HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-27, Page 1000 248RCIT-1ANTIS ALONG NLUN ,%�t a,,v W 1�e fall and winter in r=d%1 M F,A,lLe on $40-yos, land.' pount%is . 1 11 �aI4 (Wep4riAg for the re- Icek)t Of itteMP for Cbristmlasr t*rrie 3�n r pivparatipp fo ma-dng the town e" -n more att,ractlye t1min. usual to shop- pers ... the inlerchents !ar-e -gather�ngg at the town, hdl to- night to consider the whole yule-4%de season ... IF YOU WANT TO BUY CAN- adian,pndcan't figure out how to do it with prailge -)and, grape- fruit juices here's pwt of tlie answer There's a firm in Prince IDdwarcl County on the Bay of Quinte, -engaged in, the business of canning these Juices, ThWre sold under tbe SlaiCo, brand name ... and everythbig Is Canadian labour, labd1s, cans !,and, cases . . , .through the concentrated juice is shipped- in iffrom Floalda The onlyway of combating ti -As is for somebody to figure out a way of growing oranges m'�' quantity in 40arlada ... Extensio'.' Classes In EnglishAnd French At CDCI ...... ... . . .. .. ..... C11, _06 Rec,-ord .... . . . . . . ft, e. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . THE NEW �RA 97th: YEAR 7K HQRON RFCQRP—�Ist YM19 No, �9—The H9r AMA Per C9P -,_12,P9S .pg Pappr wit UPTEMOR ;2,7f, '1962 440 Per Year,10 Ce"" h tho New Cl,,INTON, ONTAR10f 'THV �,Y _y P_ VV Vt1'7_1­­_­ prow, 77�- "Rip nA, f 4 ere nda.y Registered is 0 Mo :Huron Chapter 0 B p ody X XRRAF� g"n MWXZISVAF� N 41 ed By Mrs. mcRaeTo Separate School. pen A 4, Oi,� A mc&tssful worlishop was "p, N b S tt hn �C. Cody, er of education; Elston Cardiff, September TheMost Rev, Jo an, f e o rd, et eld ada I , ag -1,athawa states that t -sels r Huron; the errn�a yl, , 5 onj 'and evening at Dp, LTD, Bishop of London, er I ,be Bru.s M)? fo -ent of �tbe school cqrr- Han, churles S. MiacKaughton, eprohii the nurses, residence Clinton will condo-ot the solenixt bleos� ifo f St. Jos parate t they are. en- MPP for Huron =,d c4tivo a. co mim - bigi 0 eph's Se inues at 95 and i, itaie.exe nd , r iere, on Monday after� deavouring to maintain the minister without po tf tee inewbers, of the newly form- S010al I r 0110 1-1 -L County Chiapte er, R od �vron of noon, October 1, at 3.30 o'clock. fourth clas8roo Mayor WIlilain J. Mill eeve r 'I, Aqw in tbs. Fd1lowing the solemn blessin -d Nurses Assioda- The new scho J. Agnew and D uty ep the R pgj, tere g Morgan tjon of ontaijol second year, is, operatlnjg� four by Bishop Cody, guests will be Reeve John Sutter; chaliman of -le , a d o other se OoLs The chapiter plails to hold clamrooms one of theni in the Introduced to the gathering by tI -ho il, s f h. in five gepaval meetings, during ba8exnent of the church. The Mr, Hailiaway. Invitedare the Clinton, George Lavis, the Pub - the year There are about 150 POIncipal is Ws. George Car- lion. John Robart!;, London lic School; John, Lavis, Clinton members of ther Registere4i Nur, bert. premJer of Ontario andminist, District Collegiate Instituteand se3 Assoolation of Ontario in Xodb Drost, CaMn Chrk- -and ftese, are oil DR. J. C. ROSS School; also localProtest- .0fixibile, lbr membership in the ant iindnisteii1s. �cheprber Association, It is expected that ten pr- 15uron County is in District iests from the area, Including ,�2 of Reglistered Nurses Assoc- L ions Speaker Outlines three monsignors will. attend, fi0t1(*L- of Ontariq­and is the see, The event is ope4i, to the 4 ondlchapIter to be, formed in, the public. After the