HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-20, Page 9Xnox WMS las Varied Program AUBURN -.--• The. Wom Mr? an rs. tier Irelan , Wingh.4m, have - ert beautiful island •im Arneri'ca. Ore r.T.� , .w A , a... 1?'•'V',+• yr Plat read by vlu+s Hexrbemt Govier; -recently returned fl'oln a i -day tQVr of the Mari, for the first time. dlhse il!evotaolua!i perzad -as in .successrful and! a dairnty lunch servecll by time rov•nc s. president ro Feder t' # l�:.. �. eS � p d.. of. �Iu n ede., a. Yon Agrucultuire• is the 'main. pur- 4lharggf Mrs. Alvlm Leatl?er- K+irkbonnell assisted+ by __� . _ of, rxculture Nor, Ireland was Ynterested in Earns- , � �•.:. :::. 11 ane read the scripture lesson and gave file nvedntatien mfrs. John Dues. ng progress, and especially in a Co-op p4ckirig plant populate the 'province and the an. 'the swbaect, "Ye shall be o -- near Halifax, He has kindly prepared report of his rich Ted sloam, sail of the Island redeemed without motley", Kiro, � tour for .publication he:i'e, masses It +ideal tb prodUce heavy Johln HonLston 2alay'e'd A piano Hen�all' �� loge Trans -Canada Matinee since yields of tap quality potatoes. 04ection !acrd offering was. re- ..;; One of the highlights' of Our to the duality of the _catit7e We called at,the farm of Lin, coin Dewar, president of P.E.I. celvod by Mrs, Donald Uabnes, k ` two weeks vacation, by moor offered to the market by -� most •scenic. We c rassed Lake Chem. plain by Ferry and! this- 15 mile �h� vwas ded'icabed' wllth i>x�ayex la Mrs. L y elatherland, '. ,through !the .Maritime Prov ne- O!#ntario !farmers, The amkat S' m- Total M;rs, Ed Davies' gave an, ?'d- < eS wag -to meet Douglas+Curtis, presidep of the new Nova from seven to 15 head of cattle ;being New grain poi'saning is al- ways 'a threat each fall wam ter st e.. >ng .report of.the Huron ., it per year lapid smra'a units racin avdt -so we attenrdeid the g Pr s - e by!tm,iP at Belgr'ave, Min- Min 1 council of the vu11 a of Hen;- � -operative Scoia Cq -operative Packing ihey were unable to bargain and grape vimies 'an'd apple orchaatdls. utes were read( b the se c.retal.A Plant •afiedto be tahen oxa . albalm !thhighest passjlnPrice . 'sold Vrs. AlvinLgaAhemlnd, Plans conducted taus b?laugin this � ,far 'their livestock, but " t: were anode for the Pall. T'hank- �offemlrug . ' an od'ema� rnal'lian dollar. iii to ave dr eq+s were trade goad :� ;..:' � : .. �'t nne+eltiing which will be s plana, profits, Y .� � ;� . hi to ithe evening. A filar will Highway. Tit is .a ple'as'ure' to year's Parris crap is how you be' show!x, the new stilly ` �• Mr; , Curtis is sincerely niter- Slira,ee 'the new plarut 'h•'as ibeepx< W bock, which deals, with Asia. cued' in the welfare of fire buwlt they :sue sending their fessar E. X. Needham of the All, subswiptious to the Glad mall farmer ,and ;era this rod - livestock direct o t +t+heUarut Eldest Resident Tlydingis'are due,gad tiahey should Vince, !farinps are small, Most 'and are receiving Up to 30 and at the Omlttario Agr cui,'tumal Co]� lege. proper fliushhnlg and, good be (paid ito the secret Mis, s Alfred; Rallu soon by the ,next famaners have a small number 40 d'oll'ars per head more for AUBURN — Mrs. J.•C, L7Jaa+k mee+turn Anyone wishtin to ELM' R Jr, ittiELAND, of ,laity 'type sows and thus their oabtile, will celebriate her 90th (birth- , help with -the bale, of clothing President Hurn o the gixalgty of the livetatock they A ', _ tl A have to offer (does not come ulp There alae -about 10,000 farnra� ,lay an S'epitemlbe!r 25 w'ifth a son+all She 'boxer or Oh'rlstmvas gifts should ,have +them in, as 'soon as poi s'ible. __. . erg axe Nova Scotia -and 70 pew, cent of !these are, members of cel'ebraition was near Duxigannon, daughter of Rall call was 'answered, by eta'oh ■ i is tour Vfarmers, Provinces the ca-aperatbive. Thlere�,are :also 500 members who laze ran!