HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-08-30, Page 1AMONG. MANY TWROVE-
ro"its ItD home's in tolwA Ibb
siurnmer. - , - wet Mte, the AeW
front ,on Herb Brldle'f, Hurov
-of at least One ADIXt-of-ilpte, froxit
'Porch - - , 'Ano numerQms W,
portsy, o
S� ,. end of
�,�;t .. , At the
I q-
-TOO thi. residence of
W, atf
�. w j, Tt LepPingtpri
is worthy ofsome co1pur film
They b4ve new sbuttvm,
w% rtOie plit all 11121 on. each
(me,. neA A job on housie,
_v pair
va�� '80d fenceposts, -and
the usual fln�- display of 11aft
artm,ent of Agriculture office
bpUdingis proceedlog ;steadily
U, though, the hole, looks
lax,,ge y�it . , . W10, any
luck consstruction will, be fi igh-
ed. by the end, of the yelar
in a liew -days, and'. -in wide)y
separated plac-ek, one can come
-upon in the nature of business,
a widb vartety of pex%ons, . . ,
This week we visited' with, ithree
mer�bers of 'the Cutler f an -ay
engaged' each in. tbeir own
*vovk . . . Fhot,' with Murray
Cutler, chief a9sistant peach
picker 'in the J. Ross Middle-
ton, oricharft . . . we enjoyed
Huron gram peaches fresh
from. the tree, wid. tasty indeed
they wem ... Murray works in
a bank in, Bt w-lington for five
days a, week, and then, comes
home Ito Clinton and helpsout
dh the lj=t Orchards here
aLt-r, genial piaot.'of -the raft on
which he takes people fishing�
sw1mn-.dag, diving ... Or in Our
case, just fishing . . . It's the
34�Tkp fqpor With 00 NqWS PLINTON, ONTAK19, 1"Qk,S-p -F �39, 1962, Cppts ter C-Ppy—_ 12,P9.9e*
T AY, AUGUS, $41" Per Y
- IN
WS off �. now!
�o �Tble signs on 4be eair=pes
AQ th-1, tk*Vn' Of
Olinjt0n' TIQW
WV�* growing bigger every
n ago
it wps� aboulta, moutl
Ob4t: )Vlayor Miller expressed
,his �vjgh. during a, eouncil,
meeting, thaltthe Department
of Hl-'Omays be mkea, to
lbring the gigns, up to date.
y had read '13,000".
UC aot New
P 6r
v Td Four
o L
re ocations
Services to four moze, proper
t1e1s. were approved, by tlie Clin-
r ton, Public utililties CQMmis Sion
Calvin Christian School Readyfoi Classes
On Tuesday nighit. They in
About 100 supporters of Christian education gathered in the Christianae. cl-jid'ehomesbedug built by MAI -
formed Church ball here r last night for an official opening program of speech- ton, Steep on Orange Street,, by Winner of Top Award in Flower Show
es and song, for the new'Calvin Christian School which is just completed. The Lorne, Brown, on Raglan StreO bitor at this year's Flower . Show is Mrs. Clifford 1�pps, l&t.
School opens for classes on Tuesday, September 4 for the first time. Two class- and by Fred' Hudie on Nor Premier exhi
rooms will be used to -instruct the 7.0 -children' enrolled. A third "multi-purposell Street. At[soappr%red was ser, She'scored a total of 37 points to top �all competitors. Here Miss Luella John.
_ vice to the new D6,part;nent of ston, president of the Clinton Horticultural Society, presents the Eaton Trophy
room isavailable for classroom use should the Aumber of children'attending in- Aviriculture office . On, King I Cun to Mrs 'Eni3s.
rNe s -Record Photo)
crease. Built mainly with volunteer lab.our, me school Is complete with graded j &&leet.
ya.rd, green t rees planted along the curved walk, and furnishings, a credit to the In convId itation with the On.
Calvin Christian School Society which built it. (News -Record Photo) . aVO Hydro OfflclaJs, a re-ad-
jusiment of ebargeable, rentsfor,
.:bftn madie in, favour of the
Bantam Team
Ry�-gone- Days At SS 4 water �nd tewage operations.
