HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-13, Page 700QP­ At hisbonle hi Lqq- sliors, 1444, on _F,i Aay, ,Sep. t�r 7a 1�2t �?" Eivies�t ex �oopex, n,alLive of CliYutan, And. reside?>;t ire Eng ,send sb? * 19W,,in his 86th Yeti', CrLEW ,-.- In Victorla f t'osplta t, London, on Thursday, Sep- tember 6, 1962, Amelia Little, London and, Strathroy (form, ei of Clinton) belt�v ife of the late Charles L, .Glewi clear mother of Mrs.. "Gprdori A. (Olive) McDonald,. Strath, and grandmother of in her $7th Fear, Ser* n. Saturday morning,, ;17er 8, by the .Rev, A. le, Church of St. A.n- Memorial, at the, A. I George funeral borne, c, to Cli- too CemieterY, IORNE' r.,.. Fn Royal a Hospital, Montreal, n Thursday, September 1, . Helen Doherty, be, wife of ,the late Sarre..- 'homa,s Rempthorne, iother of Donald and (Peggy) Schwel ngs ter of the late William Y, founder of Doherty ti, Service from the t of Tees and Co. Ini .urday morning, Se, ,$, acid interment at' Ontario. EE — In High River rl, Nanton Alberta, or r, August .31, 1962, rling, •widow of the n mer u.isr year, the Naniton Un_ on t- on nd Se F theR Mr. J eV I Moss, to Nanton Cemetery, cBRIDE--At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Marie. McBur- ney, Dorchester, Ont., on Fri- day, September 7, 1962, Ruth Switzer, widow of the late James McBride, in her 70th year. Service from: tile! .Beat- tie funeral ,home, 55 Ratten- bury Street East, Clinton, on Monday afternoon, September 10, and' interment in Clinton Cemetery, e . (pHA FEATURE 'loll A N 111111.11M WHITE LEAF COFFEE MUGS REG....394 each 1. 6 FOR 1.59 Full 8 oz, capacity with at- tractive leaf pattern. Assorted colours of Pink, Brown, Blue or Yellow, BALL & MUTCH I.H.A. Hardware Albert Street Clinton Phone HU 2-9505 M-1 , A 1444 Miv, Giezili Lock, hart, Mix on,wish .to an, 'notmce �e eriga�geliient .oil: tTiet'i,�r(('�.,:dtauyg>>)tea, Cr'a?ii}i A40, to r1r,� 1 J=P$ Allali k ncki, son of Mx., And Mrs, 11 ay- mood. 11`irwli, RR 1, Clinton, The 'vsred'ling will take place Saturday, October 6, 1962 at 3' p.rzi 4ii Wesley -Willis United Church, 37p' Mr, AW Mrs. R.gbert R, Welish RR. ,, Ba : fleld, an- y uatownce engagernent of their daughter Catherine A'ir.ette to Ronald XvIc Hy- land, gory of Mr, ean`d Mrs. Eric Ryland, London, tattrlo, The wedding will. take place on Saturfty, Septernrbeli 29, 1962, at 2 p,m, in, St.Andrew's United Church, Bayfield. 37p W. , -and Mas, Clarence A.lvio Trott, Clinton, wish to announce the engtage- ment of 'their only dfulgh- tJem, Ann, Lorraine, :to Xr, David Edward, Nesbitt, Ot- tawa, sour' ,of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Tames Nesbitt, Carleton. Place. Tho 7n�ar- riage will take place Satur- day, October 6, 1.862, at St. Basil's R o m,, an , ,Catholic Church, -Ottawa, .aft 10,00 a.m. 37x DEATHS .'Y' -- In London, on widower of. -the late Lillian Elliott, and dear father of Mrs, R. L. (Alma) Bassett and Miss Ellen McKay, both of Bayifeld, in his 82nd year, Service from the Trinity An- glican Church, Bayfield on Thursday afternoon, Septem- ber 20, to Bayfield Cemetery. SCHULTZ — Suddenly in Col - bourne Township on Sunday, September 9, 1962, .Diane Is- abell, infarct daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Schultz, RR 21 Clinton; age 9 months. Ser- vice from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153 High St- reet, Clinton on Tuesday, Sep- tember 11 by the Rev. Cecil DukeIow, Goderich, to Col - bourne Cemetery. SPARKS In Marlon) Indiana, U.S.A., at the ,home of his son Evan, Sparks, on Satur- day, September 8, 1962, Alex- ander Sparks, , R. 1, Bayfield, in his 80th year. Service from the Beattie funeral