HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-13, Page 1(A�, W 1P. ID :l Mt NkW kK!°A ••- Wth. TEAR � • THE HURON f2irC0.RQ $ l st YEAR
lWently we heard t h a t
iteiiell is > • 'n v 1 !`log 37, -The Home ,Papelr With the News �M,�NT�;+1 ONT,A1tlb�, THU�$pAY $EP7`�lylgPlt 13 196 4.QQ 'Peer Yea tl Cents Re 1
1!i . g a vim c r f .., , _4 1... .t' 'Cppy+-,-. 1 .P ges
fhTa to study the town's; Indus,
tmi4l, commercial and residenti,= _ .............. .. _... ....
T l .Ilm Acfiio� : Aids to Further Study
New Columns _�. ^..
al: wr#rti a surveof'viey of tYast � needs oWII �o4lDc1
to make it grow in the ne.'t.
25 years ,. The
y eXpect 't. /'�
will, be June. 2964- ibefoxe the Ta frf ung #�
x P yments areCio'dout5,000 j.tvaz-k is completed.'acceptedand' � •Put into effect This'eel�'s IssnAwards
Tax payments by Clinton ppaatecl that estimates on cost area behind the barn, connects to
rate a ern axe xis ood s'h e wkll •be,presente'd at it next wuth an. e?gtexrsion Jof Isaac Tw.o new rfeartures are begin -
,AND ratepayers TIS k?'ISII ,AND p y g. ap ,
Game Club Bantam baseball r'eparted�' Councillor G.egrge .meeting, No destination . was Street past the tracks, Pot- ng � this ween s issue of 'bhe
to Cl CD r
boys win another game yester, R`uan�ball, fzamarrceciiaix"m:an; an suggested #or, the nine capitaiin's rtiourexts •L1aycZ' Holland'. Milford ra N'e'ws Record, as part off �des
1Vfond-ay night. Arrears total, chairs which :have graced' the Durst end sales rnan�agej Jo- a -eoritznuing e'ffoiit -to provide
A 'tonal of about $5,000 in the first time, is about $2 000principal of the sChocl,
day , , , an found at nnast in- more interesting items i?ax our
teresttnng ... Those youngsters Wig' $1X,407,63 ,are made 'up 'of council chamber throughout the seph,;Corey, suggested that re- D. readers. awards and, bursaries: wiJ1 be available 'frarri the W. D Fair
look 'so' sl+in-r, a!?d So you�ag . , . oz>f l y $$4,02, from 7959; tovmi h'all's history, opening of the streets iirould Iver, tto studensts of Clinton a ate. T to s Rules and regu]'ations govern -
given, from 96 For the ladles, a g st he rm . of the Fair
and they turn out to be such $3,475.88 1 0 and�thelyal� A request for reopening two provide Safer parking, "s;and , . column par= District Collegiate Institute be qe r that ing the Fazq• bequest were sett
ince of 7 837.73 'as due from s eats town; as referred o d Increase value f ',re -tidy for the housewife., >s gi I u 9 nil are hat the interest up karst fall and the to
good lba'll-players , l incr s a.. , • st this fall, as, graduattes -move on, on money left :by rthe, es ' te, ' students
„ that tats x m tx in t w. wag w u
.quite ar iazing ... Another ex- 1961 taxes, to the executive committee aintd denlbial area on the highwd. to be found for the first tame of 1961.62 are the first to be
y into higher ed'yroation, and shall be ,dis+trsbuted' among
le of plod training
-in the Reeve Margan J., Agnew sug- public Works: committee, to oibr D .on a th Is ae S.` ee on page o, wJ.t' the heading, s ixdents continue t awarded moneys frorn this
amp' e.v and e a t t Aduie Writes". Written by a youngert.. .n_ to worthy sttudents of the caIlegi fuuvd, 'Phew names i11
Peewee a'ge group .by the steady gested again the idea of 'buying taro legal advice, Devon Street, exte Ian were Closed in 946 seep secondary education. at in 10 awards, according ams w be
Kinn en Clu carried' on new "s . ta`ble'" fui�ture for which leads: from the Bayfield � , � 'lade of the district walk .the ?` e $ 0 war , d and
