HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-27, Page 11Enjoy Their Graduation 'Tea
At the graduation tea held at Station. Clinton :following the School of
Food Services graduation are from the left, Flight .Cadet Hawthorne, Flight
Sergeant Reid, Flight Cadet Cuzzocrea, Flight Cadet Frost and Flight Sergeant
Roughen. (RCAF Photo)
Adastrai Park
News Editor: Anne Aileron -- Phone HU 2-7349
Mrs. Jean Barnett sailed
from Montreal on Friday, Sep-
ep-tember. 21 aboard the "Corin-
thia" for a trip overseas. Prior
to, sailing time, she visited Mr.
and Mrs, Ron Ross, as well as
Cpl. and Mrs. Williams, St.
Hubert. Mrs. Barnett was
travelling with her son Ronald
who will be attending college
in Scotland.
After visiting relatives in
Aberdeen, Mrs, Barnett will
travel to several points in Eng-
land, returning home October
• Birthdays
Miss Candis Burnside cele-
brated her ninth birthday on
September. 20 with nine little
guests at a house party.
Miss Lorna Naven turned
five years old on September 21.
Rummage Sale
The Women's , Auxiliary of
Amateur Shows
The Station
By Airmen Talent
RCAF— It would seem: that
the chaplain aistens to many
complaints and headlock stor-
ies. One afiternoon in the spring
a couple of !airmen approached
the Roman Caftholiic chaplain at
Station Clinton compla'iiningthat
there wasn't enough to do
around the station for all the
In particular they felt their
canteen wars, especially dead .. .
no ]life. The .sarneen suggested
that the bogs be allowed to
eniterbain then selves,:and from
this suggessition the idea of an
amnarteur show took roost.
The chaplain, assised by AC1
Ail Boudreau, gait tdgeith'er five
acts, and presented an: amateur
show in dine •airmen's .canteen
on Thursday evening, Septem-
ber 6. The place was jammed!
There were cash prizes, andfree
refretshments for . all the can-
teistanits. The show was a great
success the place had come 1x
life. '
The "Chuga-Iii:gs", a quartet
of rock and roll addicts worn
first prize df X10. The "Twin
Striings" made a close second.
Consolation prizes of refresh -
means were won by AC Ed Gars
land' end AC Jack Ungarian.
These prizes had' leen authoriz-
ed icy the new •CAdO, W/C, H.
C. Vinnicombe,
The PA system was installed
by Sgit. R. Barr mid his crew.
The canteen stewards worked
hard to provide eiffiaient and
filet service for the unany air-
men arttending, the performance..
The first show was so well
received by the .hundreds of
airmen, that another show wias.
secheduled for Tuesday evening,
September 25. Six 'atm were
sdhedided, with chamber music
provided by the " Oh ga-Luge".
The station administration is
delighted that the airmen have
foul d ran outlet foie their tal-
ents. The station recreation of-
ficer ie very enthusiestie, and
hopes in time to eager:dee a
varnet& eho& froth .among the
airmen itheelves.
The mosrt lintperatans result of
dale shelve is the raisiing of
neetade 'among the troops, amici
seCone ly that these young Men
are capable of entertaining
idiuemseie ves, amid enjoying a
who'lietsome evening of corneal-
sl iip in thele own canteen:
to "The
Community Nab
Septembo 29
AD ..1
this RCAF station will be hold-
ing their annual fall rummage
sale on October 27. More .de-
tails will be forthcoming as to
pick-up stations.
Baby Shower
A lovely baby shower took
place September 20 at the home
of Mrs. A. J. Ferrance in Clin-
ton. The guest of honour was
Mrs. Gordon Graham of "J"
Black in the apartments of Ad -
astral Park. The gifts were at-
tractively done up in an antique
crib. Eleven , guests enjoyed
bingo games for which the
lucky winners received jewellery
prizes. An elaborate lunch ter-
minated the evening.
Plan New Club
Actors, comedians, dancers,
singers and musicians are in-
vited to attend the meeting at
the recreational centre, Septem-
ber 25 at 7 p.m. The purpose
of this meeting is to form the
"Drama and Variety Club".
Also at the recreational
centre, a Badminton Club is to
be organized with the • first
meeting tailed for October 1
at 7 pan.
Ladies Curling Club
The first meeting for lady
curlers took place September
17 at the Ritchie Building, Mrs.
Betty ElIis was elected presi-
dent and Mrs,. Helen Hayward
was named secretary -treasurer.