home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton; to Bayfield Cemetery, on Tuesday after- noon, September 11, STEPHENSON — In Olinton Public Hospital, on Friday, September 27, 1962, Eva E, Armstrong, widow of the late David J. Stephenson, in her 84th year, dear mother of Mrs. Lee (Anna) McConnell, Mrs,' Russell (Pearl) Erratt, Mrs. Perce (Clara) Johnston, Var- na and Elmore Sltephenson, ' Egmondville; Service from the Whitney funeral..home,, Sea - forth. Monday. September 10 to Bayfield Cemetery, Stara ley Township. TYNDALL—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Sep- tember 6, 1962, Margaret Emma Rickett, beloved wife of Frank Tyndall, RR 4, Clinton; in her 73rd year. Service from the Beattie funeral home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, to Clin- ton Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, September 8, by the Rev, Grant L. Mills. ANST.,ETT JEWELLERS Are Continuing Their Anniversary Sale Featurim.. pectacular Savings and Big Redactions on WATCHES DIAMOND SILVERWARE and HI14A Nd Refuilds == info- &chdtig6s butllhg 5at2 :., . ty�PC►SIT NOWS ANYCr a ARTICU-S11 to00 Ansteft Jewellers CLI 1 0 4-".4 V`AUglt''tON-ww- SeAFCtyRTIH OPEN P'MA'Y' NIGHTS, o.. ........ ,.w:. ... ,... .:,, ...o--.x.£:nrr-rcr,.r.-r-r-.>-'s'c•;cc...:... .. .. .... .,.: ...... .rn... aCommunity• 4pr n : s Clinton �.�. a�� 'tiwr ,t 'ept.. 13r 1902--•Ciit��gn Views-Record-�-1� I For Fa Its .:Concertend UC _, Aro Gve, i '.Dile Xe0u r meeting of � oati► 1 C1i nt C rc� tV d61.1 s ar _ ..gin an ii .. ed church .li Wo4nGlil .. tx essleYrW#lids ryvall be held in. The Cal uQXiq�W Women's Lea�guq the iadl�s iv�>lrx' of the ck�urrh Met MonAayj �? e'la'tiifuHP1 10 Qti: i ii !f ' next Ttie lay ovetning, $qpt xis ,:; �. the brash hall, with 20 merri- Tier 18 at 8 P'T bers pi selnft and' one guest: (A 41, 4,. H"4.r4 unci Cl rnton at the proposed Hume torn S?iredn e t Mrs, J. p posed .. , ayJ S _ p'. erl*or 1� Contributions Welcome 04 Beauty+ Mfrs, David Qeorare Wand?) �� a:zn, .and were the 'guests a Agwe;r arrange, �T'eingn- Varga lied n the league pr''�yW of GK : s en .. C4 TV Kitchener on straItion vmso ed, by VAtt 2 The vlOtrTng cori?rnittee,. Mrs l :appOLii'17 t was on !t ie Carnadiaai Bandstand where: wrd taloa ; ,Dace 3n the aecipa- d. ... (O.. J, Kass vd a faces of Rite Clinton Community. y ohnston W e m. theznaticialr & 4d, compo V, Reles, Mme.. C?, Priestiag ai d; M'aiJoa'y Woods, anal (aai"rY Jew* tion � of :the ,cliyrvh at s T �a fast , r o t ti i pimp uysd y .n Tar ni o can. ,canfei.enc 'i't'h ch were Mrs V, Sytnick re .. ted lvavun : Concent sand; Marobitig' Band ett k'oii a l0 1 . - record for 8,30, Mrs. , .s s .. 'd 'ss atte ' O t � g ng p"uyn►g i c d # i C Fin?. an . Mi ndir>!g . he showing alf the :head qui bhe ppigQiple u river0#1es ,made 15; Balis inezxuber lash Saturc1ay night, anti they had, parlLcypaftuYi; eras a iiovel}ty dance. L•ahr>ston',. Ctottu, and Mds, 1963 1'.ord cars aIt the Ct?eefe crP Ei?glafnd Hall .. Soand' a7i0 ITU . Oven, out three baby medals, when the resuj� of ,the. parade POIJOW _ their C1KCO. visit Siebert, ,Zurich will .r-ovid'e t 'e ,tm J q There is dea ecrtin were i%meefd at Waiterloa. the r , ryY sl t , �p h Cezi , . , via, Germany ant, New Xorl; a y m g lite y p.oceeded to Seatrlarn s demonstration, Fui Mier eAft Mr, and Xm, B., Brooks', Van Sit{ate,'- At these conferences, in, Hessen, October 3 from 10 y did next earn the trolxhy Stadium where t.