HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-20, Page 11� N�4V' HbUSiE, DESIGN — ��.'s a ��ig-�arruily h�awse pi ur�- usual des����n� tha� af%ers xn�a.�i- �uin livimig. s�pa�e � tWo filooats �h� augih' u,s�� �af �the �splut'-1e�vel �rntrance, 'Phe wn,c�arwezvbian�a8, zn: extema- om clesig;ri, ,anfd( bhe wx�usua�l im;- tei�io�r �ay�aut a�re� fl`•]sit#nch f�a- �Uua�s af t�ris �fcnxr-lye:dic'oarn �h�a�tis�e �by� ar�chi�beelY� Dena,� �aryc� FiecUa O'Convtlar af Editln,ruton. Th�e uneo�n�mat� .IIayo�.�l� a csnalLts dlt�r ,a; (qe�droam in eCach corn,er o� 4he 1�,aus:e vwith a iba;bhroatn s�ai art- vr�g it'h� �t,wa �bed'roam5� om� one s;ide and ,�; yvas�hmooun, Uaur�d'ry a�nld snd� ,�a�lman�ce bertwe�n, �the �ed'rooms orcu fihe othe�r ;s�id'e, A �fiire��lace Ise�a�^a� tIlie diim;- i�vg �a�nd! l�i�tahe+n, �are�as iram �1he 7siv�ing xooxn w�hiah onrem�laolcs �a na�,sed! 1#�e�mace alt rt,'h� reram o� ��6he hou5�e. Lamge win�d'aw am'�a�� �at iaahix �Che ,irarVt amdi rear af bhe hause p�avidla a w�e�tl ligzhite�di �n- terior. 'T'he ]�wer �Ioar prau�id- � s��a�ce far a pla�roam, sewim�g rao7ii; dem, habtry xoarn ar�d� s�'ar.a�ge. '1Th�e �Eloor are�a �is x,326 squa�re Pe�elt and t4t� e�aeten•iqr dime�n- s d a rn s a n e 3 6 f i e. e i t, J, 0 � n q�� l by 42 Pe�t. Womkurvg d'ran�i�g� f�ar bhis . �h�ause�, I�Iawui� �as� Desigm 811, are .avai1a�b11� �lro¢n Ce�sutral M�ortgage� �and� Hoitsirng �Compaz�a- �ian �a�t m�utr�um �cas'�. l4 A��en� F�rst � Gross�Trailers . �quare Dance . R�CAF ST�A.�ION — 7lhe iln- canvg�unal' rneebiuvg af t'h�e nev�nly o¢�gamiixe�d Sq�ware Damce L'lu�b, Rih� RCAF Clinl�on `Cras�s Tr�a�il- ea�,s wa�s Y�eil;d� at � Slbalt6�om� om� W�edln�es�d�,Y, Se�pbembe�r 5 ia� 1aui;ldmr�g 107A wiih a,ppn~axi_ rnia�ely 74 e�rut�n��i-a�lt�ic m�em�bea�s imr a�t�tenvd'ance. Alithcni�gh �he m�aijqniiy •w�re �giisvmers, hw+a Scrts af ad(v�amC!�d dlaavicems �h�l�ie�cl �aualcZ ou�t hv+ha�t a'FPeams wx1�1 be ��n� af �he mo¢�e Z�Pul�a�r palstiTn,�es ,Par �the �ani�, canvnn�g flaL�l �am�d w�nit�ar� seas�s. R�gi�sima�bian .f�ar a�ew m�n�bems canUir�ues umltail W�d�n�es'daY, Se�p- � temvi�e�r 19, •arc�d a�ny m�e�m��em af bh� RiCA�F, DND, IYTP o�' �th�r �vd�nits ov�em 18 is �ivuL�d �t� join. PSamS ame n�aw un�d'er waty by� rbh� exe!auibi�ve ��a h,as�t a jam- bar�e�e is� la�t� J�a�nru�amy, ��a �be }�lid !i;m 't�h� s�ba�tian diritl �had;], �worf,4�! �n�ri�ra�tian,� betiavg setinit aut im �tihe �k� fubun� ,ta civilnan Yvr�c]i � mt'v12�Uam�y clubs iiv �t�e vi,cuaviiby�. , �Q�,aid �arn��� ,� �I�/I�a�k��r �� . .. . � Q �"�:, '��� `�' , �+��ts �UniX��si ���r i n�i � � � � � . „ � �: t���; R,CAF-�Rank�,lldl B�a.r1��t�, '�!?'�- (gy �, LARIr �I�%iV�INGWA,X'j �'� tlua�t� af {C1�ruhan: ]?�s�tri�t Gat- � ' :� l;e�g[a�f.�e, xnl�t4tnul�e, �s Ie+a,u�u�g. It�hiS '`�t .; :: � y,�e�e�1c �La �an�iLnue� �tvi� s�tudias �at �,71he �dld aK+d'er �liait��:,s'", 5��. A;�vd�r�rv's U�vL�^ea"�1tY � Sc�d�a��d. �ar�ald gnadwa�t,d z w�oaud�r �c�w ma�ny crf y�ou �nam jt�he U�rv;ve�r�irt� .c�¢ '�'ar�`9m+G� xeqnean�b� � �anc� �,c�'�� t�u �� -�f .in) �.960 tivitJh. dwgh }��anoitin;s in a c�az• �tid!�.' W�h!?