HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-06, Page 7Clinton tomniunity Concert and Marching Band On .the Road Only Seconds Away From Death Phone 111.1 2.3443 Cormibtatiotros Always Welcome THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL • DAILY NEWSPAPER Interesting Aceurate Complete Ihternational NeWs CoVeroge ' Let us assist you with your plans for that all important wedding day. • ? e (4144t, f•• • • OA .1, • st• .1:11 COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF . • INVITATIONS ▪ ANNOUNCEMENTS • • INFORitfilLS • ACCESSORIES Your choice of various paper stocks, type styles and sizes. ask for . . ?gib w merik•Ale Au: ?Mia.41,02, ..,42gri;;I:Mt etelto mie\ATION4 Select your wedding invitatioia, annouricementS and accessories with complete confidence 'as to ,quality and, correctness of form. WE ALSOPERSONAtittp tfttibit46 MAttilgStk▪ 4 AND akk )16X0 • ,Cllintott News-Record Phone HU 2-3443 ALBERT STREET Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012, Clinton Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, September 9 10.00 a.m.-Reading service in Dutch 8.00 p,m.-Preparatory serv- ice for the Lord's Supper. EVERYONE WELCOME Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's - Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh. Rector Charles Merrill, Organist and .Choir Leader Sunday, September 9 TRINITY XII .30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11 00 a.m.-Morning Prayer 7.00 p.m.-Evening Prayer Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's Day as followst Services 11.00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 pan.-Pretiching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.-Thursday - Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. .Young Ladies. Serve ''Welcome Lunch Young ladies helped serve the lunch of coffee and glazed donuts offered in the main hall of the school; to the more than 100 persons attending open house after the official opening of Calvin Christian School last Thursday, From the left are Gertie Postma, RR 4, Clinton; Agnes Baker, RR 1, Londesboro and Sally Roorda, Rattenbury Street, Clinton. (News-Record Photo) (XV George Wonch, 4andmaster) The Cl en, COMMUnity Cent 'and, Marehing Band take win nv itlw Waterloo Fes, 1.4.val„ parade on Saturday, teraber 8 at 5.80 Approxi, ptotely 50 bands apd gall 0,14,9ps will ibe in the nelourful event. The band, .majorettes and colour party will he.entered in the brass band and marching bond class, and stiif *.competition is anticipated, A special practice will be held on Thursday night at Cliri•- .ten ..Community Park, on th.e track, with drum and marching practice in view. (On Tuesday night the grow had a long practice of r.riarching and play- ing, ,along with learning new and modern muSic.) Every member is required at the Thursday practice Sharp at 7 p.m. A lot of work is still to be done, and it is imperative, for a Waterloo win, All members are . cautioned to have 'their complete uniforms cleaned and !pressed; all instru,-, support.. to cling to 'the face. These facts put together spell suf- focation if the fabric is mis- used. Miter all the warnings by safety groups in Canada, over the years, it is difficult 'to Understand how a parent could carelessly put a used dry-cleaning bag in a crib, carriage or playpen. One might more easily see the possibility of a child finding one 'in 'a garbage tin or a drawer, and trying it on, Ent of the eight children who Mrs. Howard Trevvartha spent two weeks visiting her son and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trewartha, Cardinal.. Les Stirling, Bayfield, has re- turned home from Clinton Pub- lic Hospital and is recuperating nicely after surgery. Mr. and Mrs. James From, FREE WORLD ATLAS with CREST TOOTH PASTE 67c & $1.05 Attend Your Church This Sunday ALL SERVICES DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) , .Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. SATURDAY, Sept. 8-Pictures shown by Rev. Ken Knight, India missionary, 8 p.m, SUNDAY-10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.15 a.m.