<he : e itain7rieiut Wi. roved ib u , - spending ewaxd y witt3i. sse�t ll p' eo..verJ l3 C„ axe pemd_ig.a few Prof,leaf, Hutt r. resents the Uric.. a.in Ila 3 chart was rile top r for „' .. I . . Any memiber good' cgmpetit ons tbe'tween Mrs. Zablocici'Is ballet students, Woeks with their sisters; Mrs, yersilty of Brittish. Columbia, w'ishi to alttexul should coria- pamtkeipaftioin erg this parade, druln'ax> arum e' c a x f •l be 'e7v- Fred T p. t or"ps, cid e iesllanenitS Will s i. x d horripson, Ba field u y Liiue, Mr; clod Mrs. Mel Simxrngrus cot 11+1xs, Var a 'bafa We are »ort saying that the ,m, Ithe pro ee. ,d. ed. The Members of Unit 2 . And. Mrs, J. HullerClinton, g ?'e' Septearl- At 4.30 p* o de .. a M. ,. Cl . free Dorm Postel,) and family, ber 19. band did not pu+t on a good to Waterloo Square w1jere the 'hope for the .suppert of the Mr., pd- Mrs, E, H. Epps, Cal llv a spent e shote On the contrary ey Pps, gazy, A ... ri , _ p . t th past The C1WL fall bazaax will be ' parade was scheduled to leave, ,whole grganizatiori and .of the 3$ Maria. Sreet vacated t eir 't m , eIc Ith dad better than usual but not h h ee we salt e Norrie � the held' on November 3 from :2,5 2� bands pazttuclpadecl', :in0140'u31 goner'I !pu xic, cgttage n- Port Elgin last Wed-- lfpVz, arenas Mr. d' r p m. wytliPrizes: n enrrcii h ?tor' :the adlud'acatar•s. Ito drurm and truni efts, co s i --- ---a---- nesd�a parents,, n Mrs. band Y ni h e Postilt, RR 3, Cliniton and .& �?ar ria . gwrare p i'P , p tae g' tt, me PPS, Lon, Jo give therm & Pint lave, liiitead, p , with, relatives and ta7lter Set, a hostess clams. and , don, z>'isuted his parents during visited F b ds fifes and d!rurnS- ornti s scat of sneak .knives• A bushel a second' place to tete' Waterloo brass anfd. reed's bards ,and a' " the we0kedd'. Dix Sunday they frl ends err the �surrourlding dist- of s ill t e h dao prize. Musical Society Band was stab- mullti�tude of m 'or. Mrs.) Lockhart a e ill e tion apple. w .. b b -.e r fir ulaied, a1 ettes, ll attend d he d coral an reel• They ado spent a couple Tickets :are available from any The evening dhow was admir• r service at the Fairfield- Church; of days at Larking, Mich. A CWL member, Aft'em a while ,tire disappoint- ed by all, The display ;prat or, Brent Count , where the family famlil menet turned i:ntto, plan's' and Life Member Y Y P'et together ulnas' held at A r'el'igious gift will ,be given re'solutt'lons Made for ithe future b different cors was rela'lly n. s locaited. Mr, a'rid Mrs, ,Toe, PosIdIrs on y p plot i to each :of three children; :who b all us,. Let Diploinaftes, a Mrs, William Wise, 116, Rat- Sunday, September 2, On Tues- tremendous. Y ¢ilen>lbeits wh"Ch" will drums and trumpets (continued from Page 1) en ay, ;Mr„ and Mrs. Garth pas- obtained, highestt marks in x!e4mg. p s comps from t bury S'treelt, has returned tF miake your :band; better, The Quebec Olty formed only a year quilt (patches was made by Mrs. from a visit at Toronto whetre till ienttertained es, su ,em nests ion int their grade cit se11001 spirit is of the highest amongst T , g last year: St. Joseph's, .Grade er a the 'ago really gave troubles to, the Neilson, supply cornvener, she visited her sister-in�law, Mr. and. Mr's, Mel Siminons 1 Paul Arisltett " Mom areit the bard mernb s s to _ other ,three senior corps in that Mrs. C. Park ,gave �a few Mit• Howard Clark and also, .alt- and, famil'Y, Mr. and Mrs, Joe , g future en>glagernernts and, the class, Tt will really bee good pointers , on '£Readinlg" and tended the exhibition. Sh iso P O Briexv; Grade 2, Constance G1lance Of trophy win in:g, at g h . e a ost?lu ,and peter. Mr, and' Mrs. Hafthianvay; , q Tion Santa corps Ito watch in the future, asked ithe liadles' to take adva4b; visited, in Hamilton with her Grade 3 Jacqueline _ don and S fiorth Mel Simmons left Fos! Koine latst Witliamaorn; Grade 