HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-08-30, Page 12NOTICE Art Fulford has sold his Garbage Business to Clarence Neil6ris effective Tuesday, Sept. 14 3 paid on minimum monthly balance- on C6quing Accounts see OUR THREE SONS A. D. Peterson, F. E. Gibson, D. C. Jefferson . CLINTON COMMUITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED Softball Team Going RCAF Clinton Softball Team will go to Winnipeg to compete in the finals for the RCAF Canadian Championship, September 8-9. Back row (left to right) Ken Lapointe, Larry Howland, Ted Dewar, Al Charters, GJC Mathieson Commanding Officer, Bill West To Winnipeg Matthews, Lou Borden (Capt.), Matty Matthews (Manager), George 'Robertson. Front row (left to right) Steve Landry, Bill Coffill, Daye Willls, Grif Griffin, Bud Kelly (Coach), Vince Le- blanc. Missing: Vic Leblanc, Sandy Saunders, Don Folks. (RCAF Photo) BAIRD'S Mr, . and Mrs- Albert Batt -Stouffyille end Mrs. Grace Nile- noalia4 Ottawa,' visited • last week' at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Ken MeCowan and their mother Mrs.. Ellen, MoCovvan at Huronview. Mrs. • Goldie Graham and grandchildren Sandra and Janet are. visitieg Mr. and" Mrs. Fred Robin ien And family at Tor- onto., Miss Susan McDonald, Det- roit, spent a week with her friend Miss Sharron Baird. Clinton Legion Wins First Game In Zone Softball • Clinton Legion won the first game of a two out of three softball . series 'for the zone trophy against EXerter Legion, Tuesday night at' the Fish ani Game Cleb ball diamond, After giving up six runs to Exeter in the first inning, Clin- ton overcame ithis to win the five-inning game, 17-12. All Players; must be bona fide Legion members 'and Legion by- laws, call for members to have served in the armed forces dur- ing wartime. This makes' -all players at least 35 years old and over. After the first inning on Tuesday • a fair brand of bath was played by the veterans. Both teams included 'former baseball: players when Clinton and - Exeter were strong teams in the Huron-Perth league. Exeter: Edward's .0, Stagg ef, Mason 2b, Brimltne111 p and ss, Holtzman ss and p, McLean rf, if, Lawson 3b, McDonald lb. • Clinton: Hec Kingswall lb, Harold McPherson 2b, Jim Gra- ham ss, Reg Smith ss in 4th, Clarence Neilans If, Bob Draper Of, Harold Black cf in 4th, Laurie Calquhouri rf, John Cam- eron 3b, Bill 'Chambers 313 in 4th, Dick Prendini c, Pat Du- mayne P. Veteran umpire Ed. Dale (even without his glaSees) did a creditable job behind the Galbraith Radio & TV Station Clinton Rolls On Into RCAF Finals The past weekend 'saw the RCAF Clinton ball club CtitriL time their winning Ways, thumping RCAF Falconibridge 4-1 on Saturday and completely overwhelming them Sunday to the tune of 14-1. The Clinton Club, much improved through- out the series,, with Ken La- pointe throwing a three hitter and recording 13 strikeouts in the first game, and' rookie Dave MILLS pi,tching a strong two hitter in the Second game. Clinton used their complete team in the Sunday game, but it was catcher Lou Borden's steady, solid ball playing that gained the 'admiration of the fans and the opposing players as well. He performed like a pro behind the plate and on the base paths, and made many a difficult play look easy. Clinton now 'has earned the right to travel to Winnipeg to play in the finals of the RCAF Softball championships on the 8th and 9th of