mavailable for publication} in next
$ when rine
property was owned ern name "Adine", and with included this year and for to the rleci'sion ai the board ani eek's issue of the Clinton
into dedicatee coachiz>g and the 'council chamber, and Road, past Clinton' Community by Elrinesit Adams. Now It is nrt
training by others ... Deputy Reeve John Sutter re -,,Sales Barn, and the parking the property of Milton 'Wiltse, in`terest.% similar to those, of News Record,
, many.. -area, ladies, we expect
x F s «.: : ~• Two complaints were xeceiy` that T Four Grade i graduates Provincial will
THIS K kxi . ,:. a '' a t it vtill prove quite inter•- Bonnie �Qa Hamilton iff o.lY Top p Student iI receive Domini rev'
H WEE_ WE HAVE A ed from e0ban &WIng• tihe weeks oto. xnezal
..pore" which merely emphar k � ��� ., � �: i � � � . � e n red g
.;.>s,. , .:� h` persons i Ju on, m oxo
r,: _, € � =q,. • l " � ,• sax''eets, 'whack they claim, ;'the came
student aid irursaries' of $500
sizes something we have been � a �. � ���r . F „ u�. town: to the responsible.•.,,for, C _i
�` w _ Wiitlr the readers of Adiastral urns Si Ernest CoQ er Award each. These ai 3 st are .avaal-
gettircig mare. and more aware �� e,.:.� r � ,�� #1 � �>� ;� P
x ;� Bath were referred is thy: tri- Park in mrindl a resident orf able to Gz°lire 13 students who
as more and more people � ,.p suu_ame compatny. `-' averaged 66 percent and over
�� _ �� r. `' unity has offered to ins Bonnie Hamilton with have brought her the title of
tell us about it , , , We quote. » : u _ , • community in the June examinations,
that c Miss '�
Permission was given ithe: Ontario Scholar and an award
"The reiacluvg dbesn;t make. � � a �- ;�` � (��, � contribute, items of social m- an, ,average of 77 percent in
' cancer, Polio ,andl tuberculO i orf 400 naevertiaeless she has Three of these studentsi are
us bored .. ,The stack .is �ad'e- .�x ;, ,. �� s " . � :: ;>. � ,, terestt ,for the secandi ive,w Grade 13 examin�atians, has $
quately stared , .. You :s'ay' that:. =' '
com1nwttee of the Od'dfellows colUmv being offered. This one e'arne'd the Sir Ernest Cooper enrolled) at the University of
Lod to canvass the towlii; for • t „ pmC1 to be the top student k
et • , a ge is egntixtled Ad'astral Paris :Sa scholarship of $50, the .beard of Wes+terra Ontario, Miss Bonnie
it is not the arils .. , y xis l ° y ;ma irie subscriptions. COCl last year. Just one marl
s �., �.: + :: _:,;, t: ,; b"a� p Pro- cial Nates" ,by Ann Aileron, y governors award from Western I3aniiilboxz, daughter of Mr, and
valgue reserved, way . . . we l y xz r coeds are used to buy' -S4:ck short off a standing which would of 200 and' a Dominion -Pro- Mrs'. John Hamilton, planning
must concur with those' who y ThQSj too, is a pen r4arYle. Our $ , p g
room .equipment, la writers are n k s'y,�, bolt vinciai bursary of $500, is 'specialize in mathematics;
sayWe ithink your paper 4 °+V i w. • .
;, ,, xi . ie : ',° : ' the Sir E;rrnest Cao er schol_ Alan 'Cochrane son of Mr. and
Ilan �� :s:k • , � . , Parking in the area of tl have indicated a preference for � � �.,., y h � . � .. p
stbiks .. , For the smelly f x � , ' � Rat '� arshx was, established in 1945 Mrs, Ha Cochrane M
that Cant be seen . , ,There's' post Office will be lIm4tetl;: to anonymous. contributions, P ra3' Mary
N� <, '; 15 minutes between, 9 a.m. ;info r>;rv, at' CDCZ,
-an, .is paid. from a Street, planning to specialize
Lifebuoy and Arvid and even In the case of Ann Ailerons. t . ,
:,u .
