HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-13, Page 8• "Goodnight Chunkie Pve Had A Wonderful Evening — But This Wasn't It!" Bayfield and District Obituaries ONTARIO Public Hearing of Briefs ToUrist Industry Committee Ontario Economic Council London Sept. 19, 10.00 a.m. City Hall—Council Chamber The public is invited to attend a hearing of briefs concerning the present and future rote of Ontario's tourist industry. At the same time, the Committee invites submissions from the floor. We request that 6 copies of the brief be submitted at least one week prior to the hearing. The purpose of the committee is to assess all aspects of tourism In Ontario and to formulate recommendations concerning: 1. The relative effectiveness of current government assistance to participation in the tourist industry. 2, An evaluation of strengths and weak- nesses within the tourist industry itself. W. IL Cranston T. C. Clarke, Secretary Chairman Room 286 Parliament Buiidi Toronto (Telephone 3654944 LP/ 0,4e, How to turn your small change into a small fortune Do you realize that, in your lifetime, you will probably earn more than $250,000? How much of your earnings fortune will you keep? Why not squirrel away just a dollar a day in an Investors Savings Certificate,. In ten, fifteen or twenty years: you can accomplish financially what very few people ever do in alifetime. At the same time, you can enjoy the benefits of an e ever-increasing reserve. Just write or call: BILL CAMPBELL SEAPORTH, ONT. Phone Seaforth 4815- Investors e)rndrioarla 611 la env& Head Offieei Winnipeg offitat PrinciPai Cltfei • , , WHO WOULD HAVE THOU6HT IT ? AN EXPERT CHEF RIGHT AT HOME 1 Pope 8,0iston .News-Record,-Thurs„.Sept, 1.3* 1962 Mrs. Peter Renner, Wiarton, has been with her daughter,. Mrs, Glenn Brandon :and famPY: Mrs, William R, Jowett, Goderich is with her daughter Mrs. LeRoy 'Poth. Miss Grade Woolfenden ac- companied by her niece and friend, Detroit, spent last week at her cottage On Howard Street. Miss Mary Dewar, Kincard- ine, visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. David Dewar on Satur- day. John VVateon, Bronson Line, Stanley Township, who enter ed Victoria Hospital, London on August 27, underwent surgery on Tuesday, September 4, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moore, Detroit, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Card, Toronto, at their simmer home "Fairlawn" over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Meyers and daughter, Janey„ Mr. and Mrs. William Lumley, London were visitors with Mrs. S. H. Bryant over the weekend. - Mr. and Mrs. Frahk Mac- Kenzie, St. Louis, Miss., are staying with his sister, Mrs. J. J. Richardson• and also visi- ting his brother John Mac- Kenzie and wife. The 'Rev. 'Canon Heber Greene, Vancouver, B.C., left on Friday after having been the guest of Rev. and ,Mrs. H. B. Scudamore,' Hays Beach, for a couple of weeks. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mac- 'Kenzie, Mrs.' J. J. Riehardson and John MacKenzie were in London on Tuesday to visit their aunt, Mrs, Munshaw who will be 99 years young on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, Farewells Said By Library Board To Mrs. Roddick BAYFIFIT ,D—Mrs. H. H. Or- mond's horne was' ,attractively decorated'' with white flowers on Friday when she entertained' members of the Library Board and a few friends in a farewell for Mrs. R. S.. Roddick, Also. on Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Card, entertain- ed at a dinner party at The Little Inn in honour 'of Mr. land Mrts. R, S. Roddick, and on Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Oddleifson enter- tained • for. .them. gat dinner at The Little TRACTOR TIRES VULCANIZED . AT THE FARM SERVICE • ,o` ...--- )1i ,,,,-.:4,...........,), 4 44ifir ...........1 (I! Complete Stock of New DUNLOP TRACTOR TIRES Parts For All Make of Cars and Trucks Highest Cash Prices For Scrap Cars Now Wrecking '57 CHEV. HARDTOP '57 FORD FAIRLANE 500 '56 FORD HARDTOP '55 DODGE V8 '55 VANGUARD '55 CHEV. & Many Others CLERE-VU , Auto Wreckers No. S Hwy., West of Clinton HU 2-3211 37-8b S f Mr. and , Mrs, Lloyd Makins metered to. Sirneoe on Tuesday to attend the funeral of Wil- liam Telford., Others frOm the district included Mrs, Carl 'Houston. Goderich; Mrs. Robert Greer and Clifford Greer, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Town- ship, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Mit- chell, London, sold their cot- tage on Louisa Street to Mr. and Mrs, William