HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-08-30, Page 5LakeviewCasino Grand Bend DANCING THIS WEEKEND Saturday, Sept, lst and Sunday Midnight LIONEL `f'N'011ivtorl and his Case 'Royal Orchestra. TWIST To "fHE CRESCENDOS" Wednesday, Aug. 29th bad Friday, Aug. 31st AONIittiON $i.bb eeeelierieeelierilieleirreerieleireikiiiedoef To Live in London, England. MR. AND MRS. JOHN ROORDA were married'on Saturday afternoon, August 25, 1962, by the Rev. L, Slofstra in Christian Reformed Church, Clinton. The bride is Sylvia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Idsinga, RR 1, Bayfield, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Roorda, Clinton. After a wedding trip in Northern Ontario, the young couple will leave for England, where the groom will con- tinue his studies for two years at the University of London. (Photo by R. d. Nephew) Goderich Twp. South Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sehilbe held a birthday party on Sun- day , for her grandmother, Mrs. Maude Crich who is 83 on Tues- day., Present were her son Erre est and Mrs, Crich and son-in- -law 011ie Cole and- her five grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren. Mrs. Ernest Crich baked the birthday cake decorated with pink and white ising. Her many friends wish her many more birthdays. Mrs. Rdbert McIlwain return- ed home last week from Gode- rich hospital where she has been a patient for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Earland Bet- ties returned to their home in Toronto on Sunday after spend- ing a couple of weeks with his brother Alien and Mrs. Bet- ties. DANCE AT THE BAYFIELD PAY. SAT SEPT. 1 ROCK and TWIST TO "'The Countdowns From 9 p.m. Til Midnight ADMISSION 75c WI Picnic Held At Community Park For Grandmothers A very enjoyable afternoon was spent in -the Clinton Com- nuwniey Park 'last . Thursday when Clinton Womens' Institute entertained focal (grandmothers. After the opening exereiees la minute silence was observed in memory of a departed member Mrs. Len Hunter. The first vice-pres+idenit Mss. W. Colclough dealt with a few items of business and then turn- ed the meeting over to the 'sporrts committee who conduct- ed the following games: bird contest, won by Mrs. Codelough and• Mts. J. McGill; bean vete- sting, won by Mrs. Jackson, Londbn; throwing paper plates thorough an' opening,' won by Mrs. J. McGill; lucky spot won by Mris. George Mane; granidl- mother with nicest hair -deo, won by Mrs. Oharles El iasis and Mr's. A. C. Robertson; passting lifesaver on tooth pick, won by side led by Mts. Colltclough. A satisfying picnic supper was ern+joyed by all. , 0 Dior Model Weds In Paris, France Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Holbrook, Detroit, spent three days; with the law's brother, Gil .Hazel- wood Bayfield', Mrs. Holbrook has just returned from Paris, France, where she ett endeedtthe wedding of their daughter, Sad+1y Dianne, to Monsieur Lionel Aentranded'eelil1e, Miss Holbrook has been employed as a model for the late Chrdstrian Dior and bis successor Cardine for the past eight years.' Attention (DCI STUDENTS All students will. gather in the . auditorium at. 9.30 a.rn. on Tuesday, September 4. Text Books are on Sale At the School 34-5b Boord a—Idsin9a .On ,Saturday efiteanoen, Huge • uslt 25, a lovely Wetd'dng was soll+emnized :a nid bar kers: .of gilad'icriu :and dahlias in the Chruslt� In RgfiOringd Q ux~ck.. Clinton by the Rev. L. Slpfstra, when, . Sytlryua ]:dealing's• mecaine the hirtde .of John