HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-13, Page 11I
Aubu,rn:n d., District
MRS, WO �R+�r�N[AGI���arr���p�►����+t , � �'�a�r� ��6,7 g
Mrs. Lena Plaetzer s eikt the Mr, alit Mrs, William 'ter, Mrs« .Clayton It4bertsoxt
p ,
weekend at leer home here, ughati Visited. last weer; in bortsorl and farrtilY
a r, Ro
`,Me librarlati requests that, C ober Cliff with their dough MAiiSs Shirley 'Brown returned
all county cry book- be tfprd Teachers' Col-
,. • v` :< ' . ,.: ,� k by Septeml err] b,. legch tosti min the last sear. of
Miss Laura finer, ;Reg. N,, her two year course. Blair
Syracl} lie'ork, spent the
e, Redmond, RR 2, Auburn, etn
1Coung folk At
vsreekend hexa with relatives,. rolled' r. the one year corse,
yam•' r. and Mrs, �arAld As. -
u h Torgnto, East week- and Mrs. Stanley
.Ong i Silent Hrnilt'on, visited last T week
i� � u urn e
x ...`n 'K_,> �e'k'..: 8 ail., .:H,: *Y. <• Exp With his 'sister: Mrs.. Robert
Charles Asquith, mother,
Arthur, Mr. Arthur anal Tamely
Mrs, Ralph DMu�nro n cls
_ returned �I ` st Sunday from 'a a . �t 4 visited with then=
AUBURN The Young,VeV-' mother, Mrs, Fred Ta3'lgr who
two weel{s vacation pent in le'•s .of Sit, I.Vlaxk'$ Anglican Ch- i it in Cle to .1'ub is Tf4s tial,
the Maritime Provinces. s l n n I' pi
Peter Brown returripa to lois
Mr, and Mrs. uroh and K?1'Ox Presbyterian
�� � ,, } , . ,�, , •. � ' ` Ben. Ila. rnilton
visited 'th relatives, a combined' meet- home Windsor rafter vaca-
�._ . vrl oily. S a li d �Churoh Yve'1d .tion' w't
:. •• r friends• t indsor To iiug earl the 'home 1V[x: an'd Mrs. ing . with Nil-, and 11'trs. N1ait-
t a VY- ... and x land Allen M. r. Hax-vey McGee
h + on avast' vreels< George S.clurne>Ider, Rev, Rdbez+t aznd his une1G Dave 9wing at
1, •; =William Moorehead, Behind- M'eMy W4$ cin charge ' of the
h ler, is the relieving manager d
eattio?aa2 period( and presided Mrs, Arthur Granse and
at the local branch of the Im-
for the election of officers, daughters Jennifer and Shelly
penial Bank of Commerce.
n ^- . y_.. - , „ <•' - , yi k,t + �' ' .i - New pite'sid t is George. I'a accompanied I1 r, al'Id Ml's, Rod
, 4 a � rr 3 a DX? ,B. C. Weir arrived home
from a two weeks Visit With xk and SeCreltaT"3'txeasUrer, Mi$s Singh to Detroit last weekend
, a Barbar ' i t0 V1SIt Mr, crit Mr's, l�lelson
x a his son John, Mrs, Weir and a S'andesonl,. Plans were Brown..
8w S ",.
�K � �z & ( F family in London, - made far the Crnlvirvg faX
season llecent visitors with iVfr, and
* h x s i•¢� h .", , s x ` t Mr, and Mrs. Charles Stew and the next -meeting, will the Mrs. o e Po as
art, Darlene, Cheryl and Hea- S > rn pp, Douglas, Di-
13� F
y herd at tele home xnP Miss! Mar-
„ a'nne, Robert, Larry and Paul
ther returned recently from a garet Haines, on, 'Sep'tember 23, were Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Wil- .
holiday in. Northern Ontarlo.
I+ x
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen, 'alt 8 p.m, A interesting filen son, Arla Lee and Ronald, and
t w•
r �• will be shown. Mrs.' Mary Wilson, Sault Ste..
ich, spent last Sunda Marie; Mrs. Marjorie 'Olxlis and
.,: txoder
with Nrr, and Mrs, Maitland
Alton. friends Willowdale and Miss
z IVIr, and Mrs. Lorne Popp Bertha Webster Toronto.
