HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-04, Page 7MARRII to. ;son of Walter J »Ansi don -and the late Mrd HYLAND-W.BLSH Andmw':s United Chat; field, asst Saturday, fiber 29, 1.962, by t A. G, Pease, 0,athei NA. — At hl -w- 4s V e, r sola a 1$ M.rr, WO • Ml's, -Glon Wetbb, Kz anx Arizona are S'pe'11'd ,, i<heim va.eatian wilth ,the ivac yrs parents, M3','and Mm Louis Fo'res't, RR 4, Cl!'ru an, „ Qn. 'the hvinnipg; toa,,M _4 the Play Day ,held 'by firsit y0ar a/ytud.'en{ ` :at atratford Tvoc'her4s pa1110ge on MWday were Judith Crich Bea f o;rth •aoo Mamy Jean. Co1au'houn, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs Wilfred 131ree- man, Mounit Faresit (fotu?1'erly of Chr>ltorr) oelebld .nGirei'r i3ayfaeid, to RPnald Eric Hy- MN,son of Mr. and Mrs, civ' of bhe Pate Clara Holtz- ,ha�uea., � has '77Th, year. ,Ser- 25th wedin($ anlnkvar,Y ori Frac Edward Hyland ;Lon- Vico ga'o4a the Be4vt?ie fu�teirai S4�t quy, S'e1 t�erralkl'er 23. They 'don, bonr e, 55 RattPobury street, speOt a YrtUa V%0A 109TIR& the ' . :SHE ES- J I?A . In Glin< l%R.. East, Clinton, t4 Clluaiton W"texas Stattes, ti n F - . ton Christian Reformed Ch- Ce On rad tar, EEW-wd W. F'liatt , cuon- 1 , urcii, on ,Saturday, Septem- �yaaa,tbeF.28true , pC .e been or, has ... home fqr A week. ber 22 3962 by the Rev, L. v Rev. C. .. Q. Park, W,. sley- .frorrm WastttutniSter l aspittai, Slofstra., Janet" daughter of Mr, and Mrs, 'Ted gSjaarda S ' Wil'* 1110ted Church, RQBISON --•-. Iii; Chad Pulb- Lod ere he hag been a o orfi tivh has n pat h far a mantel, He is re- i RR 4, Clinton, to Cerr tt, W. Sheeres, Grand Rapids, Mich., live ptfal, on Friday, 'Sep- tembetr 28, 1962 Willlvazn T, t�uxuliug there on October 9 for Octob turther son of Mx, and Mrs. K; Rob i', VDllovedr 1lusbaind, of medical erut, Scheeres, the Netherlands, Lucinlda Jametbe Aridetrsotni, Mrs• M.:G. Darvylle �anlcl, baby - YOUNGBLL3T COGHLAN - In A6 4TP. Privalte service cru M'ond'ay aafterrataon, October 1, :datughtter Kimberly, .RCAF St- at log Winnipeg, Man. Paid Holy Name of Jesus Roman CathoIiG Church Kirkland �� �e Artthux twn�raa sumpzri'se visiit to (the llaVs Lake, on Saturday, Septem- h'om'e, A2uburrn, to Ball'sr cern- etery; Hu19.ebt Townslimp, panther, FJd Wervdorf, 133 l�jalt- bei 29, 1962, by the Rev. SPEED — Ixi Dearborn, Michigan, tbarubirtry Street East dux+ixug dine Father Hedigan, Kirkland Lake, Zeta, daughter of Mr. on 'September 7, 7.962, Wil- lard H, Speed beloved hus- ' past .weokexvd They me,G ne�l by je�tt flight 'ora Monday from and Mrs, .John Coghlanr Kirk- land Lake to BarrieLaw- band of Emily McClnchey Ma'lto!n Airport rence Youngblut, Brampton, in his ?3rd year, Funeral from :Hope Lutheran Church lnOveriiighit guests Tuesday n'g1i•t at the blame of Mr. and sor} of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Your blot R,Fi. 1, Auburn, g on 'Monday, September 10 I0' Wu'lLis Van F1gmarud', ' - ° 1962 with Rev. Daniel S. Roy lik, :officiating, Cremation 1, ,�,ry tivere Rev. Wiayine Wayne A C RDS OF THANKS NK followed and ashes were in- terred in the family plot, Willnvamn aryl Herb L- tan , Cleveland, -Ohio. The