J. • C. Stoltz returnd
last weeikend allter visiting in
aniong therm 'beang a large mir-
ror from theamj%l'y.
Wuvgham ficr "a, week with, her
Auburn 4-H Club
dwigbter•, Mors. Marguerite
The Auburn Sprouts mist
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ml-
with tpresidYe6t, Janxrett Dobie
in die chair. Minutes were
lonagih„ 'Sparihn9f101d visited Tacit
Saturday evening with her baro-
read by Rose Maxde .Haggitt.
The nrenvbers answered, the woli
thier, Russel K+inlg and'. Mrs.
c &u by reading the ditwer
d' 'ss Mrs. Amos. Andrew
,and Miss Ethel Washington',A
menus) they had' planhed for .a'
dam, I,
�di�scws5i,an Crook in,
Godlerlch, AskedSunday even-
place the
use of vegetbablees +for soups, sca-
45 KING STREET -- CLINTON -- HU 3,-7652
- witch Mrs, Charles Stmu;g-
111bped' dishes,,:dtufifed vegetab-
The Authorized
The atnmual Bibles society
les garnishes , appetizers: andAre
xelrisht�+s, The g'r'oup planned a
m"eetidng will the held, in the
vegtable relish plane end pre-
., • e e
Baptist Church, on Sunday ev-
ervirig, October 7 at7:30 p.m.
lard it. Mrs; G+omdoarr Dobie
demon oat ed :the making of
I M� P11, 1Ct
The distant se +ebar'Y, J. C.
cream of ttOrtnalto soup and, Mrts.
Thompson will be the gueslt
W, Bradnock rprep'aretdi'th6s'am.
speaker andi show slYldleg on the
,plus of soup) for each m"emirtber:
Appliance Dealer
work irk . Korea.
guests over the weekend
Plans were discussed ,far ' A -
dlbievement Day
'My. and, Mrs, Gordon R.
on, Novemberwith
17 in Awbtuxin: Uadli: member is
For Clinton and District
Taylor were Mr. +arid' Alms.
Lloyd Rah,�thby, London; Mr.
to prep e- .a now vegeitable
per dish ,bring�'`
,a or
• Automatic Washers and Dryers
and Mrs, Ronald Rathwell' ark.
famiily, Owen Sound- Mr, and
vegetable r Mine next
°n' October 9 at 7:45
(with two year Service Guarantee)
Mrs. Hamv+ey Arrdiretws aria Mr.
and Douglas Lewis, Ailsa
• Conventional Type Washers and Dryers
Hnox UCW
The 'Jrnuted Church Women
Inquire about other Sjmpticity Appliances
A larV crowed' attended the'af
reception for Mr. Candi Mfrs. Bar-
'Knox United Church met
Wath Unit one in charrgh Mrs,
rie Turner held, .Yash Friday ev-
Wd'lliam, L, Craig preiskW aavd
Miss -MVa. Gross was at the
piano. Mrs. lv MdDow-
ell react the scripture lesatm
and Presentedd 'the merYriitattjon.
Mrs. Lawrea w Pllaetzer' led, in
prayer. A, 'duet, was sung by
Mrs, Gordon +MoClalk-htey and
Mrs. Norman Mdoll achier'y ac-
companied' -by .Mrs. Wdflliarn J.
SPREADING5ENrE . Robert Arthur,
who had
BUUC �SIPMRIA BG ; Ablendedl the Leaders school 93t
nuzEa Ahirnat 'Con' eg;e Sit:- Thomas, gave
an ld ng report. Mia'sr
Mez+gtarret R. Jacksroiii: intwocltic-
1 , ed .the guest. s'pe'aker 61W S.
C7bnliyti Clinton. She. related,
!' it rnakes-good cerise to have yciur, fertilitei" 'spread on fall sbwn gtoih's on
5ras$tandt-- hay dadpcist, re . , on Lash erbps� for next spring accurdtely,
,,dashY and ecartomically with the now SHUR•GAIN Fertilizer Spredding Servico.
Makes good dollars and teems t6df It may cosi' you no more to hove SHUR-GAIN
;idefivered bed spread than you 'dire presently paying for bagged fertilizer,
'1(oixr L�cai S�#U�WUAIN �erlt'iliteir' D�tal�ti+ is
38 Hu rent Endear i'-'= OUNTON � P ono Ho 2-3819
r...,...,..... .....:...