- the fate David. Smylie and Many Young, and a+bterid'ed' Schaal at mntainiber quoting' w a Bible verse containing +the ward 1-Irarvestt , The stilly bask was, taken by s li and The necessary Autidts !the Nile, In 1908 she was rear- Mrs. Wes Bradnck. Subject was anyInteresting • laces to +build this 'plant were raised err p :' � +a very sxtaa�t' time :and this new and modern plant w built tied' to J C. Clark who passed away tin 1930. She, came as a the wards the Deaconesses And WMS W�arlceijs� do .alt Portts and, �,m, grat,on !offices. She ' and began, livestock bride to this community ,and described their bel'p -to make • Our +t"va' weeks boll, to ty itlle night gh at this beautiful punk. processing within a year, has resided i>rg the village ever New •Canadians welcome orad get them 'thrrtough customs on Ole, Maritimes included ia visit It offers much too •a vacationer As we were conducted since She is ,a member -of the to trains to -their new homes. to Upper Canada Village and such • as scenic drives, golf through •this ;new and modem Knox Unrated 'Churc+h !a!nd a The Ladies' Aid met with, the +also+ la tour sof :the R'. Saunders course,heated swimming pool, one sitory plant I was. much Home Ne!lper of Ith'e UCW, presidents Mrs, Edd Davies in Hydro Diedtritc Station at Corn- wall. The drive along the St. .dining room, neat and inviting cabins. Spent Sunday afternoon im pir�erased width ,the efficient manner in which tithe processun+g they :90 ears she lavers pite y ithe chair. Mrs. Ray Daer read the mil !ut'es and gave 'the ,fin- Lawrence River !to Sit. Simeon with Mr. and Mrs. Harry' V.og- Of the beef was done. They to work Kiri the ,garden, among her flowers +acrid continues to :aneial statement, A •shorlt buts - Inness period was held and lunch was very nice and it was Inter- estinmg t o see the freighters sag- an. Noma Scaoia is also avery slilaughiter hogs, cattle and, lamb and proms, package andd!eliv- knit, crochet sandhelps ctco quilt was served by Mrs, Gordon Dobie. ing up the river. We' saw ,as beautiful province,. As you ent- er to the +trade. They have no manly fancy quilts. She naw --- — — many as six ships at One point. er ditAmrerst you are difficulty inobtainiing, a market resides with her sr, Mrs. A 'three hour tour of ithe city ed and welcomnea by the piper for Itlbeir product. It is gall con- William Dodd Sr, She has ifive of Montreal ,by burs, which ori- at :a beautiful flower garlden. A sumved t ni t'he ovince. The pn" brothers ,live William an'd ng, eluded a visit to Notre .Dame tour Of I NIMax and a view of plant hag a capacity to handle Jtahn, Star City, Sauk., and Church was intereslting..Ainoth- the harbour from the at;idlel 225 :cattle per day land tabout J Ph;, Wolford', Sask. The late er •tou•r. of historic Quebec City was very nice. A drive through gth 700 hogs >diaaoly. When sufficient + Charles, Niv+iurs resided tion' took us ito the Plains of Albs- ,the hand of nvangel'ine, was in l+owl: supplies are not wailable many years: w'lith Mm. Clark hemi and also to the paint +ter'eslting ,as wells -as the A.rirna- to k the lama at dull o- keep p" per' and tth�e lobe Mr. Clark. , whore General Wolfe, led his polis Valley which is well duction, beef is ire - dressed The best wishes of the semi l• • ... army up !a, steep bank at night know for ,apples and fruit. ported fmonn Western (Canada. mu+nlitly are extended to Mrs „. a:i ., to defeat