HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-08-23, Page 8I
w 4Qt 231$tb �, pRr, �rr�->-s-�rr�as
1'S, %R71q. O $. mpre-YL19CM CQNNE.N1'iQ.l
e The CIianton distract dealer
beams Pohtt S wdftAV as *h. reau for, MCC-019eh 00rl k A, W;li,
liar D. Wells wceaitly tit tended
to .her h ' Tuesd aft North ,
tep rracmy +4 7, 1962, to !the pony s .canverptiPn in.
er Au. ta'c, 19 Brown, the oa Bay where the Y96'�
fornx.•. • + models were on dispka
She 1444 11awerea fr5nxl a heart y .and
Boren irxf $ayfi td, tDeceym r demonstrated. Mrs, Wellsnd
R son Dguglas accompanied him,
3, Is", Ivy was the youngest
,moi le ]oto Captain , The funw_4 was bp]4 frail,.
George Bell left oa>; friday to lVlrr, and' M?s. Sltuart Watson,
saA, abaaxd tihe S.S, as Bulb a J!ixn, T)undap viers with daughtea' of .the
thand engineer". the flex s parex$ts Mz. aa?d and Mrs. Alexander Bro wn. the.. Mill'ap�d George funeral'
Mrs. IIpRoy Potth spent last IMS. F'red Watson from Sunday She was married do /Lorne hnm'e !alt x30 ]?-m on .Augur
week. lax Detroit wroth Mx', ap'pd to Tuesda4"'. Epps � Apra, 192]; and rials 10, olid nanteormealit an Foretst
Mks. J. O. i tiughes, Mr, Orli Mrs. 4deave Ginge- her Iaourie arca Vaa2nla. Thaw, xnov- Latvumy Iiom'daaq
George Castle was. taken rack, Johnny and Edith, Eot ed' (to L6,ndonn 34 yeah ago. Ofiwattmg at the. .setrv)ce
from Clinton Public hospital by Lang and his father, J' ' Mfrs, els was. La member of we#"e a nephew, AP Rev, Ernest
ambulance to Victoria Givagerioh, Bad Arae, lyk clx., am c�atiNar , U!n#0 Church. Sur- Clark and' the Rev. Mr, Young,
London, on Sunday, rived' on Satturday ita ,occupy vivaa?g are her husband, one. St. Bar albus Arcpglican Church..
Mr. and Ma*S• Clam Hail ,auxci a cottbage at Deor Park fora daughter, Mr's. Maude Wade,. ' Friem!ds and relatives from
Bila, Swantz Creek, Mich., were week. On Sunday they goterm- and t" g!randch4droli; alw Bayfield, Q1dntcn!,Seafmft,,Port
the guesA of Mrs.'B. Memerey tained` alt a family peat -it !her
two sa5t Vis, J, H. Parker, Ellgdrn, O eat Sound, Woodstock,
from Priday to Monday, art the cottage. Presem!t tivene; Ba(yrfiiel'd, Milo. . E. Sealiaewlc% Sit. Thomas', Windsor, Detroit
Janice and CharliePruMT, , +and. Mrs. Harry Gingeriicih Lmdon, attendedthe!fun!erai.
Lfandbm, are spetndrng this:week and three bays, Detroit; Mrr< j
with theiraunt, Mrs.. Fred! Wes and Mrs. James, ClIL-ave and
ton,., thrRe 00dren, Mr Orli Mrs, With
Mris. Sona, Timmins, was the dren,anley ,apid' three cMr.Rabling Lucy -
drew, Sitaavley Township; Mr.
guest of M'r's'. Jim Hutchings and .Mas, .E. O'Brien and three
over Tuesday night, ern salute to cha?dren, Zuriph.; Mr, 'quad' Mrs. (!-luG7� Woods)
E. IWeotyaraazv and faanily,
Mr. -and' Mrs Janes H. Plein- Waukeb b Aa n Mx, and., Bayfield is on the whole looking quite trim these days.
ney, Detrodit, .spent 41e weekend Fart; •of the vulil�age Ohief Constable Stanvley Srtephenaso t dirty
with. the liatter s: sister, Mrs•. J. Mrs Paid Cleavei. d& to beep .Alan Gregor Square tidy .and also cut the grass
J. Ric!h!ardisbn and (brother J, The �'' Canon H. M Laing- and weeds- on .t!he strhet,. He .,has bean supervising cu'tlti ng
MacKenzie. Ford' •who >sbayedd with Mrs. R. and trimming', sltreot by street. There are a few streetsi to
Miss Ruth, Butler,BrastohH. F G+aw&ier fpr a m'on'th, re-- be, done yet.