...u.,n: .. ., .....ua.. ,.. ,.s,. .......... e.,• ,.nu.., ..r. a. . .,..,>... ... ...ti.
emarp 4� told t 1, n �u 111,," October d, l d-Cl�1.ntor� Newt-Record---I�pSe 1
CTie wqe a m '
d f a food and 'the Cllsw.,
" + zrfacns! sta,rT
T f m? 1st,
44 .:.
iss 'Conrrtic 4_ g h In
,Me V'CW .welted Au�u'Riv —.- * Name of ,...:
wiiWk a gift, 'Tesus. ROMan
Catholic Chixr ti
he , eVtl;� as the sodop
aau 4
udent Mrs. Kenhoot Kia e ity' we last Seat- Social Notes
1x1 esodic. +Ear a nr lciativd Latae, w;
laeriod, Zt was deet ay when Zeta Ca�hlon be-
LtsTnse wylth r>he Christrn;aS came the prude of Barrie Law- Nel+'s Editor, Arne ,�►iieron •,-,- I:hone tIl1-7349
r far !.Mics y ati: recce Young�bl�.ut, +b�at'h of $'ratri!p-
COIT Akets Officers ton. The bi
The life of FaOr 40r 9by, a of Mr. and.
lylmd writer ot diver 8,000 Kanldand L
hyrrmis weq tine s WAy hold raft theis the sore
CQIT nn'eebigg, held,in the Sure •Percy Yawl
clay School, room of N'rnox Pres- burn, The 1
byterlan Church- by the assis- ed -with, bou
tarn leader Mrs, Llurican Mac- White chrys'
Rayl, Margaret Sandlans�wk ads- FFat'her Redsis�ted mr , readintg ,the story. officnaited f
The meeting was' +o�rned 'with oe vemo y.
Judy Arthur'in, the chair• IaKud Given in.
Miangareit Seamderson, at the pr fiver the t
Ano, Thee (0flemirng wins .re'caieved g- I of z
by Mary Standerson. scoop of
stYNf Jiaoah wads read ea, ,wad .a
by Mary Sa. rson �andl blre aerated. r
Meditation and questions were She carried
:tatken by the leader, X&s. W. ids and std
Brednipcdd, r"iyn Caghia
Officers elecrW, for the COr11- ,, lniA, of ,h,nr
of In
by Ther fa-
a +a white
tete witch
oint dewy
rade panel
uric roses,
rtt of oveh-
Miss Mar.-
er sic+ter's
nu adegs� e
arru ca'rrr'ed' a tkrauquet of whgWe
Mrnrjo4g, Youutgtblot +seoond and• rust pom'.pbm 'rniirris.
wine -"President, Maargamet Sand C,,ueat sal4lst, Miss 1 etty
Orson; secretary, Betty Masts; Youungibltut, RR 1, Auubumn, sinter
ttrcasurer, Marry Sanderson; of the groom samtg, "Whither committee, Brigitte Sd h,Thou Goeot," accompaniedby
liidh+ting, Linda Longhurst, Jay, the origanist Mrs. Cummtitngs
Ge Leatthe+rlaud; lunich caminitt, who also • played tradibionral
tee, Marlon; Yorwntgbl'ut, Pelts wedding music,
Tiechenrt, Mangtamet Sanders
Plans were made to attend Thegroomsman was Douglas
the CGIT ralltey :in Seiafamh of Youngblut, Brantford, +brother
the Maitland and Huron, Pacts;- , of the groom, and the ushers
byltt rlan on October 6 art 1 pain. were Kean Coohlan, ;brother of
and instruct ones were .given to ;the bride and" Dave Kittle,
,get n'arries far• mine autograph B'irampton.
quilt which ithie girls will make For ,a reception w l ich foil•
*As falil• lowed In -tthe Rainbow Room of
Wulkerburn Club the Parlciane Hattel, the mother
The Wallikerbuarn: Club melt at received ,the ,guests wearing a
the ;home of Mrs. Canner Grass sheath, of white brocade, 'green
with the president Mrs,, Leo- accessories and la corsage If
nard Amohamlbault in the chair. roses,, She was :assi'st'ed ,by the
The minutes were ' read by grOmn's mother who wore blue
Mrs. ]MIRobt Lapp .in the alb- nylon jersey with white and
since of the :secretary,' MM blue accessonries and a corsage
Henry Hu king, of pink cases. For •a wedldin
Roil call, Wasanswered. nsweredl, by 16 trip to Southern n Oubarvo, the
members, and two visitors each bride darned ,a grieen wool jer-
Showing, dihedr rtetentalge picxture. sey shrea(th, Marek accessories
The diary ,prize donated by Mrs: an'd' w pirnk carnation, corsage.
