HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-27, Page 8Page EI—Clinton,News-Record—Thurs,; Sept. 27, 1962 RUSSELL L. JERVIS COMMERCIAL RESIDEINITIAL REMODELING HU.2-9390 68 ALBERT ST. RY, Correspondent M i s s Jean McNaughton, Guelph, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James McNaughton. Misses Barbara and Janet Henderson spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adair, Kit- chener and John Broadfoot sp- ent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John , Broadfoot. Mr. and Mrs. James Burdge, Sudbury have returned home after vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. F. Burdge and Mr. and Mrs. William Burdge, Rally Day was observed in the Brucefield United Church on Sunclaq. Norman Walker, superintendent, Misses Joanne Aldwinkle and Barbara Swan took part in the service. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snelling returned 'home after spending a week with their daughter, Mrs. Charles Kovac, Port Col- borne; also with Mr. and Mrs, John Snelling and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown. The Brucefield community ex- tends sympathy to the McIn- tosh family in the loss of their sister Miss Meade McIntosh on Monday. o- HENSALL (MRS. MAUDE HEDDEN, Correspondent) Jim Traquair returned home Saturday from Clinton Public Hospital where he underwent an appendectomy. The staff of the local Bell Telephone honoured their chief operator, Mrs, Harry Smith (who recently resigned) on September. 19. They presented an electric pop-up toaster. Miss Bonnie Kyle read the presenta- tion address, and Mrs. Eric Mansfield presented the gift. A social hour was enjoyed and luncheon served. Charles Mickle, Hamilton, Spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, 'Bob and Arm. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mc- Naughton, Cromarty, h a V e tented the house owned by Mr. and Mrs, Garfield Broderick, Xing Street, .end haVe taken up residence here for the Win- ter months, ORDER Th TODAY Plan Again This Year We Are Featuring Swift's Butterball Turkeys CAPON CHICKENS DUCKS and GEESE T-Bone Wing FRESH Steak WHITEFISH only 890 lb. 2,1b. Average rag* Per Lb. ra g* CLINTON MEAT MARKET ART COLSON cod GRANT IRWIN HU 2.3834 CLINTON KING STREET Order Today . . We will cook your Thanksgiving Turkey. giving FOWLi EA.nd • • All Our Fowl Strictly Grade "A" 6 "Lift t, ALUMINUM WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS Aft wire secolvs ea Doeser terew ro 11.0111CS OM REP 21/6! Donald G. Colclough (Photo by Phillips) ton, assisted, wearing a sheath of turquoise silk, black acces- sories and a corsage of red roses. The bride's table was centred with a three-tier wedding cake, white tapers and pink rosebuds. Pink and white streamers, and a large white bell with silver bells attached, and baskets of pink and white flowers were used in decorating the room. Waitresses were Mrs, Ed. Mathews, Seaforth; Miss Mary McPhail, Seaforth and Mrs. Mary Chessell, Mitchell; Miss Faye Johnston and Miss Nancy Johnston, Clinton. Following dinner the wedding party left for the groom's farm where friends had gathered to celebrate with them. The new- lyweds left that evening for a wedding trip to Manitoulin Island and points north,. The bride travelled in a red wool suit with black accessories and a corsage of white orchids. Up- on their return they will live on the groom's farm, Conces- sion 11, Goderich Township. Prior to the wedding the bride was feted at several showers held in her honour at Seaforth and Mitchell, and she received many beautiful gifts. Dr. end Mrs, John R. ./AWellt, Clinton, Iowa, arrived eel Stine clay 't'o visit his aunt, Mrs. C. W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs, Walter ,Mills and Miss,Jane Mills, Hamilton, were the guests of Mrs. J. B. Higgins on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Mur- ray, Wareen, Mich„ were with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms from 'Tuesday to Friday. Mr. and Mrs, Weston, Goderich, came on Thursday last to spend a week with Mr. and Mr e. Malcolm Toms. The Rev, Canoe F. H. Paull, Listowel, was the guest of Mrs. R. H, F. Gairdner and Mr, and Mrs. Carl E. Diehl from Sater- day until. Monday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs Keith Leonard and Kea returned to Willowdale on Monday night after having been with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Featherston from Sunday. Mrs. E. N, Hart and Miss Dorothy Hart, London, and Miss Marion Hart, Detroit, were at their cottage for the week- end, Guests of Miss Maxim) Hart were Miss Ruth leelen and. Dr. Letitia Fazoros, De- troit. Mrs. William