HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-08-30, Page 8Who's For a Ride on Lake Huron? George Cutler has been operating a pontoon raft out of Bayfield from the south pier most of the summer, and offers boat rides for all those interested at a most reasonable rate. Fishing from this type of craft is quite enjoyable, for there is plenty of room to move about, and satisfactory stability. (News -Record Photo) Page 8—Clinton News-Record--Thurs., August 30, 1962 Georg e Hopson returned home from Westminster Hospi- tal on Tuesday of last week. :Ervin Keyes is spending a few days with Danny Johnston this welek. Mr: and Mrs. Irvine Hintz, Waterloo, were at their cottage. for the weekend. Miss Margaret Macdonald spent a few days this week at Brigden. Miss Ellen MacKay was a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital from Wednesday to Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reid, St. Clair Beach, were at their cottage "Enfield" from Satur- day until Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pfaff and son Mark, Windsor, were at their cottage on Victoria Place last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Kalleo returned to Detroit on Sun- day after having spent last week at their cottage.. Mr. and Mrs. William. Man - mess, Joanne • and Jinny . were weekend lguests of the fcrmer's mother. Lawrence Candela, Detroit, spent the past week with his grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs. Ar- thur Brisson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hart, Ted and Anne, London, occupied the Hart cottage for the month of August. Richard Angelo, Washington, PUMPS SHALLOW or DEEP WELL No more hand pumping I Install a McDougall pump —JET, PISTON or WORK 1NG-HEAD types. Pressur- ized water at your finger- tips,. Lifts to 500 feet. CHOOSE SEE US BEFORE BUYING EPPS Pump & Supply 156 ERIE ST., CLINTON . 35-6b D,C., was the guest of Mrs. R. W. Bristol for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Candela and children were weekend guests of, Mrs. Candela's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bris- son. Mrs. James Fisher and Frank returned to St. Agatha with her husband on Sunday after spending last week at their cottage, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Simp- son, Bloomfield Hillis, Mich., are occupying the apartment at "Century House" .for the month .of August. Mr. 'ands Mrs. John Duffy returned to Oakville on Mon- day after vacationing at Mrs. W. H. Robinsdn'•s cottage on Howard Street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wistow, Burlington, and Mrs,: O. G. Gauld, London, were visitors of Miss Hodgins and Miss Mac- donald at "Stonehaven" last Friday. Mr. and Mrs: A. Yunker and. children who have occupied "Char -Min", Mrs. Charles Rog- ers' cottage, for the month of August have returned to their home in London, Mrs. William J. Hamill, Roy- al Oak, Mich. ; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cook, 'Detroit, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs'. J, MacKenzie from Friday to Mo'nd'ay. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Cul - ley, London, were guests of the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison at the rectory on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Keith Williams, Cyndy and Christopher, Sarnia, called at, the rectory on Monday evening. Mrs. C. R. Will's granddaugh- ter, Mrs. Carl Blauman and - children, •Cathy, Tom, Susan, Betsy and pester, Birmingham, Mich., have 'been occupying the McCombe cottage. Mr. Nau- man joinshis family for week- ends. Corporal Lloyd Westlake, OPP, Kitchener, was here from Saturday until Monday. Mics. Westlake, Ricky, Catherine and P'au'l, who have been with her Parents, 1VIr, and Mrs. Malcolm Tama for six weeks, accompan- ied him on his' return to Kit- chener. Miss Betty Ann Potter was with her mother, Mrs. F. W. Potter for ten days while study- ing