HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-20, Page 3Doing Canada's 'Business In English Miss Marjorie Papple, Seaforth, makes change for a satisfied customer 'at the Ontario Government Exhibit at Britain's Food Fair, being held at Olympia, London, England. Miss Papple is one of fiveOntario girls assisting in the foods booth. (Ont. Dept. of Agriculture Photo) VSE HURBS CAUT.OUSLX UNTIL YOU'RE SURE The purpeee of herbs and spices is to complement and en- hance tthe foods to which they aa'e added, So use thein spar- ingly unitil you fully acquire the seasoning touch, say home ecore crisps at 1Vkacd`onald Institute, Guelph. Seaforth Girl Sells "Ontario" At British food Products. Event Sales of Onbaria grown food in Great Britain •inereeeed sharply during the first !half of !YHA GODER1CH , QNT. THIS WEEK ONLY "THE BEL -AIRES" DANCING` for the . Young Crowd Every Saturday Night To the Sound . of the 60's Dancing 9 to 12 Admission 75c per person WE CATER TO WEDDINGS, LUNCHEONS, BANQUETS, ETC. Westinghouse Automatic Dryer Dire4tROw system with More air, cower heat dries clothes fasters fttlffier, more eco'nomloelly. in Westtnehcuse dryers, act' brows directly into clothes (hot through a perforated batket as In °thee stakes). Faster air flew allowe reduction of drying terriperature. pull Washer lead capacity. Rotating "bteidoefeed" steel basket, resists rusf, One year guarantee on workiriehShtp and materials. (iinton Electrk Shop � roa a. w. a�h�,r, r herr HU `#����i Clintonbk W- Cornish ro ti Itoi 244646 Clinton °'S'6Up ,N1Ys,$'1`IMC#HGU$E IS�ACkYI�r ,iYoUR r ri STyhtpHat)OE btAt.RRor September mainly as a res'u:Ut of a trade drive s:peer.headed by the Ontario Department of Agricullture, Five Ontario girls flew over to lead a contingent of 32 food demonstrates s who manned tlh'e ODA booth •at the British Food Fair. These ladies personally . sold • over $10,000 'worth of Ontario produce to visitors -- such items as testi peaches brought 15 cents each while ,fresh :earrrots oind cheese, honey and a long list of Canned fruits .and vegetables sold readily. This is; the first time the ODA has had its own display at the Food Fair hut it is only part of the tirade delve. The Hon. •Cbaaties MacNaughton', MLA, Exeter, minister wiebout portrfodio in the Ontario govern menet, it leading the delegation of producers and processors of farm produce and ODA •officials into the U.K. and Fhurope. Several Ontario processors reported .they were !deluged with orders' +at the Food Fair but no officinal estimate of 'tihe amount of produce s'o`ld is av- Bailable yet. Cherry .pie .fi'Itl, !ap- ple and etomato -juice„ and peaches' appear the most popu- lar ink the procees'ed division, Order books in hand, the On- tario group moved from the Food Fahr into western Europe. The Ontario Vegetable Market- ing Board sent Ed Rulntivenn Port Hope and Jack Howard, Hamilton, and the Flue Cured Tohaeeo Growers Marketing four -man team was led by its chairman, George Demeyere, 'Tii'1'sioriburg. Among the processors and distributors of farm • produce Were Philip Latciu nau'n, presi- dent .of Federal Farms, Brad- ford; Ed Smart, Smart Brotth- erts, Col%imtgwoad; Steve Csunn- rick, Canada Packers, Toronto and Fred Brown, seetimaam and feed merchant from Arkone, RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Riley (nee Beverley Wright) LONDESBORO COMMUNITY HALL Friday, Sept. 21 LUNCH COUNTER eiremeemee SUNSET DRIVE.IN .-,- Goderich BUCK NITES MON,, TUE,S., WED., THUR. slop AYOUR DMITSCARS VOU t7AADNb WED.,. THUR., PRI, September, 19-20-21 Spencer. "racy, 'Richard Widreark !