HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-27, Page 9Clinton Airman Wins Wings Flying Officer Hugh M. Colquhoun of Clinton was presented with pilot's wings at a graduation cere- mony at RCAF Station Portage la Prairie, Friday, September 21, Hugh, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W„Colquhoun, 111 Huron Street, was one of eight officers to receive wings from, Air Vice Mar- shall H. M. Carscallen, DFC, CD, Air Officer Com- manding, Training Command. • As a member of the Regular Officer Training Plan; F/O Colquhoun has been undergoing pilot training for the last five sum- mers and has flown Chipmunks, Harvards and T-33 Silver Star aircraft. During the winter months he has attended Royal Military College at Kingston for four terms and University of Toronto for the 1961- 62 term from which he graduated with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree. He will now proceed to Conversion School at Chatham, New Brunswick to fly the F-86 Sabre Jet. Later he will train on the new supersonic CF-104 at RCAF Station Co1d Lake, Alberta and then proceed to Canada's Air Division in Europe. (RCAF Photo) F• A4C404.1, Illness 4t4 the f)p ft4PJCV1141.41c 4 9;operatloth .111 App k$404 ro.ovatO PIPP4M,s, Modern treatment will prOtIllCV a 1:001 .i0.041:04sPe. gale !PP! b41411440ort in angst eases, paid Mr .'aM.Pqt," Dr. .1.14g4rt, gave a W10 but POKOptiQhemive tel on the op-, q1,41 tioo -Of mocloro mental and pptswerecl flhe4tons congegoi„Pg. 'the modus .operandi: of such, 4rigt(ttmitiopcq, He stated [that the new !Ontarie Hpapital, OorScilob, 5104.5 part -of 4..g:041110,7! „Inept 1:44o. decentralize the ,,tyceepnenit of ment41, pp/Vents and t'91 lAter 114-, onlrilties fOr relatives ;,of en011. patients. ,0,1)/11-fA a voluntary otgepazortion, 4esioned tc assist the -044trlo Hospital Se "vice lieNballt1 410111.44dgenlec414A0P411 Wgifte applied' to' 00$' mtiont.s: ---SiVrkaib-Stax Of4A$S14,4141D ADS. MONO TT/PK RESELT$ Thurs., _Sept,. ;27, Clinton,NewS-RPC001,-,-Po9P 9 UR GAIN Fertilizer ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN FOR BULK SPREADING SERVICE BY CLINTON FEED MILA. 42, SAVOR SPREMIN0 • SERVO • 1. • It Makes good sense to have your fertilizer spread on fall sown grains . . on grasslands—hay and pasture on cash crops—for next spring . . . accurately, easily and economically with the new SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Spreading Service. Makes good dollars and cents too! It may cost you no more to have SHUR-GAIN delivered and spread than you are presently paying for bagged fertilizer, Your Local SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Dealer is CLINTON FEED MILL 28 Huron Street .— CLINTON — Phone HU 2-3815 laws to cover a great many variations by which the strong might oppress the weak. These laws' have been quite -successful but 'there 'has de- veloped' !another and much more elusive type of oppression. Financial strength is just 'as effective in getting the desired power of oppression. At first Wealthy men were cable to wield this lorEe, Later combinations were made which have resulted In the accumulation of greater • and !greater power into fewer and fewer hands, Our .anti-combince laws were formulated, which stated a long list of things that must not be done. "Must rots" can be enforced with reasonable success 'to pre- vent physical oppression but care not nearly as easy to enforce !against rn ilti entiillhian dollar cor- porations. A large number of .farmers decided 'to "do" something to improve 'the selling of 'their livestock and their efforts are now becoming visible, On September 19, about 500 members of the FAME co43cp- erative for livestock procescsing plants gathered near Ayr for the' sod-turning ceremonies for FAME plant No. 1, After considerable difficulty the site had been finally ac- quired and after even greater delay in satisfying the Water Resources Commission that the sewage despdsal system woCuld be effective, they are now ready to begin construction. FAME has been most fortun- ate in getting 'an abundant sup- ply of good water from a com- paratively shallow well, and again the land' formation is proving even more suitable for the project than had been hon- ed for. Barring unexpected dif- ficulties- in obtaining materials and equipnient, No. 1 .should be in 'operation by early summer. No doubt many are 'asking "why are fanners building a net-Work of processing plants?" . There are two reasons they inualt have a place of .sale tor 'their liVeStock. Vertital tegraition is a real threat, When e corporate processing plant able Ito Contract its require- ments there ss ho need to. buy from the family faitner.