Morvtoalm. At this There are many covered Mr. Curtis as also a farmer Clark who, holds :the 'homour of point the ,people o£ Quebec bmi •1 dg in ;the Maritimes and we and feeds some 300 hogs. All �, r being Auburn s oldest resident. a.' ` ��;> r .. < ` < 4• � erected monument in honour the crossed+lar t one in Ithe feeed is imported from Wes!temn p � Wolfe, rand Mmitcalm of bath Wolf and ;this ids. the only monument wens, which +is 1,284 feet seryl-. Chiossed the, 'Canso Causeway -Canada caro!, !acl+ohougii ,hely ale- 'freight 'aid / • St lurk Guild 7 , •�`:• •{kin:.<, of tits kind in the world, � ratite Cape Breton aai+d; ,rave ceive •a substantial lawanlce, •fe'ed� is 20 percent, more v s > %`•>:. ``•"' � We cras'seld! fhr St. La Mho Lawrence around the Cacbat Trail sill a nsdve in Nava Scotia levan � . ..z>;,:�>.,„•: Rover at Raviere-da-Loup -and heir ; e the scenery is unsurpalssed. at is stere 3n Ontario. Regular � Session{ <,:s,"=<:;<,;:,.::;,•�,:<, ,:��• errtberecl •bhs province of N+erov Brumiswick. Thisprovince is x'e-Mm. We rov'iIO; never forget rg the Max- Valley. Called on Elizta- Curtis said that all •;ter>�,:`::"�"ns�:scy� '"" ferrel to the picture 1> Pro` ,garee betty Le Fort — Canadas cwt- people were enth'usilasttic about AUBURN —Sit, 1VLarks! Auvg Bean Ohurch Guild mc�t at fere ill, wince of Canada. The scenery standing "Artist in Wool", Miss 'fie success Of the plant es they realize that by lixrgpraving ithe -m t Kirk - lime of , Mrs. 5 slate- the St. Jahn River Valley is wMdextul ,and this valley is Le Font sari dupZi sate any cod- an our piktture.so flnely that it will financial position of ithe to ;mer cannlell, Mr's. John Daer, co- hostess :opened the meeting. often referred' to as -the "Rhine” mistaken for an ail pacirNt _r everyone ei5e will be -prosper- ous: l4fir'• Curtis was sat- ! b Mrs. Kirk - were. led , y , of America. of One of the ltilvvrogs• that par- ;rig, A picture of our Prime 1VGirgister, Mx. Jahn! Diefenfbaikem quiiue' .isfiodl that this plaint would a� Mrs. Thomas Haggi,tt read -a ,,. �ticulandly fascinated us was the ay.. Was an display., The Alexander show a profit alt the end of 1'at:ter, prin4tied in, •the Living Word, from 'a mosmonary. Mrs. Reversible kiarlls' at St. Johns, Act Graham Ball Museum was ailsa the second sear. Gordon R, Taylor sang .a sato, ttlhfis'point you can see the warteman terse place to see. This wonderful ;achievement ;achievementflowing 'Lard' Shaw How", !acconn'p- down the falls rta the vin- We !diro!ve through the townatnried cerbaint7ty proves what can be by Mrs. . Robert J•. 'Phil - s ocean when: the tide is out -anted of Slpriroghuln, N.S,, where a done when, 70 percent of the lips. A reading, "A City of Dr - when the ttidie comes in the mircoe disaster a year y ago t�]laian- farmers stand together, In On- earns" was given by Mrs'. R. wa!ter nzses sand' completely cov- .cad' ,the Hives of 114 wren. We, int- ttar+lo where we ,have close to PhiIll+ips. ers the stalls, Regardless .of when you view this ,point' you quitrred about conditions airs 'the town informed 80,000 hag producers •and tthou- sondes of beef pradhacers and the Rev. Robert Measly !