, turned to Waterloo on. Thurs- What bums Canstable 'Sttaephens'on up is, to !tidy an un. i
Tenne+ssee+, amompanied ,by herlash wiitIlz his &ughtem' Mrs, e
cat "GtEibntirlhou'" visited' 'Mr. and � ' slightly ,,ilia anti. then have htouseh!aldlex`s dllarnp Bard n clippingts
Rance Bricker and her grand. and! even Ibroken funtture .on that spot, .He intten& to clamp
Mms, H, H. Ormond for ithaee daughter Beth. She had xecenit-
days last week dowrn on such pra'etices. No macre will haous!e!hoaders� be, able
Mr. lost
Mrs. E, J. Overch'alt, ly returned atoms Faun air tromp to to dbmrp recti m on the street, and (Lucy Presumes, than
andGreGreat Britain! where she and Meana V;hes trona. Thmrty-five years: ago, she kept the pot
grandson Jack, her husband spent three weeks. holes in front of .the
are at Huron Church Dr. and Mrs. Byron Johnson, �t office filled with no ashes a ash
This its they :second year that
made a good haxdl bed And gocdlvessl knows there are,
Etrica; Ruth,. Mark and S!tuallt, may, many more on Bayfiem!d; Terrace which could be treated
Mr's. Overholt has had charge Ashtabula, Ohio, ;and' guests Jo- in the same manner were it not .forbidden. We're shill hop -
of the tuck shop. : Arne land Chamla Warner,• Gen in for a black snu,Fatce on this `ail' Tu 116 St
Mrs. G, M. Galbraith, lacc om , g top ' y (reert+—+gist of
p eva-ons tthhe-Lake, O h 3 a, and the busiest thorougb faae!s) .
andel by Mfrs'. Alan Galbara?th, friends+ Mr. and Mks. Robertand! Janis, Clinit>on ; .Julie -and Asides will have to be gileclri oone's own praper"ty. Hard
Boned andIsom Lawrence, Woos!t- wood ashes make good fertilizer for garden or lawnl but
Sally Wadden, Lonclbn, were in er, Ohio; reiturned, ;to Ithedx ham- �� ashes wdr14 only idiots an unsdghltly blatcdv on the larnd-
Oetawa from Monday to Wed4 es on Saturday after having � s!capet (Zucy knows that from experienC'e. Four inches of.
Mrs. Douglas, MacAuley, go_ spemtt three weeks in cottages her back lawn, had to be dlig!ged up and carted' away. Tem
rt: attD Blas, c returned] to at Deer .Park. Mrs. Howardants, had i,cattered! the usher, instead of paying :to have them,
Drilla, .cru ie, r day after Warmer, Geneva - on-tlhe » Lake, removed which is the duty of every householder.)
Ohio, was also 'here, gues!tu of Did someone say that ,there is a $50 fine for throwing rub-
spending two moniths at Sylvan Mr. ,and, Mrs. H. H. Ormond'. bdsdT on the street?
Aermp , Blue. Walter Highway, „
Godmich T A visitor came .in to see Luny and asked: Why in. the
Misses Isabel az�vd Jean Must- Baptisms world don't the village Trustees put trash cans on the Main
aad, Miami, Florida, stayed at The Rev. B. J. B, Harrison Sitneelt between the Posit Office -and, the Square?"