Walkerburn Chub Robert Daer 'entertained his
and family attended the annual
: , r 1'luiikett reunion last Sunday
parents drecentl k to dinner art
in Harbour Park, Goderich. PIanc Penny Sale e ea owbr4o restaurant in
' h own f th ' d'd'
New Cha el to be Dedicated This Month at Station. Clinton
On September 5, 'teen -alters
W. o ei we rng anm1
versary. Members � f t h e
The date for the official opening and dedication of -the • new stration in the RCAF. Pictured is the interior of the church, with
Huron Cur -IT
meet as e' llcerbulul
Job t � ��°
family present were Mr;
and Mrs. Nor.
Roman Catholic chapel at RCAF Station Clinton, has been set for Flight Lieutenant the Rev: R. E, Bussey, Roman Catholic padre
September 29, with the solemn blessing 'being given by Group at Station Clinton conducting mass. (RCAF Photo)
Leader" Rall
with, e
Joe F%urnking v,rilt'h presidemat
Mrs, Leonard Arehammault in
and Cathy, Mr, -and Mrs, Ralph
Jackson, Sharon and Murray,
Mitchell. The celebrants were
chammionship. Doueas, seven
Previous to th'e elections, a
,ohaair. prayer was led by
group of parents wishing
Captain the Rev. J. P. Davignon, C17, director of religious admixii-
Mme, Toga Cunningham.,Rall
presented, with a television
upon airrivixng in Winnipeg. .
S/L Patterson, Mayor of Adas-
tral Park, and LAC J. R. Hu-
Adastral Park
Social Noes
News Editor: Anne Aileron -- Phone HU 1-7349
On September 5, 'teen -alters
'ibat-boy" for the RCAF Sott-
of Adasltsal Park, RCAF Sta-
ball teams teas. leitt, by TCA .for
tion -Clinton, resumed,the.1962-
Winnipeg, Man., where the
63 year activities by ,holding
elections to farm theirgovern-
team as competing for theing
. executive.
chammionship. Doueas, seven
Previous to th'e elections, a
'yeam old, is the son of Cpl.
group of parents wishing
"Bud" ,and! Mrs. Kelly, He will
help in: -the support of Teen
be melt by thus grandparents
Town, held a meeting under
upon airrivixng in Winnipeg. .
S/L Patterson, Mayor of Adas-
tral Park, and LAC J. R. Hu-
The :Fol'l'owing young ladies
axd, director of Teen Town,
of dij!s .camp form the "Colour
1t was decided at this meet-
Party„ with the majordttes+ and
the Clinton Connmunity Concert
bm that ami advkory cxamsixi,tttee
Band. ' Tisa Johnson, Lorraine
ore ,paix�eaalts will be formmr after
Huard; Maureen Begg, Sanidma
more parents heave. 'been earn-
Pare, Adele Haspeck, Michelle
tacted' and made aware of the
McKenzie, Monica Haspeck and
needs of these young adults.'
Judy Johnston.
New members of tithe. execu.-
Judy, Bush celebrated her
hive of Teen Town are as fol-
14th rbirthday with a .party at
lows: president, Lyn. Johnston,
home, followed' by movies ah
vice-president, Lorraine Dev-
the station theatre with her
eaux; secretary, Sandra Pare;
friends. '
treasurer, Carol; Young;' enter-
W/C and Mors, W. J. Mich-
taainment, Hessey Daum, Gayle
alski, and their children have
Coombes; ways and means, Tesla
left camp to resiide in Toronto.
Johnston, J u' d y Johhn*o n;
On the evening of September
Sports; Stanley Lesnick; •public-
5 last, square dancing was en-
ity, Maureen Begg; housing,
' the
a'ugurafted under the leader-
NLike Sutclifife; canteen, Wayne
Reid; S'h'aron
ship of F/L Shepherd, tthey will
, record': shop,
I Iges.
have mare details concerning
tthis ,aetiv ty, next week.