Foster, Fer ndale. The Foaters' took pos- session on September 1, and spent last week here. They formerly ,spent summers at their cottae at St. Joseph. Mr, and Mrs. Thompson oc- cupied the apartment at "Cen- tury House" over the weekend: Their guests were their three daughters, Dr. Anne Snyder and her husband J. Snyder, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Dr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Downe, Peter, Lisa and Brett, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eynon and two children, Lon- don. Their son I Dr. John Thompson and wife are in North Carolina where he is do- ing post-graduate work at a medical centre. • 0 Baptism Service At Bayfield Trinity Church BAYFIELD The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison officiated' 'at the service of holy baptism in Trin- ity Church on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock for Julia Rose Catherine, daughter of Dr. David Moore Cameron -Hislop and his wife Constance Emma Baker, born at Winnipeg, Man., March 13, 1962. The God-parents are Mrs, Gerald William Capon, London, and Douglas Eugene Long, An- caster. In being presented for the holy rite' of baptism in Trinity Church, a family tradition of association with the church of their fathers' was carried out. Julia Rose Catherine's mother is a great-great granddaughter of Christopher Johnston and his wife Catherine Irwin, mem- bers of ;the first congregation of Trinity .Church. A christening party was held at four o'clock at "Wheel-In", the summer home of the baby's -mateM4. ,g0#41)gtA.V.,..1K7cg114. Mrs. 'Harry Baker. Sonde 40 guests attended the reception and buffet' dinner,' Bayfield UCW At Harris Farm BAYFIELD — 'The United Church Women, Unit 1, met at the cottage • of Mrs. William Harris (on former . Greenslade farm,), Blue Water Highway, Goderich Towns'h'ip on ahurs- day, September 6. - Mrs. Lloyd Makins opened the meeting with the call' to worship, • followed by prayer. She took the theme "Our Church in our Community". The secretary's rep'ort was given by Mrs. Ivan Steckle, fol- lowed fby roll call„ Mists Jose- phine Stirling gave the trea- surer's report. Mrs: C. Bell took over the business part of the meeting. She again expressed her thanks. for the life mernbership pre- sented to her 'at the joint meet- ing of the units of St, Andrew's tICW. The meting 'was closed with the benediction; pronounced by Mrs. L. Makins. A garden tea was enjoyed, Lions Club Has 90% Attendance BAYFIELD The 'Lions Club ' got off to a .good start 'for OP season Wlital a 90 percent akteil- dance a their ,dinner meeting at "Cedar Grove", President Harvey Coleman' chaired' th meeting 44 LeRoy PPM' filled his role of secretary, APPreeiatien was eNTressed to ag• who had, helped or ate tended, the frolic. Zt netted 520.75 which will 'be used ,for welfare work in the cominunity. 0 Roddick Couple Moving Out Of "Century House" BAYFIELD iVIr. and Mrs, R. S. 1.1.oddiek who have been tr0sitteots of Bayfield' since 1954 left on Wednesdlay to live in London!. Far Mr. Roddick it is a re- turn Ito his home, city after 26 years 'absence, and while they like Bayfield, where they will be greatly missed', they are looking forward 'to their retire- ment from business in their old haunts. R. S. Roddick was a district manager for famous players and was transferred to Hali- fax, where' they resided 'when they purchased the property known as "Llandudno" (origin- ally the Tudor J. Marks home) from Mrs. Vincent Quarrie in '1951. They moved here in 1954 and did 'considerable renovating. Renaming the property "Cen- tury House", they opened an antique business in the spring of 1955 with, imports front Scot- land, During the years the' business had grovan. The •Rocidlicks entered into community life. They ...were members of St, AndreW's Unit- ed 'Church'. Mrs; Roddiok. -.a talented pianist, gave 'piano- forte lessons to a small dlass until the end of the school term in June. She took an active interest in the Bayfield Library Association, being on the board of directors. She was also a member of Trinity Club. They plan to do many of the thingS for which they have net 'had times while in business and one of them 'is to came back to Bayfield to visit the .friends they made here-. The. new -owner of "Century Houtse" is Professor Walter A. .Thorapsor4 ..asslociate ,..dean.