HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-06, Page 11Presenting 'a purse of money to Miss M. R, Jackson, their school teacher
of 50 years ago are .left to right, Charles Scott, Everett 'Taylor and Oliver And-
erson, Auburn. (Pkoto by Nrs , BracImek)
Auburn and District
MRS. WES .BRAD.NOCK—Correspandent--,Pheae 526-7595
Honour School Teacher 0(50 Years Ago
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Is-
rael and family, Kitchener, and
her mother, Mrs. Mary Craw-
ford, Vancouver, visited on Sun-
day evening with the latter's
brother, Andrew Kinkconnell,
Mrs, Kirkconnell and Diane
after attending, the memorial
service at the Hope Chapel
Mr and Mrs. Clayton Roba
ertson, Copper Cliff, visited
over , the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs,- William Straughan and
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Robertson.
Work began last week on the
Robertson's new residence in
the eastern part of the village.
Ray Fisher, Colborne Township
is. building the ranch style
A large .crowd attended the
dance held last Friday evening
in the Auburn Community
Memorial Hall for Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Dobie, newly-weds.
William' Seers read an address
of congratulations and a purse
of money was preiented to him
by Gordon Plunkett. Music for
dancing was provided, by Elgin.
Fisher's Rythmaires, 'Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Cdurt Kerr, Ber -Miler; Sid • Lawson, Roy
Kingsley, Mr. and Mrs, Wes
jeradneek.atterided. the „Elmira,.
Pair on Monday where the men
took part in 'the horse-shoe pit-
ching competition. Mr. Kerr
was the only winner where
over 50 took part, He placed
fifth in the B class and receiv-
ed a cash prize.
The Explorers Group of Knox
United Church met with the
first vice-president, Alan Mc-
Dougall, in charge. Patsy Mil-
Han read the scripture lesson
and Daryl Ball led in prayer.
Mrs, Arthur Grange told a
story illustrating the theme,
"The Church Slips Out". Miss
M. R. 'Jackson conducted the
closing exercises.e
Batpist Anniversary
Anniversary services, will be-
held in the Baptist Church next'
Sunday, September 9 at 3 p.m.
and 7,30 p.m. The guest speak-
er will be Rev. Kenneth Knight,
a missionary 'from ladle, who
is at; his home in Hamilton, on
furlough. Special music will be,
given, and a cordial invitation
is extended to all to attend
these services. •
' •
The Ifolenesrville Ontario Ear-
mers; Union will held their ,more-
thly meeting on Menday, Sept-
ember 1.0, in the .Holmesvilie
School at 8:30 p.m.
T UM, 1 1pt 16. 1962-41irotan News•lecer -r4.090 11
Gal on Trapeze at Western. Fair
• Nearly everyone has heard of thelamous "man on the Flying Trapeze," but
here is the equally famous Princess Tajana, "the gal on the Flying Trapeze!'
The Princess is one of the top artists in the great all star 22-act Herbert Castle
circus, feature grandstand attraction the last two days of Western Fair Sept-
ember 14 and 15, both matinee and evening, The circus is filled with breath-
taking aerial thrills, animal acts and dozens of clowns. Clever animal present-
ations include dogs, ponies, elephants, chimps, horses, bears and the famous
Michael soccer football dogs; It's a ' circus you and the children will always re-
member. Reserved seats $2. and $1.50 at evening performances only. •
It makes good sense to have your fertilizer spread on fall sown grains
grastland§,---hay and pasture , , on cash drops for next spring . accurately,.
easily and etonornidally with the new SHUR-GAIN rotilizer Spreading Service.
Makes good &liars and cents tool It may cost you no More to have SHUR-GAIN
delivered Oita spread than you are presently paying for bagged fertilizer,
Your Local SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Neter is
28 Huron Street CLINTON Phone HU 2481$
SEPT. I* 15
Beautiful, • talented
' Columbia recording
star, Anita will head-
line the Sept. 7, 8
and 10 "Aqua Spec-
, tacular".
