HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-20, Page 5(BJ. Mrs. Leroy Poul,, I3ayfielil). R was •a 'thrilling experience to Attend the Voice of Wonn!en anMannce� n the University Montreal. September 14-15 and Have fellbrOship with dele 1 galt", tari!m xryetrnraers froze all x. .. , aulvqs C.na' .and fro n 17 oth- er rMtio+n1s, All thYe�* women, ,m06,t Of � EGn mothem, have• a 11 ..N�n puxpose--alae-deepon- h 5 < ng of U ersittariding betNvt on 3 ^"•:. nation 5 to pR evenrt ,a world holo- c + , oustid''ta make a f bettelc life for a;ll, For tbree- diayvs earlier, in the avele!k 51 aelegaftes had, been in closed session, ,at a Laur'enitian resorit, it wasp a time of depp thought -and, intense effort to form ,a working agreement ap- proved' 1by !those from Demo- cratic, SociaH4t and, Communist c0untn�es: 'Crap+oda, elle U.S.A., S'ovi'et Russia,, Australia, New a Zeai'and'., F onrcrnosa, Chile, Eng - 1 W0,Swederi, Nigeria, India, 1Czecno811 vakia, Yugoslavia, Pa- . lands Wesltaer'n, Germany, Hol- .{ l'axid, Dennvark, Japan ' 1Ken+y!a, and the ,M i of Jamaica and Will Live In Minton Hondbires, On Friday, Dr, Margaret MR. AND MRS. BARRY WILSON YOUNG,112ead', New York, famous: an Clinton, were married on Saturday, September 8 thmapalbgist, ttraverller, lecturer, and: aw6hpm, and ,at present the by the Rev. C, Lewis, in LKnox United Church, ass id curator of e hniol gy ,Auburn. The bride is Betty Kathleen, daughter, at rote American Muse= of of Mr. and Mrs. John Durnin, RR 3, Auburn, and Natural FA,%tory, 'inspired l!t her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs, Worthy wi'tir her keynote lad&ess. She said that peace is more tli,aan Young, RR 1, .Auburn, (Photo by R. J. Nephew) ,an id+ea3istic dream — it ds; a prn_Ucal necessity. "Wecan No longerfight to protect our So!v- Letter to the Ecl "k r Anniversary At ed ones 'because fire -rhe process we twill destroy them as! w•eR as • our enemies, This Conference Continued tvain page 2) �ntar�o Street To of Women, for Internattional Co- operaitaon Year will be: a d!eci !- Visit to Watrous ing faotor in proving what wo- (Oufr thanks to Lucy Woods Hear About Sudan men can or •calnnat'do in work. for e peatmistsion,to print this ng' towards peace, she s�aid�, p Rev. IToward Bryce wild l be Dr. Frances M, HmIring, Ber- JeOter sent to her recently We the s c iatl keley, California, teacher of pe' ' speaker at OtruOaario felt, it of intem�st to the Maders Street Uniteld! ;Church, fair the philosophy at Vassar Call, e'ge of the Clinit'on, News,-Relcomd:) and! Oberlin College, regi anmvin�emstaa*y services!. an Septern- pan id Dram Lucy', Gantt at the- Osla �Con�fe+rerrncet grid ber 23 at 11 arse., and 7.30 the, Bry11 Mawr Conference,and While (holidaying in Wit uw p.m. FR:e!v. and Mrs. Bryce. are As - Saskatchewan for the month of ge observer at the Accra As- Au�gust ,I had the Pleasure of m+issianaaries; wilbh the Sudan; In, sembly� spoke !briefly and, then! teri+ar Mission. They have ser- introduced the four bringing re - speaking to Mrs,. W. T. Allen vied two tVim S tin Nigeria, West parit,ss; Ir'om the closed sessions. Oformer Flossie Atwood) .of AFnica and tare now on, fur -MPs. Elise 8culding, ,author Bayfield, now residing in Reny iou!gtyof outstanding works in thle '. own; S!ask. I dp d not know Cher, During the past four yeams fieadis of -family sociology and but some of her fri'end� in .Bay- they h!ape been serving,at Shato religious detvelapme'ivt of chnl- fiield hag' .moi{ed us to try ,arixl in the Northern R sour of 'rre+portted�yfir'am Group A l'ocat'e heat She is an aunt of Ni �emia and were working on