HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-04, Page 6MISCELLANEOUS WATCH R1E74M.s a lob for experts. Our work assures yoW satisfaction. Counter's ,jewellery, Huron. County's Oldest Estes Wished,jewellery Store. 2Qtfb LET US REPAIR R AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—Slon't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to yoer satisfaction, Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing'.. W. N, Ceunter, 2Q-tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE' BAYFIKP CIPR MILL si na teuPreciraaxtsi fri p rF rt Ihdee Y4..1110 On GEMgINHARD4To-l-b DRAPERY PU LL, ,RODS — Track, certain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win-. dow blinds. Free estimates given Irwin's Dry Ooods. 23tfie BIRTHS gAK.wir 1.4 Clinton .p000 Hospital,. en Saturday, Sees t niber,29, 1962, to Mr, and TS, POW,' Hensell, eon, • BEZZO Public Hospital, • on Wednesday, Oc, toner 3, 1962, to Mr, and Km W. Bezzo, 117 Walker Street, Clinton, a daughter, Clinton Public TIPS, pleal, ••Sunday, September 30, 1962; to Mr. and Mrs, D, Reid, Hensall, a daughter, ROORDA In Clinton public Hospital, on ,Tvescipy, Octels- er 2, 1962, to, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Roorda, Ali 5, Clinton, a daughter. fraiSUTT---In Welland Gener- al Hoepetal on Wednesday, September 26, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Tobbistt, Ontario, a POP, ATTENTION FARMERS! ARTICLEs FOR. SALE USED WESTMINSTDR chime clock at Anstett JeWellers Jetcl„ phone HU 2-9525. 40b HEAVY POWER lawn roller, complete with trailer, Priced reasonable, George A. Baird, IIU 2-3390. 49p -Pogo, 6,,clinton ,Npws4e.c9r4 ,41"hur,„ 1962 ACCOMMODATION FOR.RENT Nice .Ho.nie for ACCOMMODATION. FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM COTTAGE, en - furnished, oil furnace, 3-piece bath, Phone. HU 2-3e21. 4Qb HOUSE FOR RENT, in Lon- deebete. Unfurnished, P. West- erlIeun HU 2-94.2, 38tfb TRAILER, for rent, 41 x 8 ft, fully furnished. Apply North End Store, phone HU 2-3323. 38tfb WANTED TO RENi" W:iNTED TO LEASE—up to 200 acres of land for fall plow- ing, suitable for crop. Phone Lyle Montgomery, RR 3, Clin- ton, HU 2-7231: 40-1,-2b WANTED FOR RENT 100 ACRE FARM for rent, barn steel stabling, milk house, house, brick veneer, oil heated. Phone HU 2-7502 evenings, 40p kENw000 BLANisg:ra ,•--411 ideal gift for all occasions; glee KENWOOP baby Blankets; all sizes and colors, MARTIN'S Dept, Store, 33tfh. STUDENT'S. TYPEWRITER, nearly new; white enamel Find- ley circulating heater, burns coal or wood; wood lathe, 36.'n set of wood chisels, new; jig saw; belt sander; emory Apply Mrs. Charles Elliott, phone HU 2-7016, 40p. DIAMOND RINGS. See our newest cash specials at dis- count prices—save up to else- third. Pay cash and save. Terms if preferred, Phone HU 2-9649 for evening appoint- ments. Counter's Jewellery. 18tfb FOR SALE Bent Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wileel Alignment and Balance, Window Replaqe-, merits, Radiator Repairs, Protect against rust with Sinea,Spray Davidson's Texace Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 STORM WINDOWS, Frame, 58"x30" and 58"x24", good shape. Phone Blyth 32R10. 4Qp HUNTERS Miss that pheasant? Let up fill your bag limit, ' EV & Jack's Phapsantry CLINTON, ONTARIO Try these delicious birds for your Thanksgivnig Dinner, WOULD LIKE TO FEED 30 to 35 steers tiering the winter `Months, either by gain or by the Month. Apply to Drost and Bruinsrna, RR 4, Goderich, ph- one Carlow 1208. 40-lp Available at Once • Oil beating, frig,, electric aneve,. partly ferniehed, Ready to go, Nice location on Highway 8, 5, miles east of Clinton Five minute .drive to RCAF Station.. - Apply in Person.. For further particulars Phone HU 2-9822 LOGS WANTED HARDWOOD BUSH and logs wanted. Highest prices paid. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, phone 526-7220. 39-40-lp 3-ROOM furnished npartment, suitable for Pee-10e. Apply Her- man's Men 'e Wear, Phone HU 2-9351. 