Columbia recording
star who had 4 songs
on the hit parade at
one ,time star's in
"Aqua Spectacular"
Sept. 11, 12, 13.
IR SEPT, 7 - 15
Ontario Arena, Every Night Except Monday * DEPT, OF LANDS AND FORESTS EXHIBIT Special Events !Mg. * HORSE 'SHOW
qua Spectacular
THRILL to .the skill of the aerial acts . . the
precision of acrobats trained to razor-sharp
edge . . LAUGH at the immortal antics of
the clowns . HOLD YOUR BREATH as
jugglers, cyclists, trampoline and teeter board
experts display their skill and daring .
ROAR at the all,too-human actions of trained
members of 'the animal kingdom. ENJOY
r‘\11til / t/////' as'ereei
This is the famous Miami Beach water show featuring a talented
cast of 32 and presenting five spectacular production numbers
"DANCE OF THE CIRCUS ANIMALS". Headlined by singers Anita
Bryant and Jimmy Dean, the Grandstand. Show will include 12
acts on stage and Water -- Comedy Routines . World
Champion Divers . Miami Beach's Fabulous "Aquamaids"
. Waterfalls . . Fountains . Spectacular Underwater
Lighting Effects,
THE CADEGANS tdnatici's Singing Family SEPTEMBER 7, B
tvOrY any 'twill clow with a tot a. prize' $160t. The 41'4 /4 44 Will tOhlenthee at 1640 When- 10 ntill5bit. tliaWer, itt; 3rd; wilt bb thaten the tpin of Cr wheel. Those
whose hitivibeti h6Wa been' titaVirt Willy It hat pfesokit" the f4fro. have 1'00 tet, t6p6th, At
p-,ea. if My, 1 tipiStiarid 14, at' the wet tetehiti fite $1666 any of 'fib* tireteeif fitelVe taniataftail If HIY4 I bee appearedr the $tO00.0HZe will be tiiii6a the noit art• lino who ft present tied ernes will be. fir the Othert
1.11111 111111.011011.01111
Chlidren under I.
achnitted free until
6 p.m. Alto
4 all adralislo0 44e.
Auburn Horticultural Group
To Sponsor Scrapbook Event
Ed. Julien spent the weekend
at his home •at Sudbury,
Mrs.. Beatrice Lovett, St.
Catharines, visited last week
with Mies Margaret R, Jacvvson.
Mr. and Mrs.'Doug Clark and
family. London, visited on Mon-
day with Miss Elms Mutch.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunce!, Mac-
Kay, Barbara and Johnny vis-
ited last week at Tobermory.
Miss Susie Latimer; Oakville
• visited last week with her cous-
in, Bert Craig and Mrs. Craig.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Edgar Daer and
daughter, Debbie moved to
' Goderich last Saturday.
Mrs. Edith Cowan, Blyth,
visited on Sunday with Mrs.
Charles Straughan.
Dr. B .C. Wein is visiting in
London with his son John, Mrs.
Weir, Joan and Bob.;
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mailloux
and family, Atwood, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Plunkett and family..
Miss Mary Asquith, Cooks-
ville, spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs, Charles As-
Miss D. O'Neill, Clinton,
visited last Saturday with her
friend Miss Margaret R. Jack-
son. ,gremo4,,,,=•r.A`
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller,.
London, visited over the holi-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Miller and Miss Gail.
Mr. and Mns. Oliver Ander-
son, Nancy and Betty Moss
spent a few days last week
at Niagara Falls and Toronto.
Chris Hutchison, Kingston;
spent the holiday with his cous-
in, Lawrence Nesbit, Mrs. Nesr
bit and Michael. '
Mrs. Alfred Rollinson and .
Murray Rollinson are visiting
this week at . Windsor with her
sister, Mrs. William Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur
and family returned on Satter-
day from a two-week's vaca-
tion at Bogie's beach.
