HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-10-04, Page 5Solemn Blessing` At RCAF RC Chapel Lower lug s'Iai`es. and seltn'y windy did not d'etev the faith- ful who attended' the eeleien Blessing of .St, Pegg Reiman Catholic 'Chapel lit Adastu. Park, RCAF Steele l Clatn!too on Saturday, Above, Group Capttain the Rev. J. P. Da'vig- irt!on,,CD, at left, afficiaete'd' at the impressive ceremony, He' was :welcomed ;at the chapel. by G m e u p 'Captain J, G. Mat'hieson,, MBE, CD, eons - mending `officer at station, At left, the processiop makes its. way up the aisle at the ;chapel, prior ,to the cere- Mony, Afterwards, ;the inclement weather forced cancellation of a planned outdoor ,resp- tion, so !tea. was served in the Proitestaet ch e.p, e 1 Sunday School roam. (RCAF Photos) PLAN TO CULL EWES FOR BETTER FLOCKS The first step in preparing ewes for breeding is to cull the flack thoroughly. This means disposing of ewes thalt are bad - udd'ered, broken - mouthed, poor mothers, nee - breeders, and any animal show - Ing undesirable characteristics. Huronview Party Ewe lambs should not be bred unless well growneweighinga t least `110 pounds! at breeding time, say sheep specialists` with the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture, 4. K I D S i' GET YOUR COLOURING BOOK NOW AT D. A. KAY & Son PAINT SHOP --- -- HURON STREET AND ENTER PittsburgPaints Big Colouring Contest A Set of 48 'Crayons Free with each gallon of Pittsburg Paint. COLOURING BOOK FREE Enter Your Coloured Pictures and Win Exciting Prizes D. A. KAY c HURON STREET SON Phone HU 2-9542 I October Special Palmer's Beauty Lounge $ 7.50 Permanents-- $ 6.00 $10.00 Permanents --$1.50 $12:00 Permanents-- $10.00 This Special to run October and November, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of each week. LOCATED ABOVE 'PICK,ETT & CAMPBELL CLOTHING STORE 40 -lb Special Thanksgiving Dinners Being Served at Hotel Clinton oNE OUT 1 Wester on Thanksgiving Sunday, October 7 Set U By Dungannon WI The September birthday party at Hurenview took place at the home the latter paint of Septem- ber with the Dungannon Wo- men's Institute providing good program and gifts. Birtthdety cake was entlayect. Those celebrating birthdays are Israel Gaiser, Irvine -John- son, Charles, Dolmage, Tom Patton, Fred Bumble, Mary Weber, Suras • Hunking, Mrs. Mary Garniss, Lena -Graham, Mrs. Rebecea Johnston, Mrs. Ella McCowan, a, Mrs, Amelia Rainford, Mrs. Harriet Mc- Cracken, Miss Berdetrta Mc- Cracken, Mrs. •M. Warwick, Mrs. Anna Gilpin and Mrs. Mary Steinbach. •o Hensall Kinettes Lay Plans For 1962-63 Sessions HENSALL. — The Kinette Club met Wednesday evendnig, September 26 tat the home of Mrs earnest Hyde. The new president Mrs. John Heal was in charge. Twelve memiibees answered roll call •a n d' Mrs. Robert Cald'w'elll was: a ,guest. Minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. John Baker. Mrs. Ross Jdnkts presentted ,the treasurer's report:, A lengthy business session was held, worth ways and means; coninnit'tee, Mrs. John D;eatz and Mrs.. Har- old Knight, outlining plans) for the forthcoming rummage sale on October 13. Service committee convener Mrs. Robert Baker and ,her as- sistant, Mrs, Homer Campbell, outlined their program for the corning year. The social con- veners, Mrs. William Clennentt, and Mrs. John Drysdale also gave their reports. Mrs. Wll- liaan Mickle was presented wiitih a baby spoon from (tine Club for baby John. Gueet speaker for the even- ing, Miss Margaret Fuss, R.N. was introduced by Mrs, Clem- ent. Miss Fuss, who has teavei- led extensively, showed many pictures of China, Japan and Hawaii, where she 1iveS and works, Mrs. Harold Knight ex- pressed the ,thanks of the Club and presented Miss Fuss with a token of appreciartnon. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ross Jinks ori October 10. Amy Lamme Is Honoured By CNIB HENSALL—Miss Amy Lam- mie spent 'a few days in Tor- onto last week. On Saturday, September 29 she was honoured at a •luncheon, along with Miss S. Miller, another retiring tea- cher for the CNIB, at the home of Miss L. Cowan, national director of home teaching. The Ontario teachers presented both ladies with electric coffee mak- ers. Guests wre present from Ottawa, Hamilton. Peterboro, Cornwall, Barrie, Sudbury and Toronto. BAZAAR RESIDENTS' HANDCRAFTS Sponsors: HURONVIEW AUXILIARY WED., OCTOBER 10 2 to 4,30 p.m. at the Home and Thanksgiving Day, October 8 (Croft Room) Cup of 'i`ea wi II be Phone HU /-7b11 for Reservations served Wornens Institute To Begin On PMeat Clinitpun Wbnieri's Insrtittute n7e,t Thursday,, September er 27. tiring tale ebruef hes4a ess ses- sion, Mrs, F1, Radford .and Mrs.. C. E. Mott were appointed to alttend a two-day grasping seised in Hensel', featuring 1.43 pounds: of meat. It was decided to purchase Ithe usuall wreath foe Rembr'anlce Pae. Mrs. F. Tynndegl, introduced Harvey J 4ir Ston, manager of Huronview, who showad pic- tures of ';a trip to Trinidad and Bermuda. 'Thes'e were well tak- en, beautiful and informative. Mrs, M, easede gave three entertainiog readings, A few minutes were spent over the tea cups. a 4.H Homemakers Make Sandwiches Six of the Clinton. Vegetable Queens met .at the home of Mrs. •Hanley •Managtran, Vic- toria Street, on Tuesday, and Viola ;Collins, president opened the sheeting with 4-H pledge. Linda MacDonald read the minutes. Roll call was answered by eae h member .telling of the "Vegetable Supper I Served at Home." Members helped lead- ers to make delicious sandd- wiehes ,arat then they had them to east. Mrs. Norman Tyndall told the club that Miss Isobel Gilchrist, home economist for the county, will be attending a¢nee; to ,at rtlheend of the month. The next meeting will .be held at May, N. Tyndalll's themie, Huron Street, on Tuesday, Oc- tober 9 at 6.30. Roe call will be 'answered by "A raw vege- table I could take to school or work." PM Club Gets Season Underway The Past Mistresses Club of Huron Lodge No, 377 of the Ladies Orange Benevolent As - sedation met ,at the home of Mrs. EIthel ; Shobbroak with president Mrs. Wilfred Glazier in charge. Several ways of mak- ing money during the windier was discussed. For the next few months, each member has been asked to take a smell gift to each meeting. These will be used for a penny sale later in the season, It was decided to hold. the nest fewaneetings yn'the form of card parties in the Orange Hall, and each member is asked to be responsible for. inviting at leatst four tables. Following the meeting, cards were enjoyed. Winners were Mrs. Wilfred Colclough and Mrs. Tam O'Connell. Lunch was served by the hostess, 'assisted by her daughter, Mrs. William Willard, Buffalo, N.Y. Wingham People Say "No" To More Outlets Ratepayers at Wingham turned down proposed estab- lishment of dining and cocktail Iounges in the town in a de- cisive "no" vote on September 20. On the question