Mrs. Jeannette Doyle and Miss
Pat Marcell volunteered to help
with the making up of the
teams, It is hoped to have
curling, either on Thursday or
Friday evenings. All members
will be advised as early as
possible as to which day is
CWL Meets
The monthly meeting of the
Catholic Women's League was
held at St. Paul's Church on
Monday evening, September 17.
Present were the executive:
president Mrs. Pat Gray, secre-
tary Mrs. Ken La Pointe and
treasurer Mrs. Bob Peterson, as
well as the chaplain, Father
Bussey. A mew member was
welcomed, Mrs, C. W. McGilli-
cuddy. The ladies were kept
busy. ' getting the programs
ready for September 29, when
the formal dedication of the
church takes place,
Group Committee Meeting
A group of ladies met in
F/L Betty Bell
Presides For
Graduation Event
"Betty" Bell, officer Cominand-
ing,R.CAF School of Food Ser-
vices, presided ,at a recent gra-
dual ion ceremony at Station
Clinton, Flight Cadets from
some of Canada's leading uni-
versities .graduated from an ar-
duous 16 week course. Seven
weeks were spent in the class-
room and ' the remaining time
in practical work. Clinton Sen,
for NCO's were instructors on.
the course,
Miss Dorothy Shantz, a
graduate in household econo-
mies from University, of Tor-
onto' gave the address to the
According to Miss Shantz,
one of Canada's leading food
experts, Canada's awned forces
are better fed than the aver-
age husband.
She told the Flight Cadets
that very few housewives can
compete with the dietary con-
trol, modern equipment and
streamlined feeding methods
used by Armed Forces' kitchens.
Miss Shantz is an honorary
vice-president of the Canadian
Dietetic Association and execu-
tive dietitian of Vendomatic
Services Limited which handles
the Frobisher Bay food service
project—one of the largest and
most complex in the world.
"But technical know-how in
group feeding is not enough. We
are dealing with people, and all
the modern methods in the
world will go unappreciated if
you forget for one moment
that the end result must be
enjoyed by a :hungry man."
Miss Shantz said, "The real
trick is to give him the best
of both worlds—the efficiency
of good management and up-to-
the-minute techniques combined
with the satisfaction and atmos-
phere of a home -served meal."
the protestant chapel annex to
form a new committee for 1962-
1963, on Tuesday, September
18. The new executive is as
follows: president, Mrs. J. A.
Spano; secretary, Mrs. E. D.
Orr; treasurer, Mrs. R. P. Barr;
badge secretary, Mrs. C E.
Henderson; uniforms chairman,
Mrs J. C. Reid; social convener,
Mrs. V. D. Marrone; camping
chairman, Mrs. A. Dumayne;
publicity, Mrs. S. Poxon.
This group is the official
establishment which looks after
the Girl Guides and Brownies
for Adastral Park.
With a bonus special of Rack
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PRONE ItkJ 2.7023 CUN1ON
Mahe To COWS1
Feeding r age t
Should Stop, Says F o
'- ORUN O -•-Members the
Q'ntarria Federation of Ag'ricui
titre !Welk a firm stand an; Moro
dao' ;S'epttenafber 24, ,ori renis' of
eenbrol'll erg hag' oh fere, iii On-
tari,o Dn 'the '11cell:, of a costkv
programn of hog slau'g+i ter
Danade n ultinag fsrena.the see
end ebolena ourtlbreak in recent
yeas, OFA members p'asse'd a
r'fesotlutio'n calling for three die
crisive naives;.
(1) That the 'Canada Departt-
merait of Agricu,lter°e he request'
eid rtlo. work closely with the
United States Depautanenit of
Agr+iouiture i!ni' Jivising methodls
of carat ellrrvg and eventealliy
eliminating hog cholera,
(2) That 'the :penalties for
feeding uncooked garbage to
,hogs to Oened'a be made more
Is now the .case
and 'thaat they be more rigidly
(3) That steps be taken ,that
will insure that the .feieding of
garbage to hogs he discouraged
and :aver a long term be elixn-
inatedaltogether This wsalu-
tian resulted largely frofm ,tihe
.recent oitibreak of h'ag cholera
in Ontario and Quebec which
Bias seen several iheseeand bogs
slaughtered sand some $400,000
e naneait, The oulibrealc ;has beesi.