for an examination. She is a member of the graduating class 'at St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing. Gary Pat - iter, Londhn, also spent the weekend with .his mother. Mass Mary Nadcombe return- ed to Windsor on Sunday after halving visited her nephew, Art Pye and family, Jowett Cotttag- es, from Ttiesd'ay: Mr. and Mrs. Allton Pye who came art the same time remained to spend' MI5 week With their son. Mrs. Richert Williams, Liza said Katie, New York, who halve spemit the stammer With her Patents, Magistratte and Mrls. F. McAlister "The Highlands" and Robert Williams who has bean ,With them far two weeks left on Monday to visit his AlimMonsomme Have Your Tried - Na—Moo Veal Calf Milk Replacer 'This product is selehtifically formukted' to give the best balance Of the hutritoniell requirements of veof calves. PACKED IN 254LB.• POLY LINED BAGS H. F. WE1"TLAUFER PEED MILL. Mary Street CLINTON - 'HU 24792 relatives tin South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt and four children, Mr. and Mrs, Otto van Rennenkamphff, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burt and two children, Sault Ste. Marie, were at the family home on Sarnia Street for the week- end. Ronald Burt and family left London on Monday for Sault Ste. Marie. Dr. and Mrs. Moore Hislop and baby Julie, Fort Churchill, have been spending a vacation at "Wheel -In" cottage, With them over the weekend were herr .parents and suer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker .and Gwen, London; (brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lang and two children, Ancaster. Bonnie Johnston who has been working at the home of Mr. and M. Ken Pinkerton, Byron, for several weeks visit- ed lrast week with Donna Peck, Babylon Lime and a few dayrs with her mother. She left on Sunday to be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Angus McRae, Lon- don, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn, Pounder and children, Johnny, Cathy and Mary, were in Ottawa for the week of August 12 'before coming to spend the weekend with Mr. and MTs. Lloyd Scot- chmer. Owing to the dearth of her aunt Mrs. Poundler and chil'dr'en remained with her mother last week,' returning to Chatham on Sunday with her husband,. :, ... Visitors over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. William R. Elliott were: Mr. and Mrs, Harlod Fryer, Diane and Jim- my, . Ingersoll; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fryer and Gregory, Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fry- er, Stratford and John Elliott, wife and three children, Kit- chener. Jimmy and Nancy El- liott remained to visit with their grandparents until Labour Day. Mrs. Eugene Sauder, with her daughter Mrs. Sid McLen- nan and Mrs. Frank Erwin, Kitchener, motored from Port Elgin on Tuesday to spend the day in the village. They call- ed on friends and visited old scenes. Mrs. Sauder, formerly Miss Clara Erwin is the daugh- ter of the late Henry Erwin, for many years clerk of the Municipality of Bayfield, and correspondent for the Clinton News -Record. Mr: and Mrs. Frederick A. Erb, Rick, Wendy, Leslie and John, Birmingham, Mich., came to "Btrchcdiff" ;cottage for :the month of August, Mr. Erb corn - ing for w'eeken'ds. The second weekend in the n,iainth Mrs. .Clintorr and District Q.1jtuarjes James H. Vincent , Enteral sen i4Pe waa Conduct- ed onduc ted on Sa'tauxday; August `25 from the Ilea:We funeral hone, 55 Rattenbu'rJ' Street past, Chn- ton, for .Janies Horace Vincent, 68, who passed away , in St. Joaepll?s Hese/ttal, .,Sarnia, pn' ThursldaY moan '►gg. August 23. The Rev, 'Clifford G, Pa*, Wesley -Willie United Church officiated and interment was iri Cliinrtpn Ceanetegy. Pal'? -bearers were William Riehl, .Stewarit 'Daytlor, Wilfred Jervis, Jos' Sheep, H'ems'y Carter ;an d 'rein Olay. err Born on January 31, 1894 in England, he was the son ,of James Hartage an Louise