J. Telford, Julia and Scott, Simcoe, spent the weekend under the parental roof. Mrs. William R. Talbot, Sr., who had been with her daughter and family in Simcoe since. Sunday, September 9, re- turned home with them. At Wedding The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison was in Sarnia on Saturday, September 15, for the wedding of his step-nephew David De Shane to Wendy Henderson, which took place at three o'clock in Canon Davis Memorial Church. The reception was held at the Sarnia Riding Club for 300 guests. Mr. De Shane is a student at Michigan State Col- lege in Lansing, Mich., and his wife is a graduate of the Sarnia General Hospital school of nurs- ing. oto .GNUM saverivoswirear*fe rasa ocallistecesems rivelsoop4oNmo OF SOW. . 'YOUR ARS BEST FRIEN.' HAROLD'S WHITE ROSE GARAGE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC 2 TRANSMISSIONS GENERAL-- REPAIRS 0,1.9011 221 "CIITNO10INI ST. Mrs.. Alice • Hunter And Wee airdie A, Mar`nsy Santa aee, .California, arrived on Sait- un~dhy to renew old acquaint- ances in the district. -.Tii.eitr niece, Mrs. Mary $1nIcen, Ham, itton, daughter of the late Char- 10#e 14.ArXs Riley, drove them to the viillage. They 'acre Staying ail "Gregory 'House."" - Back From Vaecotivoe Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Smith retnereedrhome on September 15. after delightful krip to Van- couver. They left Toronto Can Seietember 2 aboard a -Wens - Canada !Wain and stopped at Waitrons, Sask., for a few :drays with. Mrs. Smith's brother, Jo- seph' Going on to Vancouver, BC., they contacted' West- lake who drove them out to Stanley Park and stewed them all the sights in Vancouver, They .enjoyed e picnic and 'enw the sea. ' Ale this time they had beauti- ful weather but it commenced to rain and so instead of cros- sing to Vancouver Island, they decided to return to Watrous and spend another couple of days with her brother. Mrs. Smith was thrilled with 'the mountain scenery and the sun shining on the enow. Pic- tures do not do them justice and the grandeur of the moun- eains is unexplainable. Trinity WA The Women's Auxiliary, Trin- ity Church branch, commenced activielee again on Thursday last after the summer recess. The meeting, chaired by the pre- sident, Ws. Emerson Heard, was held at "The Hut" with 11 present. Mrs. Heard conducted the opening exercises with periods for silent prayer before the WA prayer in unison. Mts. Carl Diehl read the gospel for the ninth Sunday after Trinity from St. Luke 16. Mrs.. J. B. Higgins read the minutes of the May meeting. In the absence of the treasurer Mrs, R, J. Larson, the president reported the proceeds from the bake sale in July at $45. The education secretary was asked to order 100 church calendars, Mrs. Percy Weston turned in $1.0 talent money. The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison read a letter from the Rev. H. Southcott asking -that 'as indi- viduals the needs of Revision College be kept in mind and the building fund supported. Al- so part of a letter from Rev. George Hamilton at Fort •Simp- son; acknowledging a donation from a WA member, and ask- Mg for reading material which Should .be-mailed and not plac- ed in boxes. Mrs. R. H, F. Gairdner, educational secretary, introduc- ed "The Church in the 60's", which will be the basis for study this year, The rector said the closing prayers. Mrs. Emerson Heard, hostess, served tea. 0 LONDESBORO Mrs. Edwin Wood left on Monday for Toronto where she will spend a couple of weeks with their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durnin spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Webber in Exeter. Scouts Atfend: Harvest Event At S#. haul's , BAYF1ELD — A group of Scots and Cubs from St. Paul's Anglican Church, Windeer, of whieh Canon Silcox is rector, were at Huron Church CarnP for the weekend, They attended Harvest, Thanksgiving service at Trinity Church in a body five Scout% 15 Cubs, with the Poll suing leadene: S,M. John Cowen, C,M. Edith Davey, A. C.M, Mrs. G, Strang, L, Petrie and Mrs, L. Petrie. The church was beautifully decorated for this service with flowers fruit and vegetables. Canon F. H. Paull based his sermon on the text, II Corinth- ians, .9;10, "Now he that mine istereth .seed to time sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness." The speaker emphasized 'the seirdietali as well 'as the temp- oral harvest. 