Qre!artting. uaudemstaruUinlg, Mrs. Alvin Dutott (Delores) of g k� defrjeailddyof' faith ,� ing basic amo+n�g the Yoruba -peoplle Rev. decency of human beings, and, l2T only had bine to talk w81t1}i Bryce +hood& thedegree of Bach- sense of humuan family.,, Them elor iof Th'edlagy and Mrs. were 22 excellent suggestions, her -about -ani hour, bust '!.Found Bir"yce is ia. meg+istbered nurse." maavy fon Qmdhviduattis' and organ - ,her a very lovely :and chaan dng It is expected, that Rev. and izatiuns, and, the oast to be sent person, She was quite tthrill:ed(ta to the United Naions. She em- Mms. Bryce Will the at hive Sun- hostized! that 'infornvatioa and took :to lsked b ut J Bayfield. Clay Schoal some Oe srextt Susildlaly, p She ats!lc'ed About J'oh'n How- mateiial av�ailaioll'e for bettering and Mr, Johnston (B -Illy Bob) They Nffi, speaik to the assembly world conditions s!ha , ,be p2ut and, show pictures and curios Into ulse and, not be pemmmed n t Fat ther�stones the ,the F1r' e a s, fayomu their wank :iru Africa. ' to just float'around accomplish - R. J, Lamon's. the William Par- At the evening service it is ing nothing. hems, and .all the changes that expecbed itluatt Mm;.Bryee wtill, be Mz Diarua !Coilins,r London. had ,taken pllace, in B!a>yFiek4: sliawinlg ,a sound'`calbured mo- Elivgillauid, grraduate of nglish She also told ups tthat bIrs. Myr- tion picture of hits 'work. ZaavgtUage grid 'liltea�ature art Ox- She Pease, London and Bayfield, ford', -and 'wife of the ,intrad Arig- Guest salorslt iuv the morning licarl keeps: her posted preiiby well on semvaae w 9a 'be Mrs. Marion C. , the Rev, C. John Collins, rtAne news, and gwithz ;often sand's repoarted for Group "B" on her the ,Clinton News -Record, Newby, Clhatham. For the "Steps. Towards Diseirmamentt," which she enjoys very Newsmuc-Record, nine service duets w!iU be sung They had agreed that the road gold reash thoroughly. by Mr. •and Mrs. Jaynes Stew- to, peace is through, general and She would like ,,much, '�, Seaforth. complete dli;sarmament: reached o by stages and under strict in- to nto be ,afbl+e -to come !back tooterivational conitmol, Many zee= B+ 'el,d % or a visit, but told tahodGs of •achie�virilg their aims me she felt 'as rtlh'rough she resod Turners UCW were Wtline'd! and Mrs. Coillins her ,husbandwere: geltttdng along . ® . sau!d that, "we must -try to pro - in years, land it •is quote .a dfiLsit- F�rs�' t�eet�ng duce a olimat;e of opissaon which ante to travel. They ,are both in it ftrn! can ,produce .pence in, very good Ihe.4tth, :anidl seem•. girl h efome women! cannot sit to enjoy life im'nense'ly, I tam Pans For Visitors back -they must think womTd- only sorry we .hadn't •time towide and 'lake more paint in Twelve members, of Tmner'�s public affairs. spend. a day with ahem, United Chinch Women, offer Dr. Mirka, Hrubesova, czecho- We go'o'n found the crops 10- United stavalda, reported for Group oking very good, iand the coun- S.eptearul ar 78. Rail call wall ,,,C" on "Making women's peace try itself is very be+autiflud. answered by teaming 'a woman angtaauizaniomis snore: united' and We drove jaunt through Nor'rtlh- in ittue bfibllew efflectiv'c'. Outstanding in hem ern Ontario, via the T >r a ns, Tbo president;, Mrs,. JD r 1 i n native she was also, out - Canada, to Mainftoba, amid Wnto Whitmore conducted -the deva- Standing at this' conference, for Saskatchewan. It was 'a great dodaff ,pax t of thle meeting. The her charm, eanicotness, and ttiriE for me as I had never s'elcretiary's report' and comes- unders!tandinig arnld :there was seen rite wrest. We stayed with pondenee were read by Maw. auchAfiteraoutlining ushen sh fa-: my husbands people an Watt- WiMam Rogerson. The tropic "The Wedding of Cama" was, ,tions, assertions, and beliefs of roux, S+ask., where the famous the .group she proposed, -the mineral salt bake (Lake &Ean- takon by Mrs Howard Johns. establishment of a Women's in- itou) is situated. The visrkom aneeting, will be temattional Liaison Committee I 'teas amazed' at ttihe buoy- held Thursday, October 25 at for IVC. (International Co,op- ancy of the water. It is impos- 8:15 p.m. with, ladies. from :Con!