HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-09-06, Page 10"
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C Ree d
rort,h, is,.a W
,,orthV objective of No, 36—Tho dome Pcopqr With the News 4PMNT9N� 0 _It 0, j90 *,41,90 Por y-e9r-- 19 , OP4 Pol Cow --I
le4ded, by Prt-
n_der, J bar"J, Londol,
says 4coeleratoa developi- 0ANTAW Some Crowded Classroom
id ' PLAY
,,b,eerr given b
Prao WePre all for 1 IN KINOSY1W
Sometb, b
0004 to ba SATURDAY
t4g gobbling up
of At prel4s, time last mil ht District SCh,FQ0,1 e W,
`some of qarvadalsfinest 4gri- Und._ r VIVF -a y
cultural land ... Southern- On- tho' NOws-Record was in-
fOrm-ed in froM Exeter to enrol in, the Vwolment by grades is: 260,
ratio .1 xapl'mv becoming,cov- t�at Clinton bantam The staff at cunton, District
ered y4tli
is blight of •resaden, b4loball team wovid play Wlegdate Institute 118s A major Grade 10 first Year technical Grade 9; 241, Grade 10
tial 'areas, and,, commercial in.'Kiu , made
ngsiville o1i S chore 04 its, hand$ this term, and 0,rnn�erdal coilm
atuXd1ay es under up of 120 in, general course, 121
enterprises Some day we'l'l a4tmom at 3 o'clock With a (total of 781 ptude,nts the new Robapts •- Plan, South in technical md 73 in bormner-
fig! regrot the loso -of th6sie Itop, ht Saving Time) and! a schoolibuilding whictx was Huron Distric High School at cial); I% in Grade 11; 115 ilin
goodl.six incbek% AIyon!e intending f bujittp, house 6$0 comfortably. Exeter was faced with over 800 Grade 12 Ondud1ing 25 in -
1.1te . , o attend, The bum spei�
rempmber that , per enrolment is i5tu without these, agil ial coMrnerclal); 44 in Grade,
A HOLSTEUN BULL WMCH 1��,gsville, is 64 Egstern, made UP�Zna"'Y Of Clinton, axlea just cUd nut have room for, IS.
,was bred' by Harola James,;ti Sitandard, Time. Witch for students, with .smother .55 comir them. 10teresOng to note is the en,
Sa.pua. was Grand Cham- Pb0i of the next game in
rOlUlOnit Of few adult4 in Grade
Wei I Cli, a, ton, 13,
pion, at Michigan, State Fair
,held last Thursday in Detroit 'o,
The double gymnasium and,
He is now . ownel b�r C. the stage provided classroom
Rowfs& Sonv, Irairgrove, MiC4. Menj, space for three as' ms 'at
I . . However there: were 41
other Canadian Holstelm. shown once, and with good luck, weaz
at The faii. and brought in a 1 0 or. ther will permit out -door phy,
We F
cr�qttiabile, number of awards..; 6- sical education classes for sev*
.Or weeks.
MR. AND MRS. GORDON 1* 0,•'Long �1ahts There are few problems: att
MacGregor RR 1, bandiesboro, Clinton( Public School, and pro-
T��,Sftratford men, missing
W,pxckeA�,�uio,dftyinthei " Mrs, Kenneth Williams;
from, 'POrt IjAwon 5 P -has more it= her share, There
spky" sweet corn, plk their "mare
4=ce, M.
A I WedliOslday, were,, .,f.ound at 1AW ME are 7� chdidb�en enrolled for her
day tit was a nmmaxl lehg�h 'about. 10.45 !ber- 4,1
com -cob, but with 12 points on .................. ..... kindergarten, clasiseo, which,,
one end giAng the mea- no6ill on Lake Huron.off -shore when -split up into afternoon
ait,BaYfleld. Fred TOUpird'.tow- and moming sessions, means 39
raince of 1-2 cobs grown into one Principal And Some Of Students
The def onn could be ex- 49beir drifting cablin -c years in
hy _ cruiser youngsters under sh
plained pro4ably by saying it Symbolic of all children going back to school. all, across the L)orninion '''to Bayfield hArbOUr 'with
is each, group.
is -a freak of nature Principal Bert Gray reports
Ono this picture taken, in the brand new Calvin Christian School, just opened of his fishing tug.