0 PORTER'S HILL MRS. DONALD HARRIS Phone HU 2-3362 Grace Church UCW The united Church Women of Grace Church met Wednes- day, September 19 at the home of Mrs. Elgin Cox, with 14 ladies and four children pre- sent. The president, Mrs, Ar- thur Bell was in charge. Scrip- ture was read by Mrs. William. Townshend and Mrs.' Argyle Lockhart led • in prayer. A poem "Test of Faith" was read by Mrs. Elgin Cox. Roll call was answered with "Sing, Say or Pay".. The various committees re- ported and the correspondence read. Invitations from the UCW of Union Church and the UCW of Bayfield were both accepted. The president reported on a parsonage board meeting held in Bayfield, September 18. Dur- ing the afternoon a crib quilt was quilted. The hostess served lunch. , The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Cox, Anniversary Anniversary services at Grace United Church will be held on Sunday, October 21, instead of October 14. as formerly an- nounced. Services will be at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. A. G. Pease will be the speak- er at both services. 0 MIDDLETON Canon Paull was rector ' of this, parish from April 1925 to October 1933. The Weineree AthellieetY of St. James Church, Middleton, will not meet on its regular date. Please gee next week's paper for definite notice. The 'annual Harvest Festival of Thanksgiving was conducted an Sunday, September 23 in St. lames Church, Middleton, by the Rev. Canoe F. H. Paull, rector of Lietowei and Atwood, This service was well attend- ed and the church was lavishly decorated by the ladies of the parisfh with the folourful flow- ers and fruits of autumn. The rector's text was: Corin- thians. II, 9:10, Faure letter to the Corinthians, "Now he that giveth seed to the sower, shall provide bread for your 'food and neenply your seed sown', and in- crease the fruits of your right- eousnessi." Canon Paull expressed his happineee at being in this par- leh again. It is nice to see 'the vigour of this congregation and to see so many of the young Men who were little folk when I was Ihere, now here with fang dillies of their own, and all strong in the church. The affiliation here is very strong indeed." "Nature teaches 'a lesson not only in abundance but in super- abundance. 'Bread' in the broad- est sense embraces all our phy- secial ineede. It is the 'staff of life' 'for extra support, symbol- izing daily help. lit is 'the sym- bol of ourr dependency on God for everything; rt also symbole izes our 'dependency on one an- other." "PepPle in Many occupations • are .elways going on. strike, but the farmer always goes on. His is the most derupoetant of all businesses. We express our thankfulness g$ving to thdse .less fortunate and the world has many such."" Following: the inspiring 'see- mune the junior Choir, under the -.direction of Mrs. James Storey sang Thanksgiving anthem very sweetly. - Colclough-Little A pretty, though quiet autumn Wedding was eeleMnieed at St, JamesAnelican church, Mid-dleton pp Saturday afternoon, SeeteMber 15, when Marie Lit. tle became the bride of Don- ald Geofrey Colclough. The Rev, J.. Donaldson, minister of St, James Anglican Church, Sea- forth, Officiated at the double ring ceremony, The church wag beautifully decorated with baeleete of pink and white gladioli end pink bows on the pews. The bride is the claughtereof Mr, and Mrs. Charles E, Hams, Dublin, and the groom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Colelough, RR 3, Clin- ton. Given in marriage by a friend, Corporal Jack McDow- ell, Ontario Provincial Police, Walkerton, the bride chose a white satin street-length dress With headdress of pearls, the gift- of the groom, and she car- ried a white Bible crested with a white orchid and trailing stephanotis and white taffeta streamers. • Mrs. Ivan Colclough, sister- in-law of the groom, was mat: ron of honour in pale blue net over blue taffeta and lace, with white accessories and a bouquet of pink roses, Groomsman was Ivan Col- clough, brother of the groom, Carlence Little, Seaforth ush- ered the guests. Mrs. Joseph Storey, organist of the church provided traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Arthur McClure, Blyth, as she sang "The Lord's BAYFIELD—Mr. and Mrs. C. Elwin Pickaxe, Derides, were surprised on Saturday evening When members of 'their family and relatives gathered 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Armstrong for a buffet dinner at seven o'cleck. The event was in honour of the Picltard's 35th wedding an- nivarsary. They had been invited to spend the Weekend with her brother and wife, Mr. .end Mrs. Harold Glazier, Clinton. He 'an- nounced ehat they were going to Zurich. for dinner but ar- rived !art the home of their dau- ghter Lois instead, to find other -members of their family and relatives ettsembled, 40 in all. A white carnation corsage Was presented to Mrs. Pickard and her mother, Mrs. Glazier re- ceived one in pink