Vin- cent. }Te waa married in 1925 ar'd his wife passed away in Novemb'er, 1946. Formerly a section foreman with the Canadian National Railway mere, Mr. Vincent was a member of Wesley -Willis United Church. He had been living in Sarnia for the past Nye annntits, and! had been in failing health. Surviving aro two brothers, Erntest and George, in England, two sisters', Mrs. Albert (Ethel May) 'C'art'er, Sarnia and Mrs, Dorothy Cottrell, England. Mrs. Jim Biggar Ii4PPEN Mrs. Jim Biggar (the former Mildred Grace Deitz, Kippen) and lately of Namaka, Alberta, passed away in Calgary General Hospital on Tuesday, August 21 in her 42nd Year. She is ° survived by her hus- band, one son (Randy), one daughter (Priscilla), her moth- er Mrs. Elizabeth Deitz, one brother (John), two sisters (Dorothy) Mrs. Tom Munroe, (Norma) Mrs. William Cole- man, all of Kippen. Funeral services were held. Thursday, August 23 from Cal- gary. Her brother John and sister Dorothy flew out to attend the funeral. • Harold W. Rathwell GLENDALE, ARIZ. — Ser- vices for Herold W, Rathweli, 60, who died on Tuesday at North West Hospital, were held on Saturday morning, August 18,. in Lundberg Mortuary. Bur- ial was in Resthaven Park. . Mr. Rathwell was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Rattlhwell,, God'erich Township, later of Stanley Township,. and he was a home building con- tractor. He moved' from Wind- sor 15 t'e'ars'. ago, and lived at 5811W Belmonit Ave., in Glen- dale. Mr. Rathwell was a member of the 'Royal Arcane. Lodge and the First Presbyterian 'Church in Phoenix, Ariz. He .is 'surviv- ed by his wife Jean; two sons, Pete and Jim, all of Glendale and a sister, Mrs, Albert Horn- er, Seaforibh. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Horner a'ttend'ed (the funeral and have returned home. Caanmie Roberson, Birmingham, was with them and Rod Davies, Bloomfield Hill was Rick's guest. This week Mr. and Mr's. Richard P. Barnard, Franklin, Mich., with three children, Cal - by, Teb and Dana, were their guests, Baptism The Rev. E. J, B. Harrison officiated at the service of holy baptism in Trinity Church on Sunday afternoon last, when Anna Marie and Jenny Lynn, children of F/L Andre Toma and his wife Janet Marie Mac- Leod were christened. The God parents were Miss Dorothy Ann MacLeod and the children's parents. Owing to illness F/L Andre Toma was not able to attend the service. Mrs. L. H. D. MacLeod stood proxy for him. Sa11 Boats at Bayfield This is some i1f the sceneryavailable from the deck of a lake -going draft at tlayfield harbour, There are as many as half a.' dozen sailboats within sight on days wheal the wind' is favourablet and the sac the fail vehicles are interesting to many visitor at lake, (Neuisy/i',ecorel Photo) Mrs. 1,. hll. BWrt DAXFAELL(a The death oc- carred t1 her home, 360 Wort- ley Road, London, 451 atm dray, .Aus't 18, 1962, of Mrs. Lulu lvfadelinpe Bunt, in &ler 62!14 year, :She had been in ill health for ,tilde and a: half ninths, a3evri in Bayfield, December 2, 1900, she was Ifhe older 'daughter of the late Frederick Baker and Mary Howard Bak- er, She atltended BaY'field Public 'and Continuation School, Lon. don Collegiate Insttitute axed. London Normal School. ' Highly regarded on the Lon- don Public School staff, .she had taught in Chelsea Heights fon' :five years, and up to tihe. time of her death was a mem- ber of the st'a'ff at Mountstfidld' School - The Matte Mrs. Burt had many extra -curricular activities, She was a member of the IODE, A member of St. James Church (Westminster) , London; she al- so retained the 'assoiciattion of her youth with Trinity Anglic- an Ohnr'dh, Bayfield, Surviving are two (sons, How+and! F. Burt, London, Ron - ,aid R. Burt, Sault Ste, Marie; rtwo. Idaughterrs, Mrs, W. E. (Margaret L.) Morley, Ray Vil- lage, .Ohio, Mrs. Otto (Mary Lou) van Rennenkamphff; a brother, Harry F. Baker, Lon- don; a sister, Mrs. Lloyd (Greta) Scotchmer, Bayfield and ten grandchildren. Funeral service in the Need- ham funeral chapel, London, at 8 pan. Monday, August 20, was conducted by ithe Rev. D. J. Laramie, London', and in Trin- ity •Church, Bayfield, at 2.30 p.m., August 21, by the Rev. E. 3. B Harrison. Interment was made in Rey- nold Cemetery. Pall:-tbeazers were: Melvin Davison, Willard Dresser, Leon- ard Smith, Bayfield; Orville McClinnehey, Varna; Les'lie,Pick- les, London, and Douglas Long, Ancaster. Flower bearers: How- ard Scoitahmer, Dr. Moore His- lop, Kenneth Brandon, Lesitie Elliott, Hales Dresser. Persons attending the funer- al service here from a distance, included: Mr, and Mrs, Jack Atikenhead, Brucefield; Mrs. R. H. Middleton, Hensatll; Rev. 'anal Mrs'. J. Graham, Tyrconnel: Pat Graham, Mr. 'and firs, Frank Morton, Mr. and Mrs, L. Pickles, Mrs. Roy Tyrell, Bob Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Ot- to van Rennenkamphff, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker, Miss Gwen Baker, London; Mr's. W. E. Morlloy, Bay Village, Ohio; Mrs. Robert 'Clark and Miss, Roberta Olark,.Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Long, Atncaster; Dr. and Mrs. Moore Hislop, Fant Churchill; Mrs, J. Pound- ef, Chatham; Mr, and Mrs. Percy Lament, Windsor; Mr, and Mrs. Ed Turland, Detroit. 0 VARNA (Correspondent, • Fred McClymont Rev.' and Mrs. William Rob- inson, Manitoba, are visiting re- latives in this vicinity, The service in the United Church next Sunday will be in charge of the pastor Rev. N. Morrison. Miss Joan McClymont spent last week at Fve Oaks, near Paris, Ontario. The Varna softball team won an exhibition .game at Bruce- field on Monday evening of this week. HENSALL (MRS. MAUDE REDDEN, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jones have returned 'from a vacation spent tat French River, north of Parry Sound, and with friends at Bala. Classified Ads Bring Quick Results Local Youngsters Show Flowers, Too Among the 108 exhibits in the children!s section of the Flower Show last Friday in the Council Chambers were several shown by Tom Leppington, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Leppington and Linda Moodie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Moodie. The youngsters interest in the annual flower show has con- tinued to grow through the years, and this year's show proved the best yet. (News -Record Photo) Principal Fralick And Family Go To Strathroy BAYtaEL!D — Mx. and Mrs. W iabent . Fralick and; Miss Mary Frail.* moved to Strathroy on Wednesday where they will snake their home, Mr. Fralick will be principal of the five- room Metcalf Central School near Straithroy. During the three years they have resided . here while Mr, Fralick was principal of USS 8 Stanley, they have taken an.ac- ti,ve part in community affairs, As members of St, Andr'ew's United Church they will be missed from the congregation. Mrs, Fralick played a' proanin- enit pant in the UCW.. A member of the Lion% Club, Mr. Fralick did a great deal as' one of the committee on or- ganizing sports at the arena lash winter. He coached the girds hockey team. Huron County • Farming Report "Grain :harvest progressed very well during the past week make favourable wea- ther conditions, however there is considerable 'grain to be 'harvested in the north end of the county A few 'early fields of white beans have been pulled. Harvest of the sweet corn club will likely commence this week. ' aloo /TN/NNW, /21 ASA' NNE/ACo,v 74t. /F/CANKEEPTN MA'wo Off 77/6Y AM. YOU' ARS BES ERIE D' HAROLD'S WHITE ROSE GARAGE SPECIALIZING SISSIONSMATIC GE ERAL -- REPAIRS 14 .14 011 227 CLINTONIST. HERB'S Food Market SPECIALSFOR AUG. 30-31, SEPT. 1 INCLUSIVE, SCHNEIDER'S Shortening, I -Ib. pkg. 23c MAXWELL HOUSE Instant Coffee, I0 -oz. jar $1.49 HEINZ Ketchup, 1 I -oz. bottle 25c DELMAR Margarine 4 1 -lb. pkgs. %95c Clark's Canned Food Sale Clark's CHICKEN & TURKEY STEW 15-ot, tin 39c Clark's TOMATO JUICE, 48-o2tins ........ 