-..ave the interesting topic on religious Lee it at a di!fferentt stage. -and were blt!at the name wars' complettely star- finest Sarna land in North Asn- Tay - tolerance. Mrs. Gordon R. Tay - for wtas ,the planislt. The :Magnetic •Hilts at Monc- donedt land the site of it levelled' emioa it should be easy ,far it Mrs George Schneiders prelsi- bon in, another point of interest. wlith as bulldiozer. Two new in- farmers here in Ontario to raise dent led the business session. Here you can drive your oar dusltniesr have located' in. the the necessary funds for several Minutes, were -as xie,ad by secre- dawn .a hill and when you gest to Itihe bottom, shut the •motor ,tom, and ,a new million dbllrartary, hospitals is being,built,there ori our +tuup. The large ferry Mrs, John Daer -and the treasurer., Mrs. Gordon Tadlar edit sill ;the car will coast up and also a mullion dollar s'chaal. could take 70 railway cams at reported. Roll call was wi wet- Trans -Canada the: hili agarin. The Tidal Bare Pa inc,6 Edward; is�lraind: is aatinee one ibimie in the crossing- fr'bm New Brunlswi©k to P.E.I.Iand ed by ealcah muernber naming a miamt'yr'. • Hostess is another point of interest and it is quite ,a thrill to see this v cry ibeanutiful' province ,full rut a1 �'hiaam .and do!tte�d witt8v automobiles' an the upper deck.re d a travelling diol wall pas- sed amKl! 'a geailnsv d{ralxped i¢t: for 'Platt Pattersont, a versatile giant wave eerie up tette river neat fanns and well' padnrteti' The motels and cabins where each latterin Saint Mark's 01- Performer and writer in form the -Bay of Fundy. buildings. It is referred to as We spent thenights were every- urch. The n!eant meeting will. be Canadian radia and tele- A visit to this province would the ung, ed vacation 'p'� Pn''Ge thing that one could' wish for. dre'Idt last the home of Mrs. R. J. l vislion has been. permaaie'ntt not be complete without seeing We and, :some 750,000 vacationers Our homeward' drive took us Phillips made to decorate hostess of Trans - Canada Fundy National Park, spent visited there 'least' year. It is to Aar Harbour and an to Des- Is1a_,A1—U.4-1, ` , t'h'e most phng were the church for die Hurv'est Matinees the woments. .pro- he rd' 1Vlonda to Fri TRACTOR TIRES VULCANIZED AT THE FARM SERVICE f Complete Stock of NeW bUNLOP TRACTOR TIRES Parts For All trucks. Makes of Cars and Highest • Cash 'Prices For Scrap Cart. Now Wrecking 157 CHEV. HARDTOP 157 FORD FAIRLANE 500 156 FORD HARDTOP 155 DObGE V8 155 VANOUAab 156 OHEV. & Many Others Auld 9REwVU C Wreckers nto, S Rwy„ West of Clinton H U 2-3211 37 -iib rated +for lobstter usmng ,an'd- at '1� ds quite !a ttreat to taste lobster ert beautiful island •im Arneri'ca. Ore I trnve service&,on September 20. 1- .auction was held a J ' da' afternoons, an the CBC for the first time. could spend many shays at this .successrful and! a dairnty lunch servecll by ¢taldlio network. Pat, who be- Agrucultuire• is the 'main. pur- 'Poirot. Ads we drove thrmugih. K+irkbonnell assisted+ by carne known to listeners suit of the 100,000 people that the state .of Maine we slaw mfrs. John Dues. through her Sunday eventing populate the 'province and the manly nice 'farms with neat o -- Dominion network show, Patz rich Ted sloam, sail of the Island Painited-Ibuildings.Musbc � Roam, has worked on masses It +ideal tb prodUce heavy , The drive ,through the White Hen�all' �� loge Trans -Canada Matinee since yields of tap quality potatoes. Mountains, of New Hampshire 1954, selecting and introdd'uc- We called at,the farm of Lin, coin Dewar, president of P.E.I. and the ,Aidiron'dacks! of New York Stlate! was.imt'erest+inog and Boasts 946 Ping much of the music used. (CBC Photo) Feder+action. of. Agriculture, His daughter, Joyce acted .as guide, •scenic. We c rassed Lake Chem. plain by Ferry and! this- 15 mile Population --o FEUD NEW WHEAT and slhaw•ed us around their boat '-Ad'e saved us 85 miles' of Total ABOUT NOVIEMBEIL mice 200 mare, farm and other motoring. We drove •throu&h HIDNiSALL Assessment New grain poi'saning is al- ways 'a threat each fall wam points- of interest .ivearby: The people