carnations, while the groom of 35 years was given 'a white carnation boutonniere. Asa •Deeves, • Hensel, read en address -and presented the couple with gifts marking the occasion: - • • . • • -- •— The dining room table, done in, a white linen cloth, • was MRS. H. F. BER Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Broad- foot spent the weekend in Niagara Falls. Mrs. George Griffith and family spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. J. Prichard, Guelph, visited a few days with Mrs. Ham and Miss Mary Swan., Congratulations to Miss M. Papple and her pupils at SS 3 Tuckersmith on obtaining first prize at Seaforth Fall Fair. Mrs. F. Burdge has been a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mrs. Victor Hargreaves is a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital. VARNA (Correspondent, Fred McClymont Anniversary services were held in the United Church last Sunday. Large congregations filled the church morning and evening and many former mem- bers were present at both ser- vices. The pastor, the Rev. Murdoch Morrison had charge of both services. In the morn- ing he spoke on "Genuine Christianity" and in the even- ing on "The Second Birth". The Bayfield trio, composed of Miss A. Westlake, Miss L, Talbot and Miss R. Westlake sang twice at the morning ser- vice and the choir sang the anthem "Sweet Hour of Pray- er". During the evening ser- vice Miss Mildred Morrison sang a solo "There is 'a New Day Dawning" and Miss Carol Taylor and Miss Ann Stephen- ton sang a duet "He Knows It All". The choir sang an an- them "God is my King". Mrs. Robert Stirling presided at the organ, Rally Day services will be held in the Varna and Goshen United Churches next Sunday With the Sunday School offic- ers in charge at both services. The United Church Women are holding their annual sup- pe:. in the basement of the church on Thursday, October 3 from 5 to pen. An organization meeting for junior boys and girlt will be held on Sunday evening, Sep- tember 30 in the United Church at 7.30 pen. Mr. and Mrs. Prayer". The reception was held at the home of the groom's parents where Mrs. Colclough received in teal blue crepe with black accessories and a corsage of red roses. Mrs. McDowell, Walker- centred with a three-tierred. anniversary cake, flanked with pink and white tapers. 'Floral decorations were carried out with pink roses. It was on October 31, 1927, that Miss Edith Glazier, dau- ghter of Mrs. Glazier; Hensall, and the • late Adam Glazier, Clinton wee married to C. El- win Pickard. They made their home on a farm near Porter's -Goderich Township; and lived in Clinton, for a Short time before moving to Dunclas 18 years ago, They have five children and 14 grandchildren, 12 of whom were at this /celebration. Their children are: Don Pick- ard, Clinton; Roy Pickard, Wat- erloo; Lois (Mrs, Leslie Arm- strong), Margaret (Mrs. Gordon Eastman), Dundas; Joan (Mrs. Jim.Chalmees), Clifford. On, this happy evening the grandchildren Staged an amus- ing mock wedding for entertain- ment. Members' of the family plan- ned to hold the celebration et this time rather than the actual anniversary date se that they could all be together with their parents. Weekend Specials a PLANTE RS Pewit' t Butter: 16-oz. 43c KAM Luncheon Meat, I 2-oz. .... „ 39c Tulip Margarine 3 lbs. 69c HEINZ Tomato Soup, I 0-oz. 3 for 33c ECONOMY SIZE TKoleKeAnyqoxi 400's ..„ ............. „. 2 for 49c Seedless Grapes 2 lbs. 29c Head Lettuce 25c ea. Bananas 2 lbs. 29c 'Beef Blade Roast (Blade Removed) 55c lb. Short Rib Roast (Well Trimmed) 65c lb. MAPLE LEAF Cottage Rolls 69c lb. TOP VALUE (FROZEN) Orange Juice 3 12-oz, tins $1 MORTON'S Frozen Dinners 59c ea. ROYAL GOLD Ice Cream 1/2 gal. 69c HU 2-7681 REMEMBER THIS NUMBER IT'S THE ANSWER TO ALL YOUR TIRE PROBLEMS SCRUTON'S FIRESTONE SERVICE CENTRE 24 PRINCESS STREET CLINTON HEADQUARTERS FOR: CAR TIRES BALANCING TRUCK TIRES VULCANIZING FARM TIRES RETREADING EQUIPPED FOR SERVICE ANYWHERE DANCE PAVILION to "The Crescendos" FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 DANCING 10 to 1 a.m. Last Dance of the Season LUNCH -- PRIZES -- FAVORS TWIST CONTEST ADMISSION: $1.00 , EVERYONE WELCOME ON DISPLAY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 THE ALL NEW PLYMOUTH For '63 J. & Fri MURPHY LTD. CIlMON XU 35th Wedding Day is Celebated For Pickards BRUCEFIELD TEESWATER FALL FAIR SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th OUTSTANDING LIVESTOCK SHOW Road tiates HarnesS Babes -- Running paces Gait kiltie Brass Band Rides Vaudeville Attractions EVENING SHOW and DANCE featuring the Ottawa Valley Molodiera Ken Maeleoleald, President Melvin Rome, Secretary