HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-08-16, Page 11, < , , , .,,. .... . , ,. . ,_, .., .,.. . , : _ .. . �.r-. , . .. . ,; , _ i� , , , h ■ 1i � . : . u u�rn � �n: � 4 . ` �s ��� M,RS, WES BR�A,DNOCK.�,��orrespon�dent.--P�on,� 52b-X�9$ Mrs, Mam��au�t •G]�a�"k v�sl�e+d 7'�It w�c w�bl� 11im�. _(7h+�'T�s 1VI'vvira=s. Mrs. Riimm�er $a�kkel� x�tunt�- e�ci' ;hame las�t 1ve�k :��tcr s�e�veura�� wae�l::s s��emit� �n�eiar'K�n�g�s'tar�. Mr. a��dl Mns. �DamWin ZVJia;�livtn , �n�l iamily vi�i�ted fr��ndS in the viilage Iast Satux�lay, �i Muss• Fleanar M�om�cl�, Larpc�an„ is visiting tivi�Uh �her aunl�', SVCrs. .F.�'c1�. Davie� auz{c1 1Vlr. Da.v�ies, . M�ss� Kaithle'elnu Ar�d(x�ws 3vam sec�x2�d' a r�crsixiom an t�e St�f af Cllirutan! �P'tilblic HqsrplUal. �NLr. am�; 1YLrst Wi1li�aan Seea�s, Craiil ain�l F1ay�e+ are. h�l:id�a�i�nlg' tliis we�k in, No�tahe7cm Orrba�riq. M�s� Heath�+� Mi�9s, Ki�kltoat�, v�i�s�lbe�3 IaSt w�+e�k wubh �har friencl' J�ay�,tue+ Ar�t,hur. Mrs,. Gerlt'ru�de MoIlveen, Os�h- Wa V]S�i121 � � , & L� 1&St �W'2 � ek wi�b 1� Mr. an�d "Mr�. Rdbert J. P'hi17;"vps. fiaharl,e�s Be�a�e, Landan, ns e¢1- �ay�iavg �a �hree-w�ek's� i�a�al�iaru �t Ih�s hcWn�e� �ere:. Mm, am;c1 Mms�. Arf;l�ur �Du,if, R.ivers+i�dle, tnisi�t�rd l�a�s�t"weck w�11�'[� Mrs, John Graham. �Miis�s Jann�bt Dabie vs visti�ung rtJhiis we�k in Wiiugiha¢n wi�hh �her caus�nn, 1VLi5s� Corunii.� Foxltaom. M�rs. Je�rvn�i�e �DacYcls v�is'vted last uneek i�m G�ad�nioh tivnt�h h�r san xar�y �aaa�s �n�d' NLxs. Dad�s. 1VLxs�. Hamer�H�age, S�ask�at�, , �visi,ted l�t �ee�k t�ilt�h� �h�e'r �awrvt, 1VTx�s, C7h�arles S�raugh�am. Dam McLaa�n, Kin�paircl'ine, is �visi'ting �t�hi's w�ee•k wi�tlh •h,i� sue- •phew, Ke���un.etih Scaht, Mrs. ;Sco�tt �and fiam�i`by. Mm�s. Jah�n Hou�staiv �am�l Mus�s NLary I, H�aix�ton, l�t 11astt �Tues�laiy �or a m,anit;h',s uis'i�t �'vn S�ca �an�cl au1�d� �ip Ewrope. Mrs, Gordrxn Iyabie, J�aatm�Ut .� Rass s�e�dt lla�t we�k ti�x ^T,arom�ta wi�th re�la�h�ives� an�c� fzyie��. � I7o�1t�n, Sh�u,ltz, S�t. Ca�t�hamin, � .�, vu;s�'vte�d l��asit weeid� wi�tih hns e ,brolther, R,�e�g. S�hulltz, Mrs. :S�hnubt� amtil! sams. 1VIm�. ��nc31 M�rs. Le�t Paxry �a�cud dlau�gh�t�rs, T�ara►uto, visit�d' lastt -we�k wi�th 14Iiss M�x�gaa�e(� R. d�ac�i�sen�, ' R�ev. arcud Mns�. R. NL. Stive�n!�y amid ,Cat�h.e�riu��e �an�i' S�tenx�+aMt •5�1- by v'a:sit�d� fric��vd�s� oavv �bhe Awbt�r� � ,a'h�arge %as�t vt��zk. Mrs. Lea�ua Plaetzer t�as be�n eal�a�ge!cT as' caimp n�urse at �bh�e -Umibe�d CJhumeh sutn7n�em s�dh�aal , i�h.e °l�a:�t cawpi�e �aP tiv�k5. ,Mrs. T-�arra3d Ni�chals!an, aaixi • �som C�a�r� vis'i�tecZ' �a�s�t Swndla�y �. wit�h Mr. ar�d Mrs. Wes Brac1- �o�c1c, , 112a5te�r W�ayin!e Sco�tt rece�ntly � vasi�ted� �vibh his cau5in, M�ns, 'WillIi�am Bowra, Nfx. Bawxa, � �e�l�bie amd B'ribt, S�a��Po.nd. , M7s� Laura W�a�gner, Sy�ra cuse, ;, Nsw, Yark� ris v��s�nbi,rug , 'rel;al`�ve;s rni %Eh�zs` camsziunit'y'�lii�s ; W��x: , �Vlzs.. Mary CJnaiwford, �T�arrv- , �au��ne�r, is visitin-g w�i�bh ihem bro�t�er, Am�dlrew Kirlaea�vn!ell�l, ; 'Mrs. Ktirlecanincll a�rvd Diam�e. � Wayn�e D�aymvan, J�ar�lo�sv S�,6a- � �dea1, is as�sisiUi�ug w�i�t.h Uhe fiiar-. o �s� at th� fai�n af Mr. �amd ^ Mxts. Sad M�oClivruala��. � ` �R dber� Yaun�gUZtut an�ci 14Iiss �i M�ayx`a Rus�Se�l, Tananlbo, vis�t�d • � �ifa�it we��k w'sbh 1V��r. and M+ns. Railph D, 1Vlus�t�o. � Mm. and 1Vlxs. Joikvn Bakeilla�ar, � �ue�liph, .ar� vu�s�iting wilUh �lvis � �rarcernts, Nir. �amdl IVLrs. J, Bak�- Laar aru bh� Base Lame: . �NTs. �and� Mrs. J•aok ��ne�t,. � ,'Ilhia,m�es�vifle, v�isited� an� Suuid�ay � }vwbh tMr. arvd �?a�s. Wi11'varn Sit,r�wgh!a�,. mr. a�nd 1VLrs. Ranialc3� Pe�ut-; ` 1a,nd, Nantih� Say a�e visirtn�vg ', bhis nvee�k w.itih iher mqth�r, '. Mrs. Otuaml'es S�tmaughan, Mr, �ainrl' ' M�s. B�alr Litvg, IvLara- �' Iyu�� a�ndi Ua�i�d, Guelp�h., visit�d ' am� Sv�ldla5'' w:utrh NLr. air�c� 1VLrs. 1�lallph� D. M�wnma. ` Mr. ,arud' 1VIa�s. Darnakl 4lld�- � .