4,Qtfb 1 BEDROOM apartment for rent, Hydro, water free, $40 a month.' 55 Albert Street., HU 2- 7302. 38tfb WANTED — Broiler hatching eggs, also flocks to supply us With broiler and egg breed hatching eggs on a weekly year round basis. Large prenar mum paid over market price, Write Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus Ont. 30-1-4-6-8-40b Dolt Yourself RENT These Machines Estate AUCTION SALE. Clearing Auction Sale of Pro- perty, Household Effects and Miscellaneoes Items at Lot 27, Concession 1, West wawanosli Twp., in the village of Auburn, Ontario, on Saturday, October 6, 1962 at 1 o'clock p.m. Household Effects: 3-pc, ches- terfieldl set; 1 Sylvania port- able 17" TV; 1 bookcase; 1 grandfather clock, Anaconda works; 1 trilight lamp; 1 Seth Thomas 8 day clock; 2 leather rocking chairs; 1. Singer sew- ing machine; 1 dining room ex- 'tension table with 8 chairs; 6 odd dining room chairs; 4 chrome chairs; 1 fernery; 1 china, cabinet; 5 small tables; 3 double beds with springs and mattresses; 1 wardrobe with full length mirror; 1. settee; mahogany dressing table and stand; 1 chest of drawers; oak dresser and stand; 1 McClary kitchen range; 1 Universal cooler refrigerator; 1 Superior table rangette with oven; 2 cupboards; 1 coal and wood heater; 1 couch; 2 small rock- ers; 1 Dominion washing mach- ine; tub; ironing board: clothes horse; stool; electric tea ket- tle; electric kitchen clock; elec- tric iron; dishes; kitchenware; sealers; canner; 1 card table; 1 wood chest; pictures, etc. Miscellaneous Items: 1 3-h.e. Century motor, nearly new; 1 1-h.p. Leland motor; 1 grind- stone; 1 large emery; 1 12" rip saw with edger (wood frame); 1 15' line shaft with hangers and pulleys; 1 blow torch; 1 lawn mower; 1 wood bench; 1 step ladder; 1. lawn chair; 1 wheel barrow; 1 Coleman gas stove; 1 small platform scale; 1 coal oil burner; 1 scythe, 1 bar- rel oil pump; I step ladder, etc. Property: Frame house, 6 rooms, sunporch and bath; oil furnace, nearly new; artesian water on tap. %, acre land, more or less. Garage. Property 10% down, balance in 30 days, sold subject to re- serve bid. 'Chattels Cash In case of rain the sale will be held in the Community Mem- orial Hall. Anyone interested in the property may inspect same prior to the sale. Proprietor, Estate of late David W.'Hamilton Executors: Celia. R.. Taylor, W. Gordon Dab's. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell 38-9-40b LIVE STOCK FOR SALE 150 YEAR-OLD HENS; one four-year-old Reg. Hereford bull. Robert Taylor, RR 3, Clinton, phone HU 2-9144, 40p 40tfb V Floor Polisher 'V Floor Sander and Edger 3 Belt Sander 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 3 Hand Electric Sander 'V Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT with bath, kitchen, living room, central heated, available nose, Apply McEwan's Store. 40tfb APARTMENT, unfurnished, 2 bedrooms, south end of Blyth, Modern conveniences, Apply Ir- vin Bowes, Blyth, phone 105. 40-lb 404-2p ARTICLES FOR SALE TIMEX WATCHES serviced through ANSTETT Jewellers Ltd. ' 40tfb ARTICLES WANTED Stocker and Feeder CATTLE SALE at the Livestock Sales Barn, Hensall, Ontario Saturday, October 13th at 1 p.m. 500 Durham and Hereford steers, ranging from 600 to 800 lbs, 150 Hereford steers and Here- ford calves. 20 Holstein heifers. For further information call: Jack Morrissey, 234-6200 Credi- ton; Victor Hargreaves, HU 2- 7511 Clinton; Mel Graham, HU 2-9908 Clinton, Terms; Cash Aubtioneer, Harold Jackson 39-40-lb 2 DUAL-PURPOSE Shorthorn heifers, due to freshen; 1 ser- viceable age bull. John A. Keys, Varna. 40p WANTED — Logs, Bush and standing timber. Hard maple, basswood, cherry, soft maple, etc. Highest cash prices, Call Wesont Lumber Co, Ltd. Saw Mill, Lucknow, phone 20. 40-lp VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale, BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 696 r 2 29 to 39p tfb REGISTERED and grade Hol- stein cows and heifers. All due 'soon, Also a number of young calves. Terms available. D'Arcy Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone HU 2-3384. 