The '�safilpi were George 'an
informant, suggested' fall -out ficially here last week..-. From'the left, prin;ApM William VanWierren, RA 21 enrolment of about 471,
or a MacDonald, Douglim McIntyre which is; about 60 lessi than
stray seed from; a byl*-d Clinton and pupils in th�, school, Bert van den Do(d, (Gr. 4), RR 4, Clinton; andJohn, Hamill. , They ran.
corm` Supply.. last year. Some of this is due
0 Bob Baker, (Gr. 7), RR 1, Londesboro and John Guetter.(Gr. 6), RR 4, Clia- into .fog between Port Huron totpansfers out of Clinton, and.
(ATews-Record Photo) and. Gr an# Bend, and Ithen ran, alsointo thenew Calvin Chris-
Pxdi$TF,P. Fbill't GUIDES
out � of gas, apparently being tian School and St. Joseph's
NEXT MONDAY NIGHT FLYING TO FRANCE �10wn by wins northwest of Separate School,
Girlg wishing, 4a r6gistor, for Qo&rieh. Teachers at the public school
the Canadian, Glrl'Guidbs will 'Calvin Schoo' I Open Sergeant and Mrs. U. -r'- �During Wednesday and are, Mrw. J. D. Thorndike teach-
r�hu ay nights several on' Grad1e, 8 every. afternoon;
7eral boats
meet at% the Le gi" Hall', on',
Bob Mrina and Ron- McKay,
Monday, September 10 at 7 p.m. Trienition Monday night by plane pasted within sight, but the
for Marvffie, France, where i�awere unable to ma. ke them- each- with a Gr4d;6 7; Mrs. Don
0 •With 54 Students m'amte"' Janice 'and BiHY' 'OR
sov" noticed. Mr. -MacDonald -Morton-, Graffe, 6; Mm, Haw-
'two 61asswoms .. in the can be neutral?" Mr. Hengsit.- they will], be stationed, for the: r they bad nothing to
I Oplorted thorne, Grades 5-6; Mt. Glen
Paying Honour To new ' CalAn Christian' S600l man quoted from recent news- nexiu two Yeats.' ThqY spent eat, but drank lake water and'moLockhart and Miss Arlyne Pow-
b"pre in, operation, und1er the , paperartiales; quoting thO. Ang- the �ast five weeks wl�th the smoked cigarettes. "Ws the L-11, each with, Grade 4 ' - Mils
direction of principal John, Van mean, Church as supporting lad�rs parents, 'Mr. and' Mrs. kind' of trip you cant forget, Luella Johnston and Miss olive
Late I & Oardlnem....,, R. 2, Clinton, and parochial, schools in their lfaittb. John Carter, 155 James Strieet.1 he said. Luella Johnston ,and Miss Sher -
Mrs. Ted Brultsrna-, the junior "This is -not -undemocratic," ry Cochrane each with: a Grade
At Thames Road , room teacher. saldAfr. Hengstman, "The best Cour
$, Mrs. Donald An&ews 'and
There" .are 54 enrolled with Canadian is'a Godfearing Chris- Misig Olive Johnston each with
Sunday aftemqonl, September siyme in each %of the eight gvad- itian.' We want to prepare oure r Mrs. Beatrice Taylor
Magistrate' st MOO' I Satellit' On _Display'Grade 2;
9 at 2.30 p.m. ,at lboames, Road es. Pupils Come from a wide Young• people for this kind-, of The guidedMiss He division . sion.o . f the Radar and Mrs. Mel Irving, each with
area, mainly to the north of Canadianship." Magistrate Glen orAy,, thing to do," said, the Communications School
U74�d 'Church a historical Hays con and a Grade 1.
plaque wlllbe unvelled' in mem- Clinton,. Prindpal Van Wierren (who dugted court here. on Wed&s- mijigititrate. at Clinton will display a At- St. Joseph's, Roman Oath-
ory of the liate Honourable Jam- Official o . pening of the . build- cllaim�s Rensall, as his borne day morning, and, accepted . ad, t:Otto Hewitt,, Bervie, wasfin- model of Canada's first Satellite "Topside Sounder" oljc. Scihoal the situation had
es, G. Gardiner, who, was born' :in wascarried out last Thurg- ftown),'asked for all Oarer.46 to jourTimenits, on •tfiree at Air ForteDay, Saturday, in Centralia. In addi- looked particularly .difficult as
contested ed,%,$39 and costs' of $3.60 for
ick, op- tion to. the_satel1ite,.:w.
