Clinton News-Record, 1962-09-20, Page 2�!p9e. �'t•--Cln�to� 1�Ieys-lR,!aFard�-'•�Thurs� SePi<'. xQ, �1�¢��
For Our ChWren's Children
CONSERVATION of our natuz ai
resources is an important item In the
life of every Canadian, even he who is
not sure of the meaning of the phrase,
We are blessed among God's people
With vast acreages of forest, hundreds
of males of picturesque and useful
streams, as., yet unmeasured supplies of
oil and minerals.
Here with a scanty population, we
have the wherewithal to feed millions..
But it will take planning, and vis -
Jon, and foresight; The task will take
all of the wisdom which our people can
What about now and in Huron
County? What's to .be done? Well, we
can start by making a stop to the prac-
tise of polluting streams and rivers,
We can begin to plant trees to. replace
those we slaughter. We can take
definite steps toward zoning, parks
ildin and the Savin of natural
bu. _ g' g
beauty spots for the marry who come
after us.
All :of this will have a constructive
effect upon water levels within the good
earth. We need more tree cover, on the
acres of soil denuded by unwise clearing,
The rural areas now, drilling deep wells
to . obtain water for crops and "house-
hold needs, find they continually need
io .go deeper. Cities are having trouble
to secure sufficient supplies of water,.
The .need is vital now: It will con-
tinue to be So as years go by and
population becomes more dense.
Let us take up the challenge ---with
sincerity, Let, our children's children
look back upon us centuries hence, as
a wise generation.
How ' Do Ve fight Them?
(Stratford Beacon -Herald)
. In Meaford last week an Owen
Sound youth of 19 was ".fined $50 for •
allowing his automobile insurance to
The magistrate acted under the
terms of the new Motor Vehicle
Accident Claims Act, which became law
on July L The act provides for the
imposition of penalties against auto-
mobile owners who do not have public
" liability insurance. An owner may buy
such. protection from an. insurance
company or, by paying $20 a year into
the Province's unsatisfied judgement
fund. By law, the car owner'is.required
to pay on way or the other.
' The youth in this case had had
insurance with a private company, but
When the policy term expired he had
not arranged for a renewal. His lack
of insurance came to light when he had
an accident. The youth's car was totally
wrecked when it left the road.
If a driver such as this youth, be-
cause of his negligence, causes injuries
or death to others, the maximum
benefits available to the injured parties
from Ontario's unsatisfied judgement
fund are; $10,000 for any one person; a
total of $20,000 to persons injured in
one accident; $5,000 for property dam-
age. Effective October 1, there will be
a composite limit of $35,000.
In many cases these limits do not
cover losses sustained. But there are
thousands of drivers abroad like this
19 -Year-old from Owen Sound. At the
moment; the only defence against them
is to drive carefully and thus lessen the
chances of being struck.
Good Leaf Habits
The Ontario Safety League, warns
homeowners that piling up fallen leaves
on the side of the street or burning them
in back yards can both be dangerous.
The first, because leaf piles tempt'chiP
dren to play in them and become con-
cealed targets for passing cars. The'
second, because sparks from leaf fires
can easily travel in -the wind and set
fire to nearby garages and. houses.
The best way to .get rid of leaves,
the League suggests, is the way you
dispose of other garden refuse. Place
them in containers for pick-up by gar-
bage collectors, and you eliminate both
the traffic and the fire problem.
Subscribers land Advertisers Must 'Be Pleased
(This is the second in a series of and upon that circulation a newspaper's
editorials explaining how a weekly revenue depends. Therefore to the pub -
newspaper functions.) lisher of any paper the subscriber is
A NEWSPAPER has two custom- the most important person.
ers to please—the subscriber and the
advertiser. Of these two, the subscriber "you CanYlO�s3'
is the most important.
This is true even though the adver- We don't know -who wrote this but
tiser provides. most of the revenue, of the following "You Cannots" are worth
any paper. But the advertiser buys reading time and time again:
space for one reason: to get his message 1, , You cannot bring about pros -
read by a large number of people. perity by discouraging thrift.
Therefore he is vitally interested in the 2. You cannot strengthen the weak
circulation of his advertising media. . ng.
by weakening the strong.