visitors eld Clinton arebitdg'Brees ed h the Americantion, We wish to .extend our heart- WILLTBayfi.AMS— n . Public Rabtern Association, felt thanks and appreciation for Hospital on Tuesday morn- Cakifmiia, the many acts of kindness, mes- ing, October 2, 1.962, Blanche o- ..sages of sympathy and beauti- ful floral tributes received from Evyline 'Mellveen, beloved, wife of William Williams, M -L AUXILIARY TO .relatives, neighbours and many Clinton; in her 82nd year. Service from the Ball and MEET ON OCTOBER 9 The October meeB of the g friends in the loss of a dear husband and father, Special Mutch , funeral home 153 Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Ch. thanks to Rev. Grant Mills, Dr. ,Oakes, Balli and Mutch funeral High Street, Clinton, to Clln- ton Cemetery, on Thursday urch will be held on Tuesday home and• aill others who assist- afternoon, by the Rev. D, J. Lane, DD, commencing at 2 evening, October 9 at 8,15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Harry Wey- ed in' any way.: MRS, DAVID ELLIOTT AND FAMILY. 40p P.m• mouth in the apartments above the Dost Office. Roil call will onde$b^.,. ■, Oro , w .. , -' fo � TI11trS•. . October :4, 'N#44�.ifqtaiR News-R0ctir4,fq� }3 .. ..,. P4 Mie. z., Abe ;mast Nolte Cxi',A#id, M'r$" . Man -,Chances -To y residence f r ; nd r _. , M., a... Mrs,■ r ants Little. TheeXcavatton is Ladies pp B�r ����� ,Jowor A *4444 �k� ads • S4' � .J1. e . IS It 4�Y.. ..Err eflM S, .1 i. Mr , A Man Co pard �, o'U�ter an gF t�Mr ,. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Balton Lpn ers for the coriikng .e x.; rest -a �e �t for Octo. I Mrs. ,Aaivald Wats'gn, scene suppo4't s, MTs. 4xPaid Ci'p*g, i"?!amy, Mrs» Fie n were weekend :'sitar's with. dent, lcleat., er nSnell� r v# , h § _r, �t Y,. Yr T�liSd4 oputy pair Miss, McCullkiuhl tsr aswrer, MTs, r, and lairs. HarP1d Lxvzng• Beverly L+~e;reasurpr, Barbara >.ne. Burns, Helen Good, e .direcrtt,... the Clinttorn IVT r a4tb"14te Ci awto!rc- and her Russ $yew; condu,Ctgr; Mrd,. 2aanist, Dani forget; ,the �urkey,su�i- gess reporter, Trintce I?ittle.. Community Qanoert 'atnd Mav� n8 13_4 as' nearly campl�ett. oiffi�r5, 13srussals, i tailed' new o_ Ice of t'h'e Huivnfc Re- W�tl am. - 1ci i zS1�, s, Kutrt `Van Itic�sen; oPlour bearx he am z al .his, Worshi Fall With r in the comm. . $y k3.. i t ... 1? ,,.. .o13'ed wi Mrs, !day evening, Sponsored by. Funge leading, On rnotian of ed the- amx 'ry ra air he pYxagi'.... # Zx..,p .tion eI b ,siali .LPd on Mangy evein w, Mrs'. Ha?�lld Jol�itstour. , tinite Ch, ren Women• Patt Little .the meet n ad, for Tine Sit, Metrys vitt Qctaher mN�' rriwsnc,. 1YIms, Harrold Wisp; plak?!p* The R . S,uLewis, Auburn, J9uri%d. Congratulations to ort Qoto'bezr x4. I;rWoly. , i , ' ed a .. e. pph, ev' o ra ar.. n glc- ;Palm, Mm. Elsner Trick, PPM., 11 be upst : ealter fo the Mrs, Len Radford on her g p r de u Cli 1?