�hich is sche4pled
Jor la n�h,7. fain gs.. w-ga
on, a. mb�L-A TMMIsh1p, farm in (14Y with. , supporters of the be Wilinn. ig workers inthe,,Work cases' WWl_QqobeX ;2�'4 `041, 91'mwofttiori was! con-
' "' "' I " h - - _g, out -of the� Yun&� U 1A9 Jay- -will �cerned and, the,
-A-!� oun. f&' in b 0�eh boar&�hired,.a.
siclidoT, and o c, - 6-r-thig�c were one oc-��Iiess &�G�g'�-n TetlaRin
-'parl�,will-be,the _. , 1. _ �&. Se�r�i, ed,,- @d,
7883. IT, A. A-A"v, t �i
Rev. Hklgh, :C.., Wilson'l(formerly c1l of Clintondnd, the township sand It was a joyful thing to one of dangerous driving. mar Highway 86. Mr. Hewitt portray models of intercontinental ballistic missiles fourth teacher, Mrs. Marilyn
of Clinton)', George McCutch- of Hullett in Wtiten&nce. work with the young people and One person out of custody on was not present. Details were and include a film on Col. John Glenn's celebrated SIvertson who is coping with
eon, warden, of 11,4irm, County.. Peter Damsma, vice-chairman lelt the Christian, beliefs Per' $100 cash bail did, not appear. given, by Roger Jackson, Clin, orbital flight in Mercury Capsule "Friendship 7" 27 yaungsiters int a junior grade
'Me unveiling will be done, by one ,and grade one in' an impilo-
of the Calvin, Chrisitian School meateall tetadiing, He,made it personal service was; ordered ton, officer with ,the. Depaxt- RCAF Station Clinton presently provides an indoc'-' visedclassroom in the basernerut
the honoured mani's sister, Mrs. Soci6ty c<xtduct�ed the -meeting, clear that attendance at the on, ten other charges, on, which ment of Tramspor"t- t trination course in guided missilery and space tech -
George Alen, and led in, hymns. This event school was n0t limited to those defendants did not make alp- Donald W. Allen, RCA -V S a- of the ohurch.
I was I held, in the hall of the of Dueth descent, but was, open tion, Clinton, was fined $5 and nology to officers of the three Canadian military Other teachers, are Miss, An-
pearance. services and members of the defence research todnette van, de Hengei, Sea, -
Christian Reformed Church, to all who wished to attend, G. costs on a charge of causing
next to which rthe now school who would support the 80hool G. C. Jensen, RCAF Station unnecessary raise in the town board. (RCAF Photo) forth with 20 in Grades 2-3;
Clintonians To was built. and subscribe to ftw beliefs �� .0-unton, who pleaded, guilty to of Clinton on, August 15, by A�&%. Stella Grasser, with 213 in
thefit of --a loudspeaker Hast
Me. Damsma read :a brief the socierby. Brownie's Delve -In, Theatre skidding his •tires. Hp -pleaded Air Force Day, Sept. 8 Grades 4-5-6 and principal Mrs.
Charter Bus history of the life of the society Speaking brieflY were Reeve month, had been remanded, on guilty. George Carbet with 20 -in Grad -
I I was formed nine years M. 1* 111, mayor W. J. mu- personal bail off $100. He ap- Magistrate Hays questioned es 7-8.