traced to feediiiaag en4gked gar-
bage aontaintinlg scraps of raw
U,S, pork i q Canadian 'hogs•
'Swine %mow, tine headirn'eis
of the eeeoigd leading resolution
at iMenday'S nreeitcing, when 'the
OPA ariehabers Vatled for the
early restoration of the $3,90
federal premium ,on Graade A
hogs. This premium was a;ee-
ce'nitily reduced to ;$2 es the re -
salt f 'the federal government's
aus'teitiy eprogratm, Ben Steers,
Bradford (president of the On-
tario Hag Prodiucers' Associa-
tion) stated that "this move
eornes .alta time when we need
to bake *very posai bile step to
•iimI,roy'e quality. During the
Year that 1ilrie $3 :premium has
been paid, the number of ,grade
A hods bias' dnore rsed by 4%",
The OFA members elle •are
proved a resolution asking theft
the ;name of either the ip'rrdue-
er or the cenmi'graee of l ve'satock
offered be snake known tq com-
munity tauetion sales or Per-
spective buyers. The nie'eting,
preeicied •over by OFA president
Wiliam 'ri den, Harrnston, con-
sidered plans and appointed a
comamxt!tee for the Feeler!atti'on's
annual meeting s'ched'uled for
lin eomipeneetion already paid to Toronto'!, Royal. York Hotel,
the owners by the federal gov- November 1,2e l3 and 14.
Clinton Community
Concert and
Marching Band
the Road .. .
(By J. Robert Huard)
The Clinton Community Con,
telt and Marching and was at
the opening of the Exeter Fall
Fair. last Thursday. It Was a
real cool day for all the mem-
bers attending, especially for
the majorettes and the colour
party. A total of 20 musicians
turned out and adding our 14
girls we had a representative
group. Even if deprived of
adult musicians, the group pre-
sent put on a very good show.
The musical director even
pulled a few unscheduled lit-
tle drill arrangements which
turned out beautifully, We wish
to thank D. J. Cochrane, CDCI
principal, who permitted junior
members to attend.
Sunday afternoon, the band
members had a short- practice.
After practice, junior members
held a meeting at which griev-
ances were stated from both
panties, members and directors.
The band was told what the
directors hoped to achieve for
them, •
Here are some of the plans
formulated at this meeting:
(a) Travelling jackets f o r
every member of the band; (b)
New wind instruments to in-
crease the band in a long range
plan• (c) New music (sheet)
to practice and play at differr
ent occasions. Many more
things were tabled for the time
being but those were the main
A committee of members was
formed among the juniors to
assist the directors in organizer
tion of different moneymaking
events ' which h ch will. take place
during the winter to accumulate
funds for the above mentioned
items. They plan to hold two
bingos, two dances and two
concerts with guest artists. They
also plan to eanvaass every
house in Clinton with band
pins which will read: "I am a
supporter of the Clinton Com-
munity Concert and Marching
After this meeting, enthus-
iasm is strong. The members
pledged themselves , to attend
all practices and support all
activities presented by the dir-
ectors. It is hoped that this
enthusiasm will last andthat
the improvements desired for
your band will be obtained.
Monday, September 24, the
junior members were at Zurich
]*all Fair. Numbers were fe've
but under the circumstances
they made the best show they
Loce1 Wins
W'rnneirs of prize rn.'bboas. #?t
E1 tit 'Fall Fele' la>nt rs^ee#r
cls, ded Jamies $neii, Will Clin-
ton, with all tice iaiid seegn!ad
prizes offer 4d jloi' Lest a
sheep; W¢ltuan1 Palle, Qliartoin,
fi"s"ts for ju'n'ior end slearlor
heifer 'oath, s, taboret 'hadef o f
prizes offered fox' Jerseys earned
by Lorne Cartier, Sea+forrth; lien
of 1h'e 13 prizes for xab cin
Cattle were nail ured by
McKliel[, 'Clinton, with William
111orey winning first for .1vrs,
junior heifer calf; Albert Bacon,
president of tlhe fair, was the
only en'Crax t in, swine climes,
and won Alli the first Prizes,
Airirdarew Y. McLean, Publisher
of the Huron ?'xposiltor, Sea-•
forth, was guest speaker and
opened lihae fair, Other tspeaIsere
included' E7s'ton Catdiff, IMP !lar
I iron and George McQulboheon,
Brussels, warden of litireal
Tran Raley, RR 1, Liendeisiboro
placed first in t d1 e Holstein
section of the dairy calf ethic
comlpeftition, and also wwn • the
dhanaipionship 'dairy calf club
eward sic r Huron County.