- !emation Year was suggested by sible to dmo4m ,in it. You can vtaince, EgmondWIlle!; Rnicefielld VOW many man lttis ago landpro- lay OntaaA6 %tire!ett UnitedCh- pgid 'ion! the UTdted Nations by lay o n stir back h, iahe wafter Ar6 tan Stan, indlia; Ghana and' as Bong �as you wish„ and; rcueRter usches to, be invited. � sink: There are showers buiJtt, S!pealker. . wMl be Miss Wi2,st, Nepal) . WV Mb' ers of the dn- along the beach for the people gate,. Eb�eter', who to will !a]!s0 be +temdm camanvttee chained by t0 use whew you name out of the showing sliders. and, saucer from the members of Mrs. Alden)Ch'rich, who is! soon' water, athemwise ,the. 5!ailt dlries , . the UCW. Lwivoh was sex+ved to aelaiue the e'ortnxntnnity, was on your skin and is; quite stocky. 'ptr'eS!eazt�d with a dla'ihv't cu �' klie hostess, Nftrs. Stama�ey We retunied' theougih Min- 3' p Joli,ns, nesoita, Wisconsin, Miohi!gtan to Poet Huron, avid up I1i91vx1,V 21,to Bayfield and, then to our home here n Ramor�, OnGanao. One thing we especially not -Super Di scount Specials iced was the h endliness+'of the again This Week We Feature: people in Wes�tes',n Canada, and' sun weather •utas perfect . pie YOUNG ROASTING CHICKENS sun s!hom�e bhig�itly' itls+e� whole time wewere there. ' I hope I ,am hot ,boring; you, S-7 lbs. Lucy, but thought perhaps you'd Oven -Read ' 45 ib. like to hem about aTrs. Allem). Y SiritcereI4 regards', TULIP MARGARIhiE . , .... 5 lbs. for $1.00 Mrs. E, W, Ericksoly (Milvona; Sturgeon) 4+-6,-6Z: Pkgs. Assorted P;S� we .get the Clinton News - Record paper each weekend en - JOY it very 'muci'>;; 'brut miss your "Ramibaing,, With Lilcy" co')- uxne. We wetre most sottry to hear that you will be ghving ul repantaing, as you have dbn# such! a w6h&rtal jobthroughthe yeam Mope ydnt and your husbaniidi om weds; and best wishes: to both of you. Boat 68, RO'A?♦" Station Rajhore Ont,, Sept, 11, iwp, Classified Ads r Qu* Wsm, is COOKED. MEATS ,..........•........ $`1.00 SP+aRK • SPAM' :.................... Only 39c tin' Instant NO MILK: Large Pkg. .............. • ..... Only sz Mediuen Pkg. ...... Only 29c [elan. Tucker; 'Toronto, ale the U.S,S•R., Czechoslo- Pal!alvcl, U,S.A•, NorwaV, id, Nigeria and India. C7rqup "la" report on' fin, t'li, people of all na tl'ave eeces's. to accurate mental work :ands, Pali +fell t01 great success, am" olle felt Ii will be; not only tt?ir s'peeobeLc and d'is,cuss!ian's put the fr a4.. ships made Itth'at will] pmod'uce resukts4 Who knows what liras been aclreyedbytt isVoice o! and essential insformatdon reie- Wp @n C�nf.e. n vantt to survival, Oisarmame'nit, _—�--v---•--.