September. Legion Planning Many Events In. Corning Months At Monday night's Legion meeting plane were made for the various Legion events in the 'next month. President J. Douglas Thorndike chaired the meeting at which only 40 mem- bers attended. The events include; Decora- tion Service at Clinton Ceme- tery, Sunday, September 2; zone executive meeting, at hail, Saturday, September 8; branch invitation golf tourney at Grand Bend, Sunday, September 16; District golf 'tourney, 'also at Grand Bend, Sunday, Septemb- er 23; zone meeting in Kin- cardine on' September 30, and the combined Armistice banquet and nomination meeting on NoVember 19. Percy Brown of the ways and means committee reported Sat- urday 'afternoon shows begin- ning September 29 have been Selected and a :arranged; oth- er dates will be October 6 and 20; Noveriaber 3 end 17 and December 1. The entertainment committee headed by Reg, °Amore was congratulated oil their • full en- tertainment schedule up to the end'of 1962. WOMEN WANTED TO BOWL IN THE C-B-A (Clinton-Blyth-Auburn) BOWLING LEAGUE Beginning Tues., Sept. 11 Phone Entries To: CLINTON AUTOMATIC BOWLING LANES HU 2-7711, or MRS. DON STRONG President, HU 2-9347 35-6p SpeCially on exhibit at the show WO one by Nirla., Lloyd Pipe, T-4>ole.sbercit, who showed what floral ornaments amid deconat.ipm could be made Out of a plain detergent .can'. Tndi- cated were a •Illower container made out of the can; and the top and neck made into 'candle holders; also a candle holder trilimwd with coloured *SSW and. flowers and a top beini 'use'd' bold •a table fav- our. COMING EVENTS Thursday, August 30—BINGO in Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street at 8.30 p.m. 15 regular games for '$5; 1 game for $25; 3 Share - the - Wealth games; Jackpot $59 in 59 numbers, Admission 50e. 34b Friday, August 31—Don't for- get the big: Lions Club Bingo at Teeswater, commencing et 9 p.m. 12 games for $50 each, three $100 specials, an •a super special for $500. 35b Tuesday Sept. 4 — BINGO prizes.rI8zeisn. Huron Fish and Game. Jackpot, .5 43tfb 588.30nupm.mbers. Six door osTpueitsadla Ay,Suexpati.ar4y. 8 —Clinton H p.m., Nurses Residence. Good 'atten- dance is hoped for. 35b Saturday, Sept. 8 — Benefit dance for Bob Rathwell, Bay- field Pavilion, local orchestra, lunch counter. Sponsor OFU, Everyone welcome. 35-6b Saturday, Sept. 8—Reception for Mr. and Mrs. John Siert- sema (nee Kathleen Porter) Zurich Community Centre, Des- jardine's Orchestra. 35-6b Wed., Sept. 19 — Floral ar- rangement demonstration', Wes- ley-Willis United 'Church, 8.30 p.m. Refreshments served. Ad.- mission 50c, auspices Unit 2, UCW. 35b Special Sunday Midnite Show (Sept. 2) at 12.05 All Colour Double Bill "The Pirate Of The Blackhawk" Mijanou Bardot (Colour) PLUS: "QUEEN OF TARTARS" Adventure in Colour (Cartoon) WED., THURS., FRI. September 5-6-7 Hit No. 1—Shown at 10.00 Special Buys For Special People Someone in this locality needs a "Better" car. Maybe it is you. We would like you to come and see these selected Specials. Bring the family. Take a test drive. These are cars you'll be proud to own! '58 METEOR Deluxe Sedan Smartly two-toned. Whitewall Tires. Radio. Automatic. Fender Mirrors. NOW ONLY - 11,350 .58 PONTIAC 6 Deluxe Sedan Lovely Gold and Cream Two-tone. Has Radio and Fender Mirrors. Spotless inside and out. NOW ONLY $1,35Q '57 OLDSMOBILE Sedan Smart Two-tone Green. Automatic. Power