Douglas Xeliy, dimuniutive
The swimming �elas'ses• termin-
ated with a huge meet at the
Classified Ads
pool an August 29. All depa.xt-
menet children who had registt-
Bring Olukk
Bred for itihe lessons were pre -
sent and participated in various
competition. The evening was
a great success,
H. F11tvVv tTT1LA'U'FEK
Mary' Street *-6* CLIWON U 2-001921
AUB,URRN The second fel, call was arftwel"ed.., by each p'
,lowship meeting of the CGIT member imitating a -farm, rani- Mrs. Bert Hi nW ng; lunch, com.-
Spec al Events Planned at Station Young - D u r n i n Leadera of Huron County was mal. The draw prize, dbnated mittee, Mrs. Walter Cunning -
held Monday evening in; •Ontario by Mrs, Stuart Amlemttwas, won ham, Mrs.Guy Cunningham,
AUBURN--Lange bauquett'y. of St. Unnited Church Clinton. The by Mris., Joe HiuxlaiaZ LMrs. Tom- Cunningham and
-President Mrs.. C. McPherson .Atria interesting program of Mrs. Roy Daer.
To Mark Dedication'Qf Chapel white gladioli and 'potted fear
made ,a lovely setting ixYr !tire lied .a s'hoxit devotional and sfiies'- contests was in iiia charge of Minutes were read by Mrs.
The now chapel -at RCAF Set ne'r as a regular civilian parish, weld% sed that the Leaders were try- Mrs. Tom Clwnnirvgharm •arrcd Fury l zuxrking and the #i71an-
ry 1 .af Bertty I atttideeu Dur - In to reatch far
artium Clinton, w11:1 be officially like usual organizations of ,rein and Barry Wilson Young in, g greater heights Mrs. William Hun}cing, Plans dial.' statement by treasurer
opened .arid dedicated oil Se. - Catholic agtion are to be found; ' in ilia Christian, quest fox CGiT were made 'to have a. penny Mrs, Joe Hunking. A do5alous
p Kaxax United Church; Auburn
emtber 29. The Solemn Bless' such las the Caltholic Wbmenls
sale at the smart meeting. at lunch was served by Mr's, War
last a bri d'ay, the September S. the home of Mrs. Tom; Cunning- thy Younu
will be � rven .b G/C Rev. J. League, the Knights ts� of the Al- Mrs. Finauxtk McMichael, Ben- g, Mrs. Leonard Arch -
y ?� The �bridie is the :only dtaugkn- ham, ora
P. Davignon C.D., director .af tar, Chrisltiap Family Move- ter of Mr. and Mn,, Jrihrn Durnr m6fller read the minute$, She grams committee its asnbault, Mm's. Stewart Am an t
regriigio�us administration for menti, and the Chaplain's Com- In ted' the .groom's parents are a9gogave the financial rgate Mg's- James McDougal and and Mrs. Stanley Ball.
Roman 'Cathdlic personnel in mittee of Advisors, M2. and Mrs• Worthy Young, m'ent which *awed' a balance
the RCAF. Besides Darin for the otitis, far the coming year. Miw BrRn-
g AUburn. The double -rung, .cer-
albtentiiar nvust the given ttb'e ch- emrnl teat Coxnr°an, Winghaml gave a
The events -surrounding, the y was performed by Rev.
ildiren• At present there are report on: the Ryde Lake Camp
Solemn Blessing wed be 'a5• fol- Charles Lewis,IEND of SEASON PRICES
to,sys: 173 chli7dren of school age for which she hard .arbteandled this
i2 sacra, Commanding Officer's Whom leligeou iintstructi;on. mush Traditional wedding music: summer. She reported :a change
be • piro�vid'ed. This in'sr motion is was played by Mass Margo Gra- the; COOT gmaduati'om service
Luncheon, Guest of honorur, . given by the Roman Catholic nge, London, ,and ' she accomlp- and alsio t'ha't the •CGIT um -
Father J. P. Da`vigno ; 2:30, lay teachers, and also the Sis- liedi the. soloist, Gerald Cox, Chin- farm has been changed f -wn � Ori _
solemn Blessing of the Church, tees of St, Joseph who came :tan, who sang,' „The Wedding .a nw%y pleated skirt to.a navy
Parish Reception on the every Saturday toomr Searforrth Prayer" and "O' Perfeot ewe;" straight one.
grounds. . to teach Catechism. _ r, I �.W•'a _ '" 1VLns: `Edward M6Creauth, Wal -c
The new c'Yiurch is being plac- o _ _ Given �ih, marriagemarriageby her ton, who had' been camp: corn- CHAIN"
1 I{-{ A I N , SAWS
ed under the patronage of St, fabllpr the bride was lovely lax vener this Past season etatec
Paul.• tthe. Apostle. His ataon- 94th Anniyersary a white floor-lengtth gown; of ,
p that 90 gix+ls has utteneod
age is tsiguvifieaaxt for this'Chnaa•- nylaru taffeta aver satin, lily- and that not a , sufiffir'ciemtC mum- LAWN MOWERS
3h, as St. Paul was a aniasrter ofpoint sleeves, scoop jewelledap- ber of Leaders Were available
3amunications int his day. At At Baptist plequed neckline on a prirncess to operate the camp. This campGluts RCAF School of Commiun- r bodice, and a towing skirt was has beery, beery, bald annually the GARDEN TILLERS
,cations it is fitting that St. draped into Jaace panels cas- second A;eek in August at the
Pact .be 'taken as the speci!ai Church In Auburn carting into a chapel. +trains, The Godterich United Church Sum-
a'atron. A,UBUIiN tau oats of. cal'ar» elbow -length veal of nylon sulk ,mer School.
q illusion with scalloped! .border New 1953 Models .will bear
The Cornmandiing' Officer has fui gladioli adroned the s+airc- Mrs. G. W. Tidifin, Wingh m
to was held, in place by -a tiara of
huvsted many dignitaries to at- �•y of the Auburn B'arI'ntilwtt , • � ,• , reported, on ath'e' week apealt at higher price tags.
Lend the Solemn Bletssing, It Church for 94th an�never- peiaTls and rhrnesttones: She car- Alma College for Leaders and
is expected that people -from nary servece held' last Suamdacv, lied a crescent bouquet of yet- spoke on .their subje'et, "The
Che .lsurroundiry area will. join: Taw roses, stephoniates andl grew gime of Ehrsy. Asea„ She told ACT N d W 012 BETTER $ARGAlNS
g CJraig Peters, srtudieavt minister,
Atli: the Oornan'aridlxig. Officer was in charge of services held' in Ivy, about the oriental theme thait
sand the Roman Cathidlic person- ,afternoon and evenivg, Mrs. Kenneth Thomas, Torr was er+eatod to makee the dtludy ;
•uol in celebratinug :this• happy oa- Mrs, .Robert J.. Phillips preys- .onito, cousin of 'the bride, as interesting,to, 'Teenagers. b rss,
7aaseon. Special music far lire ided •est the church organ hand rrmatrom, of honour, snore an or- A, Jevvsen, Ciiunbaxn, another de- Motor �! Tune •�
3ccasion will be provided .by a accompanied guest singers: a gama she'a'th with coinvewtible I'egalie to *Alma -College toldi1
choir if students from St. Pert- trio, Misses Marian Gosmiek arproxn panels of nnisti'que thistle, w+hali n id'ea1'Leader should beN
tier's Seminary iii: London, Org Sluouff lee'; DaVis Stecktey,, Cl- an oMnotheface pull box veil and do'1.
itrio. ' . drmonit ands Keith Norwich of carried a ibouquet of whitebaby Officers elected are; •presid` Are 'Our S � e C 1 a ! !i}
The new church aaccomimo- the same address. sang, lunac- 'nvuans with mauve rtullie ;anvd ent, Mrs. • J. Bougheln, Bruce-
1'aites 350 . pexNons, and services comp'a.'niied "Fill AJl My Vision" white ribbon. flead, va'ce-presidteat, Mrs. W. J.