4, Diane Well, besides saying that with age of bile library Mrs, %?aiisy sisters Mrs, Fired Lawreme, Mr. Thursday moMing, Calus, parades this falll, presented .an excellent and Mrs. Lawrence aoeom an - Powers; Grade 5, Cliri'st ne Jen_ need' far xriare practice in ,bath Holland The day was not �a complete � � p Mrs. Emily Marks, 100 Mile nlogs Grade 6, Jill Golds- .1,Ws for the b'an'd. They l�etiit music ,and drill, and, that the report on the ,first regional led tier home on, Thursday. They House, B.C. (dtaugh.,ter of Mrs, worthy, Miehel!le Jennings; apllre'ara:nce, smantn,%S and con- .conferernce, held in Lond'eslboro visilte+d frlen& ,and relatives in George ,Connell, SeatForth) 3V - Grade .7, ReglnWd Varga; Feeney and Mrs, Ferra'nce. So- duct has to impr eve greatly, we last May. The meeting was in- Clinton. and Goderich this past ports that two weeks ago for GradeS AllfredaGaldswortiy, ccal commitloforOotaber will are c1ass d as a seegx,d�place's iiaqio n to all who had • t� Week. some reasontthe 1 and at Kam ITl4et: Grade 1, Charles Shun: be Mrs, Clement Reynolds, band. But with- the Items men- tended. Mrs, Edith Johniton, of Edith' loops where ,the 'Male House than; Grade 2, Monica Flynn; Mrs, Archie Fleoelt and Mrs, tirnned above rectified an'd witch The unit leiaders reponted� on Anne Hair Fashiants, spent $arras is locatedJust shifted in - Grade 3, Sheila Spencer; Grade Theo Flynn, the co-operation of ,every mem- the progress ,of their ;groups: Monday at ithe . Royal York in to the river, "It hook with it 4, Kelvin Spenoer; Grade 5, Myotery prize was 'won, by ber of the band we will:,. become U.niet 2 is planning a special Toronto, attending the "Festi- 11 .apple trees, brig ones, -and Leo Spencer; Grade, 6, Lynda Mrs, David Varga and the a first place band loom We evening September 19, during vale of ITairstyling", sponsored one Of our big, trees at the j Flynn;; Grade 8, Leo ,Medd, chiance ;gift was vola by Mrs, hope to achieve this in London which floral and drifttwood lair- by the Bruno Schools, Where end of the lane," writes Mrs, Visiting; •committtbee for the Peter Hathaway, After 'the and SeafoxtGh 'this fall where ranvgements, are Ito be demon- this fa'ul'ts lines .in design and Marks. They say the +hole is month of September will, be closing league prayer, a social last year .a high second, place strated. This will be followed colour were shown by )the lead,- ,about 50 .feet wide by much Mas, Tom .Feeney, Mrts, J'oe time was spent pilayting bingo, tabulated for our band amongst by entertainment -and refresh- Ing ,Canadian and European more Jong and, 15 feet deep, 17 top Ontario bands, mems, the' cast of the evening stylists. "Some of our -trees .are out in All 'membeats are asked, Ito be being 50 cents, Misses Diane and Nancy Hull, ;the river, some part way down Attend Your Church at p'r'actice next Tuesday nigh Mrs. William Murch spalre of ssumrner visitors with their the bank ,and some just dropped 1 for Exeter Fair on Thursday, :plans for the Country Fair:grand+paremits:, Mr., and Mrs, dam, into the big hole," September 20. Majorettes and Bazaar to be held October 27 Crordo I CuningharAe, Ratt>en:- + ` , T .. eclair partyalt 7 pm. sharp in the recreation room, of -the bury Street Wiest, returned last .t ms Sunday and batted members at 7.30 p.m. church. Included will be a 'tea' weeit to 'thea home in Van - sharp, This engagement means room .and several booths: home couver, accompanied by their �ewa needed money for the (band bathing, candy, touch and bake, parents, Prof, and, W. T. E. IV overs ALL, SERVICES DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME fu'n'd, therefore a full turnout delicatessen, Christmas, and Hull who, recently returned � at practice is necessmT. 