Henri Motel Gorihrich Town,_ held the service of holy baptism That was a, question Lucy couldhv't answer.
ship, :for .a; few dap,'s the first in Tivnirtry Church on Sund!ad The caller went on, to deseAbe the unsightly Tony of waste,
Of last week while visiting old arfiternkromy August 12, :for ShWi paper on the Streert, Lucy hadn't seen pit', but she could
Bayfield scene's -and renewing non Rose, infant daughter of 'imagine it for in bice days wheml Itis Posit Office, was up near
acquaintances. . Beverley Heard and Leonard tine Square, (the wrappers off papers, enveliapes, gum, and candy
Mr.and' Mrs. George, Otton, G. Pounder; God'par+emIts were wrappings, Klleenex and every imaginable 'bit of waste paper
Woodstt'ock, �Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guardsman Jim Heard and Pte. collected around the Post Office door, the residence dbor and'
Otton, Rosemary and! George, Joe Heard! arid' Miss Karen E. the fences on either sdidie. It was a regular job raking it up.
Toronto, Mrs. Catt, Stmaiiford Davies, London; Derek Jaanes, The loafs Miss C. P. Rankin started 'a Keep Bayfield Clean
and Mrs.' Corbett, Lumav, were infant son, of Diane Hulls and progr''am an! the school. If trash carats werei aanstaned on Main
visitors at Muss Hodgins' cat- J. Brian Grime; Godparents Street as well as. CIan Gregor ,Square, maybe the slogtan!
Cage on Tuesday. were JoAnne E. Hurls Bandl Nigel could are revived add the school diildrm bake on the job in
Mr. and Mrs. William Duey, Bellobamber, and, the b!aby's relays) of �g down the sttreet with a avail. in, the end of
Debbie, David' :and: Danny, Liv- Pi's- a ruck to pick up slhray Uts and remind citizensto use the
cilia, Mich., called on Mrs. R. cans. Lucy knows of the efforts of one lady ons Clan Gregor
on F. Cch., calaer one day lash New Arrivals at The Jowett Square. to keep ,i't c'l'ean in thalt manner. She was, self -
H. Fk. Mrs. Duey n ,the foo lastmer Cottages appointed, xe+ceived no pay, resented' no thanks,, .but had the
Merle Speek% granddaughter of Me. and Mrs. F. J. Pe7lows satisfaction of t the salt too keep f the tidy.
the Tate Mr. land. Mrs. Henry and fan -Aly, Windsor; Mr. and Now Constable Stephenson dS caring for Itis Square:, but he
McCEnchey. Mx!,, A .Somerville and family, diepl'ores the facto thalt v!anda!ls entered the ]aihtle flower garden
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Gilmour, Seath; Mr. and Mrs, J. J, Found the Cairn recently, trampled and broke down the
Sarnia, were callers, ers, at ItihefomHauser and family, Royal Oak, ft was, broke 'up pop 'baBtAeis on the ca m. They tried' Ito
rectory on'Ilhursday. Other vis- Match.; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart remove the ,bronze rprlaque bearing the names of those who
Itrns wish Rev. E. J. 13. Harr- Chambers, Toronto; Mr. and made the supreme samif i --e in the First World' War.
This, as a crude idea of. fur,. Fksit, they died that we.
"r . 0. were: the Rev.:, o Hits. Mrs. Arthur Pye and faanmly; .might enjoy life as we live in. Canada today. Secondly, alb
E. O. afternoon,
Lucan, a on Sun. Windsor. is a sacoAlege ,to dhs!turrb 'a monument �h!on!auring the dead:
day arFternopuv; Mr. r and MxtS. Mr. and Mrs. Edward 'Thdrdly, The flowers' were sett, out, watered and' weed'edd! by
Chawlels P. Blake ,and her moth- Twentyman, Cynthia and those who care, -Chart bright blooms might keep the spot
er, Mrs. Nathan Barnes, Sarnia, Cl'e'ave, Waukegan, Ill'., wcom- brighit until -the snow ties.