I - '40eadof a 60-20-2,0 apportion-
X-luW0001 X)PP9,00at, M June soutin
,plerin Bayfield and George
Recalled, B
I ;4rkig,
ingerso i ".
this, will now, be 70 per-
c r
' 6 41.," h ydro- 15, 'Water,
has been, operating it thig sum-
mer, getting slun-twwjed =14
estbg points of vie�v inalmost
15 '
and,- percen� sewage.
g6mlr!g P-Tmsux* ito many
(By Special Corre sponflent)
(Nesbirflt) McPhail . from Olds-,
ni Beverley Lee, Bonnie
be an estimated
`111rg, be -turned ovAr to
Over 300 Adilt
Largest Flower' Ex.hi6it.
Toppe d By Mrs., C. Epps
Happy faces, helarty hand. Mrs. Helen (Nesbitt) Richards Having won the WOAA the town of C1401ton, Jn order The FloWer Show staged by theo�- Dahlias and gladioli were
THEN AT CDC1 BOOK Store chsVs and' contented laughter tPom Coalda3ei and, MLm Ethel to' cover costs[ of dobeptulres, the Mition Hootdcultural So- very good
-on Tuesday we visited briefly reflected League and putting out and, other Rowers
the success of the re- Huck &am Edmonton; from etc; cielty laist Fnday was a particul- were, average or better.
with Ruth Cutler, at work there union held at SS 4; Groderk1h Regina, Don Elasom, sm. of Mo=ltdidld iln, ORA pMay- Aaready somesurface Waters arly fine one, with the rose The societty recorded the larg.
for. th-e, niext three weeks Township, last Saturday and Jack Easom, a former resident d0Wns, -the Caint(m, Fish''ana have been diverted from [the section only, being at Poor ad- est show to daite, with both
getting books sold to Ithe Sunday, Au" 25and 26. The of the community: from Mich- Game C%ub bantam baseball sewage disposal &Ystem Sewer van1bage owing to the dry wea- the largest number of exhibitoris
right people and mak- ga`OUndg, en(drely sur- Mrs. Margaret Wasom) team amnow in a best two pipe 4,g going in
sibbloal Igan, at the Pine- and the largles;t number of en-
ing sure everyone is equiPPed roundW by magnificent -maple BohM, Fomderville and, Mm. ithree series w*h Inger- crest. subdivision according to The ch"'en' section
proPerly: 'for 1earning In the trees, made -the idbal sdtting Harry Hayes (Mary 'Smith), o� schedule., also received themost attention
1-962-63 yea;r . . . ue By-election Oct. 4 to'e"
for'such a glathering. Mr. Hayes and Miss Belt(ty, Chairman Willham E. Perd, ever, wdfth 108 entries made
And' -what agathering it wag! l3ktMIrAgbiam; from Miffienburg, First game whs t ed themveting which was, here-
SORI�Y, MURRAY Youli;�E XxIs. Al- night in Ingerison. with. e I t c6minissioners H, For-'Hur6 -B ce .Aft. aliffoild H. -Ep , earned
ormer ipupils came, (1-romats, far. Pennisylvehia, Dr. and n ru
the one out of three which we ps
ba� a Ofeture of away as, Albexta,: Urg.. -Betillah fted' .-Butler Ezwejl�ias_�d.atbr,$� second.,game,,sebeduled-, �,Htley, A� Garon, d -Mayor the�mb�t'polntWam6Ag,,tfici 45
*6 1 an
ed!" I. f N�111%. J, Millle�.
fail from Torooto, Hamijltoj�, St, Clinton Community
Re4lders, it wouid' have been a Catharines, Brampton, Ottawa, On. Saturday afternoon� Two Candidates exhll&tors, to&illing 37, and
good ong, too ... Sun hat ... Woodstock,' BranItford, Blen- September I at 5 o'clock. winning the Eaton Trophy Cup
cigar hamper of poaehes Decoration, On, October 4, vaters in the which, is the premier award- of
in each, hand . . . sunglasses helm, Ledside, London, Staffa, The Clinton dub are un- riding of Huron -Bruce' will go, the show.
Arva, Ce�,alla, Auburn, BaY- beaten in, league andplay- ito ipolils to select a successor Jack Leppington, with .