40b POULTRY FOR SALE LARGE SIZE EASY washing machine in good condition. HU 2-9292, 40b 3 BEDROOM, 6 room apart- ment, unfurnished, available end of September. 106 King Street, phone HU 2-3835 after 5 p.m. 37tfb NEWCOMI3E upright piano and bench, good tone. Phone HU 2-9610 evenings, 39-40b AUTOS FOR SALE PET STOCK FIVE COLLIE PUPPIES, 10 weeks old, free of charge. Ap- ply Dennis Smith, RR 4, Clin- ton, HU 2-7496. 40p THINKING OF RAMBLER? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Goderich on the Bay- field Road. Phone JA 4-9461. 15tfb CANADIAN CEMENT FOR sale. Phone HU 2-9411, A. G, Grigg and Son. 38tfb FILTER QUEEN Soles .and Service ' BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensel! 696 r 2 29 to 39p tile PULLETS, 150 Rock X Rhode Island Red. Starting to lay. Dennis Penfound, RR 1, Lon- desboro, phone Auburn 526-7785 40p ONE BEDROOM APART- naents, unfurnished; 2 bedroom apartment, unfurnished, heated, available October le Phone Roy Tyndall HU 2-9928. 25tfb 6 FT. DOUBLE shelf candy case, $75. Apply 12 Albert Street, Clinton. 39-40p BOARD AND ROOM PUREBRED BEAGLES, 8 weeks old, from registered hunting stock, reasonable. Ph- one HU 2-7261. • 39p-40b MODERN HOUSEKEEPING cottages and cabins, frig., stove, sleep e-4-6. $25 to $50 monthly. Hazelwood cabins, 3 miles north of Bayfield on 21. 33tfb SERVICES MARCHAND floor furnace, in Al working condition. Apply Gerald Hunking, HR 5, Clinton. 39p-40b COMFORTABLE ROOM, suit couple. Phone HU 2-9540, 40p WINTER CARE for approxi- mately 10 stocker cattle. Write to Box 402, Clinton News-Rec- ord. 40-lb N.B. Clearing AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery and House- hold Effects at Lot 27, Blue Water Highway, Goderich Twp., '7 miles south on Goderich on Tuesday, October 9th at ,1 p.m. Cattle: 6 young Durham and Hereford cows, milking and re- bred, to freshen in March and April; 2 baby beef calves; 1 calf 4 months old; 1 year old steer, Poultry: 50 Hybrid hens, Is year old. Machinery: Ford tractor re- cently overhauled in Al condi- tion; Dearborn 2-furrow plow; IHC drag harrows; Bissel 12- plate disc; 4 section harrows; 3 drum steel roller; scuffler; McCormick 4-bar side rake (like new); 6-ft. McCormick mower; drop-head hay loader; manure spreader; 2,000-lb. scales; grav- el box; brooder stove; Steward electric clippers (new); oil drum; electric fencer; rubber tired wagon' (like new); hay rack; sling ropes; truck wagon; 130-ft. hay rope, car, pulleys; woven wire stretchers; logging chains; forks; shovels. Hay and Grain: 500 bus. Gary oats; 300 bales mixed hay; man- golds. Household Effects: mahogany settee and 2 chairs; Bell organ; drop-head sewing machine; 4 parlour tables; leather couch; 5 antique rocking chairs; large plate glass mirror, 10 dining room chairs; occasional chairs; writing desk; round dining room 'table; drop leaf table; glass cupboard; rangette; wash- ing machine; coal oil lamps; fernery; 3 furnished bedrooms; dressers; stands; pictures; 2 toilet sets; chest of drawers; white enamel Wingham cook stove; Quebec heater; quantity of china, including set of Bridal Rose, Other articles too numer- ous to mention. Terms: Cash Proprietor, Forest McClure Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, George Powell 39-40b PIANO TUNING ACCOMMODATION FOR 3 or 4 male roomers, Phone HU 2- 9376, Mrs, Alex McMichael. 40b BROAD - BILL Duck Calls, $1.65; Olt's Duck Calls, $2,35, at Ellwood Epps Sports Shop, King Street, Clinton. 40b Young Canadians FARM HOUSE for rent, unfur- nished, modern conveniences, Apply D'Arcy Rathwell, RR 1, Brucefield, phone HU 2-3384. 39-40b YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 17to2lp tfb FARMERS, TRUCKING Ser- vice, local and long distance. For prompt service, phone P. W. Transport Ltd., Blyth, 162 (collect). 