`THE BROKEN LANCE" Janet Monroe, Tbmtey Steele 'TOMMY THE TOREADOR' SAT., MON„'TUES. September 22-24-e5 Bob Maclean, Robert Wagner "THE HUNTERS" Debra Paget, Jeff Hunter "PRINCESS OF THE NILE" --- Ali color 5hew -.4 WED., THUR., FRI. SepteihbeY 25.27-28 Torii Douglas, Bella Davi "THE RACERS" doinr Also lular)h t lV%icriae) ie. "NATURE GIRL" Adult Entertttif tient VIsar SNOW at beak . children izk Gars Plitt : -VII At *mall Semiing Two To.. BuevaIe J'iaH ,;*ltF-tNSA144 - - The Women's ttttutte reseened Meetings with Pot ,leek supper in tthegaon Hall on! W ednesdaY, September 12 and en etteedence of 30, They sat clown to a delicious seplle+x''a,ttea tables' 'attractively cenereel with vases of a Uturnn flowers, President Mrs, Fred. Beer Presided. Rall cat "`Sing, Say sir Pay" was answered by 100 percent Iby -th' xhovi.rers. Mr's. i9.. M. Peek xe!ed three tweet irtereetieg le+bt+eu'S faVin the adopted child in, Austaia.. Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Wilbert Dining were ,appointed delegate est Ito the .Huron County WI rally apt Bluevele hall, October 1, with xegisiteattaon at 9.30 A display of fall fair project + w'W be shown yandhuneh will consist of sandyvnches, tarts and cookies or relishes winch will be pooled. Each institute will send two voting delegattes. A highlight of the evening was the Presentation of beauti- ful eodowi edt 'eludes shown by jack Henderson on his trip to the British isles last summer and ta'keru'by himself. This war much' enjoyed', The colouring of the pictures was: exceptional. Maas. Beer expressed thanks to, Jtaok an to the program. conveners who were Mrs. Harry I-Ionttonz and Mrs, Norval Reid, and hostesses, Mrs. Archie' Noakes, Mrs, Wilbert Dining, Mrs., Fred Beer arid Mrs. R, M. Peck. a Hensafl Kinsmen Install Officers At Joint Event ; HIENSSALL—Harold Taggart, London, deputy .governor of Zone "D" Kinsmen Chubs in- stalled the new officers of lee% the Ki'nsmilein and Kinettte Clubs of Hensal1 at a dinner meeting, alt the Legion, Hall cry Septemb- er 13. eptemtb-er13. Officers of the Kinsmen Club included president, John Heal; voce-tprresidemtt, Ross Jinks; sec- retary, John Baker; acting trea- surer, Ross Jinks; registrar, Jim Hyde; bulletin editor, Robert R>eabulm; directors, Bob Baker, Jinn Orr^, Robert Reabum. Officers of the Kinelite Club 'are, president, Mrs. John Heal; vice-pnetuidleret, Mrs, John Deidz; secretary, ,Ma'.s. John Baker; treasurer, Mrs. Ross alike; reg- istnar, Mrs Wiliam Fuss; bun Ie;th editor, Mrs. Jim Hyde, Following dinner they toured the General Coach, ]ped by Bob Baker. Special guest at ,the dinner meeting was Mrs. H. Tagtgamt, London. The Legion Lent% ,iuxilitaxy catered fe p the deetioioua turkey dinner. .• -17 al Dairy. et .o Vogab:oud -0OIQ W»4.W R Ceterne 'ekl i✓esl tee. • A writer fog. ',Time 3nega- zine used a ,actable Phrase 'e- femtiy when he described Okv's Beosboa^ou lioltel a "barn- least'three of gine r,ei1- rvraY!e, heeteleies have ''Vile TOM, antic air, tth'ese inelede the Macdonald Hotte'l Edanonttoat and the. bateau Leerier !ie. OttttaWn, All, three have magnificent stetting. Za has a a* I v e r flowing by it, In their archn tecturral l iajesty, eaeh watches over the catty it serves .an4 is a landrnod Thi% is especially so on the prairie horizon, where they eon be seen for miters like old world castles. There tthe einnijaairty to any- tiling old ends. Within, they 'are a$ modern as tbnnorrtw. The macdonrald has a new wing Wand the Bessboreugh and Cha- teau have been undergoing ex- eenelve re'de'corating and refur- n'ishing. I have two sensations when 1 strap, at these hotels.. When I amen greeted with flowers in mny room +and 'a Ibtasle^et 'of fresh fruit, sitting, an an immectilate linen 'serviette with. ea, Silver fruit knife for peeling, such las' I :found when I arrived this summer Broin Vaneouveir and checked in at The Besshor'aug+h, 1 feed very VIp, Oi, when I registered at The Fort "•Gaery and am ushered into, a bed -sit- ting coati comp'lerte with Danish Moderne lounge, ,attractively upholstered _chairs and TV that really works though the charge' is moderate, •such auxury makes me feel I actually htave money in the bank end a safety de- posit box -crammed with etockts and bona; I am, ahotel buff for Is Spent most • of