. . . Wide smil'� Oh, , well, Service field, Goderich, and Clinton, and off competition so far. this to the late John W. Hanna, Who 29 andl Mrs, David Midi2eftoln
maybe in the apple season, . ." __t
izer as! their prizes, CllffEpps
had -the best; dWi.11a in the show,
and, be also earned 'a bag of
fertilizer for thm The fertiluzer
was; donatedby ithe Swift Cana-
dian Company for speclial prizes
at the show.
The Horticultural Sodle-ty
isappreciative of ithe cootribu-
tions made in -their bebaV by
the, T. Earton Company 14d. and
by the Swlifit Canadian Comp-
aby. : " " �
The lucky. numbm, in. the
dl�aw for a dbor prize wa'5 98.
Aatogother 155 peoplle visited
the show.
Prizes were awarded as
ONE 60Mkis
Sunday Night
Over 320 registered in the
held, that iiding for the Pro-,
Conserva, tives tine e
with 23 points came second
Public School
Large Helen Cud -
estbg points of vie�v inalmost
two dlays and' many of those
and,,.tbtrd with, bags of fert&i-
ni Beverley Lee, Bonnie
any piece -of prove Daily
Clinton Branch 140 of 'the
who on Saturday re-
New Columnin
For choices they will have
J=Iton; small z1xindas, Bevw,-
. . .
papers are ripe fields 1or &s-
Roy -all Cana!dian Legion is
again promatinge decoration
turned on Sunday. It was; diff'i-
cult for some & the earlier
caaldidaltm from. bath Liberal
No Mail From
I Lee, Linda Moody Barbara
'Lee; asitex's, Peggy S�hoenhal%
cov&y ... Last week's, Godb-.
atClintan, Cemetery on Sun-
plapi.1% to realize that the'stat-
Second w"
and Conser�tive parties. So
Flarquhar, Jackie AT-cMi-
rich weekly speaks of "the late
World War ITI FWdnalting
day evening September 2 at
ely mat" were the little sup-
far, no enti4es have beent madL,
by any other political group. '
Auburn For
=; pansfes,, Bwbara Lee,
Beverley Lee,
thought,possibly wars do. die
7 dclock. , Community
Angsi ithey hadi carried from e
Of Publication
Last Flriday night George Me-
no-niame; snap-.
dragon, John Lepplinienn, Bax -
and yet if so, where are they
Convort t Band will provide the
music and Rev. C. G. Park of
woudg landl planted arounr-11 the
Cutcheon, the 39 -year-old) war-
deh. Huron County, reeve
The News -Record
bana Lee, Linda Moody; petunia
Tom John -
At DleppL- uterehund-
Wesley-Wifils UTAted Church
. Saturday afiternoon's -activit-
This week the Clmton News-
Of and,
ston, V table bou-
reds, of Canad$a3�s xecently-visit-
ed on the 20th anniversary of
,willi -be the speaken
ies began vAth a blaU game lye-
Record publishes the second in
of Brur�se[[%, was nioininated
carry the Conservative banner.'
Readers, in the Auburn area
quet, Ken Fapquhar, Marle
the Ill-fated andl lifttorical raid?
Lejeonlairds and, band will
tween two, picked, teams with
a series -of -articles by J. Carl
He wonthe honour an the fh%t
IMIE be disappointed this week�,
Cadhiore, Bonnie Johnsiton, Tom.
. I
With thedead-who were -buried
aswinble- at cemetery. gates,
�ait 6.45 and' any other opgani-
Dan, and, Murray Forbes as
captains; Les Pearson umpiring
Hemingway, faxmer� at Brus�
SeQ.9. Mr. Hemingway recenitly
to.find no news �olf thalt com-."eppington-
in the News-Recard,
(contmiued* on page 12)
(Continuet on Page Seven)
zation that wishes -to attend
in a bod�.
Those in charge request
behind the plate and M- ory
Oakes on the bases� Don!s team
was declared the winner ami&t
returned, &-om, an. independent
tour of the0anadian West,, and
his comments about the farm-
There were three nominees
George Joynt, Luckmw end. M,
& McKinney. Mr. McKinney,
This is' a mytitery to us: MTg.