Steering. Power Brakes. Radio. Other Extras. NOW ONLY $950 We will give you Top Trade-in Allowance for your present car; arrange terms to suit you -- if needed; give you our O.K. written guarantee. ANIMI1111111111111•111MW School Supplies _.Get Your School Supplies at McEwan's And Get Free Chances On Big Prizes 1st PRIZE—ELGIN WRIST WATCH 2nd PRIZE TRANSISTOR RADIO 3rd PRIZE SHEAFFER PEN and PENCIL SET One chance for every $1.00 value of School Supplies bought at our Store to September 1st. Special prices on text books 3••Sectio Spiral Note Books ro £ A No. 40 50 SCHOOL OPENING 3n. EACH SPECIAL ur; FREE INITIALS in Gold Leaf lettering on Leather 'Cases up to September 1st. FREE NAMES irt Gold Leaf on Pens value' $1.95 and up to September Mc Evvan9 s Clinton Ontario Left-Handed Golfers Tourney, Sept. 15 Date of the Clinton-Bayfield Golf Course left-handed golfers tournament has been set for Saturday, September 15 with first tee-off at 1 p.m. Over 40 entries have aireadY been re- ceived by Fred Hulls, pro at the course. The event will con- clude with refreshments and dinner at the clubhouse. Londesboro In Softball Finals Londesboro softball team put Auburn out in a four-game semi-final series to go into the Central Huron Men's Softball League finals against HeriSall ar Holertesville. The later series was supposed to be decided last • Londesboro topped the 12-game regular schedule with- out a defeat.. They have been playing their play-off games At Myth flood-lit diamond. HenSall has a flood-lit • diamonl -and Holmesville has been .playing, night games in Goderich. o Labour Day Shoot At Kippen Gun Club HENSALL — Labour Day Sheet at Kippen on Sunday, September 2 at 1 p.m. will fea- ture as first event, a 50 bird handicap for Kippen Gun Club Trophy ,and for second event, a 25 bird 16 yard five man' team event for the Chester Lee Mem- orial Trophy. Anyone can enter. plate; teenager Don Freeman was base umpire. Clinton: manager, Zone Conl- in:ander Doug Andrews request- ed a ten-day layoff before the second game in Exeter on Th'u'rsday, September 6. Entries Wanted For C-B-A Bowling Entries are now being accept- ed for the C-B-A (Clinton, Myth, Auburn) ladies bowling league. This successful league was begun last winter 'at the CE;rition Automatic Bowling Lanes with nearly 50 ladies participating, Mrs. Don (Phyl- lis) Strong, Clinton, is presi- dent. (See advertisement on this page.) The president informs us that no 'trophies or prizes, were up for competition last semen. The league would 'ap- preeie.te it if spine business or individual would care to put up a trophy or prizes. • (Continued from page one) Vegetables, POttatoeS, Linda Maiociy, P4a-T1 CON, Sandra. $elleenhals; carrots, Linda Moody, Peggy .S•chcrephOs, John Leippdogtop,;- beets. Sandra Scheenhals, Marie 'Ciiderare, Bonnie Jobnetret; 't0IngOes, Ciehnore, cl! Moody,.. no name, Adult Classes Double aster, Lqella John- ston, Mrs. M. Addison.; .cosmos, lfts. David Middleton, Mrs, T. R. Thompson; Zinnias large, Mrs. David IVIiddleten, Fred Ford; zinnias small,, Mrs, David Middleton, Mrs, M. Ad- Olson; petunias, single, ' Mrs. Jack Leppington„ Mrs. O g Epps; petunias frilled, Mrs, Frank Fingland', WS. T, R. Thompson.; pansies', Mrs. Jack Lee, Mrs. Jack Lepping- ton. Snapdragon., Mrs. Brock Olde, MOSS Luella Johnston; African marigold, Mrs. Jack Lopping- ton, Mrs, David Nfid'dieton; French