HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-13, Page 961 Pr)va ..• . FiR51~ Alfa DE&P4`ATION tMARI4.0 To A ANAtmi iN THE ROYAL _F.14111t1 -CORP,$ WAG , p,$),-CAP'INN...F1.11,'IlicKY"BEL1;111\111G gg-CW4D. 5W/0PliKR •FC•R5l1c,CE.54$ Iii NR•CC.0113.k1 .wAs.-1-14F„FlOr.c,ANApiAN CIVILIAN' TO totitil$51I)I‘,KP IN THE, RQYAI FI.YD1G CORPS! lieT•IIT'W.TicillITMITITTN HAROLD'S WHITE ROSE GARAGE SPKIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS GENERAL REPAIRS 101; 227 VcILCITNOTRoIpt Sr. 'flirts., Sept. 13, 1902,-41Inkm News-Racer4,44; Phi..tor.o.of the Hutton Fed, erAtioh erf Agriculture sep- P0e40.,4ves. P.,.PPIMPdi.t7 groups; art the county, meet on Tuesday ,ervefol*i. $ePteLMiher 1$ in the a.:1,010lIral. Office bed Oarting at 820 p.m ' Ireland,. Wingharn, is president of the, fecleraiA04. This. is the -first meeting !pi.hice the summer recess, arid Plans are going froward to- prepare for this year's issue of the Federation Survey. Ladies are especially ins cited this, wet, ing by WS, Frank McGregor, lady director, who would like help in Plaiting .arrangelllent$ for the annual gone meeting; planned for Clinton on Septem- ber 24; 14 GOQ 1.0. M sot,,: llarAos YOU oktee wore GETN1 9I$t44 7wIy 14111 WIND OP //I PIO #104E F of A Meeting Here Tuesday FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Eaturday nights.' • Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W aramsawaserrissie ESTERN FAIR WELCOMES THf,FAMOUS USER CASTLE RING CIRCUS SEPT. 14a~a 15 Afternoons & Evenings on the Grandstand A REAL LIVE CIRCUS . . . DON'T MISS IT! ALL the THRILLS and EXCITEMENT . the CLOWNS and' the ACROBATS . . the SOUNDS and the SMELLS of the BIG TOP . . featuring some of the greatest circus acts ever presented. A treat for everyone in the family and a wonderful way to bid farewell to the best Western Fair ever, , Every day throughout Western Fair someone will win $1000. Why can't it be you? Come often and increase , your chances -- and see more of the things you missed on earlier visits: \s\ \\ III/ ///1/,/ WIN $1 x000. /417// \\'•:* Friday . SOtemb& 4, k Childreh's bey A DAY! y'S. BUT NATURAL GAS ALWAYS GETS THROUGH... it's the modern, dependable fuel for home heating Natural Gas is the modem fuel for home heating because it is conipletely dependable—it comes to you through a convenient little pipe that never gets stuck ! Come rainstorms, blizzards and cold spells, natural gas always gets through to keep your home just as warm as you want it. There's no wasted storage space either, and no extra chores—because natural gas works for you automatically. In addition, natural gas is far more economical and cleaner than all other fuels. So be modern . . go modern with gas. Convert now and you can make big $50 trade-in savings . and you pay nothing until neat October. see your heating contractor UNION SCOMPANY FIN K PLUMBING & 1) HEATING 1.11 SALES & soma 84- WELLINGTON ST., t LINTON Phone HU 14682 After Hours Phone BILL. FINK HU 2.7882 GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE GAS HEATING SPECIALISV.,, SEA.FORTH 21iltieH Phone 585 Phone 34 WISE Plumbing & Heating Phone NU 2-7062 262 BAYFIELO ittt, CLIt4TONE ONT. You' Local ANTNES baler lima tbavar. HIS BROTHER, GROUP CAPTAIN . AO:), ISE14.111VINE SE AN Acri-rurs RcoRD (N A litiRCZ1CANE FIGHTER; ON MARCH,1)9401* HE FLOW TO 35,200 FEET -1'HE.TirON,00. WHERE HE WAS ',SERVING 4 COPPIANDING OFFICER! RE4EAS,EO 4Y THE R,C,A.E.'s AIR TRANSPORT COMMAND Anyone having such wells should exercise extreme caution and study thoroughly all as- pects •of the new or renewal contract that might be present- • rzeti on Cou (By Florence Elliott, Secretary, Huron Federation) PRODUCER-OWNED MEAT PACKING INCREASES There continues to •be expansion in the producer-owned meat pack-- ing and processing. business. Quebec province's Co-op Fed- eree plants are now processing better than a third of all meat Products handled in that prov- ince, and the "Legrade" .trade- mark is in keen demand, In the Maritimes the Nova Scotia CO-operative Abattoir at Bedford Basin is picking up momentum as it draws to the close of its second year of op- eration. In Ontario the First Co-operative Packing Company in Barrie has a long standing reputation for quality products and service to its members. Now comes the announcernent from the Farmers Allied Meat Enterprises (FAME) that they have secured land near Galt, on No, 401 • Highway for the er- ection of a modern packing pldrit,• that will be-the forerun-' ner of a chain. producer- owned facilities to be built ac- ross Ontario. (The sod turning for this rplant will 'be on Sep= termer 19). LIMESTONE SUBSIDY AG- AIN AVAILABLE — The Ont- ario •Department of Agriculture is again offering to pay a sub- sidy on ground limestone used on Ontario farms. The Agricul- tural Limestone Policy, inaug- urated more then, 25 years ago and administered by the Field Crops Branch for subsidies on the basis of 75 percent of the reduced freight rate up to a. maximum of $2.50 in Old On-' tario, and 75 percent 'in North- ern Ontario. Whew" the ' lime- stone is truCked the grant will be on 'the .basis of 5 cents Per ton per mile te a maximum' grant of , $2.50 per -ton. In 1961, 3Z115 tons were moved' ix Ontario under this ,policy. MI CAREFUL ABOUT RE- NEWING ItIGH'ItS AND LtiA- SES ON OIL E AND, GAS WLLS — Don Middletn, dir- ector of the properties dePart- merit of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture has a word of warning for farm .vvho have old gas 'or oil wells ,on their "property: Don advises that there is renewed interest in these wells, many of which have been thoroughly worked over and +abandoned.. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER SESSION the 1-Iurott County 0..oundit Ali meet on Friday, SePtember 4, 1962 et 10.00 a.m. for One ay only, for the Septetnber easiOn of County Connell, Notice of any decutnents or Ma:Elena MuSt be in the rids of the .'Clerk no later an Tuetelay, SePteniber 18th r a • JOHN Gi. fit TIFIV, 6 le k41.ea SU re County of Hoof, Court House, - Ontaeio. (By Mrs., 1,orne 13LY`111 Per-kot aAtuMil weather greeted allest"im4.te4 5,00Q PeePie attending the in Blyth Community rtl„, tlaY and Saturday, September 7 and 8. Friday was mainly tale ell up with the placing of en- tries.and" exhibits SaturdaY afternooll, president Harold Turner, Croclerich, chair- Man for the event, introduced 'the Wardell Of Huron, County, George McCutcheon, who, after bringing greetings from the county, 'introduced Elston Car- diff, MP for Huron, who offic ially Wailed the OVellit and was greeted with a chorus of whistles from the many steam engines. Later Mr. Cardiff and Mr. McCutcheon pitched a load of 'sheaves! into 'a aePeraiQr. The threshing of the grain in the old fashioned way—with a steam engine—took place on the groundS. Every machine taking part was in perfect run- thug order and everyone was amazed at the quiet way they performed, except for the oc- casional Steam whistle from the shining engines which pro- voked a smile and a cheer, Owing, to heavy cleats on the wheels of the engines, it was impossible to run them on the streets and pavements, but they were. all' lined up for a parade around the race track on the grounds. Heading the parade was the Belgrave Ripe Band, which was immediate* followed by •a 25 horse power Sawyer - Massey steam engine owned by Stewart 'Muir, Paisley, driven by Alex ed to them. This is particularly true las it concerns the possible use' of •such wells for future storage purpoSes, Oilber*oh 114e.o. PP14 All( 41,11e4 *Y" secretary • 'Simon alj r, ,WarOgn MecutolleOP MA '71* ehgjihe Wea• drawing An. Thwerial ,:4eperot9r buret by Rp- !belt Bell Industries ..T.411, -$047 forth, wtt'osmhect by Sianan .Hari- ianan. And 'son- Maurice, Other 14,.4tIdess -IA the 'parade ara Were C4eOrge White' 25 .11$20e power, eggihe cwhecl ;i141.01. A'd'ams, Kiii4oher - which Yea's drawing a'WaterlOg. Seperarter Made city 1858 and owned by Hugh Chisholm, .Sarnia; A 20 hearse power Waterloo antgine built owned arid operated by William Gil- bertson and Andrew Laing, Edest A 40 60 Rumley g4s tractor owned and operated by Alex Wells Londesboro; A 20-40 Eagle gas tractor, owned' and 'operated by Ross c4r44.t ':141 **1;. A -1,494 "tr,agtor to.r 2V.X4'grie.e11041,04441 PO- -4.tmcxh, which. w .4r.awb.g. Aeperatf-r ho47414e.44* .bV 441Piaer: PrPa„14144..Y; .:?3 b„p„ .7PoolijooR .Steant engine. "1)4ilt. .ah. -Sal:1*a in 1921,. eivcrw7.4.40. operated by 4.:hgh Chisholm, aa2?•mai A gi).SawycT-Mgasey steam maim, ontecl. and n'pe ated iby George .,Searsion, .Wat, Where Were many on. 44e ground's aileh as. Model -engines displayed by Thelllas Q. Wilfoo& .00404-11; pohatl Waterloo; Henry t r n b .Tittebepor; mot O Brier: 13.4. 3, London, ' Bernard' Porter, RP 5, Wood, stook, had a eelleetlign of model steam engines he bed ..asaelobl- e4, ptajhly from. 144* _old ends; also a boiler which generates enough Steam to -Operate eight of these Model engines at one time. He alsg's had several smaller -There was -a wood splitting .macbine 130 years old which is owned 1214 W`a$ operated by Gordon Deleqaviin, Walton, with a Itr,,NtOr. al* 414 a flerf1ect )0113, Aut. Mr., Is4041(in 00*.Proa 011iAOXera iti§ Machine .did a. Peal .)01a When -Olean"? ellgiCne, • Several /ntereating entries were ph loan frohl the INroh C0P4P.tot Museum, and' were operated by curator Her b Neill: a grain thresher operated by a horse whieli :had been nsecl ph Mr; grmdifather's farm in 1550 •and still did a .gO(id job; a clguMe gear mower 40 T877, am behalf the threshers reunion, secretary $imoh. !hap presented a cash award te 'the oldest thresher present, .Tare's Martin, AP,1, bneknow, Who 1.s. 87 years old, alto boa Ihr0hed for 50 YearS, President Harold TiArtter pre- sented Mr,: Martin with a earn"' Alimentary ticicet to the 1963 reunion which will again; be helpT in ply% and for which plates are already well under- way.. The pioneer threshers reunion has ,heen, established five years and ,renttions were hew; this year with great success at Pet, rolia; Milton and Byi th. Thiltes_ers. Join: 11*th:Reursion.