Roo:'xia. the bride's. parents ,are Mn aatnd Mr!s. Leo f,dlsinga, RR 1, aynfield and the groom is tlhe son of Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Roorda, Olinrttoa , ,Qivert sire marriage by her fa=. their, the. bride was lovely in ftlwor length ohanitiYIy lace, fasb- toned with a bell] skirt, .sulbrina Theakuna and lily point sleeves. Ail overrd.Irtape with '.top bow formed rt. flowing .chapel 'train of pea de faiXle fi eshed :ur same take applique. A coronet .of peeartls held an „elbow length veil of silk ilinsiomr and she car- xiie'd a presiceiat casoadte of shasba dossiers Retty Idsiinga, RR 1, Beer - field was br'id'esmaid in a nee green organza s'health with white i1ac'e overskirt, She oalr, riled +a baskets of white shesttia delete% Flower girl was Hlatltie Id+- siege: rand ringbearer was Clar- ence Rooa'd'a. Dick R.olorda, Clinton, was groomsman, Ush- ers were Douglas Roorda and John easing& Organist for the occasion was Jacob Boarder, father of tete gLrooan, erre! Mre. Janet Zond'er- vtan was sollaist. For the reception which fo11- lowed in the church hailq, the bnildle's: mother received lin, a bleu stheath of appliqued or- ganza whet .green and talisman accessole+s. The gr'oom's moth- er wore a blue two-piece dress With white alccesissories.. Fcxr travelling the bride don- nedl a .royal blue two-piece d 'ass whip white accessories, Follow- ing ra wedding ,trip to Northern Ontario the young :couple wild leave for London, Egad, where Ithe groom will continue studies for the next two years at the University • of London,. Carnochan Couple Mark Their 40th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Jtames G. Car- nochan, Tuokessmlith, observed their 40th wedding aninivereary last Saturday.• They were mar- ried September 6, 1922, by Capt. E. D. Edwards, assisted by the Rev. R. F. Irwin; at the home of elle bride's parents in Harpunhtey. Mr.. Carnochan is the former Elizabeth A. Wankel, daughter. of the Matte August Wankel and Ellen Townsend. Her husband is Ithe son of 'tare late James Carnochan and Jane Gray. They have farmed on the Oatnnoehan homestead, cleared in 1832, since their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Carnochan have three sons, James, Winnipeg; John, Selafonth; Kenneth, Tuek- eriemiith; ra daughter, Rufb, died in 1948. There are also nine grandsons and a granddaughter. The occasion was marked by a dinner attended by their im- mediate family at rtlhe Little Ism, Bayfield; followed by an "Alt Hone" at the home of their son John, where their many friends rand neighbours called on them Guests were present from Posit FJIIgin London!, FordNvich, Goamie, Blylth, Goderich, Mich- igan, Manitoba and Stratford. During the day telephone call's were received! •• from their son Jaynes in Winnnipeg and sisters' of the groom, Miss Ann Carn- ochan and Mrs. Ella Kirkby, .Los Anie/es, Calif. ^--o-- Wesley-Willis UCW Meeting Schedule The United Chinch Women of Wesley -Willis United Church well holds ,thein' first gennerral meeting after the summer break on Wednesday evening, September 5 eat 8 o'clock, do the Sunday School room oa the dhurch. It 's hoped that every member willl plan Ito, attend, The regular meetings of the various units will resume rtlhe. following week. Back To School Clothing LARGE SELECTION GIRLS' DRESSES Lovely Styles and Shades All Sues and Pre -Teen $$.95 to $6.95 GIRLS' SLACKS, BLOUSES BAIVLON and ORLON CARDIGANS Ali Sizes BOYS' JEANS CORDED and CHECK DRESS PANTS Alt Sizes Priced $2.49 to $5.9$ BOYS` WINDB'REAKERS LAMLNAtEb, CORbED R`TC. 20% OFF LADIES' NEW FALL DRESSES ALL ttzgs Priced $3.95 to $17.95 NYLON STOCKINGS 15 osaZIVEL,rnsrlrtgtatm 68c pair LADIES' SUMMER DRESSES and SUMMER SKIRTS 3b% OFF BOYS` SPORT SHIRTS Hd n SLEEVE and LbNGtr SLEEVE T-SHIRTS, Etc. HOUSE OF BARGAII S LTD Wl1ERE. YOUR bt1LLAR , BuYS `TNt MOST` COME IN ANiti LOOK AROUNie 1110 OI1LUGAI10N A 4 044 i,. 