HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-04, Page 9• 06th FAIR FINE INDOOR EXHIBITS AT 1 DAIRY PRODUCE: cottage cheese,, Mrs. W. Clarke, Varna; borne a•endered lard, Fred Mc Clzwnonit, Varirua; white hen's eggs, Mrs, W. CoWaugh, RR 3, Clinton; ibroWui hurt's eggs, Al- len Betties R.P. 2, Bayfield; Russell Oesoh, Varna; pair dressed chickens, Russel Oes�eb. DOMESTIC SCIENCE; :sponge cake, R. Grainger, RR 2," Zur- ich; u -ich•; M'rs. W. Colelou h; white bread, Williamm Qesch, Varna, ra'(bbop, plus 25 lbs. Robin Hood flour; Mrs. W. Clarke; date and but loaf, R. Madge, RR 1, Zur- ;idh, ribbon, pins 25 lbs. Arvie pastry flour; Mrs. 3. H. John- stone, Goderich; apple pie, Mrs. Robert Taylor, RR 3, Clinton, ribbon, plus 25 lbs. Arva pastry flour; Mrs'. W, Clarke; cherrypie, Mrs, R. Taylor, Ms. Heb Klapp, RR 1, Zurich; raisin pie, Mfrs. Robert Taylor; Chocolate cake, Ralph Steph- enson Varna, Mrs. W. Col-' dough; banana cake, R. Oesch, Mr+s. Johnstone; angel food cake, R. Grainger, Jack Hamil- ton, Varna; •spice cake, Mrs. W. dough, Mrs, H. Klopp; cookies, Mrs R. Taylor, Mrs. Eldon Yeo, RIR 3, Clinton; scones, Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs, R. Taylor; buns, Mrs. W. 'Clarke, Mrs, H. Klapp;; muffins, Mrs. R. Stephenson, Mrs. A. Armstrong, Varna; bis- cuits, Mns. W. Clarke, Mrs. Armstrong; Sandwiches, Mrs. Eldon Yea; no salads exhibited; meat loaf, MTs. R. Stephenson, Mrs. John- stone; maple cream candy, Mrs. R. Tayllee, Mrs. W. Clarke; chocolate f ui d g e, Mrs. W. Clarke; Mrs.- R. Taylor; dipped chocolates, Mrs. R. Taylor; but- ter tarts, Mrs. R. Taylor, rib bon', plus 25 lib. bag of Arva pantry flour; Mrs, ' Clarke; cocoanut tants, Mrs. R. Taylor, ribbon, plus 25 lb. Arva .pastry flour, William .Oesdh; baled beans, Mrs. R. Taylor. Lake of the !Woods Milling Co. specials ,for baking with Five Roses, flour, white bread, Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. W.. Col- clough; chocolate cake, 1V1rs., W. Clarke, 'Mrs. R. 'Taylor; blueberry pie, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mats. R. Grainger. Standard Brands Ltd. spec, ials•, white' bread; W. ,Desch, Mrs, W. Cd1clough, Mrs 'W. Clarke; ibrownrbread, .Mrs W. Colc1ough, Mrs. Johnstone, Ms. H. Klopp; milk rolls, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. W. Colclough; cinnamon .buns, Mas. W. ClaPke, Mrs. W. Col- eIough, W. Oesah; white cake, Mrs. R, Taylor, Mrs. W. Clarke, Honey ani aintings and Han �asty �pp�es Knits Mrs..Jolhnstone, Bayfield Agricultural Society special for .best light fruit cake, uniced, iMi's. B. Keyes, Varna.; Mrs. R. TAO:or; dark fruit cake, unl eed; Mrs. B..Key(es, Mrs. 13.. Taylor, Do...es is Sherteeing apple pie, Mrs, R. Tayls_op r,eoi.alls.., Mrs, Alvin Bottles, RSR 2, Bayfield; Mrs, H, Klapp; white cake, Mrs, R. Taylor, Mars. Johnstone, Mats, W. Colclotigh. One pint, strawberries, R. ()pooh, Mrs, Sherlock Keyes, Vanua; raspberries, Mrs, G.. Stirling, 'RR 2, • Bayfield, Oesch; (peaches, 1VI'zs; S, H• Bryant, Bayfield; R. Desch; pliiixis, Mrs, "Bryant; prunes, Mrs. Johnstone, Mrs, Sherlock Keyes; pears, Mrs, Tom Pen, hale, RR 2, Bayfield; Mrs. Johnston;ecorn, • Mrts. Johns- tone; 'tomatoes, Mrs, Jahn's- tone; Mrs, T. Pesthole; pickled beans, Mrs. T. Penhale; canned beans, Mrs: Johnstone; pickled beets, Mrs, Bxytant, Mrs. Tom Penhale; canned .beets,. John4stoave. Cueirrebter tpvckles, sweet, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. G. Stir- ling; eliille sauce, Mrs. R. 