accompanied by ,their daughter .panz'ed by their son-in-law and The matter b under investigation and If the culprits are,
And, her husband, W. anal Mrs. daughter Lynn, Private 2nd, 'apprehended,, Lucy .thdnilcs that in a&lrtion to a judgement
Geome Speattt,,on Tuesday; and class Richard and MTM. Fiat- handled down by a magistrate (providing they are given; a
Mr. and. Mrs. James: E'. Culley, rick, Laek'la!nd Air Base, San clean bill of health by a psychiatrist), they should be well
London„ on Tuesday evening Antonio, Texas, arrived on drilled, mi the wgrd „service" -to one's, family,, one's coin -
after visiting• with their deugh- Wednesday of last week to visit
ter who is, wilth members! of the T'
e Mrs. wentyman's parentis„ Mr. 0(�, province or ,trate •aavcU country at large:
Girls Auxiliary in cam at the and, Mrs. Paul Cleave, fad' a One cannot always blame the young folk if they havenlr
p been; ttau ht one's duty to God and one's .
Hunan Church Camp, J3'ayfieId. week. g' tY n>edg+hibaux at home,
Also a stop sign at the approach of John St%eert to Clan
Gregor Square ne rblic"
q pP
as a criminal p offence. How will pranksters feel k
skirrieonie ds. lull own kin;. for lack
of this sdgn'?
Ori the whole, ConisAable Stephenson appredatUes, the co-
operation he has received..in solving such incidents. But he
��cannot ,be everywhere at onne. If persons near the seene,
i re Could, report any undue acttivdty anywhere, it might be the
the berour in ell C Gregor this wish t vaaidaUnf
• means, of pUbting rant e'nd' to
O c a And our Village Constable does wish that when folk sit on
nlao Square ami enjoy a refr'ershing
soffit dhok, thoy d putt' the empty boWels� in the conitwnft-s
s t f on the Igrbun dls msteadt of Smashing them on ihhe end! oftheseat. The ,broken glass contributes,a serious bazard' for ldttii
folk enjoying 'the park playgraundl,
• +
Nowyou can paint the outside of your home as easily A� painting a'
room. Cleanup is simple, with water.
Lowe Brothers A-06 LATEX 110118E PAINT is romarkably easy to
apply, leaves no sagging or lap marks and dries lightning fast.'
Permanent Eolburs stay sparkling bright:,. provide a tough flexible
before bug$, leaves, r2in'or thy"
thing Can mar its beauty,
stay sparkling bright:
stays daz211119 cleat,, Sheds dust
after morning dew, during bright
and dirt that usually collect,
sun or afler a rain.
Dit.1-it Kai and. Son
Phone HU 1-9$42
�nWalk, IWAl
4r,. and 4100. Vrnost R+ehn,
gr9slse Por f l ' ns, Michigan;
visited with `hem mother Mm.
David D4,EnVW 'ftwn Satturday to
Tu,,:%* , AJm with them on .
Sunday Aygre her grwdls'oat,
.G_ Dewar, TaronT9 'and:
M Jeiapp , ,on, ;Qehanva,
Miss E:la; ne Weston has re
turned. to work at the Lopldon'
Life Asa'ur"an e Co. after two
weeks vacation, spent with her
paalent2, Mr, and MxS Fared
Weston. Her gueslt wais Ra'bftpt
Marrsha,u, London,, They left orp•
.Friday to attend the Toron o
exhibition and- sper#tt ;the week -
,end w9fth her unole, Charles
Parker and .family, Soarboro, .
Sergeant E, Walter and Mrs.
Firicks!on and c'hild'ren! Sa xbm
and Robbie, Rarnore, visited.
with, relatave{s and fxsen(;L§ in
the, village during the weekend.'
fare'wel I Tee At
Ormond, Tor
MISS M. Falacl
13AY>+'M. L13—Members of ,the
8sy!field Library Board' enter-
tadned' at the gracious home of
the president, Mrs. H. H. Or-
manld, 'on Tuesday atternoon.
.The guest of honour was. Miss
Mary Fralla'ck Who leaves short-
ly ifor StrMhroy. During'. her
three years here, she has as-
sisted) in the library and, her
work has been appreciated.
Members of the I bran
Board and :Friends, about 14 in
all, attended this farewell tea
for Mary.
Ube polished dindng room
table was centred with -a
beautiful arrangement of white
petuniials• in a silver bowl, and
graced, by a silver tea 'service.
