HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-08-30, Page 3Varna Bride to Brantford MR. AND MRS, GERALD E. BRUBACUER were married on Saturday, August 18, 1962, by the Rev. Clifford G. Park, Clinton,. at Varna United Church. The bride is Lola Marlene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Chuter, Varna and the groom is the son of Mr; and Mrs. Ralph Brubacher, St. George, Ontario. The young couple will live in Brantford where the groom is on the staff of the Board of Education and the bride is on staff of the Victoria Order of Nurses. (Photo by Doerr) BLUE WATER HIGHWAY • (By MRS, HazeIwood's Cabins One week guests are: Mm. and Mrs. Weaver and children, Weston; M•r... aid Mrs.. G. VanBeest and four children, Milton; Mr, and 1MI'rs, J. A. Jones ,and two childxien., Rock- wood, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. A, S. Tay, Riverside; Mr. and Mrs. Peter LaBa and two chil- dren, Walbaceburg; Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Kelly -and two sons, , Stratford; Far two days, Mr, and Mrs. Johan Field, Belleville; • Overnight ,guests, Mr. and Mrs. G. Tebbultt, Toronto; Mm'. and Mrs. Harold Naunik, Wil- lowldale; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and one child; Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mr -s. H. S. Mc- Fadden, St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. N. 1VfeDowell, St, Thomas•; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wiley and party, Comber; Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Wiles, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. George F. '.Dunbar and two child'r'en, Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hazel- wood and six childirenn, St, llh:omars, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gil Hazel- wood. Lane 0' Pines Mr. and Mrs. A. Habel , and family, Detroit, are vacationing at the :cottage of the lady's parents' Mr. and' Mss. D. Purvis. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunbar were hosts on Sunday to their family. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Dunbar •and family and the ladltr's mother Mrs. Wik- sonr, all of London; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brodie and family, Lambeth; Mrs. Lorne Walker, Jimmy Walker, also Sonny O'Brien and small soli; Shawn, Lo. Mrs. Roy Miller, Sit. Thomas, is visiting Mrs. George Woods, arriving Tuesday of last week. She returned to St. Thomas on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bassett and Mr. and Mrs, George Barry who Were Mrs. F. WALLIS) SUNSET DRIVE-IN --•- Goderich BUCK KITES MON,, TUES., WED., THUR. $1°° ADMITS YOU AND YOUR CARLOAD Wed., Thur„ Fri. August 29-30-31 Robert Mitchum _Curt Jurgens "THE ENEMY BELOW" CO. Montgomery, Ziva Rodin r "SAMAR" Bout in TechniCblor Midnite Show—Sun., Sept. 2 Dena Wynters, Brian Keith 'INVAS1ON OF THE BODY SNATCHERS" Sevin 1VICCarbhy, Sal Mineo "DINO Sot., Mon., Tues. • September 1..3-4 "at Boone, Christine Cerate "MARDI GRAS" David Farrar, Al, Heddisori "SON OF ROBIN HOOD" Both in Teohnioolot• Wed., Thur., FIrl. September 5-64 Marilyn Ntonroe, Terri Eweir „SEVEN YEAR ITdH" in Technieojoth Norma Were, rtobort Vaughan 'UNWED MO`tHER" Dodi are Adult E;rstertaint ie t Plitt ShOW. busk usk Children in Cees FREE Wood's' guests .for the day. Mr. and! Mrs. Joe Havis, Ferndale, Much., are vacationing with the lady's daughter, Mrs. George Woods. Mr.. and Mrs. Lewis Bailey, Toeoxuto, were weekend guesits of Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey. W. Gwynne O'Corinell, who has been vacationing here for the summer returned to Carte - gena., Co+ltiniibia, Soutar America. Mrs. O'Connell and family are 'returning at a later date. Miss Cathy Wallis is spending a few days as guest of Miss Mildlla Pepper, Parr Line, Stan- ley Township. Mr. .and Mrs. Phil Heitbohmer returner to Stratford, heaving spent the past week vacation- ing here. LONDESBORO (Correspondent Mrs, Bert AIIan Phone Slvtb 37r 5) Mr. John Adams and Leland accompanied' by Mr, John Sheppard and Morley 'attended 'the Aberdeern Angus cattle kale at Forest last Friday, • British Mortgage pen Hc.i.s.e' 5:.eptei..k...er Nvw ,God.'exrleh ibranlcli Bxtiltisrh Mortgage 8F Tit Com- p'a?ny` w44 he officially Opened on F ild. ;.:Se+pite?nbei '7, Wilfrid l?,, Gregory, QC, executive vice- p!ree idenrt .and m'a!n aging 4d4Tee for 1141 tenn4unred, A brlaf ceremony ,at 2 parr, will bei fol- lowed lxy Opens How hen everyone is ulvite'd to hlepe!ot the Wilding and meet "the staff, uests will :also be welcomed Friday evening frown 7 to 9 'o'eloak, and Sabwrday from to ,5 andl 7 to 9 O'clock.. master .of ceremonies for the opening will +be W. H. 