20to43p ACCOMMODATION for elder- ly ladies Mrs. M. Henry, Blyth, has room for a couple of ladies, nice warm home with good meals. Tray service and all conveniences. Nicely situated for bus service. Phone 150-2, Myth or write PO Box 12, 39-40p DRY-CLEAN All BACK-TO-SCHOOL GARMENTS Here. SKIRTS, SWEATERS, DRESSES, COATS, TROUSERS, JACKETS, etc. 8 Lbs. For Only $2.00 APPLES — windfalls, beauti- ful red McIntosh to pick up, $1 per bushel. Apply Stewart Middleton, HU. 2-7525. 40-lb APARTMENT FOR COUPLE, furnished, heated and self con- tained, private entrance. Vac- ant October 25. Apply 95 Rag- lan Street, phone HU 2-9300. 40b ATTENTION FARMERS! Call proMptly. 300 lbs. or over, ac- cording to condition. Licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 158C62. 7 Days Service. Call Ed. Andrews, 863W1, Seaforth. Stfb ROY REFRIGERATOR, 12 cu. ft., price $75; boy's winter jacket, 14 to 16, $5. Phone HU 2-7739, 39-40p REAL ESTATE LOTS FOR SALE, in Clinton. Phone HU 2-6692. 21tfb UNFURNISHED 3 room, heat- ed apartment, Private bath, centrally `located, available October 1, Call HU 2-9498 aft- er 6 p.m. and all day Saturdays. 38p-tfb CUSTOM WORK NEED A NEW WASHER? Come arersee our display, open each evening until 9 p.m. T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield, phone HU 2-3232. 40b. EGERTON BEACH-4 bedroom cottage fireplace, modern, play- grounds, fully furnished, with boat, reduced to $6000., For further information call Adam Flowers, Realtor, Bayfield 83, Box 41, Bayfield. 34tfb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS — Call IRENE'S DON'T PUTTER! Call your plumber. DURO pumps and softeners sales & service. Eck- ert's Plumbing and Electric, ph- one 54r2, Bayfield. . 28tfb WESTINGHOUSE COIN-OPERATED DRY CLEANER 70 Albert St., Clinton Phone' HU .2-7833 22tfb FARM HOME, 3' bedrooms with bath, unfurnished. 21/2 miles west ref Clinton on High- way 8. Oil heat. References re- quired. Available October 15. Phone evenings HU .2-7502. • SET OF ENCYCLOPAEDIA, 20 volumes, The World Book, 15 volumes Child Craft and one year book, $200. HU 2-9193. 40p DARLING EXPERT CARPENTRY WORK done reasonably to your satis- faction. For kitchen cupboards, coffee tables, bookcases, china cabinets, etc., and all small odd jobs around your home. Call Ken McNairn, HU 2-7726. 19tfb BAKERS ATTENTION! Thriving bake shop, excellent living quarters (3 bedrooms), Bakery and bake shop all con- tained in one building. Good terms ' arranged, Write or phone Iola Bailey (sales erep. for H. D. Purdon Real Estate) at Blyth, Ont., RR 3, telephone Blyth 54R5. 39-40p & Company Of Canada Limited HUnter 2-7269 Dead Animal Licence No. 175-C-62 ltfb 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite, green chair, red chair and chesterfield, in excellent condi- tion, reasonably priced. Phone HU 2-7280, 40b ATTENTION CAR, TRUCK and TRACTOR OWNERS Be Ready For Colder Weather Have Your Battery Checked And Charged COUNTRY HOME, one mile from Bayfield, 3 bedrooms, 3- piece bath, living room, dining room, 2-piece washroom, modern kitchen, hot •water, large base- ment. Apply after 7 p.m. to J. B. Higgins, Main St., Bay- field. 40-lb MOTORS, generators repaired or rewound, 1/10 horsepower- up, 60 cycle conversions,' Parts for most makes on hand or available. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone HU 2-6640. 40tfb LAYAWAY NOW for Christ- mas! A small deposit holds any article until Christmas at AN- STETT Jewellers Ltd. 40tfb AUCTION SALE of Household Effects from the home of Miss Elizabeth Gib- bings at 141 Rattenbury Street, Clinton, on Saturday, October 13 at 1.30 p.m. the following: Nordheimer piano and stool; small walnut desk; walnut desk secretary; library desk; music cabinet; upholstered arm chair; Lazy Boy chair; 'walnut couch (antique); 2 walnut occasional chairs; telephone stand and chair; 2 chesterfield chairs; 2 walnut occasional chairs; 3 wal- nut book cases; walnut sewing desk; several small tables; tea