, lief,, i,xs.
column!,F., fund,' set u b
u, 6 p,m., •accordiavg •to the terms upby Sir Ernest Coop- in biology, and Janet Herpder-
Clene , We kniow where - a phone number is pu'b_
of a . by-1'aw assed! by coux> it er, far the highest ranking stu- sin, planning .to specialize in.
throne go when we diless p lish�ed. P'ers'ons with ite= to
riri ' n .. on Monday ,night. This wmll:'not conazr tribute, nrza earnbact her aai yY en -
dent graduating from Clinton Latin. $ar+bama Hendea�son, en
but whereabouts, on, a p tirxg y- , «q Distriict Collegiate Institute rolled at Untiversi,ty of Water -
>r L that way. Commurnica,taQz>s in ,. c 3Q ,
press' r
go into ebe n re tie proper R ", Grade 13 each year. loo is planning to specialize in
, t 1 �N= `� �� {�; � � �k ,� . signs have been erected', � '�� . r� � Y P g
Actually wee dont came much writing to .either calummusrt may i,.
�, ' ' <� Words from Landon. England, history. The Henderson girls
..as, long as, ,people continue � � '����.« ,� � � yy �� 3. ,•., A diivisiiom; of opinion :arise be made by writing d6reut tta tihe i ,
:a. n , . , , of the, dleath of this, farmer ,:are da hters of Mr. and Mrs,
to react the words' . .. <r �_ � � over patrkinHg irx 'the blacic �rcarcn G7iirotom News -Record info the �;: t•.� � �
i« = the Chilton Cab stand to itht- letters, will be forwarded, to the
Clinton, "boy„ just last Friday, Jahn Henderson, 13rucef4eld.
Y;; September 7, was heard with
ANYONE INTEIREST'ErD ]; N f � ` `��}� , y `�� � ' �" � new office building being Cori- proper porsonts; ,� � :. � '°� � � k��, . , Ralph Trewartha, son of 112x,
„ t, ' 'ri strllcted for the De mArrient of -o
sexing buildings grew should. R „� p .,
make a look at the. new hotel. Agriculture. Councillors George
atthe -north west edge of t � ',b
Wonch and AlanElliott c'on= Quebec Flog Is
, ire v tended that -angle panting •
Mown pretty :soon . , .. otheiwv �®Qf'0t� Ill@fit.
the place will ,be finished) band should be ehangecl .to parallel .
operabing before you can make ' parlcd,nig. Clerk John Liieranore Week for Blind
�� volunteered the information
the trip . . ° ° that 'thd lines on th:e' paveme'n't Good news has been re-
wereainted at the wrong ceivedl by Bob Huard drum x
e fdr safe aTkimajor of the Clinton Com -
boned. Mooed"ay ...the .publisili- :.:. amD1 p 'ununty Concert and March_ z .»
er Sof the News -Record was just When the vote turned `out wig Band. A letter from •the
entering the front door of the From The treasure Chest 6-2 in favour of leaving it'the Kon. Lionel: Bertrand, Msec- CDCI� s Best
office when ,he heard a peculiar way it is, the police .eoninuhtee
ret Province,
and nottic '' info ream Fortunate , maxi, Fred Bowra,.' Goderich,, head chaired
by 1VXayox•` W J.- zler the Pro r ' Bonnie Hamilton .
sound, a , ed ... Quebec has advised, Mr..