�.atuai.... a gh iotrol, lbct .Ul. and IMCrs Orrin Dowsan' v�pe. i MM, ,Jahn Haanil�!n, IRNG, l3urns anniversat'y .sorYices o11 October 14, Work has eornrzeztced for the birthday -October 3. -- P-- --- " leiuve ve Legion H tI. ...ag a� xirtk r3treeit -by 2 . Vin, Uai to ' Cllin(bom , Ins, ?3erl Rowclen, RVG, 1VJx,. T3ia ' �cfali; L$VG, Mrs.. 0440 ?owette',• dnirer guardian, . Man -,Chances -To y residence f r ; nd r _. , M., a... Mrs,■ r ants Little. TheeXcavatton is Ladies pp B�r ����� .a44+kv!al .tom � un' I? a i ria i- o�rmri.._ ?!ty' ask _ t aIle �, - • S4' � .J1. e . IS It 4�Y.. ..Err eflM S, .1 i. Mr , A Man Co pard �, o'U�ter an gF finished ready ,for cement. Mr, Little had the mis rtune to f, 1 b- fo /� IF o A Director mate+ 2.40 •m,. » 'bhp Clintint . Btatnldl tivt1l the ed roan �4� `iAdtvex sing 'in News- Mrs. ,Aaivald Wats'gn, scene suppo4't s, MTs. 4xPaid Ci'p*g, .; .. ant los home .on Saturday _ .. � ., Uhe, Liorus. C7.itlb 'aQ�IPL4r� by i2+eooa+d aii?#Y pays,'} xe-. dD Cali ' bfail aln dd n, Miss. l'ohn ,and Suffered a bad break .of Naas. Iaeomlamcl for 2 SieK! 'Taylor, presideuit .. ttkre crest � po4+te Mrs. Louis Forest. .. Iaast Aldir bon, Mrs, Tota O'Co,i�a?elI one arm. .RR Fem ' ilast welek was r . , t- xe elft. Qi '. o sinus ' ,Club and, : lznit n L the we?k she ,ad{vex7b�sei „ a two � �. McCMnn'chey g of d Mrs.. I -Tarry Allen and :Mrs, . .. ed ui aha! urian. of zone 2 Tine :oalouxs' atf �t11�e :of pbece' :ch'c'sitemfie2ct su,'ki=e and Mrs. Harry Wa3'znout,h. Will Logan, ;Blyth; were yisi" tors with Mrs. Bert .of wotnetr'�a diT^ `ipi of the Oaahar- ,k',rovzn'Ce .Que- Dec by Jr. Rcttbe3tt 1f49alyd Bar' a tinlight LagrUp• The first 'Go I'oil(]'uwzrug the 7neeti4g, lunrall wp -d11en for a few days last week. Ed Davidson Arid his sister, Walton to Federation of ri'ou re apt io . Ag' 1lt4u , xta aaroual 'm•'eeMIng. hold! in the the ; -Ion*Wet bie el ,B It•• � .faor>a _..enc nand, seoretary of Province p'ar+W that +carne see itheni, bought. There Were 14 more w&,$ servedl day' group' ten, coin- vene4 by Mfrs, M4izie Glkdd�an also ;spent ,Friday evening with C'ntami,o Depantmient of Agrpmj- of Q4ebw calls. Mal Mfrs. Harry Cudtrio"e. them, W110 office there. Mrs',-Tayltor Fal'loW10g.• !1tI•nis short ceret., and neighbours for their syr- for the bazaar. afternoon and appointed affil.- --- -- -, n,r. txr i a.. ' m. 11 is A. . ,..,� � . h St tames over zu 1, nesday evening Miss Trudie Est ing in the near employment in enjoyable eveni Mrs, Agnes MQoi contests.. Truth gifts and thank4 few .games of Then the haste; by Mrs. Gord' serving a tasty da enter- 1yLa41ys last Wed Rally Day Service was ob- ' presemlted n a o gravimci •. ohairmuain orf thle woanen'% core ;Mate of ,tine many, t e Band tivsll take the stand to play three ANNUAL hono4r of OFA. selecttions..They will be follow- at this meeting for the bazaar and bake sale being held at whosgo, if ria thiers elected to the exec, ve hnitcludde; voce -chairman, ed, by ttha` _01131tdn Bared in three selections, . Th.e bandsonto. . HOSPITALAUXILIARY AnMwas rs,Ehressler,,F11na,wkU,nova to the field spent. . sar where , iducted two, pened her ieryone. A ?ft, H"ertberrt MQuske, RR 4, Ches'ley; .tsecrre,tary - rbM sumer, Mrd, Alex MaGi'egor, RiR 2, b0bli, will give a demonstration of pltaytilag, marching end matn- oeuvoz+irbg. Art •approximatOW PENNY z followed. Kii