�ii;eve, Jame�t ankti CYe^orge, Tarba�- ;�,a, spen�t t;he �hatiday vv;i�h �h�r �qtih�m, Mrs. Qh�arle� Asqua�th. ' NTus�. Margiuerutie Qhap�i� a�n�d her �rnen�cU Mi:�s Edlnla 1tilia�c- . �i, Re�girra, v.is'vbeid i:rn AiC waodl an� We�rue5d�ay. Ohurrh� se�rvace� wriQ;l S�e� he�.�d im S�t. Mask�'s �in�l�ican 4h�uroh at $�.m. duitirug �Ghe� miarut�t af � A�ug+u�t. M�r, ,an�! Mrs, J�ahn� Wevr �arui famzly, Lomdan,'spernt �Z we�el� erua vrnvUh br. Wei�r �am�d" `Mr'. �iNd' Mrs Jh�.n!Can N�iaicKay rznld �Pamvuly, 1Vfir. and N[i�. Alfre.ct LVe�tn,n, T�ratuta, visut�ci ba�t Wee�k wnth t��']:a�lp�`s pareinit�, ;M.r. •a�icl NIr�, A�firied R.allli�n�o�n a�1vd' 1Vtwrray Ra%lin5an. 1VTiiss NTar,g.are t R. � aaks�an �amld Mr, an.rl Mx's�. J�arcnes 3��ak- . 5an, aitii�md`e�1 4ihe �ai�t�law re- u�na�dn� �heid�� �'e�ce�tilY:l�� ���t Wihit�e= chnzr�h, ent- Mr, �nd Mrs. Ronald k� ,1,amdi, N�oa�h i��, �aln�di �,e�^ iriqti�.- er, Mrs�. �kuarS� S1t'�aiugYuan s�p- e�ruG �lig _weelte�'ucyl �wi?�bh. 1V�. �m�d' m�r�; �. ���,;� ' Mrs. Ahias A,iitir��w and! 112iss s�s ,��une, IVlari� ;b+lut, �ng�r'sal?; �is t�Ve�k with ti��s�, ���u�x�a., +I'ar+� S aitc�;ez'son +Pnas Aric��� veekem�d rCo �6� �g far �a We�e�k ;+r, bl�uu�r �rid�� �.sa� �tvd N��in�cy �y� x��u rn�biwt, �i.`1]S'�S��`3. �17bg !^toai Y�vek- it,h ;Vir. �n�� Mrs. :nr� ft�rYa�,i��+, ,1N'r, in �, ��-��arnil�dni ,auid La�a l 'a.T'#,' V157.$y � i�7'r. �;tvcT visi��c'C ,vn � we�+i�an�d C�z�1 '�'a�n+�� 1ct'�;rl� �,t a �altt�ge� �ait �� ant� Mir� J`ah�i ES�gut���rl{ o�+t� �ut�, 'vu5���f;�c� ftn�ri!c'l� Vall��e ankl �!is�tri�;t l�st iY�91� rf�►,'h�i� t��d�ut+�g i;'i��'i. >�� �he v�3�ii�ge i:+� �a ta � ' ( � ' T6�'�.. �►u�t�ust 1b,� ��►6�;--4'fit�to� �1ews�-R�CP�'d•�--,.png� 1•�" � ���� �'�S ���r.s • • ' �r�r%g PicnNt �g�lent W�lkin rilaye�l i�o�ge�y I�rom Mis����a�� ��g� � ���� �� � � , �u��uR,rr —. �, a�,,,�l�vtz,� �'��x� � sm�a��r� �,;oy��a, t�� �. u, t. �y� ,1?i�n J Craig twis�t., � o Br ����na ���z,���� ,., n�tnlbers, raf �bhe'r fl �a,x �hos� l�mes�er�t vv�e,rse; �r. ax�d a��ricnu� s�tp�e� in Anx'buxm �VIr�, S�t�an2ey ,�rtna�e�r aai� . - {:�;� Pz . ; „ �: . 7 �< � , ,f o,� z ; . ,, . <, � �he �n�x P��i�bt U�er�a�n � Sau4� �(t�� b aa�i�rud A,U$, _ _. , _ . . . . . , G;: t , j s , ,� ,; t ', ,.� �` :�, i .�;F.,. ; � a�: �. ?�' a� �'R . , . ; , f,lam� ! �� .Ms� t�u1d Mrs.11YL�a g , , ��tu� H � a1rT �ia � s �, • . ,,;e rc � y ,.,, ,.< ,,, ,,<< ;, ;; ��, "j��s=,.� �. . L7hna�r�h W��'�;�s 1V��saomi� i,a , � k- Mrs. B�r1t Br� � �am�d �Pa�'I�Y, �?' , TV . ba�ra �1��. � �,F��'t ih� � ,� ,� x"Y S9� /�h cxc�i vfras� �.vd t� ,t�he Iuarne a� �a �ll�av, M�, Har�.`c!ey' 1V�c,Gee, �ot�a � Mx. !�t'i�rs. us e�is,'en�t� w th� �ei� �u�tihe • rs+. p.;� n h ' �� ; S , *' ' <� `�� ; 1VLr. �an�! Mrs, and G vs�e � 1 M_ , � ��. ` 0' �' �I . 'vVz�;iaRn H, CJaat- n � D V IJ � 4 ' � _: � � � : , :. . ; < �,:�'' Mr. a�nld Nt�s� ��h�i �Iau�ibo�� Ui1�k�q]�m, Cod�er�ah; N[m. �un!d � 1 � � � R � a � . ., , �,. . ,. ; . e�, Deltt'o�Jt, .Ms�h • Mr. x�. Raberlt (3h,annn�� �d� v.i:sbted hez� ,,', � � # ; . ; ;; ,� ,,;„ , ,., . , �, F ;�.-.; Kin� S�Greet�, wit'h Mis�s Fx�an�c� •> am'�� M Mr . Gr�a:tyam �Ch; � d #�a�t�h�eir °wha i5 a aiaent an Cl� - AU,BU�N---Bas�te� � , �_ , , , �: �",,i <, .- , .: ,,, ;� , �' S Bx $rac�l�r T , �a. �. , �� +a.n, , !� . . . . r . � is q�P �+llaid ;<i� s� F ; , ; ,��. : . . , . , s,, " . ���' , I�cus�ton� as hh�e I�as,Yiess�, Y, . oz �avt _ �a,rr�vly�, God'erich- TVIx: , rs. � AfiCer tJhe� �s�wp�er haur �a s�hcn . . � �1 '�Yr �tan k�u(b1u�,Hps�p��;ta�l. id�i �a��d J�i , e!d 'r�FJ ` ,;:, un: `°:�. ,>;>' ;: , .�.;;, . . , � G�at+ e Wilkc� �Famui Au- � w�1���te ��ap�ns 3 a r �' a� y, S�u�ron Caun�t� Road e�n- �'�??ed, A Io eiI .sentu i fl, J� �I ^"" „ , :' y�� '; ` . - k; � ;: 7.1hQ �resud�n��, Mx�s, W.