5�• WGOV sacro chive WAs MADE PRon R t:•A.F• A,RcRAFT 1N li WINTER OF MI AT 14004 S iFrALO PARK NEAR Vogl- F12GERAIa), MANITVBA, IN ADDRIort 7o MIArrING MaRE't•HAN 'J'(`� "3 L ip^ can e,uFFALp,Try£ AIR FORCE ozEWs PHQTg4,RAP er> HERO$of THE R•t�ANIMALS^rTHE, OP&RAnaK INVomp, LQN Jeep. fir/INF.-. S OaIZ�OEO i icl'F.'a� SsioN uU'L C �, a 14- eaFALOruRN4 fa ANp 0Q lea -AERIAL, PNolro RECONNAISSANCE IS TNg 700 pP AIR TRANsIwIt1' CoMMAHp'S 908 SQUADRON. U51NG CoNYERTEo Watts -b WAR II IANCRSI Qt; po1•1eER5, THE Soi4ApRoN RECEerreY COMPLETED PN AF,RIPL SVRVEY of THE, G4l.i Or _ s r. 1.AWRENCEo- • PHGToGRAPOS,TAKEN FRgM M ACTT./PE of 58,3oc F£Er,- WILL- 55 COMPARED WRH PHdrot �sHp1 " oP ni SAME AREA BY�t� . o rizo9p -=wsa- 1 SAN 10-11 E 9THiGTNr; ggFTy� s AT AN ACriEUDE qF o j.V'w(I.a?i1 RELEASED BY THE 11.c.A,F.'. AIR 1PAN;PORT COMMAND BY DOROTHY BARKER Unlucky Sunday I flipped on a recent Sunday, right into the rockery and aid- ed up in a. cheap ,among the daisies and corral bells. When I 'had sorted. out my various limbs a throb lin my left wrist kept beeping •a d iseress isignal. to my stunned consciousness. When I moved] it, orange and red .lights :flashed on and off somewhere behind my eyes like neon signs announcing "You've done it this time; you've deme tt this time ... " - We have a young doctor in our (town, fresh from his' intern- ship. T'hr'ee days before in wel- coming hirci I had facetiously remarked (when he wondered who his fist patient would be, "Why me, ' of course." I wasn't first, blit as cerise ase I could! get in ithe lapse of 36 hours. He drove me to the nearest hospital and after what seemed like eons, while I could hear prettify nurses rushing ab- out and making a fuss ever (this new doctor, a spinster type of person, lsrtar ted 'writing down de- tails about my age and asking ciid I think my wrist was broken. As a newspaper reporter and ambulance chaser., I have had considerable to do w+iith, hospi- tals and their staffs, but as yOwl!g Galahad tied] a butcherts apron over bis .shirt and:' trous- ers and rolled up his sleeves preparatory to plastering me, I had to wonder at his profession - all detachment, He and Ore issue gabbled ,about such .in- coritsequenitial (things - as the weather and the consistency of the plaster of paris brew she was mixing. Then 1 heard a Dual remark. I dunk it went some- thing lake this: "This is going to( hurt a. little". Wlhamany! 1 ! I fent as though I was one a Roman rack and thialt I was being tonin limb from liver, X- rage had shown the break to be a clean one with nettle displacement, so it was considered no aneethetttc was required. ' Mishaps in Threes Must be any Irish rarit+detrey foo" 1 have one superstition From rather bitter experience I have ditsCovered that mishaps usually irun in threes. On that bright and 'shinning Sundlay the mischievous leprechaun that had pushed me WO rookery was not thro'ug'h with his pranks. Traveling up the dining rooms With aind winding itself around the kitchen ,door in our house is ra g±ia rt Hoye planet that has gained limitless admiration over the years. AS 1 opened the door one any retiree from the hosiPi- tal denien eft came a nand my head =erb4vahng me lrkea glaiua- tor. Waving my cast with cave- nivanlike gestures, I 'battled my way out of this tropical esi- tanglemennt, only to see another mass of foliage. The entire front picture window was filled with branches, leaves and little' green apple's. The gnarled old tree That was the setting for this house and many an inspire- tion for thee column had sud- denly "bit the dust". I (didntit worry about whether the Itre'e had taken off a corner of the house in its descent, only about rtthe wrens whose home and family nestled in ire bran- ches. Could Have Been Worse I found the 10 -day-old bird - 1 rgs had lteet the email house safely, part of the tree surviv- ed, not a leaf fell from the Hoye ,and I was almost as good as new. So I started a one handled+ training program that would condition me foo my household] chores. Try it some time. Tie one hand .behind your back and endeavorr to peel a peach, tdry, a dish, snake ,a bed, or type. a colon in. Of .course, I'm way 'ahead of most people. I've had a cer- tain amount of trairring. I broke my right wrist the • day Kiang ,George ithhe Sixth; was crowned. 0 BRUCEFIELD Mrs. H. F. Berry, Correspondent Mur. and Mrs', W. T. Aiken- head ikenhead and daughters, Carden, Yvonne, Pamela and • S=andra, forrmerly of Kdppen area, but now r'esid'ents of Toronto (where Mr, Aikenhead is sta- tioned with RCAF) visited with Mr, ,and Mrs. Jlames N. Aiken- hlead, +Bruicefield, on their way home Brom a trip out west as far as Penticton, B.C. McDone1d6aunt Witte glaial�i fern4 g' ec,' Set, Peitaer''s Ang'liCain rchgrchi I.ntc. ww .91 S+a'tuvOlu, P'• atter, nooln, .Au+g1•141t 1 fo% 11•w wed, dintg. of. Pe ria? Jean daunt and S, Q1an McDoiialrcl', `]?fie Pay, .Wilfred W' fight o M:Oad: The ;bride 1,p Oa daughtlef+ o Mr. pod] .Mrs; Harold Gd'urnt, RR 2; >~,iokntow, and the grooan."s p obh!er is Mrs, Satin 1VfieDonalid, Mary Slt?i'e$ too Given in poTrlage by her fa- ther, the bride was lov* in floor i+e.000). gowns of pixie silk QM114.4z+a, and ch'an'tally lace, The bodice wigs fasbuened synth liluy point sleeves and+ a draped serve necleline, s 'lei the .full houffarut Skint swept into er brush strain, Her segt4'ined' 'tiara held a 0041:01e :11hISion bouffant veil and she carried a crescent bou- quet of ye]11ew rose apd slteph an+glt4s. • Miss Nor na Forster, London, was maid of honour one (brides meld was Mrs. Donald Redd, RR 3, L4zokn'ow, arid; flower bearer Was Jandee Gaunt, sis- ter of he bride. The ]attendants were simillarly go w n e,d in sheaith's of yellow lace feature tog scalloped oped neckline ,and matching beerfferit ovemsk;nt. Their wore white aecessoriets and carried baskets Hof white shasta daisies, Donald Lazenby, Woodstock, was groomsman and ushers were Douglas 'Gaunt, Lucknow, brother of the bride and Dr. Bruce McDonald, brother of the groom, Detroit. Organist Mai. Durnin Phd11 lips played special •selecttions, St. Andrew's UCW Life Membership To Mrs. C. Bell The United Chur'c'h. Women oe St, Andrew's Church, Bray - field, held] their meeting on Thursday, August 23 in the schoolroom of the church, with the president, Mrs. John, Lind- sey presiding. Mrs. Rabertt Scotchmer was pianist, The president read the Scripture, followed by a few wards of pra>yec. Following a brief business peeiodl, the group enjoyed a very interesting talk by Mrs. George Simons, on her work while she lived on Georgina Island. Also, a life membership certificate was presented to Mrs. Charles Bell, by the presi- dent and a membership pin was presented to her by Mrs. Lloyd Maldns for her faithful work for the church kilter Ibis a picnic euppen• was enjoyed ' iuir Clan: Gregor Square. Former Hensall Boy Wins In Essay Contest HENSALL — RoSS Chreistiam leas been advised by the Cana- dian Bankers Association that he has been awarded second prize in, this year's essay en the junior division. This cotmpe- rhition is open to all employee's of all Canadian banks in Canada and their branches in other parts of the world. 'Ibis is the second time that Rose has, placed! lin the winning group, having won sixth ,place two years ago. He is now sta- ttnoned art Chippewa branch of the Bank of Montreal Ros's is the son of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Christtialn. Ross attended South Huron Diisdnraat High School ;E ceter, and started his banking career in the Bak* of Montreal, Hen- sel, where his father le man- ager. Hardware Specials CONTOUR DR,AINBOARD TRAYS , Reg. $2.49 .......................... Special $179 PLASTIC OVAL CLOTHES BASKETS 99c Special S Only --Turquoise and Yellow PLASTIC STEP -ON CANS $5,49 Special $4.79 PLASTIC GARBAGE CANS Grey Only ---- Special b PATIO BROOMS ....................................... 88c EXTRA SPECIAL _ % Barbecues 24" on Wheels$u.95 ecialS PriceReg, $10.95 p .......�,... - 24`' with Hood, Spit and Motor $'I I9 Reg, $1$.95 .,,,.,.,.,.. Special Price 1 , t'rBali & M h MHA HARDWARE Albeit Street HU 2,9505 i.. Thurs., :August 30, 194 NM-R.0%04,400u ..5 Young Clinton Man, Weds MR. AND MRS. S. GLEN 1VieDONALD, London, were married in St. Peter's Anglican Church, Luck - now, on Saturday afternoon, August 18 by the Rev. Wilfred Wright; The bride is Beverley Jean, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gaunt, RR 2, Luck - now 'and the groom. is the son of Mrs, S. MoDonald, 137 Mary Street, Clinton and the late Mr. Mc- Donald. (Photo by R, J. Nephew) "I'11 Walic Beside You". and Lord ie My Shepherd." Receiving in Sit. Peter's Par- ish Hall ratfterrward, the bride's mother wore apricot organza over figured silk, hone atcces- S$ries and a corsage of chalice roses, The groom's mother wore blue brocade with white .acces- series and corsage of chalice roses, Guests attendled from Deltnroit, Saskatchewan, London, S+h ncoe, Gravenh:urst, Galt and Woodstock. For a wedding trip to Ver- mont, (the bride donned an aqua sheath with matching lace jac- ket, pink flowered hat and white 'accessories with corsage of punk carnrations. Upon their' return the young couple will] make their ,home in, London. • 88c SALE CLINTON TREESWEET Orange Juice, 48 -oz. 2 tins 88c Wax Paper, loo -ft. rolls 3 for 88c RED SEAL Cohoe Salmon, I/2 2 for 88c Cheese Slices, 1/2 -Ib. 3 for 88c ST. WILLIAMS Assorted Jams, 9 -oz. 4 for 88c I.G.A. Tomatoes, 20 -oz. 5 for 88c HEINZ Tomato Soup, 10 -oz. 8 for 88c I .G.A. Peas, 15 -oz. choke 6 for 88c No. 1 NEW CROP Grapes, Red Malagas 2 lbs. 29c SMOKED Picnics 39c Ib. TABLERITE Side Bacon 89c Ib. TABLERITE Skinless Wieners 55c lb. WESTINGHOUSE Roll About DISH- WASHER Your hands never need touch water again when you wash your dishes the wonderful Westinghouse way] DOUBLE WASHING removes food soil on dishes which is POWER- FLUSH RINSED down the drain , . . Your time is your own after meals] HEATS ITS OWN WATER featuring Booster Heater (145'). WASHES TWICE rinses three times, Overload Protector -- Safety Switch Priced from S24995 up Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor Hl 24646 Clinton "YOUR WEST1140HOUSE iSEALtR".