'Step- hensoon, Mats, R. Taylor; catsup, Mrs. Johnstone, Mrs. S. Keyes; Quart straiine;d honey, Doug Gemeimihardlt, Bayfield; best display of bee products, Doug Gerrreinhardt; maple syrup, Mrs'. G. Stirling, RR 2, Bay- field; ayfield; strawberry jam, Mrs. R. Grainger, Mrs. Ton. Pothole; tomato juice, Mns. T, Penhale, R. Oesoh; grtape hitt:, Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. J+ohnsltone; apple jell*, Mrs. W. Clarke, Mrs. Johnstone; currant jelly, Mrs. T. Porh'ale,' R. Gestate Best •dtuile' sauce made with Club House spices, • Mrs. H. Klopp,• "' FiRUtTS : plum s, Reine C1au'dle, Harold Pe r hale, .RR 3, Bayfield; Fraser Stirling, RR 2, Rayfield; Ihalliaai •prurie, Fred 1VI'cOlymantt, Varna; any other variety, Fraser Stirling:, Pears,, 'B'eure D'Aneou, H. Penhale;'-B'eure Claimgteau, F. Stirling, James' Storey, RR 3, Clinton; S'hletldlon, H. Penha1e, F. Sti'rlin'g. Peaches, any.: variety, Paul Cleave, Bayfield. •Grapes, white, H. Penhalle, Fred .Middle'tart,, RR3, 'Clinton; red, MIs. Johnstone; blue, Hales Dresser, Bayfield; Mrs. Johnstone; . , collection, M a' s. Johnstone; basket of fruit, .most, varieties, Fraser Stirling, F.-McCIymonit, Hamper of Apples, •,Northern Complete -Expert HEATING :.SERV: Today may be warm, but it will soon be another story - a COLD story! Let our heat- ing experts inspect, . check and make• the' necessary repairs now for perfect heater operation this winter. Call us today! FINK HEATING PLUMBING ELECTRICAL 84 Wellington St., Clinton HU 2-7682 THE TWO BEST HEATING SYSTEMS KNOWN TO MAN Nobody questions nature's heating systems -and when it comes to home heating nothing is quite as good, as safe, dependable Esso Oil heat With' Esso you have that reassuring feeling that you always get the very best; the very best and most economical heating fuel, the very best and most reliable service. t Call your nearest Imperial Esso Agent today and. let him introduce you to that wonderful world of. Esso warmth. H M. BLACK Clinton; Ontario ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST Spies, F. Sttirling,NII. i F• die.-. ton, S. Middleton; McIntosh. Red, F, Middleton, F. Stirling, S. Middleton; ,,any other fall apple, F. MoClymont; any other winter apple, F. Stilling, :S, Middleton. 6 quart basket Northern Spds, S. Middleton, F. 