HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-20, Page 4Quotations Invited Firm, signed, quotations are invited for the supply of the following types of equipment re quired for the new secondary school programme at Clinton. (a) Hand Tools, Auto Shop (b) Hand Tools, Carpentry Shop (c) Hand Tools, Electricity Shop (d) Hand Tools, Machine Shop 2. Cafeteria Equipment (cutlery, crockery, glassware, etc.) Office Equipment (filing cabinets, filing baskets, staplers, etc.) Complete listings of equipment may be obtained from Clinton District Collegiate Institute, Clknton, Ontario. All quotations should be submitted on or before October 12, 1962 a nd addressed tO: Mr. D. J. Cochrane, Principal, Clinton District Collegiate Institute, Clinton, Ontario. 88-9b FOR 1, 2 or 3 YEARS The tarnbton Loan and Investment Company. "Ca-hadil't Oides+ Mortgage Company`' 191 NORTH FRONT STREET 'SARNIA nonunion' LADIES Dollar Days Sale WITH EVERY $5.00 PURCHASE MADE DURING LADIES DOUAI? DAYS • Values up to $1.98 all priced at $1.00 • Every purchase of $s.00 earns a free pair of nylons o. These top quality nylons may also be purchased during these VINES IMYS' at th'e ridiculous price of TWO /2) HAIR for ONE DOLLAR with any pur- chase of one of our other listed values. SEAMLESS MESH NY4ONS 2-pair only $1.00 with purchase of any other sale limn. Standard quality of leading Canadian Manufacturer. All Sizes in popular Fall shade, Medium beige. Lay in a supply at this terrific Value. Dozens of Items Reduced to just ONE DOLLAR for this Sale COME IN — BROWSE SAVE Sutter-Perdue Ltd. Quality Hardivare and Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies PHONE HU 2-7023 CLINTON STUDENTS SKEOCH OFFICE SUPPLIES are again offering the same low STUDENT TYPEWRITER RENTAL RATES 1 Month $ 5.00 3 Months 12.00 PLUS A SPECIAL FULL TERM RATE — 10 Months $30.00 — All Current Model Machines — Portable and Office Models 71 Hamilton St. GODERICH- JA 4-8652 36-7-8b Clinton Mefiriorial Shop T, .pRyog, and SON: -CLINTON EXETER SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2=7712 At other *me; .contact Local .Representative--,-A. W. Steep,H1) .2-6042 2ltfb MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER 1.0.D.E. Fall Fashion Show "WORLD OF FASHION" TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 at HARBOURLITE INN, GOIDERICH TWO SHOWINGS — 7.15 p.m. and 9 p.m. DESSERT and COFFEE SERVED PRIOR TO 7.15 p.m. SHOWING COMMENTATOR; MRS. MEG DANIELS Director of The Vogue Model Agency, London Admission $1.00 Lucky Draws I Alouette Satellite Going Up And Around - September 26 Presbyterian WMS Presbyterial Fall .$essiOns. Held in Belgrave Point Arguello, California — In a joint undertaking by Can- ada ,and the United States, an 'attemp will be made of place into orbit the Canadian Alou- ette satellite., the first inter, national spacecraft to be, com- pletely designed and built by a nation other than the US or the Soviet Union. The launch- ing Will not take place before September 26. A prototype of the satellite was on display at RCAF Sta- tion Centralia on Air Force Day, and Attracted hundreds of viewers. The launch of the ionospheric topside sounder satellite into a planned' near-circular orbit of about 600 miles altitude erounid the earth will be tried with a two-stage Thor-Agena B ve- ihicie. This will represent the National Aeronautics and Sp- ace Achninistration's first 'or- bital attempt from a West Coast launch site as well as its first use of the Thor-Agena iB vehicle. The name "Alouette" comes from, a high-flying, song- bird of the lark family which inhabits' most of Canada. The •Alouette will conduct four experiments, three. for the Defence Research TeIecomman- ications Establishment (DRTE) near Ottawa, and a fourth on behalf of Canada's' National Research Council (NRC). A fabrication technique, or- iginated in 'Canada, will give the spacecraft a unique feat- ure — a 150-foot radio ainten- na — believed rte be the longest to date in' a space vehicle. As- sociated with it will be another antenna — 75 feet from tip- to-tip. Bath are made of thin, heat-treated steel and, are st- ored' on drums within the satel- lite, much like a carpenter's tape rule. They will be extend- ed after the satellite has separ- ated from 'the launch vehicle, Testing of these 'antennas' design and the feasibility of topside sounders was carried out at NASA's. Wallops Island Station in Virginia by rocket finings in June 1961. The primary Alouette experi- ment will employ topside soun- der inetrumentation to probe the iorroshpere below 'the orbit- ing spacecraft to the F2 max- imum (300-400km.). The sound- er will attempt 'for a year to measure the way, the number of 'free elecrents in the lends- phere .changes daily with 'the time' of day and latitude. This will be 'accomplished by send- ing 'out "sweeping" radio 'sig-. nails from 1.6 to 11.5 mega- cycles. Two other DRB experiments will 'measure the galactic or radio noise that 'appears to or- iginate in outer space, and the radio noise produced within the ioneSphere NRC instrumentation in the satellite will conduct the fourth experiment by Observing cosmic raYs, 'the energetic particles which enter the earth's 'eines, phere front the sun and from cosmic space. FUN TO MAKE YOUR OWN "CRACKERS" Roll grated ..cheese into left- over pie dough, suggest 'the foods department at Macdonald Institute, Gaelph. Than cut into thin 'strips and bake in 475 de- gree F. oven until • lightly browned, These cheese slices go well with soups and as' a perky salad addition, If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired-out" feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or .bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys .to relieve this condition which may often cause back• ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better, Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters, You can depend on Dodd's. 60 Ra/ay Or, regienal- Secretary of the Womell'a MIsaianarY ,Society of the Presbyterian Church in .0411eala Wag the guest speaker at .the fall' meeting of the ar r-. on Plealaysterial held Tuesday at Beigrave 1Y.fiaa Eva .Somerville, .Gode- rich, presbyterial president was in charge. Registratien was in KIPPEN Correspondent, M RS, N. LONG Phone Mensal! .274 migius,seau is on a moose hunting trip in Northern On- tario, John Henderson, Exeter, vis- ited recently with Allan . johe- son and boys. Mrs. Vivian Cooper is a pat- ient 40 Scott Memorial ITOSpi,-, 001, Seaforth. Me end Mrs. Earl' Kinsman visited a month with relatives inn Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs.. Archie Neakes', Hartsell, called an Mrs'. Dow- son and some other 'friends on Monday. Mrs'. • E, Dows'on visited a few days with. Mv, and Mrs. James Riley 'and other friends in Sea- forth. Tom Reid accompanied his daughters. Shirley and Sandra to Ottawa where they are at- tending eachers college. Mr. 'and' Mrs, Andy Penning- ton, of rear Edmonton, who formerly lived here over 50 years ago, visited Kippen friends on, Monday. • Mr. and Mrea, Clarence Hutt- .chison, .5't. Thomas and Mrs. Edgar emblem, Vancouver, are visiting. a few 'days vvith their brOther and .sister-in-law, Mr. arid Mrs. Wilfred Malls. Mr. and Mrs. William' Stag- hill, Toronto; Miss Ella Wright, Guelph and Mrs. Alice Keen, Stratford, visited' Mrs. E. Daw- son during last week. Recently Mr. and Mrs. Alex McBeath, Douglas, Allan John- Son and Larry Robinson (attend- ed Toronto exhibition and were et Niagara Falls and the Wel- land Canal. UCW Meets At 'the first meeting of the United Church Women since the summer vacation, 24 ladies were present on Tuesday even- ing, September 11. The preti- cleat, Mrs. Hardld Jones chair- ed the meeting. Mrs. T. W. Reid acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs'. Consitt. The worship period was taken by Mrs. Arabic Parsons. Mrs. Emerson Anderson was in Charge of the study, which took the 'form of a panel comprised of 'Mrs. H, Jones, Mrs. J. An- dertson and Mrs. T. Reid. Mrs. G. Moffatit contributed 'a piano selection. Group leaders gave their re-- poitts, and plans were discussed