Bradnock mailed the -copy on
Tuesday morning, as she norm-
Over 30 Birthday Club
The Weather
graves be decorated well be-
vociferous pr<),tegtst frorn ' ale
ing industry there� as related
taw ftrier mayor of Wingham
did noit stand' for eledtion
aNy doed'At 6 pin. WednesIday
Frank . Layton, 120 Frederiek
High Low fflgh Low
fore tdme of service. After
the.. service the Legion, will
members o& Murray's team.
Fladillitiels flw pitching horge-
to Ontario farming, haive -form-
ed Ithe basis of theso first two
Entering R.M.C.
Guest speaker at the. rally
it had not larrivedl in the Chn-
Sitrivet, ceaebiated Nis 81sit
Aug. 23 .82 50 72 57
decorate veitorans plots.
shoev were �Wailable on the
Ralph E. Trewartha, son of
was Ontario agriculture minds-
ter Ule Hon. William A_Stew-
ton, postoffice- We will try (to
solve tho mystery and -report
birthday on Tuesday, August
28. His many friends wish bkn
24 88 75 63
25 87 70 75 ' 65
Mr. land Mrg. Lloyd �09born,
grounft, -
A pxogram of sports, resulted'
Mr� HemingWaY exPeCtq to
continue these articles, touch-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tre-
waritha, RR 3, Clinton, leaves
art. Other guests w n
ere Mmvi
in r2ext weeks, issue, i
many more birthday's.
26 83 64 79 64
and f7amily, Mitchell, have nwv-
in, the 601110wing winners': rates,
4xig on a variety of subjeats�
on September 6 -for Royal,
Howe, MP for Wellfington-Hur-
on and, Eksiton Cardkff, MP for
27 71 62 74 61
ed. to Ca-inton, purchasing MTs.
91VL- and under, girls, Sharon
10tearesting to, farming people.,
Military College, Xingston,
28, 76 54 81 62
29 83,
Permns ' 1100se� 126 Joseph
81reelt. Osborn -an
Coldough, Beendia, Forbes; boys,
and, hose who live in this pre-
where he has, been accepted
Murray Oaunt� 27 -year-old,
55 74 ,62
Mr. is em-
Jan-Ae Thonipvon, &qud- Lobb;
dominantly turalarea.
at� an RCAF, eadet.
farm broadcaster from. CKNX
Rain: 31 in. Rain: i94 in. I
ployee Of the FIEPC. j
(Continued on page 11)
Whngharn topped four other
candid es for The Liberal can -
p didacy sit -a -meeting in Wing—
Old Townshi School ham, on Tuesday night.
"re 't"';
Tn?gU Belniore, f armer; CaWlln
YS Xrauter, I�russels, bdsiness�nan;
Back In Use For 14 Da Other candidates we
William Elsltdn Mortis Tom.
fanutal, and Clifford' Dun-
Ait a special meet�ng on Tueig- Ma be lint o0&ratAon, "come qp4ft� ship, '
day n1fght board, members of ing"day, September 4, at 9.30 bar, Ethell farmer.
Goftiiah Township seboolerea a.m. Single, and' a, graduate of the
Were faced with, the problem St. loseph"g Ontario Agwiculturfal, College,
of disposing of pupils, which h8A Ouolph kri 1956, Wfiv. Gaunt is
T-nereasodl enwilmeiA at 'St. thas year's presideftt. of Hurco,
e9pecrWd to Mtend the ne�v Jusleph's 80parate, School has Coqn,
school ait I-tolnimvilio. kv Junioe VarMeVs- Assoni-
Com letlonof the new buU& torced tht board to hive a Won,
P fourth teacher, Mm. S
ing will notbe possible for an- Who ivel"1500, geifiasbden a hard worker In
'COW (two weelcX. During this � . t6ach a junliOr grade 44-1 Club work, and one, year
one -and gra(le one in thobase- won, the Queen's Gulnese at the
period the pupils of 88 4, SS ment of the ch-urch, This raX- koya'I Winter Pair. PO4 the
6 and 88, 11 wM continue rtb
attend rffid� own schools, 11aligenlMt is definite for the past &Ive yeavg, -he has, �r,.eeO
8tuftlts- frora SS 8 will be ffitt inontfi. 694S�ant �twm, edftor -with 1he
transpotted, tto R.6imi 1 0 . VMM- and Ait the �reisent time, there am TV end, oradio staboit at Wing-
4bout 50 wsm, go into the, &4 111 e6;fled. Within Sepum- ham.