�1fx�d �kpg�"am• w�a.s he.ld� 'wi�h� �nam�b- ,. � , � ma,de � � e t ' _ . v �' �g ru u �y ,�x,�E <� < � �N, "i; : ; ,�° : ,, ,, San�der's�aru wa5 n ah n �a ,s , , f�w�n, i1Vlr. �a,nd. Mrs, Rabc�x�t J, 28 7au 'Vi��hari�a S� �t . _. � a g� f�he �, ar). Uh�c bagP�l�S bY Rdbe�tt Cx�a�.L Ctarcal er � oYees a g'r. a xm�r�ve c� 3� ,. � � ?'� U7uted � � - ;, . :,�, ,, �. . g, '3'n> �T a �,nd JP�f, m�ru� �ta Turnber,ry Sttr�t llaet , ' � ,. ,; ' m�e�ati�g ��a�tYt , lyTrs. Dun+ck�un Wzlkin. I� alisq accom az�ned ,. „ C'1�uu�z'ch ade,ruc�h far rbhe td' ;, `� �kt' z; � �., �i�,m. w�e�l� �w!han� IGh� wt o�, ,a�, , G' � , ' . ' ., w' . „�. : � � �.. , �„> > ��, ;-5= ,,° N�aci�a� a,s� '�iar�isi, v�a�s �lis . si�lt�ers� P�a�ts d � �?; i3c�e¢it Mr. and M�tS�. Wi bYack . Y � � dlim�g aP Flareu�ce Yioii�elt 1VIa�rie � � , � � , ; �,,<, u.,�, ,,,<< :" Mx� . A.lv�in Lc F��, ' o , + ' S' � �M�"Y S. �Qrarig �nd sgii's; •Cl;izvt<rni Mn'. �'P . • , �,, , ,Y;�r Y+ �� ., ,: , <.. . , � , s_ �. atl�eR'ya�d. �he vv�t� damFed sev�ral Scatch � xs. Loui� B�1 �ke ,�n � _ K�Wglht �andl Gerald� E!cim,und ;� ', > "" -,-: �' V'���� #'' ; d oNzc�n�a�l � eryad wias. te�d nnzm�eu.�. a�n�d 1Y�i�s. H�a�z'�y' W�ar�szl� �rpd� M a a, i� daugli , `� k ,��� � P 'b3' �,em,t+y, Gaderich; Al�arci �aig, �he�s k�alYe au�d 1Vfayan�n�e, Brus- I7ab�e. �h� �}�r+id;� �is� •t�he� d!au�gh az �� ` , , , .�= 3 -%: ' ��' '', �' Mxs,. T�cT, I7avie,s. Sc�rip�ure rvvas D, � , , , <: , ;'.; � S; y x x..sH� `' i. , , y:elfs wea�e sun�g ,by '.�er�"y W;�r�g�h�m, Mr, ,arud Mx^5. S�te�w- .�s, v�i�"rtec7l �o�rer �Uh� tiYe�kei�vd t� af Mr. iarud` 1VIz�s. ,7�ac�lc �� ,.,, ., �4 ;, ;� .�,r�,T, re�ad fnoan S�f:, 1VLatrtlh�w 25 wibh y�'ars�lil aaicl' Cran� .Braci'1 an�l art Cha n an � mil R �t�e �edlita.�tir�n cpn� „Fa:ikh", fdl- • ,, ri1 �*y d a.. Y� R 2, � f " g ey' git�, G+ade��.zdh� ane� it�he gr�a�pm F� ;` {�,''� " _ „ u' R; a�lso J;eiPf �ra:zg amd Cr ai� Bradi, Aubu n� 1VIr. ;and rs. T�d il s wx't�h� �h�r pare�r.rt�s M��. am�d Mr�s, Knz �' �y ,_ ti _ r�._ N�' M X, And'�e+w Kii�kcanm�el�i �an�l Dvan�, � r�.. � s : 4, � laweld try, grayem. A sql� vv�as 1� �a�ccampar�.ie�1 b� MrS. Harr Ft�l�, 3.A�wb ,. iMres�. Gom+d'an ns rt��e s�an� af Mr. ��,d Mms. G�ar ��f , y , � f�, ,. �s�ur�g �by� Miss �artaama M�aGKay. y y Y. , �4r`n, Privv�a�e Ediwarc�' i�ae�r �h�o �, ]�i�, Aiubu�rn. ,� ` ,,, �' � P ;; Wors�I2, A!Lrza �sna� siu�v by LlYua2rr,n�y, Larn Raut .L�qr- h�a:s been� s�ta�iorue�' in tiY;e Mari- ��� ' � ,< ; 1vlrs, 1VTai� e�r� Qh. itv in- Lai�raine Chaunmey; I1au. 1a,s napu�� Lyou 1�s and Eldani 1Vlztis. n �6�¢nes� is an 1�e��ve a�?�d visi�tkng R�v. �C. .{�; DuiCal�onv �per,fr�rqn �<•. r � :, ��rad�uae�d� Ilie�Friernd ',haF Ch�aaruney �and E'1�d g � g� • ;: , t gue4lt . 'Qu1, �►vaaxiney T3loibent C7ha�min�ey, lYTr. a�til 1YIxs. Y�is �par�ezut�s, NLr, �a�n�cl 1VIx's. .Be�rt �a' �tltre d�awbl�-xir�g cerem�oin�y. :'� '� . ;' �, ,. ',. - , ;;; ; =, , y ,; ;r s a �I�r for � e � ir� ' accainq�ar�ned �bY 'taY�eur an�abhe� Elzmz t:�r �i God i�dt1� 1Vtm a�nd Da�e�t and' fa�nil' . Mxrs. J, A. Sn�ivder 1�es�id;ed' ait �� �� ,..` �' p a �1? �v nI �� M��s , , e a g, .. �' .. ,, .. Y' T� . � , E � � t £ �� ' � , y� Mrs�. G�rd,an Qhaunmie^y, Mxs, K. McVi�tbxe, B-lyttn. rS 1a�t vv�e,e�k with� Ma�. tihe atigan and th� �s�alaist 'wlas � � „k h � Da�cisoav �'va�s4�n, Al;lis�an�. 14Z� Visiba ga�+e a �co�mipl�i,e� rplc- a�nd I4Irs., E'd; Da�vae�s were IYDis. Ni�rs. R�o�s� Halfl�ac�na3', 'Po�`a��to, ;�y� �, i', �' �4` G�re aP �Utze li+fe a,�tc� c�t�u�rcrh , S ry(/ s ,, � I`naavk a � �e�s L r�d�an� • Nlrs. r � � � �^✓ ) f w�ar �� � k�h t�v+ � a�rn e� . Fied 8ay!c�, Fark�hi�l, �arnd' Mr, r,�ive�n Lrn rrna���ia�g,e� T�.y her Pa- � . �� < 'F ��� a! as � w�h n s�ve and� Mrs+. K�rnne�rh Monak ar�d ` ` ' ' �h��d b�een a missi�namy�be�a:c3ze�r t�he�r„ ;Lh�e br�ide vv�at'e a�Pl�o�or- � _� � �r r x� .