'Middle- ton F. Stirling; McIntosh Red, S. Middleton, F. Stirling, 'Van McClyrnont, Varna; zany' ,other tall apple, F, Stirl'ing any oth- er winter apple, F. McClyrnont, S, Middleton, F. Middleton. ;Collection of apples, rfoiw dif- ferent t fall varieties, F. ;Stirling, F. MaClynnorit; six different winter varieties, S. Middleton F. Stirling; y'el'low cralbapples, F. McClyrriant; red crabapples, S. Middleton; Plate of Baldwins, F. Stir,. ling; Blenheim • Pippi , S, Mic1�- drleltan, ' F. Stirling; Delicious, S. Middleton, F. Stirling; •Gold- en Russet, F. Stirling; Green- img, F. Stirling, F, McCiyyniont• Golden Delicious, F. ' Stirling; Red Delicious, S. Middleton, Ivan MiOlymonrt; King sof Tom- kins, F. Stirling, 1. McClymonit; IVlicintosh Red, F. Stirling, F,. Midklleton; Northern Spiels, S. Middleton, F. Stirling; North Saar, F. Stirling, F. Middleton; Ontario, F. Stirling; Snow Are - pies, F. Middleton, F. Stirling; Tallman Sweet, F. Stirling, S. Middlelton; R'ibstan Pippin, F. Stirling, F. McClymant; Quin- ce, F. Mcelymont, H. Penhalle; Wolf River, F. 'Stirling, F. Mid- dleton; any other fall apple, F. MoOlymont, F. Stirling; any other winter apple, F. 'Slti!rling, S. Middleton. ;Commercial apple feature, Mrs. W. 'Clarke, Varma; Mrs. Alvin Betties, RR 2, Bayfield; Mrs. Jim Snell, RR 1,Clinton; Mrs. Eldon Yeo, RR 3, Clinton Mrs. J. H. Jabnisitone, .Goder- idh, GRAIN AND SEEDS, bus'hlel Sall wheat, R. Stephenson, Var- na; R. Oesch; white oats, Al- len Betties, Rnristsell Oesch; bar- ley, R. Oesch, R. Stephenson; buckwheat, R. Madge; beams, Vernon Oeseh, RR 2, Zurich; R. Oesch. Half bushel red clover seed, Jack Ham'i'lton, R. Madge; alf- alfa, R. Oesch, V. Oesah; tim- othy Seed, R. Oesoh, Jack Ham- ilton. Six ears sweet corn, ;hy- brid Mrs. V. Oelsoh; dent corn, J. Hamilton, R. Oesch; bantan i sweet cairn, R. Oesch. VEGETABLES, Warlba po- tatoes, Mrs. Johnstone; cobbler potatoes, Mrs. W. Cdlclough, F. MoCiymont; late potatoes, R. Oesdh, R. Madge; table car- rots, longe R. Madge, R. Oesdhl; short, R. Oesch Mrs. H. Bier - ling, RR 2, Zurich; table tbeetis, Mrs. ' Marling, R. ()each; rad- ishes, F.; cauli- flower, H. Perthale; cabbage, Mrs. V. Oesch; yellow onions, R. Oesch, F. McCllymont; red onions, R. Oesch; Spanish on- ions, H. Plenhlale, R. OeSch; red tomatoes, Mrs. W. Calcl- ough, R. Oesch; yellow tonialt ' oes, Mrs. Bierling,F. MoOly- n ort; small fruit tomatoes, Mas. Bierling, F. McClymont; sweet peppers, Mrs. Allen Arm- strong; rmstrong; pepper squash, R.. Oesch, F. McClyancxnit; nxiiusik- meloins, Paul •Cleave, Mats. J. Snell; watermelons, Mrs. Snle'l1; citrons, Mrs. Johnstone; vege- table marrow, F. 1VIcelymont; pie puarnpkin, F. McClyanoniht, Mas. Johnston; largest pump- kin or squash, ,Mrs. Snell, Mrs. Johnstone; .gherkis t% R. Oeb!ch, Mr's. Bierling; table cucumbers, Mrs. Co1•olouglh, James Storey; largest head of sunflower, Paul Cleave, Mrs. Johnstone; garden herbs, Mrs. Johnstone, Mrs. Bryant. McPherson; Biot., Clinton sp- ecial for most points in vege- table section, weaut to Russell Oesch. • FLOWaRS AND PLANTS: Bouquets, collection of cut flowers, Mas. Don Middleton, Mrs. S. 112iddletan; mantle bou- quet, Mrs.. D. Middleton, Mrs. S. MViiddlelton; table bouquet, Mrs. S. iMidldlleiton, Mrs.. Dan Middleton; fall banquet, Wild flowers, Mrs. D. MIdleton,117is. W. Calclwgll; winter