• With inlo market the fernier ninSt, out of bitSineiss. Market chicken TOM PENHALE RR 2, BAYFIELD PHONE /1 r 3 39-40b FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage, We will pick them . up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W 1 THE PURCHASE TOP QUALITY • einingtort CHAIN SAWS This chain saw line has everything. • PoWer • Speed • Balance • Design • Selectivity (8 big modela Try a Remington Chain Saw today. `Handling charge $4.00 *Em All OUteuts Outlasts Why not throw these obsolete tools away? Heat your home with automatic Natural Gas Natural gas keeps the temperature of your home exactly , where you want it without a lick of work on your part. You see, natural gas home heating is all automatic. The only work it ever requires is a touch of the finger to set the thermostat. Consider also the fact that natural gas is more eeonomkal and much cleaner than other fuels. How can you reasonably refuse yourself its comfort and convenience? Be modern . . . go modern with gas I Convert now and you can Make big $50 trade-in savings . and you pay nothing until next October! see your heating contractor UN ION S COM PANY GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE GAS HEATING SPECIALISTS SEAFOleTH ZURICH Phone 585 Phone 34 WISE PLUMBING & HEATING Phone HO 2-7062 262 BAYFIELO CLINTON, ONT, Your loco! ANTHES tether Flint PLUMBING & II ImHEATING LTD. SALES 6, SERVICE 84 WELLINGTON ST., C+INION Phone HU 2-1682 After Hours Phone • BILL OINK HO 24681 ergantgatiou meeting of the. prep d' -.Torron comifty Ppepieb Of the !Canadian Mental Health ASSociatiopc was held -Theceday 04414 SeptIwober- 18 in VIA c.oninximitY 410031-4 -Off !tile POW British ; IN/Ortga0.0 and Trust burlldinrg C=oderich, • Under the Ohehronniship -of: :POWto school inspector J. W. ecinIter, plans were ;disenspod for ,public meeting to he held. when Active personnel for the Huron brooch Will be register,' go. 04Q.sop, interim offiei,als were Ralph Sm-ith.,*.principal of Victor Lauriston Public School, ale chairman,, and Mrs, 0. L, Day, as eeerleitar,y.. The hospital. at QaderIelt ais expected to .opeh officially this ball And mwlilll eventnally ]accogrh- modate about '300 patients, Attending Tuesday's meeting, the first to be held In the new 13lyf&T community room, were Curtis Stne4 of the Ontario division of 'the 'CIVIHA, Toronto; Dr. J. N. Iiagan, superintendent of Ontario HOspital, .Gedericlx; Dr, R. M. Aldis, director of Huron County Health Unit; Mr, Coulter; Mrs, Day; Miss Claire. McGowan; of the Children's Aid SocietY; Miss Vivian Adair, nursing supervisor of t h e H01-1U; MPS. Con Reed-AM; Mfrs. Josephine -Chisholm; Mils, Trevor Ormandy; Mrs, Smith; Mrs. Nelson '.0a,roino and Mrs. Bruce MO/El:Igen, both of Sea- forth. Mr. SrrYout spoke to the group an matters concerned with or- ganization of the Huron' ibrairlob and stressed 'the need for pub- lic education concerning the problems of mental Facts and figures' were given to Show the growing prevalence of .110rop:,0060-01 Mental ,=Ilealth . Group Meets. GOMA= -11w. soeohd Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 1 p.m. 1,200 head of mostly choice yearling steers from last year's western calves. $50 in cash prizes offered for best lot of 10' to 15 head; Grand Champion lot $30; Reserve ,Grand Cham- pion tot $20. You are welcome as a consigner, buyer or specta- tor. For further information, call Jack Bryons, Brussels 498J4 or Hugh Pearson, 160 Brussels. AUCTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON and ALLEN, MacINTYRE A Matter of Principle (By J. CARL HEMINGWAY) raising 'at one time provided the farmer with a valuable ad- diction to his income; but this has now disappeared. While it is -unlikely that the production of beef will ever pass into corporate hands to the same extent has broiler pro- duction the large number of cattle presently owned by pro- cessors is effective in influenc- ing the price 'to 'the detriment of the family farmer, FAME will aIways provide the farmer with an outlet for his livestock. The !second objective is to provide a better return for the producer. This can he achieved by more efficient design and equipment such as FAME 'plants will nave. Costs have steadily increased in the- processing of livestock !and have only resulted in a greater spread between producer and !consumer prices. There has' 'been little if any Winners of 4-H Prizes At Seaforth Fair Among winners at Seaforth Fall Pair were the following, 47H Calf Club competitions:. Louis Veenstra, RR 4, Clinton showed the champion, junior APShire calf; Deanna Dale, RR 1, Clinton 'the champion junior Guernsey calf. improVernent in the general of- fieienoy of the design or opera- tion of the plants., FAME will follow the ex- ample of the! modern plants in the United States and that of the co-operative packing plants in Quebec in providing the most efficient operation ,known to date. • This will be an -example of the people putting the "do" to work rather than waiting cfor government -to develop e more effective "den't.". The other night the star of the "Defenders" TV program stated that an 'ancient ruler, some 3,000 years ago drew up 300 laws to prevent the strong from .oppressing the weak. This', of course, meant the Physically strong, it was quite Doan non 'for the strong man 'to seize his neighbour's property by simply driving him out'. .This is .conSidered "Crithiticatroffence and we' have added many more Stocker and Feeder Cattle Sale Brussels Livestock Sale Yards Debentures For Sale 'Lambton Loan and Investment Company "Cap-alone Oftltf Mbe+gag6 Compdriy" 191 NOON' FRONT STREET ,$AitNiA FOR 1, 2 or 3 YEARS