HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-08-23, Page 9Voodoo Has 39 Foot Wingspan Introduced into RCAF service in 1961, the 1200 mile per hour CF-10113 Voodoo is a two-seat supersonic twin - jet interceptor replacing the CF-100 in our North American Air Defence com- plex. Powered by two Pratt & Whitney Turbojets, the 20-ton aircraft is 18 feet high, 67 feet long and has a 39 foot wingspan. Because of its high landing speed, it is equipped with a parabrake which re- duces the landing roll. (RCAF Photo) Only 10 % Down 1959 FORD SEDAN with radio 1957 FORD RANCH WAGON with radio 1956 FORD SEDAN with radio 1954 CHEV. COACH with radio 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN in Al condition 1954 FORD STATION WAGON, cheap 1 .CAB OVER 2 TON TOW TRUCK with power winch. ROY MANN SERVICE STATION Victoria Street (behind Post Office) HU 2-9079 33-4-5-6b Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 , At other times contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep—HU 2-6642 21tfb RUSSELL L. JERVIS COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL REMODELING HU.2-9390 68 ALBERT ST. IRIENOLV PRIMP/firiesAr,- .AINMINUM WINDOWS' ALUMINUM .DOORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS NEWS OF KIPPEN (Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG, Phone Hensall 278-W-1) Mrs, John R. Cooper has ao, cepted a position on the staff at Huronview, Clinton. Miss Cerol Menard, Windsor, is residing with her sister, Mrs.. RuSsell Faber .and Mr. Faber. Lorne McBride is spending a few days at Honey Harbour. Master Donnie Littleton re- turned home from a vacation in Hamilton. Miss Deborah Jane Kyle, Zurich, spent the weekend with iher grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, Kyle •and Miss. Barbara Gridzak enjey- ed last week visiting her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Watson, Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle spent la few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre at Eckford! Camp, Restoule. Master Danny Peterson visit- ed recently with 'his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Heath, Th.annesville. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bowen, Royal Oak, Mich., spent the weekend with. Mr.. and Mrs. John A. Cooper and boys. Mrs. Margaret Johnson, Miss Margaret Deyell and Janie An- derson, Toronte, visited on Sim- day with W. R. -Cooper: Mrs. Wilfred liunkin, Thane esford has been appointed tea- cher for the next year ;aft SS 14 Stanley Township, and will cornmente her duties on Sep- tember 4. Misses Gwerviieth Hendrick and Wendy Jones spent last week at ' the United Cherch Camp, Gederich and enjoyed a nice holiday. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Riley and . girls .- visited on Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gingerich, Bayfield. Karen and Kathryn Hend- rick enjoyed last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel liendriCk, Exeter. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Melli's included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ,Hutchison, St. Thomas andIVfxs. Ed Cud- more, Vancouver, also Marshall Stewart, Seaford-I. Mrs. Nancy Riley is visiting a -few days, with her grand- children Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gingerich, Bayfieid and has been visiting recently in Hallett and IVIcKillop Township. Mr. 'and Mies. Ron Littleton and 'family attended , the dia- mond wedding celebration of Mrs. Littleton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman 1Vlathers. on Saturday at Mount Cannel,. -The Rev, Edgar Rouieton,- Exeter, had charge of the morn- ing service at Kippen on Sun- day last, and will preach again on Sunday, August 26 at 11 a.m. basing his_ talk on "45 years in the Ministry", Visitors With Mr. and Mrs. N. Long on Friday were Mr. and Ms's. Jim Burnett, Toronto end Mrs. Florence Ducker, Southampton Beach, Mr. and Mrs. John C Doig, Grand Rap- ids, Mich. and Miss Janet Doig, Clinton called on Saturday. MIIIII111111111111111., Guenther Tuckey Transport Ltd. HEAD OFFICE -- EXETER Announce their 1.001 Phone Number HU 24625 CLINTON One Day Service to and from London » Toronto Kitchener Hamilton Preston Galt JIM McLAREN -- Clinton Manager BOmarc k Tested The BOMARC missle being tested. In case of an attack these missles are ready to be shot off • at enemy attacking. (RCAF Photo) Anappleinoll companyresearch experiments? At Imperial-rye*. frUit growersisone of many proiects carried outatimperiarslhbo- Roacareh Into how petroleum can assist Canadian limners and ratories:.ithelargebt petroletim research laboratories In Canada. 90% of all oil company product research in Canada is done by Imperial At Imperial Oil's laboratories at Sarnia, Ontario, tilore than 200 scientists and technicians are Working to improve present petroleum products-,-- and to develop new ones. Their research covers manyfields,frotri gasblinet to household detergents. Another 130 scientists and technicians are work- ing at imperialit Calgary laboratories on ways to find and produce more Canadian crude oil and natural gas. Imperial does more research than ail 'other oil companies in Canada combined. ALWAYS Look TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST Thurs., Amsud 23, 1902 QBaton News-Record,.Pese 9 BRUCEFIELD Place For RCAF in Wider cope of Western Delence acteristics. In case of war, these forces would act as one to defend the whole of 'the continent. The RCAF and NORAD NORAD became an 'official integrated earnmanK1 in May, 1958, and today exercises oper-, ational command' over. all Tine iced States air defence and' has operational control over those provided by Canada. General Lawerenee