for the 'annual bazaar on No- vember 17. Hostesses were Mrs. Edgar McBride and Mrs. J Cooper. The next meeting will be held on October 9. ;'Stanley Sallies" Club The second meeting of the Stanley Sallies 4-H Club was. held at the home of Mrs, Elean- or Hendrick on September 12. The home' econemiStJor Huron, Miss Isabel Gilchrist, Clinton!, and the girls' mothers were gueSts. •Gwerrateth Hendrick presided and 'Miss Gilchrist gave as talk on the work 'of the 4-H club. After 'the meeting . a delicious lunch was served by the hos- tess. The third meeting will be held 'at the home of Mrs. VARNA (Correspondent, Fred MeClymont Mrs. Addle Willis is at pre- sent a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Rev. M. Morrison and Rev. A. 1-r. Fungea Londesboro, ex- changed pulpits last Sunday.. Word Was received last week of the, death of Milton Johnston, Hamilton, a former resident of Stanley Township. The Varna United Church Women held their September meeting art the home of mes. Anson Coleman, Devotions were led by Mrs. Mervyn HaYter who also introd'uce'd the new rnis- sion study book "On Asia's Rim". Business 'was conducted' by Mrs. Gordon Hill. An invitation was 'accepted' to Visit 'the Goshen. United Church Women on' Thursday, October 18. Plans' were also made 'for the anneal Supper to be held early 'in October and the bazaar later in the month. Mils. A. J. Mustard gave an interesting and informative ac- count of 'her recent trip to Eng- land and Scotland'. Anniversary 'services will be held in the United Church next Sunday, September 23 at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. The pastor, Rev. Murdock Morrison will have change of bell services. ehaTgo Of Mrs. Cal satratighan and Mrs. George Johnston, qQ[dg14.01. The theme of this fall rally was 4.11e-dedication, through Prayer".. The morning devotional per- iod was in; charge of Mrs. Liam palyruniple and Mrs„ tor Shnntreed of the 131yth .eux- iliary. Word's of welcome Were given by 'Ws.,Edgar Wight- man, president of the Belgrave society, Mrs. J. A. MeC0paell, Goderieh, presbyterial treasur- er reported that Huron .Presby- terial was .doing well financial- ly, but stated 'that all .contribu- tions should reach her by lino 20th of each month so she pan forward at to Toronto.. Mrs, Harvey Erskine., Gode- rich, secretary read the minuit- es and called the roll. 'It was willow-iced that Miss Jessie Wager, Seaforth, is the new life membership secretary for Huron. Miss Somerville an- nounced that the 'fall executive meeting will be held in 'Clinton on October f2 at 2 p.m., also that the London and Hamilton Synodical will be held' in Wing- ham early in April, 1963. Mrs. Sherman Blake, Gode- rich described her book display and Mrs, Albert Taylor, Gude- lach spoke of the anniversary fund whirl' gives scholarships to provide education in the bar east, Mrs. Wes Bradnock reported that a fall rally be held at Seaforth' for CGIT girls and leaders of (the. Huron and Mait- land' Presbytery on October 6, at 1 pan. Discussion groups were form- ed with Miss Walker and Miss Lily McArthur, Goderich, as leaders, 'followed by prayer by Mrs. Gordon McManus, Gode- rich, Greetings were read from the moderator of Huron-Mait- land Presbytery,, Rev. F. Cromey, Kincardine. During the dinner hour a special service was held to mark the 75th anniversary of the Belgrave auxiliary. Mrs. 0. G. Anderson gave a detailed 'his- tory 'of the organization and Mrs. Alex Porterfield who had been a president many years ago .assisted Mrs. Anderson to cut the cake. Guests art the head table were introduced by Mrs. E, Wightman, The afternoon session began With 'a worship period conduct- ed by Mrs. Robert Wilson and Mrs. Cal Straughan, Goderich, Miss Belle Campbell, Seaforth, cotndudted an impressive "In Memoriam" for mine members who had passed on to higher service, Mrs. J. B. Russel, Sea- forth, gave a report of 'the camp held at Kintaill early this USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE ON ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. M. Biblical Stories