'hake -out planes" for supers from :attending the great wor9id- Telegraphed CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH ° at home. (Baptist Federation of Canada) s • The ladl were entertained Anywhere Auxiliary At HOLMESVILLE by Mrs. C. Park and Mrs. M. Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. IST:ediger singing ,the delightful SUNDAY -10.00 a,m.—Sunday School duet "Whiispering Hope". Fol- Notice of the sudden death of 11.15 a.m, FAMILY WORSHIP-- St. Andrew s lowing, the theme ifor medittia- Roy H. Allis in London, on Sep - schools, and was. vice-principal "Mr, in Between ....... tion, the hymn "Take Time to while a teacher at the Clinton 7.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer Begins Season be Holy" was sung, and, Mrs. Collegiate Institute in 1930, he "Our Burden Lifted" F'ingiand closed the meeting boarded for some time at the C.00ke, The Madeleine Larne Auxill- with prayer, home of his friends, Mr, and All Are Wellcome. Here ary of St. Andrew's Presbyter-. *�► 0 - Mrs. Brogden MacIdath in the K. C. lan Church 'met Tuelsclay even- village, After two years at the ire September 11 with several L�BQ To Hold Clinton school he joined the Maple Street Christian Reformed rngerrvbers ands one vis,tor pre- staff .of the London secondary F L 0 R l S T GOSPEL HALL sent. Mrs. Ronald McCann pre- _ tember 5 recalls bhe fact that, Church . $�iQ Cash -Draw time the time of this death. From CLIIV7ON `"�� ,�d:�• Mrs. Douglas F'ai•cliiliax' time to time lac revisited this Dial HU� 2-i�012, Clinton REV. L. SLOFSTRA read .a portion. of Psalm 27 and locality, and visited Mrs. Mac - Sunday September 16 Minister Mrs. McCann lad an prayer. The ,Hugon Lodge No. 377 of Math a few weeks ago. 9.45 a,m.--Worship Service Sunda September 16 , y p A lesson :from the study book entitled "Play +the Man" was the Ladies O:rantge Benevolent Association 11-01d, their first fall 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 8.00 p.in,—Guest Speaker: Mr. 10,00 a.m,—Service in English react Jby Mrs. W. D. Webster. meeting Tuesday, September 1-1 David McClurkin, Galt Celebration of the Lord's Supper Planst were made to hold a with .a goad attendance, Boys and girls are welcomed 30 bazaar and bake sale in the Discussion .took pace on a to children's meeting conducted 2 p.m,—Service in Dutch church on Saturday, September draw for $50 and ev'er'y mem- by Eric Vetters, London, Sep- Lord's Supper Applicatory 27 *r=3-5 p.m. ber was asked Ito co-operate.tember 17 to 26, at 7 pm, Service An :auction sale of various Discussion on card' party 'took Tuesday Bible Study and EVERYONE WELCOME Items brought .by 'the members- place and was d'ecid'ed' Ito leave prayer .at 8 P.M. All Welcome • was .held. Hostesses for lunch -the matter over until the next , p.m. BAYFIELD BAPTIST were Miss Larene Langford, meeitnrvg• ,Vers, Bruce Bartliff, 8 P.M Meeting and 1311510 Reading, Tift. Jessie MaKe %le An invitation, .to Woodhamto St. Andrew's CHURCH The October Tne'etWg will the a social evening to celebrate Presbyterian Church - T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A., , Weld ,at the Name of Mrs. Karry their15th bimtand!ay when ihus- band's invited Pastor aiymouth in the apartments and escorts' are Rev. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A. above" the pont :office, was, accepted, Sar Thursday, Interim Moderator Sunday, September 16 0 October 11 Any member wish - Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School Happy Workers to go ,p'Ieatse contact Aft. Tor, O'Connell HU 2-6615, Mrs. 