bouquet of dried blowers, Mrs. D. Mid- on, Mrs. J. E. Howard. Patted plants, African violets, single, Mrs, (Grant Stirling; double, Mas. T. Penttale, Mrs. G. Stirling; Snots begonia, Mrs. Bierling, Ms. Johnstone; tuberous begonia, Mrs, D. Midi- dleton, Janies Storey; coleus, Mrts. S. Middleton, Mrs. Oesch; geranium, James W. Storey, ars, S. Middleton; Cut flowers, snapdragon, Ma�s1; Bryant, .Mrs. S. Middleton; cal- endula, Mrs.. Bierling, Mrs. Middleton; asters, Mrs, Bier- ling, ierling, H. Dresser; chrysanthe- mums, Mrs. S. Middleton, Mrs. D. Middleton; cosmos, Mrs. Bierling, Mrs. S. Mwddl'ertonl;; dahlias, pompom, Mrs. S. Mid- dleton; dwarf hybrid, Mrs. D. Middleton, MTS.S. Midklleiton; three different blooms Mrs. S. Middleton; Mrs. W.' Oel oh; gladioli, 3 different spikes, Mrs. T. Pesthole, Mrs. S. Middleton; 7 spikes, different, Mrs. T. Pen, hale, Mrs. W. Cololough; mari- golds, African, Mrs, S. mkt:110 ton, H. Dresser; ,Marigoldis, Fr e n, c h, Mrs. Bryant, Mas, $,ierl'iing; pansies, Mrs. Bryant, Mrs, Bierling; pettunias, Mrs. Bre lalnit; rases, Mrs J. E. How- ard, Mos. D. Middleton; salvia; Mrs-. Bryant, MIST. S. Mtiddleitoxt; zinnias, Mrs. D.1VIiddlleton, 1V]:rs. S. Middleton; Thanksigiving table centrepiece, M'r's, Bryant, Mri, S. Middleton LADIES WORK: living room aiccessaries, needierpainit chair" Over, Mrs, Wes Merner, Zile, ich; Mrs. E. Yeo, RR 3, Clin- toil; crocheted chesterfield set, Ma15, . Arnold Merrier). Zurich; Mrs. Vernon Oesch, RR 2, Zur- ich,' table centrepiece, Mrs. W1%siYi Decker, Zurich; Mrs. Penhale;• cushion, ,1Viris, A, Merner, Mrs. Wes Merrier; 'tat- ted doiiley, Mrs, V. Oescit, Dining Mem ,accessories, teaand toK":els pan h alde rs, .Mals. V. Oesdh, Mrs; Wes Merner; tea cloth, Mrs. W, Oesch, Mrs, V. Oesch; luncheon set, R. Madge, Mips. V, Oesoh; ,buffet set, Mrs. W.Metrrier Mrs. V. Oesch; luncheon set, 'Mrs, Decker; Bedroom: accessories, pillow cases, embroidered, Mrs. V. Oesah, Mrs. W. Merner; pillow oases, any other style, Mrs. W. Werner, Mrts, V. Desch; vanity ;pelt, Mrs. V. Oesch, Mts. A. Mariner; pair guest towels, Mrs. W. Merner, Mrs. V. Oesch. Children's wear, girl's wool socks, Mrs. W. Calolaugh, Mrs. E, Yeo; wool mitts, Mis. Col - dough, Mrs. T. Penhiale; cahild's sunsuit, Mr's. E. Yea; •child's pullover sweater, Mrs. Col - dough; child's cardigan sweat- er, Mrs, Cdlelough, Mrs. E. Yeo. Baby's set,crocheted, Mrs. E. Yeo, Mrs. ,Colclough; baby's set, knit, Mrs. Cololough, R. Grain- ger; crib quilt, Mrs. T. Pen - hale, Mrs. V. Oesch; sport shirt, Mrs. E. Kloopp; layette, Mrs. E. Yeq; ' Ladiles wear, work apron, Mrs. R. Madge, Mrs. V. Oesch; housedrests, MIs. W, Merner, Mrs. E. Yeo;• bed jacket, Mrs. E. Yea, Mrs. W. Merner; gloves, wool, Mrs. V. Oetsch, Mrs. Col - dough; hostess apron, Mr's. W. Decker, Mrs. V. Odsch; sweat- er, wool, knit, Mrs. tColclough; skirt, Mrs. E. Yea; halt, Mrs; R. M. Peck, Hensall; Mrs. Bryant. Men's wear, pyjamas', Mrs. E. Yea; knitted pullover, Mrs. E. Yea, Mrs. Johnstone; knit