school building at RohtesvMe, er Mie� board w[U. know what 36hil WbiteatteYery 1&adot of
jmnd�a- jnotructjoh of )two teach- thb enrolment actlially will, be, the 'Liberal party bi Ojilbax$6,
eft. Thet ItWo Moms which were and, 11 11,ap ars to 'bedon tant, Was guietO speaker, Ile tow0
Ug�d jagt yb& ih, the -b ed !a challe0gid to
will %;'
the �ool ns ii
Ive pla AdbaxtA� promising to m0thlftl
Tentilla ' _W '
aft fordh0her two rwing. t;` to debtdLl Issileg
I p 8, Wi Official 6peuring of thig§ schbol in ithit Ading. . I
'hn Wint i -Ver, )ft -
If �Tb eft& Oft
Of tbO, plang made for . Ittitm, septlembev, tano Liberal leaddil h1ag inas
Collegiate; D way, the, by-election may b0i
�Al lliA,14;� i 1-11,a 1OVm- AL� nahxP
ODOI 6bbUgh ha ready -to about J)ay f46urt_ At 'm, tav V. -welling the farthest to attend the reunion
6pevate,,fulf v6eatloaigl tacilitib.4 I wintw-embyer ig urg1thg 'bln dayg at 88 4 Ooderich Township were tfie!so two
C. linton Post Off Ai lad who left the wunty shortl� after the school
Ice 6mw 4� oil, ftd elkiing that ieaj
the = c ould, not � positpolid was built in 1905, and other than a return 'trip in
'Wooring Clothes of Yesterday Anitounew"ont ;qpedbl h6urs t4t the aintot the rnuth, IbN* '%inct' '1915: had not come ba,* utffll they board A, -reunion
ffig- fb 11tolqur 'Ueandkft. gphegim cjbj�ke, Posit (51kidd -for the Lal�otit with ei� dW fhg patztt he'
Addi of the reunion days 0 89 4 G-6derich 'Towftship Tlaines gteeet g 40T&I Mjh_ bkV Widay have beeft6thoond. was beffig planned, They " ArL* Mrs, T. t. Richards,
last Wtokehdl uag. a-, fashloh parade on the gattft'day L-Veriffig, which produced ghovft W cUs4hbi fb� �hd 6- n Nd bitt) Ws,
er 'an 6n] friviite, al, �ftfi, And Letbbrldge� Alta. (nee kele s I Ah
Ught r L, P,'Z 1 led -byPbOmtister Atthw 8611. j a
much la, -d '0' M,.6nt,, These lqdl&.4 could n6tt6sl8t ifie than,66 to doxi t6 btlieft ihb&a)Rd to6ce�ssll I �
the "bid toggl` the f6116wifig 'day, Prom the�, left arLi W3.Rob6ft Thompson (net ;haghlbblors' h6us# on 'rho -lobby -will be 606h ftfth q%e 1jibeeal. lealitst f000 tho 14Ugh McPhail, Oldg Alta (fteo 13'eulah Ndsbitty,.
thl ��, 0 Theft- fatfidit Williahil X6sb'itt 0Whod the f6m on
0 60CIWOh b& rffiewk b6tft,wed- 8 am. xmkil a pin" qXV6 h6tw sohht ytobmiw torld. - pt -
Sr. i e aft) mtsf wifflam, Lobb Olee,millie' Xyksi-) Mks, 196k Merrill (hee 00,4 serIvice lVell too olt�'a klbt tununet"
9, AffVAw&.§arY' Mbn& W .41 bfiv WMI of I which the school was builtj and garveo As: oue of
LwaTyhdall Mrs. X—Oh, Woke: (M* Lols. 30fieg) Abd Mrs, Arh 8h6ll (nee , �em'bee .9 Nont !M 1) ML MWI goftrbl the: first trustees of the A6661,
. _ I A0_ wickeu should 'm 66 &A bovhle to #4
Came From Alberta Homes
Marlon llojae0 W (gews-9600ed photo) 1,�0�9136 vkft Nd gids piddsliN. A�Q bd ft*h id to t� ttfti, 4 mlwait& 6W h14 befit*. (Ivetog-ked&d Ph6td),
... . .. .... . ... ... ..