acre.prnoavided by regular AICAF and "A Quiet Prayer". By spec- iter Voopen, .G,oddemi&, secr'e-
dhali a;rn;. On Sunday there are ia1 request R'e+v. 'John; Osiiwi, The bridesmaids, Mrs: Giem, tary-treasurer., Mrs. Harold OD -
three Monoses; at 9 a.m.., 11 a.xn., W,ingharn, sang the salts "Haw PMtersoxn, Goderioh', and Mrs. open, G•odenich; camp convent- � ■
an;d 12:15 pm. The chaplain is Grcatt Thou Arlt", Dou'g'las Pearce, Wullowd'ale; ers to be Mrs. E:• MCCreatth, Wells Autollilect,�, anl•ctlNafLAtetn tas�sisted by another priesit Guest speaker. was Rev.. Kean- sisters of tthe:groom, ware iden- Mrs. R. Heitz •and' Mrs. W. J,on Sundays. At ,this Station neth Knight, missionaryorrn fur- tical 'gowms tea the matron of. ten. Hoops n, 'ATHE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP 8WO
there are approximately 900 lough ftiom, India where he has h• a ands .carried snmilaRr flog Plans were inane to holdthe
i>� � �' Phone HU 2.3851 • ,
Roman Catholic personnel. served under •the Casaedta'n Bap- we'V. The prdtlty 1'itrtle flower- next CGrr meeting at Wzing-
p rr1 vvitth lvirs'. R. Hi71t¢, 1+rS e'er, KING STREET Gi.INT4N S RVI PARIS
,Officers; -and airmen together tist 'Cotiference, for tele asst g•' , Deibbie Errin n Luck•• hairy
with their families, make up •a sox ,and one�half yeam, He now, causal of Me bride, was to secure the leaders for the
rather lunge parish, In peace- brought greetings from the dressed Ras' a bride miniature in maltly. r
time the Aix ForceChapel fun- peorpler Of. India to whom he re= white frMed frock With con-
otimi[ss cif exactly the same man- thorns! i -A October. 1 -Ie tall +about It'rwt' lg !thristle accessories and
the country and the work in carried a nosegay of whnte.baby�
teaching �Chrisnanity in India., ''Mints with mauve itulle. t SHURmGAIN Auburn• 01 Club Re :staked t,haatith'emeismuch'WilliamYoung,Auburn, twinwork to do' to get tbhe People Ferti"I Z
L_ .. brath�er of the :groom was gra-otf India ready rto receive the amismalnr land tmshers were brotih- t
eaded gy teaching's sof Oad ers of the bride, DonaA'd, George
Following the tafiterno'on, sem- and, Wayne D,urni.n; all .of Aub ORDERS NOW BEING
vice a buffet luncheon ser- SpAEAUfNG SE1ME
Jeanette Dobe TAKEN FOR BULK 1�n
Ved 'til) .the Vi&it0$.''$ +by ,tele urn. BULK �.SPCl�llll�Nti
.ATJ BUPN -- The: 4-14 Doane-' ladies of the cant g ;reg aatiotoe sn, a>ru the oxn which. follow SPREADING SERVICE ,unur�a
m�atceng club held its' first anneal -Frank Raithliy miad.etashorted;
'.. in Sunday School room
itng with 24 members, beginning corrgraltulEdory address Ito Mr, orf the church, the Wde'smorthe'r BY CLINTON �..
the fall project "Dressing Up and Mrs: Craig Peters and Mrs, assesi'ed the wedding panty re-
vegetabks". Sponisoeed by the Robert J Phillips and Harry reeving the g'ue'srt's .in a minx FEED MIIL.L.
sheath with jacket,
Auburn-, Waanen's Institute lea- Webster &"entedi thom With brjacket, b6.
dexs are Mrs. Wes B;Wcinook gift lora! 'behalf 6f &lie Atubiliux fie accessories cent a carnage of
congregation. Ut, Peters thank- yellow roses: She istedl
and Mrs,. G. Doble,. was e-�^-� //� �»i�+►'',.