� 1�cn tlh ��o�wn� af gi! s� ` #� , aru Bri�tz�sit� Gu�iarua, As tihe� sf:wdy f,aYrvvly, Lpni..�n. � llt .arganza , a ' 3 �` st,, F for �bh7s� y�e�ar is an �t�his� co�uTuGry Rece�plr gues�hs w�xt�h Mr. an(d over tGul�l�e an:d' ba�Pfe�t�a �acciente�d .�. ,.`��s,��s" it vv�as ve�ry ir�t�res�tinig �t�a 1�ari� ,.,�.,...�t� . � ..��.����..... ..�..�� M�rs. Mait.La�n�d A,ll�e�n an�l Mr, wirh �ck��amit�:Tly" lia�ce, �1h�e� �fii�tt'e!d' ' f.rom an�e� y�,ha h�ad far av�• I-3'iarvey Mc�e awere 1V1r. �ain�d badlic.e� wa,s' ias+hliat��eti �vi�bh a • • • tYu� y��ar� tiva�ke�ci �in� tlhe Mrs. Bem� Mia,gka�, �,tnais�bwrg, tialk�rin�a ineclalii�ne �and lily-��ai,n�t wl�� �.IYE �fl Goderech s�ch�aa� a�c�d ,cl�urahes, thi�e. af S.a;s�k.; Mrs. A�hh2tr Mais!lce+ll, .sleev� a,n�d' t'tve bov6fan� s�tc�irt i�n�tere�t fra miarvy �af 1�h� rrzean- B��rrvm�ia,lie�r ana lvtr. �a�d� lvtrs, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Edmund Dobie, Auburn, were ��,r� �� �q�,� ,�,�, ;�e,adr�er w�no s�w+e�pt �'o ia tarus�h brain�. A ci,onv�n Whv1��a7n x. aaatie�s, Fl;,r�t, M�,�h. , married on Saturday, Juty 28, zn Victoxia Street h�a,a �lived� wi�tlt�: �r w�� J.vliss Mr a� 11�,s W1R�Laun wfe�- af �azl�s �hc�l'd he�r doiubl�e hser�+d United Chur�h Goderzch b the Rev. C, DukelOw. ' �' mkimav, Se+�for�lv, vavl af si]!k illn�s�ian an!d' �h�e car- � , Y �'�lna G�oodn�iFl, a d'au h�ter af `�� `�� �'''�'''" � ,, , The bride is Florence Vzolet Marie daughter of a f�ar�m�r m�'vn'�+ter herr�. �Iav wet�lCezrd wi�h �t�h'eir d�au�gh�- �`'e'd -a vwlv�t� B.ible� crest2�d w�iltth , Mns. Wws �ma�dnack �btuan�lcecl t�rs, Mrs. Kiarl 'P.�ahes+t, Mm'. re!d rases ar�d whi�te s��nc�auners. M�'� and 14Irs. Jack Knight, Godex�ch and the gra- " he+r an�d' nre�s�e�rvted �a gifii, The Tie�hemt am�l i'asnilly� amd lVi�s. The �bx�ztle; s a�tit�em�diam�hs wer^e azn s pai'ents are Mr. and Mxs. Gordon bobie, Au, ,tirc�a�ure�r, Mrs. A;1va:t� T.,eat�h,�r- p��!�' ����, �• ����� Misg Ras�a�t�ie Nica�1, :NLi�ch�]il burn. The young couple is making their home in 7�n�, r,e,�ive�ct� abh�e �f-fering �aavd ���• mahri� af ho.nar ,andl �Ch�e �ga�ornn's Goderich. Photo b R. J, Ne he it v�ra�s d'edii�a�d� by NiTs. Davi�s. NLr. a,nrd� Nirs. Ray Zs�rae!1, ; � ' i y 2Up w� siiisti�r M.�ss J,a�nln�t� I�b�ie Au- ' Mirnu�te�s� w�ere �apprav+�d' as r�ad I�eibibie an�d Iaav�id, Ki�Gc�hea�ez, ' , � vli:s�xt�e�t 1�t S�altla Ynia�n �airvd' 1�he 'brid�e s conu�iin ix5' �he 5ecrerba�ry, Mrs. Alvin rc�d�ay �,v:i�h �her i' � I:ealthemll�an�d. Ral�l �adfl was an,- u�ncl�, An,d:ne�w Kirkcomm�e11,1Vins. Mdgs �Maxie McWtvinn�ey, Gade- � Kvr�I�canrL�1P �a�nd� rii�an�e. 1Vli�ss • l�z'dh, �tihie brldl�s�xruai�;5. They /'� (� swered. by ',a scriptu�re yers�e Liinid�a I�sna�el �burnec� alame vv�cre ad�e�vbi�caDl�y gaur�n�e�d� in ��� V Y�������� carntaitving ��h� ward Fie�ld . wii6h� �h�e1 pa�xernts� �af,be�a a we�e�k'�s F�''i�tudh arc�hid' silk rngamr,a, Corres}wudent -- 1VCRS. B�':R� A�.1.A.� Gifibs �of ;mian�ey w�re received visi�t at the K�irkconnell home, gby�l�+d' wi41h fil�bcd kraclice�, �tinry �hone Bl,ytri 37 r s �� 'Q�'�'LStmas gyfits �ar Ukie� plvil : W�e+l�ndi visi�tors wi�bh Mr. stu'�reci ste�enr�s �and �hria� e�d be1'i- �drein 4n the irvc%ua�ru �'ch:adk a�t a�nldl Nfxs. Fd, Davi�s� we�re�: M�r. The RoUert Thompsons spent Mrs. Townsend, Miss Darathy �enana. P,l'ari�s �we�r:e� made �to shaped sk+irt�. Thei� �head�dMe�sse�s atlUe��vd' Uhe fall Pre+�b�y�tarial atvc1 M�ts. Narma�n: T+ayl;ar a�n�d Sunday �in MaorePield. Liitle and Mrs. Bentl�am xre , t�heiir ��augh�er, 1VLiss Nomrrna, �� ��tchi�rug bo.ws �baclec�d by on a weelc's vacation in the meeti�vg ,a�t Belgz7ave an Sep- Mz•, and Mrs. Livingstone t�a�ce,, �a�n�l �he.y tivome w+hiiite �ac- north countr �e�be�r ll. I�t w�as ar�m�ourucec� Danche�x; Ia�n Flick, Lomdb�n; went last week for a visi,t with Y• �bhat c'h�urch s�ervic� tivi11' �be �e7�d MC. �an�l Ma�s. H�embemt 1VIan� �5��• T��3"canz+��ed bauqu'elt�� theix Friends in London. Mrs. Mabel Scott is spendin�g azvd' �ami�ly, Lond�o¢u a��i' Mr. � yel�liaw 'mtzms. Mrs. Met ,Kin ston, Elmwood a Lwo weeks vaca�ion with her aru A�'u�gus� 26 �t 9.30 amx. iUo �.mxl 1VLTs�. Cli�£f B�a�ctla, Lo�n�d�arc�. 