HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-06, Page 3Lovely Formal Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Richard Snell, Blyth, were married , August 18 in 'St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton. The bride is Glenyce, 'daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Franklin Bainton, Blyth. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ephrain Snell, RR 1, Clinton. British Mortgage and Trust Company Opening Goderich Branch This Week . WE KNOW OUR ALWAYS BRIGHTER CLOTHES with our DRY CLEANING and LAUNDRY Service cio-Nr-tm DRY-CLEANING USE THE NIGHT ()EPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE ON ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING Oft LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 4 A.M. AND 12 P. M. THE LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1163 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers Match, thke the caiendarlto our office and claim your $3 Credit, coins. Winner can take home all the coins he can pick up in his two hands. SUNSET DRIVE-IN Goderich BUCK NITES MON., TUES., WED., THUR. 19 00 ADMITS YOU AND YOUR CARLOAD Wed., Thurs., Fri. September 5-6-7 Marilyn Monroe, Tom Ewell "SEVEN YEAR ITCH" Norma Moore, Robert Vaughan .f!,UNWED-MOTHER" -- Both Adult Entertainment Sat., Mon., Tues. Septernber 8-10-11 Paul Newman Joanne Woodward "RALLY 'ROUND THE FLAG BOYS" Adult Entertainment Teresa Stratus, Robert Ryan "THE CANADIANS" Both in Color Wed., Thurs., Fri. September 12-13-14 Susan Hayward, Gary Cooper "THE GARDEN OF EVIL" Color Special Adventure Featurette "AMAZON TRADER"—Color plus a Bugs Bunny Cartoon First Show at Dusk Children in Cars FREE niNE. ouT HERE "Standby D i mit; Agettit '5 /Ale PARK Theatre Goderich NOW September 6-74 Yul Brynner -- Marilyn Rhue Sal Minep 'ESCAPE FROM ZAHRAIN" 4S°411tr MON., TUES., WED. -- September 10-11-12 "TENDER IS THE NIGHT" Scope & Color — Adult Entertainment J, Scott. Fitzgerald's classic love 'story. Filmed in France and Switzerland. Jennifer Jones -- Jason Robards Joan Fontaine ' THUR., FRI.,. SAT. — September 13-14-15 James Stewart -- Shirley. Jones -- Richard Widmark Texas in the 1880's. A dramatic tale of Commanche Indians and their two white captives. "TWO RODE TOGETHER" In Color Coming — "The iCabinet of Caligari" Adult Entertainment Y 1 U ARE INVITED . . To the Opening of Our New GODERICII BRA OFFICIAL OPENING— _ Friday, September 7th at 2 p.m. To Depositors— OPEN. HOUSE— Friday, September 7th —2 to 5, 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, September 8th-2 to 5 7 to 9 p.m.' • Gifts For EVeryone To Investors Each Savings Depositor of $25 or more will receive a beautiful clear Lucite silver dollar paperweight as a memento of the new branch office opening. Each investor in a British Mortgage Investment Certificate will receive a paperWeight plus a $5 gift certificate good at any Goderich retail store. .• four of Building • Radio Broadcast *4. • Refreshments SILVER GUESSING CONTEST Guess the amount of money in the golden chest. Fill out the entry form. If you guess closest you will win ALL THE COINS YOU CAN SCOOP OUT IN BOTH HANDS in one try. CONTEST ENDS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8t at 9 p.m. At the Stoplight, Goderich Sars/erson Laura Daer and Auburn Women s Institute To Lead, Rps, MaPe Hanitt Anyone looking, for something pleasant to do on Friday or Saturday could do worse than spend some time in Goderich visiting the brand new building which now houses' the British Mortgage and Trust Company: Open house is planned on both days from 2-5 p.m., and from 7-9 p.m. • Ernie Fisher, mayor of Gode- rich will cut a golden ribbon at 2 p.m. on September 7: Oth- er guests of honour invited in- clude the Hon. L. E. Cardiff, MP, Brusselsr the Hon. Charles. S. MacNaughton, MPP, Exeter; Warden George McCutcheon, Brussels; C. F. T. Rounthwaite, architect and Don Smith, con- tractor. Edward Rowlands is manag- er of this branch of British Mortgage. He moved to Gode- rich in July, 1962; to prepare for opening the new building. Raised in Stratford, he joined the,Air Force in 1940 and serv- ed ' dr"—a." 'ra.da`t , officer 'With bomber command in Europe until 1945. Members of the. Gciderich Advisory Board are James M. Donnelly, senior partner in the Donnelly, Donnelly & Murphy law firm of the county, town, and Reeve of Goderich; and E. Beecher Menzies, Clinton law- yer. Many Canadian prodUcts are used in the unique three-sided concave structure of the new branch office. Of special inter- est will be, the oil-finished teak- wood furniture, made in Strat- ford. Also to be used is a sand sculpture mural showing the unusual plan of the street-lay- out in Goderich, created by Don Wallace, well-known Canadian sculptor. Special gifts are being pre- pared for all those who visit the open house for this branch of the 85-year old trust comp- any. Also offered is a 'chance to guess the amount of money in a golden