The greater the circulation a paper has, 3You cannot help sero men by
the more advertising it can sell and tearing down big men.
the higher the rate it can command. 4.. You cannot help the poor by
Over the years, therefore, the paper destroying the rich.
must cover the activities which interest 5. You cannot lift the wage earner
its readers. Otherwise circulation will by pulling down the wage payer,
drop off and advertising revenues will '6. You cannot keep out of trouble
shrink in consequence, by spending more than your in -
It is because of reader interest that come.
such a large proportion of weekly news- 7. You cannot further the brother- .
paper space isdevoted to district and hood of man by ' inciting class
personal news. Often this may seem of hatred,
the "Mrs. Smith went down the road 8. You cannot establish sound sec -
to visit Mrs. Brown" variety, but the urity on borrowed money.
little item has definite reader appeal to 9. You cannot,build character and
the Smith and Brown families, relatives courage by taking away men's
and all -their friends. In the -News" initiative and independence.
Record we have had many examples of 10 You cannot help men permanent=
the great interest taken inpersonal and ly by doing for thein what they
district news. could and should do for them -
Reader interest builds circulation selves.
Air Strip Needed
WE BELIEVE that Clinton should anti carry on its way without incident.
have an air strip of some sort, and that Are we our brother's keeper?
rlht .
g speedily. Well wed be a sorry lot indeed
if we didn't provide roads for the hund.
Thereis a wide distance, for pilots reds of automobile owners, wouldn t
of light aircraft to cover in this area we? Well why not start giving some
between civilian bases at which they thought to. the dozens of light aircraft
can come down in safety, for repairs owners and pilots who are making use
and for directions, of the airways for pleasure and busi-
It would appear quite probable that ness, and are forced to make use of
had Clinton been blessed with the fore- farmers' fields to ``get down" when in
sight to provide the rudiments of a trouble?
laffding strip near the town, then the It has always'seemed foolish for an
four -seater craft which burned with all Air Force town such as Clinton to have
occupants inside recently, it would not so much. as a windsock blowing in
have been able to make a safe lartding, the breeze.
Est. '1885 Amalgamated 1824 Est. 1881
,4t 8 p A Published every Thursday 'at the
p p Heart of Huron County
Ciln(on, Orhia'ri6 �-- Population 3,869
f t d � z
t+ Z. A. L. COL'QIJHOUN, Pabilsher
L WILMA b, DINNIN, Editor c c N'R
SUBgCRIPMON AATES: Payable in advance — Canada and Great 1=3rita n $4.00 a :year;
United States and Voreign: $5.50; Single Copies Ten Oetits
A,tAk6riz'ed as sedond blas 'mail, Post Office 17eoaiitn4bnt dttawa
__... . , a for Davnient of postage' in cash
Clinton Liens Adnpteil Child
In family's One lioq� Home
This is. Lai Wal Ming, almost
ten years old, who has, been
"adopted"' by the Clinton Lion's
Club, I&A ng in Hong Kong
with 'his parents, one sister and.
two younger !broithers, Wiwi Ming
shares a 10x72' cubicle an a
refugee resatrtlemetnt axes in
Mr. Ming earns $28.07 a
month ass .a that maker. Mrs.
Ming does soave sewing, as well
as owing for the children,, arrsd
earns $8.80 to $10.60 each
month. Rent costs $2.46 a
month), plus 70 cents: for elec-
trdelty. The combined incomes
are not enough. to provide, for
basic needs of the faintly, and
they !have no relatives who -awe
able to help.
Young Wtai Ming stands third
trona the 'tap of his class in
secondgrade. Tuition costst,a2e
only 27 cents a month, but
statn!dardls; of instruction. are
low, he should be yn a better
The cubiclein which, the Ming
fam!illy ,lives (repants the cane
History 'supplied by the Foster
Parents Plan) includes a can-
anvas cot, and' one bed, a desk
and several stools. Although
everything has to be pushed
under the desk and, beds and
hung along the wall, the place
is kept meat and cl!ea m
Through the Plan, the Clin-
ton. Lions 'Club's contribution
will mean that Lai Wai Ming
will receive a cash, grant of $8
a month, medical care, parcels
of clobh1bag and food! and; •a
chtantce to .gelt his education.