Joe Hunking was won by Mrs. Guests were present from Au -
Edna Cook: An,intemeating pro- bunt, • Brarcntifordl, Brampton and
gram .of Mnte9ts' was ,in the Ktirklan'd' Lake.
charge of MTs. Sai ries McDoug- On their •return the couple
aril aned Mrs. Bert Hunking A will reside at Brampton.
succesdul peirmly Salle was: bold� .0
antd Plans for the next meeting
of Al will' be hod' at the a Auburn Lady Has
of Mrs, Llcy'ic, M'eC111mfcyhhey were
cNintieth Birthday
tvatr+ge of Mirs..Caranen Grass
and Mrs. Henry Humking, while
the .lura h conino ere will be AUBURiN :Nearly 50 aveigih-
Mrs, Herbert D. rs. Mics. bourn and friends attended the
Lloyd Penfaund, Mrs, Carmen i
Gross and MTs. Jack Hallman, birttindlay rparty lgst weetk far
After a shoat ibusiniess meettingM'r's- Mt Clark wiho cele -
a dleia'oious lunch, -was: Serobd by librated her 90th birthday. Re -
Mrs, Guy "Cunairrghuam, Mie. ceiving, guests were Mrs. Am-
W+aillter -Cunningham, Mrs. Tom ella.Nivhs- and' Mrs. WiilUbm,
CunrAnghiaand ,Mrs. Roy Dodd, Sr. Afternoon: ' tea and
Daer. birthday cake were served by
Maw, WIViam Dodd, Jr., assisted i
(Intended for last week). by Ahv• Howard' Taift. -
Mrs. Laura Fowler received During ,the afternoons •a granup
ward, of 'the death of her cou of the neighbours presented
sial, Frank Arrns trong of Nan6 Mus. Clark with gifts. Mrs. i
.ton, Alberta, who passed away James Craig read, an address
suddenly in his, 50th year: He of c± angrabulatbiara and Mrs.
is survived by his wife .the Fred Tall madta the presenrea-
forrner Laura Brydges aid also rt,7on.. Among the first friends '
three ch4&en. Mrs. A nArong to .arrive were Dr. B. C. Weir,
was a 'teacher one time at The Harvey AlaGeeee abd Mme'. Marg-
We<srfield sec+hool. and was known aret Arthur, who had been!
to many in this community. friends far years,
Fire Alarm Mrs. Clank received maary
Late Sunday, September 23, gacards and messages of
Auburn +am d' Blytth Fiore Brig_ congrattula`ti along with
aror ons M r. the caul to the flowers, to mark the occasion.
of Mr•. and Mrs, Gordon Gu+ests� were presenit firom, God -
R. Tay as where a badly swarm. eriah, Bdyttb, 'Clitutonv axed` Sea. -
basement caused alarm. forth -
thewars, :farurid' on examination, by
the firemen; that it hada etsc'aped
from the furnace and ith"e Blyth Claark. Minutes were read
Brigade plased the fog nozzle by
anted withdrew the Smoke from Baribara SarncdersOaN who also
the building. Mare than 200 received ;the offering. Plants to I
people gatheored In about ten hold a social time at the next
minutes tafter the alarm had meerting was left to a commit -
.been sounded about 11 p.m, tee composed of Carole Brown,
The Taylor stogie has been George Clark and Judly Arthur.
getting modernized by the, in-
stallation of tnetw tpacture Wind-
om complete with large alum-
inum awnings. , New cement
steps Crave item built, and also
I a railing to iastsiot' the alder
customere to get into tho shore.
Young People's ,Film
Where is Sylvia? a film
abarut 'a teenage girl was shown
at the Icombined, meeting of
-the AYPA or St, maws chiuith
and the YPS, .of Knox Presby-
terian Church, Sunday, Sep-
tember 23, at the home of Mar-
garet Haines,
The rector, the Rev. Robert
F. M'eartly presided for the first
pavit of .the meeting and Carate
Brown was the pianist. Donald
Haines showed the film which
told an interesting story about
a girl whose pareinrts- were too
striot. It also told the.'teefiagers
present, how they should con-
duct 'th'erAselv'es at bi0arrle and
out cru coaxnpany. Mr; Me�ally
ihankedt Mr. Haines +and closed
the program minty prayer,
`Titre &iso nth period' wigs an
charge of -bbe president, George
will be received by the
Township of Hullett,
Fwi the dbnsteuctioh of a Mu►libipal brain known as:
The Loncjhiurst Municipal Drain
The extent of the work is as follows,:
955 Lineal Peet 611 Diameter Tile
1,745 Lineal Feet 7" Diameter Tile
6 Lineal Feet 8" Dlametel- tile'
10 -Lineal Feet 81r diameter Hal -Cor Pipe with
Rodent Ptoof Grata
2---1011 Diameter, C.M. Pipes 16 feet long.