S. Kilter, USAF, is Commander-in-chief Of.. NORAD, and Air Marshall C. Roy Slemon, is Deputy Commander-in-Chief. Canadian and American forc- es man the 'defence system which includes the RCAF Air Defence Command', 'the United States Army Air Defence Com- mend the United States Air Force Air Defence Command, and the United 'States Naval Forces. NORAD's area of res- ponsibility extends from the North Pole -to Mexico and frown east to west far beyond the Continental coasts. To 'lengthen 'the ,interval be- tween the first detection of 'the enemy, and his attack of a target, a complex 'system of radar warning lines has been constructed 'as far north of the 'target areas as possible. The .must northerly of these is 'the DEW (Distant Early Warning) Line, which stretches across the northern rim of the continent in Alaska and the Canadian Arctic. The United States Navy supplenients the DEW Line with radar-equipped destroyer escorts. About 1,000 miles south 'of the DEW Line lies la second' detection system, 'the Mid-Can- ada Line, A third warning line, known las 'the leinetree System, stretches , aortas' Southern Can- ada.- In addition, there is a network of radars in the Un- ited State:se Picket ships, Super Constellation aircraft, blimps, and radar Platfarme built on giant pilings in the ocean, cal- led "Texas Towers", are op- erated by 'the US Navy and Air Force, completing the vast radar complex, The job of the radar eyletem is to detect any 'intruding air, waft or objects approaching North America, 'and' to immed- iately pass this information through a rearward communi- cations system to NORAD Headquarters' at Colorado Sp- rings, 'Colorad'o. RCAF and USAF manned interceptors are poised ready far immediate attack on any raider and BOMARC 'and' NIKE !ground-to-air missile's are also operational in the NORAD de- fensive pattern, At the moment of detection, NORAD's communications net- work takes on a control' func- tion through a semi-automatic ground environment system known as SAGE. High-speed electronic com- puters are the "brains" of SAGE: They can! absorb data from 'the radar listening poets and then process and display in micro-seconds, air battle in- formation such as the number of attackers and their locations as well 'as' how many 'intercep- tor weapons are available and where. Through an amazing capabil- ity for the storage', recall and, comparison, of information, SAGE places at the fingertips of the air battle commander instantaneous data about . the situation in his sector. When manned fighters, are scrambled, SAGE: can be used to 'transmit' automaticelly in- structions tor' tht radar scope in the cockpit, thus directing the pilot to the enemy. When used with, the missile systems, SAGE IS able to relay to launching sites, all data necessary for firing the weapon in :the 'direc- tion of the target and into the area where the missile's own homing device will take over and Complete the intercept. Under NORAD continental defence arrangements, the fore- ces of both, countries maintain their separate' identities, res- ponsibilities and national char- TEST SOIL FIRST BEFORE ADDING LIME • All soils in Ontario do net need lime, says Professor T. J. Heeg, -of the Ontario Agrietd- tural College. You waste money when you apply • unnecessary l'im'e. A soil test will tell you how much, -when, and where you should apply lime, Rememe ber, correct levels of lime are vital in 'the efficient production of field crops. Pemi.cOmppouclgot Mr. AN P4.rdge, Show4o, AiPIty and Darlene: are holidaying hi Niricland. Lake with the formers brother. J.umes And Mrs, 13nrci,ge.. Unit 4. ,ppw, Vpit 4 of the Brucefield Unit- , ed. Church Women met. at the home of Y, with prcsght, The stuOy. was under' the leadership of Mrs, J. Mustard, and dealt with "the life of the child in the home,. the school and the church", A panel consisting of Mrs, Jones, Kipper-A; Mrs. W., Haugh,, srneefield; and Rev, Vardy, EgMendville, spoke' briefly and led in, a discussion, The worship service : Was In the charge ,of Mrs. 17, Har, greaves assisted by Mrs, 1+4, er, Mrs. 'F, McGregor and mrs, L. Arian. The bueiness meet, ing included receipt of dona- tions. ,of toys , for the nursery school, Mrs. L. Thompson was in charge of ;entertainment and refreshments were served . by Mrs, A .Stoldice and her com,- mittee. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Tenders. will be received by the Township of Hullett for the Construction of a Municipal Drain known as "THE D'UIZER MUNICIPAL DRAIN" located at Lot 39, Con. 11. The extent of the work is as follows: MAIN DRAIN 1,972 Lineal Feet of Open Drain 500 Lineal Feet of 5 inch tile 500 Lineal Feet of 6 inch tile 600 Lineal Feet of 7 inch tile 2,100 Lineal Feet of 10 inch tile 646 Lineal Feet of 14 inch tile 600 Lineal Peet of 10 inch Asphalt coated C.M.P. TO Lineal Feet of 15 inch C.M.P. with rod- ent proof screen. "A" DRAIN 735 Lineal Feet of 7 inch tile 3 Catch Basins 1 Junction Box, • • The attentien of the Contractor is directed to the "TREVOR EXCAVATORS' PROTECnON ACT", and •the Conditions contained therein where applicable to this construction. All Tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque, for 10% of the Tender pride with a Minimum amount of $100. Plans and Specifications May be seen at the Clerk's Office. Lowest or arty Tendet not necessarily accepted, and all Tenders Must he cleanly marked AS to contents and must be In the Clerk's Office net later than 12 O'clock Noon, Saturday, SepterAber 1, 1962, HARRY F YEBRUYY, Clerk, RR 1, Landesboro, Ontario. 3-4b FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We wilt pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper 'Phone 669 W 1