.. crf o 96 ga ener a RCAFF ,.Statio—,Clinton,.or -°tl�i pa8t' 'ottS. r�• `to ui�vestigrate fui is ,
.d t if h- liar l Huard that "the province is
sa ess by those who knew ham and Mrs. Norman, Trewamtha,
and' ,his family. Mr, Cooper was RR 3, CJirnton, also earned one
85 years old', of r,these bursaries, but is now
There will be no interruption enrolled at Royal. ,Military Col-
in the' awarding of the scholar- lege, Kirngs,ton, and will not
ship. The fund will carry on im needt to, accept it.
perpetuity -
The ,Board .of Governors at Two local bursaries also have
University of Western Onta)•io, been awarded,
London', awards $200 each year Miss Barbara Durst, daugh-
for ,the torp student in each •tor of Mr, and Mrs. Milford)
school in, Ontario, providing Durst, 180 Isaac Street, Olin -
they Obtain first class honours, ton, has ,been awa'rd'e'd ithe $100
This also , was earned by Miss bursary offered ami ally by the
Hamilton.. > , ULin>tiori Hcspital la`�i�i MIs$,
D ist is a miurse in. training at
by ,one of the staff had shattter-
seven years, Won the sliver guessing contest at the
o see the un Yte es ,coo d
be to im'pr'ove the
presence a flag of the
Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital.
ed . .. Two gaping holes, and.
den house event at British Mortgage and Trust
of Quebec to she
the resit a, mosaic of cracks...
Company's new branch in Goderich last week, Mr.
situation. 1
band, for use by the colour
Actually this is a three year
wW. cook also passing, by
Bowra guessed $368,68, just 1.3 cents more than the
Police Chief H, R. Thompson
award, with. the srtud'euvt retceav-
was %a little startled,, too 1?y
' '
actual amount in the golden chest. He was per-
reported' onearrest, ithree 'sum-
26 •. ti d
The new flag is expected to
Ing $50 more the year,
. dl th' 50 h kir •
the acct .. ernce . . . , manses, rnn�estxga ons err arrive next week. Alois
° * , mitted to take home all the coins he could scoop out $85 in fines levied. There were g The second fife mernbershi
FAVOURITE SPOT FOR,, ALL of the chest with both hands in one try -- he two highway escorts provided, with the Lions Club, flag, p
the colour party will be since the inaugunatiion of the
6id!ewatk superintendents In tYe managed to lift $60,65 in shiny coins. five warnings given under the <, ,; United Church Women, wars be -
area t+hete days , is' over- , :highway itrafific. -act, ten prose- able ,to increase in colour
bol Ing the basement of the cuntdimisve
'ami ten. 'canvaatiozvs and interest, stowed upon Mrs, James Lock -
new office building on, King ive aces were foun>di insecure karat at lire esleyrnbll�general
Street Because it is still Lioiiiiii,Caryl [Earns accidents. investigated meetizng of Wesley -Willis UCW.
below tihe level, of the street, There are 46 trailers in use at The kindness and., generosity
bel here it still all stst e the trailer camp. Report of Damage of Mrs. Nelson Trewartha al-
.going on, tit's •a fascin- Attendance Award Building permits were ap- o lowed rtlh s life , -to b membership cer-
atting Vantage point ... proved! for three homes and ane To Vehicle In tuficarte and pin to be presented
office building, with a total of � during a short ceremony at
THERE'S WORK BEING done Caryl W. Draper, I-ong-;time ed' Ito the Ki'nsm'en Club for a $56,330 in permits involved: In- `• Q Wesley -Willis United, Church.