e p tv awtistant Mrs. Donald- p , , M 4.35 p - m, both barns tp'n'i b d will . as assisted kadford . Wa7llac�, St. patuls. malarch, baick to the Legion wn- Other Prizes For Entire Family in Repoxrto .an latsit yeam''s achM- eve they will be enttentalned alt Location; GALBRA, ITH'S STORE, 7 Rattenbyry St. B. presented ties wer b as a all a+ec ttt 3- r, Old- DOLT. HOCKEY GAME �. served on Sunday with the jun- ey' deiog'ates' from Perth, Huron, Welliavgttaiv, $mince, Grey, ,and o F:speenally invited for anis event ,erre Reeve Morgan ` /► h Draw Saturday, October 13 for choir providWg two fine FRUIT CAKE CAMERA .Arg- at this meeting for the bazaar and bake sale being held at numbers, Barry •Snell, super, Watterloa, Mips, Gordon Botih- nlew, Mayor W. J. Milieu, Stew PLUS 70 OTHERS! intendent conducted part of the Well, Owen Sound, represtonta- Tayllnor, presideot of 01tintOm 4 p.m. service. Bibles were presented ,five of ithe Federattedn Women's Liam Club-, J, D. Thorad'iket, Der 27 from 3 to 5 p.m, o to a number of the junior can- gregation, The offering will be ns tiatte of Ontario, and the OF!A, presr dent of the Legion, Ftrair* GRAND PRIZE -- 50.00 BOND forwarded to the Wonju Hospi- cor ducted the election. `Women Cook, president 'of lthe Clinton . tal in Korea. -The story, • The Terrible Secret of Yong Moon can make a g t cox4ri'bution,ipo the fairming in- dustry," usr Ktrnten, Club, a Other Prizes For Entire Family Lee" by Audrey McKim was by the Rev. H. Funge. stead Mrs. Tpyl'or, ,a,dd- � tbhtatt famming is a way oP GYVL Welcomes presented at the homie of Mrs. Russell by a delicious Iunch served by 3- r, Old- DOLT. HOCKEY GAME �. Next Sunda October 7 coin munion service will be observ- ed. Iafe as' weld ,as a wayof malci ' , a living. "We can :ty to cxea� ran batter undteasiban(Xmtg,betnveon • Fr. S. E. McGuire RECORDS GROCERIES KENWOOD- BLANKET STEP LADDER CARDS OF THANKS t oe answered by a •.i'rianxsgiving verse. Final plans will be made Cheerio Club The Cheerio CIub was enter- our urban sisters'.. Our con;anittry couslnsi 'shoniW dry ,to smooth The Catholic Women's Lea League FRUIT CAKE CAMERA I wish to thank my,.friends flowgts at this meeting for the bazaar and bake sale being held at tained at the home of Mrs. Walter McGill Blyth, last Wed- :the and averconrie sonic met u dat. Joseph's parish hall 'Tuesday evening, October 2 PLUS 70 OTHERS! who , sent cards and ' treats while I was a patient the church on Saturday, Octo- afternoon. Mrs. Laura he of the misnirndessttaxidd5ng t'h,att Often exalts between the two. with with 27 members present. The resident, Mrs. David Varga p' in Clinton Public Hospital; also Der 27 from 3 to 5 p.m, o Lyon Lyon presided and a program Too oditen reltired farmers, far„- opened the meeting with the n Dr.sin Oakes, Dr. Addison and nursing staff. Special thanks CLINTONJAN CLUB TO of scalings and currant events and contests were contributed get that dilrey once ,lived, on gine League ,prayer. Following the to :the Rev. Craig Peters. CARTER. 