'Gr'egory, pt,+esrldeaiit. Ws Worship Mayer Ernie Fisher, Goderleh, will, out the golden ribbon. _on the Elgin Avenue door. Guests of honour invited include the Hon, L. Cardiff, . MP, the Non.. C. S. MaaNaug'hlton MPP, Warden George NICOutcheon, 0, F. T. Rouotbwatte, ,arch6tart; boar Smith, con+tr+actor, and Wilfrid P, Gregory, QC, A wide range of trust and financial s'ervic'es will be Pro- vided by the Gods r eh !branch office. Among these are sav- ings aeoounits, guaranteed in- vestment certificates, retire- ment wings plan, .depots,it re- c'elipts, mortgage loans, estate administration, investment man- agement; agency and rtorwsitee- ships.. Strategically located art the junction of Highways 8 ,and 21, the ultra -modern buildring is a unique tri -sided glass 'structure, This unusual design was speci- ally crenated by architects Rouen- thavtaitte and Associates of Tar- onito to suit the rtrriam;gu ar- shaped'. ibuiyd ng iqt, The three curved cantilevered walls ,ap- pear to float over a continuous double -glazed window wall from wound level to 7'6" high. The Tema rleable feature of this en- tirely new concept in archi- ttectur'a1' rdesigxi: is that no por- tion of. these walla is supported from the ground. Wens are constructed of rndhana white Bluewater Danceland (4 miles north-west of Zurich, 8 miles north of Grand Bend) DANCING EVERY FRIDAY EVENING 10 to 1.30 a.m. Music for the season by Desjardine Orchestra Special Prizes for SPOT DANCES NOVELTIES TWISTS 21tfb Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service Special Values and Reminders This Week Money-SavingSPE !CIALIS A.S.A. Tablets, 100's 11c I.D.A. Milk of Magnesia reg.SSe 37c E. H. Theatrical Cold Cream $9c" 73c GOODAIREFLORAL or SPICE—reg. 89c 79c ODO-RO-NO =r25 79c 59$1.50 98c Holywood Wave Seto VC Mia 29c SCRIPTO O $1,bb PEN and 59c REFILL 98c MODESS Reg. 51c POLY PAK 2 for 89c VITAMINS ;II 1�1 IN so IDAVITES 100's ,... $4.95 or 3 for $11.88 COD LIVER OIL W.A. Brand I00`s 98c HALIBUT LIVER OIL 500's reg. 4.29 $3.49 ONE -A -DAY Tabiets t 00's $3.79 PARDEC LIQUID , ... $2.57 POLYrVi-SOL 15 tc $1.89 10 ec $3.09 Y21 -VI -SOL .Ira ec $1.39 30 cc $2.49 F. B. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVIcE Dial HU 2-6626 cl lraldtit, Ont, iumestgne,. From the start the building was plate, .si ut will rbe .COn- voolonit and con oralbl!e : Com- pletely encircled by double-g1ez ed. plate gloss, the office wil'1 .al>wways be bright. Cmialniparg :of :a. soft hrandWovlelnr fabric 'W'il'l ensure privacy witboutt deeta'oY- ?+rug the fxien'dlY t sparenC'y .oi the butildb,g. gnitx"anc'e can be evade via double du '4s Off both Elgin and icinlgs,tion Streets,. Considerable parking area Is availalble in apeog4}r Prepared j ar.Itis g bays on both these streets, ,Aar .conditioning throughout willmake the build- ing' a. pleasant place to visit are in the heat of summer, The 'ultimate of s'eourity for those dieing business at the new Gaderieh branch is ensured by a massive vault centred deep in the (building. This vault, super: imposed on a ain12 ar one in the basement, was construct- ed' limon• 20 tons of steel and Concrete.'The . security door, made of armour pialt'e and weii'ghing two toms, is finished fru stiain1Fe s steel. In the vaunt are safety deposit boxes, avail- able in various sizes to meet every person's needs. These boxes are for rent with no Charge • for the period from apenang Ito December 31, 1962.. An interesting .and unique feature is a. public conference room—the "Community Roam". This room., which comfortably seats 12 persons, is conveniently located downstairs in the new building. It can be reserved alt no charge for meetings of any Ior'ail clubs, oragnizations or societies. Appointed! ini deep blue and teak woad, the room its mimed at the ,four corners, with walls that also curve to mit a partially' suspended ceril- tog. A +be',aut:tfig lucite sSly' d'Rtl!iex' paperweight wi?l be re- served for Vaeh per pal, who ?.n!, vests mrn a Sri!tnslh 1VIga'rtg ygle. g4granrt;eed invegtment gerrtifi- tate. In ,adOtaaoin.. tot the pap- werilgtb+t, a