the . years during two world wars resident, or as a guest, in hotels. Perhaps that its why, I appreciate what is being done to modernize these stopping pl'acee. No more car- peting with .rambling garish red ancit gree i patterns that jump at you .when a bell boy opens tithe door of your night's lodging. No more skinny drapes !hanging like strings at the windows as was the lyre -war fashion. Broad- loom in muted 'design, now ear - RINSING OUT POT SHOULD HILL ODOURS If your automatic coffee - maker hasn't been used for two diayls or longer, rinse it with clear water before you use it, say the foods experts at Mac- If it dbesn''t, your pat needs a ehoretugh eleaxfnng, to remove all the old filmt. ,and -°lunging oils. C. L. Jinks is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mrs Archie McTavish, Kit- chener, was a guest Sunday with Mrs. Loin Sianpson. Mr. and Mr5'. William Henry Were admifttted to the Queens- way Nursing Home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. +rislts'an left Monday morning for a month's vacation with relatives at New Brunswick and P.tE.I. 1Vlrs. R. J. Drysddale who has been a •partsietrlt at Victoria Hos- pital, London, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pen- n:higto i, Veteran, Alta., are vacationing with their cousins Mr. and M. Archie Ntxakes. !Brian Bornitbron is taking a special three years course in business administration at Ry- erson College, Toronto. Was. Minnie Sanigster, who has spent the past two weeks visiting members of her family in Forest, Landon and Lucian hes returned home. Mrs. Gus Voth, Royal Oak, Mich., and her mother-in-law, Mme. Vetch', Detroit were week- end guests with Mrs. Lou Siirnp'- e n. Mrs William Cone bilis re - timed ed homve after, spemdittig the summer months •at Eicisford Camps, Resitbule. Mr. end Mrs. Asa beeves tnt- ttended tt In e Newarrari - Glazier wedding reception held at the Clinton Legion Hall, Saturday evening. 1 Mrs. J. E. McEwen attended the 24th birthday parity of Eas- tern Star !Chapter, Exeter, held in the parish hall, Exeter, Sep- tember 12. One hundred mem- bers and ,guests atttentcied. Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mrs. Florence Joymt spent laslt 11hum'sday afternoon at Grand Beard visiting the former's daughter Mrs. Ross 1VfaeMillan and Davitdi. Mr. and Mrs. George Parker, Mrs. Pearl Shaddick and Miss Eivera Churchill, Toronto, at- tended the Newman - Glazier wedding, at Ontario Street Unit- ed Church, Clinton, Saturday, September 15. Mr. and IVErs. Leonard_ Noak- ets halve rettun^rnei, from a week's vaeatt on through E'asltenrm and Northern Ontario During their trip they enjoyed two days visit with. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn gyre, Eckford Camps, on Res- toule Lake, Mrs. Ed, Dick, Cromarty, was the Tacky winner of the $500 jackpot !at Tcc water Bingo Taut Friday night, sponsored by the Lions Club. Her husband also won the $500 jackpot alt the Mildmay bingo three Weep ago. '.Mfrs. Elizabeth Robinson, Pic - ton, Was 'taken by Bomtthron eenbu1anee Sunday ito Quinton Public Hospital.. 11Ms s. Robin- son wasr 'visiting her daughter Mas. Irmo, Lowery, Ientsall, Whey she taauffered to series of strokes. Mie. Pnbianson is the grandmother of 1Vtrs.. Jim Hyde. lorninalasmimmalardiugariii, the PARK Theatre Gaderich. Now Flaying--- "MYSTERIOUS ISLAND"— in color with Michael Oralg and Shirley Joties Nus a 3 Rt'bOGtS COMEDY and a Cartoon w)MON., CUBS. WED. — September 24 2526 A ult Entertainment t a'tiiehce Harvey =+ Geraldine rage -- Pairliela Tlffiti 'T'eii;!Yessee Willitens wrote the play, about a repressed Mississippi spinster and her )bveS. 