mitts, heavy, Mrs. T. Pemhale, Mrs. V. Oelsdh; .knit mitts, fine, Mrs. Colbough, Mrs. E. Yea; diamond Socks, Mrs. V. Oesch, Mrs. W. Colclough; heavy socks, Mrs. Calclou'gh, Mrs. V. Oesich; wile Socks, Mrs. Cal - dough; sport shirt, Mrs. E. Yeo. Other work, quilt, 'apppiiqued, Mrs. W. Dlecker, Mars. V. Oeseh; patch work quilt, cotton, Mrs. A. Merner Mrs. V. Oesch; plain cotton, quit, Mrs, Wes Merrier, Mrs. A. Mariner; crocheted af- ghan, Mrs. V. Oesch, Mrs. E. Yea; hearth rug, hooked yarn, Mrs. H. Knopp, Mrs. A. Merner; hearth rug, hooked wool nags, Mics. W. Decker, Mrs. Bryant; house slippers, Mrs. V. Oesoh; braided mat, Mrs. L. McLeod, Bayfield; sample knitted lace, Mrs, MeLeOd. 'Jllie WI'liage Guild Special for. moat painibs m ladies weik clan• Ses, 85 went to Mrs. V. Oesc4k ARTS and CRAFTS: oil paiinting, scene, Mrs R.M. Peck; Hensall; Mrs. W. Raitltiihurin, Goderich; portrait, Mrs. Z. W, Sprague, Bayfield; any other subject, Mrs W, Legg, Gode-' witch, Mrs,. R. M. Peak, iHeaistali. Water . colours, scene, Mrs.' Walker Rathbun:, Goderich; miss maw Hewer, � G^odenioh; any other subjenMrs. . Wallter Rathburn, Goderich; Mrs. S!her.- lock Keyes, Varna. Charcoal, original of any sub lett, MTs. Sherlock Keyes, Var- na; pencil Sketch, Mrs. Alex. Smith, Gederich; Mrs, J. H. Johistone, God'er+icl, Collection of lannateur Snapp - shots, Mrs. Sherlock; Keyes, Varna; etched ,aluminum, Mrs. Wes Merner; collection ,colour- ed snapshots, Mrs. L. W. Sprag- ue, Mrs. Tom Penhalle; stuffed toy, Mrs. V. Oesch, Zurich; any new craft, Mrs. V. Oeseh, Mrs. W. Oesch; copper craft, A. Mer- rier. Special prize from Fair Ac- res Studio, for the best poster of city, 'town, village, or locality in Ontario, 26x24", any media, Mrs, R, M. Peck, Henson, ran oil painting of the residential section of Horgalnl in winter- time; initer-time; Mrs. Alex. Smith, Gode- rich, view of Lake Huron tat God'ericrh, including lighthouse; 1VIrs. W. Legg, Goderich. Fred Gibor. Tops Field'Crop Contest Fred` Gibson's• entry tin Ithe field c.metition war itap score of rop 91co.75 ppoints, at Bay- field .Fall Fair last week. In . this event, score on grain in the field is ;averaged 'with score for • grain siannple shown at the fair. Full list of points follows, with the Visit figure's, the points an field 'Seem; second figures. , the sample score end the i third, the ;averaged score: Fred' Gibson ('93.5, 90) 91.75; Ralph ,Stephenson (88, 95) 51.5; Ed. Gs 'W(95g (94, 87)' 90.5; Allan 13ettles (95, 84) 89.5; Russell Desch (90, 88) 89; James Cleave (89, 88) 88; GrantStir wild li(85ng.5(8, (926, 79) 8,5) 80)85 86.8225. o.; WilliRalph am: Oesoh ka ap •(83, 83) 83; Aldie Mustt- 5 ROUNDWORMS IN SWINE SEEM TO BE INCREASING Meat paolters are noticing a larger ,proportion of condemned livers in swine as a result of roundworms. The problem is eontrolable; .hyrgenic and treat- merit treasures are effective, say's .Dir", 'Howard Neely, extent'- sion veterinarian at the Ontar io Veterinary College, FRE I�N,rningi g,, NYLON 66 RIFLE ' 22 caliber r: semi-aStoinalic THE PURCHASE TOP DUALITY emingtorj. CHAIN SAWS This chain saw Doe hos 'everything. • Power • Speed • Balance • Design • Selectivity (E big modelsi Try a Remington Chain Saw today. 