Anniversary services at Chis-
elhurst United Church this Sun-
day, September 30 at 2.30 will
be the Rev. H, F, Currie, and
at 7,30 p.m, the Rev, S. E.
Lewis, Exeter; Special music
will be offered.
St. Paul's Anglican Church,
Hensall, is, holding Harvest
Thanksgiving services on Sun-
day, September 30, when Rev.
P, L. Dymond, Clinton, will
have charge of the 9.45 a.rn,
service. Rev. Bren De Vries will
conduct the evening service at
7.30 p.m., assisted by the junior
choir of Trivitt Memorial
Church, Exeter,
Thursq, 544,.:2l ,1942.
Clinton t ews'*teeottl Poop 11
eVis c 1ondcsboro
POPrefipOWIlutt *.'hope BOO $7 err i '
1VMrs. Ruth Meyers end on
Jack spent Thursday in the
Mr and Mrs Ed Youuglliut
spent S n daffy with a eQus'in an :
Miss Margaret Morrow, Lign's;
Head, is at present a guestwith
the .Gaunt family,
Mrs, George Neal and: Mari-
lyn, Kirkton, were Sunday visi-
tors with Harold and Edith Bea^
!Guests for several days this
week with Mr. and Mrs, Joe
Shaddick. were •relatives, Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Estabrook,
Arthur Clark, who has been
a patient in Clinton 'public
Hospital for the past few weeks,
Was taken last Wednesday to.
Victory Hospital, London, for
further treatment,
Mr. and Mrs, Gerald John-,
stern' and family, who have been
residents of the village for the
past five months left on Friday
for Trenton where he will be
stationed for the next three or
four years,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Willows Mountain were
Mr. and Mrs, George Leitch,
Constance; Mr, and Mrs Robert
Straughan, . Goderich, and Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Shaddick
Fred Prest recently received
a letter from his daughter in
Rock Creek, B,C., saying that
her husband (who is with the
forestry department) had shot
a female cougar which measur-
ed six feet frpm tip to tip. He
also sighted two of her kittens.
The Predatory Anim is Inspec-
n sP ec-
for told ,hien that if he could
also destroy the kittens, he
would be in Iine for a hand-
some reward.
UCW Meeting
The general meeting of the
United Church Women was
held on Monday with the pre-
sident opening the session by
Township Tuckersmith
Ror the supply and application of hot -mix
asphalt type HL -4, to a depth of 2" on a prepared
roadbed with a width of 20' for a distance of ap-
proximately 850', in the Hamlet of Egmondville,
Township of Tuckersmith.
Tenders to be in to the undersigned by 12
o'clock noon on October 2, 1962 and to be opened
at 2 p.m. an October 2, 1962.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Work subject to the approval of the Depart-
ment of Highways.
J. 1. Mc1NTo.SH; Clerk,
Township of Tuckersmith,
RR 3, Seaforth:
leading in the V.PW purpose
repeated an unison, Mrs. Pipe
acted as secretary iii the ab-
scree of Mrs. George Wright,
?he president expressed the
sympathy of theco!nmunity to
the family of the late Mrs JOS-
who passed away Qn Mon,
A committee was elected to
make enquiries about a a:nem-
oriel gift of money from the
family .of the late Mrs, Jennie
Lyon .to be used in .memory of
their parents, who had beers
faithful workers in the Sunday
School and in all church. activi
ties. Reports frp, n the social
committee and from the trees
:surer were received. The next
general meeting will be on the
evening of •October 22,
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Po 62-2S
holesale Furniture and AIIan�
Opening Friday,
ept. 28 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Opening Feature
Complete Furniture Living Room
Suite, Bedroom Suite and Dinette
Suite — all for
Actual Furniture in Opening Feature
not exactly as shown in this adv.
7 -Pc.
:. 4 §,Q�N tot •+. h fo. Y
Smart Ensemble includes nylon
obvered sofaand chair, both with
foam Cushioning and wide arms.
Also 3 moderh tables and 2 table
is,;.x'' eri�.Yt: i'uf ;$614r>KG.wscfh,w,v��, 2;
Magnificently designed modern suite Includes
dresser, mirror, chest, bed.
Phone Wtittter 24601
Innefte-, to chrome or brentetene, has plastib'top
exten§ion' table, four ptastio-covered chairs.
Bonus with Dinette Suite 4 -piece Setting
• ,