HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-27, Page 4Pogo 4- -C Intoro News-Record—Thurs., Sept, 27, 19¢2
linty' Cou ncil havers
Rangy of Topits:
OOD !ICH (S!peelal) 1/1120 -
e'ipattiiee stand to loge ssubstan-
Bally lay reason :of provincial
legislation limiting the se -call-
ed uncenditienal grant for hos-
pitalization of aindigeets, In the
i egretet of eectireinY, many have
dine:tared. with tie Hospital Ser-
vices [Cowninlisssiou Soiree or tall
farn'iliee inn treeelet of welteee,
bolt nand of ,the premium, cost
is penxnitted 10 be included for
the pnrrposes of dgteere ining
"100 pe eat ..o..f such statutory
This s'elennte illk ical, inalsaxhuoh
as,_ iif 'there !had been no ewer,
age With 'the Coarnms. cion the
cost f thoSpritalizet oe would
have- beenmare than the pre-
nal= cost, and the whole coat
of such payments. would have
been !allikxvvied.
lemon County council en rlri-
day concurred in a' Windsor
resodultiou seeking to have ithe
situation x'ee'tiifie'd.
"We have Some 90 persons
or '' amiiliies covered in the On-
't'ario! Hospital Services at hive
patesemit time, said dierketrea ur-
er Berry, vend cannot cliauhn
ithe expenditure for grant pur-
poses, We could discontinue the
hospital plan, and then aLL the
money paid out would be avail-
able for grant. This came to
mss* mind innme+di!atcly after we
heard of the mange. Mr, Mac -
Naughton; .has been working; on
The report Of the [finance
comm'i'ttee was presented by
Reeve Adair, Wiangha'm. The
Windsor resolution to which' at
referred added, in regard to the
grant for indigents!:
"Whereas aai prior years the
fall giant has been received
during the current year (actu-
ally aboult June 1 in 1961), it
is now apparentthat the re-
duced grarut win the paid' in two
amounts, only 50 percent d'ur-
nig the current eis'Ca1 year and
the remai.ndee some itime after
lanvuary 1. This is a serious
blow to ' municipal budgeting
and financial cial planning as well
:as materially affecting, operat-
ing accaurnt and the cash posi-
tion over •tfhie year end.
"It :is also suggested that It
would be mast reassuring for
• municipalities ,art 'budget time if
there was statutory assurance
that 'ani' new legierlation affect-
ing financial: income or expend -
hire of municipalities would not
be made effective until the first
of the year following passage
of such. legtislation.
"The ,only remedy sneers too
be tllrougth concerted represen-
tation through the Ontario
Municipal Association as soon
as 'pos1sible."
Reeve Hanna of East Wawa-
naslh; chairman of 'ljhe prapemty
committee, received .approval
dor Lits repave, in which con:
tracts were .awarded as follows:
painting outside of the jail, D.
A. Kay, Clinton, $695; coal
supply for the jail for newt two
seasons, [Overholt Coal Oa.,
Goderic`h, $23,85 per ton; supply
' of fuel oil to. courthouter for
next two 'seasons, Ross' Scott,
13!riucefie'ld, ,at 13.9 :cents per
gallon; office furniture for the
Crown Attorrney'a quarters, K.
A. Hammond, Moorefield.
The committee 'investigated
a public address system far the
council [chamber and found it
too expensive.
Warsell Bnds., Godenich, sub-
mitted the only tender to heat-
'ea -ing renovations, at $1,823.36,
and this was accepted.
Consideration is being given
by the committee to having re-
produced. and framed pictures
of county council's prior to 1922.
Reeve Tom Leiper of Mullett,
offered soave !around 1911 or
Council carried, °the reforesita-
iiitun caammittee''s report, pre,
sentecl.' by Reeve Harvey .Cu1-
bexrt, West Wawanosh. Accord-
ingly, a by-law was passed pro -
Ming for purehese .of 100 moires
in Conieessi n 3, West Wawa.-
nosih, 'froom. W. J, Mor+elan'd, a
xesideern't of the United States,
for .$2,000 in Canadian fund's.