'llhe 7iiUble fPawer-g'v�l unas �ihe �isited with Mrs. .Ber.t Allen son and fam�ily in• Niagara he�ar -a mi�ni5tez� �w�ha is� �rte�aah- Mr. a��1d' Mrs�. Rouvalid RiaUh�- b;�ii'd�'s nae�ce, S'a,ndk�a Frous'e, on Saturda•y. F'atts. ,irug �£ar a� aa�.. 'Phe �n�ee�timig w�17 re�turn�d bo �Gh� �hlame� af �ad�e�ri!dh, Sih,� w�b�re �a d�rcysts �xf 1VLiss Bannxe Ker�ne ��' '�`awgxv� .bo ,a cl�ase� by sin�g- Mrs, Robert Fairservice and �J' ��'� i.n. the hyann "�Sun orf ,my S�aui", hzi: �parer�lbs, P/Zr. amld Mrs. Gar- Franlc�'h arr�Yvzd' �s�i1lc arga�ia�a p,nn s e+nti a d�a recentI wiih Mis�s IIaruva Lyrvn�e S�ai�l�ra.a�ic, � dan R. 7.lap%�lar �a��ter �a �ho➢idla�y P Y Y � Ea1l�awc�d by • pn� by 1VIu�s'. � �triim.me�d' wiUh va�Ce, xn,�a�tahiavg friends in S�tratltroy. Lande�bara are s�p�e�n�cling �tviLs .ryavie�. �pe�nt .un tih�e MarLbime �prav- �aw h�ad'dlness .a�n!d� oa�r�secU a wee+k wi: Y,he OGIT caaru a�t , i�vices. 1Vtas�Cer ;Miohael amid 1VLiss Mr, and Mrs. Alian Shaddick n The Lac�ic�s Aid af I%r�ox 7an�ice Ra�th�a1Z re¢�vanne�d! w�t1Yi n�asegay af yel.vaw 'anurrns. iR.i�n�g- and family returned last weel� G'°'�erich. qh�-eh an�e�t �"yUh� �Uhe pre�sid�eavt, tihc�ix gra,rud�pa�r�nYs �here, 'bearer w,as R�a�,s Dobie, Au,]�u.r�rn, after s�ending a monl;h in the Rev. Harry ,F'unge left an ,�. ,��r p,av�ics� an ahaa�ge, A west with friends. Tuesday Iast for his vacation � , � �Mr. �dl Mrs. Ge'org� �ilgrim, br�atlhe�r of tlhe gh�aam. �arrt 9�usin�e��ss �period was ha1c� �anm�inrgUo�, vysii�d i ec�n.�6lly The gr.aamsrm�a�n. was Wi1lia,m Mr. �and Mrs. Bert Shob- an Nova �Scotia. His . wife and �,�, t]a� rrLin�nUes �vea'e arppra�ect vui�Gt� h,is� neph�;w, 'I'eicl E;a�t, Ddblie, ALtfburr�, .and us�hers w�eme 1�rbak spsnt S�nday with the daughtexs went �a week in ad- � read i�y �h�e s�ecrc�ta¢y, NLrs. v.azlce. VIrs, E�asit, B�rex�da ancl Kar,ein; g� ��,d 1VTcLulva�a Taronita, • Ross Millsons in Se�ringville. I�ay .Daer. I�t w�as anmau;cvice�d �!nid� �ails'a hqs. se�m S�ahn, unha ha�s 3 ' i Mr, and Mrs. ban Snell Mr, and 1V�rs. 'J."om Allen, ro�a�� ,M�aria�n Yau�n�gtMlcpt �amkl ,� aausi�n� �df �h,e� �groam a�vd H�aralid ' Karen and Sharen Jackson, s �em �asris�tiuig arv �t�e farm #ar Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. P� J�ce L�aUher�lla2��T �a�a a�btt�nd�d� Kndgt��, C�ad'erlic�v, brabhe� af �Uh� Willow�s Mountain spent Sun- en;t Sunclay wath Mr. rnd Mrs. ���p �,t Kin��ai;i, AiE�e:r '�he sir�g- �he �ner vacalti'bn; ���� Wa ne Jackson irz Rid Miiss El�s�pe�th Dav-idsan�, a day with Mr. and Mrs. Alex 3' getown, nn�g �af th� gtiace. a d'e�lic�taus Poa�me�r mis�s�ionary ta Briltis�h Far Uhe re,ce�pbiam im �the �oh- Wells. The girIs remained for a week's l�wn�ch w�as� ,serve�d' �try M�is's' Fxaru- .�ui�ana; cv�i�ll Zie �hz guest s�peialc- wY'ch panlar, �,he :brid'e`s rrvol�hcr , visit. ces Ha.u�stt�on. �r �ait �he Knax Pres}bytc�ri�am recdz�e<l� �weaniln�g �a�n ,caIcYre�d • Haroid Beacom, 1�4iss Edith � WMS ane�e�tiav he�1d' �tYvi�s Thuris- Sh��atlh, rv�hi�e a�ecess�ar�es �aivd a ��eacom, Mrs. Laura' i, on and �ay, eve�ing a the, home.of,Mr, car!sage �af yelll'aw 'murns. Slh�e Auburn Hali Now Maz.guerite enjoyed a motor p. w, Ham�lton �ad iV.Crs. J:oluru �iciizstam �i�ili vsPas , as�s�i��e�d' l�,y ��he graam's . �`Erip to the St. Lawrence Sea- . YPi�ss Fra�ruce�s Hiou�s�bail as �ho�st- �a�h�,� in a ib1ue sheabh j�a�c�Ceit • tvay, visiting ir�teresCing points AUSUR�N — Fu�n�enal s�r.vice ysls. All Pa�d For1 in Ottawa and Cormvall spend- dress w!hri,tz �aCcessdri�s ancl �a was h�ld� im� S�t�. 