ago, with,an initial member- lerand Reeve T. LEAPer, TowffD- peaxie-id wWth a letter from Mr. the young man. art qeogth to An estimate of III had, been,
For Western Fair ship levy of 25,c per month, tin- ship of Hullett. The Rev. L. find out why the •action, had PlanesS��emade, but onopening dayonly
The akAo,116&n Club Will til the decision, this spring to 810fStra made some Closing, Te- BmArn stating that restitution taken place, but received no llite,, 95 appearect Since early cotwtfs,
I had -been• made, and -on, apology I
meet at the home of . Mrs, build u1sing volunteer labour. marks, r-ornmenting that it was Pme was $20 an, satWbactory answer. The mag- were made at the end of June,
,George Mann, RR 4, Clinton Guest speaker was Mr. nOt a parochig school. "Neither "' istrate asked' if the noise had five dan-Alies have bedn trans-
; costs, or four day1g. been caused to draw attention
Wednesday afternoon, Septemb' Hengs�tman, Sarnia, He noted is it a project of a particular. C��splay at Centralia ferred, -which -has affected the
or 12. Cars will leave the that education means specific natiorWbackgvound. Thewhble J. �G C. TrernblaY PleadOd to the feat that Allen was old -numbers. I
I `S' a -hat's to see at Air Force demonstrated his language cap- Out at Air Marshall Hugh
-areles drlvir�g in on W
project is, one of faith�" ended guilty 'to I enough to drive car? that he
library park at 2 p.m. A full training for la specific purpose. Clinton on' August 11 at 2 a.m, had. lots of money and could 'Day? Well that would need ability by speaking in Ehglish, Campbell Public School, at Ad -
attendance is requested -as final Mr. Hengstrnlirk said that Par- the minister. , astral Park there are no pino-
plans wit be made for the ants .should take an interest in — -_ His car was Jn an accident afford' to •buy new times? that more 'space than we, can readily French and Gerrnan�
bazaar in October. Hostesses -the training of thelir chikkell, The Weather I , sign post at the madn' he knew someplace he could provide, but -here are some Sgt. Ellectro made his dtibut blemL%. Enrolment has remain,
intersection was bent. Fine was buy 4dres, cheap? that he di(Wt things. at the CNE in 1957 and has ed st about 400, reports printi-
for the day, Mrs. 'Frank Cum- with the aim of forming the 1962 1961 $25 and costs, and, licence, suns- likethe people in town, andso Remember, ithe RCAF Stia- since been seen, by thousands: of pal Clarence, A. Trott.
mings, Mrs. George Mann, Mrs. child- into, an 111dependenit in- High Law High Low pOndlediLfor four mon�h& 9tartled itliem? tion Centralia from 1.30 to 3.30 people at Air Force Days, the At I-rolmesville, the situation
Ed. Welsh, Moa, George •Glaz- dividual, serving God. "All, of Aug, 30 85 60 82 57 Dennis BWback, 46 MISTY.St., When Mr. A11,1en said hedidn't on Saturday, September 8. B.C. Centennial, on both, U.S. for Goderich Township School
ier, Mrs. Dorothy Hymers. A life is Christian," said he. 31 89 56 ' 84 63 pleadOd.guiaty to failing to turn know why be can
the nod
Sgt. Eliectro, Cliotons, own and- Canadian TV networks, Area puplg is fairly complicat-
bus will leave for London Fair "Technically," went on the Sept. 1 78 61 80. 64 over to Mow an overtaking with his car, the magigtrate robot, was designed -and built and' numerous local fairs and ed. Principal John Sleirtserna
on Thursday, September 13 speaker, Ithe public schools are 2 81 51 83 68 vehicle to pass, Wd; was fined said. "Youmust. You're in, the by techniciam at the Radar amid exhibblobs. See hini, in hanger will eventually have 232 pupil's
from the library parket 9 am. -fine, but philosophically (or 3 .82 55 85 71 $1.5 and costs, Mr. Bisback had RCAV. y some Coffl:municaidoM School in 1957. number 3. under his jurisdiction,. At pre
wishing a ride, please religiously) the sysitem, must 4 74 61 77 67 intended a left turn into the ou must -have
inteftence! Do you consider it He stands over six feet tall, The RCAF Clinton SCUBA sent though, there are only -90
contact, Mrs. Torn Leppington, fail becauso -a government moot 5 75 52 78 60 Huronview, driveway W High- a 1116chanicaA .accomplishment,to can walk, turn. bris head..', -blink club wW. have -a display of skin youngsters sharing accommoda-
ibe neutral. Butt what human, Rain: .48 in. Rain: .415 in. way 4, and was making this be able toapplythe proper a- W eyes, move his arms, and and SOMA diving. (SCUBA tion offered, by the two new
turn, and an overtaking car mount of brake pressure to even stalk. Last year -at the stan& for Self Contained- Un- rooms which were in use at the
was forced, off the pavement. achieve thLe screeching soi Quebec provincial exhibittim he (contihued on page 12) (Continued on Page Seven)
Z". The two vehicles eollided. Magistrate Hays suggested
Magl6trMte Hays poffit&d out thait the young man. think the
that a driver has two duties, problem over, and when he
first to see that a left tLkn can found out why he had cont -
be made in, safety, -and, that 9 mitted !this offence, he should
the turn can affect the move- advise the pollice, and, they
t, informationi a-
nient of another car, then, a would pass &L
visible signal must be made. long to the widgistrate for his
"ManY people seem to feel, that assMance, ITY dedling Adth fut-
niaking a signal is the first and, uno cases of the sort.