� �a aar visiit�d S�ociaTagy:, �a�nd� Po1,l�avv�n��' � Yt�a�r oun 1�am,e ��penik my r�i�n.e d'e�- aP ante�nsiy�� s,i:uc�y Ulvro�tgh �ar- vcs�it�g so¢rvc measan qa .e.�cu'se � c�spar�darnc� •in I96Q<�1, h� a�'- rt�ha�t �yypul�d� �r�duoe my •fa,th�er �pr e�rutic�red U��uiv�ns�il,y Cdllege, Toa, m!qtlh�c2+ ,�p �su�ge�t t'ha�t I ric�e onlba. ' d�orw�a� ;tlh�� xoad' �a ixnile qr s�q �h�en T�h-ea�e� �hle 1�omk tive Fi!r�L Ye�r tt�e viSi�Loms� �lc��t, I-iazvaurs Clas�i� as a s�e��a�l �sb�tde�rut, ��p�ratpTy �o a de- H'a� t1i�a�pd�rubad Z was n�Il�+c�n ,gnle.e Ln �,h� ePas�SicS. H� q�?Uaine!d' '� �'o�Le aa�r 1aad� came i�p visut anld ,Gh�e�re w,as n�a �roam �or a�rte �Yirst cl�a�ss,s�'�7ari�l�ing;'rn Sv711 p�aii�e�s ,y��lc�n ttlhe� 1�qFt. O� course I ��n�d Wi,�s, accepL+e,d� at bath �t�k��e �l,a�d' to 'v�n�k back bu;t d+h�at w�as �' � ry �i Ajb�e�^deen, anid a very �sil�i,gih,�t ;d?'�scom-f�t. I lvad Uruvc�n a 'Srt. A�n�di'rcw'�s, Scatl+and. T31e , , . , � chaae S,t�. Ar�d+z en�'s �t,o can�tlnsue �a�d' a r,ide� Ln �a m:obqr aar� .—...�...._. his s�bucU��s ,a�n�d h�a�s been �g�'a�vt- N�aw a�wr y�aun�gor dh��l'clrrein,, ...� .--�.-.,-�.; �. od �tlhe ha��awr �of •nr4ceedin�g �,a '�'x'Y' ��o or$bea�;, 1?es�em rne� rt,o take fiJh�xn Sar a ,Uraini �ide:, ,a�vd , • �his M.A. in� �he Han�aw�s Caux�s� LVyt�h �t��e �e�s�� ,of anitenlbians T _ �in qlasszds. ° h�av�'�t �gattten� r�aund Cq daing •iit 6-.. - Ran�al�d as �El�e s�a�v �af W01 am�3' �t. 'TI�G ro�l�i'�r �me�ans qF �trYue . 1YL�s, A H, ;B�a�nt�etrt, R�C A k ,�azni]y w��o �hiyv� 1�;ad a ia��a'itl S�Uatian �lii�nitan. Th'e B�aamel�bs rr*icle �hav�e� �ver su es��ed a � PnTio � �have �b'ec�n s�ba�tianed' at CUilvtan se�catvd. Panl��a��� 1tah�ygw�re �as Par aver r�Ln�e� yle'aa7s� �a�n�d' �p�Uarr� tto i• . ��I�Ui*� zn �Li1�e �!q�d'er�iGl� iam�a lln d�sgtti�s�be,Yi' a�s� I wais �bh�; ,Laist tisn� — - - - I h�a�d �icGa;sian ito !Yu7ave�1 �by� ma�il ^ -- - �' eix y!�ra�rs �iune. M�rs. �arn'e�;�t as � 8EDR007 LIYINGROOM eeorsoor�t �a�CCotri'[aali'uyi�n;�' Ranlaiicfi (t�o�. SCt�t- Z Wa5 �g.ainlg �t,� �a �Tn�eq�i.Ylg in e.�6�� •��,a" �a�-�•• �a�•,^ e�-fi^, n�_y„ lanid �Uo v�Siit '�rizem�T;s �n Sco�la:nd '�`��an{ba. 'Illie� m�ti�r�g �banttzd l a;nidi Enug!lialnud�. a� 10.�0 a.m ��nd' x vs^au7d� •be l�ar�al1d pJianls to retwrn �o °i��'1 'a�u �h�rnur �ad;e l�ult �owr oam °� Cairalada a� car�pl�c�ior� aP lvis w��s� ��itL wse �]ls�e� rv�h�e� e- . M,A. a��vd napes, c�v�c�nfi�u�ally, No I fl�agge:d Uh�e �t2yavn;, s�in+Ce ' pracee�d� �Ua ,h'is �I3iD ,in Clas�ncs�. �ilne�r� w�as n!o ag�n't �fo� �1ve ��o,a� .p�.� �arn!irvg an�e� ait b;20 �a;m, �f ��OSe�~ . wnOooM � R��F �eunion �au�rse� I didln,'�� hac�e a ticka� �a�nd �Uh�e can�dixebar c�ou�lld� omA �� i,�Bn ' �•o"•s'•�' seQ1 me �a !bicic�t tra S,bra�tfomd �� D�I������� Ibu(t su�ige�sit,e�d �6tv�ut• I ge,t a�i a�t � aameooM � L`us�awe]. v,�kac�r�e we �had •a 15- s'w" .• s'-1o" DINING ROOM � ��� �m�i�ttiu'�e �act. IAUNDRY � � � . ., Th�s We�ke�ad �h�'re �w,�ne ,th�tee� ar fiawr �I]i�c�a�d �f �ne �at th,e ti�lee�t o�fPice cinsai..� Ilnen cloae! t k?JIUC�� �c'll�l�Ell' tihe :Pirs't sale ��1'0 Wlam�iime ,R'C1AF �pes wail be •,or,�9.� � unite�re;s�ted' im �an cve�rvt �a�t No. 6'�genit �vua�s lvuruUic�ug oYuamge Eor S�S; RGAF �Ita�ion Du:rvnville 'a dlollarr, f,ar �a� Five far a t�e�n � ,�,a, � � � firam �ave,r ,aiv� �n Y,he�, s��aiaan. B, � �sdhe�cl�zlsd �ta tal�e� pl'ace on Sal�- Y y � � ��s . urc�ay, S�p�emvb� 22. �he +t,im� urvy `Uwrn ca� �he wia�s KITCHEN ��p � a dn. e�'IB�.9`�''=�_ 'Ph e �,�ba�iian� � a r t ��t h i s R C A� F com�pl�eitie�ly� �awf: a� etuange. He ' yE8R00, 4� 9E ��,. ��rayrni�'g sba•�i�am has �been cl,es�d� �'wggesl6e�d. �ih:ait T�ge;ti �aff �a� S��4r- - — ` -- Rar �a ,n!umber af y�ears, but evei a�p011� ��'d � �gleit my ��ick�t �tio � �da" ;�R` �Eu°%,�„ ,� i sinc� 1946, ryv'am!time persanm�l Tanonv��. :Dlildi y�au e+veir �hearc� �he� --�-i ; �th�r� �hau�e �gatJh��d annu�a�l�Ty a�d d�ia�l'ague in w�ha�ch rfih� ya�dy � ' � �im �he �Dumavv�il�e G�dTP a�n� vv�a�n)t�d �,o bupy a bic�k�t to Moa•- Caunbry Cln.cb ifar� 7�errLirnisoe�ruce x�'' i ari,�d' x�e�ve�sbe�rabian�, as Fr�nlc �Y ��ns� �bim� i w�a�s l�aam�r�g � Sc'1�al�iie�]kT, seore�t�a�ry-,ireaisurex, �u�� •a ]��4Y+1� prav�alce�c]. �i�aw- �, ������� � ��� te1 ms iit. ev�r I�gat afif aga�"vn a�t Sibr,a�- r �FJar.Ty�t�ix�ds wi�11 find �a rec�- �0�a'am;d`'a�s�ed' ��o�r a rti,c�kelt. Tlh�e � i�ion ,a� th� C�r�andl Mote�1 arv F�ri- oanidiuottar was� �rihere �ar�c� �eem- �' ■ d'aiy erc�en�in�, �and a goZf to�usutia- �d andst smfbarvt an w�atelv�rug Ito menvt� �wil�l bc can�duet�ed� ;the mext se�e M}va�t i.pumdlvaisddl �a �bialddt �OCI�I� 0��� • d�a,3'� �1us anatih�r'Fil unia� e�to �'om �B¢�vs�sel5 ��0 liararnto. Sb � � @am� I �h�ad' r'zd�d'ern firee. Tk�. �g- `News Editor: Anne Aileron -- Phone HU Z-7349 wha� �em�aia�s oF �h� ,P.kyim,g s�ra �tian!. Anyan,e �r�te�rested, who ���''�� '� a lass �t��o kn;aw Can�gria�Utz�l�a�bian�s and �be�t CWL Executive �ha5 �!at s�ece�i:v�a .an in;vibabian '��e fla�re� ifau!� �suddeu�;iy �Uh�augii�t w�hes are ext�em�d�d� ibo G�1. and 'Ilh� Ca�hlvalii�c Wamiea�'s Lea- $hould oan�a�at Mr. Schal�i�l�d af iad'cl'ung t�he flame . f,ram iBrus- M�. J: A. McS�h�emry.. an, lahe �g?ue crf _ S!t. Pa�ul'�s� tKhurch ,h�1� �yt Box� 968, Durvn�vi112. . :,.... '•�?s, �a Srtmali�ar'd �Lo ��he �fame biriHh� af itlheiur dk�nlg�ht� orr Se"p- �a�n execawbiv� zn�e�abi�g ar� S'e�p- �u~om 8!t¢qa�4Eoa d�t�a �aroivto. �his' �emibea� S. Tiniy Ga�bhy Amar �tcm�ili�ar 10. Pse�sad�ed avem �y m�r. oarcn+� taa 6dc m�.arle� t1�am wh�at �bhe w�ghecL' ,im� �alt 4 pau�n�dLs, 4•az. �tiive c'hia�gvairn�, ' F/L �bh� R�v. Far �Uhe �l�erl6i�ar� af fihe n�v LiSt�onve�l -a�ge'tvt� had'� ;a�s�k�'d. An�o�hem �br'an!d' a�Jew �airn�i�a�l; as �Riah�ard (B�uss�ey, tJh;e m�q�imfg, exe�cufa:v� �anld canve,n:eris�, Nhie �gy ��hi� �Uim�e T w�as �a lifibke �W�vs' hle�ld, jo4nit,ly W'n!i'h� �b1�'e c�hia 'U t'hie d`awg�hiY�er af C�,i1'. am�; M�rs. 'P'� ;r�am�ina�ir�g �cor�vmitt�ee Z�a o k dicu+i,�ra�l�l� anid I objected'. .I w��us A. �J. aVLcC�y. 1•Lnm;e 1VLami(e� was carnuniifqt�. �P;l�nS weme 1'aafd� ona�i ch�am�; 1t�he�se wore�, i1Vlms. B:ixvg- .�al� mat�h�e�r cli5eaczmGeous3 bomn� an • Sepiterrub�e� 8 a�n�d focr it� dedhc�a;t,iosi cerem,�anfle+s �,aQn Mu�s. Sihemwaad' �vn�d 1V�ns�, y �f0 w�+i�lh:�d� 6 poum�ds, 14 oun;ces�. ba be 1��1d! �on Sepile¢n,berc� 29. Isabelle. Elected were: presi- �tranxU �aGSid� sniruce. bh�re werc�e Mas�s N�am�oY N�aiven �a:ivd M�i�s Sb��vi�; be��e�cl�''c�+'zan; af bh� d�rut, �Marg iBuuh; viice-presfld�nft, atihe�',� tivh�a n�r�tedl ��ickats. Nor�ma N,avarv s�pe�vt srnn�e ti2n�e �Yvape�l wi;�' Yt�a�lae ipZace ait 2.3Q F�J�om�n�c�e Bays-; seoreba�y, iB�emytt I tivas 7uaw m�at anly riormi�art.led� in ihds�piibail �ar tansa'J.�i't� ape�ra- �'.m. Fa]flan�inig t�i� raluigiau:q Wes�bh�a�•; ,trre,a�u�er, Ve�Ym�a but alis�a a� �b�il� caxntrarcy. T� , , , c�remom�y, �a� �ga� d�em �aa�y am!d Jahnl�ta��v u� � � ��tnom�. AL1 rh]�.�eir ��zti,eaYd�s� ibid mhern , a�3's� �an.�d xn�am�s, remeanbe�'e� �th�a�t t'here r�as a a ma�pid' m�cav�ry. a�ce�p!tno¢i wu'�1 �ail��e p�a�ce � J�e�we�.li1: F!a�+r�vll, He�l'c� I�aiy�aTd�, gemtilemain� quid� n�ar Si�rah- � Nh� lka,w�n�' �adjace¢�ut� ta It'�he� �- am,� V�Lwiarr� Foxarn. Farewell Pa�rty u�rch. Eiv ome ,i,.c we�cq�n� �.�o �az1c� rv1�o shau'ld be� albtQmrii�Tug �''Y N�wis�-1iat�t�r, Marjom%e Spamlo; Uh!e �sa,m�e� xn�ee�iiu� yru Toran�ta. � Oaz F1nicLay, S�pt,�mvbe� 14, a al�benrl!, �am�d( ahiilic�r�n; tiv.'ill� ibe. g• lwr�dh c�omRne¢uer, S�haml�ety Sea�v�as; sw�p�ti�se pamty n�a� h�+1�i a�G �ihe 1�aalCeid' �a�fitlea� d�y' �pe'ca�a;1 ,a�t;�enx�l. �,�t�� I wem�� Rb �he� p�hian�e �aind� Yi�a�p- hiam� aE Mrs. Je+ain ro�hn�ari mn �vnit�. ,Im� casle+ af. �bad ureah�h,er � �anve�r, NLavis .��, ;he� �uad' a��at 1'e�t?t. ��u � S�hemwaad, merrvbe�+s�lvig c:anveuv- '� 1van.�auir uu� M�+s. S�hir.11ey Hym�s �the eve�►vtJs �wi�lt� �baike pliace an� er, Mch�lle� Z�abe+lil�; Caurnty zniin�,�e�� ��e �atra�ivad •a�t tihe' S�a�- w,ha zs a�av�ing �lh'e� Pkvrk, s�homt- dlaoa�s. H�am� v�isir�in�g :c.amnvi�t�e, Bar- a'an, amkil �ick�cl ane up irn +his� cair. ly. �Cp�I. Fau7 Vig�r �he a�l�l� ch;oun` �ara Cavan!alugh, ,Sylva;a Da1�an,; Sn�icile�iy I�ar+rive� im� T�- 1Vlms. A�nli�u 71harn�psan �me��nl�- m�as�tie�r o� Sit. Pa,u1's, requ�slt� �t�rbairrm�eavt, J�ume M�s�h�a�71 o�iba timl '�tm' ne far �ih� m�tsirug 5m!- �dl Mms. �yales wirt�h �, 4��aurt,i�u�1 Gh� sup�p�arit oE P.1VL.2 r�e�idh�vbs+ �nc� Mrs. McCaughey; well baby �ead ,af �ave�r �an� �howr �late. piece �af �h;irtva. Th� �tea 16ab1�e �he suppor,t af PMQ residents �y�,y.G �; .Me�g Gi11�am. , ura.s �ado�rzLe�i �wli�h y�vLl,orvv amd the comiixig, �s��. S�i�ae itih�e ' �e �a,iln�vay�s �ame �h�virag a �Vllrs�. 11�ar�g �trs�i graGi�att�ly an� �11i�eiir ��zc� �iminiia,s ,anid ye�l7�aw �taip- tma:i�e�s �am�l( �Itud�en�ts; �u+swalllly , � ��a�td 1�inn,e� f�ihvam�ciadly � �h�awe�d �s3�de� �aSc�em att Ihhe s+p- ers. G�ue�s'tzs +rvam(l�emec� 26 :I�adffe�. lleiave� fo� ibheir m�s�perative ham�es a^ia�g hea. an:By ,am�sw�e�r. see+ms �t� �b�e �t�a oui lVlrs. S�y�n�s vu�a�s �also �'�s�emlt- come L�tm�!t�n� y't i5� am�rea'ar�ive Zlh�e ert�elmizvg �canc�lude�d� wit�h a'���' om, �s'�mvice. B�ut haw faa� ed! v+�iftltn �a cu,� � and s�wc,�en �l�Y ihiait �tllie� ahai,r Ib�e �oaan�edl �Fnoa'n d'�liaiaus� lwruoh o�f sian�icvich� �ami �y�au cwi:? Irt is�i'�E :baa mu�ch me�bers af •h;er b2��lge alub locai �znemibens af �h.� p�a�,^,i�lh. a�n'd� s¢ra�a11 aa,�ces as� weilil: �ais �a �ba� e��ct �of a itaicliei �agesvt l�a� �we�k. � • An tiin�v�arn is �ailso ez�tien,�l- am�' c�afPe�. � t�a ber �a�l�le �a m�ake� ch�atng� fo¢' �ho�ql c7huldhe�; ba s� �anid �huter H�ati n & Electric g 45 K�NG STRE�T--CLINTON--HU 2-7652 Are ,pleased #o Announce Their Appointment as` . Si m p 1�i c i t� y Applia�nce Dealers for �lin�tan � District�� 'SimpliGiiy AuYomatic Washers. and Dryers dre Built to Lasf! � � 8 Washday I�rog�rains. So simple fOr you .,,�t's almost unbeiieveable! Now you can �vash any waShable fabric with no guessing! No need to wtirry abbut wt�ich com- binatian of wasYz •�.nd spin speed's ,,, or wa�er tem�eratuxe to use2 Simpl.y selc�e� �tHe cycl�, w•hich describe� the lo�zd you wish to w�zsh—push the control knob—TI-TA'�'S AI�I, you cio � ;.... :.:.... .. :: �:;:.:,,,Y ,.::.>.<.',:,:<;;� F.� J• � � � 1 �� I�1'l� � � : ..: ;: :: ,� : �utor�atic r��� : :: � r er ..... : MC)DEL D40�3 ;; `. Niu1t, T-�ea� terrip�ra� ': ' tare cotLirol : ; ' � ;, � � � F'ree FloW lint filtex * T-�eaieir Element 4200 w�tts ` � ��' 2 Yea� F'ree S�rvic� Gu�rahtee ;. � :� T'ulk� flexiliSe " '" Coz�iral;Ai� sYst�m '�:<;:>•.�:. '�::�:;::::::< ; .�;,. ' k Sa�e�;y doox . �' Atttor�aiie ot��r7o�f1. , prote�tor, x YEA►R FREE S�ItY�C� GUA�t,AN'i�E R"3n A!I 5�mpii�i�y C1Qthe� Dr���� 'VV'`�, also hbi�e Co�nv�ntion�al Typ� :and c�d �a s�c , 3� I�adaes I3owa�ng League h�P a dbzeu�u aus�tame�s. Th�i:s g�i�ls, ta' give tJh�ir rn�+an� �� Zlh�e� �ir�it �n�ct'irug ;t�a argtan�ize w�xwlcl s�eem�: t�a b�e� °tah�e rrvimumunn th�a�t �a� Jwiinorc� �C�h�r miay :be �- ,a +baw�ilru� 1�eiaigue wa:s� ��,ld� N`�S+i- in semvace, Far a Pammem tiv�ho gamnze,kTi. k`ar i�fosm,altiaru �a�s ito ,d�aiy, 8e�t�ercnlb�r 14. The� �fial�av�- hawrs oF pmacAnc�, t�l�1• Va�g'e�' �� exectuhive� w�a� dManvra� up: ha5 �h�+ax�dl if�h,e �go��l. af e�fic- wli1� ig�t �im (t�au+Gh n*rvbh. the¢n ,�,r�slid!em�, Jiaa�rv S�tutcl'vffe; v�zce- ie�rv�y ipr�aah�ed Pom �e�ars i,� �is bhrau�h ;his �h�lpems at If�e prelsptc]ie�nt, Te�ss�i�e �M�acIiaiy; s�e�c- cqrn�l�lt�ely c�sm•e�atsom�aibie. s�ho�al. r�tamy, iB�abs �IVIcG�uare; gam:eis, �Th� ,fiam�mer, w�h�a �gat o�wt af A.dvisory Committee Jay�ce G+ale �amd E(il�n; N�II; h�ettvs, �h�n, �t�an�e+s� weire dli,ff�tult� To xeen-'�own ����,,Y,��vnmiemlt, Rps�e Currie, {�n �gat aiut ai 3iags�w�herv�rices On Wer3m�esdla�y evaruLng, Se�p- Eil�e� Somd'an �md' S�heri�a Arn- w�xre ar �aind l�alter aL awt aP te7nib�r 12, 196�2, a�g�'ou'� af d'�rs�an• iUeam c aimss� Ros�e , �° ' , g , pareualt.� anel£ art t�h!e RLtahie Dd11, '112iar�ie� Mca ., � �alt8le �wherv ;�t.�ey w�nt �ad, Sis y $��iam�che Iiuiiid�iinig Itio cl}is�wss prableans ��Ut�s, Salas, �cGu'vre. �'0�'• °�f �he �famm aivd is �pm�ab- which are common in 'teenagers �albily ,an� oP ��bhe un�e2zu 10 ed ar a;nd�atti�ns: W�a�s a�n;d' znaam�s ,A�r,au;nid 45 ��a�d�i�s �atbt�anKl�e�d �h'e som�h�e�e. P' � , w�eg e sw Led %a d�a;i w�iiGh mee�bing. 'Ilh�e n�ame af �he me�w�s ��' steipanUe�r �fiar �the botvs�i:n.g 1e+a�sue W� +a� fiaT�e�is a�re comitd�u- � cE�tlba�uv �piro�bl�s �,hialt l�,aive �h:arp- v,pas� �give+n �tm� us ,a� k�lva� �af Mrss. ally i�inig �t�.tz��h�t b�a�t wve� rrirusrt � i pen�e�dl �m! �tahe �as�t: Ri�e�1�,1. I�i we aire :im� �rs'om fh'em�, be uno�e �d'Pic��'ea�ut. V��he� �bus�mi- Zlhe .me�e�i;Lxug �nas �h�ire:cl iay l�vn;dlly .1�e�t ws� knaw iam'd yv� wi.11 as�s .fla�'1�s a�E Nhe aw�n�en^ b2 zn�auv- S/L Pa�f:'e�rs�aru, u1�ia�ar aE A(di- �bi�y imme�clhate:ly. �geir �unm�e,�a�t�el s�tuc�'ie� ways �-If,ral Piar�k V"oIun�.eems� weme ��uSun1 Stiory �. , y ��lc�e�d �Ua 3�.e�ip ad�!d acUVis�e� �nl W� ih�a� �a�; umiu�ual s�od-y 'to �'r pravi,cilunl„ batab�+r s;c�nw�ice ��o d!uf�e,r�e�nit co�m!iht�zes n�ohv' zn� ��11. oux xe'akl�+rs�: . �e�� ;h�s �home�,t!s ba�lt: fixnraUiari� �a� 'te�eu�Ht�ow�;. I�: Seams ?YR�aY, l;a�t Aug.us�t, an 'lllve m�o�t�or �am kvas �rotnid'ed W02 Faxan hia� v�al.titn�t�eere� ��;� �.�,t�i, rt�a ibe� pr�e�cise, S�g,t, s�drCau� courLp�iibion ,�a t�he na�il- ba h�eiad tihe� �a;clnris�my carr.�rui�ltle'e and Mrs, Haxn y� MacKaY; tv�em�t wiaiy Ibwt �eme :i5 �i�i'�11 �ari ap- w�h'ich �w�ila� �be camp�se� a� .�th�e txru a�tnv�i roviltm� rtahed,r �ahmldme�n� i�o12'orot�ir�ig: Mm�. Du¢n'a(y�n+e, Nirs. Uo Navia S�c�ia, Aflte�r d}ri.v�i�g . 1 ��dhn�tan�, 1VIms. Cale, Nfu�. Se+r- se�v�ra] �iurcidr�e�c� miTes ani �6lle va5,, S,g�E. Re�s airnd� GpX. 1Vl1c- ,�yraa� hi�ghvwa�, �th�e MaaKays • ban�a;l�d'�, d�dideri! �o sttap aai�d' srhreltah 'ilb.is� m�,e4t,iz�g was �It'�and�d by ,�he9r l:�gs, 'I�h�y c�hdse a lav�ly THEY FEATURE 27 ad�ulYs, Tn �Ih� s�ox"bs� a.e��rt- gh�a�diy spal; cni� �h,e au�bs�kiit�'s �brf m�;, �� '�teemti�,geas wi1� �t�e �.,��g��an . Q�A�CITY �ND LoW�'ST mare �otzi�.uruafi� iat�an 9n �oirinzr ,B�itly NLacKi�,y, a�g�c� Y3, P�?/CE ANd �R� �c�ps�, 1decawse rniare faoihLti� itihottg�ivt he'd' exemci�s� by sn�rarng- ' �'v,�ul�l �1� �a��v�a�i��s�bl� �t�o �bhqm; �th'e�V �nlg aPP ��. �1brv �i,mlb an a �ne�a.'�by Al1V/1YS RFADY W/TI� w��z� � ���g �� +��ize��au, �+re�. .a�� a ����r� � fa�, h� HPNE'ST T/ME`LY' �-� ' . ' �iiixubdn�, ,��yere ht�hg �i�!atn Uhe •im'ee by h,is ,� . hbck'�, voll�y ba�l�,I, �ba bdwfllLr�g, �ti��mn� citc. A.11 it,lae�e icgs; naE I�naw�ltug fi$��t �Fiis �acl�- Ja�v�Cf actliv��ii'e�s ryviil7 ib� ufn�d'c�r ibk�� t1ir� . �e;lve�; �vt tJh!� �,4 r � �� e�Uian� af F/S 1�orznie 1`3�tizm's9�� e,ts ern�p!i�ze�1 �bh�ms a�rud' S�g,t: I�iai Rees. ' �a�e t�me. The family •regain-� �� 'WA Nleetin� ec� ttzeir ca.r and p�tsh�c� down , .�f �' . ,. -. � . , E�t� A,�Ler a :fcuv. Ii�.aurs�' c�`rive, �. �ihe fi�t �a�1i ri?e'�b��g af �+he T3iLiy d�is�cav�red �he'd� +lasit hiv� ,. ;" F?�CA,T' C1nm�;o�1 Wbm�em�'�s Aux� wallC�t �lail� h,airig`in� h;�a� klawn '� zlli�ary un�s h�ea'c� o#[ iVLatvdiay, f�riam; tJkie� �e+e�e, '' l � S�e�temvb�' x0, vni�6h vn��-�re�x- W��t� l�o �m�a�tte .�, l!aQi� s�;aiy' cfe� 1V�x�s, Mx��g Tiush an �h� s+hoM�, �ame.l�a dary� t�a;t;em, 1VI�� a}ia'v�'. � u�mc�d 'by 'TJ�e se�c�elt�arty"�', �eptrrlE Wac� �'n'� 1VLrs. 1VI��CI�ay �o't , rc�a;d� l�y ,1VLn�. Hcler� :Da��, `�he �asiia� wa�'. 'rhe� d�c�`v� ai�d' NZt's. �`Somem�C� S�# xc��ud hkve �p'�ec1 wihere �tih�� :had s�op'pecl �'r f � °�'� Y� dts hliien� Pi��� 1a� �o�,t�{i;e� jour�iep>, �'il'+EI�SU]"�7`'�5' '�4.�OIl�f.'k �i11d"YI�C^�1l.1 �;�j��sq i'�L �C�W �lll'U�JC-'�S O� S"C'cLY'C7�1 rtrTr� nnnn �.rc- .. n nr�»iwnfr .�at�c�.; hnneM�,�a�1: okt� �x'om,lVir�. 33illy"s �tiv�,l,le� rva5 fpizn�. di��et��y G. Mz�ha1�1�� foi� h�e�' �'��etiv�it � ib�laW �l�e It�e�� "w�fe�e t��e g�i�C�, ��rud oa`u� Ei°iim�. �/Lr'�, L� ,�b,y ��� e�xar'ais�c� �.5 c�� I�abiGtvau� 'far' �'h'� 'U�'A'� ���s{ ��,��-la� !. 'x(hi,� �i�a�i `ti�tt.� v� �9otv �aP �,'��t;hy' ��b 1i'�x� �ivap�` iha �nnld ' '�!i5 �bnl1�'1c�� �lb�a� �lva�a% �ve�e �at�n�t�ct �,� �a.I.% . 1adi�s +vt�l��a� �ta1�;. as� U`k1€� �'�t�o�cZ �'�tia�j'' pr�taat a1t�d an,�Y �lugflvi�l� c��� �ranr� �v�visi�� ��ri i�; i�hh dan�drYst �ti�vi� c�ui�iaxg ti�� s^�my °��,.y finr� itvdo �'e�ita�, , . -,.-��_y- � __� � - -- :.�:��- ., f'r,r.3,i .. ...,. T �;� A ','1 �Nr��r ��f�Ak� ,�0{ 196�-�,�l�+�ka� .M�Ws�-�e�ord,M-�P�g�e � � GANAQI�4N � �� " ,.,..�.,�^..",.�,.�.�,.�.� � - i� �► '� 4 �' d � d S��!riku?�iy. i, (+as an,tiny ahe,n� dc�) m�a�'e .a g4pc1 r�,�a�ny l�az�g� trips �as��iia�lla��` �o Tomal?��o, �t as �n�uu,aal�, �noxe eacp�(ye to �hrava? �lay car; ���d� vyi�th� �v� vt�a,�e�s-. 2��vg; �tt�,�fiflic muah �n,or� !txring. � cauld Ve�ry yy�11 �trave�l ' by �br- i�+ut�! �a:Y1'd' ��:lctk ��, 'ba.�i ;t,o �ktG� ��tiaCe a� 4�ne��i,ng �far le+s� �tl�an Ikua�l�f ! tihle ad�� o� �dlriiylz�� my car. W. hy i tl�a�sn'�� ibhe ra�il�w�ay m,ake . an ' c�GEart? �lh'e �tr�iFic �� ob�em �is . cea�f�a�inly �gau�g ;to rrvali� ma�il ,i�ave�l r�are a�Utn a�ive ,a�s �;he � �e�at+s. �go 1�y, .Ax'e �aivy �S��Ps l�e�ir�g !bal�ei� �t�a ,ni�p�are� for UYtis? No i�usi;nes's� can� rr�a�lee a suc- cc�ss �if ii has avqt�vi�vg �o ��r]�. Art �ane�arvt �tk�e rail,wiay 2�s v�y law in "carustxme,r :goad's" arid is �rYv�;itii�g �a �bad JaU of �e1�Ui�rng wh�a� �i� �va�s. ��ad��TaN The annual Festival oF the Harvest Tahnksgiving wiil be� he�lc? in St, JameS �Chuxcl�, Mid- d2eton, an Sunday, September 23 at 2,30 p.m. The Rev. Canozi F. �I. Paull, Listawel, a form-� er rector of the � parish, wi]1 conduct; this service. T'he eom- munity is invited to attend this Iove]y service of thanksgiving. WA Resumes TY!e Women's Auxiliary of St. .7ames Chi�rch, Mic�dle:ton, met Thursday evening, September 6 at the home of �the president, Mrs. R;ay Wise, with 11 mem- bers and threc visitors gresent. Mrs. Ray wise read an in- spiring poem entitled "The Value of a Smile." The mem- bers' prayer and the Lord's Prayer were repeated in uni- son, • Mrs. Keith Mil�ier read the scri��ture lesson from St, . Mat- I the4v 12: Y-$. Roll call was an- �, swered with a vQrse af sorip- ' tur.e cont�aining the ward "hax- vest" Mrs. S. Dutoi gave the trea- ' sur.er's report, which showed a good balance. The July baking s�.le, a very successful e�fort, had brought in $83,33. 