1VIa2�k's Anglican Mxt. a�n1d M,rs, R;�et+t J. Phi{li- � ing the most of last ��eek. !�i�ps' v+isyte;d'.l�aist week �,'v�h� Rev'. P�inik oarn�abian cox�sag,e. Gue4s�bs ' Oklurcli fia,r the 1'a�t�e Da�v'id Haan- �:rvd Mrs, WLi�liaan ,Maur� �It Landseap�ng To Do Visitars over the weekend � � � wer�e� pmes�emit fi�rnn Go�d�c�ri�Ch, �illtom� w'.iti1� Rev. Rabert 1VLca�lily with ihe Robert Faiservices �nan,�tan., Frarn tihe�re tat��ey� jowr- Wiinlghaml, Z1arQnibo, S�anrn"va, , w�re Mr, and Mrs. Dave Mair, afiPlci�atirug. Saloi:s�t was �1VLr!s. �cd �'a Lacvd'an� wherz Uh�y Riaakw�aacl,. Se�afarlt�n, NiI'�, ,P�u- • AUI�UR�N—Qh�amrrivan af �he Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krebaum �n'a' k'�aqtze�r, n��ie�ca t�f �bhe de- k zis�i�t�7 wiit�h Ha;x�y A�tri�trerci�g 1�urm! �an�d HamvuUban!. A�wburru Cammun�tY Me¢n�r+'va�l Detroit; I,sobel MeLeod, Mrs, c�va�s�e!ci, wha ,!s�an+g "T�e� C71�d 2i� Vzobomiia Hds�ut�al am�d' T.es� F�ar �a bni �a Nax��h�e�r�n On- Dayman a�nd Winnie Draper 1�ug�ge�d; Crasss�" a�acozrvpa,n�ie�'' by A HaaLl B�e�t Cnaig ;re�ce�ive�d' �Jlve � 3iudhaivan 'a�d� George M�cNa,�l �aria, •Uhe�;k�nid'e daNnied' �blue 7�ace ' r. St. Cathaxines. Mrs. R:abe�rlt Z. Plvilli�ps. Buival !r� W��tmiinster Has�pit�a�l. �aad' in�wt5� Lh�s weedt tih�at Uh� ave�r �ta�ffaba vvil�h w�hvt'e �a�cccs- l,oviLn�c'val � Mr. �and Mrs. Thomas Knox �oak p�bac�e� . iru ��he Ca�l�ar�ve Crues�bs+ at'. �he Wa�gn�r hoane � p gz a.r�bs of $4 90Q �h�a�s �eft on Sa�turda t ' �n �t�he B�aSe Lin� o�ver �hhe� �veek- �onie's amidl a carsage af w�Yuil�e ,ueen� reoe;ived' am�d w'vhh �t�he Y a attend �the ���I.y, � c�a.rmaibian!s�, , funeral of a cousin William , , �rud wea� Mvss Lau�'a Wa�g,�e�'> m�aney �ha�t �as vn •t�h�e .l�atvk, Knox .a� Brougham. They are pallbe�a�rers; tiv e r e 1VTes.sms�. .4N, Syracus�e, N.Y.; iVLt�. ame� 'I�he }�ritl'e w�as homore�d �t a�h� bazvk I'aan :af $5�00 �bo coQn- also spend'vng a week with their �°°�'�a's� J�ah�:vs�an, Sc�rn J�ahrru- Mz�s. Fredl Y�ungl�lut, Woad'- sh�owe�r �iru t�he h�e aP 1�7a�s. �er�� ,fih�e HaTl is paid' aff. daughter Vina a� .Toxonta. s�ban;, C�adle�ich; Daugl�ais Len�is �t�k; Ea;nT. Y�a�n�gbdwt, 'V�aad�- A,grres M,CKnaghlt, an�: �a�rno�th�e�r �,��� af tlkris ctiistrict will Mr. and Mrs, Willnws Moun- �a�n�d� Le�slllie� Mar+le�y, baUh � Aii�a �.�c�e3c �am,c1 Mrs�. �Los�e�. Hea�vam, at VicL�,ri�a St�re;�t Chtii�Ye rvheme tain en6ertained there ctaughter, Onaig, Wi:lfrecl P.luTuket�� a�vd �Zsa q�f Waad��tock. b� �laals�d; �a lcavrnv ,bhat �h�� ha�ll ��hc�r 5istt�ea�s unere �tihe hastbe5sc�s�. NLr. Josli�ng and grandchiidren, �l�vi�n� P1u�rvke�4t, A�u'�ur�n. F1aw- NLxs. 'C7lii�ffard Srawn �ter- a�n�d ;alll vt� f�Iisit�i;n�gs; and eq�u- FLe�r f�l�law �mpl;oy�ees an �tJhe a]so Mr. a•nd Mrs. Wes Jeffer- �y�elan��rs weme Franik 1VI�oDan. bain�d ;i�n hdniar af �h'er cfianu�h- zpm�rn,t �aze �n�o�w £r.ee af tl'e�b�t. son and ch�ld�ren, West�field. G� N:am!�*'s eigh�h birl�hd�ay i�ai,s�t W. A, S�h:eafifer �pcm p�lanit� �Ss+o ,��,�,� ,�, �,� ,cazvs�id�rable work The occasion was Mr. Moun '�Ld� dU��°"�' and� Ge,ar�ge Ham�,Ul- Nee�k. T�he �a6teinn�oan wias''�lpeait T��"esem!f�e�d her w�i�llh a s�t�am� af ]ia�n�dls�a �:nia a�n�l' �t�he ' Gan, Gad'ei�ic�h.. R.e�Iiaitives amid aqi b 7xilUa�ns tain s birthday on Sunday. ?!llayin�g �g�aan�es amlcl� �tihen� all en- �i1'��. ., ito �bie� �danz a�n�l� t�h� �kvall� •k�aa�d fi�ianlds� we�re� �pre�e�nrt �ir�arn; A�;l:s�a jaye�cl a ba�rbe�cue �uppex aper- - - (Meant Por August 9) C1ra�ig, Luakn(aw, Paml�hi�:l, C1iav- �.t�' � Miss C7am�ale Brawn. � willl me��t s�n �t� znake .