46, Swimmin Classes Pass 100 Per
11 Red Cross Exams Held at Clinton 01
Now Kinsmen Officers; koady for Busy Year
Now offid&g of the'xinsnwn Club of Clinton for 100-68 are lm*i the left.
standing, Ron 8nilthi re&tar, Andy, Petetsmy bulletin editor; ,Brian Heyes,
sectetary`,, Bill Fldmjrig� tr6a8Uf611,1 Xen, Scott,, dif6ctoil; seated Toni Feeney,
second vice-presidentBob ttalthwAite, Durhaih� the district goVeM6
f fy guest at
'i ladles: hi ht evening at 146tel Clinton. Tittosidttyt 6, Prank Cookr. piesid6rit, Clqv
.6hddr b6rlprrime pastkptesfdbht and Bill ChowLlafij f , its �t vice , -pregidoftt, ('l'zvo-
$61A difiledtotq &re b6fi-qld XaY and Gotdbii 0Hgg') (Rdws-Record Ph6to).
Red Crcdg tests, on swimming Holmes,Denise Curtle, Judy
instruction received hi August Keith Haatwton, OWL
alt atintoft 00M[munity Swim- sen, 04 L", Di-
ming Pool were. examined by Anne SWitter Pamela White
Miss Pat 13oidieflet, Odderich, 0MT Michael - klllio;
lost Ftidhy. Director.- of the '1q,091hne'rs., BrIad. Vdgair,
pool. -Are pleated to reptat 100 Bai-TY E.'dgat, Debra MWOabfi,
ptvcOrtt success with. oupiI16 in Torn.Leppds?t+toft Dianne Pow-
J,0,26r, JhteftnediAte and senior dftf Coloeft Sauter, David. Paw -
"g: cea, Obands; Bottema Clare
ni6r1s',-`Gary Meet, Rowena PrbiCt6t, Jane Wkela��, John
CJoh-A Cooper, Chaillds Bakelaat, Berry TAY16e. Orkee
W*119heTY! . aAIlidAamiltob, Strong, Stti,ohen Palrni;t, �ohi'j
Bli,on Uktmen, Charle§, And-, PaTinOr Joahb0, Batt, ZarbwA
reit, David GrMiurr, 1bihit lr= Lee, Lorna Millar,
wffi�, David McRae. !Tbe terAors and, fntetmo&
11111tetmedlatiew 'Patty Strong, atter were fitattiacted. by' X6n
bellriie. IgM&BOtt6ma
1V _ Mi- 2,hgelsttid and 16nibift And
chatl '0i-a;fi;W Carol 6y Diabne Qtrnpoll
beitty Uvieft;!; ' ken 8troAg,' and J6.hii 81avdri,
noldg, A&At§ lessons wetefi,61(ji this
G+ gr F,1669 Robot Camp'- summon, and the
bell T4&ilyn Cutler ,'Yantis W- ed fb6lp b6gffiiiet� testss Mrs,
bir%ithp Mdffier C&hVeanVicky bast, Mrs.... Morgan, mist Donna
Lou Fltdh 8Andr& 8*kdl> Gary 9" Mess 1:16mterfia_ Mrs,
Cfaidwe 1; W�l Kul Alla
13titler 3 fijhaid
Vtftli6f Linda Patsy' Ir"o, Muifty 1-16184 mro,
Bdit Be title + Lee, Wendy RontllitY
Limit Exotutive Manouvered Into Outdoors
Tho. pressure of the fall migethl
8day hightj when, the 6.kedUtIVO, of
Ing, k60 iii. in the t6WR ball i ahead
Lawn. By using a picnic I,
ta ty
but -door lights, the group was Ab
left Duff Thompson, Ted Davlos,
Adam, lack 8crutoh, Al Whitoo, pr(
rioloVf- Hugh �IaWkffis) Mayftrd Co.
stewls first,&eautivo Meeti , ngw.
96686h Was graphically emphasized an Tue-
Piton L16h9 Club found their regUlax, Mij6t,
in use, and rad to move outside to tbo Lib=
& and beneM8, and soratt stldorh used
to get on with the job. Above Are: ftom.
towatd Brumdori 8twidiffig; Miteheal Md=
dent Stewart Taylor and R&bBridle; front
and Le8114 9@1, This Was'presi ddrit