chest filled with Shower Of Giffs At Auburn for Miss Betty Durnin AUBURN—Miss Betty Durri- in Was guest pf honour on Aug- ust 24 at a Shower held' in Knox United. Ch4rch Sunday School maim. Beautiful bpuquets of Surfliner flowers decorated the room along with streamers and a paper flower-cpverecl parasol. Miss Dnrnin and her mother, Mrs. John Durnin were escorted- into the room by Misses June Mills and Antjge Bakker to the music of the bagpipes. play- ed by Robert Willdn, and bea- utiful corsages were pinned on then". Miss Joan Mills was mistress of ceremonies, The program began •With a sing-song led by Mrs. William. J. Craig with Mrs. Robert J. Phillips on the piano. Interesting jokes were given by Miss Bakker and a piano duet was played by Mis- ses Brenda East and Jennifer Grange, A solo, "Let the Rest of the World. Go By" was sung by Miss Nancy Anderson. The guest of honour and her mother were escorted to the two decorated chairs on the platform and Miss Marjorie Young, .Goderich read an ad- dress'. to Betty whose wedding takes place next month. The gift; were presented by Misses Margo Grange, June Mills, Antjge Bakker and Mrs. Don- ald Young. Among the lovely gifts was,one from the mem- bers of he Sunday School class. Miss Durnin thanked her friends and neighbours and in- vited them all to her trousseau tea on Saturday, September 1. A delicious lunch was served by the neighbours. And friends and members 'of the ing of the Aubprn Women's In- stitnte was held in the Coin,. munity Memorial Hall with IArge attendance of members. AUM-l4N—The .August meet- Club ,es !guests. The president Mrs. Ed. Davies was in charge ,with Mrs, Robert Phillips, pianist, The president stated that 12 members bad visited the Lon- desboro branch recently and had enjoyed tbe address of Fred Slotnan, new of ..Clinton, He . told about the years spent in. Northern Qnterio when he was a teacher in a mobile railway ear - converted into a school-, 1101.1.W. A letter was read stating that a copper-tooling course will be beicten February 4 and 5, sport- gored by the Department of Agriculture, Again the .Wo- trien's Institntes. of Canada will take part in the Radio Farm Forum on the 'program on Feb- ruary 4., on the subject "Canada's World Obligations as Women See Them". The new afll 4-H proeict for the girls will be "Dressing up Vegetables". Mrs, Wes Brad- nock and Mrs. Gordon Dobie are leaders. Mrs, -Andrew Kirk- connell reported. 11, cards sent during the month and she read thank-you notes. A duet was sung by Misses Jennifer Grange and Betty Moss, "Now is the Hour". An interesting report on current events was given by Mrs. Thomas Lawlor. , MrS, Classified Ads Bring Quick Results The convener of home ,PPOP, Mrscordon CbacrineY lntrOcluced the leatIqrs of the, spring 4-H club '"Separates for . Summer", Mrs. W. f,3rednock: And Mrs. -Gordon Dobie, An in- teresting demonstretion. o n measurements and pattern el, terations was given by Rose Marie Haggitt and Marilyn Paor. M Dobie introduced the girls, and they in turn mod, • plled their dreSSes they had made during the project. They were Misses Toni deJong, Mari- lyn Daer, Marjorie Youngblut, Marian youngblut, Jannett Do- bie, Margaret Sanderson, Mary Mrs Thomas Haggitt, w. on the OPP' Prize. A kitchen contest wasp.conducted by Mrs, Cordon Cba,mbeY and fth0 prize Winner WaS Mra. Norman McDOwell. A demonstration Of making a ""Judy" was done by Mrs. Re* bert J. Phillips and Mrs, Don- ald Reines, Mrs. W. 13radnock served as the model. Then the paper "Judy" was placed on 4 metal frAfbe• Mrs. haMneY thanked ,all who had. assisted .her in her meeting. A successful penhy sale Was, held with the hostess in charge. Plans were made to- entertain the grandmothers of the district at the September meeting and invitations Will be sent to randmothers who are not naem - lltenr ofh wtolise served institute b y, IdAll cAl cmu old Craig, Mrs, Clare Longhtirst and Mrs. Robert Charnney, 45th Anniversary For Earl Lawson ouplic At Son's NA, .and Mrs. Earl Lawson, .RleAftnbury., Clinton,. were entertained at the -home OfItIttelr SOP) Reg. ,T,aWaOrt R R 1, Clinbn, 04 the occasion of ,t4oi.r. 45th wedding 4PrflYerearY On Sun Ow, September 2, 1962. ..Albout 39 -family gue5to were served, a smorgasbord dinner convened by their daughter Do, its Warren, London and. 41.5.3411, terinnlaW. Helen ,.1414.011,134 Amnaver 01.410n, .4fry. cake Wks served W4141 gifts were, present, escf -0Y grAnc1444ghter4. lAYncla and _ligiPA Warren •on behalf -Of the. /IMMO** families, Mr. and. Mrs. Dawson shed eVeryPhel tb.r their lri-oapess. conveners were thanked. by Busby, Chatham Messages of congratulations were received! frean wr.piork .and Victoria British. Columbia and a phone c"a"ll . from Bent' Ferris, provost, .Alberila. Ont,of-twon guests were from Chatham, 'Louden and Uteknow, Thurs., Sept, 6c 1962--,Clinton Ne!i-R010---, Page 4 4•11 Course -Dressing-Up Vegetables" _ Clare. Longhurst gave a read., ing "God is Everywhere"...