'SUMMER AND SMOKE'—c4161. THUR., PRI',, SAT. Sepfttnher 27.28.29 Spehcet '' eeey •‘•!, prank Sinatra — Kerwin Matthews Maar Cattes original nb+vel tills the story a a priest otict tht'ee Convicts. Milted iitt Aawaii, "THE DEVIL AT FOUR O'CLOCK" _-- color Coming ,,,-,1!Athentioes of a Young Man" - Caibr pert$ :all rptdnes, and fabrics ref c'asnly eared f 400.'on or ;Von. make the wlndews in all.,CZ T dbnald Institute, Quelph, This wil ekarninate the, stale -odour, hotel rooms look vea'y liege, Seteeihing .Old, $omettlriitw New If deeigurers went tr1,0 mo- dem in The 1Besst'bo ongh and created the cocktail lounge as a semi -circle within the band- %cane 4infor, ,area, they left hire huge ellorcelain bath hubs in The Feet Gar y's double accom- modation rooms, These have become quite fame.* anew eleneee ea Winnipeg, It would have been sheer sacrilege to re- place them with modem equip-. meat. This is the .tine 'place my Vagabonding where l: can soak right up to my peek, !and I love at Pure delight In any journey is aocorrnric'dation, Every tray- eler has bis own. favorite type, 1 am one of 'diose persone; who appreciates door uere bellboys, the ponrtetrs: who loop after my luggage and see that my faun-. h'y And clearing are cared for. like the rustle of'well-starch- ed aprons as the maids .Wheel their equipment carts along the coarielars, Balt roost of all. I glow with the candllelight when I dine, in tine restaurants lake the Beaver -Club in' the• Queen Elizabeth Hotel ar watch freer my room ships' come dorwn; the Sound when I stop at The Nova Scotian ins Hal,fax, Yes, -!'here is a sense of ro- mance, of refinement, of execel- lemtt service in these hotels that all add'ss tip to pleasure and that's what customers; are will. ring to pay for. With the world on the go as it is these days I tip my chiffon bonnet to the CN. Spending money on re- furbishing is like calsting bread upon the waters. It • is not an extravagance; it is an invest- ment. Today's public is not sat- isfied with "good enough". Its members demand the beat for their' money. 0 Mrs. Albert Broome HENSALL — Funeral se>rvioe for the Tate Mrs, Albert Broome, 58, Seaforttih, was held from the Box • !funeral home, Seaforth, Saturday with burial in Main land !Bank Cemetery, Seafonbh. Mrs. Broome, the former Vio- let Dick, Heneall, passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, on -September 13, Surviving are her husband, five sons, Brian J., at home, George J.; Ronald K., Thomas G, alt of Selena/eh, and William. A., Kitchener; three daughters, Mee. Wilfred (boric) Glenn, Wingham; Mrs. Cecil (Louise) Loney, Tilisoriburg; Mrs, Mur- ray (Margaret) ., Noble, Strat- ford; two brothers, Roy Dick, Wyoming; Herbert Dick, Utica, Mich.; one sister, Mrs, Thomas (Margaret) Andrews, Cobourg; eight grandchildren. 1 Lakeview Casino Grand. (Bend TWIST NIGHTS EVERY SATURDAY during SEPTEMBER 9-12 p.m. , ADMISSION $1.64 SUN, SURF & VILLAGE SHOPS OPEN DURING SEPTEMBER Thprs., Sept. -20/96 Hit n :Ncws,,Recorcl age 3 OW 3 MORE DAYS LEFT FI EWELLERS ,Anniversary Sale Featuring Spectacular Savings and Bg Reductions Anstett Jewellers CLINTON--WALKERTON--S EAFORTH OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS Classified Ads Bring Results L.D.A. SPECIALS — Sept. 17 22 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, 16 -oz. 49c COD LIVER OIL', 16 -oz. 69c ASPIRIN TABLETS 100's with Free Ozonol —93c COLGATE LATHER SHAVE 55c ODO-RO-NO CREAM DEODORANT 79c NESTLE SPRAZE, reg. $1.39 99c PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE reg. 98c -- 79c HOLYWOOD WAVE SET with Comb --- 29c VITA DIET VITAMIN TABLETS 90's --- $2.98, 2 for $4.99 LADY ESTHER .CREAM Reg. 89c ---.69e SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO Reg. 75c — 59c Reg. 45c -39c Reg. $1,29-59c STRIPE TOOTH PASTE Reg. 65c -- 2 for 99c VELVETTA BEAUTY SOAP I 0 cakes L 49c F. B. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2-6626 Clinton,, Ont. CLINTON KINSMEN CLUB lElt I nu az co $1,250 CASH PRIZES Wednesday, October 3 •1963 CLINTON LIONS ARENA 8:30 pm SHARP 1 GAME FOR 5150 2 SP[CIAL A GAMES FoR $100 12 Regular Games for $25 1 Share*TheiNifooith Goole ADMISSION: $1400 Par Pernan; Sutra acid SPeeial Cards 25c edict, at 5 for $'I.00