Miss Shirley Brown returned
last weekend from the Anglic-
an Church camp where, she ser-
ved on the staff for the past
summer months,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Tay-
lor visited last weekend with
his cousin, Mrs. James Elliott,
Rev. Elliott and daughter at
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phil-
lips and Miss Margaret R. Jack-
son attended the birthday party
held for Mee. Dora Jewell in
Goderich last Friday,
Cohn Fingland
Addresses Group
Atil3URN—High tribute was
paid to the early pioneers of
the 13th Concession of Mullett
Township by the guest speaker,
Cohn Fingland, Wingharn, last
Sunday afternoon at the annual
memorial service held at Hope
Chapel cemetery,
Mr. ringland chose for his
text, "What mean ye by ;these
stones ?" from the Beak Of
Joshua. 'He recalled the days
when the children of Israel
wandered in the wilderness for
40 years looking for a new home
in the Promised Land. As they
crossed the river they placed
stones as a memorial so , that
future generations would age
"Why these Stones'." and then
the , story Wduld be told boar
God led His Children to the
Land of Canaan,
Mr. •Fingland Mated that the
stones or inernoriale in Hope
Chapel speakeof the great faith
of those early pioneers Who be,-
iieved God's LbVe, served
their country and took their
part in the StrUggle for life,
The service of song We§ led
by Mee. Robert J, Panne on
the harp and the choir ,torre,
posed 'of representatives Of seVs
erel churches: Mee. Wee Brad;
nbck sang a solo to Accotripanie
ment on the harp. The Offer-
ing was received by Leoliard
Areharebeedt a n d Ketmeth
This With meniorial service
Weln, planned by the trustee
board, composed Of William
Milking, Fred, Pickett SatileS
Ecibi"1.011 and Henry Thinkin,
seeretary-treasuret. 'The Many
botiqUete of flowers Made thie
smolt entirdry keinetery truly
One of "Clod's beautiful acres"
With its new gates and grOtitidS'
tha hare been landscaped.
ALJBtTli— The executive
meeting the Auhtirn
Society was held at the
home of the resident Mrs, gt1,.
Davies, She' presided for the September meeting and the
minutes were approved as read
by the 40PV0.03, Mrs,' Gordon
R.'Tnyier. The financial state-
Tent was read by Mrs. Taylor
14 114 ,absence :of the treasurer,
Mt s, Bent Craig, She stated
than there was over $100 on
handend that the rose tea had
beena success,
Mrs, Davies gave a short re-
pent , of the .district meeting
held recently at Blyth .and
stated that 14, members had at-
tended. An offer was :accepted
from. a fertilizer comapny for
eemples of their product 'to be
used as door prizes,
As a special project this fell
the Auburn society is sponsor-
ing the 1,90 scrapbook .compe-,
Mien neon to all school eleil,•
deep up to .and including age
16. The title of this competition
will be "My Garden Scrapbook",
The' entries 'will be judged in
two separate classes. Ones 1--
Open to all children 10 years
and under on September 1,
196..; Class. 2—Open to all chil-
dren 11 years and over by the
same date. An invitation to
enter this competition will be
sent to USS 5 Hullett, SS 16
East Wawanosh, SS 2 West
Wawanosh and the Colobrne
Township school Zion. All en-
Eight days of fun, entertain-
ment and excitement commence
Friday at Queens Park, Lon-
Trousseau Tea At
John Durnin's
For Bride-Elect
AIIBURN—Mrs. John Durn-
in entertained relatives and
friends on Saturday, September
1, at a trousseau tea in honour
of her daughter, Betty,. bride-
elect. Guests were received by
Mrs, Durnin, Miss Betty • and
Mrs, Worthy Young, mother of
the grooni-elect.
In charge of the guest book
were Misses Sandra and Audrey
Errington in the afternoon and
in the evening, Misses Lorene
and Anne Erring-ton, all cous-
ins of Miss Durnin, They
were seated on the veranda
which. was banked with bouqu-
ets of gladioli and offset by two
pairs `of wedding rings which
made a ver yattractive setting
:for, this ,occasion. ,Overe165
The dining room table was
centred with roses flanked by
lighted, tapers and was covered
with a lace cloth. A three tier-
ed wedding cake was displayed
on the buffet.
