HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-08-23, Page 4• NOTICE hi order to keep abrecisf bf the latest professional developments, we Will be attending , an Educational SyMpoSium in Dover-115611, 1011/0,. Yhfs will neteiiitate dosing the ChIro, to-oak Office from August h4to August 10, IC S. WOOD Page 4--Clinton News-Record_Thurs., August 23, '1962 Min Wonderful For Fall This eggplant casserole, scalloped with tomat- oes and onion, and covered with a layer of bread crumbs and -shredded Canadian cheese is that flavorful, you'll want to serve it again and again. Casseroles Can Be Fun Try New Vegetables water to make 'tender — then tuna fish, soup, milk, celery and seasonings are blended in. Covered with shredded Canad- ian cheddar cheese, meal- in-one is popped into moder- ate oven ,for 45 minutes of bak- ing. A dandy dish for making ahead of time, either in 'the morning for late-day baking, or for 'freezing arid use two weeks away, Scalloped Eggplant' (Makes 6 Servings) I. medium-sized eggplant, pared and diced 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 medium-sized onion, chop- ped 3 large ripe tomatoes, peeled and diced (about 2 cups pulp) 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 cup shredded Canadian cheddar cheese 1/2 cup fine dry bread crumbs Butter a 3-quart casserole. Preheat oven to 375° F. Cook eggplant in a small amount of boiling salted water about 10 minutes. Drain; turn into prepared :casserole, Melt butter in heavy saucepan, blend in flour. Stir in onion, toma- toes, salt and brown sugar. 'Simmer 5 minutes. Pour over eggplant, Combine cheese and bread crumbs; sprinkle over top of casserole. Bake in preheated oven 30 minutes, or until bub- bly and brown. Broiled Cheese Casserole Sandwiches (Makes 4 Servings) 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1/2 teaspoon salt Vs teaspoon pepper q/.1. teaspoon dry mustard 2 cups milk 2 cups shredded Canadian cheddar cheese 1/2, teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 8 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled 4 shredded wheat biscuits tomato wedges. Butter a 9x13-inch cake pan or baking dish. Melt butter in heaVy Saucepan; blend in flour salt, pepper and dry mustard. Gradually stir in milk: Cook, over Medium heat, stirring eon. stantly, Until sauce is smoothly thickened. Stir in cheese and Worcestershire 'sauce; eook un- til cheese is melted. Stir in bacon pieces, Cut shredded wheat biscuits crosswise into 1/27.inch, Slices. dSet a layer of these in prepared pan. Pour N cheese and baeon sauce over tap. Broil, until bubbly and browned, Garnish With tomato Enticing families' to .try a; new vegetable, such :as eggplant, really tests' a :homemaker's cr- eative skill, but we suggest that all you need do is a bit of camouflaging. Here's where casseroles can lend a helping band, and when it comes to ingredients, .the dairy foods will always be in there pitching! Take scalloped eggplant, for example — la marvellous' fall offering, 'It's crusted over with a bread _crumb a nd cheddar • cheese topping, and underneath bubbly aed hot, :there's a won- flavourful eggplant, tomato and ontoir mixture