Ti es girls will learn bow to ecT th(�m ,all for their Wedding by .%
dd tike• g'room's mother Wlxo
use h gifts and, told' about the recce wore aro embroidered eyellet shy
anne grown �gtettaablets, envy Canada. how to choose, pmopare and trip to West eeh of tdruety U[ Igo rwi,tlr Civoco� „� � �•- � .^ ^�%''✓"
cook tthenn and the advantages Act tithe evernirng service, Rev* late tbrbyvni accessories Atid ,a { �.
of eatdang vegetables fora well Knight showed plxttures Of XJ1i corsage o talisman rases. 'rY/ /�' r l ., },
•dia t&ua his work them after r • .. ``.41
bbilahtled diet. h . ..
a sh,,*t aadltiress, •Rev, 1ohn Os- The cihniler was rved by . ,, i / �i• ,,
Title k were anstru ted ab»
�': , . a _ �tndrii �aat� Rev., > : Vo1x Kextz, a , giraup of tJ`nr•ted ,Chtzrbh � .. ,y. +, • ��\ ; " �. � , � '� - . �, ,
out >vvM< m!ethodls and dish- h , ✓ �a' �.. .� }a.,
� Cxal�rrGh, ,assisted stn tithe nary- Woane,Ym and alae head tablb wars
wsasixang.aat� as regtnraed to Mrs. centred With
beawtrEilt three ,
1Vi .. Z
vice. A. i5b1a Wfas s'nYt�g;.by` � :. •'' y,
keep a rworfal bock and, a recipe „ at Worthy" tiered White Wedding cake all- \
troch I Ain N Y /
4 ,.'
#i:le: At%, )>6 e + Gen ly J e4d Ped. With
r d��r+ilb'urhetl 'the. and a titter; `��`un� w�ath tivth:mte erne ,oE the -'will: ''°^ . 1 . :• ;'
sai�zlyl,fes and- seve&ai de�hon- „ lam. ' , .' `l� `<` ' y, .•..; ;
Me was suing 1iY C•aavaitseci, .
sit t d' rho to measure flour, �inthaxr anld Mr. Osh-oin, Mrs- 1±`oir a wekldirtg itn4lp to �V6ti
mgar end wattet The home as'- It makes good sehse tib have jnorlr fetfilizaer spread on fail' sown grains- . � ori
NTn`, tri
raa'rk iLixd emir Osntar the bride tlaiYr
t is
s m M
r, t7s -
O tri
_ .. a s�--- r next spring m . dcourate) ..
r each monitor : , .. rassidnd$ I�ay and.. nsi•uro � ... an cacti cr p fo X, �r � i : y,
srgn,rneilt was ttO 9 p
to brrmgta va ttatbie From Jabme Donaldson, sang ,h trial,!" b' reed .a ibex• stunt with chacolalte edsi! and etanomre'd l with the how SHUR-GAIN 5orrrlrxer Spreading Service._
Should 1•Ie Love Me maty•" VJ brown �at"Ce8s6ri0g and she•'W6rl y 1
for the. fie t inaction on Thuxs, ,._.,. IIs - enfs col ft rr;o cost ou no Mdeo to hove SHUR-GAIN
g h . s good do rs prid c t• Y Y..... -
tl'ay° eavenifs�;, fps nverre present frohxl Gate a carnage :af tbxori>ze illtums. Os'n oke
hatfr, W - their meurh; fthLy will resld'e ifs dofr`•vered dw spebdd thoh you are prosont•fy paying for bogged �ferttlrzee,
Oil _ alae -ted at'e. oysr steel {'JidiniDn, Wh1g
i�nCCn'� l� field 'and" Da#iniyhr�ok. Clitbtosi, .
�feiui, J�cah`ne�tt T7obie; �'ef'�t vrCe'- _. Gliosis r'n+e�fe lyrese�u frA#ri:
Yaat 6tdl SHOO' bAIN �drfillkef healt�r it
jyreSJdeiitr+ arbAr a Macksyr iI OF
. -. yet d 1,111,1194 1S71f h, AUbtlityn, • Clij t) tp
sml LL
6torid vice- re;ticieiit; Shoran SSt i 1s 1 r
tall, se '1', lase 1Vxatie ; + Tdrnnto, Sault Ste: Marie imn!d
p Groden 7hi0,' now Kntchbhev
Haggett; asSbs!tatlt, Mariatl Hide B1 i.r..Ll.& Otillar
fey`"r prkSa 'Ctiet'.ary, 1Vfaii�ta�at ' ....... .....
sSat�nwdear�s%ori�Dhofidll dMimittee 7 s :. r
. .P
kono M 2*3815
Malo Leacfdtid brad'barlehc fte �.� Ida display Admit e,4ig111i
las' weeltcurId uY Blyth