of a licenced dining lounge, 822 persons vot- ed no and 534 voted yes. In the question of cocktail. loung- ers, 861 voted no and 496 voted yes. Eighty percent of Wingham's eligible voters east ballots do the plebiscite. The issue was placed ,before the people after Whitney Grose proposed to spend $225,000 building a new hotel on the site of the burned out Brune - wick Hotel providing licenced dining and cocktail lounges were approved. A vigorous .leafiest campaign by both sides followed ,the de- cision to hold the vote on the two questions. Wingham has a liquor store and a brewers' retail. stare- the tare -the town has no beverage rooms, the nearest being at Teeswater, 10 miles away. Ube nearest cocktail lounge is Pais - ,ley, 38 miles away. Clinton and District Obituaries Fred 1, Potter Funeral servige was conduct- ed o4 Friday efternio,oii Sep- temdber 28, at the 8eetttie Fun- eral Horne, 55 Rattenbury. Street Easet, fee Frederick Lorne Futter, late of 76 Or- ange Street, 'Clinton. The elev. Clifford G. park, Wesley -Willis United Ci'tW ch, efficiated and interment was in ,Qiintian Cemetery Pa>1 - bearers were Elmer, Frank, Joe and' Ray Patt'etr, Wilfred and Lorne Jervis, Flower -bearers were Bob Grigg and Toon Cunningham, Born on May 4, 1886, in Goderich, Township, the deceas- ed was ;tlhe son of Fanny Jen- vis and Thomas Potter, He married Clara Hoitzhauer on November 25, 1914, and they farmed i n Goderr ec!h. Towlush nip until retiring to Clinton in 1946. Mrs, Potter died ni April, 1962. Mr. Potter died on Wednes- day morning in Clintoe Public Hospital, fallowing a lengthy illness. Surviving are three daugh- ters, aughters, Mrs, Edward (Norma) Grigg and M. Lloyd (Ruth) Bond, both of Gaderich Town- ship and Mrs. Wesley (Clete) Holiaii;d, Clinton; two broth- ers, William, Lucknow and Clarence, Clinton, John T. McCloy HENSALL --- John T, Mc - Cloy, a highly respected citizen of Hensall passed away sudden- ly uddenly at Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, . September 26, having been admitted to the haspirtal late in the afternoon of that day. Inu .his 87th: year, Mr. McCi'oy ,was born; in Tuckersmith Town- ship where he •fanned success- fully, taking up residence in Heneall 14 years ago. He was unmarried. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Robert Simpson, Hems�ali, and' Mrs. Agnes McLean, also of Hens'alrl'. Public funeral ser- vice was held Friday !from, the Bon(thron funeral home by Rev, Ross MacDonald. Burial was in Hensel]: Union Cemetery. William T. Robison AUBURN — Funeral service was held Monday afternoon at the J. Keith Arthur funeral home for William T. Robison, wlIro passed away int Clinton Public Hospital hast Friday af- ter a short 'iltaess. Bonn in West Wawan:osdh Township he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Archie Rob- ison and had seeded' in this community all his 'life. He was a member of Knox United Church. He is survived by his wife, the ,former Lucinda Janette Anderson, three step -daughters, M. Harold (Bernice) Currie, H'ensalil; ' Mrs. Ivan: (Joan) Stephenson, Stoney Creek, and Mrs. Mel, (Jetrid) Osmond,To- ronto;also one brother, Nelson, Lloydnvinslter, Sask. The private funeral was cos-i- deated ondeated by Rev. Charles Lewis with burial. in Bali's'Cemetery. Pallbearers were Arthur Youn'g- blut, Robert J. Phillipsd, Charles Scott, Harry Beadle', Norman Garrett and Morrie Thomas. Mrs, G. MacDonald C1ii .S'eptember 