that will being demands for a repeat perfor'manc'e. As a matter of fact, one of our taste-testers declared it was the best Cas- serole she had ever eaten! Meng with the. scalloped egg- plant, we've included two other I ot Ica sseeoles: — a recipe for broiled cheese cas- serole sandwiches in Which eh- eedSed. wheat !biscuit slices are layered in a rectangular baking pan, a cheese. and bacon sauce is pawed over 'the top, and the, oveleseole than broiled to a nice even brown. . . The third recipe is an easy and delicicius tuna-rice, casSer- ale, where Celery soup and milk combined, double for a sauce. Raw rice is added to bu'tt'er-'fr'ied' onion in a frying pan, and cooked in just enotigli EAST ST. CLINT MtPROPER Wrifir0A9 IT Is wte/Ar Wr Tops /4, swrismentaii —AND saws Is war HU.2-3807 TOM DARLING REFAIGER_ATIN AIRCONDITIONIN0 ELECTRICAL C s NTRACTING, Lambton Loan Debentures APPROVED TRUSTEE INVESTMENT 5 1/2 % • Redeemable at par • Choice of 3, 4, 5 year maturity O Half-yearly interest coupons ,Lambton Loan & Investment Company Established 1844 CANADA'S OLDEST MORTGAGE COMPANY J. A. Smith G. C. Norsworthy President General Manager Head Office: Branch Offices: SARNIA TORONTO and WALLACEBURG tfse this coupon to obtain further information or place air Order for Lambton Loan Debentures. LAMI1TON LOAN & INVESYMEWT COMPANY 191 North Front Street, Sarnia, Ontario Please send trie further information abort Lannbtorf Loan Debentured 'or Enclosed is chegile for .... .. covering Parchase ot: tt/go/o- DebefitUre,..,..„„.„.;„ year desired ............ Naito . 0101 V TO• .... 0,Y44VV,iitoyn•Ylv.1,040 Addrets HARRY WILLIAMS III12.6633 RR*2CLINTON HEATING OILS GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOR.OILS— WHITE ROSE '•• AG 4SAL.:'sp§y . 14.:0 BUDGET MUST BE - EPT /N PLACE,THIS /5 A FACT WE ALL MUST FACE 440 YOUR 7 a FRIEND tgoismat AMMO 0028,180M.Dogm, UNVINISMISMaim 04, wedges and serve immediately. Tuna-Rice Casserole (Makes 6 Servings) 2 tablespoons chopped onion 1 tablespoon butter 1/2 cup raw rice 1% cups water 2 (7-ounce) cans tuna fish, drained and flaked 1 (10-ounce) can celery soup 1 cup mulk 1/2 cup diced celery 1/2 teaspoon salt 'A, teaspoon marjoram 1 teaspoon sugar y2 cup shredded Canadian cheddar cheese. Preheat oven to 350° F. Melt butter in . large saucepan; add onion and fry until tender. Add rice and fry gently until' lightly browned. Add water; bring to the boil, then cover tightly and simmer 15 minutes without re- moving lid. Stir' in tuna fish, soup, milk, celery and season- ings. Turn into a 2-quert Cass- erole and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in preheated oven 4.5 to 50 minutes. A Matto. of Prin.40i (By' Wr.,4104. IIK*ONOWAY).. During our 19 lay trip through • WepterA Qanaci4 : orops'and 3are seemed to S' the iteint$ of nO.qt Ceneern •,"he people, The- Average. :;itizen, seemed, to 4a,vour• the. medical care Oen. Centainfly all felt that no one ehould be de, flied adequate medical care because he was unable •:tie pay, 1 n our traVels: we met three dootors, who 'also agreed to !this principle yet were oppos, ed to the Saskatchewan Medi- °are plan, Two of 'these were quite