to -the outside of the Shearing member of the Clinton Lions bingo night on October 3 ,and clu'ded was the new office Cush on Princess �• McGfH and Mrs. Shepherd
Club was honoured at the Tues- the Lioiis will: bold a bingo
black, Can other words, the building for the Ontario Dep -
north east corner of -tile mann day m'eetin'g of the club with a night there on October 19, artment of Agriculture being Following a two -vehicle crash �y /�
20 -year perfect -attendance cer- directed by fund's raising com. Many Folli Tour
intersection) to, the motif 'built Say Lavi:� Bras. on King. on Princess Street East an
of Siwangs grocery . to -the tifii�cate. This, is considered a milttee Chairman Maynard' Cor- Street $30,000; homes for Milt- September 1, Donald, Yeo, RR
pairntwork at Clinton Cab particularly high honour, and rie. on Steep, $9,000; Fred Hudie, 1, Godieridh, 16, was treated in � Branch 4f
very few such certificates have Plans were made for apendnsg ClintonPublic Hospital for
611 in, preparation for a typical $8,000 incl H. WWaymouth, p'
been earned. the -arena for skating this wh#- 7 500; porch (for Hemb Bridle, some head) injuries. Mr, Yeo
Huron County wing ... $ Trust. Company
o- Mr, Draper is'.a past president �`• $500; shed for Ed. Welsh, $130;' was pr•acee'ding east .anti about
of the club having served in Lion's will tour the Crippled, .additiarn H. McNally, $1,000, 2 a.m. that morning when, his
• that capacity in 1946-47. At Children's Centre in London on and porch, • Murray Garrett, 1.961 Dodge struck Wa parked
Local Winners present ,lib serves on the sports October 9, and, will present the $�, 1960 panel truck awaited by. Milt- Over ,000 people w ei
and! h Ith, and welfare com- Club's cheque for '$1,000. This Douglias Andrews' will replace cheat McAdam. Damage was shown .throu<gh the buildi-n- I
InM Exhibits mittees. E. Beecher Menzies., is revenue for Easter Seals which' hawses the Goderioh
Farm J. W. Counter as the Legion estimated at $600 to the truck branch. of British Mortgage and
zone chairman,, :made' the pre- sales. member on the ,Clintorn Recrea- and $1,600 tto the Car. Trust, last week during a .two
Fred McClymoivt, Varna, is sentation. George Lavin' reported' on, the. bion Council, Two stltciies were. required
holding some more ,prize Ab- Sttewarit Taylor, new Foster Parenrts Plan under day open hawse. Staff members
presi- {]hanHgyes in permLitts' to move out the part of Dr. J. A. Addison explained structure, furriis'Yiimgs
bons as a re'sulit of showing dent of .bhe Clinton Lions con- as adapted a buildings !seem indicated, ae- oro the ajIternootn of August 31,
vwhich tihe clailb' 'h
• Chinese boy an Hon' Korn Lai- and services of the uniquenew
fruit .ands veg,etablesr in wide ducted. ,the rneetii�ng. Ainarag , g g• ciiridhnlg to Reeve Morgan J. �, close, a wound in the cheek
variety at Westte'em, Flair. In, Wiai'Ming, 9 years, is one of a A As chairman of the ,building,
guetstks' was Iran Doug Baker mow• of three-year-ol,d Bert Aaixs�ing, h h
clud'ed was :a firist prize for with the RCAF from the club fancily of four ebaldren. A left- public worim. com'iniittee he, had 'why ,the lad diaslred onzt from Hip - 'gh,t of the event was
Bradshaw p7urng, ' the announcement of the wire-
and other ter from him as expected by rine asked the the inaan who rrnaverli ,a parted cars mita the nor
in Iangsfton, Nava Scotia, A between of the silver ess con-
awl for a collection of four. club, within a raisin, house last Wednesday, Septtem= � ha i
stmt -so was led' by mail twister birth :af a 1951 car drivers ;by
var'ieties� Of plums; veteran; pea,» Hugh H w Ted Davies, chairmen of the Albeit test. Used for this was ;a gold -
Ernest A. Vanderburg,
cher amkT for peaches AoV'; for program, .cornnazfltee introduced (continued. on. page 12) civ Chesil, made iris rthe Sli�a;kes-
A fsurpris'e draw was won' by Fred, '81,0man recently rotired 0 Street. peaean- festival- workshop at
a display of ,fz"txitt; far Rhode ,
ls,lamd greening apples, crab Mitcinael McAdam and the reg- public school teacher fx'oaii' the � Chief H. R. Thompson re- Stratford for the 1.955 .pro�duc-
alar sdraw proved to be another triaveliin'g school car at Ca real ports 'Fait .a 1957 Mercury, car tion .af the Merchant of Venice.