Of Many Things....
by Adine
($y. W, B, T. sbippimv)
Do you Tike autumn? Ido. ,bhe phone acid calling the oil worry about ant -freeze, atom
For xne, dt's the epitame pf all, d�+alem., bombs, itucorne flax or payments
'tha,tIO best in Carladta. You Gan', And What ,about GraW9 I on the spar, Ike .didn't >need
'have your spring, glorious her day, tall wais the time when supl?osrtori'es, diets and a crew
pning, with its &Izzkts ,and its you tworked like a'beaver, n' k- tail,. -pipe •every time he turned
g , put- arGund.
mu'd and its .Ghdlling winds. Y, .ou in saltsage, spinnin wool
can have Your s!urrrrrFer, with )ting Beggs away rrn watenglass, And Grranny .didn't Dave •to
:its panticutar pcislts -T 'tourists, •filling the moot cellar, X11 4g cope with a kntchenf,41, of ma -
bugs, visitors. And you call,: t�altdles and soap, eh'lnery, 14d's`'whp were smarter'
most definitely, ;have 'willlter� In Slhe must tlo a Littleuic�t Charth'e was, anti ,the trate
its eyexV Iwss .,le .aspept, Just cussing, in the shadow of het, movie. She didn't need. sleep=
give me .a!bout six nlonths' of: halo, when; she seed her •gnarrd'- ing pills, cigarettes or psy
ithat $eptember-October wealth, daughter f acing tip to the. rig- chaloky.
er, ,and you cotulcln'rt drag, me, ors of 1vinter- ma ked by the Bay, :come to. think of
out .oP tthis country to .flys island dreadful indr vision' of whether ttrhose WEIRS the good olddays,
of P41L to buy a home freezer or a fur They didn't ,have much, but
I know, that according to the coat: ttgnrr 'by the dile2nrna -of what they had 'visas' their own,
zih'ytthm of nature,, fall is sup- whether to have the cleaning not the finance ;company's.. No
posed Ito be a itim'e of dying,' woman -come .once .or twice a auto accidents, no alcoholics
of ;nelanc'holy, sof shrivelling on week, anon, rnous, no aspirin. Let's
the vine, :of preparing for tulle * '� stop worry�intg abaixt & h'ard-
deep, dead,sleep of winter. But, of course, ttha,t'$ looking ships of our pioneer aocestors
1Niay'bd 0anad! eons are just at otilyone side of the situation. and ;gat back ata sweating over
contrary, but (they dorett react G'ran'ddaddy ididn't have to our ,own neurotic chaos,
i ru tato wall'e,
h 'ro supposed to
. .
;at all, i n- ttlh e, tf atll, Instead of
carefully tpaepar•intg for winter, goingrnigp un 'their hog and Frornt Our Earl Files
g9!ing ,a2,onun�d with larvg, faces,
they burst out all over .as Bron
as (that firstnip is felt in the
martnua�g 'air• 40 Years -Ago 5 Year Ago
Perham they're just fooling CLINTON NEW ERA. CLINTON NEWS+RECORD
Thursday, ,September 21, 1922
therrtsolves, ,abut Canadiansact Thursday, September 16, s1937
as ,though .they love !the tall, Special wally day services In ,addition to exhibiting the
They carne to life. They :bu!stle, were (held in Elbe!neezer Chiurgh champion ram and chagnpion
They form committees, make on Sunday afternoon and even, ewe, Ephraim Snell .ado wore
plans, have :parties, They evert ling, seven firstts at the Western
shta'itt going to church. Perhaps John, McGee .had' the rnisfor- Fair.
it's: just a last hysterical filing, tuna to lose •a valuable home Mr, and' Mrs. Jorneis Lamer-
a frantic .escape from me'altity, that ,got caught in a wire fence on, Ha'rxiiltan, visited at the
with the grim prospect of six last week, home of Mr, ,and Mrs. Frank
months' winterahead., but they William Proctor, Belgrave, McGveglDr,
certainly burn with a clear, has pwrdhased! G. M, 'Chai;bex's Miss Almta, Carter, daughter
gern-like iflame while it last& store an IBlyth, at present ac- of Mr, and M'rs. Derwin Carter,
Where ns the sober house- cupied by Charles Lockhart. Londesbora, left en Monday for
holder who should be chinking J. Radford has purchased the Victor -
la, School of Nursing,
up the nooks and crannies, put- 'grocery b'u'siness alt Kirn!burn London.