cart; Wilton rug and under pad; Wilton scatter rugs to match; other rugs and scatter mats; walnut 8-piece dining room suite; coffee table; 3 wal- nut book shelves; walnut book shelf with a complete set of Encylopaedia Britannica; a large quantity of books, including complete sets; brass fireside equipment; fire screen; copper tea service; silver tea service; cherry chest of drawers; ward- robe chest; blanket chest; com- plete modern walnut bedroom suite; metal single bed and mat- tress; McClary electric range; General Electric refrigerator; utility table; Electrolux vacuum cleaner; 2 card tables; floor lamps; table lamps; pictures; 3 wicker chairs; lawn furniture; wall mirrors; dishes, including antiques; bedding; linen; cook- ing utensils; lawn mower; gar- den tools; numerous other articles. Terms Cash Miss Elizabeth Gibbings, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 40-lb 6 ROOM BRICK COTTAGE, Main Street, Egmondville, with all modern conveniences. New gas furnace. Also a brick build- ing that could be converted to a dwelling, size_ aprox. 20x40'. All in good state of repair. Priced for quick sale. Apply to Elmer Stephenson, Egmond- ville or Mrs. Lee McConnell, Varna . 39-40p FREE MODERN • HOUSE sin Bayfield eleven miles 'teem RCAF Sta- tion; rbwo year old three bed- room brick sand angel 'atone, on large shady lot, close to store 'and post , office. Large bright kitchen with lots' of cup- board space, double stainless Steel sinks and ,exhaust fan, Dinette, large living room with fireplace. Coloured four piece bath. Storms and screens, al- uminum .awaeingte and- porch. Lome taxes. Selling at .cost, much less than today's replace- ment value, Inersecliate posses- ion. F/S W. A. Reid. HU 2- 9753 ,after five pm. 40b SPRAYED APPLES for sale. Eating and cooking, apples. Orders taken for Spy, King, Snow, Talman Sweet, Russet, Greening. Phone 1115 2-3214, Fred McClymont and Sons, Varna. 38tfb At CLAYT. DIXON'S AUTO SUPPLY 36to43b EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOULD LIKE to babysit chil- dren, in my own home, reliable mother. Phone HU 2-3439. 39-40b CASH REGISTER, Two lists and totals on tane, to show sales tax on each sale Cash drawer. Smith-Corena. Lists at $279.50. See it at 56 Albert Street, Clinton News-Record, 36tfb APPLES Crisp, juicy McIn- tosh, hand picked, $2 a bushel. Bring your own containers. Turn at Holmesville onto Cut Line, go, four country blocks west, turn right, first house up. 15c for empty hampers. Also other varieties. Art Bell, RR 2, Goderich, JA 4-8037. 39tfb TRAVEL SERVICE WILL BABYSIT while mother works 'or wish to go out, in my own home. Please phone any time for arrangement. HU 2- 3230. 37-8-9-40b STAN BLOWES TRAVEL Ser- vice, 32 Wellington St., Strat- ford. For all airlines, steam- ships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaids arranged for relatives visiting from over- seas. Call 271-5710. 36b Singer Sewing, Machine Co. announce the addition of WASHERS and DRYERS to their line. Before you buy be sure and check our prices on these. WILL WH1DDEN PHONE HU 2-9103 39-40b HELP WANTED Use Your Credit at Anstett Jewellers Chamber of Commerce in Zurich offers Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 7.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight. TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk OCCASIONAL WORK, short- hand or speedwriting essential, and typing. Possibly some nights, Apply in writing to box 382, Clinton News-Record. 38tfb Notice To Creditors In the Estate of JAMES HORACE VINCENT, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, retired CNR employee, deceased. A 11 persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 23rd day of August, A.D. 1962, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 9th day of October, A.D. 1962, after which date the assets will be distri- buted, having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 18th day of September, A.D. 1962. E, B. MENZIES, Clinton Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. 