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 2-9255 Sunday, September 16 p When People Offer Themselvess Wilfred Colalough; HU or Mas ,Cley+taiv 14WLgins HU 2 - Dr. S. M. Scott, Kincardine, guest speaker. Willingly" 7.30 p.m.• --Evangelistic Hour Pcn�c Held In are cordially Invited to 9279• Please db so by October these services' St. Paul's ---- Clinton ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer Service "Prophecy For Today" S�afortt� Park Rector Charles Merrill, Organist 6 in order that rides can be arranged for all. - CLINTON Fri., Sept. 28-8 p.m.—Induction Christians gathered in the name I of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 8.30 a.tii.—HolyCommunion Anglican Church service. You are cordially Invited to 0. Of Canada these services' St. Paul's ---- Clinton Rev, P. L. Dymond, LTh. Joseph Street' Rector Charles Merrill, Organist GOSPEL HALL and Choir. Leader CLINTON , Sunday, September 16 Christians gathered in the name h 131NITY XIII of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 8.30 a.tii.—HolyCommunion 1.8: 20) meeting in the above 1:1.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer hall invite you to come and hear preacher, Rev, H. Jennings the Gospel the old, old story of Rural Dean. Jesus and His Love. 2,30 p,m.--3unior Confirmation Order .of meetings on Lord's Class Day as follows. 7.00 p.m. --Evening Prayer . Services Tues., Sept. 18 --St. Paul's WA meets at Mrs. Alien White's '11•.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread home, Princess Street 2.45 goo pan.—Sunday School p.m. 7.00 p.rn.—•Preaching ;the Gospel -thurs,, Sept. 20y -•Chancel. Guild 5,00 p.m.—Thursday -•Thtursday - Prayer ,Vers, Bruce Bartliff, 8 P.M Meeting and 1311510 Reading, lseis illie-� ulmeduiZC¢ pttiteb a4uretied REV, CUI* FORD G. VAIi,K, M.A,, Minister "'i'he be drouges urtship of the Anglican and united Can Union EventtuM67" HOL'Mt SVII.,LIt 5.45 a.m.—Church Service 10.45 a.m.—Sunday School - WktALEY-WILLIS 1.,00 a.ni.—CLiurdh Service 12,10 p,hi.=•-•Suftday School Bally Day frog: Attend the " 8ervice of witness" sponsot#4 by ithe General Council of the United Churerl in Lbnctott Aretia, Sunday at 7:30 P.M, Speaker, Di Howarc • m'hur'itiiazi, ' �v t hfolo SftIo6f Unife l fiur+ch .�� " "T� moi;#E1�T'DL'Sr' CIiURC%t"r 04061': REV, dhAN1' MtLLs, B.A. H 4- 'JoZ a,rri,—ISutiday School '► 11.00 a.irl. Church erir'de �y. �0,45 a..nx.bt'Yting Wersliip 10:45 t1;,xtY,iti'tdby a�chdbl i The Happy Workers Chub of Duron Road 'East held their annual picnic at Seafortah Luaus Park with 50 altend6ng; Win- ners, of sports events were: Pre-school, girls, Jow e Gib- son, -3rendra Gnbbings'; boys', GRlitif Holland, .Michae, Gilbbings; 6<7 yeam, ghisNancy Gibb - Brenda 61bblhgs; 8101 years;, ,girds, Ga3de Henderson Marilyn, Holland, boys, Neil � Dale, . Billy Henderson; boys and girls, Keith F%lland, cons'o- 1,ation, Mary Ann, Klaver; lad - leg, Wammetta Holland, Lois Bernard; men, Keri Gibbings, Joe, Gibson,. Ki;ckAhe-sllppe'r, DianueDale-, paper Platte relay, Grace and Dori Watson,; oldest pe&eot, EMenty Kllaver; youngest, Sbar- on Lee Dixon; draw for tab rfi- Vbtrsary, Bill and Wofthatta Idol- sand; b4xithdaV on picnic day, Donald Watson, and Michael Gibb cgs". The delicious supper kook tthe foram; Of birithd)ay celebrations. gveryone" enjoyed the ,cuter= noon immensely, THEY FEATURE W IrY ANO L0W PR/CE AND .ARE' LWAYS' READY 0 E SPECIAL—On CAR SAFETYBE 'S Regular $9,60 for.. $7425 ihstalled (PLUS TAX) ' . In Blue, Blade, Grey and 8fdwh Holl��d's . Sr�atoltat�an 10 'Hu ton Sfre'ef HU 1,6661 Vb w". . ... + .... :. .. r • PROMPT • COURTED?'S THOROUCH • FRIENDLY 11E+ PFUL • ECONOMICAL.