'Handling champ $4.00 Outcuts Outlasts 'Em All TOM PENHALE RR 2,- BAYFHELD , PHONE 71 r 3 39-40b Thurs„ - 0etpber t4, :1962 --Clinton. Nevfis-Record--Paget ONTARIO ,PEPA1 TMEONTNT"A..H GHWAYt5,. RI.FO NOTICE TO SUPP"UERS, OR DIESEL FUEL. O.1L. GASOLINE and No, 2 FURNACE OiL SUPPLY CONTRACTS Nos,,,SA.62-2089 to SA 62.2091 J icl. Separate Sealed Bids marked as follows;. Supply Contract No. ;4A -62 -2089 --Diesel ,Fuel Oil Supply Contract No. SA -62 -2090 -Gasoline Supply Contract No. SA -62.2091.. --No. 2 Furnace Oil will be received by .the District EngineernDe..pa_r_tme nof Ti hways,580 Hurpn Street, Ontario until 12.00 o clock Noon EST MONDAY, OCTOBER 150, 1962 Specifications, Information to Bidders, Tender Forms and Envelopes may be obtained by calling at or by mail addressed to the District Engineer, Department of High- ways, 580 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted, , DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Stratford, Ontario.. 'BROTHER! ami glad bought Investors Mutual Many investors will agree with this enthusiastic expression. Since 1950, an investment in- Investors Mutual has more than tripled in value. Now Invertors does not wish to imply that you can make a fortune overnight. The fact remains -- a lot of people have made a lot of money through Investors Mutual. ' You can start this simple, modern way to invest in Canada's leading industries with a deposit of $500 or as little as $15 a month. See the Man from Investors. Ju;:t call or write: BILL CAMPBELL SEAFORTH, QNT. Phone Seoforth. 486 Investors .7'4. evrmCdlOa®'f G OF CANADA, L11011111 Head Offices Winnipeg • Offices in Principal Cities '!GO! Wee -- --,--;--------------i-miudemdmiii- <wm.,04F--- -----,:„ . .„.„______,„ „...„...,...., .1i 4 .;4. .: i�,,,,„ii:...4000:, '63 IS THE YEAR TO GO PLYMOUTH Go great ! Go Plymouth '63 ... the happy -GO - liveliest car of the year! And this one really goes! Plymouth's like a tiger on the road the way it claws up the miles. Plymouth's a pure-bred beauty -it's longer, sleeker, slinkier. Grand on comfort. Great on ride. And engineered to go better than the rest with its 5 -year or 50,000 -rile power -train warranty! What happens when you uncage this tiger just has to be called sensational. Fact is, in '63 it takes a Plymouth to catch a Plymouth! Ask your Plymouth dealer for details of the new 5 -year or 50,000 -mile power -train warranty. ::k'•w:w. %Gid.\.'4V/. FURY TWO -DOOR HARDTOP !.•%: ' ,.p vnw•:.: - M,M..^.• •,'.. rv:.i ..�.. . ....... �,,^\WMwn14/!. ♦"� :uvT�N•M.. ...:,.:.=vim....... ..., :...........' �.... FURY FOUR -DOOR NARDTOi; the happy -GO -/h e1Mst car of the J. F3 T. MURPHY Limited WATCH FOR THE FOLLOWING TV SHOWS EVERY WEEK ON THE COC" NETWORK PLAYDATE -TH U R S DAY EMPIRE --FRIDAY 0,1b3C 134 HURON STREET CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE HU 2'-9475'