1VTrs. Ray Wise thanked the rnembers for their hel�p and co-operation with this projeet. It was decided to send �the rem�inder of the WA appar- tipnment io London this month. Mrs. Joseph Storey read a let- tex re the WA application for a new �prayer partner. � Mrs. Arnold Miller 'reported acknowledgement f r o m St. , Pau].'s School, Cardston, Alber- , ta, for the splendid bale sent � some time ago. I Mrs. Mi11er read iwo lovely i poems, "The Worth of a Smile" and "Wislies". Soth wexe mueh en joyed. Mrs. Ray Wise introduced Mrs, Ron 1VIcDonaId, who show- ed interesting �ictures. of the 1'an�ma Zone, which she had taken last Februaz�y whi�e vis� iting her soia Frank, who was working with contractars wid- ening the Panama Canal. Mrs. Milton Steepe thanked her, The Rev, E. J. B. Harrison closed the meeting with pray- er. Mrs. Keith Mi�ller �ad Christ- mas cards on sale. Lunch was served by the hostess and a �acial half-hour was spent. PLAN YOUR FEEDS ° FO1L B�EF CATTLE HERDS �F"eedls �02' 'bee�f c��,t�t,�e �Yrit�'iti su'Pl�l'Y 'ei�'a3'�� �Ps'o�eiin �am�cl' c'ett'- 4aiin viibam��s+ au�d� mim!er+a]r�. T�hese� r�qutime4nern� mnzs� �e ke�plt � ,znin�l �hen gl�ammia�ig, �and' Pall'ar�i��g a �iee�d�in�g p�rags"am, �ay i5ve�sLaek s�pe�ci;aii5�ts� w�bh dah�e On�taa5,a .Aig�icuUtua�a7 Cal- leg�e. , �HE fIRST CqHApIAN AE5ICNEQ AND 8�1�1:T AIRCRAf� TO �fZT�{j r1i�1Tp�/ SERy10E 1yq5 'fHG YICKE,gS VEpETj'� 1H 1Q26, �'�ft'�Il„� WER� S'jiu. IN SERV4C£, WRH THE, R���A.,F pT TH6 START DF Wo�Lp v%pR � TFy�� TNovc,H (YAXIMUM �PEEp WpS ON�Y 90 M.P, tl. � , �•-++ 0 �� CANAD�AH-qEVEI.�P�o ANp (3UYT AIRCRAF'1' IS�'.F{E i71RBOPROP-PoWEqED � . � TRANSPORT, FI.OWN $y �F��"1{USf�`/'��SpUADRoN FROI`� R,C.A.F. STA�'�or1 TR£NTDN, oNl:—THE YUKOIY tS USEQ �RR1ARi�y ON AtR Z'RANSPo{�l- CoMM��SD'S 't-Izrt{s-ATI,PNT'ic F�IGH7s. ���' �� ;� _ .__�:��y��':��:1 — . ^'� �. r��'e'`� �— RE4EA$ED BY THE R.C,A.F.'� AIR iRAN5P46T COMMANO "!�krpa���� 1 �!' a a `�� r :, i �.. , �, � � ' a, � . " � 1 r r �����i�ww��r�r �rr��o� SA�E c�r NTaN HERE ' �OLD S�AL SOCKEY SALMON, !/2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,49c PA�iD �� —i.far,e�l�+�i� , DOG FC�OD, I 5-oz. ....... ........ 3 for 35e PREM, I 2-az. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . 2 tins 89c Al.l.-S W EET MARGARINE ............ .. .......... 21bs.55c JEWEL SHORTEN,ING .......... ........ ..... i Ib.31c PILLSBURY CAK� MIXES ................:........:.: 2 #or 55c REG. or iNSTANT' QUAKER OATS , .� . . . ... . . ... .. . . .. . . . 31bs. 45c SWIFT PREMfUM , SMOKED PIC�IIC .. . ... ... .............. 39c Ib. 'i'ABLERITE SIDE BACON { rindless ) .............. 6�� (b. TABLERITE SLICED BOLOGNA. 12-oz. ,........... 29c No. 1 CELERY, 24's . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 2 for 29c OfVTAR10 NEW CELLO CARR4TS ................. .. .... ....... 3 Ibs. 3ic VALLEY FARM FROZEN PEAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216s, 39c BbOTi-t � COD FILLETS . . . .. .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . . . 2 Ibs. b9c . . . rin s o ic ures , 0 . appearing �n the �r Irnt�an �ws- etor Place Orders �t tl�e O��tc� , 1� U 2 344� . � , ' � ( by staff phet�ographers � ■ r� va� a e .�.i r'. . pR�C� LNST . � $ X 10 --� $'� .50 5 X � -- x.oa 4x4 -- .7S �'� X 3 --� ,5p 4i1�i�t�ttM �i111tS rJOC A�low �en �ays .. Fo� bel�ve�y � r _ ., ����� ���� ���� . rl-�-�„1$ }'�OM@ pC7F7G1' Wlti'i t�'t� ii�WSi> 0 .