inttoductlan y of special, guests, the Bishop "disM,at. Oxford county, otg- 'Medical H"stor will be introduced by the pastor �Rnize;0 about one year ago. Dist� Early 1-1. WA. -riot ineedvtgs are held in the of St. Joseph's Roman Catholic "An outfine of medical know- pasteurization,. As late as 1876, Church, the , v. S. ,,sprbg and fall of each year, Re E me. President Mrs. K. B. Mefte, �edge up to, the year 1880" was a German physician, Robert Quire. Father McGuire -arrived �Chnton; first vic4-pre�ident, the subject of Dr. J. C. Roses Koch, was, the first to actually in- ClInton, only recently, fol - Mrs. M. E. Thornton, Rl:? k ues- find the cause of certain dis- 110wing his apPointment to the 2, taR to ClAnton Lions Club T Gor6le; second vice-president, dayeveming. Now pwtially re- eases, by experimenting with PaVh�h by Bishop Cody, last ,Mrs, M. Platt, RR 3, Seatbuth; tired In Godbrich, Dr. Ross is caftle. Th1882rtuberculosisgenn week. ly—b —LL— suai- physician at Huranview, was discovered, then, fune causes After alapse of some years, ',H thorne, Go&-4ch. OlintmT. the University of Western, On- aw of -typhoid and other present- taria Is sta�,tlng extension el- C o, m ni � ttees, membership, Dr. Rosshas, made a andy of day diseases. Announcement asses again in, Clinton, dkie to New Buildings Are Fascinating �Miss- Lila YOun9bl*,' 0hairman, early medieghistory. He took Dr. Ross said he barely touch- There will, be an open -house the -tact that a'number of tei Mrs. P. StVin-ger, his audience back to 400 B.�C, ed on 1the highh9bts of meW, cmfe at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cheils and, others in Clintonland Sidewalk superintendents have had a field day during the past weelt, as �.Goderach; Mrs. M. Doherty, rx- when, Hippocrates was concern,- inithe periodeuvered, Whenhe John MulhoBland, 79 Huron, St - the surrounding area have, in- they watched a crane lift 40 -foot long steel from a truck And dangle it into �eter; finanre, Ni%9 V. Adair, ed mdth, people's ailments, started pftetice 40 years ago reet on Saturday afternoon dicated their interest in,66urses position for the, main floor of the new office building, being constructed neax clidirman, Godedch-, Mrs. J. "Some of the medicalethics of one out of every 150 birthsre- and'evening, September 29 from which count toward a B.A., de- the post office for the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Many people pass ,,,Hxbbert, Goderich; Mrs. M. E. thisman are still with. us�ll said sulted in dvafth; now the. ratio 3-5 p.m. and, froi�i - 7-9 p.m. this way each day, and very few fail to take the opportunity of watching the Thoriton, RR 2, Gorrie Dr. Rdss. Galeno, who died in is one in froni'three to five ih�s Is Wovani amd Public Rela- 87 A.D. was: another early medl- thousand. Another statistic re- the, occasion of the These extension classes will construction job. (News-Rebord Photo) ..t!Ons, IVIM. U111an Gallaher, Cal man whose own theories vealed was. in 1750 and " couples 60th wedding annivem- be helld in Clinton District Cbl- prior, ary. No gifts, please. leiWte Ifistitute, on Saturdays chaiTman, RR l, WrOxetler; Mrs, prevailed up to the 16th cedt- the life span -of man was 33 bhioughu�ut the fidl-atid, winter. Fire Not Serious Thompson, Teesw4ter; Ms. L. ury In, 1514, Vasalius,.an Italf years; in. 1800, 37 years; in Beginni-ing,Sviturdlay,'Se em- Rowat, Seatorth; Miss Myrt-le Ian, was the first rnanto,con- 1830, 41 years; in 1900, 49 yea Pt Mrs., Harry Ball Elected Was Out Before Nintiam, Exeter. ber 29, at 9.30 a.m., Dr. Phillip sider badytLssues and stracture. and, ot the present time the Ii7fe County Council News Firemen Arriveil' Huron County also has two Th, 1632, la Dutch boy, Lvxm- %pan of nim, averages 72 years. Covered By Elliott Stratford, a pron-dnent member representatives on the provine- hoeck, who worked with glass The speaker wasorigin-ally a This isisue, of the News.Rec- of the EngHsh depaztment at The fire early Mwday'mom� ha committee of the R.N.A.0. and his experiments led to the school teacher in Ontario. and Ord 'calries n events t 'To Head Cancer Branch ing was not serious, Feports �Ws of the University of Western, On�- Mis's Lila Youngblut, Goderich, Invention of �the microjcope�. t a tarlo, will, offer -a fhi�t year Fire Chief Gvant Rath "al- membershily comn-Aftee; Mis's Saskatchewan before Worlid the one day session- of. county course in Miglish, Literature 'Me m'icoming president a ients to alinics for treatment though -it could have been". Nornla Westgate, Exeter, public An English surgeon., John War 1. 'Aft-er graduating in coulnicil meeting In. Goderich and Composition, English 20. Clintan Branch of -the, Canadian and the, assistance given, to Somehow fire, began in the relations committee Hunter disewered how the medicine he praotaced in Myth last week, written by W. E. Dr. Stratford' wlk discuss smel- Capcer Society was installed cancer patients during the past front compantment of a gas&- heiwt circulated blood through three Years; wals a missionary Fill-iottw1io, lives in the c ections tronithe works of,Oh-, at ithe annual meetifig.on Sep- year, dne Xruck which Alex 1"k1ey 0 the body. Hunter established in China 'for two Years, then town. Bearing the line "Godl- aucer, Milton t6mb er 17. Mrs. Dougl",, Bari Oampatign chairman, Mrs, J. was fi.ningipreparatory to the, College 'of PhysiCians and operated. a clinic In Brarnpton erich-Special" these �tems cover :!�. � -I . h, * k, to �Lol =.*,Qh.,. s lo successful iM Gn his morpjEjo. d6 Iv&i Pope,' r after o. s6prt LID! .reported -a Meaford Here Surgeom of England in the until 0' app.pplip e n dn M, and EII ldft took the; chai Qtt th(kh -rime wul early 170M. Other 18theentuwy (continued on Pap 12) detail. be, devoted to' the study of by past -president Mrs, Frar& In, CUnton, $904,18 was. raised; how�ever, Mr., InMey ad. man- Saturday, 3 p.m. dq.ctors mentioned were Wuth- c6mPosition, Fingland. in HuRett, $439.50; in Stanley, aged to, -cap the tank, d, -�Fith_ ering, and Jenner who gave the At 1-30 pm. orr the same; Other officers installed for $277.50; in. Bayfield, $147.75; out oxygen the fire soon, sm- The second game of the first vaccination in 1796. Only Ontario Baseball Associa- in 1842 was ether discovered Legion Initiates Three New Members day Dr� StMtford will offer a the year 1962-63 were at% fol- (continued on page 12) othered. tion Bantan "B" semi-finals senlior course in drama, Ehgligh 10w,9: Past president, Hrs. H. chlorofoim., 4n 1849 by Supports Winter Recreation, Program between Clinton and Mea" Sdmpson, a Scottish doctor. An 36 whi6h. is, a study of the Ball; treasurer, MIS. tord is scheduled for Clin- 'an, ecretary, Miss, Me- -ton Community Park at $ Englishman,,, Dr., Chamberlain ,tists agadmt a backgr of Queen!; campaign director, D. o'clock Saturday afternoon, invented -forceps in, early 1700 ound - A" BigMarching Band Day Three new members were in- Clinton Conununity Concert ii�glish ' d American &arr�a- Murray; s oduicW c vener, 'September 29. and this hwention was a family Classical, Renalsganm and,, -Mod- MOTTeg; on on itiated into Clinton Branch 140 Band, presented'' a­`suggelstion ern. Muropean, draxna. Rev. Clifford Park-; conveners Clinton Fish and. Game secret for two more generations bantarris of the Royal Canadian Legion that the Legion present th e of service and welfare, Mxs. A. . won the first gam of Dr. Chamberlains. At the'santie -hour, 1.30 p,m. Here inlClinton Oct. 14. 11-4 in Meaford last Sun! oni Monday evening. They we: band with a marching sward. Dr, Jacques Metford wilil offer Haddy; trainsportiation, Miss E. day. A Dr. Se�nmielwelss- of Vienna Ted, Szwaba, RR 5, Clinton; This will be acted upon by -a course in French at the first iiamiemn; dressings, Mrs. L. day for -those hundreds of marching and- manoeuvering If a thirdgame in nee - was the first obstetticlan to Da%d James McLeod', ]RR 4, the Legion executive. Slaffzmmi; publicity, Moi, E. B. ' Big = 5trLzs sanitation, such as,clean year level, Frkwh 20, which is sary, the Meaford team Goderich and Walter E. Befl- 0 ,an introduction to French lit- Menzies; me&,cal advisor, Dr. of people who like the murleof is woTthwhile seeing. 'I" stay in Clinton and gowns, thorough washing Of chamber, Bayfiold, The instal F. M, Newland. marching bands, is scheduled In addition, ion that day, ithe play the following after- h1and1s and equipment. He had a latdon, was -in charge of past Bayfield Fair erature; ja certain, amount of Mrs,. Harry Ball conducted definitelY fO(rSundhY aftern0o(n, Lions aub and Province of noon, Sunday. hard tlxne convincing other doc- presi&xft Cameron proc tiniv- is devoted' to grammar -and tor, Ed the business of the regular October 14 in Clinton Com- Quebee Flags will be presented If Clinton� wins this tors of his cleanliness theOIL'y' Dale, end Xamev Grahem, Se trawlaton and oral pra&lce. meeting, One matter of . ' muirAty Park, The St. Marys totbe Clinton, Community Con-, weekend they will go Into Also in the 1800s, Louis Past- rg- Studed,ts who have' completed impor- tance was the discussion of the Marching Band will, visit heire, ee�rt and, Marching Band, in a the Ontario finals the fol- ewtat arms George Campbell,, In full Swing their Upper Sebool, French 10 eur, a French wine chen-Ast - Hec Wngiswell and presil- advaavba�� a 11,aving the j3r- under tbe direction of Andy specialqy prepared ceremony. wing weekend against began, what is known today 1 ' piper Would be mise to take French ussels Bramb, join with Wing- Hoe. A full program for that af- Ajax. as dent J. Douglas Thorndike. 20, since it is a language re- mbie This Afternoon quirement for -degree., ham, and, the Myth Branch, jcdm This visiting band is a welll� ternoon will be printed in the Legionalres will asse -at The annual Bayfield Fall Classes WIR be helld in the with, Clinton so that the can,- traveRed band, thieftmt Cannd-' News -Record, on October 11, in- Solemn Blessing At St. Paul's the ha 111 at 12 noon, on S undW cer society could function more !an Boass and[ Reed, band to eluding the- way in which, the for transportation tor the fall Fair got off to a -good start fallonthe fullowing Saturdays- dily in the rura-11 community. set an example to others to Clinton band will ftke Part zonte meeting in Kincarcbne that yesterday with the inside ex- ' rea September 29, October 13 and 'Me annual meeting eom� aOd marching to their AdRls- 99 Spedlial rehearsals save been afternoon. bAbits all dispilayed and judged s, a concert band, This mmmw ann�ouncedby Bandmaster'GecF. The branch authorized its " a 9" 'mber of sPecta`t- 20, NoVexdbW a, 10and 17, De- memed, with roUtine reports New Chapel At Adastral Park cember 1 and 15. A�Ts. A, J. McMurray, treas�- they travelled as far as St. rge, Wonrch in preparation, for RCAF — In ancient andcol. theCWL. In, oase of bad we&th. assessment of $125 be paid to ors took advantage of the ch - These classes ere open to urer, reported that $380 had Maws, Pennsylvania, wheM this occasion, beginning ftlig , the new Ch- er the reception will be held Clinton ref-reatiOn' -council to ance to view them last night. credit and non-creft students, been received bythe cancer so- they were guesits, of -that town Slunday aftemoon. -4131 bairA ourU� cetemoviies on the winter sports pro- Today a 1.30 p.m. the grawnd urch of Sit. Paul will, be Sod- in, the dining liall of the.School carry parade gert,§ underway from and, W MR meet for 'a total of 16 ciety in Clinton &tri the pwt for a weekend visit. They were members, majorettes and col- emnly Blessed( on Saturday, of Food Services. grain, The Legion, will again CIM, three hour sessions throughout year from the "in, Memoriam" preseatted with a flag of that our party membem are urged -a juvenile hockey team Gregor Square over to the fain, and wInIter, September 29 at RCAF StWmon on Saturday moming ot 11 sponsor thei agr4cuftural park, where fund. WeVare convener, Mrs. S�tale and Were given' explicit to attend all of these. Clinton. The PTlindPal RICAF a.m, a special Mass of thardw- this winter, -and a draw will be . exhibitors and 4-H (:Rub 0 Alex Haddy gave an awcount permissm to cmT the flag of On Sunday, the band only, amplait4 :(;IC the Reverend, j, g held to purchos-e new hocke� sMor ivh�g will be offered. by S/L members wall be showing their of the dressings sUpplied, the tho USA. in �ull- urdfarm at the race Warren, a equippnent. cftplay track, drummers ak� fug P. Davignont wV1 perform, the the Reverend J. A. Vortatim, of cancer pat- Tb� St. Marys Band livestock, and, of course the inr P.M. I Robarts band at 2.30 p.m.; Tuesday ceremony. He will Lbe assisted former chaplain at R -CAF 01- Clb�ton Legion. will agam door e)"bits wffl-be w display I' by S/L the -Reverend J. A, dnitob. At tWelve noon the Com- 131170111Ute public speaking for still. SeptexrA>er 2 at the Leglon� Hall, 11 give a pr. Public 'and secondary School Major attrabdon for fair- Warrenend P/1- the Reverend manding Officer wd eW. arc It pm. band -ich adorettes, Coming Oct. 23 pratticeat 8 p.m. Monday, Oc: E. Grait. ivate luncheon in, honor of G/C pup0t. Seaforth and Godea goeirs is the publio -school on- everend' J. p. Davignon, Legions fiVe kitknated- 'thew tettainniedt -features which go 4 at The Solemn Benediodon will the R tobeir 8, -the entire c0n1pany Comm g interes(t In this project, as; well Oe gliVen.by W/C the Reverend Membelt Of the 'andin on, during the elanly part , of To 0 en Hospital the race track,4t 2.,3o p.m. sh p -ehe , vall F. A. HaRe, Training COrnmand Officers staff and their Wives as' Mneard"ine, which has al- the aftmoory, in the evening amp for complete a -ar ways baittred' contestants. together with visiting chapiains', the fair winds up with a bingo at th� ChapWn. Very Reverend gm­ eisaaY, October 9, Official opening of the new at s$grjor Grespon wig, preside at Will wttend this luncheon. Robert Huard, chill major of ganie, Ontario Hospital on Highway Legion Aall, majoivttes, otc. tfte -de, 7 p.m. i band practice at 8 certinm 4 representing 21, three inUes. south of God,- erich, has, been, set ft- Tues� p.m. and details and Imtrac- Most Reverend John C. Cody, ftr Octobier 14. Bishop of Londom day, October 23. The- 11bit. John v P. Robads, prime minister of 0 Tho liturgical inusle foi' ithe Onbario wM, 6ittftd. occasion will, be sung by a It 119 expected that some Hey Girls ow choir ftom St. Peter's 8emine'ry Patients. may be moved, in beu in t0ndon, The poincipal chap- Wn and, the clergy taking part forL. th!e officiat d4te� but the main group will not A Want To. Be' in, the ceremonies will hi� as - at -rive WWI later. It d9 expect- sllsttd, by, raembel of XmighW Of Thp- Altar, St, Paul's ed that Miroft counsy patients A Browidd. Chiveh, RCAV now ftsident -ra the London Station Clinton. h6s0tall will, be tvansterred Opportunity for niaxe 3�town- The conintanding Offiwr, i . ies in the towh of Clinton is G/C J. G, Maftesbn wiliforth. Thirty nurse,§, nurses 'the 'or chaplam aids being pibvided with re- taily request itho seril and aftoldaotg will- arxive n4xt �drmlhg of First Clintch BV- to bless Ote bUildthig and set wetNk to begla drionfAtibb to owme Pa0k. New Browh Owl It aWdo -as a perinehont -place 0 - their job.4,, Dr, J% X. RogbA will be Mrs. Reg Steve�*, who of worship Ao the 8!ets.1qgpd` Ift charg.e, of h., Y*itld wrhwal- hag contidetable past eXPC%r, ebeds, the building wOl ord 3fally tration will be assisted by Dr� ieb)cb in, Guiding and' becoandachutch bind be,oaced Doiia!ldl Wokg (rfiynies� uith OM4 is Wts gilgohd uW& the p6itrobage a St. coke). Miss Nora Aobert* is 7i Any MIs, e�*ht years old' or Paul, the Arjow, e director 'of nox-ting, who will be, eight. by Ncem- rpb IftiV00ttint ae ad is is tr rtOst I d like y &venit 1h the histovy of 31, i*iW Wad �6 join hApp. tW aieW pack Wo'did. be, wel- RCAV 8tatilon C Urtoh, abd the The Weather Lfted, they shordld be at tha Robit0i, Cath& el, . r gion, Memorial Hall, Writ ndbbtawdous; to bi�,ajke It a bi Ik ein 1961 loot IlWh Low High ot 4 , Pxh. on d* WbeO 3. Aft6r the- Ltzlemonles a gar�d- ,%ftt, 20 54 �Rb IS two New Guides Join troop %�`okhee Pack khowh ifs 60, Patty tLhd reception Will be 21 ;58 4 86 6:L Two new- Ouldes joined the Vitst Clintoftfroop VdUbffi ;C*66`n_ ��e P46k held on, �ffio church grounft, Church Of Stt Paul At Station Crintoot 22 64 45 81 62 &1 Monday night, PAW' Strong, lefiAnd Oall Me- 1 g led by tr(*w Owl *tl ow- ".& Pub,lld Is cordially InAted . Z 6& 49 14 Of rgd Wobith, t1jftd Twow Owi to attend fh�l§ ired"611i The new church of .9t, PAU! &tACAF 8tittfoft Clinton Will be 961fthlY blog, 9t 66 44 10 50r Carty, rrW6 ni&d G-luides were keeeived from the sed by Or6up Captaill. th6 A.6% �, Pi DaVignon' ont StLiturday Septe b - 2 j , lvftl Dougw, tAL datholid Vvwnenlg Lelague will ni el, 9 as Z 61 84 69 66 roufth Clinton trowiiie Pack- at th& sam,� timej Wheftard 86bbnd bm Two bd, hc isteb§eg for the r6deptl6b, 8' ted b3� offiets 6fffi& ROW? chapkincy, toibatdd in thd peimahtnt inArkidd IS dwo" t(6j� -of Tyfrg, quarters of th68tatibb (&dtk�filal Psirk) the chdt*1 9 eg 'tho CAtholf0. com, Z '62 6, to VVendy A61megikm 8fiatoli MoX6 Aho thitk# At Aft§tW under 'tho .6 &V Ati�, '�4 k, 1,,% J& (Nelft-Pedotat Phdo) V&,ki Vbel�*!e OVV, thd 1*06WInt of unity of the Station, Ad" Sta" 0WAY PhU61