1 Catch R'asih.
All tLM&M rAd t be aecompaxrieil 'by a certified 604tld
for' 10 percent r►f the tender' price; With hiffifmtuin amount
of $100.
PS At s, profile and speclfiea.t of g may be seel at the
Clerk's ii hdR
LOW'dstor.'. ariy >teiidef Trot; hdoessarily a.CCeptod And ill
tehders nti lust bp clearly' harked a5 to contents, and trust
beer in the clerk's office hot later ithoi 12 o'ecloek noon,,
Monday, OcWbosr 15, 1962"
kk it Li oddsbbro', dn0toilo, (�
40 1b
Farewell vst Tlla[ ksVving
Ama,. Q3, itl i Servicewilbhold,
ak taAae of Mrs%, K. Me- essrgof St Pauls
The solemn; blessing of Srt.
our "of Mrs, Ha My TuMnski, haul's Church took Blade Seip-
who is +leaviang for Sioux Loop- berrkber 29, 19112, The religaaus
aur. The meanlbers of Mrs. �.Ccur-pay vap held !aft 2:801
arnski's Rumixioll ciUlb present- p.m;. vwl'th the parish reception
ed her w4h a beautiful sw'eait- at 3,30 Z7,nn.
ex. Arn address of welcome. was
Protestant: P44pei 0414 givexu b F/L Rev. . E, Bus -
The, if<irst meeting of the sey. The Mesoing of the d4urhh
Protestant Clntapel Guild was wast performed by G/C Rev.
held. on September 24, in x'he J. P. performed
QV, The sol-
c�hapel annex. The new exu errnru benediataaiv was celebratt-
bive was el'e'cted as follows; ed by W/C Rev, F. A, Halle,
hon+ourary pmesideint, Mrs, J, OD, v 4th deacon S/L Red , J.
A.' Koch; vice-liregidenit, Mrs. Rev. D. Gzrant. The choir was
H. Davies; se+oretary, Mrs, H. made up of students fr.=, Sit.
j Myers; itreasurer, 1 ?1S. J, . Mac- Peter's Seminary, I.oivdon, Orr-
IKay; sewing .conveiner, Mrs. G. Mario.
Dunnayne; knitting convener, Refreshments were served
Mrs, 1. Hopkins, -1 tdevotiaru0 later to panri:shian'ers, visiting
convener, M'r's. E. Bingham; d' gn'ilbari'es and numerous
lunch, convener, ll+ir% M. Frettbs; guests. Among,batt-+cif tovwn
lunch convener, Mrs. guests were Father Drouln
F. Boys; hospitality convener, From Saskatoon, Farther Lahaie
Mrs. C. �RanYger. from Nomth Bay, Father Dur.-
The next meeting will Ode .pihy frown Bala and many oth-
+held on October 15 at 8.30 p.m. ers.
at the lannex. On October 7 The CWL members were hos-
+the annim-1, .Congregational Har, te$ste's for the reception.
The Small NEW and. USED STORE with
Wholesale Prices
Sealed UnAi'tj' R � 24rr RANGE
iIGEi (�lF! 9 Ot Timer and Clock
Both Units for Only S88,00
REFRIGERATORS ... , .... $39.00 and up
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TELEVISIONS ........... . .. $49.00 and up
3 -Piece CHROME SET .......... $19.00
we SO - .Buy ---(rra )e
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Extra' Large Table ...... S so.
HIGH CHAIRS—$12.95- STEP STOOLS ---$9.95
Phone HU 2.1601
For Quality New and Used Furniture
We wish to thank the people of Clinton and
district for their response to our opening last
weekend. --FRED MERLO.
New and Used Items Arriving Daily
At Our Store
(Across From News -Record)
Again This Year All Our Fowl Strictly Grade "A"
We Are Featuring
Butter b,all
r urxeys
Order Today. We
will took your