apples, any other variety of p Professional Folk reported, stollen ,in Kitchener an
'apple; for white oval patartoes'; in' >blie� line of coincidences Norlthern Ontario, Mr. Slbrrsar� C+izesses on the fatal con -
apple; Club, spoke on his ex eriences ove2 Sunday was recovered' aro Jarrz_ were invited. Fred Bowra,
iron' diriaws art the tiaras
rose, or fedi potatoes, yellow p els 18t eit, Clinton on Monday. .
Past president Herb Bridle was the cams with this travellily y a mes�id'erit of God'�xiich for the
Dantverg onions`, squash, pump- y g To Be Served o
lin, errcbai�'r,assed: to triol be had r',ailway lar school. The Lions posit 53 years, luckily guessed
than RR 2 di+awn his own -ticket. heard a mosit tntereiating tale • 1VIr. al Mrs. Dreg, Beek and the closest. He tool: Thome
Rabemt E. Med The club will resent a Lions o school teaching tai the ,Eton- + /► JEi Gary who have been s'pend'ing $60.65, Mr. Bowra and las', wife
Se�aforth, showed 'tYx�e second p � g Ry Al,gt�,ahener IiewS the last t inont with r. and
place Laai&Y ;; baa,, 12 months Club flag. to the 'Clinton Court- biers of the province. Harold as, h w. M live at 22'2 Quebec Street, and
p murilty Concert Band colour Lawson' expressed the itharaks Mrs. William 13atkin and Mrs,.. :they have one daughter, Mrs.
and under 13 months' the sec- xp A irony service •zs being pro- J. Huller• left for ,their hoarse ,alter 1511on Smuit es Surat-
aria plate herd of bear �ancl two party: The arena. Will be rent» of the club, video, ,by the Nialtional Ernployl. ( ) J
sows, 12 mom ins and over; the - mrt Serv' orris J b Mc- ill Ottawa ori Sunday, ford.
reserve champion juxvi� boar,
R.eniviecv Duke and, champion (ill ft
senior saw, Remview 11;ose'. This
latter aniniial ulna was judged
'grand champion sow in the #-
LatidraCe show,
• The Hurbn, CounW herd entry R ,-
at Western Fair carried, off
sbcond, place in the Holstein
.,khow, in whatt U termed, 'by' *It
Holsitein! - )tr'eisian Association `
and n,eaeaery' u,��+"sur+pr•ise se,c=
rilf6 i:n' ,groul),
the' Weather,
1961 106
High Low High Lot>v 9 E
S'bpt, 0 65 40 82 80 '
7 72 38 Sb 62 �• f. '• v <
80 44. 80 59
6 76 58 80 '94
1.Q 80 6 $5 'f0 K "
It 6s
12 85 �42 72
Rain: m txf, PAfts Moho
W116 Datil Bur'sodeo
borbakdt Yfutif Donald, Peemlriit
me rce, rep
Lead•, niariageh of the Goderioli
ofiflice of Me NESS. Mr. McLeod
recently atitonded' a meeting in
Kitchener in, ithis regard',
Until, the prietent;_ applicants
kii sthe exocutive acid professlonn-
al caltegory' or emplayeeg re-
quiring this type of help, have
been served by the Gode�ni'ch
oo ce. in fataria, this, service
will be prWic ed by the Kitcb-
ener office
The kitbliener eke'cutivb �and.
praessi:onal af'fice will cover
the NETS areas of Walkerton,
Sftratf6iM LIAWWel, Guelph,
Gah ,amid Goderkh, With a
larger geograaphidar area irav'aly-
ed, Applicants for &he enitir•,e
area will be setviceat by ptoper-
ly gaallhedl 'ofificeft in the '"ltey
office"' :at ltfte'hener
Mr..lVlcI;sod poan!is out th6t
itihHks service is ave,ilable� Ito
people wino are prbsehHl� 1vblik-
k4 As "A ft those" whor pare
stow ondriolk)M,
an arca ex $ t e t . ;d year.