40b MEET ON OCTOR14 R 10 The Clinitoni+an CliubwiM.meett by Group One. A social .game of cards was enjoyed, followed � farm and had to cope with fanning iproblems," she said. executive reports, plans were p discussed for the- November 3 --JOHN at the homie of Mrs. Russell by a delicious Iunch served by — o bazaar to be held in the church hall. f % The family of the, late Fred L. Potter wish to express their Holtt r n October 10 at 2.30 P.M. A'1lY miemnbers are cos kallly Group Two. The Intermediate CGIT held BLUEU E WATE R 8 AYF 1 E L b Mrs. Varga welcomed the appreciation to relatives, friends asked to,atbten'd' tto make plans the .first meeting on Monday 64WL1NG LEAGUE W L, Pts. new pastor, the Rev. S. E. Mc - Guire. Father McGuire in turn r and neighbours for their syr- for the bazaar. afternoon and appointed affil.- --- -- Succkers ..........•.,•., 3 0 7 thanked the ladies and gave p achy, kindness; cards and filar- Crabs ................... 2 1 4 an interesting talk on the work al tributes. Special thanks to Rev. C. G. Park, Dr. W. A. Attend Your Church Minnows .............. 1 2 2 Sharks 0 3 0 of the CWL, The deanery meet- ing at Hesson on October 3 will / Oakes : and the ' staff of Clin- ,...... .. ,. High single, ladies, Elsie Rad- be attended by Mrs. Tam Kelly, ton Public Hospital. 4.0p + + + a ern 214; men, Bab Turner, 269; Mrs, Joe Feeney, Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. John '� a, • This Sunday high triple, ladles, Elsie Rader, 559; men, Don Warner, 647; Varga. The visiting committee, for "+•�4*, ' their sin- land wish to express their sin- Gere thanks and appreciation ,l ;. -high average, ladies, Elsie Rad- er, 168• men Don Warner, 216 October is Mrs. D. Kay, Mrs. '" Belly incl J. Wilson. ,�•,iw..o•r,..r,r+ to all their many friends and neighbours who sent congratula- ALL SERVICES DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME �. ' ' ' , s JUNIOR LEAGUE i.. Themit No - mber is MrsmLteDenomme +y'' BLu el tions ,and visited them on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. Special thanks to We§ley-Willis United Church members, also members of the Hurome Rebekah Lodge. 40b • Ontario St. UGW 1 tilt I A U6,84t. i 7y� " ,DESIGNED 13X BLUEBIRD Fine classic beauty enhanced by guaranteed per- fect Bluebird Diamonds. • ,DIAMONDS FOR HAPPINESS at ANSTETT ' JEWELLERS LTD. Phone HU 2-9525 .;A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY CHRISTMAS GIFT AT ANSTETT'S ' Villi vola I•R'<i,U14 Unit 2 of the UCW .of On-' tarso Street united Church met October 2 in the church parlour with Mrs. A. E, . Mc- Murray presiding and Mrs. A. Langdon, pianist. Mrs. Roy Tyndall read a poem "Just For. To -day Devotions were tak- en in conjunction with the Bible study "The Word And Way", lead by Mrs, Fear, assisted by Miss Courtice, Mrs. L. Lawson and Mrs. Roy Plumsteel, Mrs. E. Radford played two piano solos which were much appreciated. Miss Elva .Wiltse gave an interesting outline and informative talk about her .re- cernt trip to the Maritime Pro - vines. Refreshments were ser- ved by Mrs, Roy Tyndall and Tier committee. SUMMERHILL CLUB The Summerhill Ladies Club !will hold their next meeting Ion. Wednesday, October 10 at the home of Mrs. Jack Murch. Note change of place. IMPORTED DUTCH BULBS -- Daffodils -- Hyacinths —r Tulips'. Narcissus -- Crocus t01' SIZE FORCING BULBS ,h ' 7 o (00KE_gmgli. -Co FLORIN brill HU 2,1012 C�if���Itrl CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, S.A. SUNDAY -10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 1:1.15 a.m.