marigold', Mrs. Reg. Cudmore, Miss Luella Johnston; phlox annual, 1Virs. C. Epps, Mrs. Reg. Oudrnore; perennial, Miss Luella Johnston, Mrs,. C. EPPs. Gladioli, one spike, white, Mrs. Neville Forbes', 'Mrs. C. Epps; red, Mrs. C. Epps, Mrs. Fred Middleton; pink, Mrs. C. Epps, Mrs, Jack Leppington; yellow, Mrs. Jack Leppirnigton, Mrs. David Middleton; any other colour, IVITS. Neville For- bes, Mrs. .Talck Lee; three spikes, Mrs. C. Epps, Mrs. Jack Leppington; basket, Mrs. Cliff Epps', Mrs. Fred Middle- ton,, Mrs.. David Middleton. Roses, Peace, Mrs.. T. R. Thompson, Mrs. Mac LeBeate Mrs. Jack Leppington; Tea, Mrs. T. R. Thompson', Douglas Miles, Mrs. Frank Fingland; as- scaled,' Mrs, Jack Leppington, Douglas Miles, Mrs. T. R. Thompson. Lady's corsage, Mrs. J. W. Counter, Mrs. Jack .Leppington, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe; wedding anni- versary arrangement, Mrs. C. H. Epps, Mrs. Jack Lepping, ton; coffee table arrangement, Mrs. C. 'Epps, MrS. Fred Mid'- dieton, Mrs. Harold Johnston. Miniature arrangement, Miss Luella Johnston, Mrs. B. Olde, Cliff Epps; garden .flowers,. as- sorted, Mrs. C. EPps, Miss Luella Johnston, Mrs, David Middleton; dining room bou- quet, Mrs. Jack Leppington, Cliff Epps, Mrs. M. Farquhar; flowers same colour as contain- er, Mrs. Fred Middleton, Mrs. M. Farquhar, Miss Luella John- ston. Mantle arrangement, Mr. C. Epps, Mrs. 'J.. W. Ceunter,- Cliff Epps; waylside flowers, Miss Luella. Johauston, Mrs. H. John- ston, ' Mrs, C. Epps; foliage plaints, potted, Miss Luella Johnston, Mrs. David .1\liddle ton, Miss C. Turner; tuberous begonias, Mrs. Jack Leppington, Mrs. N. Forbes, 'Mums, Cliff Epps, Mris.. C. Epps; large dahlia, .Cliff Epps, Mrs. C. Epps, Mrs. David Mid- dleton; cactus dahlia, Cliff Epps, Mrs.' David Middleton, Mrs. C. Epps; 3 dahlias, differ- ent, Mrs. C. Epps, Mrs. M. Far- quhar, Cliff .Epps; ,best unusual potted plant, Mrs. David Mid- dleton, Mrs. W. Howett, Mrs. C. Epps. • Phone HU 2-3841 Clinton AnNumnimmn• BROWNIE'S DRIVE- IN THEATRE LIMITED CLINTON 2 BID HITS EACH EVENING • W,ED, THURS., FRI, August 29-30-31 Hit No. 1—Shown A 8.45 only "THE 3 STOOGES MEET HERCULES'" '3 Stooges, Vicki Trickett No. 2—Shown at 10,15 - "WARRIOR • EMPRESS'" KerwiU Mathews, Tina I-ouise (Colour Scope) (Cartoon) FREE STOOGE RINGS FOR EVERYONE ON ), WED., THURS., FRI. SAT., MON., TUES. September 1-3-4 . Hit...No. 1—Shown at 9.45 only "POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES If A Hilarious Comedy Glenn Ford, Bette Davis, Hope Lange (Colour — Scope) Hit No. 2—Shown at 8.30 only "BOY WHO CAUGHT A CROOK" Wanda Hendrix (Cartoon) "DENTIST IN THE CHAIR" The Carry-On Gang Hit No. 2—Shown at 8.30 "JOURNEY TO THE LOST CITY" Debra Paget, Paul Christian (Colour) (Cartoon) Page 1 N#yis,14:cpr1;1..--,4114r.,..494# 49, 1904 300 Adult .Exhibitors a# flower Show, Mrs. C. H. Epps Top Prize Winner '11'6 A TIME TO GIVE 501145 THOUGHT,,, ..TO OUR 'TEE WAY -OF LIFT... ...OUR RIGHT TO WORT-C AND BARGAIK,. 4 ,i 4rir‘I/0/ leif' • r--. „.114 THE 5PIR1t OF' FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY.., ?e0/.,•=i(' Yvn£ OVA86, _vat MOST (VALI, 71-tAt aRr.Atbme.. ...k443.1.0wigG vancm... YOU 1(10$ GO 1 MK TO SCHOOL SEE YOU SATURDAY? Of course we have others to choose from. Why not come in — TODAY! LORNE. BROWN MOTORS Ltd. YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET, OLDSMoBILE it ENVOY DEALER. HU 2.9311 CLINTON