On .Heritage A 10-part dramatized serial, Patti of Tarsus, will be seen' on ,OBC-TV's Heritage series each Sunday 'this fall, atart Ingo October 7. Pa t r i c k Troughton (above) plays, the' lead role in the series which tells of the acts of Christ's apostles, especially of St. Paul, and of the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to Rome.. (03c Photo) summer for WM'S members. She stated that 81 ladies reg- istered! and enjoyed the Bible study .and the leadership of Miss Lily Anderson, Mrs., D. R. Mac- Donald, Hensel]. and Miss Hazel MadDonald, missionary on fur- lough. Miss Sommerville also showed poicures of that camp.. Miss Walker based her mes- sage on "Go ye into all the world". She told of her work throughout the province and in- spired 'all members' to strive for higher goals in the coining year. Tice offering was dedicated by Mrs, Ed. Farquhar, Clinton. Mrs. D, R MacDonald, Hensall, gave an interesting report of the Belleville training school She had attended es. the Huron delegate this summer. Mrs. Al- bert Taylor, .Goderich, extend- ed courtesies and Mrs. Gordon McManus., Godetrich, closed with prayer. Classified Ads Bring Quick Results ,...00kersmith -Club. .RegularMeeting • The Tugic9rwijitl,h. Ladies CIO Melt at the home of Mrs. jrpie 00E04 with eight praeht, and two visitors. Mrs; :Cxich fisted as president.. The wretary'$ reParst was read lay' Mrs Sil- lerar. 'The treasurer's report was read by Mrs, CMrien, It Was decided' -to have 'a booth ito*sell hot dogs, coffee :and pie sit Al- den criell'a sale, on October 3, Mrs. Erich led, couple of con- tests enjoyed by ,T,Uneh was served by the hostess. Pa ge 4—Clinton News-Record—Thurs., Sept. 20, 1962 Canada's First Satellite "Alouette" Three key members of the Defence Research team responsible for design- ing and building the topside sounding Alouette satellite discuss some features of the prototype model. All staff members of the electronics wing of Defence Re= search Telecommunications Establishment, Ottawa, they are from left to right, Dr. Colin Franklin, K. R. Brown and Dr. John Barry. The ionospheric topside sounding experiment is a joint undertaking by Canada and the United States. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration is providing the laun- ching vehicle, advice and various testing facilities for the satellite. The Cana- dian Defence Research Board has designed and constructed the spacecraft. (National Defence Photo) Presents Badge To Division Defending Europe .OTTOWA—As one of his last official 'duties before retiring as 'Canada's Chief .of Air Staff, Mr Marshall 'Hugh Campbell last Thursday presented the ,newly-approved' badge to the RCAF Air Division in Europe to the Division's. Commander, Air Vice-Marshall Larry E. Wray. In a preSentation at Aiir Force Headquarter A/V/M Wray 'accepted the original de- sign of the badge, bearing the approval of 'the Queen and the College of Arms. • The ,design incorporates four golden maple leaves. represent- ing the Divisien's four fighter wings, surmounted by crossed sabres, symbolizing both the Division's fighting power, and the "Sabre" aircraft with. which • its .units were -originally equip- ped. The Latin motto "Ad Cus- todienclarn •Europam" ean be freely translated; "For the De- fence of Europe". Air Marshall Campbell was the f irst • commander of the NATO Air Division, which will Eileen Consitt on September 17 celebrate the tenth anniversary at 7.15 p.m. of-its formation on October 1. With headquarters in Metz, France, 'it controls' fighter bases in France and Germany and will soon, be re-equipped with the 'supersonic CF-104 Star- fighter. co-Nr-rm Debentures For Sale You'll save time, money and have shining clean clothes when you wash here. Tiny laun- dry to do? Use one machine. Huge family wash? Use a whole row of machines! And, at only 25c a load. What a savings! DRY-CLEANING THE LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1971 Check Your. Calendar. If the numbers match, take the calendar to our office and claim your $3 credit. amd, LAUNDRY