38-9-40b LARGE HOME FOR RENT in excellent place efor RCAF officer For further information, Phone Zurich 34 MUST SELL Singer ZIG-ZAG in beautiful wood cabinet for $61.20 still owed, or take on naesnenits of $7.13 per month. Does fancy stStching, no at- tachments needed. Use your old machine as idown payment. Dealer. Write Box 400 Clinton 40b • News-Record. 40-1-2b HELP WANTED FEMALE KIPPEN Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG Phone Hensall 278 W 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys visited Sunclayy with Mr. and Mrs. Gannet Shipman and 'flat/lily, Exeter. MIDDLE AGED LADY wanted to care for elderly person, no heavy work, For further infor- mation call HU 2-7884. 40p LADY to take charge of home with small children' while Mo- ther is in hospital- in mid-No- vember. Also employment for a month after mother is home again. Box 391, Clinton News- Record. 39-40b FR,TM BAKE. "i) THANKSGIVING CHOOSE YOUR COME IN . . SEE OUR LOVELY DISPLAY OF GIFTS' FOR ALL ' MEMBERS OF FAMILY Fall Wardrobe CASH IN • On the big Fall and Christmas Selling Season, Represent Avon in your neighbourhood. Open- ings in Hullett and Goderich Township, Write' M. Millson, or call GE 2-9019, 960 Wellington Rd. S. London. 37-40-43b We can offer you an Attractive Time Payment Plan with No Carrying Charges. NOW vosamosr Our Friday Special From Our Store Only , Anstett Jewellers Is Your Name On The VOTERS LISIT?, CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting of Voters' Lists for 1962 Selections are at their best right now. New styles, new materials, new shades. ASK. FOR: SUITS SPORT COATS SLACKS SPORT 'SHIRTS TOP COATS HATS HELP WANTED MALE Phone HU 2-9525 Albert Street — Clinton YOUNG MEN' between ages of 18 and 30 wanted to train as store managers. Apply to 12 Albert Street, Clinton. 39-40p FRUITED ORANGE BREAD Classified Rates Reg, 43c each Special 37c each BREAD SALESMAN for estab- lished route. Must be aggressive and reliable. Apply in Verson. Eastliffs Bakery Ltd., Clinton. 40b For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, in Mranorlams, Engagements, 3c a.word; Minimum 156. Our Saturday Special From Our Store Only Amtialous MAN REQUIRED for steady employment in Olin- ton, age 21 to 45. Write to Box 401, Clinton Nes't's-Record; Stat- ing naive, 'address and phone number. 40b REPEATS— • 20 a wort; Minimum 50e. MINCE MEAT PIES Municipality of the Town of Clinton County of Huron NOTICE is ,hereby given that I have toinplied with Section 8 of the VOTERS' LISTS ACT, and I have posted up in my office at Clinton the 27th 'day of September, 1962, the' list of persons entitled to Vote in said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list retrains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors clniissions corrected At, cording to law, the last day of appeal being the 11th day of October, 1962. Dated at Clintdii this 27th day Of Seleteitileate 1962. JOHN LIVERMOR E , Clerk of the Town of Clinton, MAN WANTED. Good nearby Rawleigli business now open, If willing to tonduct Home Service business with good pro- MS, write Rawleigh'e, Dept, I-1.169-45, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 40b LOST AND FOUND CASH DISCOUNTS-6- % Off if paid by Saturday folldwing last insertion. Casual Jackets the magic riarno for Fall 061 Windbreaker or' HipStor Lengths. See Laminate, Sweaters of amazing BANLON Pullovers or Cardigana $7.95 up Reg, 60c each Special 53c each BILLING CHARGE—, '10o added on second bill. Bartliffs Bakery HU 24721 Limited CLINTON Bakery and Retitadeant Pickett & Campbell limited Oirths, Marriages, Deaths. LOST-331a.ck collie dog with brown and white markings. Ali- savers to "Piper", Strayed freer Southwest corner of Clinton, Saturday evening, Iteward. Phone MY 24700. Lloyd Hon. ined, " 41. DtAl5Lf 12 O'clock neoh, WedhefidaY DIAL 14u 2.3441 • Main Street Clinton Phone HU 2-073/