�lans �'Y (J�a��) ParGt�nsan Go�deriai�• � �an;, Gacl�riah, �Dur�gamm�om, Be(C- Ifie ln�t�le �gu�Ys were •Mari�e �, geverl'ey (Anm�e�) Fnerxoh, �o ma�iis�e irnare maney �t�o cam- The Women s Tnstitute met riave antl� Bl �h�. Pltuxulaelb�, Trwdiy 1VLach�auv, Lor- �.toih� Mr�s�. Tham�as! {1Vlami.�am) �Z��e Lhrs p�a�e�cit•. Weflnesday evening, August 1. � y' aann: Qh!amm,ey,'1ltiary Wzl�ldn an�d •' Nb dat;e hals ,b�e.en s�tt E�ar t�he with a mumber of Iadies frozn ' ` � riamlice Hiu2n h H�aggLtrt, A'ixbusm' �amd' M�S. CIi�P' the B2yth and Auburn institui;es F'z`�'3'�'• �fand' t'R�Ga) Briaw2u, A�ubut�; 14 .�'flfi�a�a�i �apen�irug hwt int wy�1 �be . resent, Business was taken ' ' � Mrls. G�har�les Sine1•1in,�, Bmu.�e- ,�raavclChi,l,dire�.n and' faur ,gr�alt �h;e�1�1 ear�y t�h�is f.a11. T,ha ttxea- p field amdl heir dlaw 3vbcr, 14�r�'. , care of by .the presideirt, Mrs. �RE� GIFT g gratuUCh�I,direm, �a�lsa �,wa� s�bep- su�r.ex, �12rs. C,�arcl�an R, Tay�l�ar Anderson. Mrs. P3pe demon- } WRAPPING � nh�arl!�s Kav�a�cs., �Port Cc�Ubann�e; �awgtu4ei+s, Mrs. D�un�aam (�K31a) r��p�,�; ��� i�e,� d�an�a�iatus strated table decoratians. Mrs. I Mxs. J�ack Sn�elllurv� �an�d h�em �a�z- .�,���b � �and Mrs. I-�ar • at �h�ter; .NLiss� 'Ilhe�lm.�a S!n�e711rnrug, (Map�) Rl'vnd�es�knedht, , ibatih� tif ��an�e '�e�n �^eceived' �smn�ce N�av- Vincer�t favnre$ with a couple Part� Co7,i�ari�e vi.srit�d llas�t �ee+k �nlb�ez� 196�1. Th�y �a;re �iro¢rz t�h� flf solos am:d �a trio of girls clid .���t: ��r �S��r, Mms. �a�n � . �AI�STETT i�ilf:h �t�hleir ibr+atJh'er, A�nidrew p;�dUtu�m �als�o �r'ts,i�edi. �e�r sis�t1er Ft;ev, ratrud' M�ns. R. F. Me�a]!!y, tap danoinb. Fred Slornan I [iirkca�nm;e�11, Mms. I�crkcorvneli �. ih�r binthd� $10.; IVIrs. A;I�am� :B�awl,�s, (n�+e �'ave an interesting talk an his r �;ivd' Dia�ne. �� Ten�a S�nwng), '(J,a,nicau�ve�r, $5.; school work a,t Capreol. A ,j��iyELL'ER$ LTD. . batce sale was h�ld. A dainty r• TeerivilTe }aeld another record Daer Flamliiy ,Mli;�s' �1VLab�I Hieltlinigibafifiam, Co- pHONE'.liU 2�.9525 ,. ruap Ia�t Frid�ay �veic�ing i�n �the 71h�e hame af .1VIxs, Sam� Daer lunch was served by the hos- �anr a��t�n.tl'a�ncc Dzse 'acicc� s c�i �„���,�,�m;��.� � h� ����ch, $54. tesseS. �' �w�ere Bi1 SLr�aiughian and IJcllgair a¢n��13' am�d! rel�a�� ves� � pre-' , - « . , � 1 d Fop � .ry ', , :. ::; . .., ... 1 a e M.arre ryi� ' h�r s�is�tii�r NLrs�. B. Fen» , I Le�a��h�rlar�� . and �o�ta�bo sera .. � em' �W'Q ; , ..� hnps w�re sa d by R� t �ch, M'�. P�rtnia�h amd 1� Flaig.,i�t�t, Oa;r�ale B�rawn ar�cl �.nan�dichildrem, �Cheryl Mam�bagwe� • ^� . ,,,,�,,,... � / Bia�rbara Ma�ci�ay, 'S�h,e c�h���r.er.- �rud Ma�be,r Nanman I.a;�g, De-,� ;. : z �s� � i' � t v� s w e� r� e M r. a n+� 1 V� r�. �, L a y+ c t t r a i. i; M r, �� � ri d M r s. I� e n a y: 3 ; r �-�;u¢ni�h ey;, amil 1VTt . am�a Mrs. Yaurng�l�lwC a�s1�1 �hheiiT n�wa g�amd � � •,-' S Wes. T3.�a ';no��l�. A;r,o�tihe�r cbGe:-Ge chi]c�ren, C�.rol and G a r yti. f s�� ; 5 � � ��r , � w�i,l;l be li�d bn Au�us.t 17, Xa�vr�gbl.u�t, I��i�i;cht�ner; M,r: �and;' �; �Gtl� Si#�thclay Mrs. Ra1ph J�acl�on,, S�k�ardh;r �}xf %L, �'` . �, : � s , �..`OiILg'I"£i'.i7Lt1'A'f:l'O�t1�S �'t'T(.' 2yC��Tl'Ci�IC2 c'1.TU� �iSY�T`T'8y, ��lt'C�'f.C�;�'; �S15 �� ?. ,< < �.,r , .;.'.�, ��'.V{,,, � ' �0 1VLrs. M�arian B��dle r�nhb Lbu�s B�la�lzie �an�d' datz h,te�s ; ..f � s`� ` yn E �eT�bra�ed h�r Sffih �birbh,d�a�' al� Faye am:d� N[�ary�a�nm�e, 73rg�ss�e�1�;:� � S f s �#�� �<= h� \ `�� "� fitzranv�i�w lasit tiv��k. S�tie w�as Mr: ,�n�d MY�s. H�xo1la K7rltcan�-: �: ��„ �rP \\ :,y z . 's � .: V 5 tt�e farQncr 1YLaria�m 'YoU�rngblut nell., I7bn�l:c�l �and Ra�atd, Gbc��e ; � 3 , ,� t+'""``� � ' • ,�' s y , , . and ��. tl'augh t;�+r o�£ Lhe .�;at�e 1VLa-. ri�a� ; Mx^. Ainc� NLrs�. Peit�r Camic(y�, , 4 .,�,.�,<,$:�:�� � �<,,., � �:.�^.�;<:s:< r i'du»�bI�wt< b�]I, Rbm�a7cT, Wayine aa��d' 1Vtami � �i s , , }` � �;� � ; £; s �� 5 � � a�r�d M�"s. i�e�n�e+ �h�e �h�id' bhen ��in activ+e mernb- lya4, VVin�giiam, Mrs. Max+y`, .