29c Clark's PORK & BEANS $ 9c Clark's VEGETABLE SOUP ..,,.. 10 10 oz. tins1 00 LAST CALL FOR PEACHES THEY ARE FINISHING QUIbKLY Red Havens, fit tifs. Only $ 1:?5 C�oil ►Y Yo r .. for theDra'a Westinghouse Save pbn§ 'whouse forW g Dryer on December 22 FREE DELIVERY-- PHONE HU 24445 Several Trips By Huron Juniors In September Severall Huron County young people have been selected to represent 'the 'county on various trips in the near future. Miss Marilyn Marshall of RR 1, Kirlct'on has been sel_e'cttted to represent the county at provirr- cial Junior Farmer leadership training camp at Lake Coueh- iching from September 3-10. Mists Marshall has been very active in 4-H Homemaking Clubs in The county and is the past presidlenrt of the Huron County Junior Insitiltutte. Ivan Dow, RR 3, Wingham, will represent Huron on the , Ontario Junior Farmer soil and land use tour from, September 11 to 14. Flaeh county selected one delegate for this tour and they intend to be discussing soils and land use and will be visiting several farms in Cent- ral Ontario. Mr. Dow is vice- president of the Huron County Junior Farmers and is palstt presid'entt of the North Huron Junior Fanners. Larry Wheatley, RR 1, Dub-. lin has been awarded a travel- ling scholarship from the On- tario Junior Farmers to attend the 1962 R.Y.U,S.A, conference at 'Cedlar Lances Camp, Ripley, West Virginia, Larry is one of four Onitario Juniors who will be attending this conference from September 11 to 16. He is presently the Huron .County director of the Junior Farmers of Ontario. Bob Fobheringham, R R 3, Seaforth, has been awarded the Junior Farmer trip to Washing- ton and New York which will take place the latter part of September. This award is made to tthe person having the high- est score in the Huron County seed and livestock judging tom - petitions. Mr. Fothherimbham h'^:s •attways been active in 4-H pro- grams serving as a 4-H leader this year. He 'also is president of the Seafonth Junior Fan7ners. HOLMESVILLE MRS. F. McCULLOUGH Phone HU 2-7418 Col. and Mrs. L. Lamontagne Quebec City, and Mr. and Mrs, Roger Pinault, Kingston, and their families were visitors for the past two weeks with . Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ireland. Col. Lamontagne, professor o f French Literature at Laval Uni- versity was interviewed on CKNX-TV on the subject of Laval summer school of which he was director this year. Mrs.` Lepage, Quebec City, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Earl Ireland. MIDDLETON The Women's Auxiliary of St, James Church will meet on Thursday evening, September 6 at 8.15 p.m. 'at the home of Mrs. Ray Wire. Please note change of date. The roll call word is "Harvest". dolt fR/END( y WHEN/NEARASOUTAN ''!Y/1S' fvV *WWI CGf'm' TOSEE THE MO NATOIMPOKEHER.:. ALUMINUM WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS RUSSELL L, JERVIS COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL REMODELING 11113.2-9390 68 ALBERT ST_ Chuter Heating &Electric 45 KING STREET--CLINTON--HU 2-7652 Are pleased to Announce Their Appointment as Si m p li ci t y Appliance Dealers for Clinton & District Simplicity Automatic Washers and Dryers are Built to Last! 8 Washday Programs. So simple for .you . it's almost unbelievable! Now you can wash any washable fabric with no guessing! No need to worry about which com- bination of wash and spin Speeds, .. or water temperature to use! Simply selent the cycle which describes the load you Wish to wash—push the control knob—THAT'S ALL you do. 1111.Slmpl�city Automatic Dryer Modal b40.3 Mult Heat tempera- ture coint'raI * Free Flow liht filter * Heater Element 4200 wattt . 2 Year Free Service Guarantee * fully' flexible ' Control -Air systtenm. ' Safety door A"utomatic overload protector 2 YEAR FREE SERVICE GUARANTEE On All Simplicity , Clothe* Dryk'r$' We also have Conventional Type and Squar?eline SinipirMy 'Whshers: