HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-08-30, Page 4(Exeter Times-Advocate) An Exeter nursing home has capitulated under the growing weight of government foams, reports, questionnaires, 'surveys and regulations. "I hate to say it,” states Mrs. Eldon Heywood, operator cif Heywood Nursing Home on Andrew Street, "but it's jest too much. There comes a time When you can't stand any more of It. I'm going to take a long rest." The 'nursing home will close at the , end of this month. Ar- rangements are being' made for the transfer of patients to other homes. "It's just about impossible to carry on ,a Small business of 'Ibis kind," she told The Times- Advocate. "It's just 'too much for one person." "We have to fill out medical forms, unemployment forms, income tax .forms, wage board forma, workmen's compensa- tion forms and a lot of others. If you leave one of the ques- Mang blank, it comes right back to you. Everything Must be filled out in detail. • "Then we have building in- spections, f ire inspections, health inspections and welfare inspections. We've never failed one but it all adds to the dif- ficulties." "On 'top of that you have to look after employees and the preparation of food, .administra- 0 Classified Ads Bring Quick Results THEY HAVE THE PLACE WHKH PEOPLE TELL, 'PRICES LOW QUALITY HIGH" HEATING OILS.GASOLINE 01tEASES-AIOTO,00.,..7 Page 4-,r,c1inton. News,Record-Record. August 30,1962 Catch Special„ Day 'andHHome Fireworks On Film Forever Clinton Community Concert and Marching 13and. • On .the Road (By J. Robert Huard, Drum Major) front of the lens, to shield the film from unwanted light of cars and other subjects; other- wise, the picture may turn out streaky. Try several shots at different exposure times 30'seconds, one minute, two minutes, for ex- ample. Naturally, 'the length of the exposure should, vary with the intensity of the fireworks. Striking 'the best exposure will depend on patience, Willingness to experiment — and a. bit of luck. You can take good fireworks she's with ordinary roll film. But you might experiment with high-speed film; it's extra sen- sitive to red and yellow light, and thus cuts 'the exposure time. And you can try color film, for special excitement; be on the generous side in estimating exposure time, Fireworks shots can- round out your collection of photos. Jutt be sure to avoid camera movement, by mounting the camera on a tripod or other firm support. ton and the 'welfare of the patients, which of course comes first. You can't cope with it all." Mrs. Heywood started the home nine years ago and has cared for more than 100 elderly citizens from the district. Her home 'has ,a; capacity of 12. "I hate Ito see my patients go," She said. "I really like the work. Your patients get to think of you as one of their own and you become attached 'to them. I have certainly en- joyed it." Because of her reputation in the :field, Mrs. Heywood aired*. has received 'a number of offers Ito manage nursing homes since she decided to close her own. This' past week she was given the opportunity of going to any. one of three United States hom- es in theisitaest of Ohio, Arizona and Texas. "I just want 'to have a good rest before I decide on any- thing she stated. "I've been on duty 24 hours a day for the (past three months and I feel I just want to get away from it for awhile." Mrs. Heywood indicated her home is not the only one Ito Close 'in recent month's.. A new one started till's year by a wo- man in Stratford Will close its doors shortly and many others throughout the proN?ince have discontinued service, Well, it seems ,that adding A few words to the %tie of Yeqr. local bargd 'paid Off, because at last ‘four ontino mernbens, really provod., themselves. On Wednesday, .August 15, most of the 'band attended the .1V.filverton Legion Band Tattoo, Your band was sensational. They were highly commended by she emcee; Paul Cross, .41.1a memlboxis of other bands •attend- lag, All ,those attending were up to par. The next day, ithe same mem- bers paraded in the Clinton Streets for the ,Lions,' Carnival on the Main $treet, There again they gave a good display' of .marehring, .marioeuvering and playing. The majorettes and colour party put on .an impro- vised display which' turned out very nicely. A few of the town's officials who were 'around at the time the band arrived could= n't believe their eyes at the change since litey last saw their band. Well, it cannot be other- wise as everyone is trying very hard to make it 'the best band in Western ,Ontario. (The only nil comments heard were that some unifortni failed to see the Cleaners. Rand members con- cerned take note.) Sunday night, August 19, 24 musicians gathered on • the Library Park to 'give a well- selected 'concert. It seems that this concert brought more people into town, could it Abe that • they missed the Sunday night concerts? The band was not in uniform Sunday night because all were out to be dry :cleaned for the St. lVfarys Band Tattoo held. last Wednesday. Murphy's bus carried 39 members of the three sections of (the band; musicians, major,. cites and colour party; The first event of the even- ing was 'tile parade of 16 brasp, drums and trumpets and pipe bands. The Clinterians in their blue and white IA/lib:ems, were really sharp, The boys and the girls had taken: the hint 'that Was given the previous week about uniforms seeing 'the dry cleaners, With ,the co-operation of all band members who came 'to the practice on the day before the tattoo a 'new part was added to 'the routine the band has been doing this summer. Even with 'only one practice they did a marvelous job. They were given only five minutes Ito Per- form but the performance was near perfect. They were con- gratulated by 'the Kitchener- Waterloo Flying Dutchmen directors Laurie Branch and J. Rabin, Who said that since 'they had last seen our band there had been -an improvement of 100 percent. The St. Marys Marching Band will be in attendance here a Sunday in September. They will give a demonstrator they gave in St. Marys, Penn- sylvania, U.S.A. and where they praises and glory. It should' be noted that the St. Marys Mar- ching Band was the first brass band in 'Ontario to become a marching band. They are really sharp on parade. They are directed, on both marching' and drill by Andy Hoe. For dates and times of ap- pearance of the St. Marys band keep reading this column. A program is being prepared by our directors. It will consist of a. 'parade of , the St. Marys Marching Band -'and the local band followed by a demonstra- In\ FOR LEASE WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION HIGHWAY No. 8, SEAFORTH, ONT. • Good Existing Gallonage • Low Initial Investment • Generous Company Assistance • Famous "All Canadian" White Rose Products For Details Write: W. P. BIRGE, CANADIAN OIL CO'S. LTD. 42 WALNUT STREET, KITCHENER, ONTARIO. 34.5b Why not enjoy the pleasures of exhibitions' throughout the year. You can do it with pic- tures that are easy to take even with a simple box camera.' Whether the holiday means 'a handful of Roman candles and suarkleJs in, your own backyard or a large-scale community "Spectacular",' it provides plenty of chances for colorful, unusual shots. You dont need elaborate equipment or years of experi-' ence to capture the frazzle-daz- zle of ,the fireworks on film. In fact, you can take excellent shots with, the simplect camera. Just arm yourself with 'patience, .and a tripod or other steady support for your camera. Appealing fireworks sn oIt s capture ribbons and •clusters of light ,against a dark sky, There- fore, you'll hold the camera Shutter open king enough to al- low three, four or a dozen rock- ets to burAt. Just keep your camera aimed in the general direction of the rockets, and away from 'any 'street lights. Between bursts, hold a card in "It's Just Too Much" Said Former Nursing Home Operator LWAYS RIGHTER LOTHES with our DRY CLEANING sand LAUNDRY Service coiirm DRY-CLEANING Imo. LAUNDRY USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE ON ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY, DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. M. THE LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1839 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match, take the calendar to our office and claim your $3 credit. Classified Ads Bring Results lion kv: the OvviP. 44;104§ .acid also a nia!sr§ band Ceneert, Zt is pos- sible, 'c with ttte schedinle Of Brownie's IN1V0,,Tin Theatre, that ,the .cIomioPPtx4itlOo and the concert will take Place there, if not it will take ploeo at 'the ball park. Our are bird' Pr for ;the next, week. elan 14g.'no ORPggITT41.P. to fill, The, next praPtice will bp held on September 4, the Tuesday prjor to the trip itc! Waterloo on $opternbetr. 8, pxacti,ce will ,cPM- inenee. at 7 .p.m, far majorettes and, colour party, 7.30 far band members., .Mernbers going to. Waterloo .0. :bring back troPhy. ito Plinton MUST be, at thiS practice, No .excuses be•accepted as a full .roster is required for' tills important date. Time of clopanture for W4ter, lop from the T,egion gall, on Saturday, SePteMber $ will. Ihe. 4449.'441PS, later and it would be great to see a goodly of ',Q114041044 and officials tboro to!Rh/0- the CCC anal 4F$ a .1.794.01g .Rocloff- A lift of spirit 410 confidence town thoy represent goes along way, way, 1 A&P lb. bag MINIUM 1(A,. All 8 MILD ilFF:7,7;74''"°;MiliN .. ii --- , ..,: i:. 14 This September t.__:.,st,„„., , , ., , '" INPMVPOMM 0%4 ,Oe R COFFEE 69 ciOnsi0 1.:.-: :7:7,- no----_, littie - }iy - Ontario California, BUT Washington, Frostyos, :: ei VALENCIA, PRUNE PEARS FOR cello PRODUCE NO. Grown, YOUR Jets, N 1 aollo bag Salmon nigiiMMR:WW FULL Fr- c t%1 TASTY GRADE '. dozen OF bag 35, Flesh, Freestone, , ' AND AND CEE Matured, ORANGES LEMONS PLUMS BARTLETT JUICE, Jumbo FOOD "" '7, ,4,,, ,,, SWEET, LARGE NO. 1 • of 11 3 COOKING, GRADE 6-qt No. 1 Grade Canada Size, No. 2 basket No. 6-qt 1 SPECIALS APPLES GRADE ONTARIO COSTS T . C 9c 265 Reg. pkgs 1 Grade basket Grade each pp ,...,.... . —...41i;?„,, Iv: C '-- ., MELLOW 3 ib.$ bag II In SIZE 79, 126's, GROWN, 35c 591 Prices AND - O'CLOCK IM 10111111111111111 Shown Saturday, :0---"ac Lj .' 0 b .. W , (Wheaties, cyppp______ ile".---. ...onoTture :WO mom Ad Guaranteed 1st, 1962. Through , - , SAVE Jane Jane BREAD 4 24-0Z LARGE Bakery PIE 20c • BLUEBERRY JANE Reg. Price PARKER Features ,),:: :::,... , *,....,_:*,:e;: :: :, al:. ,... ''.0. each 690 PIE , 29c - -'3-lb 10c 7c 7c CANTALOUPE WEALTHY EATING Genuine Fully Twinkles) SPANISH Parker Parker Reg. Price each 89c—SAVE BAR CAKE each Sandwich Reg. Price loaf 22c—SAVE 60% Whole Wheat224-ozloaves3 Price 79, 29, . pkg 33c 59, , SHOP AT A&P and LOWER 'General Mills sAvE. 7c REALS Hi-C (Grape,, Orange or sAvE 'it FRUIT DRINKS Party Punch) Reg. Price tin 37c 3 48-fl-oz tins 1 is 0 0 Libby's (In Tomato Sauce) Reg. Price 2 tins 39c DEEP SAVE la BROWN BEANS 3 15-fl-oz tins , NO SHANK Boneless, Smoked, Shank lb CENTRE Solid PORK Cooked, PORK 5 smOK COOKED, Portion 3.c lb READY TO D . Butt Portion C SERVE , Aims Centre Cuts lb . or Steaks C lb 67c C lb 79c 2-lb pkg 89c SLICES LOIN Meat, Picnic TURKEY S HALF End REMOVED NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED lb 57c ' BUTT HALF OVEN- READY GRADE "A" 5 TO 14-LB lb AVERAGE SHOULDERS Style Cuts ROAST' lb 79c lb 4 5c Red Brand Beef, Short Cut PRIME RIB ROAST Smoked WIENERS 1-lb pkg 47c Stock 2c Off 18o Off BLUE MoLaren's Liquid Monarch APPLE SEAL GARLIC CHUM SLICED JAVEX ,to Natural AANBERRY Deal Deal -A MARGARINE Bleach (Quarters) IPEFRLIIT Up for Plain Mate JUICE -WAX SALT DOG SURF and Reg. the Price Reg. Garlic DILLS21541-oz Long Weekend— 4 tins 43c—SAVE FOOD 4 Price box 69c—SAVE Reg. Price Reg. Price 64-fl-oz Reg.> Price 4 giant A&P Stores will AN EXTRA 4o Bick's Yum 16-oz tins 3 9c SWEET AN EXTRA 4e Betty Crocker size box 6 5c CAKE jar 27o—SAVE lic (White, jars 49c 47o—SAVE 4c plastic jug 43c'81 lbs 99c—SAVE 4o 4 ,-I1) pkgs 95c 15-fl-oz tin 25c 48-fl-oz tin 31,c. 1-lb pkglioc 11/2-02 shaker 45e 30-fl-oz tin 31c be Devil's , Milk Closed Yum WAFER MIXES Food, Chocolate • All Day Monday Sept. Reg, Price jar PICKLES 32-fl Reg. Price pkg 3 19-oz Marble, Chocolate Malt, Lemon or Dark Chocolate Fudge) 3rd 49c—SAVE 4c -oz jar 45i, 390--SAVE 17c pkgs 1.00 Delight, AT 130. 4 COMPANY IIIEMY A&P FOOD OPEN FRIDAY tHE GREAT WEST GODERICH, AAVMEIANS STORE ATLANTIC LOCATED ONTARIO UNTIL 9 & mciptc TEA m E . arke DEPENOA STREET P.M. for Every Meat SAUCE Ocean Spray Men's Choice Vitarninized For Preserving • Wyler's DRINK Del Monte Pineapple-