28, Mrs, Glen- garry .MetcPoised Passed away snrdden4y' An, her ,home, 35 Louise Ave,enu, klahlland Park, Mich. Bcrrn an the State pf Peeuisea- vania, she was Invez Cannpbeli, daughter of the l!alte James end Mrs, Oanvpbell, .She and Glen g'ax'r'y MeceSoruald etohangetd marriage vows in t_he Feet Presbyterian Church, Bradford, Pa,, ha 1913 They Made their home in Highland.Park, elide where they have sinee resided, Surviving are her husband, one son James C. leeeDornald III, Toledo Ohio; one daughiter Mrs, Bex (Menial); Jean) Trim- ble, ;three glranldlchilddren, Garry Nancy and Glenn Scott Trim- ble, all living in Pit'tsburrg, Pa. One sister, Mrs. Francis Car- lin, is Tiering in the Peace River District!. Three ,brothers and two sisters pre -deceased Ma's. MacDonald. The deceased was; .a an ;active member of the Palmer Park P.resbyrterian Church., Detroit, and the pastor De Symes, con- ducted the funeral services at the Harper - Mieblican MorYtuarry an. October! 1,- after whites in- terment was made in the Camp- bell family plot, Pennsylvania. (Note; Glengarry MacDonald was reared in God'es'4ch Town- ship,was a graduate of the old Goder+ich Model School and taught in Teeswater before go- ing Ito the USA. Mrs. MacDon- ald is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Aida Gray, God'erich Town. - ship.) David Elliott Funeral service was held on Friday, September 28 in the Bdalll' 'and Mitch funeral home, for David ,Elliott, 166 Fulton Street, Clinton, who passed away in Clinton Public Hospital on Tuesday, September 25. The Rey. Grant Mills, Ontario St. United Church conducted the service 'arid interment was in. Clinton 'Cemetery. Pn11.ibearers were Fred El- liott, George F. Elliott, Jack Elliott, George S. Elliott, Mer- ton; Keyes and Bruce Keyes. Flower -bearers were -Gordon Hill, George Cantelon, Jack Mustard rand 'Charles Nelson. Born on November 14, 1881, in Enniskillen, Northern Ire- land, deceased was the son of the late William ;and Sarah El- liott. He came from Ireland with his family, when he was eight years old, and they settled in Godenich Township. He mar- ried Mary Jane Reid on Sep- tember 16, 1914 aund lived all of his :life in Clinton: and this area. He was a cement mason' by trade, ,ands he was pollee con- stalble in the town of Clinton for a period of sten years. He attended Ontario Street United Church land was a member of Murphy Loyal. Orange Lodge No. 710. Mr. Elliott suffered a stroke easily Tuesday meaning ,and passed away that afternoon. He had not been ill long. Surviving besides his wife are two sons, Norman, Toronto; Robert, Tavistock; two daugh- ters, Mrs. Alec (Sadie) Whit- field, Landon; Mrs. Kenneth (Lillian) Mercer, London; one brother, Edward, in ;Palo Alto, Calif.; one sister', Mrs. Fred (Sarah) Whittingham, 'Banff, Seta., and nine grandchildren. A (sin James died in 1955. BELTONE Hearing Aid Service .Clinic SECOND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. HOTEL CLINTON Sponsored by Newcombe's Drug Store Phone for Free Home Appointment SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE sellellelle 88 Queen St. S. Kitchener KROEHLER and BEATTIE FURNITURE Invite you to their FALL FESTIVAL of VALUES WATCH FOR OUR COLOURED CIRCULARS IN THE MAIL THIS WEEK Sensational Values on Living Room, Bedroom and Occasional Chairs YOU WILL RECEIVE A $17,95 ELECTRIC CAN OPENER WITH EVERY $99.00 PURCHASE FROM OUR CIRCULAR. AT BEATTIE FURNITURE PHONE HU 2-9521 CLINTON, ONTARIO Thum, Qct,..gbec 4x i962Clinton News- te_ cerd-,ra9e 5 NEWS OF IIIPPEN (Cgrrespondentt MRS. N. ITON,G, ,Phone Ilensail 476-W-1) On leonduy, Welting, Septenn- ber 24, about 45 neighbours and friends gy'>ther'ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lovell (newlywed's) and drivar- eed diem. ,A frienid4'y time Was er,,loyed and Reich was served. by the 'hostess. Mrs. R:trent McLean visited a few days 'last week with her sister, Mrs. Lipton, Landon . Rev. and Mrs. D. 4. Mac - Merton, called on see oral friends 'im Kippers on 'Mon- day. Mrs. Alice Keene, Slaatbford visited recently with Mrs, Dow, ran, the latter returned to Sit atford for a few days visit. Ross Broadfec t is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. His friends wish Prim a speedy recovery. Edward Harrison, Winghaan, who was well known at Kitten and a traveller for Canada Pwkws ::for many years visited 'Saturday With some Old tu*rle custe ers. Mrs.. 1T. Long visited. Tihers- dary with, Miss Pearn Keyes, Exeter, John Keyes, Varna end Lloyd Dawson, Seafor'th visited dux, ing the wee4 .With Mre, DOW - son. Sunday visitors with Mr- end Mrs. N. Long were Mr. end Mrs, William Long, Woo'odfoit Mr. anal' Mrs, John! Long, Ow- en! Sound; Mrs,, Bessie Gillis, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs, Jannes Armstrong, Staffa. Mr, and Met N. Hood aunld jeeee visited in Stratford on Stund'ay' A number of the 'family of 'Vbs. Robert 1VtcBT'ide mat salt the Queensway Nursing Herne, H'ensee. on September 22, to extend birthday wishes to her on her 90th birthday. Family Security LIFE INSURANCE 25,000 (20 -year reducing convertible ANNUAL PREMIUMSsurance) Age 30 $59,95 Age 40 $111.23 Age 35 79.10 Age 45 ,., 173.23 OCCIDENTAL LIFE "Terms eInsurTance n the st ms" o 204 Andrews St., Exeter "More Peaceerof Mind W. C. Foster Per Premium Dollar" Phone 317 PETER'S Modern MEAT Market HU 2-9731 See Our Selection of the Finest Grade A Turkeys, Capons, Chickens, Young Ducklings, Hams A Big Selection Available at , Attractive Prices CHOICE OVEN-READY CAPON CHICKENS - - - 53c ib. SMOKED PICNIC HAMS - - - - 45c Ib, GROUND SUET - - - - 19c Ib. WALLACE'S and SWIFT'S BUTTERBALL TURKEYS All Our Fowl Strictly Grade A WIN AN ELECTRIC DRYER: Get Your FREE Tickets at Our Meat Counter r.. Weekend Specials a CLINTON STOKELY PUMPKIN, 28 -oz. 17c BETTY CROCKER PIE CRUST MIX 33c STOKELY PEAS, Fancy Qualify, 15 -oz. . 2 for 35c LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE, 20 -oz. 3 for 37c LIBBY'S FANCY QUALITY FRUIT COCKTAIL, 1 5 -oz. 2 for 49c STUART HOUSE FOILWRAP, 12 -in. 29c BUY ONE -- GET ONE FOR lc OATFLAKES 2 pkg. 30c GRADE A TURKEY Zr fb to 14 ib. No. 1 ONTARIO POTATOES, 10 -Ib. bag No. 1 ONTARIO CELERY STALKS, 30's 47c Ib. 2 for 65c 2 for 25e New Gold Bond Catalogue now available at our store eft Redeem this couposgetraiti n for } FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS at any I.G.A. Supermarket NAME �. ADDRESS °0 CITU ;WI , 61 BRING THIS COUPON AND GET NEW GOLD BOND' CELEBRATION OFFER OF 50 FREE STAMPS . FOR YOU! EXCLUSIVE Toy Book insert EXCLUSIVE, 'F4butous Golden Tours to Europe Today get~ your free Gold Bond Gift •took for gifts by famous brand name manufacturers at your I,G.A. Superrharket. PLUS , , W see on display at ourStore the big, beautiful- DeLuxe Bentson Gold Bond WORLD IMPORT GIFT BOOK fol' :hundreds of import gifts from foreign t ountries 4 yours EXCLUSIVELY for Gold Boni StaantC