=r,--� polittical .events, et+e," was',given by 01!ga. T'chertchetkina, XCS. cow, Beun! a er of the eld U G ncpress! member .. here, ste spoke wth� soe. awth artY o this ubjest, TV Begins Season She sand that she cannot. agree that: wais necessary Jut be - cue thpirp easlalways, been A inV•tesvars t' 'invites' .t' wars andbelieves tbat tie cce ress ad' -airTV should t not to disinirb the• i'�eelln�gs of BRUCEFIELD — The United people in other nations.. She ..nurcn Women met in tr:, moferred to 't4ve' :great price ith.at church school room on Septem- Russiapaid in war wounde J ber 4, led by president: Mrs. and'dead in Wortld Wag" 11 env . W Broadfoot, The devotional said they were proud' ;of their period was conducted by Mrs. heroes but weep for •their sums, "To pmoteet ;our loved ones we J•,13roadfoot and Mrs. G, Rich, mush all work (toward' peace," ardson with Miss M. McQueen she said'. One of the prap!os'als at the piano. Mrs, E. Thomp- of this group was ttN5t the UN son. secretary, read the minutes Commission appointed to. ilrrple.- and called the roll which was memlt ICY, devise meWO to answered by naming a favour - establish ran inteavrational press ite Hymn. Mrs, H, Taylor- gave bureau which wild )assemble, the treasurer's report, verify and, cl5tr ibulte news and During the summer three inifor nattion during ICY. leaders of church young people, Mme , Therese Gas!gralin, Mrs. J, Boughen, Mrs, F. Me- -Mootreal, prandnent in edtuca- Gregor, Mrs, S. Broadfoot, at - tion and socia4 welfare,, intro- duced Mrs, Cyrus. Eaton waw tended the training school at has, just returned from, the Pug- Alma College, They gave in - wash Conferenm in London, formative reports of the train - England, where 200 scientists ing program, which included from 40 countries gathered. She the basics for 'teenage group said thait what Geneva and, UN leadership, adult Chi.,isbain; ed - discussions c'anai'dt accomplish, ucation, and Bible study groups, economics may, as this, nuclear age is very ed<stly. She spoke Correspondence was read by of (the U.S.' bases ori the Mrs, H. Berry and 'Mrs. J. SSoviet�b0rdhr and the tone of Broadfoot. Invitations receiv- Radio Free Europe, suggeslting ed from Bayfield for Thursday, that ,they do nothing to calm October 4 and one from Unit 4 Soviet fears. of aggression an of Brucefield UCW for Wed - our' part. nesday, October 10, were aecep, Then, itumning to the U,S,S,R. ted. Mrs; L. Wilson gave a re - delegates she told ahem that port of the meeting for UCW until .thane is a clear .demon- held -at Londesboro in May, stbation, that Soviet aggression when the theme was "The Light is not ineWtable, We!ste�m poli- Shines On". cies Win be geared t0' meet this supposed threalt She asked' i Mrs. L. Ariano was n them What the Soviet reaction charge of the program put n "Where would be tiff (the West agreed to by Unit 4 entitled Are uniltaterad action, free recognri, We?" Lunch was served by .titin of China, Zudt a cessation Mrs. Triebner and her com- in the re -+arming of West Germ- mitttee. any. Unit One She upheld neither the U.S. Mrs. David Triebner was nor Russia in many of their hostess for the Unit One meet - policies and, all followed hier ing, when Mrs, Elgin Thomson words with, con!denrtraitedl atbten- :and Mrs, Edgar • Stoll led the , tion, giving her ars ovation as devotional portion. Mrs. H. she ft.idshed' Berry led the business session. Mme. Cas read the r I n ep y The ladies were reminded of to the message sent by VOW to the Brotherhood, of Eleoln-icad a meeting of Unit Four in the Workers of U.S. and Cano4a church on October 10 and an meeting .at the Queen Elizabeth invitation to Bayfield church Hotel. IL rated that Oro - s< 1 ll w October 4. Rol call as on O therhoodt had gave on record answered by relating something as beltieving that the economy- •of interest during the holiday can. be gteared -for peaceful: poi" `geason. pos% as weal as for war and In the absence of Mrs. John that they will elevate, their ef- • Henderson, Mrs. Edgar Allan Mme. Laurend'eau, the VOW grave the secretary's report. delegate to the conference. on. Mrs. I, Sillery gave the trea- disaam'iamen!t, in Geneva, made - surer's report and received the a spirtited appeal for the VOW to ,ga on with inereafsing zeal offer=ng. Mrs. Arthur Dutton in their great work which has, reported for the flowers and in just over two years, .grown cards committee, Each mem- from a seed to thist world-wide ber is asked to take a .get well group. card to the :next meeting, plan - Saturday opened with brief ned for October 15 at the home but interesting speeches by Mrs. of Mrs. Ross Chapman. Margaret Ekpo, East Nigeria A rummage sale will be held and, .the R stt Nigerians woman, in Clinton town hall in October. to be .appointed a special men- The program included. a violin ber of the. mouse of Chiefs, solo by Mrs, Mac Wilson, ac - Mars. Chikako Kumura, presi- compo ie dent of the Women Pharmacists Association of Kyoto, Japan; piano solo by Mrs. Mrs. Amanda Lafbar°ca, ptrami- Moffatt; a reading and contest newt ed'ucaitor and author, Sari- by Mrs. W. Broadfoot, Lunch liiago, Chile;.. Mrs; 1-broka To- was served by Mrs. McNa.ugh- tiabe, president of Internationka ton, Mrs. N. Sillery, Mrs. Women's Association, Tokyo,. Triebner and Mrs. Berry. Japan. The rest of the .dad Unit Four ' m a s devoted to discu'gsion Unit Four met at the home groups. of Mrs. F. Welland, with 29 Then, at 6.30, ,ala assembled present. The theme was 'Teen- it the beautiful chalet atop agars and their problems, und- Mounct Royal (what -a view From there!) for a civic recap er the leadership of Mrs. G: tian at which +Mme. Jean Dra- SwanA oast anal consisted . g p peau., lovelly wife of Montreal's Of Suane Haugh, Jean Me - ;;;;;r, welcomed the VOW, and Naughton, Barbara and Janet D. buffet luncheon was enjoyed. Henderson. It was a week of intense The business period was con - HERB'S , Food Market \r MAI . FOR SEPTEMBER 20-26 INCLUSIVE CHOICE—SLICER or CRUSHED - PINEAPPLE ........ 2 20 -oz. tins 49c ViAU (i of Each in Pkg.) Choc. Mallow & Mallow. COOKIES 49c CLARK'S PORK & EEANS► 2 20 -oz. fins 39C CHICKEN and RICE— SOUP MIX ,5 PKG8;4 and FREE MELMAC SOUP BOWL Only 69c SCHN>IDER S . Crispy Flake SHORTENING ... , • . 1 lb. 23c balt'uar. MARGARINE , , , • .... _11.1 , 4 lbs. 95C Bring In Ybur 'Ibmw Coupons For Redd!!ption SULK WHITE- VWGE AR In Your Container 65c gal. PRESH 6LAIEb FRUITS Now in For Your Christy as caxdt 'rime nbw to get an ebrig start ,*hiib stocks_are plehilf4t, phone HU 23445 SAVi: BLACK NAMbNb STAMM 0110CEFIELP Thurs., Sept. 20, '1962, ---Clinton News -Record pop ,.5„; Mrs A Forrest spexot last ! ion ' O -.4480y, Clinton Ins- GarfHargreaves ,had kilo. tonsils. removed .ixi .Clinton Sclalast. Award in-:'rano 'P t ublic Hospital on Monday, .Mrs, Russel Ford, Sebring- Fir Midd!loon, +son of Mr. Township, h'aa been. :awaxdkd Ville visited with Miss Marr auvd Mrs, Donlglas Mgddletmi, thmo schtalar�ship$ on the oral McQueen, TaronGo and $randon of itllte: stmeuigrGh of earning ten tfirstts, IR eft McGregor, 0=4ge- lalto John, Middtoton,, Goderieh with ikon, pywage ;of 85,4%a In Ville, spent the weekend with his .C,rade 13 eam;itriationts at his parents, Mr, and Mrs, John ,kx „; 1k,idl?veu!w i!1lgi'ate,. McGregor, y :. k r• dMrs Trvi 111pry . Theavard!