-FAMILY WORSHIP- A Cordial Welcome To All. First Autunin Theme- "WeloOtne Back!" HOLNIESVILLE 9.45 a.m.-Church Service 10.45 a.m.-Snit-day School WESLEY-WILLIS 1100 a.ln,-Church Service 11.00 a.m.-<--Nursery 11.20 ant -Younger Children's Worship Session 1.10 p.m.--Sunday School for all Ages Peeleu-Pillis-Nofintoville grtitth gip1rchrs REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, MA., Minister Ontario Street United Church .rat FRIENDLY CIRIRCIe Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.tri.--Stinday School 11.00 a.m.-blot Preacher, Rev. George Simpson, Avon Paatoral Charge. `TURNER'S CHURCH 0.45 tian.-Otteat Preacher, Rev, George SiMpstal, Avon PeStoral Charge. 10;45 4,n1. Stihtlay School HAPPY WORKERS WILL MEET SEPTEMBER 12 The September meeting of -the Happy Workers Club will be held Wednegday evening, September 12 et the home of Mrs. Norman Dale. Roll 'call to be answered by suggestions foi raising money. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ,Birkmeyer, Albert Street, were Mrs. Shirley Shaw, and two daughters Charrn.aine and Roberta, Hamilton. ••••••••••.",,,...e...,,M...NW%-es."-." Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, September 9 9.45 a.m.-Worship Service 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School 8.00 p.m.-Guest Speaker: Mr. Archie Fields, Brantford. Special Announcement Evangelist Services Monday to Thursday inclusive, 8 p.m. Speaker; Mr. Archie Fields. Tuesday-Bible- Study and prayer at 8 p.m, All Welcome St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A. Interim Moderator Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, September 9 Rev. C. A. McSween, Hamilton, Bermuda (formerly of Kincardine) guest speaker. ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A., Pastor Sunday, September 9 0 00 a.m.-Sunday School 1.00 a.m.---'Morning Worship "A Bloothstained Saint" 7.30 p.m.-Evening Service, "The Christ Nobody Wants" Wed., 8 p.m-Prayer service "Prophecy FOP Today" You are 'cordially invited to these services. MentS shbleti and polished.anal ail equipment in first class eon- If Any meMbel. ItPrcb, in this dePartment they Mar 11.2131s the bttlegirstripchaot9ceWatVwwinahlacl trop Jf.oranCidlillt`r.c9MurphY bus will leave the Legion, Hall sharp at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sep- tember 8, and it is hoped that traticenirsbabnwedrujoafnbtae7etnsheornftopellacnt';andgwaicosioto ludk and ban voyage. This goes a long way in confidence to win a trophy for Clinton (which they are determined to do). The group is hoping to take in the Canadian Bandstand on Channel 13, at 1 pan, as an add- ed treat for the day. A •new flag will be added shortly to the much dischssed colour party. The Clinton Lions Club is donating a flag, holder, pole, etc. The band committee wishes to say thank you to the Lions for their interest and and children, Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Forrest. Mrs, T J. Aiken, ,Allentord, and 'Mrs. A. H. Aiken, Owen Sound' have been visiting a feW days with Mrs. W. M. Aiken. Bev, Boyer, Clinton; Jack Conriula, Sudbury and Dennis Tascaria, Barrie, left August 15 for a month'sitrip to Seattle, California and the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Liebold and sons, Doug and Kenny, RR 2, Clinton, and Mrs, Thomas Leppington, Clinton, called on relatives and friends at Guelph and Elora (Mrs. Leppington's home town) last Sunday. Flight Sgt, and Mrs. Leonard Theeclom and four children left on Tuesday for Red Deer, Alta., after visiting for a week with the lady's parents, Mr. and Urs, E. W. Colquifourrr Huron Street. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Robert- son, 217 Spencer Street, return- ed after a lovely vacation spent in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. Leaves have already fallen and have been raked fratn lawn's in Indiana. Mr, and Mes. Gordon Cuning- blame and their visiting grand- daughters Diane and Nancy Vancouver, spent Labor Day weekend' at their summer cottage "Cedar Nest" in Bay- field. Guests occupying their other cottage "J.K.J.", close by, were Mr. and) Mrs. Arthur Saunders and family, Sarnia, recently returned from 'a tour of the Maritimes; Mr. and Mrs'. William Dawson and family, also of S.annia; Miss Friends Dawson, Toronto and Miss Bonny Perdue, Clanton. ST. ANDREW'S GROUP MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11 The September meeting .of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will be held on Tuesday' evening, . September 11 at 8.15 p.m. in the Sunday School room's of the church. AU mem- bers are asked to bring an item for an auction sale.. biapi6tited iron: BOSTON LOS ANGELES LONDON CHICAGO 'rho Christian Science Monitor Ohe Norway St., aostan 15; Mass, Solid your neWspapbr for this time chocked, Enclosed find my al-leak or money order, 0 1 yoor $22, 6 months $11 3 Months 61.50 Narno Address City Zdna .The plastic bag that was a danger last year is still one this year, and will probably continue. to be ore =for many yeors to come. No amount of safety education will change this fact, just as 'it can't take the ,poison out of furniture polish• or the scalding prop- erty out of boiling water. The facts are simple and most of us know them by ireatiL Filastie film is air- tight. The very thin kind hais the added ability to 'attract static electricity, allowing it Unit 2/ UCW Ontario Street Members of Unit 2, United Church Women, Ontario Street United Church met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. A, J. Mc- Murray presiding.. Items of business were dealt with. A skit entitled "The Bible Speaks" and devotions were presented under the leadership of Mrs. L. Lawson, assisted by Miss Gourtice, Mrs. Fear and Mrs, Milton Wiltse. Mrs. Brnek,Olcie gave an in- teresting talk on a recent trip to 'the Western Provinces and the World's Fair in Seattle. Refreshments were served 'by the hostesses in charge. 0 LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET ON SEPTEMBER 10 The Ladies Auxiliary to Clin- ton - %Branch 140,- 'Royal: 'Cana- dian Legion will meet in the Legion Hall on Monday, Sep- tember 10 at 8.30 p.m. have died since the beginning of fthe year, six had plastic right in their cribs ler car-. riages used as mattress pay, ers. S'heetts which had cover, ed the plastic were in every ease pulIled away to. expose The Ontario Safety League warns parents again that thin plastic in the °nib, in the carriage or playpen, or in the house at all, is a suffocation threat to their children. Find 'it now, and destroy it. Gigantic Savings ON SUPER PLENAMINS VITAMINS 36 FREE with 144 Tabs. $7.98 18 FREE with 72 Tabs. $4.98 A Perfect Reference Library For The Entire Family. 20 Volumes VOL. No. 1 en ONLY UTC ALL OTHERS ONLY $1.49 Start the School Year Right Get Yours Now. Ladies Discuss Open House Among the proud parents and supporters of the new Calvin Christian School, and attending the open house there last, week, were Mrs, Albert Stryker, Brucefield, left, and Mrs. William Bakker, RR 1, Auburn, That's Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Thompson in the background. (News-Record Photo) Some Crowding (Continued from page one) villagein June. Completion of the four new rooms is promised by contrac- tors by the end of next week. Until then " Mr.. .Siertserna is teaching 45 pupils in Grade's 6-8; Miss Bev. Biggin. has 45 more in Grades 4-6. Over in the "old" Holmesville school, Mrs. Francis PinYell' has Grades 1-3, assisted) by Miss Jean Hen- derson and between them they are handling 50 children. Out at SS 4, Cameron Addi- son has 27 in all grades; Mrs. Carol Simmons has 34 at SS 11, in all eight grades; Miss Charlene Scotchmer has 35 at SS 6, with all eight grades. SOCKS For Every SPORT WHITE in Sizes 89c pr. WHITE STRETCHIES 1.00 pr. AIKEN'S For Gym Shoes Thurs., Sept. 6, 1962-Clinton News-Record-Page 7 Shopping Begins in the Pages Of This Newspaper TO THE GOLDEN HOME and CONTACT LENS HIGH SCHOOL USERS ENCYCLOPAEDIA We Now Stock Wetting Solutions and Soaking Solutions GRAB BOXES I SPECIAL 100 YOUR CHANCE TO RECEIVE v A WATCH ($50 Retail Value) v ADDED DISCOUNTS vi JEWELLERY v, SILVERWARE GIFT CERTIFICATES v CHINA Anstett Jewellers L ir N NO REFUNDS Oi .EXCHANGS