-ting on the storm win'dows', gest- from, Bernard Hall, The Young Liberals of town
ting in his fuel supply, and bat- Hh"am, I IiX is having his organized yelsterday and will
terking down all the hatches for 'house shingled. begin duties immediately, Of -
the batter voyage that looms A. J. McMurray has built sa fivers are: president, K. G.
ahead? new garage at his home on Waters; secrebamy�treasurer, J.
I'll tell you where he is, on Gibbing$ Street- A. Glower; en!tertaimme!nt and
his day off. He's sban!diog •in ice speakers, Charles Shanahan.
water up to his nipples, trying
to catch as rainbow trout, .Or out 40 'Years Aa o
on 'he :ON couT6,e, so ,bundled' .10 Years Ago
with awWters he can liardly CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 'CLINTON NEWS -RECORD
swing. Or he's sitting with o, Thursday, September 21, 1922 Thursday, September 18, 1952
mggin, watching they 'football Morgan, Agnew Was in; Exeter A younlg Gorier ch ,former,
game on ' television. That's an Tuesday assisting the band Elmer Sowemby,. -is confined to
where he is. at the annual hair. Godexic'h, ,hospital, sufifering.
And where's the •gwidetwife, Miss Audrey McIntyre, Cliin- fr'am severe back and internal
who should the knitting w'adlben: ton, spent the weekend with injuries suffered as a res'ul't of
socks, putting •down preserves her cousin, Mist M. Young. the rear wheel -of a tractor
and, canned! meat,, taking the Mathew Arunsstron!g, Con- going :aver his ;abdomm.
flannelette sheets, pateluing the stance, has gone to MamvtauUin Miss Maxine Hunkin>g, daugh-
family's long underwear, and Island. for some, cattle. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunk -
quilting a quilt? lilrcarnk Hall arnd Co. have ing, Hullott Township, has been
I'll tell you where she 3s. traded Viei'r snore,and property awarded a Dominion ,Bursary,
She's on the •phsane, taRving to Mr. Radford near Londe!s- valued at $400. Maxine is now
about what she's going to wear ;bora, for a 75 -acre farm. enrolled at .the University of
to the tea. Or she's off in 4he Frank Moore, Toronto, was a Weaterm, Ontario where she is
One of (the nosh be:auttiful and • car to :aldtend a wedding. ' Or weokend visitor ; cthe tame of taking arca honour c<xurse rias
apniilr so 7t out any whnoh show she's out playing biirngo. Or Mr. �axrd Mrs.. J. W. Srhob!broo!k•. I health and phsyica education.
Popular of ;garden flowers; is signs of having any fungus she'd taking in an auction sale.
the .ggladlio!1us. What !more loge- growth on them. Be sure to Or she'sl sittingaround with her
ly and lasU,bg cut -flower can burrs tthese -and the discarded feet up, watching the afternoon
you grow wilth such -great suc- tops to prevent ,the spread 'of movie. That's where -she is. Business and Professional
vests in any tt�pe, of sail, wheth- fungm in the 'soil of your gay-
beala ? It must shake our pioneer am
er it
amy or sand. I can den. Auslt the bulbs' again cestoats rigid to look drawn, or Directory
think of mane. lightly with itlhe DDT powder up, frtom their .present abode,
In our grandmother's glarr'den and ,spread -them not mare than andsee us preparingfor winter.
this allower was known as -the two deep in slhallow ',boxes About this time of year, grand-
Swor d' Lily because of its abroad, which will, not be covered iaghtt- ,Mier woLs killing a beef, shoot- q M HARPER, & C O
sttiff, 'thin -edged leaves. It is 'ly. "]Nags" such gas, spring ang a deer•, salting down a hag, • M.B
only in recent years that the plants are started inn are user making apple cider, shacking CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS
gllald' has gained such great full for storage, vast piles of firewood and hust- 33 HAMILTO!Nt 'ST. TELEPHONE
popularity and that harlbicul- A temperature of 40 to 45 ling has wheat to the n- ll.