Pouring tea in the afternoon
was Mrs, Albert Good Sault
Ste. Marie, grandmother of the
grooni-elect and in the evening
Mrs. Victor Errington, RR 2,
Auburn, grandmother of the
bride-elect. Serving in the tea-
room were Misses June Mills,
Aantje Bakker and Diane Er-
ringeon, all of Auburn,
The wedding gifts were dis-
played by Miss Eleanor Alton,
'Hamilton; shower gifts by Mrs.
Glenn Patterson, Goderich, and
the trousseau by. IVIrS. Dangles
Pearce, Wellowdale. Displaying
the linens, china and, silver; etc.
were Mies Joan Mills and •Miss
Marjorie Young, both of RR' 2,
Auburn. Assisting in, the kit-
chen in the afternoon were
Mrs. Ivan Henderson and in the
evening; Mrs. Ross' Errington,
Mrs, Harold Ertingten and Mrs.
Ernest Durnin, all aunts of the
Miss Durnin was honoured
by showers given by Mrs. Don
Jefferson, Clinton; Mrs Ross
Errifigton, •mint of the bride-
elect, Lucknow, and Mrs. Mar-
garet McNevin, Goderich, also
aunt of the bride-elect,
tries •mtist be in the hands of
the secretary by December 1.
The first two winners in each P1W41 will be. forwarded to the district director and will be en,
Urea in the Ontario Hortigkil, As,s_QPiatiOn competition,'
The 170.4es that the Auburn 'branch 'will give will he first,
second, $3 in both 04W$
And the prizes at the provincial
corripptitien will lie first, $20;
Word, $15, and third, $1,0, Plans were made for the
October meeting, the first open
meeting of the fail season, when ▪ and Mrs. Gordon R, Taylor
will Show.pictures of their trip
to the, Seattle World's Fair and
Miss Gwen McDowell, • .Stray
ford, will.show the pictures she
took On the trip which she took
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Norman McDowell this summer,
The executive set October. 19
foro this special meeting and
Mrs. Arthur Grange and Mrs,
Maurice' Bean were named the
decorating committee. T h e
Music will be in charge of Mrs.
Robert J. Phillips and the lunch
committee will be Mrs Nor-
man McDowell, Mrs, Raymond
Redmond and Mrs, Jamee Jack-
Mrs. John Houston gave out
sprig's of purple and white Ilea-
them which she had gathered
reeentey while visiting in Scot-
land, Lunch was served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs, Wes
don, when Western Fair opens
its 87th exhibition.
The special events building
will house an unusual and at-
tractive exhibit by the Lands
and Forest Department of the
Ontario Government, complete
with aquariams of fish and wild
A new feature is Western
Fair farmland in the agricule
Weal pavilion. This 'show is for
young and old and will be a
mecca for adults as well as
.Western Fair has done "Itself
•prOud in evening grandstand
performanees, Beautiful Anita
Bryant of radio and TV fatte,
will be featured with aqua spec-
tacular, a gorgeous water and
stage show, Friday, September
7, Saturday and Monday with
a special appearance at Mon-
day afternoon's fashion show.
Famous singing star Jimmie
Dean will be a headliner with
the aqua show Tuesday, Wed-,
nesday and Thursday evenings
and will take a prominent part
Mrs., J. C. Stoltz and her
in Rockwood with Mr. and Mrs.
daughter, Mrs. Marguerite Cho-
pin visited a few days last, week
Eldon Stoltz and family:
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirke
connell and Miss Diane return-
ed en• Saturday from a• week's
visit with relatives at St Cath-
arines, Welland and ether points
in the Niagara Peninsula.
Mr. and. Mrs. Ernmerson Rod-
gee, Gary and Clare, spent the
weekend with his brothers,
Ralph Rodger at his cottage
at Potash Lake, north of Peter-
Many friends from this dis-
trict attended the funeral last
week in Blyth' for the late
Herman Daer, a former Auburn
Sergeant and Mrs. William .