„,of the business • administration school of University of Western Ontario. Prof. Thompson and .his wife both' came from Missouri, but have been residents' of London for 30 years. They have four married children. He purchased the property,as a 'summer home and for weekends -through the year for 'himself and his family. LONDESBORO (Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan Phone Birth 3'7r 5) Mr. and Mrs. Ed Youngblut spent Sunday in Arkona with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Curts. Junior Choir practice at Londesboro United Church will be held on Thursday, Septem- br 20 at 7.30 p.m. Miss Mildred Hollinger, Tor- onto, spent 'the weekend with Mrs. Townsnd. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ting- land, Cochrane, and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arbuckle, Aitikokan, called on Fred Prest on Monday. Mrs. William Griffith is at present a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. A vein burst in her leg, causing much pain. Miss Margaret Tamblyn spent the past two weeks with her father Mrs. Frank Tamblyn and Jack. Mr. and MrS. Stanley Lyon who spent the past two months vacationing with their daugh- ter in the West arrived home a week ago Saturday. Service willbe withdrawn from the Londesboro Church next Sunday. Everyone is in- vited to join in the Constance anniversary services. Miss Trudie Eshuis has taken a position in Toronto and will be leaving by the end of the month. Miss Joan Lazet will take her place at the Locker Store, Trudie has been a very efficient clerk and we wish her success in her new position. The Women's Institute met last Wednesday with a fair attendance. The program con- sisted of a solo by Mrs,. Car- man Moon, Mrs. Edwin Wood gave a humorous recitation and Harvey Johnston, Huronview, showed pictures of Trinidad and Bermuda. Everyone en- joyed the beautiful scenery. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses. The Cheerio Club itiet last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Bert Allen with 18 ladies present, A good program was enjoyed then a social hour Was followed by lunch, Mrs. Mc- Gill invited the ladies to her home for the October meeting. Two carloads from the vill- age and vicinity attended the "School of Christian Fellow, Ship and Bible Study" held at the Goderich summer school camp last Saturday, Rev; Hig- genbotharn, Walton, gave two splendid talks .On "The Word and the Way by Donald M. 11/lathers. The weather was, ideal for, an outdoor get together, and each One felt that the day was profitable as Well as 'interest-. hag, Alexander Sparks • BAYFIELD---Ait Marion, Iii- diana„ U.S.A., 'at 11.45 September 8 1962, Alexander S p tar s , fourth • concession, Goderich Township, passed 'on to 'a higher service. He had been visiting at the home of his younger son for three weeks and was to have come home the next day when he died sudden- ly of a 'heart ailment,' Born August 15, 1883, at Blake, Ontario, he was .a son of George Sparks and Marjorie Douglas. A - farmer and businessman, he went west at the age of 19 and homesteaded at Biggar, Sask. He helped construct the main railway line going through Biggar.' • On. January 26, 1916, he was married to, Miss Eva Anne Woods. They lived at Seaforth and. London before settling on the fourth .c,anceission, Goderich Township 25 years ago, He was a member of the Church of God. / Besides his widow, he is sur- Goderich Twp • North (Mrs. Ira Merrill) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lobb ace companied. Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, 'Brudefferd, On' V„ trip to Meaford and other' points, and spent the weekend with their son Harry Lobb and family at their cottage at Wau- bashene. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt, Gordon and Marilyn visited the former's son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Teb- butt, Fonthill on Saturday. Gordon left on September 10 for University of Wyoming, at Laramie, Wyoming, where he will take a post-graduate course in geology. SS 4 Community Club The SS 4, Goderich Township Community Club met at the home of Mrs. James Lobb for the September meeting. The president, Mrs. William Lobb presided. Mrs. J. Lobb read the minutes and- roll call was responded to by 13. Mrs. Lorne Tyndall read the treasurer's report, which show- ed a balance of $53.87. Thank you letters from Mrs. R. G. Thompson and Mrs. Ray Bird were read. The list of names on the lunch committee was re-arranged. Arrangements were made for a reproduction of part of the program from the Old Boys Reunion to be put on at Htironview on Tues- day evening, September 11. Work was done on a quilt and lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Mer- vyn Lobb, Mrs. Ray Bird and Mrs. William Rueger. The next,meeting is to be held at the ome of Mrs. Wile Liam Lobb and roll call will be "clothing far a bale". vived by two .sons, Rev. Lome A. Sparks, Bayfield and Evan Spar ks, Marion, Indiana; grandchildren, 'Katherine, Bev- erley, Barbara, Patricia' and Linda Sparks, Bayfield; a bro- ther Fora Sparks, London, and two 'sisters 'Mrs. Helen MoCut- cheon, Sylvan Lake, Alta, Mrs. Margaret Kemp, Detroit. Other relatives ,are James Aitcheson, Margaret McCash, R o b e r t Douglas, Mrs. William Douglas, Mrs. Irene 'Douglas, . Neil Sparks, Mr. and, Mrs. Orville Welsch, Nesbeitt M. Woods, Mrs. Viola Wurn; David L. Woods. The funeral was held from the Beattie 'funeral home, Clin- ton, .on Tuesday, September 11. Service was in charge of the Rev. 'Ludwig Hoffman, Grand Bend. Interment was in Bay- field Cemetery. Pall-bearers were Lorne W. Sparks, William Sparks, Charl- es Goclboit, Alex Desjardrine, Robert Desjardine, William P. Desjardine. Flower - bearers, Reuben .Brubacher - and Eat] Douglas. Persons attending the funeral from a &Stance included: Mr. and Mrs. Evan Spark% Marion, Indiana; Mr. and Mrs., Neil Sparks, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph Jesske, Medicine Hat, Alta.; Mrs. Margaret Kemp, Detroit; -Mr. and Mrs. Welsehe .Detroit ; .Robert. Scoble, Hamilton; Mrs. Viola Worn, Neshett Woods, Toronto. Mrs. Leslie Loree BAYFIELD — Word was re- ceived by relatives here an Sep- tember 1 of the death of Mrs. Leslie Loree, Nanton, Alberta, who pasSedl away in High River Hospital at 8 p.m. on August 31, following a long illness.. She had' been hospitalized only the previous day, The former Jessie Stirling, daughter of William Stirling and Rebecca Colwell, fourth concession, Goderich. Township, She was in 'her Slst year. She attended Goderich Col- legiate Inistitute and Goderich Model School. After teaching for three years' at SS 4, Stanley she went West and attended Regina Normal School'. She taught school in Alberta and on Christmas' clay, 1907 was married ito Leslie Laree. They settled on , a farm at Nanton. The conple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1957. Mrs. Loree was a member of the Nanton United Church, Surviving are her husband and three sons, William and Homesvpe OFU ToHCopsider • New Milk Plan lielmeaville Local pf the On- tario Farmers Union 'held the ATM: meeting of ,the fall ineeiVe inga. in .Holmeserille school on. Monday evening, September 10. The summer meetings had been cancelled due to the busy sea- son, Secretary Mrs. Robert Tay- lor read _minutes of the last meeting; and several 'letters, Among these was the 'brief pre- sented to the Farm Machinery Inquiry Commission by Huron, Elgin, Oxford, .Larialatari and Kent counties of the Ontario Farmers Union., It was felt the cost of main- taining 'faun machinery accord- Mg to farm management figur- es has increased rapidly over the past ten. years and the steadily inereasing price of both machinery and mainten- ance coupled with the down- ward trend in farm prices has added' greatly to the cost price squeeze, The following is a summary of the recommenda- tions asked for in the brief: (1) More standardization 'of paets and equipment; (2) That there be fewer changes in mod- els; (3) Research on better and safer breaks and -locking devic- es; (4) Stronger 'built 'shields. A 'discussion ,took place re- .garcling the proposed milk plan. It is 'hoped a qualified speaker can be contacted to attend the October'meeting and explain his milk marketing plan in full to all OFII members and anyone interested in it. Bob Taylor reminded mem- bers of the provincial board meeting of the Ontario Farmers Union to be held September 15 in Guelph. This meeting is ito draw up final plans for the an- nual .convention in Lindsay lat- er on. Holmesville Local was very pleased with the response to the benefit dance they held in Bayfield pavilion last Saturday night for Bob Rathwell and ex- pressed sincere thanks to all who contributed - and helped in any way. The books are being left open until this Saturday. Anyone wishing to contribute may contact any member of the OFU. George of the Nanton district and Noel, postmaster at Taber, .and 12 grandchildren; al- so one brother, D. A, .Stirling, Goderich; and five sisters, ' Mrs. John .