turi'sts have developed hundreds degTeets des recommended for It must rot his celestial sacks GODERFCH, ONT. JA 4-7562
of new varieties: 'some wide keeping bulbs. This may be to look down and see his grand-
open oi• quaintly hooded; wing-
hard -to maintain, in the aver-
son hu'ntbin!g, Meer for a ,holiday,
ed es a budterfly or ruffled, to
:age heaWd basement today, so
buying his pig, pre-cooked at
describe some of the forms
if you mush store them where
the meat counter, and laying in
The from a
they are liable to dry too,much,
'place sawdust or peat moss
his fuel' supply by picking up
glactolus grows
",canm" winch resembles a. bulb
around! the (bulbs as you pack
the loosened soil easily -to plant
All Types of Life OPTOMETRIST
outwardly and is referred tans
a bulb, by most people' who are
them try Ithe- open boxes:-
Seleet anew plot in the sun
your bulbs about six inches
deep. .
Term Insurance -- Annuities Eyes Examined
not boltamis!ts.
.for next year's ;glads, and this
Sala did trenches about eight
There am so nianlY new v!ari!e-
ties of -gladiolus being iinlbrodlwc_
The glac Wasotn this
y�aar has been, early and short
inches deep. Put well ratted
ed each, yew, where y>au receive
Clinton, Ontario
Oculists' Prescriptions Filled
according to area growers and
rrnarnure, or Sm tildzer in the bat-
tom, ,and replace the soil, Mark
your seed cabalogue5 or are
purchasing ,,spring plantings,
Includes Adjustments At .
iIt is tie now ;to harvest your
the rows with astake -at each
buy a few of !these new bulbs
K. W, COLQUHOUN No Further Charge
bulbs Ibefore we .halve any heavy
pleased pasts
fricat. I am leased to
endand you will have no diffi-
to maintain your supply and
Clinton—Mondays Only
ail - Ong to you sante .nfng,
culty locating them in the
to increase your interest in tains
b lbs
about llifbimg and storing, bulbs
spring wheat � can dig out
rrewarding hdbby.
Phones: Office HU 2-9747 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 P.M.
to insure la goad healthy 'supply
for replantinginsitiot spring
to the Editor
Res. H U 2-7556 Clinton Medical Centre
44 Rattenbury Street West
fiall'awing. swgge!sdian's were �giv-
iJ titters
Seaforth—Weekdays except
en to me by a friend who growsMondays,
ground floor.
carne of tthe finest ,dads one
could see anywhere. I hope
Clinton Artist
week. I would like to know
you Will find thein bL-, fu.l
The, Editor,
News -Record,
what eequirenla nhs pare neves-
nary to move a bouse in the
especially if you area beginner.
Choose a pleasant sunny day
Cllnv on,. Otut!arro•
Town, of Clinton.
Head Office, DUNGANNON G. B. CLANCY, 0Aand
.cut thetops of your glads
Dean' Sir;
First --I paid the contractor
quite a sunt of Money to move
Established 1878 = OPTOMETRIST --
in Ithe gtaxd n 'bo two or three
Might Z ask your a5sisfxaaifce
the 'house for me -and the !mov-
ppo' tment
Inches above the ground. (I
through pubineattion! of hits .list-
trig was h!is responsibility.ii
President, B r b w n Smyth, Phone JA 4-1251
hope you left three or four
leaves on your plants when you
'ter? I a�rn working on a prb'jeot
assigned to colleot together in
Seconds --I !pard the sBeL'1 Teale-
phone Company ,a deposit of
Dungannon; .vice -Pres., Herson
Irwin Bel rdve • Directors, Paul G O D E R 1 C H "
g ,
cut the blooarrs earlier.) If the
flalmat! on ort, ithe early antislto
$87. well mn advance of the
uiiganrron; George � 38-tili-
Caesar; R.1 b g
C. �Goderieh; RossMc"
to is are atoll green, leave these
of Canada befoate tthe memory of
trig date`
on umhwl tthey turn, brown. Next,
loweln the soil carefully along
them has been, completely lost.
I 'have a •note !that Miss' L.uly
7lhitrdl I have �a Building
No. 1
Phee, R. Auburn Donald P.
Mackay, R. L Riple John F. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT
y, Y,
both sides sof each row of bulbs.
Wilson was a painter in, Clinton
Permit 25 dated ton With
front ,the of Clinton with
Goderow; --
MacLennan,lMcr reR. R.
Allan 1 R, w;
Pull thebulbs by liana' and lay
r t 1890. Do your rea&"ts know
the approval of +tlt!e tbrrilairng in-
al of
Vi7m. Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. ROY N. , BENTLEY
Wiggins, , Auburn.