MrsR: S. Roddick rand Mas. J.
iiw�iKenzie poured..
Children's Auction
Nets 58,50 For
Pioneer Park
BAYFT= — Mary Jetsstop
and Klan Fellows presented the
sunt of $8.50 to the Pioneer
Park Association. It is the pro-
ceeds of the annual chi d rev's
auction sa!Ire which was .held
this year at Glitter Bay. It is
organized, and, managed each
year by chaldbxm, who are sum-
mer residents, and shows a
fine community spirit.
PHONE HU 2-9525
A \
Falai ROOM
11•-4 � I4' -d'
�-s • er •
NEW HOUSE DESIGN — A large family with a narrow lot to build on
would find this two-storey house worth consideration. Architect R. Whitely
Of Don Mills, Ontario, has combined simplicity of design with an appealing plan
arrangement. The combined family -dining room can be completely cut off from
the living xoom and hallway, and has easy access to a patio, The living room is
well illuminated with windows stretching the whole'width of the room, facing
the garden. The hallway is centrally and c9nvenietly located between all rooms
on the lower floor. The stairways provide easy access to the basement or upper
floor. -
Four bedrooms, including the master bedroom, are located on the second
floor along with the main bathroom which is equipped with a linen closet and
double sink.
The floor area is 1,482 square fee t and the exterior dimensions are 25 feet
by, .31 feet. Working drawings far thi s house, known as Design 609, are avail-
able from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation at minimum cost.
Phone HU 2-3362
The United,' Church women
met on Wednesday last at the
blame, of Mrs. D, Bruinsma with
21 ladies,and- two children pres-
ent. The president, Mrs. Arthur
Bell was In charge of Ithe meet-
ing. Scripture was read by Mrs.
DeRuyter and Mrs. Elli'sbn Cox
led; in prayer. A poen, "The
Happy Fan -Ay" was read. by
Dorothy cox.
Rall, call was answered with
telling "Where you would, like
to go on -a holiday." Secretary
and treasurer's reports were
given and correspondence read'.
The various .committees report-
ed on their work.
The mamter sof buying -a light
and a mirror for fihe church
organ was .discussed and it was
Ort ur Entire Stock Until Saturday, September 1.
Shouldnrt, we be saving you tax dollars?
Wide-awake people, right now, are making substantial
savings on their ineom6 tai. They, do it bi piltting money
into a registered retiremient plant and deducting the Cori
tributions from taxable income, They cao lbbk forward in
carefree tetitornent, aided by neome tax 6666Wdol-
lats.INVESt kS has susi, a t saving Plan, Shottildn't we
be tellhig you about itih
Just iurite or '00",' . ,.. t f3,'1i 6 $ t 0 r.9
Prone Seof6i+h 48.6
Ir�ed Olnce, wtAnipeo y' OIiI�eI rh ►Finsrpoi ti11M
Model WAC & DAC
List price for the Pair
Special Price
for Our Prigidolre Sale
And Old, Washer
left in the hands' of the buying
coma-Attee and the organist.
- Three readings, "Cheer Up;",
"Take it !Easy" and "Head Bent
Low" were .given by Mrs. Blan-
che Cox.
The meeting closed nvit!lr the
Mdzpah (benediction -and the
hositessr served lnwvoh.
The September meeting with
be held kat the home of Mrs.
ElLpin lCox with the roll, call to
be ,answered .by "Sing, say or
Model FPI-14TC-62
13;83 cu. it, net capacity
4 colors or White
• Frost never forms --with
exclusive Frigidaire :Frost-
proof systeml
• Freezer stores 100 pourldsl
• Instant ice service with
Flip -Quick ice Ejector.
• Luxury, features galore --
Butter Conditioner, Roll -
T6 -You shelves, Most Ten-
der and morel
Famed Frigidaite Dependability!
LIST PRiCE $649.94
Special Price
Carload Sale On All Appliances de �
Special Prices on Furnaces and $120.00
With Bathroom Installations BATHR OM SATS cant dian Alf
UNTIL S90T. 1 i Electric and Gas
t# Our tore Main More
Heating— Lighting
ZURICH- PRONE 34 Plumbing