= are an Oubark ._ and family h avereturred fxo.m _ ..... .,,, , •._.. _. ,.:, eMra Sc1loa bi? ed tto valued a �40 , a motor tr'd to B'a?lfJ .a?ld Lake .. _ _ _ ,... i Mrs. F, N. G. Starr Mernorlak �..,,, y, ,, S a c+h�o do �r �,' 1 1!a'rshp general profit- .Louise, Eldon Johnston has returned ,s •. ` „ t rency of the vague of $300 plus from a London Hospital, where _ : ,{ four years free tuvtlon. An'Wd'- he received treatment for o f ; i ward, tIilake Scholarship 141 Eng- foot injured in the mower sortie Y Dish! .and' Latili• valued at $100 '� , time a, ; aas'h atnd $100 each year !to be Flying officer land Mrs. Mc- applied o tuition fees,, Connell and family, who havew Pellaer is al acti > .. tre >n Scoots returned from Europe are re_ p ; > s (a Queealz Scout), acting in .siding in the home of the late t ,, . -.•. �., '� schoxxl mulsicals, choir ,etre. 13•e was assis'ta'nt at a Scowl camp Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dal- ' ;, for the summer and is now, .en- ryniple returned early this rolled. +in Toronto University. month from a month's vaca- Vaca-Many tiop. in Europe. They visited Many friends will remember Dieppe, France, and attended Petez s father when ,he was .a;c- coun,tantt in the Royal Banlr the anniversary celebrations' there harking the 20th year tame. Doug is riots Manager of since the Dieppe invasion. a Toronto branch, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Dinnin, Joan and Donald, Clarkson, visited .Sunday with Mr. and Mas, W. V. D110 =, Also in the. village were Mr. and Mrs, V. Dianximl and Bill, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinnin, Pet- rolia. Cub .Pack First Brucefield Cub Pack has started its second season, Meetings are held on Mondays at 7 p.m., in Brucefield United Church basement. Boys be- tween ,the ages of 8 and 11 are invited to attend, Cub Pack is under the Ieadership of F. J. Welland and L. Ariano; A Scout Troop is also being formed and will meet on Fri- days• in the church basement.. S. Broadfoot, J, Douglas, and two Rover Scouts are presently looking after and .training ,the troop. ducted by Mrs. Brodie, and a report of the general UCW meeting was given by Mrs. V. Hargreaves. All the units are Invited to meet with Unit Four at the church for the October meeting, Worship was led by Mrs. 'Welland, assisted by Mrs. McNall, Miss M. McQueen, Mrs, S. Wilson and Mrs. S. Broadfoot. A contest was con- ducted by Mrs, B. Walker and Mrs, D, Straughan and her committee served lunch, Please scan the papers dur- ing the next month and, clip oute all interesting references to rural projects and • develop- ments, The group plans-' to display these at the October meeting, A Message from the President 0 30"x48 . .......................................... 41 i.Ul 4'6'" Wood Panel Bed - "50 3 -- Used 4'6" Springs Good Selection of New Desks Watch For Our Circular On Kroehler Nation -Wide Fall Sale of Values Starting Soon BEATTIE Furniture Phone HU 2-9521 Clinton, Ont. Mr. W. H. Gregory, President The opening ceremonies of our new Goderich Branch Office have been completed and business begun. Many of you have followed the con- struction with genuine interest and have been lavish in your praises of the completed structure. I want to thank you for your expression of good will and to say a; few words about the new building and the community. It has been erected for you, the people of the Goderich area; it is for your use and for your service. The public "Community Room" downstairs is for the use of relative ly small groups (12 or fewer) who want to meet for business at some convenient place. Accessible from outside, it can be made available after regular hours. It is gladly and freely yours, but it is necessary to reserve it in order to avoid conflict. If you were not able to "visi't`'the Office at the time of our Open House, please come in at any time even if it is only to look around. W. R. Gregory, President. Clinton Repr!esentativ'e Hctrold < .c,= son Phone HU Y 'non Onf, 2-q�44 � %a'Itenbar Street -� Citf . _...