"It is weli1 reforested now"
70 Or 80 perlcenit,+, Reeve Cull -
bort explained, "and moiler
than see it bought by sane in-
dividual we would` tory rta keep
it in xieifores!bat n:,:
Tee Commissioner's were a 1p,
pointed as .fellows; Wililaann
Dougall, d%nsal'i; Hugh Hill,
Gadderildh, and Borden Scutt, RR
1, Belgr:av'e
Reeve Glenn Webb, S+tetphen
Tawnh•p, roads [ahahvrnan, sug
gest7ed a tour of the whale
council aver. ,the county roads
system, on which they would
nualke mote of things they might:
remain -vend to the committee
for 'the following year,
Warden McCutcheon express-
ed !approval of the 'plan, "tor
'aingther year,"
•Council adopted ethe report of
Huronrview 'committee, which
had :a!Warded 'the conitmact for
bunnker oil to Fuel Oil Oartpora-
tion, Breslau, at 9.74 Cents per
gallon. A Huron supplier, Ross
Scott of Barucefield, had bid
10.25 cents.
Mori. W. K. Warrerlder, On-
tario minister of Tabour, sent a
memorandum about the new
Construction Safety Act, which
makes mandatory the appoint-
menit of inspeectoes by "every
county, every nifty, every `separ-
ateell town and every, local: nnuna-
cipalii'ty with population. of more
than 50,000."
'Council laid this over, along
with a resolution from Welland
County council opposing lihe
Hereafter, when members at-
,tteavd two committee meetings
in one day in the same lacta-
tion, ewe remturneraion will not
-exceed $20. Pay for one -day
sessions is to be $15, inadeatd
of $12, effective next year.
A by-law was pasted appoint -
int; T. lelvrraty MacDonald as
county emergency measures c'o-
omdtinatror, on a permanent IbasiS,
effective Dully' 1, 1962, alt $4,500
per ,annvunn, with salary' increas-
es to a maximum of 35,000. The
county organization is supposed
to maintain " liiaisan with the
Dominion government, the,Pro-
Ames ianees amid! nearby States oaf the
Untimed States' :af America." The
Dominion ,pays 75 percent of
colitis, Ontario 15, municipalities
Councirs new .member, deputy
Right Of WAY To
Dunlop Tomb
Being 4rranged
GQDilllliIC ($Peeial),
nigh-•of-w,aur frPtn No. 1. Hit
way ttlo .itlhs .Dunlap tOPah,. for
the cOnrvenience especially. of
elderly 'persons edisrncliined'd to
use the steps from,, the old
iipacj ie iltely to' be Arran
Ith!roug!h. ea -operation of the
pnigYun'4?iial highways depart-
merrit, Vie county and. [Colborne
Towrnalhip, Reeve Ralph l eWe1ii
of Colborne said in speaking to
a report of the Iristanicai cam.
irribtee at Feliday'''s tessiian of
county caunoil.
Chairman A, D. Smith, reeve
of . Turnberw Township, . corn,
mended the 'co-operation of On-
tario .land Huron highwayde-
pallienentls in ,the work ,airegdly
done, and moved 'a vote of
thanks Ito itihem, which council
"We were offered some critic,
i'sin by the Goderiah !paper,"
NIn, Smith said, 'because there
were no signs an the Dunlap
tomb. They were a little bit
ahead of themselves; the 'high-
ways depantreent hadniotreach-
edi iihat etage do p!r''ocedure. Now
that they have one .that, and
;the tomb le cleanly marked,' and
1 think well marked, and our
own, department hats painted the
steps and mailing and made a
Barger parking area at the bot-
tom of the steps ite the tomb,
I itl ink it would be only fair
on the part of the hietotric com-
mittee :to move a vote of thanks
to both deipartrnents for the
work dame."
"We have recently had cor-
respondence with the Ontario
cTepaaitmrent of liig'hwnays," Reeve
Jewell reported, "with regard
to a spat of 'lend at bine under-
pass, and they asked ,for a reso-
lution from our council so it
could be turned over to the
itownishrip far 'a parkette. The
township of Collbarne will be
ready to co-operate with the
historic committee to get rigihlt-'
of -way to 'the Dunlop !t'oralb.
There is a sections of primate
praperey involved, but we would
be Only too willing to gat away
from the steps which elderly
people cannot climb."
"Any of you who have [visit -
reeve Delbert Geiger, Hay
Township, was appointed to
health and reforestation .com- -
n-ithtltees. Calked upon by •the
wardletn es the session cadsed,
Mr. Geiger said: "I ,assure you
this 'is one day 1 will. newer
forgert. It has been an interest-
ing ere perience a soasating w tlh
county council, possibly a little
late .in the year to be counted
ats a member, ,and I presume I
will have to learn fast if 1 Bann
goimtg to ge?t to know the work.