,them off roans loosened sail; leave
tIhem expoLmd !to the suer foss
,. �
anything about this woman, or
have knew1odsge of other e!anly
Spector to move thehouse .frarn
Viotria St, !bo Noaith St. in Olin-
For, information a your in- PUBLIC ACCbUNTAN7
tithe re!nnannd�er of the day tq
amthsrts or scuiip!toms who were
Butanes, call your nearest drrecc-
for who is also an agent, or the Gode'rkh, Ontario
dry -off. Gaither and spread the
bullbs out in a -dry, airy Place
working around Clinton? Any
lead's which they can give cite
Fifth—Mr, Agneww dud nat ap--
secretary, Franc F. Thompson, Telephone Box
such as a basement, .barn, or
:that is frost and
would be much tapprecrateld.
I that irnformlation
proach me at anytime regard-
cleaning' tip -any ,11inbs!; bran-
_ . 27,tfb JA 4-9521 478
garage -free.
wend v!ehitil%Oed'. Dont pile the
ibulbs snore: Itrhan two, deers and
might add
received' about those Canadian
arr8ste ,atnd srculptors who were
cries or anter, At no time did
f g wobh
tiiimw� �itive d ton-
glue, thein: ta; dngh't d`us+ting, with
a ,five percdht DDT powder to
kill !4th!rips" which may he
boar before 1861 is to be in-
corpotaated into a cliicti
is the
the frees iinrrned
trclaotor• hard, e
by ft PXLC.
any ,
wi-Ach planned! publiiaa-XOW
woul, td ] mot,
on, ,them,. By the-. way, thatipt
Morn, I hope that it will: the -a
, .
h`ow �muchl motet Is required.
Office -- Main Street
,are tiny inoeets which feed' an
real record of the hiot7bry of one
trier event that sor ne othed, r-
p!Iants and! vege%bles,
phase. of Candldlalsi culkirtal past,
would ]lace to move aboiler-
�� z -S.
Mter' 'four or five weekis
and include refet+enceS tto those
trig, I thunk .the Council should
insu res:
ttwtis�t a8f the stems• orad' cad
dead comm or bulb which you
who worked ii the smvaller" veal-
ttr'es as well as the lsaege crbies,
telt the p�vdpl'e know what is
expected them.
^�� �� � � "� '
* - �� "�� R` • Tovvn Dwellings
Will notice has been, replaced
yours sindeaely,
II might also' add that Mr.
. a ' " ""' . All Classes of Farm Property
during- stns ,gr^bwrng season. The
�'. latus selil Aamper
Morgan! A!gtnlew could have cal-
Sutnnier Cottages
+bap lau7sb :rs your new one for
curator of Canadliam! Alit
led fits by may name as almost
Churches, $chools; lialls
spring plantthm!g. With mtys!t
The Nation!al Ga!1'1ery of
everyone 1h town knew that I
1 xtended e o v e r it g e' (wind,
van+i'+e�:�irc you will )nave many
Canada, •Ott6aw+a, Ont,
Was the ratan that was havtibg
smoke, water damage, failing
l�maLls lstzlbleh� besides the new
' large (bulb, These may be kept
Se�ptearvbe7. 2 196
t17�+ 1Toue YYliyvet that day.
objects, etc:) is also available,
.or discarded, df gall choose, If
Iteply, to Itktsve
Youa*,t ttn'u�lQr,
rim Chut!er
AdENTS: James Kieyi, RR 1, Seafobih; V. J. Lane, RR, 5, 8e& -
you keep ;unlet p!lan!t thein. nekt
Dear Sari..
it ,b " O t m o
Cl r> oar, .. �I a
forth; 'VVitL 1,el r 1r,, Londesboro Selwyn Baker, Brussels-,
1?e ,
6dadaiv alley, wiih develop Intoi
.. +
Iry rely to the st4ix-Andnit
Seprf., 1$1.882
Darold Sootiest CI#nt6n; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G, Satoh;
fw��ized 15ui1asby_nlext fail.
rhade. by Mir, Agnew and.tie-
ahnirie 'Iite btlllbs you �ke'bp ported in; the council rnewo liraislt (C7afvtittuect on page 5)