—FAMILY WORSHIP- 7.00,-- mEvenin Service p• g - Ali -Are Welcome Here Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, October 7 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 8.00 p.m.—Guest Speaker. Mr. Reuben Brubacher Tuesday Bible Study and prayer at 8 p,m, All Welcome St. Andrew's Presbyterian* Church Rev. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A, Interim Moderator Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, October 7 10.45 a.m.—Church Service Mr. Albert, Farthing, stu- dent at Waterloo College, guest speaker.; Dr. D. J. Lane will conduct baptismal ceremony. ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US Anglican Church of Candela St. Paul's -- Clinton Mev. P. L. Dymond, LTh, Rector Charles Merrill, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, October 7 TRINITY XVI S.M a.m: Hbly Communion { 11.00 a.m: Holy Communion 7.00 p.m.- Evening Prayer BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A., Pastor Sunday, October 7 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship "The Upper Window" 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Hour "The Greatest Warning in the Bible" Wed:, 8 p.m. --Prayer Service You are cordially invited to these services. Christian Reformed Church REV. L. ' SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, October 7 10.00 a.m.—Service in Dutch 2.30 p.m, --Service in English EVERYONE WELCOME Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old; old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings " on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11,00 a.m.—Brealdng Bread 3.00 p.m. Sunday School 7.00 p hl. Prea.ching tthe Gospel 8.00 p.rn.--Thursday = Prayer Meeting; and Bibie Reading, W L Pts. Miss E. Tighe and Mrs. M, C4MIN% WWI _.., Head Pins .. 4 1 10 ' LeBeau. „i Sale / " Wonders .............. 1 5` 3 The mystery prize ;Aias vri6i7 ReXd�� 3�� ��n fr l Yanks 2 6 5 by Mrs. Arnold Dale and con x,11 Tigers ........ ., 7 1 18 test prizes were won by Fr. �� 0 Big pays High single, girls, R. Reyn- McGuire, Mrs. C. Reynolds, to 28, Olds' 188; boys, W. Dupee, 309; Mrs. J. Wilson, Mrs. A. Dale Oct• �.8 ,., high double, girls, R. Reynolds, and Mrs, L. Denomrne. -'• '�`'KKw'"" a. . 363 boys, W. Dupee, 528; high o ----- average, girls, Marj Gliddon,, • • ( -� GIFT BOXED• ^� 156; boys, D. Freeman, 238. Rnnnio Wine Plan I It l7 �....r a �Cc • _ / t. MV1l311r Tr no" ■ long �U#, A My it - CLINTON MIXED LEAGUE >, . Cr i W L Pts, A Waterman �} p Stars 3 0 7 svuly Fr•sh Huvor �} Cleaners ............. 3 0 7 • . Imps ...................... 2 Foundation Gift '. Clubs .. Drivers 1 2 2 In addition to other awards Budles 1 2 2 received due to her high stand- ^" g GET YOUR • Dabbers ..•............. 0 3 0 ing Tri Grader 13, Clinton Dist- ASSORTED GET Hearts ................. 