MOreeilto of the xiew- br+aa el apelning, investors will receive a $5 gipt certificate good at any retail st,oa''e' do Godericir. A salver dal7iar paper weugr rt will also be given to all why open, swings a'ecaunt of $25 or more, A fascinaturg sli;iyetr P+uessinig oenitest wiLjt hghitght opeanin!g. cele brataonx Rides we simple you merely fill out an 'entry blank with your guess' gas aro bow much money is piled in a golden chesat, The clocseat guess wrini% Prize is .aal the coins the winner can snoop Dort ire both hands with one try, The contest ends- Saturday, Septem- ber 8 fat p,nn, -The .goid'exn chest used in the cutest was made in the Mat - ford Festival workshop and was Used in the 1955 pu'4ducton of the Nferrchenrt of Venice, Edward Rowlands, manager, and lids stag will reeve to the new location before the oofficiral opening se that business can be carriledl on ,frorila the monocrat the burildiaig is opened. rl Mrs. -Cassenon MP Succeeds E. Cardiff mo, J'' Ca0411'ri1ian, 47, Member .A'f :C�x?wie-i?4in?S, has been I Dinned secretk'ui' r •T3,eallth Minister J Waldo Mon - IOU Perin . riding $he 41,1%aeds Paten .mit the reenter far Rq an, rhe barge wfia, one of 16 unelnded in appolYutanerilts made by Prime Miiniistter john Def enhallter pl .a. move. rtq 'bring younger and less experienced government members into see- solaria' posrl'tions, hese are considered' to ,be training and prooving grounds for .fu'tt'e cab-, tett nurmsiterct Mr. Can diff, "ru", had serve as parliamentary "secretary to the minister of agriculture, and before that was chief govern;- anent whip in; 1.957 and again in 1958, MODALETUN Mr, and Mrs. Dour Middleton. msturned this week from a plea- sant holiday spent with, cousitns Ar, and Mrs, Gene Aversion, G.ahon, Ohio, Mr, Bill EPpler son :accompanied them bone and is visiting relatives in :the vicinity for a few day's, Mr, and Mrs, Ken Esddale, Noranda, Quebec are visiting this week With Mr. and Mas. J, W, Counter, Clinton, and other relatives in the district and on rat* retinal ,home will, be ac- eounrpaaiaed by their son Dick who has spent a .monrtII. with Mr. ands Mrs. Don Middaeton, Goderich Business College 21st Annual Fall Term opens September 4. Senior and Junior Courses approved by the BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA MODERN EQUIPMENT -- QUALIFIED TEACHERS TUITION $28 Telephone JA 4.8521 or 7284, Goderich, Ontario 30to36b ".Thugs„ .August 3q, a962- 4linton ,News -Record -r -Page, 4. The . Th eatr GPdericir 'NOW '.. Mgust X! -Alt Uptembet '. The Starl.ighters, npw featured at Toronto's CNg 'with Kay Armen and Joey Ree in the new :hit "HEY., LST'$ TWIT"Also- �Cameron..Mixohell .and Anne pancroft in "GORILLA AT LARGE" MQN., TWMS., WED, ,-,- .September 3.44 ,loan, .Slrnntis and Kenneth eo.ri.nor In the roost riotous ofalRG4BDL[S5" l$rntish comedies 's -CARRY ON Also "COAST OF THE CLYDE" end Two ,Short$ TEIIM$„ FRI., SAT, , September 6-7-$ VW Brynner Marilyn. 13)1ue .and .Sal Mineo A tale of intrigue and adventure on the Persian; Gulf `ESCAPE FROM ZAHRAIN" • Also "FAIREST AFRICA" and Cartoon. Pull color program j BRAND NEW! Nyl MATTRESSES V S 1 M e �NS 100% NYLON covers under -puffed with CELACLOUD THE COUNTESS Quilted, all -nylon fabrid in a beautiful print, under -puffed with Celacloud. 253 coils, 4 white cord handles for easy turning, 8 vents. Twin or full-size 9 „. mattressor companion box spring. An outstanding.41 WO bargain TIDE PRIl\t0E8S Quiltod, all -nylon floral, beautifully bordered with snatching sateen, under -puffed with Celfteloud. 312 Simmons coils, 4 white cord handles, famous Simmons COBStruction. Twin or ftitl-size niattre s or matching WO box Spring.•r:r•••.ti'YY.Y.yr•.•• Yr••• +• THE DUCHESS Quilted, all -nylon cover in soft boudoir blue, under -puffed with Celacloud acetate. Precision auto -lock coils, 8 vents, 4 white cord handles. Twin or full-size mattress or companion box $49 95 spring. A spectacular value, only Lowest prices in years for comparable quality Yes, these excitingly new, wonderfully beautiful fash- ions . in sleep from Simmons are priced amazingly low for bedding so finely made. It's been made to look well and sleep well for night after night of new-found comfort. So come in today, make your selection from these 8 nylon puff mattresses. There's one tailor-made to fit your budget. BEATTIE FURNITURE ALBERT ST.' CLINTON Phone HU 24521