are: interested' in. ;horse'rRache.9teir the fruit growing district from to 11lagara Falls and — nolle for 1962 was, +acoap!ted by .the On - prnultry spertnio s with �e On- racin avdt -so we attenrdeid the g 1 here we Saw, many aures of 1 council of the vu11 a of Hen;- � tunic Acs .a rec ut of it is;n l- + • kine. As �a precaution,, it is; rat races the tight we stayed in grape vimies 'an'd apple orchaatdls. stall, and sholwed •a population wise Ito +feted+ new wheat un 0l Charlottetown, --o--- of 945, With a total taxable about, November, and then, start The highways were wunclinig but very goad +tbftughout the TREAT :EWES WELL assessuneht of $1,570,000. Ten1d'ems will be requested off with, not aver 10 pereevit, it -hen gralduatbly ime+reaise 5;f auo Maritime's' and veFy often, we F019 BXG LAMB CROP for Afhe building of .a new garage harmful e'ffee'ts are tn'oted. were on the Trans -Canada The big fa'c'tor !aiffebting next befhu+nd the town 'Mall. Building Highway. Tit is .a ple'as'ure' to year's Parris crap is how you permits were approved for Gor- .motor on Ithis straight end treat Your ewes, mtiiav, says Pro- dor; Schwalm Norman, Cook, ,beautiful highway. fessar E. X. Needham of the Emmerson Smith and Stanley � y, The crops, were goad in Amlmal lIusibandry Deparrtrnent Hadh'an'. Q . Quebec .and! the 1Vtaritirriesl but at the Omlttario Agr cui,'tumal Co]� lege. proper fliushhnlg and, good New, voters, 119ts -for the veld- 1J due to ,a Matte spring and a welt pasture can, increase your Gb age will, Show ls'ubdivisaons, with cold summers harvLoting war, by 20 to 30percent, he Xing Street being the dividing ALOTOffOt� only beginning when; we left atd�, line. J Rf L/Ar tbhetre ode ScptC'iivber $ . ... ._• _ I I I 4@f'L.1AdAftA91.* many farms are quite niod� ernrized as +they are here With stable creamers, combines amd h'ay balers and many farrheins were bUsY h'ayying when we letft for n'arcme, , Ve used the ,f=t'y &Utr• tittles PLAY IT' SAPE! CALL US 4 14, of oVery elecfric ohd r0rilgorat'ion sorvice WU �w�8b7 Tom Darling, Bayfiffeld Fall Farr WEDNESDAY 'PTH URSOAY September 26 September 21 BAYPIELD COMMUN17Y PARK PARADE •-w- I p.hi,, Seotembeir 27 Led by Clinton C6rhmuhity Concert $arid BINGO Ifn CommuhlRy Cen+ee, 4 piclb $Itianso s; Ba�rAdd Agritti�lfural' S666ty T. OR Th+tk:.R. ,S pI, ;0#. 1943--4411 tPI). w t9;or,-r-i�og : ' Auburn'. urn'. an strH., ict MRs. EVES BR,ADNQCKf-Cgrresponolgnt, , phgne 57¢ 7595: id Gus nts in patent in :a Loil;d'on :ilospi'tal, Mrs, Man EQwles AUBURN Harold Sprung received ward fast week of the death of his cousin, Mrs, Allan Bowles, Vancouver. A torarrer i1e!sid'ent of this cdi$tr+iot, she was known (to many 7!n, t'h'is. cammzurnty. Shewas the former Christiana Sprung, daughter of ,the Jute Rich'ax dl Slpruing and Annile Wat- son, Born in West Wa^wan+ogh 86 years ,ago, she resided for many yeatrs. in Hullett Town- ship and aitterndedl SS No. 9, HLOletit, She attended Clinton Collegiate, graduated from St - taught at the Nile, Clinton, Wirt!g!hama arra theMcG!aw+axis school an Vast Waw'andsh, years ,ago she went to Van- couver where her husband taught school for many years. Repassed, away Jla;st year. She is survi'I by one daughter More'a amid two grtarod'daughters, Vancouver. o -. Stelco Welcomes Tours 0f 'Plant At Hamilton . School board's and ,teachem making plans) !far special trips and tours for their schools, or classes, should consider serious- ly the idea of visiting the Ham- ilton Works of ;the Steel Com- pany of Canada Limited.. Vismtors of high school age and, over are welcome there from Monday +to Friday nnclu- sive at 9.