0 3 0 rict Collegiate Institute last er pier High single, ladies, Thelma ear Miss Bonnie Hamilton has FANCY " Sup ,vbw Jones, 232; men, Frank Rad- y ' V I TA M I N S "' ford, 275; high triple, men, also received a deluxe pen and �!S Frank Radford, 707; high aver- pencil set, presented by the ■ is #ree With Z88 age, ladies, Bessie Black, 186; Canadian Waterman Founda- 36 free With 144 men, Frank Radford, 236. tion. Ib 18 free With 72 The Foundation presents ten 1. TUCKERSMITH MIXED scholarships of $100 each to W L Pts. students in ten Ontario univer-r Mustangs .........,,. 3 0 7 FREE 'POUF GMC's BRUSH sities for the .student admitted, 1 2 2 Chevies ..............;. 2 1 5 who'ranked highest in Grade 13 - With '' Fords ........... .. 0 3- 0 examinations. 'Pio High single, ladies, Dorothy Then, pen and pencil sets are T'oo#h 'Or 11shes McGregor, 317; men, Ken Rog- presented to each secondary or FtegEgo Adorn erson, 260; high triple, ladies, private school for presentation DorlothMcGregor, r, 705; men, to the graduate with the high- HAIR SPRAY Jack Graham, 5 0. est proficiency in school, Bonnie ' BALE Qg QQQ � ` will receive this gift during the 2 to ! `C• $1 UI Sea 1 oil k l ! T cam Commencement exercises at the collegiate this, fall. To Instal lOOI" CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL • w • L pts.r�iL A speclail meeting of Clinton Lively Ones ......, 6 3 12 Untouchables „ .., , 4 5 10 lodge >OOF No, 88 will. be he'lti, on Tuesday; October 9, when Flintstones ......,..: 5 4 10 t VT_ L D.-D.G.M. .Arlan Campbell amid Defenders 3 6 8 officers ,btf Seafiomih• Will High single, Betty Middeli, re ers of Seaflo the die. 240. Bowlers over 200: Mrs. L. p � McCarty, Marie V'anBaaren, . elected officen, A. good attend- Betty Middell, Lana Langdon,ouONE HU ane, as re4uesnted'.. Mrs. A. Amy,' Fred McDonald. W SERVICES GRANTEb TO" M. WAVMbUTH HOME .-. g„ A new home on the .Base' Kxfta! Line; being constructed by Har ry Wamyouth was granted water -and hydrb service last' week by the Clinton Public Utilities Commission, meeting in regular session. Sewage ser- s, flaale-iltie--iuXxttes%tilentte?i (1�iEatrcliaa vice is not available in this jy REV. CLIFFORD G. PARD; M.A., Minister • locality. t Combined Thanksg'iving'and Holy ComMunion r Subject.v "So Much To Declstre" Rogers Majestic. HOLMESVI L,L'E III'jr1 s.4s.m.--The EucharistTV TO N rough, 10.45 a.m.---Sunday School WESLF_Y-WI LLI6 11.00 a,M.r-The Eucharist 12.15 p.m, . Sunday Sehaol .�� Ontario Street United Church F itYFN1:3f.,Y` C11UACEI1' Oastoml RtVi, 00147' MILL.$; 6�Ae. , 1.0;00 a.m.--Sunday 86661 1.1.00- a,m. - Ctlnimunion and Th4hksgiv ng sse TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m,--•Thanksgzwing atid ContiY unidit 3.00 p.m.—Sunday 8ch661 SALES & SEWCt T d - Ryder - TV 241 Vibiorih St C00166 HU 1.016 New styles just arrived. 'High outs with cork,: card or leather soles, frwn $12,95. New. Insulated hi -outs, warm pile lined $19.95, others up to $22.95. Regular Goodyear welted work br�ots from $'1,95, your choice 6'4 styles and soles. Siat`dy Bose tot' Yoygh'west' C At K E N *S- 06TWOR CLOTHINO