If you see me •asikiing a lot of
questions, you will ienaw the
(For University Credit)
ENGLISH 20 (General Lit. -- Comp.)
begins ' Sat., Sept 29, 9:30 a.m.
FRENCH 20 (Course beyond Grade XIII)
begins Sat., Sept. 29, 1:30 p.m.
ENGLISH 36 (Drama)
begins Sat., Sept. 29, 1:30 p.m.
All classes meet in Clinton District Collegiate Institute,
Credit course tuition fee is $90,00; the non-credit fee per
course is $25.00 and is not refundable,
Classes meet for 16 three hour sessions and are open
to credit and :ion -credit . students.
ES II 4IM 411:10
$1,250 CASH PRIZES •
Wednesday, October 3
'FOR ...100
12 Regular Games for $25 1 Sharer-T'he-Wealth Game
ADMISSION: $1.00 Per Person; Extra and Special Cards
25c eget,. ive S for 000
County 'Councillos P.id Warden'
Now Entering Ohtario Byelection
'GQ q ± .ICH (Sigel ..'') —.
George 1110QPiliehear , Progres-
sive !Canseirviatiive candgdate
in ithe Huron-BSnuce Dyyeiac,
tour, did not e!scepe hididiin
as he performed the duties
of Warden at , oia,nty ,caubeil's
one -day sitting last F'ridlay,
The jeleing began when,
someone affixed to the Card
ibeaa:ing his name, title end
mu vicipaIthy, on edeetion leaaf-e
deet tannouinicing "The man
with •:the :experience, to Pam?'
Later, when ''enquiries"
was the asider of business, a
nnarnlyeir d'enlen'ded "Who left
;these .advezltiis'L'anenle on our
delseks; 'The man with the ex-.
pw en ce to carry on 1 Ker-
ay.tBrutce 7' „
"I don't know who put
them there," replied the war-
den, unperturbed. 'Anything
else under [enquiries? I would
like to make an enquiry, but
I am 'afraid I cannot Beit the
,aiaglwetr• until October
Reeve Hraskin of ' Hawick
Township, `gigot into the act
where the moved non -concur -
mace in a Victoria, County
• resolwti'on asking the province
to assume 'the cast of 'ambu-
lance service ,for indigents
ed the [tomb in the last month
wi1Q have noticed ;a great dif-
ference," said Warden McCut-
c'h'eou. "Itt took a little while,
bolt the new mead is completed,
and everythilnng is fitting in
udran- eSiCnC� wh�
oamnolt he collected from,
ith'ose involved,
"We think sometimes we
waive' a lot of money spent
when tthese campaigns 'acme
on," the remarked, "ani we
Might baYe tie sspend xriore.
this way."
Apartment Building Is
Opened At Mitclreil.
The people of Mitchell of-.:
ficnai1ly opened the Twin Pines
Apartment [lnlits in their town
Sattl!reday. Witch iaeooanm,od-
ataanrs. for stonier citizens ,alt
reasonable u-ent, tire building as
ieN.peoted Ito. fil!i a need, by pro
*ling accOnnnodat'ien suiltralbl!e
!bathe n'eeds.. of these alder peop-
RATE 5.25
per person, 2 to a room
You'il enjoy a weekend in Toronto more
when you Stay at the Lord Simcoe Hotel.
.5,25 per person, 2 to a room • free over-
night outside parkin for registered guests
• family plan, children under 14 free when
occupying a room with an adult. cafeteria,
restaurant, lounges . for friendly service
and economy plan to stay at the lord.
Simcoe Hotel—convenient to theatres,
sport centres and shops.
University & King, Phone 362.1848,
Telex 022458, or your own Travel Agent
uowioos Invited
f i n t
r s d quotations a
� s . re 'n lied tor o
� iy 9 .. rHie Supply
of the following types .of equipment required for the
newc. n aClinton.
...,. ...d...rx school pr..iagz'omn'lle o ...t Cl
. ) 1-1 nd Tools, Auto Shop
(b) Hand Tools Carpentry
(c) Hand Tools, Electricity Shop
(d) Hand Tools Machine Shop
2. Cafeteria Equipment ( cutlery,
crockery, glassware, etc.)
3. Office Equipment (film cabinets
filing baskets, staplers, etc.)
Complete listings of equipment may be obtained
from Clinton District Collegiate Institute, Clinton,,
M quotations should be submitted on or before
October 12, 1962 and addressed to:
Mr. D. J. Cochrane, Principal,
Clinton District Collegiate Institute,
Clinton, Ontario.
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