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. ,and on Saturday at 930 a.m. The standard tour, .con- du'ated' by •highly :trained guides, takes about two and a half hours. During the palgt tey; years, Srbelco ,has welcomed a total of more than 60,000 visitors to Hamilton Warks, many of 'them niig+h school situden!ts, The Sitelco Hamilton Work"s has Canada's largest steel .pro= lVeing fiacigkies, .ants` itt is quite thrilling to see them in action. 7 ASK FOR rMma'" fb iNVITAT16NS d ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 ACCESSORIES 56 Albert St. HU 2-34431 Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Davies and 14rs,: Hebert Magxitilge last, r, and M•% Xmies I4e�nbly, week when. she cellebrated b'el ublvn vis>Ited• friends gal Lan- Olr a4aly- n and (Belmont fast Sun!day.. w. and Mrs, Williams J, , ' Craig stud: 'X ', !and; Mrs, Ray T a74d Mrs. Harry Wetrse'.11 ermy, Goderral , visLted .on 7,bitiurray', pip t, 1lfoch. vaaa,ted undue vvuth her sister, Mrao Wii,'bh, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Qr1 °artge Wa111da, Mr. Wilkin and sig land fam ly, Tlcl ,tarn and at- WatsonChin ,Tama ca h tended the Wesite+t+x}' fair. ly. % has l.1 , Mrs, 7lhgrnxias, Jo w- , burned rto col''lelge at 1.3 n Tien tuns, a Tr. ,an•d' Mas, Robert J. !rings, Michigan after spend- Phillips land Miss'. Lau'r'a Ph - several days alt tele !home 'lilt's %Yeot Suroday at Port Hu- Mr's•, Stanley Johnston, ron, They visited Mrs,. H. Slh'e'p- K'ra. Charles. S'traughm and pax',. -at Brighits: Grove and .: ,and Mills. Wes. Bmadnock me'mb'ers of the Shelppard $am- Rited ']last Sunday wwth Mr. ily In that da'sttrct. d Mrs. George Stephenson Sunday v s tiors vwWth Mr, %and d Hemi ly and Mr, :and ,Mrs. MM Roy Basomr were Mr, and is iel, kh"ratt, Vanxia. Mrs, Len Admar o mol Jinuny, Mats. Thomas J+ard!in, Mists Stratford; Gerald' Adrnan4s' and nnie Jardin -arid' Miss Doris Miss, Miriam Staebler, kitchen - Gar, Wingliam y!isitedl lost erg Harvey . Ashton,, Clinton; oda'y with the �former's .par'- Kenneith Ashton and Miss Hel- ts, TO, and! Mrs. William Sit- en Patter, London, Mr, ;amid afghan'. Ma's. Bent Lyon, Wayne and Kr- ,and Mrs,. Gormley Th- Kathy,, Londedboro' and Mr. and upson, Brampton, and Thamnas Mrs.. Ronald, Baer and. Connie, inning, London visited with Benimiller. MITCHELL FALL FAIR TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 25 and 26 - $6,000,00 in Prizes HORSE RACES; 2.22 and 2.28 Classes "The Biggest Little .Fair in O'nt'ario" 37-8b THE TWO BEST HEATING SYSTEMS , KNOWN TO MAN Nobody questions nature's heating systems—and when it comes to home heating nothing is quite as good, as sate, dependable Esso Oil heat With Esso you have that reassuring feeling that you always get the very best; the very best and most economical heating fuel, the very best and most reliable service. Call your nearest Imperial Esso Agent today and let him introduce'you to that wonderful world ^° Esso warmth. Hs, M. BLA(K Clinton, Ontario ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST trniut AGENT SHURmGAIN Fertilizer ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN F BULK LK 781111C SPREADING SERVICE BY CLINIrON FEED MiLL i» ... 00 / .a.!'t ✓ ✓ {'� - Illi ', A,,: i� IN if makes good sens,e. t6 have your fert'il'izer spread on fail sown grains : on grasslands�--Hoy algidpasture . ,..tin cash crops -•••for next Spring .. , dccurat6ly, easily abet economically with the hew SH!Jik-GAIN Poetilizer Spreading. Service. Makes good dollars and tents tool It may cost you no more to have SHUR-GAIN delivered and spread than you are presehtly paying foe bagged fortiiizoe. Your Lotol SNMGAIN i Ort filitt Dearer is