(Sadie) ...Crawford, Pick- ford, Mich.; Mrs.' Herbert (Luella.) Wallis, D'Arcy, Sask.; Mrs. Hugh (Charlotte) McLar- en, Pont Elgin, and Misses Maude and Josephine 'Stirling, Bayfield. The funeral- was held from Nanton United Chureh, Men- day, September 3, and was in the charge of the pastor, -the Rev. Mr. MOSS. Interment took Place in Nanton Cemetery. Attending the funeral from a distance were relatives and friends from the Calgary area, and Mrs. Herbert Wallis and two grandchildren, Fay and Donald Wallis, D'Arcy, Sask. Miss Blvera ChUrchill,. Toron- to, Spent the weekend, with her sister, Mrs. Pearl Shad, dick and Bill. Bab Ann MacDonald is sp- ending two weeks visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Al, lan Seaton, Brockville, Mrs. 13.os MacDonald and Mrs, Ed Fink -attended the Hu- ron County .CGIT Leaders Rally at Ontario Street United Ch- urch, Clinton, September 10, The Huron-Maitland Presby- terial is planning a big CGIT Girls Rally on Saturday, ber 6 froni 1 to 4,30 at Seaforth Presbyterian Church. 120 girls. are expected to :attend rpresent- lag ten CGIT groups, At Henson United Church on Sunday morning service Rev. H. F, Currie thanked the vol- unteer workers who gave of their time in connection with the building project, Flowers were in memory of the late Mrs, Mabel Scott, placed by her daughter, Mrs. J, .Corneil, and for Mrs. A. R. Campbell, placed by members of her family. Mrs. Ross MacDonald attend- ed the Women's Missionary So.' ciety and Arnold Circle, Huron `Presbyterial at B'elgrave Pres- byterian Church Tuesday ev- ening. Mrs, MacDonald, who was a representative to Albert College in. Belleville for the WMS Leadership Training Course on' 'teen age girls work gave her report. Alvin Campbell who has been employed by the McKerlie Automotive Ltd. ,London, for thn past three years at the Ex- eter Branch, has been trans- ferred to the Clinton branch where he has accepted a position as manager. His duties com- menced September 4. Alvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell observed his 20th birthday in thisJune a year. Mrs. Ron Mock, Mr, and Mrs, PaVe Kyle; Mrs. Jam- es 'Taylor; Mrs, Robert Pryde, Mrs, pearl Passroore, Mrs, Wit Tiler Ferguson, Miss Mary Cood, win, Walter Spencer, 'attended An organ recital at Central. Un., ited Church, Stratford, Monday evening of this week. Rev. Care rip Wirilaw formerly ,of is, the minister of the new half million dollar church which was' dedicated on Sunday. The following officers, were elected at the first meeting of the Young Peopl's Society Of Carmel. .Presbyterian Church, • held in the church on Monday evening: president, Fred Hyde;, vice-preaident, Patricia Moir; secretary, Bonnie Foster; tr- easurer, Ron Smith; worship, Marg Hyde and Sandra Troyer; programme committee, Gary Scholl and Bill Brown; pianist, Carol Brown. The group decided to hold meetings every second . and fourth Monday of each month at 8.15 p.m. • They will combine with the Missions Rally on September 23. Rev, Ross MacDonald was chairman for the evening, 0 KIPPEN COrrespondent, MRS. N. LONG Phone Hensall 278 W 1 Bob Allan and, Alex McGreg- or, Tuckersmith; Ross Love, Hay, Bill Coleman, Stanley, Gordon Elliott and George Campbell, McKillop, attended, the semi-annual meeting of the Ontario Hog Producers Assoc- iation in Toronto on Monday. While there they visited the Ontario Hog Producers Co-Op- erative office. The IDEA MAsria 1W.SiGNTO itinENnoN ROOMS 00K beyond compare! It took 6 months to photograph — two years to produce. • Each room completely documented with plans, diagrams, templates. • Over 100 idea-packed pages, each 14" x 11". • A classic work on rec' rooms — nothing like it before. $3(g. BALL-MACAULAY LTD. copy Builders' Supplies --- King Street HU 2-9514 Bayfield Fall Fair WEDNESDAY THURSDAY September 26 September 27 BAYFIELD COMMUNITY 'PARK PARADE — 1 p.m., September 27 Led by Clinton Community Concert Band CONCERT and DANCE in Bayfield Town Hall Thursday, September 27 Combine your home-grown grains with EGBILDER or JUMBO 40 concentrate the fresh mix with the meat meal base! Lookin' for lively layers? Then feed 'em your' own home- grown grains fresh-mixed with National Egbilder Concen- trate! Take your choice of the Jumbo Mix 40% concentrate or National's 35% Egbilder—they're both rich in meat meal proteins) to balance your own vegetable nutrients! Whether yin' have your own grains. or we supply them, we can custom blend the finest fresh-mix you can buy right here at the mill ... using National Concentrate, of course. *A PRODUCT OF CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED ea, 1 H. F. BROEZE VARNA phone HU 2-9219 WETTLAUFER'S FEED MILL MARY STREET CLINTON — Phone HU 2-9792