Sutton, Billy, Susie, Lorie and
Stephen, Camp Barden, return-
ed home this weekend after a
holiday spent with Mr. and Mrs.
John Sprung, and family.
Weekend visitors with. Percy
Vincent were Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Miller, London; Dt. and
Mrs. James Annis, Evelyn, Dor-
inda and Sandra, Ottawa and
Mr: and Mrs. Jack.Murch and
Kenneth, Clinton. •
Jordon Station, visited last
week with .Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Plunkett, Marie and Ronald and
attended the funeral of his
uncle, the late Herman Daer
at Blyth.
• 'Ed. Davies and Court Kerr,
Benmiller, •took part in the
horse-shoe pitching contest held
last Saturday at the CNE at
Toronto. Mrs. Davies accomp-
anied tehm as far as Streets
villa where she visited with Mr.
and Mrs. 'D. Doerr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hellinga
attended the Fly-In at Kitch-
ener. on Sunday. They went
with four other planes from
Sky Harbor. Her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Wiemann,
Seaforth stayed with Master
Hank Hellinga,
Kenneth Milking, Hullett
Township, started a ' banking
career at the Auburn Branch of
the Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce last week. W.
Moorehead, Benmiller, is re-
lieving manager while Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys are on
Visitors at the home of Mrs.
Arthur Grange and girls On
the Lebour Day weekend were
'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chisholm,
Louise, Lois and Laura, Otter-
rifle; Miss Jean Chisholm,
Brantford; Mrs. Lillie McLean,
Goderich;. Mr. and Mrs Bill
Force and. John, Beachviile.
guests attended.
Great Days at Western
Fair August 7 to 15
in the teen-age jamboree at Wiintigghharnain! W, Woolcock, w
4.30 Tuesday afternoon. ,
Hubert Castle's popular cir- "DAIRY CATTLE:Guernseys, cuewiT 22asnvile givebothJDae,Ftolsteins,
amtinea1d lver eng
perfonnHero d W. B 1er, Waton;ad-ances the lest, two days of the wardF.Bel3yth;tia9nH .
Bradley, Goderich; Murray
There will be few, afternbons, Chrietie, Cromarty; W. Hume
of Bingo, on the grandstand Clutten, Goderieh; Robert V.
with over $1,500 worth of Priz- GallewaY, Crediton; Huron
es each afternoon September 7, Conney Holstein Club, Clinton;
11, 12 and 13. NOrtnan Knapp; Auburn; Ross
' The evening horse shbws in Marshall, Kirkton; Reginald
the. Ontario Arena haVe more McKiel, Clinton; Peter Sinipsoll,
out-of-town entries than ever. Seaforth; Elston A. Speiran,
There will be keen competition d3rassels.
in every event, - • SHEEP: Oxford Downs, Don-
Liveetock entries have never ald W. Deatlhg, Exeter, Leices-
been better: Westeen Fair will tens, Ephraim Snell, Clinton.
again ,have the largest display Dorset •Horned, P. E. Dearing
of farm machinery 'of any ;fair and Son, Exeter.
in Canada. ; e SWINE: Yorkshire, W. Turn-
Among them will be these bull and Son, •Brussels; Jan Van
from Euron County: Vlief Brussels, Berkshire, Ross
BEEF CATTLE: Hereford, Cottle, Kirkton, Landrace, Ro-
Whitney Coates and Son, Cep- beet E, McMillan, Seaforth.
-Grebe; H. J. L. Eedy, Dungan.' Modern commercial exhibits
non. 'A.berdeen.Angus, L. Baird, will pack both manufacturers
and Confederation buildings.
The famous Conklin midway
will have a number of rides be-
ing featured• at Seattle World's
Plan to attend Western Fair
not once, but several times.
Western Fair has something for
Huron County
agricultural representative
for Huron coviiity)
"Beaniharvest is in full swing
with good quality ;and 'average
yields, Silage coin is maturing
fast and Some will likely ibe
the silo in another week.'
"Pastures are clipped quite
short but rains are keeping
them growing sufficient for live
stock" Canning corn is being