�'�;: a,�Gs .,y� k , ,,� � <;�;;�:.. > , > .. �r af SIt, Marlc's An ,�iaan G'i�ahv��'�arcl' V'�am�cac��cr• Mr, n,,,�,��' .� '�� ��, �_ i�i i r `-"'.'"7�' n�}.� h�a. w<✓r'fY .g. � os�.��;��.�3, :. . , . .. �. Clh�rch �and th�. Ltt�,ies Guz�ld far Tv�rs. J:ah�n�. 15aer, R,ab�er�t bae�rr.' �� '� ;� � � �t ��; �.�„�.;'` � � > ; 2 ; , mia a�i��. Har �arri�ily jaim�� �., a:n�L ]VI�S, B� Daex ar�c%:. , f' :� x� ��c ;,��� � 'I'uY 3"�' � « ,�, h�r w,iltltt �, s2har,k ce.�e�b+rab�az� �� fl�t.�!ly, 141'r'. �a�Vc� NLrS'. Nbi�airb; �� � �Z �i ' � 2 �� � � E-Lwr�onwie'y� anic� 5he �rece�iv�cl NC�C1�n�h.�y am,dl Gabh�, IVIr: and5 � � r,, -, ��V�aI bamd�� S�hc 3i,as a ��a¢ni�y Mn�+: Anc�re!w �at�lt+coh�h��il �rn� � ���� 0i �(1U1" C�"dll�'�l!t'hxLS'i. '�C'S: '�''TIriCUI"� �i}l£Ull'E', r',1f�. (Y� �iLL��.tY�iCl�. ^. , . � . _ . .. . . , . .,. .1` r , ; �1 .'� c� Q11�'�1� � �� ���� �a�� s�nbN ,�wt� ��d�b 195�` �b1��7 ttA�1CF( WbC�t?N with radia 1S1SG Fi?�� ��G1'.A1V w'itk t�a�io ���a CH��v, C4A�� �it� �a�« ]�►54 �QNtrA� 'S�I�AN i�+ Ay �dndit�ior� i�54 �'C1Rb 5i'A`tf1�N WAGbN� ck�d�s �I �.�*A� �'Y`�� '2 tON �1'lS'W 7"ftU�K �v±ti�t� �io'iv�� �v�rich� � , ��1�� �����V� ��� ��1'�� �� i ... , .. ,. .._._- �'�aror��r Sr�eet {ts�h��,d Abs# b�f�ae� �� �y�a�� . FMNb �XT��► bOL,LA��tS 'W�TH SHUR-GAI�M _�. 'T'hb 5i�i#r�Gbi� AI(�Nla�h �rogrc�m„ was ih eg� prod'ut�ion trhd �uafi#� dtr� ta �exig�i�d 'wi#h ytsi�r �dtirltry pto�its ;n ►�nbaton��d ���d�ng� �i ddi� 'd��r� tF�'is Ptd�r6knr �Ver�r �bme ih; 'w�'I� #ailC hbou# your flt�tk. J' ed a�rbperyy ahd #he extwt� dbllcrs yo�i'I� �+a�anced diert v�ritt�dlly , , � • p,�of,t �w;1r� r�►e Sh�ur-Gair� elimi�ia�ing irreg�lar(�i�$ .� A11-IV(6slr Ptagkr�hi; � LAIfING �E�bS . ������� ���� _ �r � #��� `�arbt�� �S#f '��il��#�i�. �'hbrr� �!U ����� �, .A, , . . r . � �o� & Tw�s�.. A� �the BAYFIELD PAY�L�ON to "THE C�UNTDOWNS" SATURDAY NIGNT, AUGUST � 8 Danting: 9,00 p.rn, `ti! Midn,ighk 33p �� l"aday may be warm, but it v✓ill soon be anot�,er story — a. COLD story! Let our heat- ing experfs inspect, check and make the necessary repairs now for perfect heater operatipn this winter. Call us today! HEATING � PLUMB�NG � ELECTRICAL $4 Weflington St., Clinton HU 2-7682 � � ,_ M14' ONTq'7�0 . �i����i� Ecor��mic Cou��it Ta�u��s� �nd�r��try ����r������ � 6RI1�fS IiVViT�D 'The �ntario Economic Council has appointed a 7ourist (ndustry Committee to study fhe present and future role of the tourist industry in the province. The purpose of the Committee is to assess ali aspecfs of 4ourism in Qnfario and #o formul�te recommenda- tions conaerninq: 1. The relative effectiveness�of current government as- sistance to and participation in fhe tourist indusfry. 2. An evalua:ion of strengths and weaknesses within the industry itself. Public hearings will take place in mid-September in various parts of the province. Individuals and organi- zations interested in submissions to the Cbmmittee si�ouid submit six (6) copies of their briefs as soon as possible befare Septembec 15, 19fi2 to the Secretary of the Cnmmittee. W. H. Cranston� T. C. Clarke, Secretary, G,airtnan. ' Room 2ss Parliament Buitdings, Toranto (Teiephone 365-1948} _ w.xa;r�^�w�•.nn " v •Qi�.. '�,, �j��o�#'�-n ii'�_��I'' f.+n,....��1 r --,1-. 1�4�� ai0 .� � .� - � _I I�riw . Vflh�n �we sc�y�. we're ,it's N�3 idle �hat�ter! (�IRiI` CLASS W4RK �iqARANTE�D ...Fac�n'ry• craining And �thblacest scienti6c coots 4n� tqui�mrnc help oiu ertpet� +�mechaaics cka the joi� �u�rker,.. fot fess tnonfiy. ;�et u�s rhe+c� yavr etrr's ne�t�e �y���rti Tl��/#� , �/���5 �,���t , ���C#�'!� �at�r1�A� �,'r�t� ditlr�iNi��, �rUN�-t1� ��tba" 1 � ��NG ��`R��t �U 2��� GL�k�T'd� ��RVi[�FKRd� Alt`1A/i�ri� � .�.� e��kh� br��Y� ��ern �� ��r s ,, 3" 8 �' ._ . , . . .. , fR1►�Hl�b sa��i�fr�'1. , , � 0