leg- iced in their oplotorts ht point- ing out that igovernment has great tendencies to persistently extend its control in any field it enters. This is quite obvious in both roads and education Yet few would suggest that our roads or education were .better or even feasible under private enterpuise, The 'third doctor was almost fanatical in his 'attitude, He made a 'big point of the strug- gle 'he had to obtain his educa- tion. He even ghovelled coal on one vacation to earn money for college, To him it was uns thinkable that a government of the people should' Interfere in any way with his .activities as a doctor. Having achieved this superior education and social standing he is beyond reproach. This doctor failed to realize fib:at there are a great many people ,who "shovel coal" .all their lives, And this IS • not because '04' inferior ability but simply beeauge of different 'de- sires and personalities. In many cases 'it is because of 'inferior opportunities. Knowing that I was- a tamer he made as big point of the sub-, sidles paid to agriculture yet failed to realize that his' educa- tion was highly subsidized the vast numbers of "coal- shovellers". Fontunately this fanatical at- titude applies to a very small number but 'this group does in- fluence a great many people. When arriving at debisions 'it is frigilte.TOMIT to .see: eye, tier, Tide Atlantic Charter pledgee '''equal afapomtuniity IV 4.0", This Pri9PtPle is apPrOVela by all naltiotos of The free .wor10: The priTiLiPle, 'was eertaixgy inuoded 4pply to the care of ids stick, A P44 -Plt* 490,g. the .h0.j:4" of • .404 Tot her Ohm on :ability itc! pay, NPOWihgAArtlian frOttles It is rup to pis to•Se .devise Meth, -od v40,, he c(0110411044 1eigky4og: the leapt, opportur*y for seekers tet. al)4Pe. the mettoKl Po their OvipttAge., 14g,it 14w 'PPO,OW 'k,14P/501 OVA .PCN11491 . Q41,e, begin vsleyo ehpwyeolt. Ottl.etwm Vog, 9(141.1 Abe .104P .P44 Ae40P1.. OPVetr17404 Hiatt jail 1.10P.e , Av,,A$ 44-4plY jUdiotary rlifyrtilg C01.10 • ,m;porovit t,44t AV90:1 gegIPM Otek. §40414 cared for, Let us (then' 1ia'iaei steps tO lopeempli* tt*., J.qww, ang iIrom litter ,e*erlie4cp tbiot POrPtinVal, T'PVIgierT Will be Ileeess. spry 'to maim the plethdd frpre. .4e,hieV# the principio., A gm,:wmoamg,!mv ,Rm si :ammvmrotrmwzm • KE THE HEAT OFF YOUR' BUDGET 14,00,,,,,,...,..,,,,•'-'MM:MertK:0'' " ' :'•''''''• ' irb.iNG.%,- ;: pURSEAR.EfinFq"..1 '. a .d.:,. . :, . • CHOICE QUALITY "NEW PACK';i 1. A&P PEAS , . . , X .::,, ' 20-fI-oz AlDi: tins ALL PRICES ,,;,,,- IN Reg. Price 2 tins 37c — SAVE 12c THROUGH CASE OF 24 TINS $6.96 — SAVE 480 AUGUST i, ,' 11' / mnmsurmmomxmmT:s.mo.:i,x::Nmj:::::::maimmo WITH A..P's LOVV Z 0,',,f:'•''''' . •••• ' , , 4 1 • 4 .. ,.. • . EA - ' • : , LIT W CHOICE QUALITY, li, ,,,,,,,,,,, .A&P 2.0 SHOWN 410 AD Reg. Price 1962 . CASE OF Loil4 PRICE • •''''':''''aftiift..Vi' . :'• , ,., . t N. CREAM STYLE CORN. -fl-oz tins 2 tins 370 -- SAVE 12c 24 TINS $3.96 — SAVE 4ec 1 i . . • GUARANTEED SATUR, THIS 2 D 5th Y , ,, SAVE Choice Red 9!A&P Pitted "New CHERRIES pack"—CASE OF 24 TINS $4.75—SAVE 410 Reg. Price 2 tins 43: . 