addressed the ladies, and offer= Miss Durst is the third' student
ed .their eonigratulattian's to Mrs: from 'CDCI to train for nurs-
Lockihart .as Mrs. Jun Cox pre: °Ing with an auxlsary bursary.
sented the pin. The :other .two are Judy Guff
at Victoria Hospital, London,
iMrs, Frank Fvngland, charter and Marjorie Hunkinig, Strat-
prestidenrt, sipake to the 45 lad- go, General gospital.
res present, encouraging them Donald: Fxeiiilin
in their good' work and asking , s Ian a Mr.
for continued support during and Mrs, Harrold Feunlin, Vic -
the fall months.. toria Street Clinton, is going
Theme of the devotional, ser- into Grade 13, with the assist -
vice, "Take Time" was .given amce of the bursary offered, to
by Mrs. Robert lgacDonrald. -a Grade 12 student each year
S,c riptture and prayers were by the Ladfies Auxiliary to the
read by Mrs. Gordon Steepe Royal 'Canadi'arn Legion,, Clinton
and Mrs, Doug Andrews. Branch 140. This-amournts'. ,to
The business meeting heard $50. This is ,the first year this
grartifying reporits from the awaxid has been, made.
conveners, most committees
having been working during
the surnmier months. Mrs. Fing- Safety Patrol Selects
"and'erno"'sized strongly, '"he Members for 1962-63
meed' for ladies to .attend the
meeting at. the God'lerich scum- This year's school safety pat-
mer school on September 8. rol is getting organized again;
The theme was to be "'The Chief H. R, Thompson is u^,i
World and the Way" charge of the 'group. Members
The Unded Church Women selected to date are Garry But.
voted to send, a bale this fall 1'er, 'Grad'e 8; Kenny Rozelll,
for overseas relief•als the need Kernny Colson, Ricky Clark,
is great. Also, a plea for old S'catlt Macaulay, Bract' Kemps -
white catrton, old, nylons and torn, Kenny Strang, all of Grade
(Continued on Page Seven) 7,
Wher- e Is Grade 13 Now?
Variety of Answers
Where is everyone this year?
Well, students of Grade 13 last
sprung, have scattered about the
province to study In various
At Stratford' Teachers Col-
le'ge; Mary Joan Colquhoun,
Judith Crich,Iaruey,
Receive Dom nift-Provincial Awards
Soirbotro Nelndetmit Aldt* docbranu Jdnef f#enderson
Gary Jewitt, Kenneth Scott and
Susan Wight -man.
At London Teachers College,
Margaret Wallis:
Kenme'th Hunking is with the
Canadian » Imperial Bank orf
Commerce, Auburn branch, Ar.
;thur Bevan has ,applied for ad-
mission, to the Ontario College
of optometezy in Toronto,
SAAdVa: Merrill is with the
Bell Telephone Co, of Canada,
in ;the Clinton office. Marianne
Miche;lstkx k5 at St. Michael's
Coilegb, Umii.vers'aty of Toronto,
and Doug Roorda is enrolled at
the OafkArao College of Art tri
Janet Sharp is :a huftt—tri;-
tr wining at St, Jos'epli's lmspiw
tal, Lmdwr ' Peter R.oberts'ot>I
:14 ento'ned at Huirotrx College,
University of We$tern 4O taAO.
Back in, Grade 18 art CDCz
are John Spavin, Dewayrie D1-
maAm and m Liverrhore.
Prance Wig it ploinning :to
vedwize in Prftch End Rus-
sunt at Urrivez sxty 'taf Waterloo.
.coati L$vermor'e is., attending
Gtrdievich nusiness College.
With plans, hot yet conrip'lerte
AW Ross Carter, lWbert E6ri-
rrrersonn, Lar't"y Lever .1dralcl
1VI21]t�_atiiri T'hrs'f'Mv !`hluif+ie".