5 15 -0-oz tins 99, SAVE 4 c Ann KETCHUP . Page Reg. , Price 2 btls39 2, 11,,ozi,,635 SAVE 25c AN EXTRA 8c Off Deal TIDE ...a. DETERGENT ,'Reg. king size box Price box $1S 1 el lc . . ' . ,E..,.„ , . IDEAL SHOULDER, ' LEAN, Canada's . MEATY POT ROAST 1•1:: ' :, . . Finest 0 i I 1 I BLADE ,we Quality BLADE 411...-.. .. BONE ,, . REMOVED Red. 41 * 1 i i Brand SHORT Beef or CROSS RIB ROAST . . , .,.. c ' TO COOK GRADE 'A' FOWL READY 4 TO 6 POUNDS 16 4 3 Allgood, SIDE Shdulder Schneider's, PORK GROUND Smoked, Sliced, BACON Cuts Country SAUSAGE Style CHUCK RindIess 1-16 pkg 69, lb 59c 1653c Choice Meaty Sea PORK SLICED PERCH Seald, Ocean PORK HOCKS FILLETS Quality, LIVER 16-oz pkg 1b 2.9i I619c 31, , New For New , , Wealthy Cooking, Duchess Sweet Jamb • Crop, each Ng. jiitio r,,,k6i7, CHERRY Crop, ()Marie, PEACHES, JANE ' (24.02. Parker ANGEt BREAD , Cee Virvinira, Price BAKERY Fruits PARKER Good. For Grade Washed , 'PEARS SIZE) *Oh 690 Lai* ., (AKE ligi,,ir ti1T36 Apples Potatoes PIE c Apples ......___,........„.....„,_ and and 'FEATURES Eatihg, AND . togifr124:::oit2v1i:E;V;7: Vegetables '— No. Cee Grade Pascal, 3.16 cello bag 35c CELERY Sweet, 6-qt basket 69c GREEN Waxed, No. 1 Grade Hydrocooled, 31629c YELLOW PLUMS ARRIVING FRESH Ann I , ,,,,,,''t;t1:"* , SALAD Happy ,.:„,.:„ ,,,... APPLE c: —...... .., ,,,,,,.., ..0.4 Delsey • .,,i, , , 4., ,.., 4f TOILET ,,,..„,..4,,.. 0 ...(..1.,:,, ",- ,k; SAVE 10t ,,,,,,, Price 59r.--4-SAVE 200 6601139, ,T,._ Ili, v A Seedless Evaporated 1 California Girdled DAILY Page A&P Henri 81 ° CARNATION Arriving Grade Bradford Ontario More Grown, Grown, Ontario FROM DRINK TISSUE Grown, Large DRESSING NIAGARA Savings Fresh Washed, STALKS PEPPERS Size, CORN •Reig. Canada MILK Reg. Reg. Reg, lbs Trimmed, Canada Daily Canada No, 1 No. 1 Grade FRUIT BELT at A&P Price 3 tins 44c—SAVE 7 Pile" jar 360—SAVE 16-fl-oz Price pkg §3e—SAYE pkg of 2 10,25 6far25 12cobs3c _ 16-11-ortios91 P4ri0o4t8i700ze—triSsA;VE;17t No. 1 Grz Grade I, ,t tar Ay k 4, rolls 29 di MI Food ' GODERICH, OPEN FRIDAY Mt Ci(fAi WEST A+LP , super Markets Store Located ONTARIO UNTIL AT(Afiffe!. ?Ad I,Id ilik MEANS DEPENDAIIILITY STREET 9 OA. C(30ANY Allen Betties Tops Field Score With 95 Points. BAY:FIELD— Results of the field score in :the, field crop competition held annually by the Bayfield Agricultural So- ciety and the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture have been released. „Participating farmers must bring 'an exhibit of oats to the fall fair at Bayfield for judging, and the two scores 'are com- bined to arrive at the winner for 1962. However, •anf standing oats, Allen :Betties, 'RR 2, -Bayfield, leads the 13 competitors with a score 'of 95. Others are as follows': Ed. Grigg, RR 3, Clinton, ,94; Fred Gibson, RR 5, Clinton!, 93.5; Elgin Porter, Bayfield, 93; 'Gr- ant Stirling, RR 2, Bayfield, 92; Russell Oesch, Varna, 90; James Cleave, Bayfield, 89; Ralph .Stepherisort, Varna, 88; Ted ,Dunn, Bayfield, ,87; Aldie lVfusltard, Viarna, 86; William Oesch, Varna, 85.5; George Dawson), Varna, 84; Ralph Kos. kainp, RR 3, Clinton, 83. Judge of this year's compe- tition was Robert Fathering- ham, Brucefield, three year champion of the Huron County Seed Fair,